HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-26, Page 6`HkI T MES, JANUARY 26, lila .,••.w .N. ,..... _ ..... nee • uT: at for FLOO �vECiF��.� • Y:il ' ,S, ever tithing 17 TME M_' tt 41f MIMIOBA� HARD WHEAT It's the champion all-purpose brand. Western Canada. • Flour Mille Co., zeinited. 111 - TWENTY 1— TWENTY VEARS AGO, (From the Timms of Jen 23, 1891 ) LOCAL NEWS. Deputy Reeve McKensie has been 'crnfined to his home for some days with bitiious fever. Mr Elliott Thynne, formerly of Mor tie, but who has been iu Sootland, South Dakota, fbr about ten years, is in thie vicinity visiting relatives Messrs R. Hill, of this plane, and John Denholm, or Blyth, shipped a oar load of apples to Calgary, N. W. T. Mr, L. D. Shane, of Blyth, well- aown to many of our readers, died on ..i.'ureday morntug of last week, in the 33rd year of his age. The atone and brick for the new Eng- lish Church are bring laid on the ground. Buildiug will be commenced early in the spring, it is expected. On Wednesday of this week, Mr. Jae. Aligns brought into town a hugh owl, whioh he had poisoned. His owlship had killed a cat at Mr, Angus' back door. The meeting of Anchor of Hope Lodge, No. 280, I. 0 G. T., on Tuesday evening last was a very interesting one, The programme consisted of the follow. ing: Musio by Miss Bainton and Mr. L. Latimer; recitation by Master Will Elliott; solo by Miss L Kinsman; read- ing by Fred. Ellis; solo by Mr. J. Mo - Alpine; instrumental by Mies Bainton and Mr. Latimer. Mr. D. Stewart, of this town, shipped 23 head of cattle to Toronto, via G. T. Local History of the early 803 Items from the "Times" fyles. R., on Monday last. They were a very choice lot, and were fed by the follow- ing gentlemen: 4 by J, Ring, Blnevale; 4 by S Black, Tnrnberry: 1 by J. Nicholson, Bluevale road; 2 by G. Wil- son, Tnrnberry, 2 by Wm. J. Currie, Wawanosh; 1 by J. Anderson, Wawa. noes; 1 by J. Coie, Wawanosh; 2 by John Anderson, Wawanosh; Z by Thos. Wilkinson, Morris; 2 by Tboe. Bielby, Morris; 2 by J. Sellers, Morris The heifers purchased from Cdr. Black, o1 Tnrnberry, turned the scale at 4,380 lbs. BORN. Woodcock—In Wingham, on the 16th instant, the wife of Thos. Woodcock; a daughter. MARRIED. Combs—Sloan—In Morris, on Thurs- day, Jan. 8th, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. McLean, Mies Sarah Sloan, daughter of Mr. An. drew Sloan, to Mr. Joseph Combs, of Blyth. DIED. Manser—In Wingham, on Sunday the 18th inst. Maggie, daughier of Chas. and M. Mangier, aged 3 years and 3 months. Hughes—In Sault Ste. Marie, Miohi• gan, on the 15th instant, Wm. Hughes, son of Mr, Geo. Hughes, of this town, aged 26 years and 6 months. Johnston -In Tnrnberry, on Tuesday, January 20th, 1891, John Johnston, aged 88 years. KERNELS FCM THE SAC1UM MILL Interesting Paragrarts.frcmm cur Eit:hnges' Dieseotione of the human body *re HELPFUL HINTS FOR not yet allowed in China, hence the demand for western medical works THE HOUSE. with plates. BOILS AM PIMPLES Are eau_ed altogether by bad blood, and unless you cleanse the system of the bad blood the boils or pimples will not dies-, appear. Get pure blood and keep it pure by removing every trace of impure morbid matter from the s.; tem by using the greatest known blood medicine, 13i11tDOCli; BLOOD BITTERS. Boils Cared, Mr. A. .1. Saulnier, Norwood, N.S. write . ' TRo years ago I w u trouble({ .With boils on my neck and back. and could not get rid of them. A friend recommended me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and after using two b..ttles 1 Was pleased to note the boils were en. tirety gone, and r have not been troubled with any since. ' •> Pitiiplet Cured. Miss Eva A. Skinner, Granby, Que. wrrtes: -"I am pleated to recommend Burdock Blood Bitters as it has done me much good. My face was covered -with pimples. and being advised by a friend • to try Burdock Blood Bitters and have them removed I did so and I now have not a spot on my face." Burdock Blood 'Bitters is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. AROUND Newspaper advertieemeuts made their earliest appearance in 1652. London Eng, uses 6,000 taxicabs. England's high roads ooet ;,4,000 a mile to oonstruot. A MODERN MIRACLE! He Had Eczema 25 Years and Doc- tors Said "No Cure." YetZam-Buk Has Worked Complete Cure. This is the experience of a man of high reputation widely known in Montreal, and whose case °unreadily be investigat' ed. Mr. T. M. Marsh, the gentleman re• ferred to lives at 101 Delorimier, Avenue Montreal and has lived there for years. For twenty five years he had eczema on his hande and wrists, The disease first started in red blotohes whioh itched and when 'scratched became painful, Bad sores followed which discharged and the discharge spread the disease until Me - hands were a raw •painful mass of sores. Just think of this state of affairs oontin• Mug for twenty-five years! In that time fonreminentmedicalmen tried to cure him and each gave up the case as hopeless in the end. Naturally Mr. Mareh tried remedies of all kinds, but he, also, at last gave it up. For two years he had to wer.r gloves day and nightso terrible was the pain and itohing when the air got to the sores, Then came Zuni Bak! He tried it jest es he had tried hundreds of remedies be. fore. But he soon found out that Zeal. Bnk was different. Witbiu a few weeks there were distinct signs of benefit, and little perseverence of this great herbal balm resulted in what he had given up all hope of—a complete cure I And the onre was no temporary • ours! It was per- manent. From the day that I was cur- ed until the prescent moment I have had no trace of eczema and 1 feel sure it will never return. Having suffered for twenty-five years, I naturally beleived that my case was incurable and I regard my cure as a modern miracle. If you suffer from any skin trouble, cut out this article, write across it the name of this paper, and male it with one cent stamp to Zam•Buk Co., Toronto. We will forward you by return a free trial box of Zam•Buk. All druggists and stores sell this famous remedy, 50o. box or three for $1.25. Refuse harmful sub- stitutes. Pineapple orystals is a dainty dish, made of one slice of prepared pineapple inside a round of transparent lemon jelly. To wipe the hardwood floors around carpets, nee a soft cloth over a broom. and have plenty of turpentine in the water. A good-sized crust of bread placed in a kettle in which cauliflower or cabbage is cooked will prevent a disagreeable odor. A glass of jelly left open is very apt to soar. Left over jelly, however small the amount, should be at once need in tarts or added to a fruit pudding of any kind. A handy kitchen devise is a double flour sifter which makes It pdseible t sift the flour twice with no mote effort than would be expended in sifting If Once. To renovate a carpet dissolve half a pint of ex -gall in a pailful of cold water, Take a small quantity of this wistaria and rint 'tab it o the carpet, using a soft heath., bruWash it off with Olean Water slid rub it dry with a soft cloth. EFFECT OF SMOKING ON THE HEART. According to a London physioian muskier;muskier;has a worse effect on most people in winter than in summer, and he advisee all smokers who find their health and mental faculties impaired in winter for no apparent reason to accept tobacco as the explanation and to cat down their smoking during the colder months. Tobacco, he said, is a very powerful drag, and cannot be consumed in large quaotitiea without producing a certain effect on the heart. It also has opposite effects on the heart. First it slows the notion, then it quickens it; and it is this constant reaction which eventually pro- duces smoker's heart. It mast be remembered that during the winter the heart has a great deal more work to do than in Bummer, for .,,the"oota causes the blood vessels to be. oorne small and pinched. It is thus far .less able to bear the extra strain pat upon it by smoking, and the reaction produced by tobacco is felt•to a ranch o greater degree. And yen cannot con. tinue overworking your heart without (unpleasant remits, Since the effect of tobacco varies With the individual, conclnded the physioign, it is not invariably the case that smoking has a wore effect in win• ter than in summer. 13ut it undoubted- ly is set With a large proportion et people. THE QLD VILLAGE, ELotirville Ootrier•Jourpah] I've been battik to tbe village, Tom; I've 1?etu around to see Thr dear old town and all the folks that or.oe knew you and me. I thought I'd write and tell you, Town. et some of them you know,. They haven't changed since you were here, st me twenty year's ago. There's old Alorza Wombat, Tom, you"il think of biro, I vow. He used to keep a meat shop then: he peeps a went shop now. Aid Abner Jinks. your old chum, Toni —he's Betty Podenap's bean— Just es he always toed to be, some twenty years ago, I oath d on my old sweetheart, Toni, ti girl I worshipped so; She's still a blonde, jest as she was some twenty years age. Ent there has been one trifling change since bappy days of yore; For she was twenty-seven then, and now she's twenty-four. In making canes whatever eggs are to be used should be added after all the in- gredients are well mixed. Whipped whites of eggs stirred into a chocolate jelly while it is stiffening make it a sponge instead of a jelly. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Meals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops dropsry, ngs inthe throat and permanently ares Catarrh and Hay Fever. 2ec. blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edmanson, Bates &'C0., Toronto. In making fruit pies, should they boil over, sprinkle salt in oven, and they will not smell. Prunes, eweetned and stewed till ten- der and then drained from the juice, make a nice addition to a lemon jelly. The reader; of this paper will be pleased to learn Unit there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been Mile to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Oure is the only positive cure now known to the medioal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con. stitutional treatment. Hall's (ntarrh Oure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving he patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do. ing its work. The proprietors have so muoh faith in its curative powers that they tiler One Haudred Dollars for any case that it fails to pure. Send for list of testimonials. Ad dress : F. J CHENEY &co., Toledo, O. Sold by Drnagiets, 75o. Take Hall,s Family Pills for oonstipa- ion. LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE. It von ere doing pretty well, Let well enough alone. Don't try to be the greatest swell Uponthe business throne; Don't try to erten" all the rest, -And make the biggest spies)]. Let vteli encugh.alone is beet, And not invite a crash. If yon are doing prett;r well, Be satisfied with that, Lest at the striking of the bell Fate throws you on the mat. Men say : No rials, to gain. Ah, well! That may be very tree ; But when you've lost your all, pray tell What's to become of you? If you are doing pretty well, Keep on and save your wealth. Don't slave all risk all day and sell Your hagpinesa for wealth; Don't rash the get-rioh scheme pell•meli And claim the business throne; If you are doing pretty well, Let well enough alone. As good as a patent ripper is a steel oroohet hook, which will catch under threads, pull out beatings, etc, in•doubie gniok time. Make a bag like covering for the iron- ing board. When one side happens to get unavoidably soiled turn it over. REST AHD HEALTH TO WITHER AND CHILD. AIAs. WINSLON'S SOOTHING &MVP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES tate CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHO"sA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and asic for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty -eve cents a bottle. A. soiled bed puff was freed of the bat• ting, washed and refilled by putting a partly worn-out rubber blanket into it. Eight seamen of the trawler Taymonth whioh was stranded on the Aberdeen. shire ooast were menet by the Newts - burgh lifeboat. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Five miles frons a railroad, on the crest of a billow of the prairie at the edge of the little settlement of St. Benedicte in Nantas, is a stone ohurch that would be an ornament to any fashionable city boulevard, The church was built by a prosperous community of Roman Oath. olio German Farmers at cost 0f $90, 000. It Was dedicated in 1003. The near- est town ie Sonde, five miles southwest. Children Cry. FOR fLETCHER'S CAS"I'O R 1 A The Good Citizen. Some man is always before the crowd the nation's hero, of whom we're proud! We yell and dance when we hear hie name, we swear he's gathered immortal fame; we find his picture on every page, when the papers come to our hermitage, and our heads swell up for a half a mile if the great man gives ne a pleasant smile. But the man who's making this country great, is not a fellow of high estate. He doesn't ride in a palms oar, nd tell the crowds what his pipe•dreame are, He doesn't hold that the corner rook of the government is a mass of talk. He does his work and he saws his wood; his life is olean and his oredit• good; he loves his home and he loves his wife, and he doesn't yearn for the circus life; he Days- his debts and he goes to church, and helps the neighbor who's in the lurob. He doesn't lecture his fellowman, who's doubtless doing the best he can. He shrine tbe noise of the world's applause, his hands are busy, and not his jaws; he walks through life with a fearless tread, and dies at last like a thoroughbred.—Walt Mason. WANTED NOW For Wingham and surrounding dis- trict for Fall and Winter months an en- ergetic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stook. Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free. Exclusive Territory. 600 ACRES Under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well known reliable firm at thie time. Established over 30 years, Write for particulars. PELHAM NURSERY Co. Toronto, Ontario. Are You Ruptured I can cure the worst ease of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loos of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. J. J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia. St, STRATroltb, ONT, Name Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Thettigh nearly 2,000 yeari old, a recently ditoovered Roman mirror, made by bttaohtng lead foil to glass with balsam, was as effective as when neve. Address...'. ..• Age. '-... Time Itttp •....... Single or double . Y . Y .... • Y .. Satisfaction guaranteed. FOR SALE BY KERR &BIRD, WINGHAM. To make the fish clear, smooth and firm this formula is said to have been used by many of the maidens who ac- companied Marie Antoinette to prison. Equal parte of white vinegar and ben• zoin, steep the mixture eight days and then strain and bottle. A small quan- tity can be used in the bath. Ooe hundredand two iaudilates have just been elected ttthe Royal Automobile Club bringing the total number of mem- bers to 5,901. Lord Derby has presented new busbies-• to the fifth Liverpool Territorials in ful- filment of his promise if Swinford wont the St Leger. PRINTING AND STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers , and Magazines. The Tirnes -ffice STONE BLOCK Wxnghani, • Ont.