The Wingham Times, 1911-02-02, Page 3MEN -WE GAN CURE YOLJ FIRST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED ICY DRQ. K. & K. 'Y441N4 QR soot i.U,.AGED. MEN who need theserviees of experts Ciallsts: why wasteyour monoy in treating with doctors you now nothing of, wh lengeYour money with worthless. electidvo bells or drug store nostrums, when you can set guaranteed rellhble, successful treatment trent these master Specialist., Drs. K.& K. haws treated patients throughout intimate for over et) year's and aro responsible linen- c.aity, They accept only curable cases and thoula your case prove incurable it need not cost you a cent, ityou are unable to Call at our office for apersonal examination aro will senda(Neaten List for you total up from which wo can diagnose your case and (cil you whether you are curable or not, ,,ilei wo eel prescribe speciilo remedies for sour individuai case whichou can take at home. We have no cure•allvremedy 1if that wesend to everybody alike as most 4'r specialists do, but we prescribe the rem. voles requires for each individual case to complete a cure. That's ono of the secrets of our wouderfut success when others fail. sondem our Free Booklet on Disease. of Men tfnustreted,) CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We guarantee to Cyuro Nervous Debility. Blood Diseasey Varicose Veins, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases CONSULTATION FREE 0 unable to call, write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment FhIS,KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan. Ave, and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE A31 ler ters from Canada utast be addressed to ou , r n di Ca a a u Cortes .ondence De ar . e. trent in Windsor, Ont. p If you desirepto see us personally call at. our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Addebss all letters as follows :. DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. W'ito for our private address. d,ide Perfumer convict prison was formerly need for prisoners, of war. Nearly a cont• ry ago hundreds of French and Amerio au soldiers and sailors were detained there, in some oases for years. Quick Returns -- Honest Assortment Correct market Prices Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS Send your collections to REVILLON FRERES i$HID 17¢3 The Leader in the world's Fur Trade, t34.t 136 netlillstn.t, Nearest. Our TRICE LIST FREE for the asking WE PAY $xPRF,SS CIrARGRS • DISCONTENT. When I was drawing twelve a week and bad a little five room shook, When I was digging hard to seek the coin to keep the old wolf basic, I paid my bills and got along, and we wore happy in our way, And didn't whine about the wrong that kept us poor, until one day A friend, mush richer than were we, Dame in and said it was a crime That we should suffer so, when he Was having such an easy time. He told ns all about the joye .that fell to men of wealth, and how The rich folks' little girls and boys had milk from one exolusive oow; And bow their wives had silks and furs, while 'ehcddy stuff rnnst be our lot, And wife got down that coat of hers and found it bad begun to rot; Though we bad happy been till then, the moment that he hit us, we Began to curse the wrcr.ge of men and wail about our misery. We thought of woes tint I declare we didn't even know we bad We kinked about our scanty fare—be. TUX' 01141.M "f11t 8 B'EBRUART 2 1211 fore it hadn't seated 09 bad; A 1408 up la the beltway lit Tome Igood Mow had been a treat, But Ptrai;dhteway we loosed to see an opera from a parquet Petit; And wife began to aieb for ink, and Because almost tkids got waMart tered row, and coot the product•ot sus cow, We have improved ove dPiuo e then a it, but I'aa not doh by any mine, And of tan I am forced to Pit and mbke. meal on ports and beans, Ono suit of clothes ,must last tt year, aid luxuries ars oft dented, Bat ettli we have our share of cheer, and wife and I are eatis:led, Sod 'should a rloh man Dome today and tell us of the wrongs we bear, promise him, without delay, I'm going to slug him with a °hair, —Detroit Fre Press. Prompt Punishment of ti Liar. Tears ago the courthouse iu San l+rancisco fronted the old Plaza. A trial wus in progress, and counsel for the defendant was cross eacanlitting the plaintiff. An earthquake shook the chandeliers and dislodged some of tho ceiling. Judge, jurors, witnesses and spectators rushed for the door; but, finding that the seismic disturb- ance was over, they returned. "You can proceed with the cross ex- amination of the witness," said the judge. "Pardon me, your honor," said coun- sel for the defendant, "but after the late exhibition of the displeasure of the Almighty at the lies this witness was telling I do not care to further invoke divine wrath, I will ask him no more questions." — Los Angeles 'rimes. Horses In the Time of Homer. The horses used in Homer's time were war horses, Tho warriors were drawn in chariots. The art of riding was known, but it is alluded to as something unusual, 'Ulysses at the time of his shipwreck "bestrode a plank, like a horseman on a big steed," There are reasons for believing that the pr actice of riding was later than that of driving, and the myth of the centaur, where, according to Shake- speare, "man Is lneorpsed and dentins- tured with the beast," probably orig- inated at an early period when the ap- pearance of a man on horseback was a novel sight. A Long Wait. At a Denver hotel a woman went into one of the telephone booths and sat down. It is not possible to get to telephone number from the booth—the girl at the board has to call it. The girl went to the booth. "Did you want a telephone number?" she asked of the woman. "No," replied the woman. "I'm just waiting for this elevator to go up."— 'Argonaut. CO1AN .QQYLE WAS TATE. The Lonely Sohwarenbeeh inn and a t.iterery tr*incidental. Sir ArtbnrConan Doyle once walked liver the Gewalt. fie was much irm pressed by the deaoirlte appearance of the honey looking lichwarenbach inn. Here, it seemed to htln, was all ideal scene in whirh a novelist might locate a stagy of mystery and crime, pie proceeded to invent a story of mystery inti crime snitable to the creep+A''environment. It was a story of fnnrdfee the murder of a long lost son Just home from the wars by his owls. father, the may innkeeper, who did not recognlze him until after the deed was done, brit had resolved to kill and rob the first lonely stranger that passed that way with money In bis. pocket, "The very thing," thought Sir Ar- thur, and be went Clown the hill cheer- fully revolving the morbid conception in his mind, Then a strange thing bap• pened, After dinner. in the hotel at Leuker• bad, he picked up a volume of aiau- ,passant's short„ stories and be found that tate French author had not ouly been to the Sahwarenbach inn before him, but bad actually located there a so practically story p action ly identical with the one which he himself had just devised. • Travel and Exploration. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature at See Fac -Simile Wrapper Below. Very small and, as easy to.talte as sugar: CARTERS DAC FOR 0! "RR' "L LE FOR BILIOUSNESS.R FOR TORPID LIYEli. FORCONSTIPATION .S. FOR�SALLOW SKINT ,FOBTNEGOMPLEXION OEl'fVlNtm "U.TNAVc MATun [. izSG fP yVegettable!?.. r, � .14- CURE SICK HEADACHE. Free to Stock and Poultry Raisers xt 1,1,7e will send, absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid,' one of cue large thirty -two-page booklets on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you how to fedd all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay just as well in winter as in summer. No farmer should be without it. At a cost of only two-thirds of a cent a day. per Animal, Royal Purple Stock Specifie makes each Animal worth E5 per cent. more. and heavy. And it builds up the health It makes the hens lay Eggs in Whiter and restores the former plumpness and vigor as well as in the Summer. of run-down stock, in little or no time. The very best time to use this Con - .You never heard of any other Specific, ditioner is NOW. It digests the hard food or "Stock Food," "tieing likewise. properly and prevents tho animals get- ting indigestion or losing flesh. 50 per cent. Cheaper • One 50 -Cent Package of Royal Purple It will increase the milk -yield three to will last ono Animal 7,) days. This five pounds per cow a day inside of from figures a little over two-thirds of a cent two to three weeks. It makes the milk per day. richer than ever before. Royal Purple will permanently cure the Bots, Colic, Worms, Skin Diseases and Debility, and rester° run - down Animals to plumpness and vigor. MR. ANDREW WEGRiCH, of Waintiett, Ont., says : "This is to certify that 1 have tried your Royal Purple Stock Speckle for two weeks, on one cow. On the 10th I weighed her milk as 17 pounds. I noticed a change after 5 or 6 days, as there was an extra weight of milk. On the 29th, I carefully weighed the milk, and she gave 22 pounds. I am giving an order for 6 boxes, as I consider it the best I have ever used." "Stock Food" will not do this. Because "Stock Food" is noth;ng more or less than a mixture of the very things which you, yourself, grow on your own farm. It is not more food your Anitnals need. They must have something to help their bodies get all the nourishment front the food they are getting. So that they will fatten, and stay fat, all the year 'round. They need something to pr'ovent disease, to curd disease, and to keep them in the best of health, all the time. Not a Stock Food Royal Purple is not a "Stock Todd," nor a "medicine." It is iL Conditioner, It does not contain Crain, nor lata products. Nor does it Contain "hope,". or any other injurious ingredient. Royal Purple does not merely temporarily bloat or inspire the Animal. It fattens and strengthens It, permanently. Most "Stock roods" in 50 -cent Pack- ages last but 50 days, and aro given three tinges a tray. 73ut Royal 1'nr;rlo Specific in given only once a day, tt:d lasts 5.k leer cent. longer. (A $1.50 I'ril, containing four tunes the amount 01 the 50 -cent Package, lasts 280 days.) NEMS. Wltf. 771 RNIZAa'f, Sanford, Ont., says : . "Dear Sirs,—'Phis is to certify that I have used two boxes of your Poultry Specific for my hens. They laid so well while feeding it to them, I won- dered if you would mind rending me word how or where I could get some this winter. I bow ht it from your amnt last winter. I had 32 hens, and some days I got two dozen eggs a day in February and March, while fending them the Specific." /loyal Purple Poultry Specific prevents Fowls losing flesh at moulting time, and permanently cures every poultry disease. It makes their p:unrage bright and keeps them always in primo condition. It makes your Poultry worth more than they _could ever. be without it. Se, you see, it is only necessary to give Yet ono 50 -cent Package will last 25 Loyal Purple 1 pecide once each day. Ileus 70 days. Or a $1.50 Pail will do Just think of tnekin,", each Animal 25 Bens 280 days. This is four times Worth 25 :yr cent. overits cost I What more material at only three times the will that mean to you, air. Stock Owner I cost. Centralia, Ont., Feb. 7, '10, The W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co.. London, Ont.: tlentlemon,—We have been using Royal Purple Poultry and Stock Specific for tie last three weeks, and must say that re• sults aro remarkable. Ain feeding the Stock: Specific to two milking cows, and they have increased 30 per cent. in their milk. The Poultry results are even tame marked than this. Wo have about se hens, laying age. When the commences: feeding, we were getting five and six eggs a day, and in the lest five days the sante flock of hens laid 150 eggs, almost an average of 31 Bach day, and those five days have been the coldest this winter. Ton can see results plainly in two or three days after the use of "Royal Pur- ple," rand the poultry have the sante hustle and appearance now as in the sum- mer tLno, With Cows and poultry, ani using exactly the sande feed and care as before starting to feed "i,.oyal Purple." When farmers and stockmen got ac- quainted with 'loyal Purple, it will have a greater demand than all other tonics and stock foods on the market combined. Yours truly, ANDREW RIICISS. - Aug. 2$, 1010. W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co., London, Ont.: Gentlemen, --Last Fall we had in our stables a young mars belonging to bliss Clouston, of Montreal. We could not feed her any bran on account of causing STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS to violent scouring, becoin weak oand ttthin. causingently Wecom- menced using your Royal Purple Stock Specific, and the results were Wonderful. After using it three weeks, we found wo ecukd feed the animal bran or any other suit feed without scouring her. and she actually took on in this time twenty-five pounds of flesh, tea working her at the same time through the hunt. I can heartily, recommend your Stock SpeeltIe. 'rO3t SM1n`fI, Trainer for the Hon. Adam Beck, Royal Purple creates an appetite for food, and helps nature to digest and turn it into flesh and musole. As a Hog fattener, Royal Purple has no equal, Never 00 Feed Make This Test Every ounce of Royal` Purple Stock and Poultry Specific 15 guaranteed. • To prove that Royal Purple leas no equal, we want you to make this test : ban McLwon, the hars6riibit, says 1 recd Royal Purple to any one of your "I have used Royal Purple Stock Animals for /our weeks. And at the Speckle persistently in feeding 'The Eel,' same tiro feed any other preparation to 2.02*, largest whiner of any pacer on any other Animal in the baht! Cbnditiolt. We also manufacture: Grand Circuit in 1008 add 1009, and , nova Purple pillion 25c. 'HenryWinters,' 2.104, brother of 'Allen 11 Royal Purple does not prove to al Purple No other Specilc winters;' winner of $313,000 in trotting you, by actual results, that it is the Royal Purple Gall Cure 25c, stakes in 10g8. best you ever used, we'll return your Royal Purple Sweat Liniment SOc. known adds flash Money.Royal Purple Cough Ctlre 50c. so ltoyal "These horses have never been otY their Purple. Itsmakes teed since I stetted using Royal Purple And we'll Sisk no questions—maks rid cough ur ntfour gh rydays, and ure will urwill n breakordittau[ 0 -weeks -old Calves Specific. 1 will always have it in my excuses. You will to the judge — not us. and euro distemper in ten to twelve days. stables. Your Cough Powder works as largo as ord'• magic." 'Chis is an honest test, isn't it ? Wo If your dealer cannot supply you with like nary�tedCalves are our .Royal Purple ligands, We will supply For Poultrytisk you to make it because We know at to woks. F that Royal Purple Is the best Conditioner you upon receiptt i.cr'0 a pail, pre• market, ,., paid, for either poultry or stock„ or it 2# o y al Purple Royal Purple Poultry Specific le our an theyou ;want tiny Liniment, Gall Cure or makes naturally other Specific. It is for Poultry --not If you are not satisfied, actor testing 'Cough Powder, we will send it by mail, thin Anitnals fat for stock, tt, you don't Lose anything, do you t postpaid, upon receipt of price. w. A. JENIIINS moo. G COMP ,N"V, I ON" 1)100 , ONVAlift110 ROYAL PURPLE STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS AND FREE BOOKLET N az PROM T. A. MILLS, GENERAL STORE, J. WALTON MCKIBBON, DRUGS,AND SAIVIWA'YS PAUL, BLUEVALE 1 UI1 I%ULU111111I)11I 13 41 E.fl FRufm.fly s es I Honestly Believe itrri! says Mr, IWlllls. Knowlton, I Q., Oct. 12th, 294!9, For many years I suffored from severe Rheumatism and the attacks were very distressing and prevented me from doing myordinary work. I tried many remedies and physicians' treatments but nothing seemed to do Me much good, and I was becoming very anxious for fear I would become a per- manent cripple from Rheumatisrn. I tried "Yruit-a-tives" and this naedi- eino has entirely cured me, and I honestly believe that "Fruit-a-tiyes " is the greatest Rheumatism Cure In the world, E. E. MILLS, Asst. P.+4i.., IC'nowlton, Que. "fruit-a-tives" not only strengthens and heals the kidneys—but also regulates the bowels, improves the action of the skin—and thus keeps the blood pure and rich and free from uric acid which causes Rheumatism. "Fruit-a-tives"—the great fruit medi.. eine—is . sold by all dealers at 50c a box, li for $2,60, trial size, 25e; or sent on receipt of woe by Fruit -a -awes Limited, Ottawa. Why They Have Cholera. ht, Siam, as in many parts of the east where a waterworks system has not been installed, the population is absolutely dependent upon canal, riv- er and rain water for drinking and bathing purposes. Ili Bangkok, a city of so many klongs, or canals, that it has been called the Venice of the east, the native population drink the river and canal water, not having the means for storing rainwater, and thus usual- ly without filtering or boiling, with the result that all the year round there is a large mortality from cholera which, immediately before the corn mencement of the rainy season in. April and May, when the river and. canal waters become brackish, runs up into thousands daily. Those who can afford it use filters, and some even boil the water after it has been filter- ed. Several artesian wells have been sunk, but this water, as well as die. tilled and soda water, is sold and is therefore beyond the reach of the na- tives. A Trick With an Egg. Place two V shaped wineglasses of the same size near the edge of a table, In the right hand one put an egg, just fitting the rim of the glass. Hold the bases of the glasses firmly down, the top rims touching each other. Now, with a quick, sharp breath blow upon' the line where the egg and the glass meet. The egg will jump to the other glass. With a lit. tle practice this can be done every time. Be careful to blow in a line with the left hand glass, or .the egg will jump in the wrong direction and land on the table with disastrous results, A Traveler's Tate. The early explorers of the Brazils brought back some strange tales. One of the most curious of those which Mr. Guy Itothery recalls in his book on "The Amazons" is of a race of men "whose feet were turned the wrong way round, so that if any one attempt. ed to follow in their tracks the pure suers were misled, actually receding from those whom they desired to catch up." The Phrenologist and the Grocer. Phrenologist—Here is a man out oil his proper sphere. His head betoken1td high intellectual and spiritual quali4 ties, yet he is spending his time bo hind agrocer's counter. Sir (to the 'grocer), I wish to ask you a question; Have you any aspirations? Grocer (calling to clerk)—John] have we any aspirations? Clerk—All out, sir; have some the last of the week. Method In Her Badness. "Why in the world did you try tn.. evade the payment of duty?" .X "I expected all the time to pay itxt� replied the star. "But the horrid customs men went through your trunks." "Of course they did, and found seii eral gowns worth $800 oleo. couldn't have given the $gores to thd.• reporters myself, could T?" Was So Bad With Heart and Nerves Could Not Sleep At Night. Many men and women toss night after eight upon a sleepless bel. Some con- stitutional disturbance, worry or disease has so debilitated and irritated the heart end nervous system that they cannot enjoy the refreshing sleep which tomes to those whose heart and nerves aro right. Mrs, John Gray, Limo Lake, Ont. writes:---" Last summer 1 was so bad with my heart and nerves that I eouldn't -leap at night. There was such a pain t id heavy feeling in my chest that 1 -Duld not stoop, and at at times 1 'two:. ' ,e'amo dizzy and have to grasp Sonar. :dog td keep from falling: 1 tried dif:: • it things but never got anything to t` me any good until 1 trio.! Milburn' ifeart and Nerve Pills and 1 can Ir recommend them to all troubled as was." Milburn's Heart & 1!,'erve Pills are t' cents per box, or three boxes for $1.2: i.t all dealers, or mailed direct by The '1. Milburn Co., Limited,Torcrtto, Ont, THE DOMINION SAN Proceedings of The Fortieth Annum . General Meeting of the Shareholders The Fortieth .Annual General 'Meeting of The Dominion Bank Wait bald at the Banking House of the Institution, Toronto, en Wednesday, lath ,Tear* nryT, 1011. Among those present were notloed: W. D. Matthews, Hon. J'. 3, Foy, W. R. Brock, A. W. Austin, R. J, Cltrititla„ C, A, Bogert, S, Jeffrey, Port Perry; 1I. W. Wilcox, Whitby; J. V. 1tL53e', r'awtllra i4114lock, J, D, Warde, J, If, Paterson, Dr. Chas. O'Reilly, David 1 tdd. :Tamiltoa; Tilos, Walmsley, James Matthews, F. E. Dingle, H, Ie I,ovel'ia oldwater• W. E. Booth, G, lc, Reynolds, VPinr Crocker, Geo. Pim, E. k.anas]ey, Wm. Ross, Port Perry; J. I3, Horsey, Montreal; Dr: John P. Roes, aptaln Jessopp, F. Ii, Gooch, Andrew Semple, J, C. Morrow, Bashers]. Drown, r. F. "Cavanagh, W. Cecil Twee, Dr. J..4. McCallum, C. E. Lee, W. C. Harvey, C. VanNorman,Dr. 2'. 3. Grasett, David. Smith. 2. I.,, Patton, Winnipeg; 'leas. Walker. J. T. Small, K,C.; S. Samuel, F, D. Benjamin, London, England! •I. B. Hodgins, W V :Care,*, W. E. Carswell, Jacob !°!nide, Edward Burns, Macdonald, W, IC. Pearce, Hamilton; W. Gibson Cassels, W. C. Crowther, T. Stewart, Peter Macdonald, A. I3•, Campbell, X. M. Baldwin, Andrew Foulds, J. Harrls, Hamilton, J. W. B. Walsh, D'Arey Martin, S.C., Hamilton; S. ordltelmer, Col. Sir Henry M. Pellatt, I. eighton nleCarthy, K.C,; 3, J, Cawthra, 1, S. Cassels, J. E. Baillie. B. M. Gray, Victor Cawthra, Wm. Muloek, Wm. )avies, 1, D. 3rown, C. Ti. Edwards, a. J. Maclennan, Rev, T. W. Paterson, Wm, '•IeConaghy, Aemillus Baldwin, H. J. Bethune, 15. A. Begg. and others. It was moved by Air, 13. J. Christie, seconded by Mr. I3. W. Wilcox, that -r. W. D. Matthews do take the chair, and that Mr, C. A. Bogert do act as 'ecretary, Messrs. W. Gibson Cassels and A. H, Campbell were appointed scrutineers,. The Secretary read the report of the Directors to the Shareholders, and submitted the Annual Statement of the affairs of the Bank, which is as follows; E'o•the Shareholders: The Directors beg to present the following Statement of the result of the .usiness of the Bank for the year ending elst December, 1910:-- ;amnee of Profit and. Loss Account, 31st December, 1909 , � . �, . , . . , � .. . $ 295,766 98 r fit for theyear ending 31st ber, 1910,after deducting charges of. management, ete., and making provision for bad and doubtful debts... 659,300 58 `Taking a total of .. , . . .... , .. ... Which has been disposed of as follows: `Ividend 3 per cent., paid lst April, 1910 .. , , .. , .$120,000 ividerd a per cent„ paid 2nd July, 1910 ..... ... 120,000 Ividend 3 per cent., paid 1st October, 1910 ..... 120,000 Ividena 1 per cent., payable 3rd January, 1911 120,000 s lritten off Bank Premises . ,.. ..... 'mance of Profit and Loss carried forward ...,. $ 955,007 66 00 00 00 488,000 ' $ 170,000 ...$ 305,007 00 00 56 Your Directors, in submitting the Annual Statement of the affairs of the '•tnk as on the 31st December, 1910, with the result of the year's business. znr to reportthat there hasbeen a general substantial growth every di re - on. A considerable increase in the net profits will be noted. owing to the 'tisfaetory conditions which have prevailed throughout Canada and the teady demand for banking accommodation from all districts whao we . are stablished. For some time past the Board has had under serious consideration the ne- •essity for the enlargement of our Head Office premises, which have become .site inadequate to meet the present needs of the bank, without having regard e the ordinary expansion of our business which niay be expected in the future. ntleavors were made to secure adjoining lots, but without success. In 1910 o opportunity arose for the acquisition of the land and buildings at the north - est corner of King and Yonge streets -81 feet 'Ing street by 112 feet on forge street --and after due deliberation the chase was completed. It is not ho purpose to hold i•oth properties any . ger than is necessary, and, when policy for building is detrieletl on, you hectors have every reason to believe hat our present premises can e d'• .osed of for an amount which will prac- icualy offset the recent outlay. In addition, suitable builds were erected last year for Edmonton, Moose new, and Notre Doneavenue, Winnipeg branches. These varior:s disbursements have caused a considerable increase in bank iremises Account, but, following the used policy, a sub'rtanttal amount has :'eeu written off. A lot was purehased at Saskatoon, and it is propescd to erect a building it this point and at Calgary during the current year. WW1 the completion of these buildings your Directors are of 1l'B opinion that no further immediate •xpen.litures for our Western !;ranches \Sill be necessary. It is the intention to erect oftices this year in Toronto: At the corner of ''povercotrt road and Bloor street, corner of Lee avenue and Queen street, ear- rtr of St. Clair avenue and Vaughan 100)1, and the corner of Sheri ourno and .,1oor streets, where we are already established in temporary premises, A Branch of the hank was opened in February last at the corner of St. T,aterenre boulevard and Prince Arthur street, Montreal. The offices opened in 1908 are making satisfactory progress, and already testily their establisiunentt In aeeoruance with the Icy -law paned by the Shareholders at our Annual •teeting in January last, the par value of the shares of the Bank was on Sep - ember the lst changed from $50 to $100. The Directors, following their usual custom, have examined and verified ie General Balance Sheet of the Bar;k as on the 3ist of December, 1910, ane have checked and found to bo correct the cash assets, securities, and invest - rents shown therein. They have, iii addition, given careful scrutiny to all • orrowing accounts, The Branches of the Bank have been inspected in the usual thorough manner during the year. OSLER, President. The Report was adopted. The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered to the President, Vice-Presi- ient, and Directors, for their services during the year, and to the General Man- tger and other Officers of the Bank for the efficient performance of their re- peetive duties. The following gentlemen were duly elected Directors for the ensuing year: 1lessrs, A. W. Austin, W. R. Brock, James Carruthers, R, J. Christie, J. C. Eaton, J. J. Foy, Ii.C., ALL.A., W. D. Matthews, A. M. Nanton, and 17. I3. Oster, M.P. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, Mr. E. 13. Osier, M.P., was elected President, and Mr. W. D. Matthews Vies -President, for the ensuing term. GENERAL STATEMENT LIASiLiTIES. Notes in Circulation Deposits not bearing interest . Deposits bearing interest, (including interest ac- crued to date) ... ,.. ....... Deposits by other Banks in Canada ... .... Balances due to Banks in foreign countries Total Liabilities to the Public ... ... , , Capital Stock paid up ,.. ... ... Reserve Puna Balance of Profits carried forward ... Dividend No. 113, payable 3rd January, 1911 Former Dividends unclaimed . ... .. . , Reserved for Rebate on Bilis Discounted, Exchange, Otto..................................... $6,107,370 37 43,195,414 29 49,302,'1S4 66 108,901 72 101,279 67 $53,100,513 05 4,000,300 00 $ 5,000,000 00 305,067 50 120:000 00 138 00 $ 2,587,547 00 162,102 20 ASSETS. Specie ... . ....... .. .. .. ... . . ..$ 1,527,130 28 Dominion Government Demand Notes ... ... .. , . 5,137,978 25 Notes of and Cheques on other Banks . ... ..... 2,720,115 80 Balances duo from other Banks in Canada .. ... ... 742,343 12 Balahees due by Banks in foreign countries . , , , „ 891,229 73 11,019,794 18 452,422 68 Provincial Government Securities Canadian Municipal Securities anti Brlttsh or Foreign or Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian . * Railway and other Bonds, �Debentures, �anel Stocks Loans on Call, secured by Stocks and Bonds Bills Discounted and Advances Current. , .. Deposit with bominien Government for Security of Note Circulation ....... .. Loans to other Banka in Canade, +secured .,..,e - Overdue Debts (estimated loss provided tor) ,..`.i4 Real Estate, other than Bank Promises .t. s,,,t,, Mortgages ,, .. .,. •... ,.... ... r.,,„ .s.. ti.r ,,, Bank Premises .. ... .. , . . .. r .:. t, t Other Assets not included under foregolnk heads .n y 3 Toronto, Six; Deosinber. 1,018, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S OAS1 ORIA 5,577,307 82 462,6777,820 87 652,496 19 5,589,103 20 4,327,484 20 22,041,300 45 87,920,928 70 180,551 00 368,627 98 57,259 23 102,034 81 18,920 00 1,980,00 00 7,198 70 4.0,636,520 43. $02,677,820 87 . A, :f3OGE1tT, e pianeral 1►%ntrtssr. A000rding to a return of the Postoiilee Depar (trent, Oanadiati during the pant year tient to Great Britittl, and is pes• t*8sslonll and •other European oeuntirlei 750,002 money 'orders, representing up- wards of $13 000,000, or on inorente of 35 per gent over the 1'ti vt' ns year All this money raises tbrt trrh Ilia depart. went at Ottatro. jt1ul.ey rent t) the Dotted States and South Aniorica floes direst front; eende+r to receiver, to no official rceerd of the licit, wit i- kept at Ottawa. Tho ro fey e -at tttirrsB the omen is 11111101 aP}' . v ...0 holm• grants, i