HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-19, Page 2in tea may mean toyou vu flavo r i" or strength or fragrant richness. Red R•oSe Tea is blended with such nicety that it, is the combination of all three points of merit. Will you try a package. NHVER SOLO IN aULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It si ST. ANDREW'S9AY. The Sons of Scotland Delebrete, SCOTTY ANDERSON s LETTER. Dear Sir: lost Fridsy nicht an deed, wi' a freeu tae upend a wee while wi' the Sootoh' men, en' dee honor; tae their pawtrou Saint, St. Andra', I;'wis Andra' ye ken wha diaoover't the lad, veil the loaves an, theme. The Sectdh aye hada liktn' for him an' honored hini by mettle' him their pewton Satut. The ohoioe wad seem to be a vera judioione ace, for St. Attire's bas dune weep by the Scotch. They has ayebeen weel proeper't in material things. An' it aa' dee eay't 'ot sodas, there'a nane mair worthy tae hue them, au' better at. Lakin' care o' thew when they get them. Au' geed iotil the hall wi' Berne dont i' ma hairt shoot what kin' o' a Sootoh nicht we wad hue in tar awe ()anode,. Bat aw weena sorry aw geed es ye sell hear.. We war a, bit late in gengio' in, an' a. gnid a leen fowk had foregaitbered, MAW 0' them wi' more or lees mimeo - tion wi' the land o' oakee wi' a few English an' Irish taegi' a flavor tae the angoine. There wis Jock Jamieson, (thief 0' the camp, in the chair, tae read aif the program as they ea't, Silvia an' Airohle Oawmit, Wattle Bowie, Davie Pratt, Writhe Harp, Tam Ferguson. Sandy Ingram, Andy Rose, Moister Grant, the lawyer bodie, Meister Elliot, the dominie, Atrchle Montgomery free Orillia, an' mons ithers 'at aw canna tak time tae mention. Mon, aw wash ye had been there. It wad 'a warmed yer binid, an' pit ye in -fine fettle for mony a day. There wis a hentle 0' fonk new Dome's soot free the Auld von. tree. Aw saw by the tail o' ma e'e they war in for a brioht nicht, an' they warns disappointid. First an' foremost s young Teddy, Mies White, play's "Avid Robin Gray" vera bonnily on the pienny, an' aw be. gan to think it wad be ;better than aw expeotit. Then Airohie Montgomery sang aboot Robbie Burne, Meister Paynes geed us "Bonnie Mary 'o Ar- gyle," an' aw wis back anoe mair in Auld Scotland. The movie wis engin' in the glen, an' cot on the mnirland the whaupe were oryin' amens the routh 'o heather. Aw saw agen ma anld mither e tannin' in the doot o' the wee Muck bocce watchin' me doon the brae, en' ower the auld brig 'at crossed the wimp lin' burn at the St o't, an ma sen got a bit misty hearin' her ory efter me tae be a gnid bairn an' no forget the writin'• But aw manns write havers. Yon Atrchie's a clever chief wi' his brew kilts an' Scotch bonnet. Mon' Tt wad hae dune ye gnid tae see him dance "Girlie Oallnm" an' the "Hielan' Fling" an' when he sang sae sweetly an' softly, "0' A' the airts the wind can blow," an' "Lochaber no more" there wis julet ane plane in a' the world tae live an' dee in an' that bit wis Bonnie Scotland. Meister Grant geed us a fine eoreed aboot the great teen o' Sootleed and the gran' things they hae dune. He teli't ne ,at the Scotch an' Swuee, aw think he cal'd them, war the only nations in Europe 'at never yieldit tae the con- queror, an' nee doot he wig richt. It made me prooder than ever c' me native conntree. Meieter,Simpeon, the school master, thoncht Ise tak the edge off the compliment. He wad hae't 'at the Scotch had never, gaen in tae be con- quered wig owin' to dowurioht ignor- ance on their pain. They never kenned when they war ticket, an' aw wades say, but he 'nicht be pairtly rioht. The Soot wis aye a dour bodie, undo' thrown an' etuipit aboot matters o' that kin'. By thle time the nicht wis gettin' weel on, an' we mann be off 'till oor homes, but they wadna let as gas wi'oot dada' jaetioe tee a fine oup o' tea an' sang. witches an' oatmeal cakes: prepared by the skilly hands o' the leddies. Then a' joined the dither In a oirole an' sang Auld Lang Syne, an' .sae the nicht cam' tae an' end as a' gnid things must. Hooch! Aye 1 It wis s brat, nigoh an' e w'Il no forget it in a hurry, ter anld treat, SCOTTIE ATD$RSON, The above was written to the Forest Free Preis and is well worth *product. ing in the Timee.-•BEd, Times. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes nest be left at this office not later than Saturday noon The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Oasual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday ot eaoh week. RSTABLISHED 1872 THE WINElAM TIMES. H. R, »LLMOTT . PUIILIsnaR AND PROPRIATO THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1911 EDITORIAL NOTES. The students of the onterlo Agricult- ural College and the MacDonald Instit- ute at Guelph have petitioned the Minis. ter of agriculture to remove the ban on dancing. The iloanolal statement of the Domin• ion for December, published in the Oa. nada Gazette, fa one of the most setts factory for a very long time The rev enne for December was $9,790,887.14, an increase Of $1,056,816.09, while the ex penditure•for the month was $5,355,286.- 13, an iaorease of $683,726 46. For the nine months of the fiseal year ended with the last day of the calendar year the revenue was $85,665,883.83, as aaaiest $73 390,080 97, a bett-rment of $12,275,752.86. Efts Honor the Lienteuant•Governor, Mating upon the advice of the Premi\r, Sir James Whitney, baa called the third session of the twelfth Legislature of On- tario for Tuesday. January 24 The in- auguration of the session will be marked by the usual formalities end social eclat, In announcing the date of opening Sir James Whitney indicated that he did not anticipate that the neaten would be a protracted one. This is the more like ly by reason of the advanced eta•e of the legislation to be submitted. The varione departments concerned have the pre- liminary work well in hand. "From 32,000,000 sores under onitiva• Iron in Canada in 1910, crops to the value of $570,000,000 were yielded. This amount, due to the eo-oalied 'off year,' was lege by $25,900,000 than iu 1909, and had it not bean for the forage Drops of eastern Canada the decrease would have been mach greater. In the prairie Provinoee alone the valve of the wheat, oats and barley crops was $40,- 000,00 below that of the prevtons year," Be means of the above statistics Hon. Sydney Fisher, Minister ot Agriculture for the Dominion, graphically depicted the condition of 0 aoadian agriculture in an address before the Ontario Agrlonl• tnral and Experimental Union, which opened its, 82nd' annual meeting at the O steno Agrionitnre College in Guelph haat week The P.esyyteriss of Stnntretl, Ottawa and 0:angevi:te, voted in favor of Olt etch union. Was Terribly Afflicted With Lame Back. Could Rot swoop Thr ntobr. Good Manners are Made up of Petty SAW` if This was a dictum of Emerson's and it is well illustrated in tablet manner", Perhaps not,here else do We see more exismples of personal oonvenienoe being It is hard to do house work with a submitted to consideration for the Beni weak and aching back. ibilite of others, It ie oertately eaglet ackaehe comes flee sick kidneys, and sad'nore ednvenIent 16 hat a oho or a what a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause, p But they can't help it. If more work chicken *ing by faking the bone in the hand and biting 'tire !neat from it than it is put on theta than they can stand it i6 not to be Wondered that they get out of order. Doait'e Kidney Pills are a specific for lame, weak or aching becks and for all kidney troubles, simple matter to lay your bread on the Mrs. Napoleon Y.srmour Smiths iWlle, table and slather butter on it with your t'fnt, writs, i take; tease , re in ry r1t• knife thin n to Brea Of ' u n he ne ksad butter r warm stating t hem& T ha at o feat a ngy , g v received by using Doan's Kidney Pills. About a time r. you want it. year ago I was terribly aflfictal With tame se1„t ecting lnlght it whets teem bas`62k, and Wait as bad I could not even a my own floor. I was advised to taken for granted. Tet 1 knot, a family tri i)osn's Kidney Pille,which I did, and Of charming girls who all art 'loftily *nth they greatest benefit. I Only used apparently never having, been taught three N hi y roeortir feeod AN, and am hertheme pule avea to airy ewer. I that One et the first essentials of table Doan a Kidney itflle are !� scute per 1, olltged white erer from Imo back and kidney,manners iti'fb keepthe Il trouble." chewing. &test. on receipt of price by The TY . Oom nieeloaer Drdmtnttitd, New York Thum Co., Limited,or for aTo In ii Ont.l dealers rrani ed deolate.'Shatalll • . wliSege Path ett rdering i.rent rpeoify'"Doan'a.'" aologicat lnetittieef glib ltr to tiny uper. ert'leiod Met Itlikpe tatnniolpitl baildin(f. it is to out the meat oarefally iii 0eee6 of s suitable gins and carry theme to the mouth an a fork. 1n like manner it is a Tk1kI. WINGitAM TIMES, JANUARY 12, UM International Newspaper Bible Study Course. Saifent solute In the Lennon for Sunday, .fan. 22, Given itt a Series of Qaestlons by Rev. Or. Intiuscott,. 1Rexisteredln aoeor,b noe'with.the OopyrightiAota Omri and Abeb 14051 Israel Into Greater Sin, I Singe xvi:15.83, Golden Text•--Righteoasnesa exolteth a nation but sin le a reproaoh to any people, Prov xiv: 84. (1) Verses 15 16 -Who was Zimri, and whom did he succeed as kigg of Israel and by what method did he get to the throne? (2) Did the taut that God heel planned for the death of Binh. sad for the des- truction of his fatber'a house justify Zimri in being the instrument for doing. it? Why? (3) Did the people do right or wrong, and why, for melting another king and conspiring against Z mri for having elite Elab the kink? (4) Verses L7 20 -Hoar long did Zimri reign? (See Ve. 15,19, 20 ) (5) Ia there any reason to believe that God ever brings about oiviL war when he wishes to destroy a nation or to, re- form its abuses? (6) What were O.nri and his army en- gaged in when they heard that Zimri had slain Xing Blab? (7) Con yon give any information es to his treason and the way Zimri caused Israel to sin? (8)Zfmripractically committed suicide did the circumstances justify it, or is suicide always wrong? (9) Verses 21 24 -After the death of Zimri, Israel was divided, One halt fol- lowing Omri, end the other halt made Tibni king and followed him; say what was the cause' of this division? (10) How long did the strife or civil war between Omni and Tibni last? (Ve 1523). . (11) What is the invariable result when nations or individuals quarrel and fight among themselves? (12) Vets •e 25.28 -What partioular form did the sin of ()awl take?(See ¥in - Too many oanidetee . for office run in the wrong,direotion. Contracted a Heavy Cold. It Became a Lung Splitting Cough. Mr. J. H. Richards, 1852 Second Ave. East, Vancouver, B.C., writes: "Allow me to write a few lines in praise of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Lest fall I contracted a heavy cold which left me with a hacking cough and every time I would get a little more cold this hacking cough would become a lung splitting one. It kept on getting worse and I 'kept on spending money buying different cough remedies until a friend staked me if I had ever tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine 'Syrup. I told him I was willing to try anything I thought would cure, and on the ssme day bought two bottles. Be- fore half the first one was used my cough began to get much easier, and by the time 1 had used a bottle and a; half my cough was gone. I am keeping the other half bottle in case it should come again, but I am sure I have a positive cure. Let 'me recommend Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup to all who suffer from a cough or throat irritation of any kind." So great has been the emcees of this wonderful remedy, it is only natural that numerous persona have tried to imitate it Don't be imposed upon by tslring 'anything but "Dr. Wood's." Put up in a yellow wrapper; three !pine trees the trade mark; price 26 cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Terened, Toronto, Ont. ab vi:16.1 Rings xiv;7 9,3 (18,) What were the influences do you consider which ledOwri into such a grievous sin? (14) What is the root cause of all elo? (15,) Win= IS MQREPROLIFIO IN LEAD • ING PEOPLE INTO SIN BRIDE, 1. E„ WANT. ING TO SHINE AS WELL OR &ETTER THAN OUR NEIGHBORS Oil. Tan LOVE OF POWER POM POSITION OR ABILITY, AND WAX? (This question meat be answered in writing by members of the olub. (16) What did Owri and what do all like him get who have bartered their goodness for position and power? (17,) Verses 29 30.Whioh king is more likely to be a good man, one who comes. to the throne by heredity or by the vote of the people? (18.) What are ttie chances for the sou of a bad but popular father, beooming a good men? (19.)When young men seethe evil;ate of wioked men why is it that they ohgose to follow in their fatefuli footsteps? (20) Is the example of a bad king se Iikely to be followed as that of a good one? Wby? (21) Verses 81.33 -Did Omrl make it easy or hard for his Ahab to be a bad man and why? (22.) Why was it wrong for Ahab to marry the daughter of a foreign king who was an idolotor? (23.) How much is a 'man influenced for evil by a clever but worldly wife? (24) What wee Baal worship? (25.) What was Jezebel noted for? (26.) To,what extent does the law op- erate for nations and individuals to go from bad to worse? (27.) What did Ahab do to provoke the Lord to anger more than any of the bad kings of Israel? Lesson, Sunday, Jan, 29, 1911. Jehoe• haphat'e Good Reign In Judah. 2 Ohron. xvti ;1.13. NEW YEAR DINNER. • (Special from Toronto Jan. 10th.) The New Yeer dinner of the Ontario branch of the Red Rose Tea Oompauy was held at the offices and warehouse in this city on Satairday night. About fifty of the traveling, office and Ware- house staffs and their wives sat down to an excellent repast, spread by Coles, in the boardroom. Marking the close of a very sncoes fnl year's buainesa, and every indtoation pointing to a very large taorease in the sales of "good tee" this year, much enthusiasm prevaded the gathering. Mr. Geo. F. Oempbell, the manager, presided. A telegram of greeting was read from Mr. V. H. Eatabrooks, of St. John. N. B., the proprietor, who was unable to be bresent, and his health was drunk with great heartiness. .The pro- gress of the toast list was enlivened with a raoy line of narrative ;and jest, and there was a ball throwing oontest for the ladies, which oreated mach amusement. It was an evening of great sociability and thorough enjoyment, presaging stilt greater moms for Red Rose Tea. SKUNK WANTED TOWN DIRECTORY', BAPTIST Oi non --Sabbath eervtoos at 11 a in and 7 p in, Sunday. School at 2:$0 , General prayer meeting on Wla, evenings, Rev, W L, Stews, pastor. B, Y. P. U, meets Monday evenings 8 p,m. W,D.Priti,le, S.S. Superintendent, METHODIST Onunon--Sabbath servioes. At 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at 2 :80 p m. Epworth, League every Mon. day evening, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. W. L. Rutledge, D.D,, pastor. F. Bnohan. an, 5.13, Superintendent. PRRBBYTIRIAN Oi unon--Sabbath ser- e** at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School et 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perris, pastor. Dr, A, J. Irwin, S.S. Superintendent, Sr. PAUL's. Ostrom, ErxsoopAL-Sab- bath aervioes at 11 e m and 7 p In, Sunday School at 2:80p m. Rev, i..11 Oroly, B. A., Rotor ; 0. G. Van. Stone, S. S. Superintendent ; Thee- E. Robinson, nseietant Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY -,=Service at 7 and 11 a in end 8 and, - p m on Sunday, and every evening' during the week at 8 o'olook at the barraok.. POST Orrloa-Oiftce hours from 8a m to 6:80 p ni. Open to box holders from 7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster. PUBLIO LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'olook, and every evening from 7 to 9:80 o'olook. Mise Mande Flenty librarian. TOWN 0ouNOIL-William Holmes, Mayor; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ; 3. W. MoKibbon, H. B.Elliott, William Bone, Dr. Robert O. Redmond, Thomas Gregory and D. E. McDonald. Ootmoillors; John F. Grotto, OIerk and Treasurer. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. SIGH SOHOOL BOARD.- W. F. Van. Stone (ohairman), Wm. Nicholson, John Wilson, O. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, John A. McLean, Frank Buchanan. Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Oosens,. treasurer. Board meets second Monday evening in each month. PUBLIO SCHOOL BOARD. -H. E. Isard (chairman), G. 0. Manners, Alex. Rose, Jae. Gelbraith, W.D.Pringle, Wm. Moore, O.G.VauStone, P, Campbell; Seoretary, Treasurer, John F. Groves; Meet• tmags ontheeoond. Tneedey evening in each Bras SonooL TcAOHgRS-J.G.Work- man, B.A., prinoipal'and mathematical master: J. 0. Smith, B. A., classical master; H, A. Peroy, Sciences Master; Mise M. J. Baird, B. A., teaoher of English and Moderne; Mise Anderson, fifth teacher . PUBLIO SOHooL TDAOHBRs.-Joseph Stalker, Prinoipal. Mies Brook, MiseReynolds, Miss Farquharson, Mies Wilson, Miss Oumminge, and Mise Hawkins. BOARD Or EAALTH -• Win. Holmes (ohairman), Samuel Bennett, Wm. Fessant, Alex, Porter, John F. Groves, Seoretary; Dr. 3, P. Kennedy, Medical Health Officer, Greatest Nurseries Canada's Want a representative for Wingham, Ont. and surrounding disrriot. The reliability, healthy oondition of our stook as well es trueness to name mast be appreciated by the public or they would not have helped ne to in- crease our bnsinesa yearly ainoe 1837, the date of oar establishment. Oar firm's name Lends prestige to our representatives. Cemplete line of Nnraery Stook for Spring 1911. Write for full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON Fonthill Nnreeries (850). TORONTO. OANADA. IN ANY QUANTITY AT BEST MARKET PRICES FARM ERS I pay beet in prides for Mink, Coon, Muskrat, Weasel, Lynx, Bear, etc. I pay all express chargee, charge no otmmiesfon. I hold furs separate on segued. Wrlte for m, latest petoe liet, J. YAFFE, 72 Colborne St., Toronto, Ont. IS YOUR do SE SAME OI BL . 1) 10, Tanner's Sore Care is a positive mare. It is the latent and greatest remedy ev,Ir put Ott the market NO matter where your horse is fame, Sure Oure will snake him sound. Sure (hire it a positive care tar oath splint, bowed tendons, hog spavin, thoeopi.t, oap,;ed hooks, wind galls. or any ainiilar trouble. Sure Cure will oiir'e deep sleeted lemenese in hip, ehonidet, beck or stifle. Sure Once will tike the soreness out of ofd stiffened up leeriest, and will -glow a new foot qutoker thin Any other remedy, n . r Oare wilt •dnr , e Hostage or Eczema o soil anyanima - plioatum. w it h one ap Sate Clare will ante soreroher in one application. Retxiowber Sure Care beth never failed 10 do whet We reoonimeitd it 10 do. Ail leading horsemen ere using 1t, Pride, $2 50 per can, herr tele at J. W. McKIBBON'S 1MtU(,4 SiOItt or 170 Xing Street, Chatham, dot, Special sttoetioa gven to nail rrder'. Ernie Crooner and -Harry Graham, Head Agent dor Canada articles they anyone to having live of hon d ad err Use the same for sale in She TIMma, Ourlarge oironlation td115 and it will be strange indeed if ton donor etacustomer. We can'tgnarantee hat on wiill tell because you' array ask more for the article or stook than it is worth. Send your adVertieement to the Trices and try this pram t disposing of your stook and other• OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders tor the insertion of advertisements such es teachers wanted, business chances, meohento9 wanted, articles for sale, or in foot any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, nifty- be left at the Timms aloe. This work, Will receive romptattention and will save people the trouble of remitting for. and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on appyiottion. Leave or eendyonr nett Work of this Bind to the Tf il.f+C OFFICE. , Winiltftam 60 (EARS' ' EXPERIENCilt ATENTS 'rftAoit MARKS •DCiif1N. Cbfwttlali TC &C nidus eSddin' it iketeh and dimettiitlon may 5111011?aSCOMAln oar optntoa ee-n' eCber an t bi kill td auos. cru otts.ab eent�a on�gtenq CW recipe `nree� s atoeea y arra cepra,lataig wit NO Jmetro. -►- td. sa tITetfoBaisuith t ha t q,TIMES. EITABLISaZD. 1872 THEWINGlAJ TIMES. Id I'UBLIOURD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -ax}. The Times Ofliee, Beaver Block W1NGHA61, ONTARIO, TRIMS or t317nsoal'Tiox . i1.O0 per annus in advance 11,60it not so paid. No paper (Moon.tinned till all arrears are paid, eaoep$ att the. option of the publisher, ADvanTxexuo RAxms. - Legal and ether oasnaladvertieemente loo per Nonpertelllne for first insertion, Oo per line for each subsegment insertion. Advertisements in local oulmmue are charged 1Q Cts, per lino for fire$ insertion, and 6 Ceuta per line for each subsequent insertion., Advertisements of Strayed, Parini for Sale •or to Rent, and similar, 11,00 for first three weeks, and 26 cents for each subsequent in- sertion. ' CONTRACT RAfisa-.The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for spooffiedperiods;- aPYtoa. 1 Irn. a Yo. 8 t[0. lxo' OneColmm� ..170.00 140.00 822.50 $8.00 Hal/Column- ..., . 40.00 25.00 15.00 0.00 Quarter Oolmm�w .; 20.00 12.60 7.50 8.00 One Inch ., ., ., 6.00 8.00 2.00 1.00 Advertisements without apeoi5a direotione will be inserted till forbid and oherged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements mast be paid for in advance. Tal Jos .tegrom ri eatenslve aesortDIPmeni of all requfefsstockeditesforwprintthna• ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for tnrmng sol first Claes work. Large type and appropriate oats for ell etyles of Post- ers, Hand, Bills, eto., and the latest styles of choice fanny type for the fixer cheese of print ing. H. B. RLLIOTT Proprietor and Publisher w P KHNNRDY, M. D., M.O.P. S. 0. tion. MGoldMefdaailllistR In eMsddliMedical Speoiel attention paid to diseases o! Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4p. m.; f to 9 p. m, DR. JAS. L. WILSON, B.A. Physician, Surgeon, Aceoaoheur. Special attention paid to diseases of women ant children, also Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. (Dr. Macdonald', old stand,) Wingham, Ont. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Drug Store. Night o Us answer d atatthe offioa. DR. ROBT. 0.1BBDMOND, 21.11.0.S. (Eng) L. R. 0. P. London, PRYSIOIAN and BURGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. DR. MARGARIOT 0. CALDER Licentiate of sOntario Collegenof Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasse, pre� �ierly fitted. OFFIOD-With Dr, Kennedy. Office Hours -8 to 5, 7 to 8 p.m. VANSTONR, Lee BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, RTC teofiteolneoeat lowed ngaggs, toloan property bought and sold Omoe, Beaver Block, Wingham J A. MORTON, F. • BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. R. L. Drosnasoin . DvnLiY Boroims DICKINSON & HOMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Rte. WORRY TO Lola'. Orrion: Meyer Brook, Wingham, ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. °aloe in Macdonald Block. Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct. 1st. W. J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. 8. / Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Office ; Beaver Block Once closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct 1st. Wingham General Hospital (Under Government inepeotfon) Pleasantly,, situated. Beautifully fur. hid ied. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS (whiohinolude board and nursing), $8.50 to $15.00 per week aeoording t0 Iodation of room, For farther information, address MIss L. MATTt#Ewg, Superintendent, Box 228, Wingham Ont, RAILWAY TING TABLES. GRAND TRUNK flAILwAY SVSTBM. . TRAINS LILA ea ron London . 85 a.m.= 8.80p.m. Toronto &least 1108 a.m.- 6.45 4.131.... 2.400.M. Sinoardine..11,59 e,n1... 2.08 11.3n-... 9.15 pan. ARRrvn raotr Sinderdlne . e,45a,m..11.00s,m..., 240 p,m. London ...,.........11.64 a:m..,- 7.85 Palmerston.,.... .:.11,24 a.m. Toronto kBaet.Y........ 2.08 p.m.,.. 9. 24p.m. G. LA)!ONT, Agent ,•Wingham, r1ANADIAN PAOI!IO RAIfAVAII. va Teams alrava TOR Termite and Rest. .r..., 9.88 d.m., Y. 8.88' P.M. Teeswater Y.I.F . Y .. Y1 .29- p.m...10.1? p.ln, JIBRiri YRdti Tdesienter.,.,.,. Y. Y ......6.95 ben..,: 9.'25 p.m , Toronto and Baat .Y „x,1,09 p.1.10.••10 .09 p.m. .1, H. tinged Bfi, Afens,Wingham, TartTartr At AN IEN Heavy Cavalry Wee e Favorite Roar of Both Generale, Alercander the Great won all his bat- ties by charges of heavy cavalry, while the phalanx formed merely the defer sive wing of his. lino. He was, even breaking up the phalanx into 11 titer, order At tile time of his death. Ode it. came that the nobles and most es- teemed of his companions wore cav Airy officers, and from this time t.on- ward no general thought of figh i g, like Epalninondas, a battle on foot. Eastern warfare also brought in the use of elephants, but this was against the practice of Alexander, who did not 'ase thorn in battle, so far as we know. A writer of our own day has called. attention tothe curious analogies be- tween the tactics of Alexander and those . of Cromwell. Each lived in an age when heavy cavalry weee found to be superior to infantry, if it kept. in control, and used. with skill. Hence each of them fought most of his bat- tles by charging with leis cavalry on his right wing, overthrowing the ene- my's horse, and then avoiding the temptation to pursue, charging the enemy's infantry in flank, and so de- ciding the issue. Meanwhile they both felt strong enough to disregard a de- feat on their left wing by the enemy's horse, which was not under proper discipline, and went far away out of their battle in pursuit. So similar is the course of these battles, that one is tempted to believe that Cromwell knew something of Alexander. It is not so. Each of these men found by his genius the best way of using the ioxcessides. at his disposal. Alexander's Companions were Cromwell's Iron - In one point, however, 11e still- held to old end chivalrous ways, and so fell short of our ideal of a great com- mander, He always charged at the heed of his cavalry, and himself took part in the thickest of the fight. Hence in every battle he ran the risk of ending the campaign with hit own life. It may be said that he had full confidence in hie fortune, and that the king's valor gave tremendous force to the charge of his personal com- panions. But nothing can convince 03 that I-lannibal's view of his duties was not far higher, of whom it was noted that he always took ample. care for his own safety, nor did he ever, so far as we know, risk himself as a come batant. Alexander's example, here as elsewhere, gave the law, and so a large proportion of his successors found their death on the battlefield. • The aping of Alexander was appar- ently the main cause of this serious result, Putting His Foot In It. Charles Dickens once wrote to a friend: • "I have distinguished myself in two respects lately. • I took a young lady, unknown, down to dinner, and talked •to her about the Bishop of Durham's nepotism in the matter of cheese. I found she was Mrs. Cheese. And I expatiated to the member for. Marylebone, thinking .him to be an Irish member, on the contemptible' character of the Marylebone constitu- ency and ,the Marylebone representa- tive. " Two such mishaps in one evening were enough to reduce the most bril- liant talker to the condition of the three inside passengers of a London - bound coach, who beguiled the tedium of the journey from South- ampton by discussing the demerits of William Cobbett until one of the, party went 'so far as to assert that the object of their denunciation was a domestic "tyrant, given to beating his wife. Much to his dismay the solitary woman passenger, who had hitherto sat a silent Iistener, remarked: "Pardon me, sir, a kinder husband and father never breathed; and I ought to know, for I am William Cob- bett's wife." incurable. "I do think," said Mrs. McGoozle, "my husband is the most persistently argumentative man I' ever saw. He'll controvert any proposition, no mat- ter what it is. This morning while we were waiting on a platform of one of the elevated railway stations for a train he saw the sign'' Out of order' on one of those chewing gum slot machines. 'I'm willing to bet a cent it isn't out of order,' he said. "And he dropped a coin in the slot. He didn't get any stick of gum and he didn't get his money hack. " 'There,' I said, 'I hope you're sat- isfied now.' 'That doesn't prove anything, Al - vire,' he granted. 'The machine isn't out of order; it's built that way on. purpose,' "But that's Lysander all over!' Smothered In Roses. The. Sybarites slept on beds snuffed with rose leaves; the tyrant Dionyeius•, had his couch filled with them; Verus would travel with a garland on his head and around his neck, and, over his litter he had a thin net, With rose leaves intertwined; Antiochus luxuri- ated upon a bed of blooms even in winter days and nights, and when Cleopatra entertained Antony she had roses covering the floor to the daptlr, it is said, of an ell. We are told that Heliogabalus sup• pied so many at one of his banquets that several of his guests were sotto- Gated in the endeavor to extricate themselves from the abundance -Vic- tims Of a surfeit of Sweet odors. Har Birthmark. "I. hear," said the count, "that you re going to.marry ;a girl who had a birthmark." "Yes," replied the marquis, `the report it fi`ue.""' "I hope she le not badly diefigilr• ed." "Not a, bit, My bear follow. tomer your enlightenment l will m rkI• drawing of hes .iirthn,,,rie It is this-$." To ADVERTISE WA 0evR40;r , IN T.IE Phreeologlst (x i : ,o,' ,.., ,.. This burtip indr i,: •• 7 • , , sty you are a very tittbjcct-- You're r' vory cautious re„v;, , , , .,...,,,r filling downstairs..