HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-02-02, Page 1'—e-see---seentaeramaW"- 'ffiE WINGHAM TIMES. VOL. XL. --,NO, 2035, NO CURE NO PAY Cherry Bark Cough Syrup One of the famous Reim11 Reined- ies of which there is one for , each ailment. FOR Coughs, Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Agreeable to the taste. Prompt in action. Contains no opium or morphine but never fails to relive that tick- ling sensation in the throat. We guarentee this to give you Bads. faction or we will cheerfully re- fund your money. Walton McKibben THE DRUGGIST rho 51.=.470,1 310.-0 Macdonald Book, Wingham, TEN PER CENT. If you have money you would like to invest in Wingham pro. perty to make you the above rate of interest. call on us and we will tell you where to place it. Wingham is. All Right Never in the history of the town was the pay roll of our fee. tories so large as at present, and never were our farmers so pros. perous. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WINGHAM, ONTARIO, •THURSDA,Y, FEBRUARY 2 1911, I MI Wear Greer'it E � and Rialtega Eleventh itrr ual At Home. T he eleventh an uel At Herne of the Huron ca:d Boystociation of Toronto will be held in th that pity en Frld 17th, The Tim invitation and fcixipllmentfrY ticket for this annual po lar event, Tempe Buildieg tn y evening, February editor has received an Okarhig €ale 0 KNox's for the 'seat 20 days, Big Ores In our dvertiBi 11, E. bard & 0 Or ash in Plicee" will start on Sato continue until W There will be al dry goods, olo shoes, groceries, page five for ful A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGRA81, ONTARIO, in Prices. g columns this week announce a "Big r 10 (We. The sale day, February 4th and dnesday, February 15, ig beryline iri Reser- ing, fur goods, boots, .fo. See large edvt on particulars. Meg along your Shoes! We do re. pairing and we do it right. W. J, GRI Mount Fore The leaguelmo Wingham rink la ed ip a win for t by a soore of 7 to Wingham via ape co mpanied by a g ere. There was a anoe. Owing to game was played Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market on have it on reasonable term. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowegt rates going. Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. HEADQUARTERS FOR Groceries Provisions AND Table Supplies lea and Coffee a Specially t Boys Winners. y game played on the Friday night result - Mount Forest team The visitors came to al train and were Bo- od crowd of support- ood crowd in attend - mild weather the n very soft ice, Great stock reduoing sale at KNOX'S f or the next 20 days. Influence On Thursday a Mrs. Asa Gordon her husband, is Evangelistic' Beryl, Church, Wingham address lathe Pres subject of the addr of Womanhood." four o'clock to mai cad soholars in t .Womanhood. ernoon of this week f Otte.wa, who with pi mot conducting • Le s in the Methodist, Spec ial bargains in will give a special mas goods at KNox's. tt Ilan Church. The is "The Influence he hour is put at teachers and Delver'. • . Read Willis & CO Choice Ex On Tuesday Mr, twenty five of the o that have ever lei t tie were fed on Mr. averaged a little bett Mr. John Hamilton the buyer. 20 to 60 per can KNox's for the next Huron Cou The Huron Conn ed its sessions et 's AO', on page 8 rt Cattle. F. VanStone sold !cost export cattle itighaln. The oat, aoStone's farm and r than 18001be each. of Wroxeter was t, discount sale at 20 days. tv Council. Council oonclud. oderioh on Friday last. Several imrlrteut appointments have been made. W. Lane, county clerk, and Dr, Smits, Reeve of Hayfield, will be on the boa d of ofinsinal audit this year, A. Wiateeides, of Hartsell, is the new high con able of Huron, ftp. pointed to succeed Capt. W. H. Gundry, resigned. Fred eye, sr., of Zurioh, and T. 4. Allen, cff Dungannon, will be county auditors jfor 1911. Dr. .1. M. Field, principal 4 the Goderioh Oolleg. iate Institute, wrls the successful amain cant for the p 'salon of inspector of public sohoole in East Huron. It was a close contest between the Dootor and jt J. Smith, prinoipal of the Wingham H gh Sohool, but the vote stood 17 to 13 in fever of Dr. Field. We should have li d very much to have leen Mr. Smi4i receive this appoint. mept, but at thetsame time we oan now congratulate Dr. ield and we wopld be pleased to weloo e him ao t resident of Wingham. This town is very oonven. Jenny situated :t the East Huron In- spectorate and )r. Field would find Wingham one of the best towns in the County in whioh to reside. A good driving horse for sale. at TIMES office. e 'wheels. Everyb dy, men as well as women, will be nfade welcome. Big Bargains Sale. Fire Inst A oiroular was Mr, Fitzgerald, It all Apply left over Chris- ance Risks. ecently sent out by peotor of Insurance I at Ottawa whiohl caused considerable misunderstandinfaamong local people as to their fire insurenoe risks. The oirou- lar was being inte preted to mean that in Footwear. Clearing fire insurance oo apaniee inoorporated W. J. GREER. in Oatario are un .oensed companies and have no authority to transaot fire insur- e H JJ Fo Attorne Genet.. An I nstruc ive Address. Mr. Percy, the pular science master of one High Soho 1, gave a very able and instructive ad testi on Monday even. ing, to the raemb s of the A. If, P, A. in the school roc of St. Paul's Church. Ho took as his Newt "Man and his relation to the teriel Universe," ex plaining in an toseedingly interesting way, the cause o heat and cold, light, color, sound and an's relation to them al being. The leetur. though the material all important it was force holding things uld not be weighed or most important. So hioh Was unseen, im. on -material was the part of his Nature, d a vocal solo in his o manner and all felt ent a very enjoyable fling. I amounted toll659,3. O. With a balance through hie phys er pointed out th universe seemed really the unsee together which o handled that wa in mail the soul measurable and most important Mr. Willis rende well- knewn artis that they bad and profitable e e ant) • on. J. Y. al at Toronto toi Mr. Fitzgerald h his circular was any such means not need to fe their fire insure Curlers at oronto. Two rinks of Wing m ourlers, cam. poised of Dieters. R. auptoue, V, R. Vaunormein, A. Porte 0, Mitohell, A. M. Crawford, 0. N, Mn, J. W. Pear. en and J. S. Carr we in Toronto on Tuesday teking. part lo the Ontario Tankard competition . They played against two Galt rialto Ind were defeat. ed by a score of 41 to 2. In the Gover- nor -General's prize c .mpetition they played against two Haight rinks and lost by a score of 85 to -2. CHURCH N aTES. Mr, Jack Birmingha , the Travelling Secretary of the Bro erhood . of St. Andrew will give addr eosin the sobool room of St. Paul's Oh oh on Wednes. day, Feb. 8th, to whi all boys and men are cordially invi ed, The address to boys will be given 7.30 p.m. and to men at 8. 30 p m. Sunday, February 1 th will be the farewell meetings of 0 ptain Rashes of the Salvation Army W ngham, new ap- pointment not yet kno n, There is a liability in connection with the loodl work the Oaptian won 1 like to clear be- fore he leaves, therefoai he appeals to your generosity, thankog yon for your past help. Box 105. Bargain's in watobes at KNGx's sale, LOST—On Friday mining atpo office or between there and ty off° a five and e two dollar bill. Find rewarded by leaving same at Dr Jas. L. Wilson's offics. PERS NAL,. Mise Alile Sim one left on Tuesday for Paris whore eh has accepted a petit, ion, Mr. Frank 3. ooney, who has been visiting at his pa ental home here for some weeks, rota ned to his position in Hespeler on Mond y. Dire. James Be den left on Monday for her home itt innipeg after a few weeks visit with er parente, Mr. and Mrs. Riohard Anderson. Mr, and Mrs, I N. Orows$on of Tao - oma, Wash. have returned to thio seat. ion and are now v siting with Mr Crow- riton'e father near liengside. M J h A. d jr of Wareham r. o n n eri n, was here attendint; the funeral of the late James McCallum and visited for a few days with old Itiends. Mr. and Mrs. Jae% A. Gray left for their home in Oalgwy un Monday, after spending a few wee with relatives and and Morrie. friends in Wingha Mr. Wm. Niohole in Kent County vie er, a former residen Nicholson is prepar house for Mr. Erase Mr. J. MoKagne has been visiting f in the vicinity of W three weeks. Mr. bee of the delegat- recently waited on ernment at Ottawa. his home in Menke LOST—Between and Pattison's groo piece with initials Daily Dairy lecord, tached to a safety P by leaving same at Mr. Jas. Elliot, of Ternberry is one of th few fat:mere in this distriot e very who have kept a dai y record of the • Quiet Ho amount of milk and bn ter' fat produced A. quiet home w ding took place at same as last by his herd of cattle duking the season, the residence of 1'. r. Semi. Graosy at takes the plat Mr. Elliot has eleven holstein cows and 12 o'clock noon or Wednesday of this as follows:— the trecord is herewith given, showing week, when his dreighter, Miss Adella, ohie, D. Otri Thee, F. Linklater, the age of the Cow, the number of days was joined in wed. oak with Mr. record Weeekept and =the number of 0. King, one of Wingbam's popular W. 3. Renders pounces of milk and he er fat. Here is young businese en. The ceremony Mem'', Alsx. the record:— was perforined by try. D. Perris in the were re'eleote Cow Age No. days lbs. milk lbs. fat presence of only th 1 3 200 '1210 202,7 and friends. The 2 11 187 5060 163 6 by her father and 3 3 184' 3335 129 12 4 2 153 4163 164 7 gown of ivory Da 5 3 143 3892 . 118 3 a bouquet of wh' 6 2 130 2543 7.411 Nora Graoey, a 7 3 143 4055 112 13 maid of honor a 8 3 140 4078 94.4 9 3 123 3930 120 blue san toy an 10 11 113 305 103 6 pink rosea. A 11 2 108 3247 95.12 wedding dinner the matter up and Mr. Elliot also on a each month seat Mrs. King left e assured Mr. Foy that the milk to Ottawa and had it tested for New York, t ot intended to convey and the tests for the season run from 2 2 dress of blue la g so that our readers do per cent. to 3.8 p r cent. To further King are two of any uneasiness ns to improve his fine he d of Holsteins Mr lar young people oe risks ' Elliot has reoentiy purchased from W. bast wishes of a A Paterson, of Ag court, the registred for many years o .elias Pesch Cialam• wedded life. relate t to ' 'Calamity beet dairy OOWB 10' ir 13.1TOHEN OADINETs— Gre n spent a few days ting with Mr, Fres- of Turnberry. Mr. ng plans for a Mew of Coulter, Man., ends and relattvee Dolmas for the past oKague west% mem- n of farmers that the Dominion Gov - He has returned to ia. r. Agnew's office ry store a $2 50 gold B." on it and at - n. Finder rewarded Imes offices. $1 A YEAR IN A.DVAITCE Annual Congregational Meeting. The annual (mann ational meeting 01 St, Andrewa' Presby erian Church was held in the lecture oom of the ',hutch on Monday last end Was very well at- tended by members the congregation The meeting was op ned with einging, then the reading of chapter of Sorip. tare and prayer by Ise pastor, Rev. D Perrie, Mr. Perrie asked the meeting to name a chairmen for the evening and on motion ex Mayo Holmes was voted to the position, he various reports presented allowed la t year to have been a very- prosperous o tion. The Bessie members received d Five members we by death and 88 from the roll, leavi bership at 435. away by death we son, John A. Bi Robertson, J. B. Moir. The reports receipts from all a e for the constrega. reported 67 new ring the past year. e away by amen were removed g the. present mem- he menabere oalled Mrs. Wm, gender. hie, Mrs. Ohristina mmings and Joseph hewed that the total roes for last year to have been $4395 26, compared with $3522.15 in 1909. The money raised last • k I I year came under the following heads:— Envelope contrientions, $2018 21; plate contributions, $294.99; anniversary, $162 70; Churoh debt., $173.35; Sunday school, $280 70 ; Churoh sohemes, $590.43 ; W. F. M. Sooiet ., $166,95; Westminster A;(9. Guild, $163.41 • Mission Band, $24 77; Lord's Day Ranee, $16.47; Ladiee' Aid Society, $166 28; other Bootees, $42. The net debt on the ohuroh at the close of the year wells $416 86 If the congre• kation does a well this year as was done last year the nd of 1911 should see the church free debt. The Elders of the church are S. Linklater, W. S. Link. • Tt ;NMI IfIr r CLEARANCE SHOE SALE EVERYBODY IS HEADED THIS WAY Here's an opportunity to buy the best of FOOTwEen at prices 80 bow that no one can afford to stsy away, EVERY SHOE MUST LEAVE OUR STORE We will not carry Shoes over from one season to another, and every Man's-, Woman's, Boys', and Children's Shoe is priced so low that they'll go at once. Call soon or the shoes won't be here. They are selling fast, Peter Clam elf, Robt. Currie, Alex. )1V• J.• GREER later, John Agnew, Lawrence Fyfe, Campbell, D . A. J. Irwin, Robt. Alex- THE SHOER well, R. A. utohisou and A, L. Hamil- ton. The B ard of Managers is the e Wedding. ear except W. H. Rintonl.GEol HuLmE of Joseph Stalker and is W. m. Nicholson, John Rit. ie, W. P. Grierson, John .H Rintoal, Geo Spot - ton and S. Pracey. osis and R A. Graham as auditors. adr. is Choir Leader and V I immediate relatives Geo. W, Cline ride was given away Mies S. Fa quharson is organ- eeeed beautiful in a itt. The sal y of the pastor, Rev. D. Pelage, was noreased by $150 making hem satin and carried to bridal roses. Miss the salary $13. Mr. Perrie has been ter of the bride, was pastor of the 01 arch for some seventeen yrars and he las done excellent work d wore a dress of pale carried a bouquet of here and as a pi er the ceremony the to find his equ as served and Mr. and wishes pastor a teacher in the 7innipeg Conserva- on the afternoon train successful year during 1911. At the tory of Music a id last season was e bride travelling in a close of the metaang coffee, sandwiches first Clarinet wi .h Sousie's Band at doloth. Mr. and Mrs and cake were served by the ladies of Manhatton Bee— Wingham's most 'mu. the oongregatiot and a pleasant half *e,h, New York. hour spent in sodal chat. and they will have the large oirole of friends happy and prosperons Evangel i ;tic Services. To the Editor of t e Wingham TiatES. Dear Sir: — Oa town is at present enjoying the privi ege of the visit of two irne wavers eaoher it would be hard I. The TIMES heartily d congregation a vary Mr. Hulme -was at one time R OF VIOLIN, PIAN CLARINET; CORNET AND SAXAPHONE WANTED— Ge eral servant. Apply to Holstein bull, Coi lire. 0. P. SmitLe at Bank of Hamilton ity," who is closet residence, Jane," one of th 0 d d he i ane a 00 DOMINION B NK HAS Cornelius Poach,' P OSPEROUS YEAR. great deal of inter cattle. If all far cord of the milk The General St tentent of The Dom. cows they would I, Wien Bank for the year ended 31st De- herd of the poor makers and thus make oembor, 1910, ;hones a most satisfactory the dairy end of th ' farm more profitable condition of affei s. During the year the profits, after deducting the usual s charges of MAnamoraent and making Canames for Sale. provision for B id 3r Doubtful Debts, The finest 'iota .tion -of singing caner. lee ever seen in ,his section is now in f fit L r 1 d for ard of possession of Provinoial Constable Phila. total of $955,067 /lThere are sem; tion, Four quer- I warblers and so They w' 1€17070t0e0 wofrilt2apoefer notes. 05,000 carried fen. good singer. See th sired by "Salvador Mr, Elliot takes a at in his fine herd of ars would keep a re g qualities of their en be able to rid the FOE SALE, —I offer for sale my milk route businese in the Town of Wings ham. I am now selling about 165 quarts of milk per day. Business must be sold as I am going West. W. J, KELLY. A Mus al Treat. ' tln the Roy al Webb Ladies' Choir, which appeared a the Russell Theatre last night, Made Hugbee.Thomae has gathered abbot er a party of sweet singers, whit% labo equal of any ohoir heard in the Chip MI, and Which, in one d themselves so deeply into the hearts the laded audience 0 innate lovers w oh attended last even• ing*s preseetetio i, that already a return engagement Is ang talked about...: —Ottawa hire° 'rem, Oot. 28th, 1909. „ The Choir, white', for touring prtr. pose% consists of twenty selected vooni, ists, all bonnie la ses of attraotive per. edfiality, sang wM a delightful and itp, pealing quality voice that blended beautifully in the ensembles. The shad. ing too, while mit exaggerated, revealed 'varied nuancee ef ower from a delicate pienisaimo to the degree of fortissimo, diet ao limited number ef singers could reasonably b expected to ettein. ...When et the 31058 of tho concert the Chtfir sang thte'Llen Wlad dere' the whole an fleece rose On mime." —Toronto Globe, Hoer them in the Opera house, Piri eghent, On Tuesday evening, Mara 7th, o Pro andcies carried r e e direct from Germany. $205,766, there was available for distrib terly dividends at t annum were paid, Bank premise. and $ ward to Profit and An analysis of th the Mink to be in a Its Reserve Fund am being $1,000,000 in a oapital, The Bank is partioularly strong Overnment notes, llabbe tweets, these $11,000,000, while 'es and Railway tee, et0., show a 00,000, or $22,C00, - meets of the Bank OS &coolant. Statement shows ry strong position, tints to $5,000,000 els of its paidaap In specie, Dominion and other quickly av aniotinting to over Government aeonri Bends and Debent tote' of another $11, 000 in all. The tot amount to $62,677000, showing that ()horns, the patriotio song, "Canada this financial insti utioe is one of the In addition he banal was read by M. strongestof our Cis adian Banks. 0. Price a Mr. Smith gave a short Mr. E. B. Oder, . P.. is President, oilers of the finest tong, e belle water and flute 1 be sold nt reasonable se birds if you want a HIGH JOHOOL NOTES. The inangu al meeting of the Literary Society of thi High School was held on Friday after on with President Porter in the chair. The progremnae was of et Canadian o ranter and was well re- ceived. J. Stothers and C. W. Mo. Hee gave a ort addressee on Cetanda. Lillian Ross gave an instrnimental solo and some if the heart rendered as a W. D. Matthewe, ViceePresident, and Ciento A. /loge t, General Manager of the Hank. %Wan —Op raters experienced on heavy geed, ghest 'wages. Warm, well -lighted fa o ry. Pare paid. Apply DtnatAm GLOVE o , Lisnritte BOWnean• Ville, Ont. Bann Walla D—Ladies wishing to NVOrk tit home ming mitts and glovett Oen bemire the mute front the Winghtim Tannery arid Glove Wake. We send a ledy to give inatroaione. W, D. PRINGLIr. talk to th students. W. S, Ansley noted as itic. At the dose of the meeting all joined bodily in . einging the "Maple oaf Forever". Manager tamped', with the High School septa 6 of puelt•thimera, nom. palsied by so e ardent supporters to the number of s von, made el journey to Ltsokuow on uesday last and were me °awful in th it pipe with is team of that town, Oa oink off the honors with a score of 7 6 The game wee hotly core toted but o r hoe obteined the lead in the gam Mel maintained it all through, V r further details see th High School onrnal. for the ladies. They o ward article for t ' ahem get them at from to $23. paying $30, $35 or $40 for one, can get 'sae for far less than and be oonvitmed as to what I 41=1:a's furniture store. distinguished Eva genets, who are, per- rehaps, as well and evorably known, in You can any in Oeuada to- Nowhen you need day. Mr. Asa Gort on, K 0„ o? Otta their chosen field, wa, and his gifted and devoted wife, $2583y at0a51.1 mg churches in the sties and towns of have fot several yens past, been assist. TRADE A 3REEMENT, the country from o can to ooean, and in isita have been at. remarkable results, sy have been the ing to the commun. erked by an entire tures whioh, in the ple, have been an evangelistic efforts. rational or hystern ; their services are eotarianism and the be said to be after accept no remunera- any of the congrega. In many plebes the of a union character, alternately in Pres - t and Baptist church. e are pleased to say, Lon charaoter is to be k, show through the D. Petrie and his me of Mrs, Gordon's addresses are to be byterian churoh—the ens address on "The anhoad" on Thursday °Week. Mrs. Ger- Bible readings are n of as tv onderfully pful. They will be on from three to four 1, also on flour, oereal eolock in the tdutliodist Church. Mr. many placer! their tended with very and everywhere 1 means of great hies The following is the basis of the new ity. Their work is WW1 agreement .etween Canada and absence of those fe the United States —Reciprocal lists on minds tool tsoo some up; loading food prochmtS such as wheat and There is nothing se other grains. D.Slry products; fresh oat in their method without a taint of fruits and vegeta nes; fish of all kinds, eggs and poultry; cattle, sheep and oth- Emvoannevlsttscsotali:steno er live animals; e-ao oeitain oommodit. tion whatever fri; ies no uv free in wie country are to be Cons they serve. meetings have bee made free by the other, such as cotton seed oil by Oanadr and rough lumber by services being hell 'United States. byterian, Methodi es. In this town Meting paper is to beoonie free on something of a un given to the wo the removal of alatrestriotions on the ex. rti)ohurrtesy_ of Rev portation of pal iwood. Tin and tin plates now dud, ble in both pieces are speoialul tseir°nlloO made mutually ft. 30.. Some raw material given in the Pr enoli as mica an gypsum which enter first being her fa into numorOns in metrios are to be made aitftfietrinenorn oaftWfoon free by the State a Mutually rednoed don's afternoon identical rates on secondary food pro. everywhere spok . epiritnal and he dilate each al me s,bation and hams can lied meats, eatabl given h alter preparations and mane °tett:mad, Metuallr rodeo manufaetared co °ludo' motor ve and watches, sant and similar loath bakd instruments oellaneons arioles. Agrioultural lt Canada to Unite Cerieda retitle° and oement to 1 For information call at the Lyceum Theatre or Brunswick Hotel. The Council o Glengarry has d House of Refug Waterloo tem °ranee workers have decided to itutnni tocol option by-laws in all the availabai municipalities in the county. Scarlet fever is ipidemia in Menitoba, several hundred 0 tees have been report- ed. The Beare o Health has issued a warning to the health offiners. Stormont, Dundee and aided to build a county Free Optical Demonstration In my store all this week by Prof, F. 11, Graham of Montreal ther foodstuffs, partly Gordon premium each evening in his dear lawyer -like nannor, presenting the All work d rates- on a list Of tenth, which is il intimated with many . into E. ye, not and telling incidents, and which lemle°8d,itoltIle:vyh,thollioionka ermadenee in the Light of Gad The Examinations r.ee. any fixturea, satolient, visit of Mr. teed %tend over two r goOds, plate, brim, done by looking cannot but ootninend itself to everyone's printing ink told mis e-ry respectfully r. in of the peopl test the benefit a planenta reduced 1..y e.oetings may bri -g to all our °hurdles States rates. ‘y be insured W. L BUTLE130E, 00a1 to 45 oents per t ••71 (Ants per hundred lbe. re. Gordon will only Weeks, and I would espeak the oo,opere. You are under no obliga- of thia community, tion to purchase glasses. blessing whieh these Robert thee was burned to detth in a nellieion at The...1°140rd, Twootits were banned and the dation Wad eavedthratigh diffteulty. GIRLS WA.NTE J—For work On power ving Matihinee in knitting mill or on .7 Work, Oka tendy work end good Aged. Will pa riti1Wity fare provided plietatee stay th ns Mx 'teethe, Ap. toy—VIE Virsa!rSt4 MVO, CO, LIMITRO,, OntariO, F1 L Hind, Phm. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST Ortlers Taken WINGHAM by Msil - Wielkadlattlib '• • ;