HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-12, Page 7a,
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A. R Romcormo of Ari4010
Novelized From Edmund Day's Melodrama
opytight, 1;,:.0, by G. W 1)11)1ndham Co.
os ase4.44.646e4.oeaa:a4o$44i044s• m®•tt 0 4eea,e+oe4.1e.
money from Dick," he thought, - evea Jack' sad Echo embraced cliugingly
if he dqes owe It to me, and yet if 1 and kislted lingeriugly, "It takes tt
refuse it it will be like buying Echo— crazy old song like that to express how
'paying for stepping into Dick's place,' foolish- we lovers are," said Fact:.
as Bud expressed it. What to do I "why, 1 feel that I couldout:1:411e the
don't know. Well, events will decide." cat, outjnmp the cow, outleage the dog
And by this favorite reflection of the and start an elopement that would
moral coward Jack Payson marked the
lowest depths of his degradation,
That afternoon Payson rode to Allen!
ifiacienda to see Echo and to sound her'
upon her feelings toward Dick Telma.
Se wished thoroughly to convince him -
pelf that heY_ Jack Payson, heel EOM.
to swaiy oyer her heart Perhapi
eenetentet dare to pat her love to the
• ee.tet and fulfill the trust his friend had
jimpceed on him by giving her Dick'i
Payson overtook Polly riding slowll
on her way home from Florence. She
?barely greeted him. "Has she mei
;Bud, and has he been scarring me?*
lie thought. He checked his pacing
,horse to the half trot, half walk, 01
„Polly's mount and, ignoring her in.
,eivility, began talking to her.
"Did you see Bud in Florence?"
_ "Yep. Couldn't help it. Him an'
Buck McKee are about the whole of
:Florence these days."
"Too bad about Bud consorting with
at rustler. I've bad to fire him for
"Fire him? Well yon are a good
'friend! Talk about men's loyalty! i1
women threw men down that easy
you all would go to the bowwows toe
fast for us to make dog b snit. Now,
`I've settled Buck Matbies bash by
iputtin' Slim Hoover Wise to that
tongue slittin'.. Oh, I'll brink Bud
around, all right, all right, even i1
'men that ought to be his friends go
gback on him."
"But, Pollykins"—
"Don't you girlie me, Jack Payson.
I'm a woman, an'. I'm goiu' to be a
imarried'nue, too, in spite of all you do
!to Bud. Yes, sirree, bob! I've set our
eto make a man of him, an' I'll marry
Thim to do it if he ,ain't a dollar to his
'name. But money 'd make it lots
'quicker an' easier. He was Savin'
.up till he run in with Buck McKee."
1 A sudden thought struck Payson.
(,4Here was a way to dispose of Dick
,'.,Lane's money when it came.
", "All right, Mrs. Bud Lane to be.
!Promise . not to tell Bud, and througb
you I'll soon make good to him many
;times over the foreman's wages he's
dost. It's money that's coming from
an enterprise that his brother and 1
flwere partners in, and Bud shall have
ick's share. He's sore on me now,
nd I can't tell him. Besides, he'd
;gamble it away before be got it to
�uck McKee. Bnd isn't strictly ethic-
i�al in regard to money matters, Polly,
Land you must manage the exchequer:'
"Gee, what funny big words you use,
Oackl But I know what you mean—
be's too free handed. Well, he'll bra
isavin' as a trade rat until we get oat'
!home paid for. An' I'll manage the
esker business when we're married.
o more poker an' keno for Bud.
nk you, Jack. I always knew you
;' Polly's sincere praise of his "square.
'peas" was the sharpest thrust possible
be Payson's guilty conscience. Well,
be resolved to come as near being
Square and level as he eonid. He had
field half truths to Bud and Polly; he
Would present the situation to Echo as
* possible though not actual one. If
*oily were wrong and Echo loved him
t 'ID,. much that she would break the
word she pledged to Dick Lane, then
I he would confess all, and they would
O. what could be done to make it right
with the discarded lover.
ae Echo, . observing from the window
who was Polly's companion, ran out to
.track, with a cry of joy. He looked
1neaningly at Polly. She said: "Oh,
• give me your bridle! I know bow
ninny's a crowd." Jack leaped to the
ground and took Echo in his arms,
awhile Polly rode off with the horses
eo'the corral, singing significantly: '
e'Bpoon. spoon, spoon,
-' While the dish ran away with the spoon."
f raxi,rlr6a''.z gen „4.•
. All trentinonts failed for three long
years—Curocomplete with DPI.
Mrs. Link, 12 Walker St., Halifax,
N. S., whites: r' After three .years of
mieernhlo torture and sleepless 'nights
e. ,with terrible eczema, and after trying
ever a dozen remedies without obtain-
anything but slight temporary relief)
T have. been perfectly and -entirely
tared by Dr, Chemise Ointment. After
tie third nr fourth ttTPlicftiorlof•this
?'-Atilt element I, °beetled ;telief,and
:t few bores were snit eicnt to make a
thorough etre. It is sire months dine°•
t- atria freed of this wretched skin die.
ease, and as there bus been n0 return of
Fria trouble -I eonsider the cure a penin.
vont one."
Peet e11res ere not brought about by ins desire wattto ire eately mari'letto
i ',it:thiortee are,. Isnbslp !ntee?r.I.
nth fot.•`ti . Ointnterfjt. Ike is.� therefOi .- 'Pueho Alien ottYt ee tare inevitalilli'Te-
• teuentety {err nn••t,n be t,nrtatn, tbst. She tura of he!fi. :over,
lea; r•..it and fiilnlret ut'e of ,A. W. ketone`, Tool that 1 waif bot o ask her `One
1):, the fslntnns Receipt Took autlter,., merge gtiestket. WOdlet she brgive her
a 'in the box yell bey. ,60 de. It bee, hnaben d ,wirerre she would" not forgive
Ft i,it deniers nr Ldtnanson Pates is Co., bet levet? ''WEat will the think of Me7 Droner), 1,Vritc for a free copy' of *be* all, fe dldcbve'trec'l, ar it cutely
Ilharle'il Ttccipe'. *titbit? Weli.1intittnkeMT amino.
knock the performance of the table
ware as silly as—well, as I am talking
now. I'm living in a dream—a mid-
summer night's dream such as you
were reading to me."
"The lunatic, the lover and the
poet," quoted Echo suggestively.
Dusk was falling. From the bunk
house rose the tinkling notes of a
Mandolin. After a few preliminary
chords the player, a Mexican, began
a love song in Spanish. The distant
chimes of mist
sion bells sound-
ed softly on the
evening air.
Jack and Echo
sat down upon
the steps of the
piazza. Jack con-
tinued the strain
of his thought,
but in a more
serious vein: '
"Echo, 'I'm so
happy that I am
she asked won-
A lavesonptnSpamsh. "Yes, scared—
downright scared," he answered. "I
reckon I'm Iike an Indian. An Indian
doesn't believe it's good medicine to let
the gods know he's big happy, for
there's the thunder bird"—
"The thunder bird?"
"The evil spirit of the storm," con-
tinued Jack. "When the thunder bird
hears a fellow saying he's big happy
he sends him bad luck."
Echo laid her hand softly on the
mouth of her sweetheart. "We won't
spoil our happiness, then, by talking
about it. We will just feel it—just be
She laid her head upon Jack's knee.
He placed his arm lightly, but pro-
tectingly, over her shoulder. They sat
In silence listening to the Mexican's
love song. Finally Jack bent over and
'whispered gently in her ear:
"Softly, so the thunder bird won't
hear, Echo, tell me you love mo; that
you love only me; that you will always
love me; no matter what shall happen;
that you ,never loved until you lowed
Who sat tmrlcht with a start. "What
do you mean?' she exclaimed. "O!
coarse I love you and you only, but the
future and the past are beyond' our
control. Unless you know of some-
thing that is goingto happen which
may mar our loveyour question is
silly, not at all like your Mother Goose
nonsense—that was clear. And, as for
the past, you mean Dick Lane."
"Yes, I mean Dick Lane," confessed
Payson in a subdued tone. "1 am
jealous of him -that is, of even his
'That isnot like Jack Payson. What
has come over you? It is the shadow
of your thunder bird. You know what
my feeling was for Dick Lane and
what it is, for it remains the same, the
only difference being that now I know
it never was love. Even if it were, be
is dead, and 1 love you, Jack—yon
alone. Ob, how you shame me by
forcing me to speak of such things! I
have tried to put poor Dick out of my
mind, for every time I think of him it
is with a wicked joy that he is dead,
that he cannot come home to claim me
as his wife. Oh, Jack, Jack, I didn't
think it of year'
And the girl laid her face within her
hands on her lover's knee and burst
tato a fit of sobbing.
Jack Payson Shut his teeth.
"Well, since I have lowered myself
so far in your esteem and since your
mind is already Sinning against Dick
Lane we might as well go on and set-
tie this matter. I promise I will not
mention it again. But I, too, have
troubles of the mind. I am as I am,
and you ought to know it. I said I
was jealous of Dick Tan's memory.
It is more. I ain jealous of Dick Lane
himself~ ' If he should return, would
you leave me and go with him—as his
wile?" '
Again she sat upright. By a strong
effort she controlled her sobbing.
'"The man I adniired does not de-
serve an answer, but the child he bas
provedhimse if to be and Whom T can-
not help loving shall have.: it. Yes; if
Dick Lane returns true to his promise
I shall be 'true to mine:"
She arost and went into the :house.
Payson rode homeward through the
sterllght COiisumed by torturing Jeal-
otter. Ile no* had no thought of ten -
tiding in aim Allen. lie regretted that
he had touched to dangerously near
the • subleet of Disk tenet ?entre In
talkfag to Bnd and Polly. His burn-
`arl'!h; w ii't'ariillAt T1, , J,tNU1 RT 12, liai*
Events will decide."
On Ma return to Sweetwater ranch
he put the place in charge of his new
foreman, Sagebrush Charley, and went
out to a htuliting cabin he had built ,
itt the Tortilla mountains, Here he
fought the problem over with his con,
science-aed, his selfishness wee, He
returned, fix
hi reed, ed in
his decision to sup-
press. Dick Laae's letter and to go
ahead with the marriage, •
TDING bard into Florence from
Sweetwater raneb, Bud Lane
hunted up Buck McKee at bis
favorite gambling joint and 1n
a white heat of indignation informed
him in detail of everything that bad
passed between Payson and himself.
At once McKee inferred that the writ-
er of the letter was none other than
Dick , Lane. Realizing that Payson
was already informed of his villainy
and that in a very short time Dick
Lane himself would make his appear-
ance on the Sweetwater, the, half
breed concluded to make a bold move
while he yet retained the confidence of
"'Bud," he said, "I know the man
who is sendin' the money to Payson.
It's Dick, •yer brother."
"But," stammered Bud, his brain
whirling, "but if that's so you lied
about the Apaches killing him—and
you—why, you—must have been the
renegade, the devil who tortured pros-
"Why, Bud, Dick never wrote all
(bat dime novel nonsense about thhl
man who stood by him to—well, not
the very last, fer Dick has managed
somehow to pull through. Probably
fie wuz saved by the rurales that
wuz chasin' the band that rounded us
up. No; it's Pay ire Jack Payson, that
made up• that reeejvv lles jes' to keep
you away from ner tee man that wuz
last with Dick, an' so may get on to
Jack's game an' block it."
"Game! What game?" asked Bud,
"Why, you told me it yerself _to
merry Dick's girl an' live on Dick's
hard earned money."
"But Dick borrowed the three thou-
sand of .Tack," objected Bud.
' Well, the dollars he borrowed stave:•
all gone, hain't they? And the money
he's sendin' back Dick dug out uv the
ground by hard' work, didn't het
Leastaways, Payson hadn't ort to use
the: money to rope in Dicks girl. It
ort to be kep' from him, anyhow, till
Dick comes on• the ground his own self.
Tbltt 'd hold tip the weddin', all right,
If I know Josephine. It 'd be ease to
steer her into refusin' to let Echo go
into a mortgaged home."
Simple minded Bud readily accepted
the wily half breed's explanations and
Surmises and fell into the trap he was
preparing. This was to hold up the
express agent and rob him of the mon-
ey Payson was expecting. on securing
which it was elcleee's intention to flee
the country before Dick Lane returned
to denounce ham. To ascertain just
when the money came into the agent's
hands anis to nct as'a cover in the rob-
bery Itseif an accomplice was needed.
For this purpose no man in all the
Sti•eetwater region was better adapted
than Buri Lane. Frank and friendly
with every one, he would be frosted
by the most suspicious and cautious
official in Pinal county. The fact that
he had chosen Buck McKee as an as-
sociate had already. gone far to re-
habilitate this former "bad man" in
the good graces of the ,community.
Under cover of this friendship McKee
hoped to escape suspicion of any. kind
In the homicide he contemplated.
For it was murder—foul, unprovoked
murder—that was in the black sons of
the half breed. He intended to in-
criminate. Bud so deeply as ,to put it
beyond all thought that he would con-
fess. •
Young Lane, passionately loyal to his
brother, was ready for. anything that
would delay Payson's marriage to
Echo Allen. Together';;vith the wild
joy that Sprang up- iri,his heart cit the
thought that his brother Was alive
was intwined a violent hatred against
his former employer. In the fierce tur-
bulence within his soul, generated by
the meeting of these great emotions,
he was impelled to enter upon a mad
debauch, in which McKee abetted and
joined him.
Filling up on bad whisky, they rode
through the streets of Florence yell-
Yeiils4 a Ottgotten heir tau lit
wormy when.
Wit Adikeditliabt their tiring like
crazy men, It was 'Wile they were
engaged in this spectacular exhibition
of horsemanship, gun play and vocal!-
nation that Bud's sweetheart rede into
town to execute some eommissiOnsin
preparation for Ecbo Allen's •wedding,
Already "blue" over' the thought that
her own wedding was far in the dim
future, poor Polly was east into the
depths of despair and disgust by the
drunken riot lu which her prospective
husband was indulging with bey par•
ocular aversion, the cruel, calf tortur.
the half breed, McKee. Thorpugbly
mortified,s li e
e outtown b
a side steet and moodily rode back to
Allen Hacienda.
After the debauch was over and the
merry, mad devil of nervous excite -
Ment was succeeded by the brooding
demon of nervous depression McKee
broached to Bud the idea of robbing
the express agent of the money. coin•
ing to Payson. This fell in readily
with the young man's revengeful
mood, and he unreservedly placed him
self under the half breed's orders.
In accordance with these, Bled hung
about the railroad station a great deal,
cultivating the friendship of Terrill,
the agent, "Ole Man" Terrill, as he
was called, although he 'was a vigor-
igorous specimen of manhood on the under
side of sixty, was ticket and freight
agent, express messenger and tele-
graph operator—in fact, the entire bu-
reau of transportation and communica•
tion—at Florence station. Bud frankly
told him he was .out of a job and had
indeed decided, in view of his coming
marriage, to give up horse wrangling
for some vocation of a more elevating
character. So Terrill let him help
about the station, chiefly in the clerical
work. While so engaged Bud learned
that a package valued at $3,000 was
expected upon a certain train, Al-
though no consignee was mentioned,
the fact that the amount tallied exact-
ly with the sum Payson was expect-
ing caused him to conclude it was
Dick's repayment of his loan. Ac-
cordingly he informed McKee that the
time they -Were awaiting bad arrived.
Florence had grown up as a settle-
tiient about a spring of water some
cite before the advent of the railroad.
Builders of the line got into trouble
with the inhabitants and in revenge
located the station half a mile away
from the spring, thinking new settlers
would come to them. In this they
were disappointed. The point was an
isolated one and the station a deserted
spot between trains.
Eastward and westward the single
track of railroad drifted to shimmer-
ing points on the horizon. To the
south dreary wastes of sand glistening
white under the burnished sun and
crowned with clumps of grayish green
sagebrush stretched to an encircling
rim of hills. Cacti and yucca pains
broke the monotony of the roll of the
plains to the uplands.
Sahuaros towered over the low sta-
tion, which was built in the style of
the old Spanish missions. Its red roof
flared above the purple shadows cast
by its walls. In the fathomless blue
above a buzzard sailed majestically
down an air current and hovered mo-
tionless over the lonely outpost of civi-
Within the station a telegraph sound-
er chattered and chirruped. "Ole Man"
Terrill was at the instrument 1liss du-
ties were over for the forenoon, tie
eastbound express, which, with th
westbound, composed the only train
that traversed that section of the roar
each day, having arrived and departel
a half hour before, and he had cut i1
on the line to regale himself with tie
news of the world. But there was
dearth of thrilling events such as bi
rude. soul delighted in. The Apacls
uprising that was feared had not take
place. Colonel Hardie of Il'ort Gran
had the situation well in hand. Th
nihilists were giving thele latest cza
a breathing spell. No new prizefighte
had arisen to wrest the championshii
of the world from John L. Sullivan, whl
had put all his old rivals "to sleep.'
"Ole Man" Terrill proceeded to folloe
their example. Ile had been- up lap
Caught a Cold
Which Ended in a
Severe Attack of
Too much stress cannot be had op the
fact that when a- person catches cold it
must be attended to immediately, or
serious results ere liable to OW.
Broncl ibs,, neumonra and nsump-
tion are allcaused by neglecting to' tura
the simple cold.'
Mrs. R. W. Bowman, Pattnilo, Ont,,
writes:—"Three years ago x `caught *
cold which ended in a severe attack of
Pneumonia. Since that time -et the
beginning of each winter T seen to catch
cold very easily. I have been so hoarse
1 was linable to Speak loud enough' ±0 be
heard stress the room. Lkst 'winter,
however, a friend advised me to try Dr.
Wood's Norway rine Syrup, saying it
had helped her. I bought a bottle and
before it was half used/ was 'completely
cured, X also find it a good medicine for
the children when they have colds."
' Beware of the many imitations of Dr.
Wood's Norway fine Syrup.
Ask for "Dr, 'Wood's" and insist on
getting what you ask for.
Itis put up in it, yellow wrapper; three
pine trees the trade !mark; the price;
2S cents. Manufeettued Only 1fy The
T. lftbeanr 14004 Yetoet
the night before at a poker gawo. X11
head fell forward with a jerk. Arouses
by the shock, he glanced drowsil:
about him. Heat waves danced be
fore the open. window. Deep silence
hung over his little world. Again hi
eyelids closed, his bead dropped, ..me
t-towly he slipped into sleep,
Tragedy cdy was approaching hiw now
but not along the wire, Down an ar
royo, oe "draw" (the dry bed of awe
ter course), that wound in a detour
around the town of Florence and de
pouched into the open plata near tie
station, crept two men in single file
each leading a horse. They were Bud
AieKee and Bud Lane, who had ridder.
portb freak the town that morning witi
the declared purpose of going to Buck't
old raneb, the Lazy I. They had Or
tied about the town, timing their ar
rival at the station a little after the de
partnre ofthe train which was ex
pected to bring Dick Lane's money.
McKee emerged first from the mutt
of the draw. He wore a coarse flan
eel shirt, loosened at the throat. About
his neck was a handkerchief. His rid.
Ing overalls were tucked into higt
boots with Spanisli heels andlong
spurs. A Mexican hat with a bead
band topped a head covered watt
coarse black hair, which he inherited
from his Cherokee mother.
Save for the vulture floating high in
air not . a living thing was in sight
With the caution of a coyote McKee
crept to the station door and peered
blinkingly through the open door into
the room. The cbange from the daz•
?ling light without to the shaded he
terior blinded him for a moment. Ha
heard the heavy breathing of the sleep-
er before he saw him.
Returning to -the mouth of the an
royo, McKee motioned to bis compare.
ion to bring cut the horses. When this
was done the two men cinched the sad.
dies and made every preparation for
sudden flight. Lane • and the horses
remained outside the station behind a
freight car on a siding, while McI{ea
stole softly through the open door to
"Ole Man" Terrill's side.
(To be Continued),
TR'llft((ioduniriiit ,pmNm il I. to Il, nIm I 0, uu,y,L
siuiilating the -Food al:liReguta-
Ling thefo Qmarhsandiiowelsof
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-
r nessandilest.Contains ieith,er.
ip� piu i,Noritine nor M irral
NOT :' ABc 41TIC.
,hope ofPldIar•&fM72'ZPfi Ei?
i'u.'21J4 Srcl-
Rnrermint -
lig ad. 4414G1.al.I
Km: .reed
Aperfect'Remedy forConstipa-
tion , Sour Stou'act .Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convu,.::tonss,►'everish-
ncss a;:lt LOSS OF W j. iEP
FacSimae Signature of
rpt, ry -met
Infanta ta orifi irhiltireT2.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Sig .Ui .
,\:fi .\ 1A\�c
\Vv���A vv AAvvV.
No/3-A 7 snob Meat Cleaver, one pf the handiest of
kitohett4 ,ole, well balanced and of tempered skeet. Li ht
enoaak•-...rr anybody to handle, yet heavy ;,enough to bd
very effective.
No 2—An 8 -inch Btydo Sitohen Knife. No better
knife eau be and. Made of tempered steel with a keen
edge and a knife that will do veliant eervioe as tang as
there is a strip of i. left.
N t 3 —The bendiest oe kitchen tool', a real meat saw,
S inuues ootting setrvtoe , It ie sheartl no.; s -t wide., so an to
ont with ease. No kituhen le,co"n!tiete without it,
Nos. 4 and 5—A. eervlceebte Carvin( Ser, Just the
siting tor aortial service; handsome etlau,ehto use on the
setae 1t yolk de'ire; trheip etiou(tt td: curve any meat and
made of the best tempted lite'tl. ° A valuable part of this
No. 6—A Oan Open tr that will open oane. No dan-
per of onetlnit year hand on the an; strong and extbeetite
Llai, will ont any eau top. Made of the beet steel, will
loot a lire time
No. 7.—A keen, properly shaped Paring Knife. Will
pare the thinnest peel, and do it gainkiv ; attarp pointed for
euttina out Dore. eta, }To kitchen la OM plate without it.
A beauty and a dandy.
No, 8—lsvey?v housewife wants nomething no keep her
knives eb,wp. This Whet Stone, ,endo or the fi,, ist ma.
oriel, will put an wigs on any ke with a yew Laurie.
Notbtng so bandy in the Kimbell as a rani W114 Staub.
This one is the best for kitchen nae that can be found.
We will make anyone a present of a Kiteben Set if they can duplicate
li;itben Set at any hardware store for less th.t.n $2, try it and yes it you
The Times has secured a number of these sets and are giving the women of this district
an opportunity to get one at practically nothing.
The Vlringham Times for One Year and the Kitchen Set for $2.25
NOTE. --This offer is open to both old and new subscribers, but all arrears must be paid
up, and subscriptions must be paid in advance to January Ist, 1gr2.
When Sets are to be delivered out of town they will be sent at the expense of
the subscriber.