The Wingham Times, 1911-01-12, Page 66 George H. Duffus of Robertson St,, Port William, a C. P. R. fireman, says ; "The water gauge of my locomotive burst and scalded the whole left side of my face terribly. I had a box of Zarn-Buk in my pocket, which I was using for a sore on my lip, and when I had recovered from the first shock of the accident, 1 produced the balm and had it applied freely to the scalded parts. I was suffering acute agony, but within a wonderfully short time Zam=Buk gave me ease. I was able to continue my journey and upon reaching home, I obtained more Zam-Buk and Continued the treatment. Zam-Buk acted wonderfully well, and in a few days had the wound nicely healing. I don't know anything so fine as Zam-Buk as a healer of burns, scalds, cuts, and similar injuries, which workers are so liable to, and, in my opinion, a box of Zam- Buk should be kept handy in every worker's home." Zam-Buk will also be found a sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, ulcers, blood -poison, varicoge sores, piles, scalp sores, ringworm, inflamed patches, bablea erup- tions and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises, and akin in- juries generally. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box or post free from Zam-Buk Co.; Toronto, upon receipt of price. TWENiY YEARS ACOI (From the 1'IMEs of Jan. 9, 1891. LOCAL NEWS. Mr. Jos. Mason bas gon t Brnsa,-le to rake charge of Mr W, J. Feira. ,d's gallery Mr Fairfield is not enjbying very good health et present. Mies Maggie Cargill hats ermined a school at Furdwioh Howiok township, and entered upon h- r duties on Tuesday last. Mr. T. S. Humphries, who has bean employed to the Uuton tactory, for some years, bee removed to Port Huron, Michigan The eleotrons on Monday peered off quietly. The different cannidates and their trierde worked bard, but the best GI good feeling prevailed. May or. Clegg. Brokeeshire, 52 28 67 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 82 228 Majority for Clegg, 66. Reeve. McKenzie. 80 35 45 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 78 209 • Majority for MoKenzie. 30 Deputy Reeve. Kerr. Ward 1 37 Ward 2 25 Ward 3 12 Ward 4 76 200 Majority for Kerr, 22. Councillors, Ward,1. 30 36 35 61 162 Gregory. 40 28 44 60 172 Cline. 32 34 80 62 178 R. Anderson , 94 T. Agnew 84 A, Dawson . 59 G. Green,..... 63 R. Anderson, T. Agnew and A, Dew. son, eleoted. . FREE BOX Sendthis Coupon and a lc. stamp to Zani-Buk Co., and free trial box of Zam.Buk will be mailed you. Sir•' ie-- 11‘-- TWENTY pr Local History of the early 80s items from the "Gimes" 'fyles, W. Rol rues 101. O N. Go Me ...... .... 80,: W. Ar eorfr , 80 O E Winterise ... . , . . . 71 J. W IMete 50 W. Holmes, 0. N. Griffin and W. Ar. mour elected. School Trustees, G. Petty piece J Ritome M .jority for Pettypieoe. 21 E C. Clarke „ 98 W W Icglis . ........ 57 Majerity tor Clarke, 38. Mr. John Harter is in town renewing aoqualutauoes. Jack has a good situa- tiou in Hastings • 68 . 43 BORN. Kalfy—Io Oulroe,, on she 20th Deo., the wife of Wm. Selly; a eon. MARRIED. McLaren—Lawrence — At the reei- demoe or the bride'* mother, by the Rev. John Scott`M. A., Arch. McLaren, of. Wi arten, to Miss Matilda Lawrence of Wingham. Garrick—OarrIok—At Wingham; on the 25th of Deo , by Rev. H. McQuer. ria, Mr John Thomas Garrick, Rama, to Miss. Jessie McGregor Carriok, Wa. wanosh. Sherrie—Bradshaw—Io Brussels, on Christmas day, at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. R. Paul, Mr. John Sherrie, to Mies Victoria M. Brad. shaw, both of Morris township. Dever—McDonald—At thereeidenoe of the bride', father, on Deo. 30th, by Rev. Jas. Malcolm, Francis Dever, of Port Huron, Michigan, to Margaret, daughter of Mr. David McDonald, of Culross. DIED. Miller—At • Morrishank, on the 31et December, 189), Margaret Thompson, relict of the late Riohard Miller, aged 85 years, 6 months and 9 days. KERNELS frIM THE SAIC1L!M MILL 1 Interesting Paragraphs from our E; t l 1 2( e. Horace Shipman, a Hamilton Street Itailway conductor dropped dead at the skating rink. Pani McPhee and hit sister both over 80 years were bnrned to death in their dwelling at Clyde River, P. E I, Mrs. SC4111; i me been need for Over STXTl'FIVE YiiA1:�T by MILLIONS et =MESH for their ditILDREV t, * ,t.n /1115 'nlv0. with r}:no'r:c;T tit ct i fid. 06 OUT t). SOFTENS the GC31i ALL l S all l t, V MITRES w1ND CsLTY, and It Ito be;.t ren ,h , DIARIODM.t. Bold by pat , f ,4 *ria no aero and ark for "Dm\Cfrwt,,w Myrna", and t la. no other kin,l rat.uy-flvo ,attlr, cnarantrnd nnaer the Tor 1 , ,d J ,, ,. t •� dtnta}Mkh. T9116, FerTal Number tO S AN OLD AMD WELL TRIED REMEDY. Of the great oities of Enro pe, the at• titude of Madrid is the highe*t. Great Britian is about two-thirds the size of Miniietan, ontatwelftiz of China, and One. twehty-fifth of the 'United States. It i* a remarkable foot that the deep. est parte of the nee are in all ease* very near the land. The loudest talking always thee • away the quickest. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Eight then lost their lives though an explosion of No 8 mint of the Nova Scotia Steel Company at Florence, 0, B. Tokio, the capital of Japan, Dover, thirty square miles, and has 860,000 houses and 2,000,000 people, An English factory bas succeeded in making paper of good quality trona An*t ralian bine gum wood, of which there is en enormous enpplyaveilable. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA TUE WI,NGW#AAt TIA1Nkli J4NLJ R)' 12, 1211 :4swg~ see A Matter of Habit. Oh, yet+, I am a joyete jay! I chortle a'1 thelivelong day, I sidestep grief and sorrow; on Ieetex, ay 1, wee el gal said froliosome as f lea to+day, and I'll be guy ta•inOrroW, It's jut a Habit, and no more; some men rimy .practice being pore, and looking round for evil; for t'rom eaoh retie is meetly thorn, they nee the cob and not this corn, their wheat is fall 0t weevil. They oaa't enjoy enut,y day; they'll paw around and boort and tar: "A storm will aeon tit' rippiug;'twill knock the steeple off the oharch, and blow the rooster from bis perch, and paralyze the shipping." It they are healthy, boned as wax, they'll. search dodgalted almanacs to read of fell diseases; and yheu some pages they enfold, they'll swear they have a fright• fel cold, and fill the air with sneezed. All that's a habit, friend of mine; it's just a habit to repine, and deal iu gloomy phrases, to say that things are out of whack, that all the wbeele have jawed the track, all bound for merry blazes. It's just a habit to believe that it is waste of time to grieve in these dim world regions; but eaoh a habit makes you strong, and helps you as you praaoe along and brings yob friends in legions. —Walt Mason, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought d,r-m44. :Bears the Signature of Not all politicians who study harmony are musically ioolined, An ordinary Morale oan be converted into a motorcycle in a few seconds by attaching a reoeutly invented third wheel equipped with a motor. Russia, with it population of nearly 130,000,000, has only about 19,000 phy- sioiane. The United States, with a popu- lation of 90,000,000 has over 120,000 phy- eieianB.. erves `_.ri ere Exhausted Wants others to know of her remark. able cure by use of DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. Mrs. Martin's condition as deserib. ed in her letter below gives some idea of the extraordinary reconstructive power of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Such euros as this have placed Dr. Chase's Nerve Food where it stands today as the most popular and most effective nerve restorative that money will buy. Mrs. Edwin Martin, Ayer's Cliff, Que., writes,—"Before I began using Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food I was in a terrible condition. Dizzy spells would come over me and I would fall to the floor in a faint. I could not even sweep the floor without fainting and my nervous system seemed to be entire- ly exhausted. f"The use of Dr. A. W. Chase's ± erve rood has built up Iny system wonder- fui]y so that I can do my housework and washing without any trouble, and t want others to knots about it," In- sist on getting the genuine Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 Sts. a box. 6 boxes for 62.50, at all dealers, or Ed- manson, Bates dr Co., Toronto. A three -penny bit has been known to contain the Lord's Prayer one side, while another has been formed into a tiny wagon to be drawn by performing fleas. The population of Liverpool has in. creased from 517,951 to 790,357 in the last fifteen years and in that time 48,549 dwellings have been built, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The yolks of eggs will not turn •dark when bard boiled if they are put in boil. ing water rather than oold at first. Half an hour is not too long to cook them to acceptable hardness. When preparing a hash of oold meat make the gravy carefully, stirring it till it boils for at least three minutes. Allow it to grow cold, add the meat and gray dually warm altogether. Martin Juther ie oredited by the Gere mans with having originated theOhelet. mss tree ands popular German 'picture shows him with his family and a lighted tree on the table. Thomas Benetead, of Tong, Sitting. bourne, England, who is 85 years of age, attended on horseback the opening meet of the Tickham foxhounds. He has hunted with the pack for 130 years, and has not missed an opening meet for halt a century. The Toronto Telegram, basing its statement on the report of n meeting of farmers held at Milton, says the instil. venoy of the Farmers' ,Bank will mean ruin to many of theshareholder* and depositors in Halton, String, 11 is acid, representing the life toil of families in rural Ontario went into the bank, Souse farmers put their capital inteehbree rind deposited their savings frail '••time to time. The money invested in shares i* not Only, gone, but the double liability will have to be faced, and the expects. tion le that depositor* will not receive more than 25e. on 'the dollar. +lihis means that net a few will lose ,not only their surplus capital, bet their home and farms as well. 4iWtei4:41 '!4 it Sunday riewepapere are prohibited by law in. Melbourne, Australia, Belf•deuiel in all we d0 gives the gall, nine glitter toour gine; when we do .the beet we oan, forgetting Belt, we are sure to help onr fellowman, IL Dr. Chaeo's sant meat is a certain &d ueranttiod ouref vroach ani evuery form of i ephing,bloed rs and protrudin piles. Sae tostlniontals in the prose and ask four eatyoursmoneybookif reabout not satisfied.. Me, aYou can use it taalll leRlole..: b:nataxsoN. BATas$cCo., Toronto. lb% CHASM'S OINTMCriIT. It is 43 years singe en a ieention took piece in Godertoh. The man who wag hanged was Melady he murdered hie father end step -mother, The day of the execution the Goderioh papers iseeed ex- tra editions. One of the king vulteres at the Glee. Row Zoo celebrated the publication of the King's epoeoh reoent;y by laytag an egg- a rare incident in the history of these birds in captivity. The egg is as large es that of a goose, ;Councillor toe. ook deeided to send it to an inoebator to see if a chick can be hatched. The difficulty of removing kerosene. vaseline, eto., from a surface so that the latter oan be uniformly wetted with water may be overcome by washing With oondeesinii alcohol vapor, Thus, the interior of a beaker may be freed from paraffin by inverting the beaker over a similar one containing a little al. oohol and placed on a water -bath. This method gives good roeults when applied to the removal of grease from 'fractured surface of steel, from artioles to be sil- vered, etc. A Bilious Headache Bile in the blood it poison and causes pain. Mrs. Thos. Covert, Highland Grove, Ont„ writes: "For years I suf- fered with biliousness, stomach trouble and terrible headaches. Having used Dr, Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills will say unhesitatingly that this is the most effeotive treatment obtainable for these troubles." In these days, when the construction of costly fleets of dreadnought battle- ships. the erection of fortresses,the banding of gone of ever-increasing size and power, and the marshalling and training of armies running into millions of men, are so hash in the publio eye, the munificent gift by Carnegie of $10,. 000,000 for the promotion of internation- al pease is an event of strong dramatis interest. The success of this noble ven- ture will depend greatly upon the meth- ods by whioh the annual available funds of $500,000 are applied to the end in view. The motive forces whioh set in movement the enginery of war lie too deep to be reached and bought off, even by such a sum as this. Indirectly, however, it must exert a' potent in- flnenoo.—Soientifie Ameriotn. t1 GOOD MONEY IN TRUCK FARMING Some remarkably largo profits from trnok farming on a small smile in the upper peninsula district was shown by figures compiled by the Michigan Refin- ing & Preserving company, which buys and cans mnoh of the track farm pro. duets grown near Menominee. • One man raised six 'sores of tomatoes and received for his orop 81,000, which is an average of $181.75 an sore. In the cucumber line one trunk farmer reoeiv- ed 8343.83 for his three-aore orop. A farmer who planted half an aore of wax beans received for hie crop $119 50, and another received $102.48 for his half acre. For the orop of string beans grown on one acre, the farmer received from the panning factory $214, The high record returns for et onb-aore orop is held by Farmer Frank Walander. The orop of tomatoes he grew on the sore fetched him $321.10 et the faotory. For one trnok patch of four aures the returns were $698.63. Of the four aures one acre grew tomatoes, whioh fetched $228.16; oue half of wax beans fetched $102.48, one acre of string benne $162.79, and ons and a half adres of .ououmbets $20541. All Skin Diseases Can be.,Directly Traced To BAD BLOOD. Therefore to get rid of these skin dis- eases it is absolutely necessary that the blood should be thoroughly cleansed of the accumulated poisons, and for this purpose there is nothing to equal Bur- dock Blood Bitters. This remedy has been on the market for over thirty-five years and when you use it you are not experimenting with some new and untried remedy. Miss Stella Eichel; MaitlandForks t N.S., writes:'—"I have been bothered with Salt Rheum on my hands for three years and it itehed so I didn't know what, to do. I tried everything but nothing seemed to be any good. I heard o 13urdock Blood titters and bought two bottles of it, and now I am perfectly cured and have no Salt phenol on my hands anymore. I cannot .apaalc tea highly of urdock.Blood Bitters," Manufactured only by The T. =iiburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Cont. s. akes kind of r, f You like to make 41 FOR SALE BY KERR & BIRD, WINGHAM. Russia has a larger proportion of blind people than any otht�.r European omen. try. An unplanned duty done is better than a planned duty undone.—Baker. In ordering gowns this season many smart women have bought extra widths of material, so much are they in doubt as to the vogue for skimpy skirts, for extreme styles are ever short-lived, and at the season of dances all the short- oominga of the narrow skirt are bound to be made manifest. To depose in a bolster case is a feat utterly impossible) besides making the dancer look mors ridionlous than any olown. WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 1st EMIL . iT,r $'rrnar,. nafw`..__•� The great praotioal training school of Western Ontario. Onr. courses are practical, onr teacher are experienced instructors, the demand upon us for _ help during the Fall terns was seven times the supply. Our graduates are in demand as Business College teaoh- ere. Our graduates succeed. Three f _ departments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLAN PRINOIPAL. WANTED NOW For Wingham and surrounding dis- trict for Fall and Winter months an en- ergetio reliable agent to take orders for nursery stook. Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free. Exclusive Territory, 600 ACRES Under oultivation. We guarantee to deliver stook in good condition and up to contract grade. We oan show that there is good money in representing as well known reliable firm at this time. Established over 30 years, Write for particulars, PELHAM NURSERY Co. Toronto, Ontario. Are You Ru flured I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without' operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and relnove the daily danger Of strangulation. . Fill in coupon and send to Dept, J. J, S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St, STRATFORD, ONT, Name Address Age Time ltup Single or double / .....,... Satisfaction guaranteed. CANADA AND THE NEW YEAR, No year ever dawned ou this Cana- dian Dominlun with brighter prospects than those of 1911, and no year ever brought larger opportunities' to the peo- ple of any oountry. Men like Lord Strathoona, whose knowledge is the full- est and whose experience is rhe widest, are eager in their euthnaiasn and oou- vinped in their hope for Canada's Bevel. opement. Experts in finance and oom- meroe have no fears except those whole. some fearsot excess and extravagance whish prosperity always begets 111 thoughtful minds. Gold in northern Ontario, and in tbe prairie: Provinoee, and commercial activity everywhere— these are features of the Canadian situa. tion at the opening of 1911. Politically there are problems of large moment which press for settlement. The old problem of maintaining strong central authority without impinging on the freodoes of looal self government ire. still with us. The problem of preserving' tbe rights of the publio against the ag . greseiou of semi-public oorporations and' the equally pressing problem of oonserve ing the natural wealth of the country in the old•ti e for all the citizens age it W polioy of alienation to private ownership and oontrol, are growing acute and• meet be faded at a soore of points this •. year. The problem of unifying into a • strong and vital Canadian nationality' the diverse elements of our population• is up and will not down. This year • may see it pressed to the point where, decisions must be made. There are no fragments so precious as - those of time, none so needlessly lost by people who cannot make a moment, and. yet oan waste years. —Montgomery. Every thread of gold is valuable, and en is every moment Of time.— Maeor. PRINTING D STATION ERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc, We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers, w and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont.