HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-19, Page 6To ,soh Qt the poor is Iaverary die- , Wet the Duke of Argyle hair given ten 1 hundred weight of coal. Tho royal oomrnioston on Auolent and historical l Nattmeute in Scotlandmet in Ddipbnrgh recently. Children Orr FOR FLETCHER'S. CASTO R i A. Elastic, eurreuoy may be all right, but what most people need is adhesive ooiia. The man who thoroughly under.. stands anything doesn't mace much noises eeplaintng how lunch he khotve about it, With deep snow upon the ground Pitteebiug was vistted with a heavy thendoretorm end disastrous wind ftl. lowed by rain and springlike weather. N. A, W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER CO3 is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Itay Fever. 25c, blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edmanaon, Oates & Co., Toronto. .32 7311 Ca ��r-T act a �c rrr� TYtENTY YEARS AGO. (From the TINES of Jan 16, 1891 ) LCOAL NEWS. Mre John Green, of Lowe? Wingham, fell on the street cn Snndny last. while returning fro= churoh, and broke her axon. On Monday teat, a horse owned by Mr. P. Mitchell: Scott street, and being driven by a daughter of Mr. Robt. Mes- on, of East Wawanosh, fell on the street near, the Union Factory and shortly after expired. On Saturday afternoon last, Mrs. A. Fergie, while going out her front door, slipped and fell. Though she was pretty badly shaken tip, she did not call in medical aesia anoe She suffered ed con- siderable pain and on Sunday afternoon it was found that she had dislocated one of her shouldere. A meeting of Turnberry District Loyal Orange AelMeetion, was held hare on Tuesday after noon. There was a good attendance, and the following offioers were elected and installed for the en- suing year:Andrew MoManus, Worship. fns Dis Mae; John Casemore, W DD. M; R. Bloomfield, Chap; John Kerr, Rec- Seo; R. 0. Sperling, Fin -Sec; Thos. Abraham, Trees; Joseph Cards, Lect; 'Geo. Oaldbeok, D of 0, At the meeting of Minerva Enoamp- meat, No 47, 1 0 0 F, held on Monday last, the following officers were install- ed for the current term; M. Robertson, O P; R. Mainprize, S W; Jas. Hunt, I3 P; Jas. Cochrane, J W; A. G. McGreg- or, S; W. F. Brookenshire, T; John Dodd, G; John Hardie, int W; R. Elliott, 2nd W ; T. J. Elliott, 3rd W ; H . Bieeooks, 4th W; Neil McGregor, Sen; E. C. Clarke, 1st G of T; Wm. Robert- son, 2nd G of T. The annual meeting of the Turnberry Agricultural Society was held at Kor- man's hotel, Wingham, on the eighth instant, with Chao, Henderson, presi- dent, in the chair. The auditors' report was read, showing the sooiety to be in a ficurishing condition, with a balance of neatly two hundred dollare. Tho offic- ers elected for the onrrent year are as f ollows; Clime. Henderson, president; Geo. Moffat, vice president; John And- erson, secretary -treasurer, and Messrs Robt. Maxwell, Thos. Jenkins, John Diment, John Elston, Wm. Iebister,. Local History of the early 80s Items from the "Times" fyles peter Fowler, John Andeson, Thos. Goy eerr•otore- CLarge gnantit'iee of logs are being brought into town by train from Lon- desbnro, Blyth Belgrave and White- church, for Messrs Button & Peasant, of the chair factory. ` The annual meeting of the Wingham Horticultaral Sooiety was held on Thurs. day, Sth instant. There was a good at- tendance of members Tho election of officers resulted as follows: W.F. Brook- enshire, president; W Taylor, vine pre- sident; Peter Deane, R. Elliott, R. Mc Indoo, J. A. Morton, D. McKinley, A. Roe, T. Bell, S Youhill and E L Dick - Jason, directors. Word was reoeived on Thursday last of the death of Mr. 0. W. Henderson, who formerly carried on a dry goods store in town. He had been for some time in the employ of Messrs Bennett & Sons, of Jackson, Michigan. ' Large quantities of ice ate now being stored away for next sammer'e•use. Mr John Gray has purchased the ice on Messrs Hutton & Carr's pond and a number of men have been ontting and drawing for some days. BORN; McGregor.—In Wingham, on the 14th intt, the wife of Neil MoGregor; twin daughters. : IARBIED. Londesborough—Dick—At the real- dente of the bride's father, Deo 31st, by Rev. D: Forrest, of Walton, Mr. Wm. C. Londesborough. of Tacksrsmith to Mary L. eldest daughter of Mr. Japes Dick of Morris township. Weer—Stott—At Teeswater on the ist inat, by Rev. Jas. Malcolm, Mr. Thoa.H Weer of Walkerton to Agnea Stott of Cuirass. Dalgleish—McLean—At the residence of the bride's father, on Deo. 30th, 1890, by Rev. A. C. Stewart, Mr. George Dal. gleish of Teeawater, to Isabella, daugh- ter of Mr. Donald McLean of -Belmore. DIED. Coate—In Wingham, on Deo. 28th, Gertie Maud, daughter of Walter Coats aged 6 months. Wilson—In Morris on int inst. Mary, wife of Wm. Wilson, aged 68 years and 21 days. KERNELS FPOM.TKE $ANCIUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our LAME BACK. To havea lame batik or pintail atitoh- ohee, means disordered Kidneys and the sooner you have the Kidneys and the Bladder in a perfect healthy. condition, the sooner you will enjoy life. As fares we know there is only one remedy that is guaranteed to Duro yon that is FIG PILLS, It they, don't make yon a strong, healthy person in two weeks, your mon. ey will be refunded, "53 abet, et4l1 load. lug drng stores. A crow' shot in Germany bore on its leg a ring havin.a et ;;ate over ohe hun. dyed /lira rl o. E cirges• • While they are looking for the people who inspired that South American revo lution, the oomio opera writers ehonl not be allowed to slink by unquestioned. In Argentina they learned to fatten beef cattle on alfalfa so that now it is possible to market an animal a year soon• er than if it had bean fed on native grace d You Can Seo It Work. The beauty of *Dr. Chase's Oint- ment as a heeler of the skin in eozema, salt rheum, itohing skin disease and old sores ie that you oan see from day to day exactly what is is doing. There is no guess work, no experimenting. It sim- ply heals the akin and makes it soft, smooth and natural. It heale as if by magic. Prove this to your_ own sat- isfaotiou by trying it. In deoiding to pay shareholders 8 per cent. instead of 1 per cent. from the land account, directors of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have planed the stook upon a 10 per cent. basis, and much of that stook was acquired by present holders at around 20o. on the dollar. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to oure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Oure 1s the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a-oon. stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Oure is taken internally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving he patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do- ing its work. The proprietors have so mach faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CBENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by-Draaaists, 750. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. "I say, what do you think that is?" said a man to an assistant in a general store. He laid on the counter a paper containingsome powdery matter. "Just taste it and give your opinion," "I should say it was soda," said the shop - man, after putting some of i.t oa his tongue. "That's what I said," replied the visitor, ••but my wife contended it was rat poison. Try it again to make sure!" In Olgmpia, Washington, nix women, all .suffragettes formed the jury anipan• elled to try eh salon for damages taken iby a milkman against 'e firm of contrao. tors whom he alleged fired a dynamite Mast in the street without giving warn. leg. The plaintiff approved, but the defendants protestedagainst the jury. The other day a jury of twelve ladies brought in a verdict in a divorce gate in San Francisco, This is meld to be the - first case on record of a female jury de. aiding a oivi! snit, Two ladies who were in court when the jury was formed, are said to have felt aggrieved beoaase they were not ,:riled upon to ,etre; whfoh Only gees to snow that for the fair reef, jury service pfouteaees the charm of novelty. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of More time is one of a very few things that nobody oan get. You can neither buy, beg, nor lose your quota of time. No matter how shamefully yon misnee one hour, one nndevintingly follows. The thing to do, then, is to cease wish- ing for the impossible, and to realize that if you work, let us say, eight hours, sleep seven or eight, you still have eight or nine hours a day in which to live, with mind as well as body. ECAME SO WEAK- COULD EAK AT TIMES COULD NOT WORK. Mrs. George Biles, Grimsby Ont.. writes:—"Just a few lilies to let you know what Milburn's Heart and Nerve fillshave done for me. I suffered greatly with my nerves and became so nervous and week at times I could not work. A friend of nine advised me to son foundf yourrprelief,vh 'hey are the beat medicine I have ever taken for the heart and nerves. T recommend thein to any one suffering from heart or nerve trouble. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills make the weak heart strong and the shaky nerves firm byiartingg a strengthening and restorative influence to every organ and tissue of the body and curing pal- pitation of the heart dizziness, eleepless- nese, anaemia, twitching of the muscles, general debility, lack of vitality, etc. .price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1,26, at alt dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. , '.i,±u WINatt M TOMO, J?I L ART .LR, U 11 NOTHING DID HIM GOOD T EXCEPT FRUIT-A-TIVES II Completely Cured Of Constipation By These Fruit Juice Tablets, Haanwl;CSE, N.B. JAN, 17th, 1910, "Chronic Constipation was the complaint I suffered with for years, and my general health was miserable as a result of this disease. I was treated by physicians without the slightest benefit, and I tried all kinds of pills butnothing did me any good. I saw the letter written by our Sen- ator, Hon. John Costigaih, in favor of " Pruit-a-fives" so I tried it. The effect was marvellous, and now I am entirely well from the Chronic Cone- tipetion from which I suffered for many years, My general health is once more exeelleut, thanks to " Fruit-a-tives," A. G. WILLISTON. "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine in the world that will, eau and dyes cure Constipation—because " Fruit -a- lives" is the only medicine that acts directly on the liver. "Fruit-a-tives" is made of fruit juices and tonics and. will always euro Constipation, Bilious- ness, Torpid Liver and all diseases of digestion. sc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. Gems of Thought. The saddest failures in life are those that come from not putting forth the power end will to succeed.—Bishoir Whipple. Those who . sing their own praises must not expect and enoore.—Boston Transcript. Every triumph of life leads book by various paths to earlier preparation.- 131ake. Greatly begun—if thou have time— Not failure, but, low aim is crime.— Emersoe. There are persons who oover their own rudeness by oallicg their conduct honest bluntness.—Richardson. The man who lives simply and jnatly and bonoarbly, whether rich or poor, is a good oitizen.—Roosevelt. No one hes any more right to go about unhappy than he has to go about ill- bred.—L. Whiting. Where weloveis home. Home th t our feet may leave bat not our hearts, Oliver W. Holmes. It is in the minor notions of our daily life that our true ohmmeter is revealed. —Lee. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHO:A. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,,' and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. , i SHALL NOT PASS AGAiN THIS WAY, Tho Bread that br geth itrength I want to give; The water pure that bide the thirsty live; I want to help the fainting day by day; I'm sure I shall not pass again this Way. I want,to give the all of JOY for tears. The faith to conquer crowding double and fears, Beauty for ashen may I give alway; I m sure I shall not pate again thte way. I want 'to give good measure running o'er, ' And into angry hearts I want to pour The anewtr soft that turneth wrath away;. I'm sure I shall not pass again Ode y' v. I want to give to others hope and fc.it:t: I want to do all that the Master cattle; I want to livo aright from day to day; I'm sure I shall not pass again this way. es - It is nousal for school teacher in this country to be for fifty consecutive years master of the one school and in view of the rapidity with whioh ohangee have been taking plane for the past few pears a fifty year term in one school seems all the more exce ptlonal, Yet this is the r000rd of Mr. George Bairdwho at the olose of 1910 severed hit connection with S. S. No. 1 Stanley township. As well as retaining his position for so long a time, Mr, Baird appears to have retain. ed the esteem and dffeotiion of his fel- low citizens. On Deo: 80 a large rep, resentation of tee section gathered at his home and presented the old teaoher with a roll-top desk and an cfloe chair; at the valuetime giving Mrs. Baird a lentil er upholstered rocking chair. It is estimated that 300,000 immigrants arrived in Canada lase year. , To Cure A. tteadaelto. The experience of Mr. O. Barber,Sim coo, Ont., is of interest to all who suffer from headaohes. He writes: "For a long time I was troubled withheadeohes whioh came on about onoe a week with such violence that I could not eat or do my work. Headaohe powdore and quick cares did no good. I then used six boxes of Dr, A. W. Ohnse's Nerve Food and bave not been troubled with headache einoe. That was eight months ago." WINTER TERM FROM JAN 1st. STR.ATrQgn.. QNT, The great praotioal training school of Western Ontario. Onr courses are practical, our teacher are experienced inetrnotors, the demand upon us for help during the Fall term was seven times the supply. One graduates are in demand as Business College teach- . ere. Our graduates succeed. Three departments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogne'at once. Laid IpWith ' D. A. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. Lame Back Pain, helplessness and suffering are WANTED overcome by DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. Mrs. Frank Bloom, Hardwood Lake, Ont., writes: "I want to tell you of the great benefit I found in the use of Dr. Chase's Sidney -Liver Pills. I suffered so badly with kidney disease that when I lay down I could not get up without help. I was completely laid rap with lame, aching back. I read abdut Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills in the almanac, got them and they cured me of kidney disease and back- ache. "My husband bad dreadful pains in his sides and obtained euro by using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. These pills are the best on tho market and I am glad to recommend them." Dr Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are definite and certain in action, enliven the liver and bowels as well as the kid- neys, are lastingly beneficial and eco- nomical. But to obtain these results you must get the genuine Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. _ Local Option Contests. The complete returns of the recent contests io Ontario show the folio wing reenite:—Municipalities carrying local option: 8 towns, 8 villages, 15 townships; total, 26. Failing to carry owing to three fifths elanee: 7 towns, 5 villages, 18 townships; total, 25. Pfaoea sustaining by-Iaw in repeal contest: 1 village, 2 townshipe; total 3. Number of places voting, 84. Municipalities already "dry' 410. Total number of municipalities in Ontario, 816. Number now to ho "dry," 436. Remalning'•wet," 380. Children. Cry FOR FLET ER'S CAST R1A More herrings are eaten than any other fish Acoording to Senator Derbyshire, Ontario', farm products in 1910 were Worth $260,000,000, whale by good management this could easily be brought • op to $500,000,000, It is net necessary to go West to make money at farming, if it ie gone about in the right way. NOW. For Wingham and surrounding die. triot for Fall and Winter months an en- ergetio reliable agent to sake orders for nnraery stook. Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free. Exclusive Territory. 600 ACRES Under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stook in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well known reliable firm at this time. Established over 80 years, Write for partionlars. PELHAM NURSERY Co. Toronto, Ontario. Are You Ru tured I can cure the worst ease of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or Ioss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of atrangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept, J. .1, S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St. Sxadt'1'ronn, ON''C. Name • „ Addreee.. .a4,•• Age....".. Time ffrip . a a .... S1 gle or double r . P r . r , , Saaloladtefit goottifanfi2ed. r- FOR SALE BY KERR & BIRD, WINGHAM. Toward, the relief of dletreae at Green - nook Lady Ootavia Shaw Stewart has • forwarded $60. In Wood Green, England, there is liv- ing a woman of 105 years of age who can read without glasses. A census taken showed that 826 motor oars and buses pasted over the road of Dalkeith burgh, Sootland, eaoh 24 hoar,. Aa a result of tho boi'ermakere' look- out launches from the Clyde shipyards •` have almost oe need. E. T. Fairchild, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Manias, is prepar- ing to have a teat made of paper towels for the publio schools. If the the test is anon tsstnl it may not be long before all the Keane school pupils will be supplied with individual towels. PRINTING AND STATIONERY. We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS . ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING• We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing' line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS . " WEDDING INVITATIONS' POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything yourimy require in the printing line. Sulsseriptiona taken for all the Leaching Newspapers and Magazines. The T • imes. •Office d STONE BLOCK Wingham, c, asietetalateeesieleseess.eseSieeililissieeisallieeseedaseestreasitesessessers immummenrommoiselletiotiv Ont.