HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-19, Page 47`H WUNGUAMM Tttiga, UNITARY tat 1,911. THr Dominion Bank HEAD OVVIINct TQRoz,TO Qapitall Stook (all paid up) $4,c00,000.00 Reserve .Swed and Re- divided Pratte , , .... $5,400,000,00 Depositi by the pablio , . $47.000,000 00 Total AH4ete,over ,, ... $62,000,000.00 $$ANCIIas AND AegaT9 throughout Gan ,dew and t!se United States, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department, Qairent R%tea et Interest allowed, and Deposita received of $1.00and upwards. Farmers' sale Notes Collected, and advances made ou them at lowest rate of interest.. WINGUalt BRANCH—Corner John and Josephine Streets W. R. GEITIE, MANAGER. R. Pa,NSTONn, Solioitor. gsTABLISHED 1872 THE WINUAN TIMES. i .. B. E'4Gl,OTT. PUBLl8H>IR AetDPROPRI'T0 THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1911 CHURCH NOTES. The anneal congregational meeting of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ohnroh will be held on Monday evening, January 30th.. Rev. G Victor Collins, the new pastor of the Baptist Church will commence hie pastorate here on Sunday next preaching as both eervioee, tate Stock 1tMarketa. Toronto, Jany 17. City Cattle Markets —Receipts for today were 80 two, ,with 1,600 bead of Cattle, 663 sheep and lambs 300 bogs, and 109 calves. The day's offerings were a very fair average in quality, including some well finished cattle, suitable for either ex- port or extra choice hotober purposes. As there was but alight export demand, the heavier ohoioe Cattle were easily ab• sorbed in the demand for Choice bntoher oettie. The following are me quotation, t Exporters' Cattle - Per 100 lbs. •,...•••••$0Choice .., $0 00 $6 25. 675. 6 50 5 10 6 25 MOTHERS APPRECIATE BABY'S OWN TABLETS Because they are the only medicine which gives the guarantee of. a Govern- ment anaylyst to contain no opium, mor- phine or other harmful naraootio. This means the mother can give this „edioine to her youngest baby with ab. •lute safe. ty. Thousands of mothers kn• w this and will give no other medicine 2 there little ones. The Tablets neva d• harm—They always do good. When t • : little one has a cold; baby indigestio , oolio; when he. has worms or when his teeth are troub- ling him, Baby's Own Tablets will prove their worth. Concerning them Mrs. E Merriam, Shetland, Ont., -writes: —"I nee Baby's Own Tablets for my three little ones and consider them the very beat: medicine in the world during the teething period. The Tablets are Bold at 25 oents a box by all medicine dealers or direct from the Dr, Williams' Medioine Co Brookville, Ont. OIILROSS, Mr. Jae. Reid last week moved from this township to Teeswater. In the year 3854 Jamie. Reid oame to this township, then all bush, and settled on lot 19 con, 7, and with perseverance and intelligent labor transformed the forest into one of the most fruitful farms in Oulroae, Mr. Guthrie Reid has taken possession of the old homestead. BANK OF HAMILTON PROSPERING. Medium ............... O. 05 Bulla „ , . 4 50 Light .. .,.,,,. 500 ..450 Feeders — best 1000 pounds and up. wards. , ...., .. 0 00 Stockers Choice,.,..,, 4.00 belle. ... 1 50 Butchers'— Picked Medium.,., Cows Bulla .. .,,y4;i 3 50 EI Rest. ..... , ... 7 00 Lights 715 Sheep— Export ewes .... , . • 4 25 4 75 Bunks..,, 3 26 3 50 Onlla 3 00 3 60 Spring Lambe each.. 5 60 6 15 Calves. each 3 00 8 50 5 25 4 76 4 26 6 00 6 50 500 625 3 50 525 5 00 • WIN (iRAAlMa11b 3T IiNYORTA Wingham, Jany.18th, 1911. nor r per 100 lbs.,.. 2 45 to 3 00 Fall Wheat ,....... 0 82 to 0 85 Oats, 0 82 to 0 32 Barley ... ... 0 45 to 0 48 Peas . . 0 72 to 0 75 Butter dairy 0 20 to 0 22 Eggs per dote .... 0 30 to 0 30 Wood per Cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton. , 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 35 to 0 40 Lard 0 18 to 0 18 Live Hogs, per Cwt. 7 26 to 7 25 Chickens, per lb ,.,. 0 10 to 0 12 Ducks, per lb 0 12 to 0 12 Giese, per ib 0 11 to 0 12 Turkeys per lb ...... . .. 0 18 to 18 The shareholders of the Bank of Hamilton have reason to feel pleased over the evidences of prosperity Contain• ed in. the Annual Statement presented to them at the Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Bank, whioh was• held on the 16th of January. From $39,000,000, a year ago, the Bank's total assets have inoreaeed to $41,314 369.21 On the 30th of November, 1909, the balance at Credit of Profit and Loss account was 44Q3,665 32. This hasbeen augmented by the past year's profits and by premium received on new stook, to a total of $1,006,825.34. Out of this latter enm, $500,000 has been carried to the Reserve Fund; $25,000 carried to Rebate of Interest account; and $25.000 written off Bank premises; the divi- dends, amounting to 10 per cent., die- posed of another 8258 514 53—thus leav ing $192,810 81 to be Carried to the credit of Profit and Lose a000nnt. Deposits show an increase over the previous year. In 1909 they were 830,- 981 464 63 In 1910 they increased to $32,310,001 03.. The inoreasine of the Reserve is an indication of sound, Conservative policy; while further evidence of good manage- ment it to be found to the large propor- tion of liquid assete'shown by this State. want, Tnese latter include 8636 263,15 in Gold end Silver Coin, and $3 399 611.- 00 in Dominion Government Notes; notes of and cheques on other Banks covering another million -and a half ; $3.725,387 26 is held in Canadian Muni oipal Seoarities and Foreign Pablto Securities, and 8725,079.70• in Rondo, Debentures end Stocks. Altogether the. Report shows a Highly •atietaotory condition and furnishes proof of that oaretdd direction of the Bank of Hamilton's affairs that has • brought this institution to the position • it °couples among leading Canadian t' bonito. SCOTT'S EMULSION Is the only emulsion inn% fated. The reason is plain— it's the best. Insist upon having Scott's -it's •, the world's standard flesh and strength builder. ALL DtttiC iSTS CENTHAI STRATFORda ONT. Write ne at once for our free oats- ingue and learn what is being done in the leading bneiness College in Wes- tern Out Our graduates seonre good positions, and meet with success, business nen say they are the best. We have three departments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. We give individual instruction and you may enter at any time. D. A. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. AN0FHER YEAR Hes got well on its way It opens up the prospect of gond health only on "one condition," and that is You Must Use Our Flour to Insure Health. The oondition is easy, the flour is nn• sarpasseble, and by using it at the y4ar'e eanset, you'll still be here. EZRA MERKLEY PHONE 84. MAAAls.ateAMAMAAAAAAAAAAAA. 1 AP.AMMAAAAAAA. M AAAAAAAA' ,++++N+•+•+++•++••++t4+,• +++++•••+++04-••••+++44++.+4+1P+......+••••••••+++.+++44, • • 1. 1 •• • Great Stock Reducing Sale for Next 20 Days at Kuox's 20 10 50 Per cent Off R. Our large stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewel- lery, Silverware, China- ware, Fancy Goods, 1 1 1 Leather Goods, etc. i Wall Paper and Win- 5 3 dow Shades. t: Special bargains in all Per cent s Left over of Christmas i • IKERR & B/ Wingham, Only Big Stock Reducing Sale, Jan.9 to 28 $16,000.00 Stock of New Ooods at Slaughter Sale Prices. 20 1 I Goods. Off KNOX Phone fOpposite Brudswick Hotel. WVWWVVVVWWVVVVVVVVVVW A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAeI, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market can have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. FOOD FOR A KING Mev have added expense in pre- paration for the table, as Compared to what others eat. At the grocery store, though. A KING'S GROCERIES Are like those von buy of ne. M1 grooeriee .old by ns are fit for kings and prided. They're as reasonable all king's servente can bny them. We are grooere to the people. J. F. McGiIIivray Phone 54. 65. One Door North of King's. • 4VVVVVVVVVWWVWVVWWVVV • • Annual Meeting • • • • ••• •i ••• • • • The anneal m eting of the Tnrnberry Agricultural Sofeety will in the Conn - oil Chamber, Ingham on Friday, Jar uaty 20th, 1911 at 2 o'clock p. p , for the election of officers and dir.aotore, hearing reports and any other b sinees. All interested are requested to .attend.. WM. MAXWE1 i, H. B. ELLIOTT, President. ._ Seoretary. ~k --k041 THS MAY BE THE LAST OPPORTUNITY For securing such wonderful re- ductions in either Dry Goods or Groceries. For we are now negotating with a practical busi- ness man to purchase the whole stock. Come right along at once, secure your requirements at such money saving reductions as may not be offered again in your time. In all probability there will not be more than a week or so of this sacrificing sale. BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, DRIED APPLES, AND BEANS TAKEN, AND CASH OF COURSE NOT .REFUSED. D. M. GORDON Everything goes at this Big Clearing Sale except Groceries. No need of a clearing sale in this Department. After the Christmas Rush we are beginning to make room at once for Spring Goods. Stock must be reduced. Come early for first choice. The goods are first class seasonable and up-to-date. We would rather have the money than carry the goods over. Therefore we will make SLASHING REDUCTIONS. Goods at re- duced prices not punched on Premium Cards. Look at This List of Reductions. Over 100 pieces of Dress Goods at 1-4 to,�l•3 20 pieces of Table Linen at less than re less than regular prices, gular prices. Prints, Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, Shirtings, Ginghams, Cottonades, Art Muslins, Cretonnes, ete., at 20 per cent off. 1-3 off all All Carpets, Wool Tapestry, and Union. Also Stair Carpet. 20 per cent off all Gent't Furnishings, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Hosiery, Underwear, Braces, Gloves, Mitts, Handkerchiefs. etc. 5 only Cosy Comforters, and Light Blue. Regular $2 Fur Coats, Muffs, Stoles, • etc., at 1-4 off. • • • • neat patterns in Red .75 for $2.10. Capes, Throwovers, All Fancy Candy—Fine Cream Chocolates by • the pound and in fancy boxes, Maple Creams, 4 Cocoanut Creams. 1 4 less than regular prices. • • • • • • • • • •• 1 • Cut prices in a few lines of Groceries. : Paffed Riee, 3 packages for.... 25e • Cream Maple, regular 25e tins for 15e • Choice Layer Figs, reg. 20e lb. for 15c • •Choice Layer Figs, reg. I5e 1b. for. 10e • Choice Cluster Raisins, reg. 20e, for .... 15e • • • • Come early—don't expect a full stock after • • • the sale has been going a week or two. • Damask Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Lace Curtains' Damask and Chinlle Table Covers, 25 per cent. off. Wool Toques, new.shape, grey and red, grey and green, red and white, maroon and white, regular Rte. Sale price 35e. • • Sale begins on Monday, Jan. 9th. Big Sale for 3 weeks. Goods will not be charged, No not for a day, • at reduced prices. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Towels, Towelling, Velveteens, Silks, Satins, Laces, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, rte„ at 20 per cent. off. A few heavy Overcoats for Men, regular $7.00, now only $3.00. 25 per cent. off Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Overalls, Cottonades and Denim Pants, &e. A number of Heavy Winter Caps for Men, regular prices 35c and 50e each. Sale price only 19e each. Ladies' Silk and Wool Motor Scarfs and Sweaters, 20 per cent. off. Our splendid stock of New Fancy China and Cut Glass at 20 per cent, off regular prices. These + goods are newest styles and colorings. f + + •• 1 • • • • • •• • i • • • • + • Boots and Shoes, Heavy Rubbers and Sox, Light Rubbers, all sizes, all new good stook, 20 per cent. off Hosiery all kinds, underwear all kinds, and all new goods at 20 per cent. less than regular prices. . All Ribbons, Hand Bags, Plain and Fancy Combs, Barettes, Hair Brushes, Fancy Hair Pins, Hat Pins. Belts, Gloves, Collars, Frillings, Brooch- + es, Belt Pins, Buttons, Yarn all kinds. 20 per cent off regular prices. Z + + + • It will pay anyone to come 20 miles to attend this sale. Come and see. Closes on Saturday, Jan. 28th. Sale only 3 weeks. Goods at reduced prices will not be punched on Premium Cards. • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • •••, WVVVW ••••••••9••••••• ••••••••••••••+••••••••••• Do .you save? A time will come when your fin• andial resources will be 'strained to meet some unotpected demand. Will you have to suffer the conse• cinemas, or will you be in a position to turn to your bank account for aid? it. Deposit your saving in the Bank of H'amlltion now, and when the day of emergency comes you will be prepared. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. Smith - Agent. Winter Tours TO Mexico, Colorado, California, and Pacific) Ooaet Points. The Grand Trunk Railway System is the popular route from all pointe east through Canada via Ohioago, FEATURES. Double Track, Faet Servloe, Finest Roadbed. Modern Equipment, 'Unex- celled Dining Oar Service, all elo- menteof safety and Comfort. To the Sunny South No more desirable route than via Grand Trunk and Conneoting linea, VERY LOW RATES. For tickets and fnrther.information, Pall on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address J, D, MoDonald, D. P. A., _ Toronto.