HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-26, Page 3IMP
My Own Son Was A
Martyr to Dyspepsia
‘fruitmalves" Completely Cured Him
Irutnaseate, Or, SEM, 23, t9to,
"Pruit-a-tives" is the beet remedy 1
keep for sale, I am in the General Store
business, at the above address, and have
been a resident of Inkerman for thirty.
seven years, and since I started this
store, (four years ago) Iliave found your
remedy the most satisfactory one J have
sold. Many of my customers having
used them with the most beneficial
results, and, I can truthfully say that /
know of two particular cases, among my
patrons, thatlaave been completelyeured
of Th'epelesia, They had previously been
treated by physicians without 'being
cured, but I advised them to try "Fruit-
atives", and sine taking that remedy
their troubles have vauisheds
My own son was a martyr to the same
complaint, or Dyspepsia, and after a
short course of Pettit -astives", he is
ALEX, LARUE ensoying the best of health; I
recommend "Pruit-astives", on every possible occasion, and would say that if
every general store keeper, who stocks medicines, would keep "Pruit-atives"
prominently displayed, he would increase his business many fold.
You have iny authority to publish this letter along with my photo, if you
think it would aid the sale of "Fruit-a-tives". (Signed) ALEX. LARUB.
The sales of "Fruit-a-tives" are itiereasing by leaps and bounds. Thousands
Of people, who have been cured by "Pruit-a-tives" are telling the good news to
thousands of others, and these in turn are recommending it to still other,
"Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine in the world made of fruit, soc a box -6 for
$2,50, trig size, 250, At all dealers, or sent post paid ou receipt of price*,
Fruitea-tives Limited, Ottawa,
Th P *t court has just Riven a de.
oIBir "all will be of interest to
fleece 13 as it raises the question
of t' ..e at which doctors ought to
A fh '' glutting of this year a well
kno « P is 'physician, Dr. Begone
Ohente t 66 years of age, was the vic-
tim rious automobile accident,
whieh prevented him from following
hie osmotic for nine months and necces-
Iliteteri fling etay in the south of
Erin 0, He brought an aotion against
the .„*,(1.! of the automobile, which
overran- d his oonpe, (*liming $2,400
for w 111:1.0 treatment and his stay in
the were ; $12,000 for lose of praotieo
and e50,000 for "diminution of clientele
in tie ,uoire beonnse of the time dur-
ing e hieh is was away from his con -
initiate r t itus and of the loss of strength
Which will for the future prevent him
front p, rforming the same amount of
work as te-fore the accident,"
The nowt expressed the opinion that
"at the tsve of Dr. Cheuriot the greater
number of medioal men aspire to a well
merited repose," and considered there-
fore rhist damages to the amount of
$12,000 would meet the case. From
this it would sem that the court thinks
that dootors are too old at 66 to prac-
- • •
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogues Free
/- W. Westervelt, 1, W, Westervelt, Ir.. C.A.,
Principal. Vice -Principal.
Wireless to Cannibals.
A message by wireless telegraphy di
rent to a cannibal king will soon be
within the realm of possibility, for a
high power wireless station is now in
course of iostallation in Bridal New
Guinea, or Papua, a country where a
proportion of the natives stili maintain
the unpleasant habit of eating their
Mr. J. H. P Murray, the Lieutenant -
Governor of British New Gainer. give e
the news of this strange linking togeth.
er of civilization and derkett balbar-
. He only recently returned from
London to Port Adoresby, the capital of
British New Guinea, 12,000 miles away
to spend Christmas in England.
"When the wireless enstion is in wet k
hag order," said Mr. Murray, h We shall
be in daily communication with Aust-
ralia, and there is some talk now of es-
tablishing a new simper at Pott Moresby
Under the present conditions, without
the wireless, when a butiness man in
New Gaines wants to communicate
with his principals ha'the commonwealth
it may take about three months before
he can get a reply,"
Imprisonment in a punishment for
cannibalism, but Mr, Murray has found
that the natives cease the practice when
they are convinced that it is a bad form
to make a repast of a neighbor. Orok-
ola is one village which has set its face
against cannibalism, and where no
known cannibal is ever received. Thus
among the other natives to be on visit-
ing terms at Orokola is a mark of high
social tone.
Children Cry
Waists to be worn on cold days under
thin shirtwaists may be made from
good parts of worn flannel shirts and
the victims of early indiscretions and later ex.
eesses, who are failures In ilfe-you are the
oneswo can restore to manhood and revive
the spark of energy and vitality. DIA give
up in despair because you have treated •with
other doctors, u.,ed electric belts and tried
various drug store nostrums.
Our New Method Treatment has snatched
hundreds front tho brink of despair, has re-
stored happiness to hundreds of homes and
has made successful men of those who were
"down and out." Wo prescribe specific rem-
edies for each individual case according to the
r symptoms and complicatlons-we have no
natent inedicines, This is ono of the neerets of
our wonderful success as our treatment can-
not fail for we prescribe remedies adapted to
each individual ease. Only curable cases ac-
cepted. Wo have done business throughout
Canada for over 20 Years.
DEADER gpoeYtolti,r1. Tioetillanidliurgetggatlit
as your blood been Leased? have you any
wealmessf Ode New Method Treatment will
curs you. What it has done for others it will
do for yeu. consultation Free. No matter
who has treated yoo, write for AO honest
opinion Free of Charge. Books
"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood. (llustrat.
ed) 00 Diseases of Mon.
NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No names on boxes or etivet.
oyes. Everything Confidential. Question List end Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
INN t rafr Cadatustbeadressed
went in Windier, Ont. If yott desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
pritialtt in our Windsor Offices which are for Correspondence and ,
Zaboratory or Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: ,
Write for tut primes *Mao,
6 •
•••■••••••ropimpoiramosimemi • mpr•r•FliMeNPRO.
mosp any coward will fight if there
Is a wail ,behtud him so be can't
When a woman wants a new bat 4
paper bag of candy won't do her In-
It is easy enough to- please people if
you first know what they want and
then give it to them just as they want
It Is a good thing to make hay while
the baying Is good.
Removing ourselves from the Scene
of immediate action Is sometimes our
very best stunt, .
Gettiug into a place that he Is too
small to fill sometimes pinches a man.
Being worsted in a deal Is simply in-
sufferable -unless you get the first and
best chance to tell it yourself.
It is hard to believe that we are in
the wrong, but sometimes our friends
just won't let us believe anything else.
A reformer is n person who, not be-
ing able to have things his way, is try-
ing to keep the other crowd from hay.
ing theirs.
While feeling that the Ten Commaud-
tueuts are priceless, we tire quite will-
ing that others should keep them.
The Real Arbiter.
It does not matter very much
Just how the platform tries to please,
NOP yet the words the candidate
In torrents tosses on the breeze.
The only thing you want to know
To make the matter wholly plain
Is what philanthropist or trust
Finances largely the campaign.
Words that are hot enough to burn
Are often in tho platform writ,
And, swearing ho will swear by them,
The candidate may throw a tit,
But when it comes to living up
To promises so loud and strong
It all depends on how it will
' Assist the paying ones along.
In statesmanship the candidate
May take a just and honest pride,
And Ite might live to make his mark
Were there no jokers on the side,
But he must always keep in'mind
The friends who furnished funds to float
Into the harbor right side up
The slothful and the doubtful vote.
So, neatly hobbled in advance,
He takes the legislator's chair,
And if he does not understand
Some others know why he is there.
And so he boosts some doubtful things
And some well meaning measure kills.
He loves his country, yes, Indeed,
But, oh, you man who paid the bills!
Wider Field.
"Hear about dee guy whet got let
out of de pen because he wrote po-
etry '?"
"No. is dat right?"
"Sure Mtg. Say. a handy man like
dat oughter be able to make a living
wid his pen."
"He outer make a great forger."
His Support.
"He thinks he is so Important."
"He peonaley is important to him
"Yes, but he knows there is one per-
son More important to him than him.
"Who is that?"
"His wife."
Variety of Ways.
"1 wish I knew some way to get
even with the ralleoad company."
"Too hard work."
"Stay home."
"Too monotonous."
"Then pay your fare and make faces
at the conductor."
Her Usefulness.
"She is such a flirt."
"18 she?"
"I should say so."
"Well, I suppose the has to have
something in the scheme of thingS to
Good Way.
"Hear about Brown?"
"No, What did he dot"
"Got rich quick."
'1$ that ao 7 ttow did he do itis
°Married a rich widoW.'t
"Meter dog bit tne,"
'Veliv he didn't mean to do i0
"Didn't mean to do it?'
"No. You Nee, lac thought yott wevi
a little pig Oill1140."
Everlastingly Illegistrig.
The NOES Is bot to the stint
The battle la not to the straist.
Suotecti 60014is to the fella*
Itaeos consta.otly..00n
Pick Itearniche nn4Fslluvo all the troubles
dent to a KM 't state of the system, such as
3)1zsinese,1,141.1Ont, Dr0141114049, Dietreaa after
eating, Pointe tho l•le, te. While their Most
Telataka4le success UP* OPea43110Wa In 4414
freadaebe, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are
Equally valt.eble in constipation, cudng end pre-
venting this annoyingeomplaint, whtluthcyalno
cornet all 4Iserdereof thee tomac h, etletu atethe
Byer and regulate the bowels. Even if they only
Ache they would he gluiest prieelc ES to those who
suffer from thladistressilig complaint; bateau.
nately their goodness does 'attend here,and those
who once try Ulm tillifindtr.ct-o ilttio pills
81119 111 so many trays that they v 111 not be wil-
ling te de WithOut them, Pei:after all aids head
rs the bane of ao many lives that hero Is where
we make our great boast. Our pills melt Willa
others do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to tako. Ono or two pine make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, but by their gentle action please all was
1150 1140714074 111035111Z el. USW TOL
.111 banal, Small frice,
Next to wool end wheat and the out
put of its mines, Austtalia's greatest
source of prosperity is putter, the pro-
duction of wbieh is increasing steadily,
A teaspoonful of salt in the water in
the outside vessel of a double boiler will
raiseethe Temper:stare of the contents
of the itmer vessel, A cereal may be made'
to boil in this way withoutdaneer of burn
i g ,
Coffee stains, eveti when the coif-
has been mixed with Bream or milk
may be removed by rubbing the spots
with pure glyoertne. Rinse afterward
in lukewarm water and press on the
wrong side of the fabric: (either silk or
wool may •be so treated) with a warm
Children need change and recreation,
because while they are growing their
nervous systems are excitable, and a
little -a little-nnusuel amassment will
do them good. Allow them plenty of
movement, so that their muscles may
have the notion needed.
The report of Secretary nem rimmed
that there were 17,971 petrol, *oodles
milk or cream to erfametite its Weetern
04tatiO, 2,66$ more tben the year be'
fore. The output of butter W40 9,059,-
000 Pie ert Morose of 1,602.000', mad
even CAB does not toolude butter made
at the extre creameriee ridded to she
list during the year. It ie eatisfeetory
to note, too, that the percentage of tet
to the creme wee 25 8 per cent, or 5,2
per meat, over 1007 Thirteen more
aromments pesteurteed the cream than
the year before.
The sten merit as ?Q moieture cootent
in butter was not quite so ardisfactory-
41) eamplee, taken from 26 °teem tie.,
showing over 16 per cent, et moisture,
The condition of storage rooms in Own.
erica is not satisfaetort either, the aver
age temperature Mullis the last omen
tieing 47 6 degrees The in5julty of
oremmeriee are, hovvevdr, clean and tidy,
generally; 65 have good drainage, 21
only fair, and ex poor.
Farm Labourers Next Spring
Commissioner Coorabe and Col. Lerob,
Direoter of the Salvation Army Emig.
ration Work, have returned from an or
tended tour which arrengeneente were
made for the Outing of the eininigrante
that will come to Canada in the opting
auricle the auspiees of the Army. These
will principally cousist of farm Lebeur-
ere and domesties. Daring tee past year
the Army has arranged the immigration
of about ten thoneand persona to thle
country and arrangements are made for
bringing a larger number next season.
Farmers and others in Coterie desir-
ing to secure labour for next tiering
should at once get la touch with the
Army. For information write to Brigad-
ier H Morris, Iatmigrationan Colonizat-
ion DepartinentoTannes and Albert streets
Watched .For 55 Yearo,
Mr. D M. Waters, tills popular drug-
gist, Belleville. Out., sold his first boxof
Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills
quarter of a century ago and nee sinne
then noted inlay remarkable cures, as
this medicine grew in popularity The
latest mute coming to his attention hi
• that of Mrs Mark Ottrey, Bay Side,Ont.
who was oared of serious and torturing
kidney and bladder trouble by rise of
this great medicine.
it is Grim But Profitable When the
Catch Comes In.
Grimsby's (Eng.) busy hour means
a lot.
A dark day, with mists rolling from
the grey North Sea. Shrill- hoots
sounding from outside. A churning
of oil water, and up race long, nar-
row fishing boats, the very latest in
this scientific sea -scouring competi-
tion, captained by men equally up to
date in language of the Jhoicest.
Dat you've no time to look at dart-
ing, jumbled shipping You're on
the fish pontoon, a huge landing.
Overhead electric lighth, a low roof,
a roof to which steel ladders run in
Along the vast landing sweating,
toiling men -men heading fish, clean-
ing fish, men packing cases, men fill-
ing barrels, men fetching ice from
that great building opposite. Out-
side, that long, panting line of steam-
ers. All for fish!
You pause beside one shining heap.
Watch a hand, watch a hundred
hands, "gutting" with lightning rap-
idity'watch huge monsters jambed
into barrels; watch ,the struggle for
the many weighing machines; leap
apsaisdte. IIS some roaring giant, heading
a shouting string of carriers, hurries
Now a train backs in; trolleys tear
across the platforms; trucks are
labelled for every town in the British
Isles. You watch them fighting
against time in this cold morning
air; and an engine roars and sparks,
gives a warning scream, and is gone.
That doesn't matter. Here conies
another! You are infected with the
spirit; find yourself heaving with the
Here an auctioneer, surrounded by
a mob, who have hardly time to bid;
here a policeman taking n man, who's
ao busy that he hasn't time to dis-
eriminate, and has awkwardly got
mixed over other people's property.
Other boats 'Deck up; other huge
scaly heaps are sorted. The crowd
grows larger. Illue-jerseyed figures
work in this rush and scurry like
"Here for Sheffield! Sheff-"
That's drownec1 in a, roar of "Brum.
micrham." "Come out! Clear away !"
She goes in five minutes. Already
the escape's blowing off; already the
platform's clearing; already the big
boats lie quiet and deserted, and
down the, broad platform timid house.
wives are coming, basket in hand, for
that bargain in fish.
"Money, mum Daren't tale it!"
roars one stalwart: "Tale yer basket
'ome, an' if it ain't enough, come
again I"
l'hat means there's a glut on the
market! Then that generous giver
of other people's property leans back
virtuously, lights his clay, and takes(
his very first rest for five hours. And
others are resting; and. the swarming
crowd round that quarter -mile length
of trucks thins. Roan of "Standard
arise. A bell clangs. "Puff 1
puff !" sounds hollow and heavy in
this dark spaee, and shee going, is
gone, taking all England's fish din-,
tiers, not to mention fish -shop sup-
pers, with her.
The world's gold output bas reached
an average of about $1,250,000 for each
day of the year, and or that total the
Transvaal mines furnish upwards of
According to the official return made
by the pity corporation to the London
County council, the present rateable
value of the oitv is 828,861.385, an in-
oreme of $765,280 atnoe the last quin-
quennial valuation.
Hunters and
Best Market Price,
Honest Treatment,
Correct Assortment,
Quick Returns.
by shipping their
Raw Furs and Skins
the old reliable Firm of the
Fur Trade.
134 and 136 Maui nontreal.
Ask for our Free ---le-e3e-e- Price List,
Fancy Italian pestes should not be
cooked a moment after they are done
or they become flabby and lose shape,
The instant they are done pour a small
cup of cold water into the soup to stop
the boiling immediately.
Tinned fruits should be turned out
of the title two hours before the using;
the flavor of it is greatly impro
this treatment.
Wherever there is any weakness of the
neert or nerves, flagging energy or phy-
3ical breakdown, the use of Milburn's
tleart and Nerve Pills will soon produce
a. healthy, strong system.
?,liss Bessie Einsley, Arkona, Ont.,
writes: -"It is with the greatest of
pleasure I write you stating the benefit
1 have received by using your Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills. This timing I
was all run down and could hardly do
any work. I went to a doctor and ho
told me I had heart trouble and that my
..erves were all unstrung. I took hie
medicine, as he ordered rue to do, but it
did me no good. I was working in a
printing office at the time, and my
doctor said it was the type setting
caused the trouble, but I thought not.
My father advised me to buy a box of
your pills us he had cleaved so much
enoilt, front them. Before 1 had finished
,n,e box I noticed a great differenze, and
Null work hoist morning to night with
out any smothering feeling or hot flushes.
I can recommend them highly to all
nervous and run down people!'
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.28,
at all tlealere, or mailed direct an receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Torcntor Ont.
The sporting pages of The Star are conducted by sporting
news writers who are right in the game -men active in athletic
eircles-so that it is not ate.y wonder that reported sporting
events -no matter where they are held -are most reliable -
newsy -and the fullest you will find in any Canadian paper.
The Star sporting news is always readably written -and you,
will always find it fair to everybody.
You will enjoy reading The Daily Star sporting columns
and there is many a timely illustration that gives an added
Sukscrike now and take advantage of our special rate of
$1.50 a Year
This paper and the Toronto Daily Star together
for $
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