HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-26, Page 44 T HE Dominion Bank HEAD Ot'F1OE : TOROTTO Capital Stook (all paid up) $4 000,000 00 Reserve 'Pend and T,IP• divided Prifita , , .... $5 300,000 00 Deposits by the pablio... $47 000,000 00 Total Ass ats,over ,,,,.,.• $02600,000,00 BRSNOIITS AND AGENTS throughout 050 ado and the United States. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.. Savings Department. Qurreot B tea of Interest allowed, and Depisits rdooived of 31 00 and Upwards. Farmers' sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lo west rate of interest. Wn crnAai BRANCH—Corner John and Josephine Streets W, R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. R. VANSTO\E, Solicitor. ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WINfilla TIMES. WAIN WIV0.1L4M WIMP), JANUARY 26, 1611, *Ave Stock Marrkesta, Toronto, Jen, 24--Qity Qattle Market —Reoeipta for to day's market were 70 oars with 1 211 head of oatt e, 240 sheep sad laniba, 400 hogs and 129 calves. Trade for batoher trade was good, with prices steady to &em. The ran was light, and the quality on the whole not quite as good an average as in the Qtan. ray market Considering the. prioes pain with the poorer quality ot cattle offering the market may be fairly saki to have recovered the five oent decline. noted on yesterday's batober marketc g. a. 3..'-olUi'1', PolOteITER AND PROPRIE'Q THURSDAY, JANUARY 26. 1911 AS GOOD AS HAVING A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE. That is whit thousands or mother say of Baby's 0 An Tablets These Tablets promptly feud surely cure all the minor ills ot babyhood and childhood, and what is more they are absolutely safe they have never been known to harm the youngest baby —they never will harm envnne—'hey are Rood for babies of all eg'a, Concerning them Mrs. Wm Higgins, Kern, Oat., writes:—"I shalt never be without Baby's Own Tab- lets is the house as long as my ohildren are small, They are a wonderful meds• eine and are as good as having a doctor in the house. I gave them to my little boy for ootto and they quickly cured him. I am always glad to recommend them to other mothers " The Tablets are sold by medioine dealers or at 25 dents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co , Brockville, Ont. The following are Exporters' cattle— Choice The quotation!: Por 100 lbs, $6 Q0 $6 85 Medium . , 5 65 5 75 Bulls 4 50 5 25 Light 6 00 5 10 Cows.,,.,,,,. 4 50 5 00 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 6 00 Stockers choice 4 00 " bulls 3 50 Butohers'— Pioked 6 00 500 BELGRAVE. Another pioneer ot this section passed away on Sunday -last in the person of James McCallum, who had been in poor health for some time. The deceas- ed was born in Perthshire, Scotland, in 1830 and when three years of age came to Oeueda with his parents, the family settling first in Toronto, and then in what is known as the Sootoh Block in Halton County. When this section was all woods the subject of this sketch Dame up into East Wawauosh an.l set- tled on lot 39, concession 8, where he continued to reside'np to the time of his death. Mr. McCallum was one of the founders of Knox Oharoh, Biigrave and h Id for years been one of the officials of the church. In politiotios he was a Oonserxative and in municipal matters he had always taken an interest and had served the Township as Daputy-Reeve and Councillor. He was married to Sarah MoLian, who, with a family of friar sons and two daughters, survive. The children are, Damian, James, John, Finlay, Mrs Watson and Miss Agnes. To the bereaved will be extended the sympsthy of the community. The fan- eral took place on Wednesday afternoon to the Brandon cemetery, The third session of the Twelfth Legisletute of the Province of Ontario was opened Tuesday afternoon by his Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, with all the stately ceremony Ontario's Par- liament has borrowed from the mother of Parliaments at Westminster and modified to snit the democratic condi- tions and spirit of Ontario's people. This is the trade- mark which is found on every bottle of the genuine Scott's Emulsion the standard Cod Liver 1 Oil preparation of the world. Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and okl. I'OR SALt BY ALL DRUGGIST% Seed itte,, name of paper and tills ed. for our beautiftd Savings 'Bartz Rad Ctsild'e Sketch -took. Pack batik mails., Y Good Lock reser. *coir • some 12* w.11lnst.e 5t.. w«t,1..ists.Oat. Medium Cows.... ,... .,.,.,.,,3 50 Rnlle 3 50 Hoge— Best Lights Sheep— Export ewes 4 25 4 60 Bucks , 3 00 3 25 Calle ... 3 00 3 50 Spring Lambs each.. 5 60 5 90 Calves, each .. . 8 00 8 00 ..., 7 00 7 15 5 25 4 75 4 25 6 50 5 25 6 25 5 00 WINGETAIR MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Jany,26tb, 1911. irlot r per 100 lbs.... 2 46 to 3 00 Fall -Wheat 0 82 to 0 85 Oats, 0 32 to 0 32 Barley .... ..... ........ 0 45 to 0 48 Peas 0 72 to 0 75 Butter dairy .... .... 0 20 to 0 22 Eggs per doz 0 25 to 0 25 Wood per oord 2 60 to 2 60 Hay, per ton.....,..,,., 8 00to1000 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 35 to 0 40 Lard 0 18 to 0 18 Live Hogs, per owt. 7 00 to 7 00 Chickens, per lb 0 10 to 0 12 Dnoks. per lb 0 12 to 0 12 Geese, per lb 0 11 to 0 12 Turkeys per lb ... .....,0 18 to 0 18 Ayr not. i ia,uscw STRA xrORD. ONT. Write ns at once for our free cata- logue and learn what is being done in the leading business college in Wes- tern Oat Oar graduates secure good positions, and meet with enooess, business men say they are the best. We have three departments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. We give individual instruction and you may enter at any time. D. A. McLACHLAN PRINOIPAL, "YOU ARE LOSING" A lot of precious stuff whenever you allow any of our feed to go to waste. It's true it doesn't cost more than others, but it's better. Flour and Eeed at Any Time Is more important than ail other things Neither man or beast could exist long without fl stir and °feed. They could though without gitte. Bay our Sour and feed and be happy and save money. EZRA MERKLEY PHONE 84 Gathered From all Countries Are the 'toodstufia" that MI t0 make our stook of grooerira iiki best in tows. It is really a pies ore to order Your Groceries From pooh a well•stooked store as ours. Nothing but pure and whole., somq groceries are gold by us, but yon will find our prices as low M any; and our service best, 1 Flt McGillivray Phone $4. Big 7 Days Sale for Cash Only AT W. G. PATTERSON'S JEWELLERY STORE, STARTING ON Saturday, January 28th ENDING ON Saturday, February 4th We want $5000.00 and this is the way we are taking to get it, no skin game. No auctioneer. Just come right in and get the newest and best goods at half price. Now this will last for 7 days only. W. G. �Ann��S0 THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL WINGHAM 4••••••++ +++•••+•••••++++ +++++41144+44.4P+“+++•++++++.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• �� •s Eww a 1I • t I 1 CearingSae Now In Fu Swing Will be. Continued to- January 31st Everything in Dry Goods, Furs, Clothing, .: Wingham, Ont 1 /10".• •01". Niretril THSMAY BE 1 THE LAST OPPORTUNITY For securing such wonderful re1 - ductions in either Dry Goods or Groceries. For we are now negotating with a practical busi- ness man to purchase the whole stock. Come right along at once, secure your requirements at such money saving reductions as may not be offered again in your time. In . all probability there will not be more than a week or so of this sacrificing sale. 111111111111111111111.1111 BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, DRIED APPLES, AND BEANS TAKEN, AND CASH OF COURSE NOT REFUSED. D. M. CORDON 1 Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Rub- Z ••• bers, Slippers, and Plain and Fancy . t Chinaware is offered at REDUCED Z; i PRICES. • 1 A VeryDee Cut in rices t Mantle Goods, Women's and ; : Has been made in the following lines:—Dress Goods, Overcoats, Children's Coats Men's and Boys' Readyto-Wear Suits,Pants, • •• • •t 2 • Remember everything in this BIGBIGSTORE y 1 . goes at CUT PRICES except a • Staple Groceries . ': . • t in „the • GroceryCut Prices ♦: • • Department . • • • • Puffed` Rice 3 packages for 25c Quaker Corn Flakes 3 packages for 25c •• iLayer Figs, , reg. 20C for 15c Layer Figs, regul it 15c for roc Cluster Raisins, reg. 20C for 15c Keens Comp. Mustard, reg 20C tin for 15c • , +. Z Tryour "Muskoka Maple Syrup" - 25c a quart• •• • 1 • Overalls, Hats, Caps, all Fur Goods, Men's Shirts, Ties and underwear. • • Also Heavy Rubbers for Men and Boys, Overshoes, Light Rubbers, • Felt Slippers, and Boots and Shoes. Also all Fancy China. We i have a fine selection of newest decorations and shapes • in fine China. •• •• • • • Z Try "Birds Concentrated Egg Powder" a complete substitute, for eggs in snaking Cakes, Buns, Puddings, Pan Cakes, etc. Ouaiity guaranteed. Price 15c • tin. Directions on every package. •• •• • • • • t • • • • • •....••..••.•N••$••••••••• Try "Birds Custard Powder for making richest Custards without eggs at one half the cost and much less the trouble. Directions on ever; package. Price 15c package. FARMERS—We want Butter, Eggs, Poultry, White Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Oats and Dry Hardwood. • • • ••• •• • •• • • • • • . • • • ••• • •••�WvvVW ••••••••••.••••• ••+••••+•.....'•.••••••••• r,frApIL One who saves wisely is not con. 'sidered a miser. Rather is he given credit for much good sense and judicious forthought. tTe looks ahead and sees, per. haps sickness, accident, or any one of the multitude of things which might cause an unusual strain upon his resources. One Dollar will start an account with the Dank of Hamilton. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. Smith i Agent, matuiIlIitliiitt# if i Winter Tours TO Mextoo, Colorado, California, and Paoifio Coast Pointe, The Grand Trunk Railway System is the popular route from all pointe east through Canada via Chicago. FEATURES. Double Track, Past 'Service, Finest Roadbed, Modern Equipment, Unex- celled Dining Oar Service, all els• meat! of safety and comfort, To the Sunny South No mere desirable route than via Grand Trunk and connoting lines, VERY LOW RATES. For tioketsand further information Call on G. Lamont, D@pot Agent or address J, D. McDonald, D, P. A„ Toronto,