HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-19, Page 3DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY
Drs. K. do K, are feverishly known through-
out Canada where they have done bush
nose for over 20 years. Teow auris of psleets
have been treated and cured by their )teat
sictil rind the:melt the virtue of Hieb' New
Method Treatment When you drat with
them youkuow you aro dealing lvith respon
stble phyeielatrs as they own and occupy
their own office bundle* In. Detroit, velvet)
at sons 'When they decide your race is
curable, all you& wt.rry is rctrocal for you
know they will not decelte you. They
guarantee to euro all curable eases,. No
/. matter how many doctors have felled to
benefit you; no :natter Trow mtich money
you have spent h vain; tie mattes now dis-
couraged you may be, don't give up in des-
, Pelt until you get R free opinion' from these
v T , :nester specialists, 1f you aro et present
within the clutches of any soeret habit which
le sapping; your• life ly dcgrecs; ifou are
suffertug from the results of Last i'ndlsere.
' 1 tiens; if your blood has been talettd from
anyprivate disease and you Siam set marry;
it ori are married end live In dread ofsymp.
v \ �
tome out and exposing your past;. •�ti
\ �' •�"t ' • if you are suffoe•Eng as the insult of a ntis-
rl . spent lite -Ord. K. & K. are your Refuge.
11� f r�� ` .- Lay your case before them confidentially and
they will tell you honestly if you are curable.
qs DRB. X. & It. XOU CAN PAY
Wo Treat and cure
Books Free on Diseases of Men. If unable BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS
to call, write for a Quostbn Blank for KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases
• . HOME TREATMENT and all Diseases Peculiar to Men.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
OT1CE AoluertCsnaw CConrardpustebnecaddressed
e,+.b„l u :, ,.a. YA, ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in :Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our 'Windsor offices which are for _ Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows :
Write for our private address.
eek; , n ea„p,;n-.:h.' 1C -n .. _. .. -.
According to ofiiotal figures of the
census return taken on Deo. 1, the poen•
lotion t:f greater Berlin now numbers
3;712 664 inhabitants. The predominat-
ing tractive of the results 01 the census
11 the revelation of the growing prepori-
der:enoe of females over finales in Ger.
many. The oomplete results of the om-
ens have not yet been ,ascertained, but
so far as the returns go they show an
alarming increase of disproportion be-
tween males and females.
The growing majority of females is
exercising the minds, not only of the
government, but also of the politiolans,
and gimlet reformers, in a growing de.
gree. There is a deeprooted idea in
Gelrmany, which, as is well known, is
shared by the Kaiser and the ruling
elements, that woman's sphere is the
home, and that it is the destiny of the
female to seek a mate and find her hap-
piness in the upbringing of her children.
The increasing preponderance of the
female part of the population is forcing
Germany further and further away
from this ideal, and is making tha post.
tion more and more difficult for those
who still oppoee the entrance of woman
into all sorts of 000npatiens and profee•
Fear of a soaroity of ermine for King
George's coronation in London next
June has resulted in epeeist induce-
ments being offered to trappers for the
furs by the Canadian tradingoompaniea.
Owing to the mild weather in northern
Canada, the fur catch, however, has
been the slightest -for many years. In-
dians bringing in very little from their
fall hunt.
To counterbalance the impression left
at the capital by the great delegation of
farmers who presented their ;,;views on
the tariff to the Dominion Goverment
reoentiy, there are now on the way from
Winnipeg eight representatives of West-
ern industry who will state the other
side of the case
T11$I INGMAM TilitE8,. UNITARY %Y 2R lO;ii,i
' Of thee, Spirit serene;LUTE
, -
Strength tor the dally teak,
Oourato pace the aced, N
Goldq�d cheer to to help we bear the travel' SECURITY
lei's load,
Au iagrard joy lla all things heard and
{Henry' aR1rke.1
These are gift' toile
These are the sine 1 tutu
Con aee
Would haste thee take away;
Dlalioe and cold disdain, a rter9 s
Hot auger, sullen hate,
Soorn of the lowly. envy of the. great,
And discontent that oasts a shadowy
On all the brightness of the ooalmtiu Little Liver Pills
These ere the things I prize. .
And hold of dearest worth:
Light of the sapphire *bled.
Peace of the sapphire skies,
Pewee of the shoos Who,
Shelter of the forests, comfort of the
Mesio of birds, murmur of little rills,
Shadow of clouds that swiftly gess,
And, after sbowere,
' The emelt of flowers
And of the good brown earth ---
And, beet cf all, along the way friend-
thip and mirth,
What Profit Per Cowin 1910?
Bueineee men of Canada are now
taking stook,olose their books for another
year's trade, and figure out how they
stand finanofally as a result of their
hard labor and enterpriro, How many
farmers are preparing their 1910 balance
sheet whit* will act as a sign post for
1911 transaotione? Perhaps the eteere
paid well, Willie small fruits and poultry
brought in a good supply of ossh,. But
did each cow in the her earn a good
profit, or are some being kept as thank•
less guests? A very few minutes book-
keeping per month might show et clear
profit above cost of teed, of forty dollars
with some oowe, only three dollars with
others, and possibly no profit at all on
one or two. Would it not be a sensible
resolve to keep only such cows as will
snake good returns? Determine that
your herd shall show an increase of
forty per cent. in milk yield inside three
years; you can easily gear the whole
herd up another notch or two if some
poor cows aro beefed. The mores of
dairymen who are now reaping large
profits per (tow,. date their anooe88 in-
variably to the .time when they com-
menoed keeping milk and feed records
of each oow separately. Blank forms
,Etre supplied free on application to the
Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa.
An analysis by the Inland Revenue De-
partment of 211 samples of butter shows
195 to have been genuine and four partly
adulterated. The rest were•below the
government standard.
Muot Bear Sionaturo of
$ca Fac.Simtle Wrapper Below.
Tari' smartsopa as oast . .. ...
to take as su art
Emma. Mummy. MAwsr,
1 t! Pyre1T vegetable.kw.'en oG
A pinch of salt ou the tongue followed
10 minutes afterward by a drink of cold
water often cores sink headache.
'Flowers in a siok•rooin should have
the water changed daily, and if they are
hard -stemmed like chrysanthemums they
should have their stalks wiped to re-
move any slime that may adhere.
Keep bedrooms sweet by admitting
plenty o2 fresh air. Avoid woollen our•
Mine, and, above alt else. an old carpet.
Nothing is more likely to give a close
smell to a bedroom.
Any disposition to knook•knee in a
child should be immediately noticed, as
it isa symptom of rickets. Bathe the
ohild's legs twine daily with salt and
water, robbing the knees gently for ten
minutes, This gentle rubbing greatly
strengthens the muscles,
Hands roughened by housework can
be mnchimproved and softened by the
use of the following mixture: Take
equal parts of olive oil and glycerine
and mix well together, Apply ae fol.
lows -Wash and cleanse the hands
thoroughly before going to bed with
good soap and warm water, when par-
tially dry, rub the mixture thoroughly
into them.
Free to Stock and P ouliry Raisers
We will send, absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our large thirty -two-page b6oklets
on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light
horses, colts and mares, miich cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry
, so that they will lay just as well in winter as in summer. No farmer should be without it.
At a cost of only two-thirds of a. cent
n day per Animal, 7loyal Purple Stock
Specific makes each Animal worth 25 per
cent, more,
and heavy, And it builds up the health
and restore:. the former plumpness andvigor
of run-dotee steels, in little or no time.
Tho very host tithe to use this Con -
You never heard of any other Specific; ditioner is NOW. It digests the hard food
or "Stock 'Food," doing likewise_ properly and prevents the animals get -
Royal Purple will permanently cure the ting indigestion or )Osie* IIesh.
)lots, Celle, Worms, Stein Diseases and : ® ��1, cent, CheaperDebility. and restore run - down Animals --
to plumpness and vigor. One 50 -cent Packago of Royal Purple
It twill increase the milk -yield three to will Last ono Animal 70 days. This
five pounds per cow a day inside of from figures a Iittle over te.o-thirds of a cent
two to three weeks, It makes the milk per day.
richer than ever before. Most "Steel: Feed;" in 50 -cent Pack -
MR, ANDR1iW \Vice -roti, of Wai:ttlett, ages last bet. 50 &Jaye, and aro given
Ont., says : "Thisis to certify that 1 three timed a e y
have tried your Royal Purple Stock But Royal r:::1e :tpecifie is given only
Specific for two weeks, on ottc cow. On once a day, and lust:: 5,) pie cent. ioa,ger.
the 'loth 1 . weighed her milk ds 17 seie $1.50 PaiT, c intaieing four times
pounds. I noticed a change after 5 or the amount of the 50 -cent Package, lasts
6 days, as there was an extra weight of 280 days.)
milk. On the neat, I carefully weighed So, you sec, it is only neceaaary to give
the milk, and she gave 22 Pounds, I Royal Purple Specific once each day.
sun giving an order for 5 boxes, as 1
consider it the best I have ever used." . Just think c:f melting each Animal
worth 25 her cent. owe its Post 1 What
"Stock Food" Will not do this. Tlccauso will that mean to zeou, Mr. Stock Owner 1
"Stock rood" is nothing more or less
than o rntxturo of the very things which
you, yourself, groW.,on your own farm.
It is not snore food your Animals need.
They must have something to help their
bodies get - all the nourishment from the
food they ata getting. So that they will
fatten, and stay fat, all the year 'round.
They need something to prevent disease,
to cure disease, and to keep thorn in the
best of health, all the time.
Not a Stock Food
Royal Purple is not a "Stock Food,"
nor 'a "medicine." It is a Conditioner.
It does not contain Grain, nor farm
products. 'Nor does it contain "Dope,"
or any other injurious ingredient. Royal
Purple docs not merely temporarily bloat
or inspire the 'Animal. It fattens and
strengthens it, permanently.
Nn other.9pecific
known adds flesh
so quickly asltoyal
. Purple. It makes
6 -Weeks -old Calves
as largo as ordi•
rias-tedGatve are
Y s
at 16 Weeks,
It makes the Bens lay lgggs in Winter Centralia, Ont., Feb. 7, '10.
as well as in the uwmor. The W. A. Jenains Mtg. Co., London, Ont,:
tlentlemeu,--We have been using Royal
Purple Poultry and Stock Specific tor the
last three weeks, and must say that re-
sults aro remarkable. Am feeding. the
fetock'1Specilie to two milking cows, and
they have increased 30 per cent. in their
milk. The Poultry results are even more
marked than this. We have about 00
hens, laying age. When wo commenced
feeding, we were getting. five and six egg,
a day, and in the last five days the saute
flock of hens laid 150 eggs, almost an
average of 31 each any, and those five
days have been the coldest this winter,
You can see re.:ula. plainly in two or
three days after the use of "Royal'Pur-
Pie," and the poultry have the same
hustle and appearance now tes in the sum -
Dur time. With cows and poultry, um
It pekes your Poultry worth more using exactly the same feed and care as
than they could over ite without it. before starting to teed "Royal Purple."
When fanners and stockmen got ac-
quainted with Royal Purple, it will have
a greater demand titan all other tonics
and stock fonds on the market combined.
Yours truly. ANDREW 1116118.
MRS. Wi1I, BURNHAM, Sanford, Ont„
says : "Dear Sirs, -This is to eertify
that I have used two boxes of your
Poultry Specific for my hens. They laid
so well while feeding it to them, I won-
dered if you would mind sending mo
word how or where I could get some this
%sinter. I bought it from your agent
last winter. I had 32 hens. and some
days I got two dozen eggs a day in
February end March, while feeding theta
the Specific."
Royal Purple 'Poultry Specific prevents
Fowls losing flesh at moulting time, and
permanently c'u•es every poultry disease.
It makes their ohmage bright and keeps
them always in prime condition.
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
CRtelogues Fr.*
,,. W. Westervelt, J. W.. Westervelt, Jr., C.A•,.
Principal, Vice•Principnl-
The sting of defeat baste longer than the
sweets of victory.
Miss Belle Henan has given $60,000 to
establish tree soholarehipe at Cork
University, Mies Nonan is one of the
richest unmarried women in Ireland
and has for a long titne been interested
in the educational cfevelopment of her
Children Cry
Simon A. Bloom, a Jewish photo,
graphic artist, woe indicted iu Dublin
on Dec, 2ril, for nlardering Mary Ann
Wilde, by cutting her throat at Wax,
ford, He was found to be insane, and
was ordered to be detained during the
Lord Lieutenant's pleasure.
Try Zam-Buk for Piles.
Read How This Sufferer Benefl:edl
Don't you believe that experience is
better than hearsay? If you Buffer
from piles, just try Zam Bilk. Yon can
do so at our expanse, So moored are we
of the remelt that we will send you a
free trial box if you send to our Toronto
offices full name and address and a one
pent stamp to pay postage.
Soores of people daily acquaint ns
with the benefit they have derived from
the use of. Zam-Buk, Mr. F. Astridgo,
of 3 St. -Paul St., St. Oatharinee, Ont ,
says: "For five years I have soffered
untold agony with pratruding piles.
The pain was so great at times I would
almost eoream.
I lost weight and had no appetite.
I tried everything I ever heard of for
piles, as I was wilting to take anything
to get reliet. It was useless, however,
and I almost gave up in despair.
One day a friend gave me a sample of
Zam Bak, end told me of a friend of his
who bud been cured. I decided to try
Zam Buk, and the relief I got was en-
couraging. I used three boxes and at
the end of that time I was oompletely
cured. I wish I ooulti have got Zara-
Buk years ago; it would have saved me
a great deal of misery."
Zam•Bnk will also be found a sure
cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost
bite, ulcera, blood -poison. varioose sores,
scalp sores, ringworm, inflamed patohes,
babies' eruptions and chapped planes,
cute, burns, bruises and 'kin injuries
generally. All druggist and stores sell
at 60o. box, or post free from Zam•Buk'
Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price.
You are warned against harmful imita-
tions end substitutes. See the register-
ed name, "Zara-Buk," ou every pack-
Yet one 50 -cent Package will last 25
Hens 70 days, Or a ;1.50 fail will do
25 Hens e.80 clays. This is tour times
morn material at only three times the
Itoyal Purpto creates an appetite for
fond, and helps nature to digest and turn
it into flesh and muscle.
As a Rog fattener, Royal Purple bus
no equal.
Never Off Feed
Dan Mermen, the horseman, says 1
"I have used Royal Purple Stock
Specific persistently in feeding 'Tho Eel,'
2.02,, largest wiener of any pacer on
Grand Circuit in 1003 and 1009, and
Ilonry Winters,' 2.t0;, brother of 'Allen
Winters,' winner of $36,000 in trotting
stakes in 1908.
"These horses have. never been Off their
feed since I started using Royal Purple
Specific. 2 will always have it in my
stables. Your Cough Powder Werke
like magic."
Make This Test
Every ounce of Royal Purple Stock and
Poultry Specific is guaranteed.
Aug. 28, 1010.
W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co., London, Ont,:
Gentlemen, -Last Fall we had in our
stables a young mare belonging to Miss
Masten, of Montreal. We could not
feed her any bran on account of causing
violent scouring, consequently causing her
to become weak and titin. We com-
menced using your Royal Purple Stock
Speritic, and the results were wonderful.
After using it three weeks, we found we
could feed the animal bran or any other
sift feed without scouring icer, and the
actually took on in this time twenty -live
To prove that Royal Purple has no Pounds 01 11esh, we working her at the
equal, we want you to make this test : sante time through the hunt. I can
heartily recommend your Stock Specific.
Trainer for tho lion. Adam neck.
We also manufacture r
Royal Purple Lice Miller 25e,
Royal Purple Gull Cure 25e.
Iloyal Purple Sweat Liniment 10e.
Royal Purple Cough Cure • 60e,
Our Cough Cure Will cure any ordinary
And we'll ask no questions• -make no cough in four days, and will break tip
excuses. S'ou Will be the judge -•- not us. and cure distemper in ten to twelve days.
Thisis an honest test, isn't it 7 WeIt your dealer cannot supply you with
Poulask you to make it because We know try
Royal Purple trends, we Will supply
For Poultry that Iloyal Purple is the best Conditioner you upon receipt of $1.50 a pail, pre-
paid, tor eithee poultry or stock, or it
Royal Purple Royal Purple Poultry :;pacific is our On the market. you Want any Liniment, Gall Cure or
Makes naturally. other Specific. 11 is for Poultry -•• vat If you are not satisfied, atter testing Cough Powder, wo will send it by mail,
thin Animals tat for stock, it, you don't, lose anything, do you ? postpaid, upott receipt of price,
Feed Royal Purple to any one of your
Animate for four weeks. And at the
same time feed any other preparation to
any other Animal in the same condition.
It Royal Purple cines not prove to
you, by actual results, that it is the
best you ever used, we'll return your
W. A IE 1 IN - M1. CONICIPA..Arito cacz c , o Ai o
Good lace.
"Ile doesn't knots euough to come in
out of the rain."
"Then they ought to put him through
d Waterprooling process."
Held by the Past.
We try to change our mode of life,
But find that habit grlT's es,
tVe plan to be a e,:'i, rent matt,
fen habit slyly trips es.
te'e nt^p a cota-se en ether Tines
And for success to :^-tutting.
'Chen item) into tee ieciee eel rut
Ili 'Well we have be..) ruar,ui;.
Good resolutions ny 1l e hale
eve trnvoly ru' le woe-ee
And, foretell t,y teen,. elle• rem h
To :cin our wee l 1; ei ut
Off with the olrt. nn tttIb the new,
A promising i"•'nr.tn:
DLit there's old 1,.!e0 ),•eking 00
.•iu,t 131111' Sergi..')
very easy to sit liewn
And say henceforth emirs truly
Will not mix up in anything
That is rot thott;ht out duly;
That henceforth rte will concentrate
Anil not his l'ure's scatter,
Btu eseentin:; them Is not •
A very simple matter.
The habits or ear dally life.
Of slow and patient matting,
A re not ra Ily:r'l( t:ut aside,
So "a'dIy nt f„•eakln .
CGe shear tie Will 110 thus and so
Aed be a len times whine',
Ibut drop into the ancient ways,
Like any other sinner.
Who Wave Never
Experienced -
Headaches effect all ages and botk
sexes alike, but the female sex is natur-
ally the more effected through, the higher
nervous development and more delicate
organization of the system.
burdock Blood Bitters has, for years,
been raring all kinds of headache s, and if
you will only give it a trial we feel sure
it will do for you what it has done for
thousands of others during the past
thirty-five years.
,)Yrs. 0. Vf.^.adows, Clarksburg, Ont..
writes:.." I'or years I was troubled with
C headsche and
dizziness, ss• and v
als.s constipated. 1 was advised to tr••
Burdock Blood Fitters. 1 only took
three bottle of the medicine; now f
fedi like a new women. 1 find 1 ani
completely cured, and I tail truthfully
testify that it is the best medicine 1 have
ever used,
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufae
tired. only by The T. Milburn Co., Li -nit -
ed, 'Toronto, Ont.
g.. ograt
The Most
With the
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Because it has so many special features for women.
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most readable way.
Then there are- the most interesting of Nome Pages --the
daily chapters of an entertaining serial story-coltunns of bright
social and personal news --Madge Merton's page -and illustrated
daily fashion hints.
Every Iine sparkling with interest and information -nothing
sensational -clean -wholesome -,and relishable reading about
most everything that appeals to women. '
Send your subscription to -day
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