HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-12, Page 5NEW YEAR'S GIFTS To any person buying Clothing from us on and after Dec. 29, we will give a cash discount of 20 PER CENT. What better New Year's Gift would you want than this This discount will be given on all Men's, Youth's, and Boys' ' Suits and Ovvercoats, Odd Trousers and Knickers. Don't overlook this opportunity }McGee & Cam nel MEN'S CLOTHIERS ♦,••A•••♦•••♦♦•••••••••••• •♦•♦•♦•♦♦.ON.•a••♦N••♦N DON'T YOU THINK IT IS WISE TO BUY THE FOLLOWING GOODS AT HANNA & CO.'S 120 Per Cent. off this s for January List ' Ladies' stylish mantles in black, green and blue, 32 to sizes44. Children's Coats in all colors, very stylish and good fitting garments, sizes 3 to 18 years. u . FURS Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats, with extra good shells, v black with Sable Collar. 11. Ladies' Quilted Lined Coats, with black Beaver •" i Shells. . '••Canadian Sable and Isabelle Fox Collars a bargain -4 for the one who buys. All Fur Sets andother small Furs, Children's. Grey • g Lamb Sets, Fur Caps, Fur Collars. - ,A * > Tweeds with Military Collar and without doubt the best i Coats for the money we ever had, sizes 36 to 44, prices $8.00 to $16.50. Men's Fancy Overcoats, Plain Black and ' Fancy 'Boys' Overcoats with and without Military Collar, good value in Plain Black and Fancy Cloth, will give ex- cellent wear $3.50 to $7.50. x t ° Men's and Boys'. Mitts and Gloves, good and heavy for winter wear, 20p per cent. discount for cash within one week. iDoon t miss this money saving ,opportunity for this month. Cca. -me e ary g l and get the choice. CO We want all the'trade you have at highest prices paid. • • • • ♦ ♦2 • 2 • • ♦Z t ♦ • • ♦ Tatw.tl+lsirlUA.M TIMES, JANUARY 12, AIM fi WEST WAVY ANOSIst. Mr. Sam and Mise Abbie %tines, of Manitoba, are et preseut visiting their relatives here. Mr. Edward Hniuee, er•, gave a very. 4.40161 time to his nephews and nieces In Friday evening .amongstwhon;ti were Mr. Saul and Mies Abbie.Hettles, of Manitoba and Dies Ada HAMM,. et Winghaui+. Mr. and Aire,. Edward Haines were in Dungannon last Sanday attending the funeral of the latter', cousin, Mr. Ed, Fowler, Mime Lottie L• Hainee S4ndayed with her noole, Mr,Arthur Maines, of Wing. • ham. BELOitA VE, A'pretty wedding waa solemnized on Wednesday, Jan, 4th, at the home of Mr. John Nethrey, when his daughter, Eva Isabel, was married to Mr, D'Aroy Gallagher, of Kniderley, Bask, The bride, who was one of natnre'e favorites, was beautifully gowned in white silk with a headdress of orange bloseom',and was unattended. Mise Stella Nethrey played Lohengin'e wedding me,roh as the bridal party entered the room. The Rev. Mr. Farr, of Blyth, performed the ceremony and the bride was given away by her father. After the oeremony the guests of whom there were about sixty sat down to a wedding dinner gotten up in Mrs. Nethrey', usual good style. The profusion and b...aty of the gifts show- ed the esteem in whioh tee bride was held by all. The bride's travelling snit waeot blue broadcloth with hat to match. wedding march War played by Mims Jerrie Molranchlin, of Breese's.. The groom presented the ring -bearer with a gold ring, acid the organist a gold brpooh, ee a slight token of remota. brenge. After = oongratulatfona the gneete, about 50 in number, repaired to the dining -room where a dainty repel was served, atter whioh the evening wits spent in game,, musto and singing. Many and costly were the gifts received, dhegneq alone amounted to $74.00 show- rug the esteem in whioh the bride and groom are held. nart- lt 14. In S, S. No 6, Wm. Wilkinson was re•eleoted: Trustee and will associated With Walter Ynill and Wm. Believe, manage the wheel business. Mr, Gar. Oise supplies the wo3d at $2.50 per cord. Miss Mnrdie le the teacher and is doing good work. Will. Shortreed succeeds Peter Mo. Arthur in S, S, No. 9, known as But. ton's school, where Mies Fear is the im- parter of knowledge. $2.50 was the tender of Jno. Shortreod for wood and Thos. McCall gets the came prioe for cedar. Seo,.Treae, is Geo. Kelly, whose eatery ie 04.25. The donning of sohool house is in charge of T. R. Bell. Two trustees were appointed for S. S, No. 8, in the persons of Geo. Turvey and Jno. Mustard to take the planes of L. Jewitt who declined and D. Agar, deceased. S. Paul continues to serve ae Seoretary-Treasurer. Wood will be put in by M. Garnise, the prioe to be $2 25. Geo. Tnrvey supplies cedar at $1,50 per cord. This school has a good reoord for both teachers and pupils. Annual school .meeting wee held in S. S. No. 2 as per Statute. J. Kerney has done so well in the past 6 years that he was re•eleoted Trustee. He also officiates as Secretary -Treasurer for whioh he receives $8 per annum. The two other trustees are R. B. Aloock and John McAtter. Caretaking of eoheel and fire lighting is well looked after by Thos. Clark, at $25 for year, Robert Craig will supply 15 oords of etovewood at $2 40 per, cord, The teacher in this this sohool is Mise MoGowen, of Blyth, who lobore assiduously to advance the pupils. Mr. Frank Oasemore, let line visited friends at Kincardine last week. • We are sorry to state that Mre. Peter Barr passed away Sunday night, Jany. 1st leaving to the oars of her husband two sons, the eldest of whom is 7 years old. Deceased had been in failing health for some time but Sunday she was able to eat her dinner with the family and appeared quite right. Heart weakness ensued and she answered the great roll oall of the aides. Her maiden name was Margaret Atelia Isabella Chambers, her birthplace being MoKillop township. She had been adopted into the family of Jno. and -Map. Mooney, 6th line long years ago by whom she was greatly be loved. Mrs. Barr was in her 41st year and had been married ten years, She was of a jolly, free : hearted turn and made many friends who greatly regret her decease and sympathise with the bereaved. TURNBERRY. At 5 o'olook on Wednesday evening, Deo. 28th, 1910, before a company of im- mediate relatives a pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Hugh McKay when their daughter, Miss Hannah, was united in marriage to Harry Coppens, of Strassburg, Sask., Rev. Mr. Fergueon,of Monkton, officiating. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a beautiful gown of white silk voile and was assisted by her little neioe, Mise Katie Howard, acting as ring bearer and flower girl, Atter congratulations the guests repaired to the diningroom where a dainty lunch was served. The re- mainder of the evening was ,pent moat enjoyably in games, mesio and dancing. Mr, and Aire. Coppens are spending a few days among relatives in the vicinity after whioh they are going to Chioago, Minneapolis and St. Paul to visit friends before departing for their home in Strass- burg. The bride's travelling suit was of green Dnohees satin with beautiful picture hat. They have the good wish- es of the community for their happiness and prosperity. The bride to a former resident of this township, her tamely living for some years on the farm on the Bluevale road now owned by Mr, Wm. Elliott. GREY. Mies Eva Smith, of Canning, Ont., and Mies Jennie Bell, of Morrie, are visitors with Mre, Wesley Stephenson, 6th con, Wm. Reilly and family moved from the Eli Smith farm to the house on the Kerney 50 acres, on the sidoroad, to make room for W. Grimmer and bride. The latter was a Mies Wallace, of Jamestown. The 100 acre ; farm, lot 21, con. 3, known as the Miller farm, has been pur- ohaeed by John A. Bryan,. who has been tenant for eeveral years. Price is i 0 B ill said to be $4, 00. Mr ryana, w no doubt do well on his new possessions as he is a steady going, industrious man. Thursday,, 9b On Deo. 2 t 1910, at "Spruce Lawn Farm," Grey towhehip, Huron Co., at the home of John and Mre, Jackson, was celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. About 70 relatives and friends from far and near gathered to honor the omission and to convey their best wisher to the bride and groom upon whom the weight of years seems to rest lightly and who are still yonthfttl in spirit and greatly en. joyed the occasion. Mr, Jackson began life in Cavan township, Durham Co, and was left an orphan when two years old. When quite a young man he settled on a farm near Harreiton, Ont., where he lived when he was married to Mre, Jaokeon, who was a daughter of John and Mary Leiggett, of Brant township, Brace Co. Soon after their marriage they moved to Brant townehtp, where their ohildren were all born and grew to ♦ ; adulthood. In 1903 Mr. and Mrs. Jack• i son moved to their present home. The 8 children wore present at the anniver- sary and 21 of their 26 grandchildren. ♦ A pretty home wedding was solem- nized by Rev. D. B. MoRae, of Oran. brook, Wednesday, Deo, 28th, at 5 t o'olook, when Miss Grace 3. Hutchinson watt Malted in marriage to Wm. A. Le- mont, at the home of the bride's parent', C. and Mrs, Hutchison, "Fairview Farm", Oth line. Nuptial knot wail tied under an Stroh of evergreen, decorated with gilt and wedding bell. the bride, who wad given away by her father, was dreeeed in Dream Bilk merino, trimmed with !Min and lam, and Wore a geld locket with eunhurtt of pearls, the gift of the groom, and carried a 'baguet of ne en l valley, Mid oarnrtip d lily 01 the 7` r Eva Cook, niece of the groom, was ring* bearer, dredited in pale blue silk, Tho 1 HANNA Si CO.1 PHONE 70 1 i SALEM, Mise Gertie Bush is visiting with her sister, Mre. W. Dane of Howiok. Mr. Chester Higgins spent Sunday with Mende in Howiok. Mr. Robert Baker is at present visit- ing friends in Toronto. A quiet, but pretty weeding took plaoe at the home of Mr. and Mra. W. Gray,Howiok, on Wednesday, Jan. 4th, at 4 80 p. m., when their deughter,Mary was united in marriage to Mr. 0. Niohol of Carrick. Rev. Mr. Perrin, B. A., performed the oeremony and the march was played by Mise Niohol, a cousin of The bride, who was given the groom: away by her father, was dreeeed in whits and carried a bognet of carnatione;after oongratnlatione the wedding party. and guests sat down to a sumptuous repast. The happy couple will reside at their home in Carrick. We are pleased to hear that Mr. John Willits, who is on the sick list ie keeping some better. We hope be will soon be able t0 leave the hospital and return to hie home. We are sorry to hear of Mrs. J. Kit. ohen'e illness. Wewish ,her a speedy recovery. (Intended for last week.) Mr, and Mrs. J. Hartley, of Clinton, have returned after spending their holi- days at the'home of Mr. W. Weir. Mr. Jae, Longley, of Toronto, spent Sunday with hie brother of this vicinity. i Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING COUGH CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS IITAaLU!Mlo e 117 A simple. Sato and effective treatment for t'ron- ehlal troubles, without dosing the stomach with drugs. Used with success. for thirty years. The air rendered strongly antiseptic, inspired with every breath, mitten breathing easy, soothes the sore throat, and etops the tough, assuring restful nights. Creeolono is invnluablo to mothers withoung, children and a boon to. sufferers frSend Send postai for descriptive booklet. ALL DRUGG1ST3' 'try limbless Anti• Sotto e tto Throat Tablet' f Irritatedtthroat. They aro simple. et.fer and entoe e Of your .druggist or frono,. OdInenatnpa, Yep° Croolelie Co, Leemtor-hrae1 aide. MONTREAL 810 A ROUSING STOCK -TAKING SALE AT ISARD'S Down go the prices on Ladies' Coats Skirts, Furi tined Coats, Fur Collared Coats. Right now is the best time. to get a new C )at, Skirt or Dress. YOU know what styles are best and Prices have reached the lowest limit. Don't delay. Come at once and get your pick of the seawn's smartest styles at prices far blow ordtna y REMEMBER THIS IS A BIG STORE AND A BIG STOCK COMPRIS- ING NEARLY EVERYTHING MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN WEAR, This Great Stock -Taking Sale OPENS SATURDAY, JANUARY 7th AND GONTINUES TO THE END OF THE MONTH We are overstocked, but we don't intend to be very long. We are deter- mined to do triple the ordinary amount of business this month and Prices have been made with that idea in mind. $9.00 for your choice of any $12.00 Garment in our store. Those great values. so many of our ' customer have said are not equalled elsewhere, $1,25 Underskirt, perfect in every way. only 98e. Big snap in Girl's Coats, 18 only sell. Valve up to $4.50, for $2.98. $11 25 nowhere else ern you get each excel- lent values in $15 00 Coats as here; compare freta with any you see elsewhere at that price. Your choice now $11 25. Silk Skirts, good aloe at $5.00,, now $3 95. A lot of Coats to clear, not this season's, all to • prices. Your pielt for $1.98. 20 per cent. off regular prices of Top Skirts, lots to choose from. FUR C01TS.—One Persian Lamb Coat worth $75 00 for $59 00. One Coon Coats worth $60.00, now $48.00. NOTICE All Accounts must , be settled by cash or note by January 18th. MEN! MEN ! Go where you will and when you will you :annot find bet- ter Clothing values than we offer at our regular prices. Here is your chance to save 20 p,r cent of our very low prices. If you want to wear better clothes ('tan ordinary without paying as much as usually asked for the common kind you want to attend this sale. Remember this sale includes every Ready to•Wear Garment, None are reserved. come first served. H. E. ISARD Mr. Wilford Weir, and John Weir spent their holidays under the parental roof. Miss M. Anderson has returned to her sohool after spending her holidays with her father. Mr. T. K. Powell wears a broad smile. He atilt holds Ms position as Reeve. We are pleased to know that the old Councillors are on duty with the excep- tion of Mr. John MoBnrney in Mr. Kelly's place. Mr. John Bush is visiting at the home of Mr. Ed. Palmer. Mr. Ben. .H Higgins is visiting n K friends in this vicinity. Mise Gladys Keen, of Brantford, is visiting with her uncle, Mr. Rob. Baker. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Higgins have returned home atter spending two weeks with friends in Michigan and other pointe. We wish them many years of happy wedded lite. Mr. W. J MaoK erste, of Toronto, spent New Year's under the parental roof. Mr. Peter McDougall had the miafor• tune to loose hie house by fire, on Tues- day morning last about 2 o'clock. They were awakened by smoke, and on inves- tigating found the house to be on fire. They managed to escape without injury and saved some of the furniture. This will mean quite a lose. Mr. McDougall will have the sympathy of the neighbor- hood. Til RN ft ERRE. Mr. and Mre. W. C. Hastings, who were spending their honeymoon at the parental' home of Mr. Hastings, returned to their home be New Liskeard last week. While here a reception was held. Many old friends will wish Mr and Mrs, Haat. ing, many years of happy wedded life. Miontes of meeting of Connell held in the Clerk's office, 81nevale, on Monday, Jan. 9. Members of Connell present: —T. K. Powell, , 1 Reeve' John Mulvey, Arthur Wheeler and John MoBarney, Connell. fors The members having eaoh made their deolaratlon of gdaliflcation and of office took their sesta at the Board. Tho minutes of last meeting of Conn• sono f Messrs. d 011mot adopted db Oil were D Wheeler and MMlvey. Moved by ItIr. Wheeler, eeoended by Mr. Mulvey, that the Reeve and Tax Oblleotor call on D. Helmer and get ad. ivioe on telephone tax.—Carried. First CO 1 1 1 auissimasswoutsammatrisomasmoommos, Moved by Mr. MoBnrney, seat_, dad by Mr. Mulvey, that the small refund on O'Malley Drain be given John Ruth- erford for distribution among those en- titled to it as per statement.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, shat By-law No. 1, 7911, be passed for the appointing of Road Commieeionere for the municipalize for the year 1911.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seoonded by Mr. MoBnrney, that By taw,No 2. 1911, be passed for the appointing of Rebt. Black and Wesley Ane;ey, Auditors for the current year. -Carried. Moved b yr Mulvey, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, that applications for the office of Assessor he received by the Reeve, any member of the Council, or the Clerk up to the 6:h day of February next. —'harried. Moved by Mr Mulvey, seconded by Mr. MoBnrney, that By-law No. 4. 1911, be passed appointing Wm H. Cruick- shank a member of the Local Board of Health to serve three years; Dr. Agnew, Medical Health Officer to serve one year and Adam Oleguoru, Sanitary Irepectar to serve one year -Denied. Moved by Mr, Wheeler, seconded by Mr Mulvey, that the Reeve and Mr, MoBarney get the _-a pier et iron bridge removed oat of River and make the best use they Oa ti of the stone and liutber.—Oarried. M ,ved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. McBurney, that the Clerk notify the Auditors to meet at the Treasurer's offioe in Wiegbam on Jan. 28th and 30th to audit Township books,—Carried, The following accounts were passed an cheque, ieened:— John Burgess, regfetration births, marriage(' and deaths, $12.20, Jermyn drain, $15, election, $8; Wm. King, eleetion, $9; John W. King, election, $9; Alex. MoPhereon, election, $9; David R. W..aUaoe, election, $9; Milton Smith, rent, Foresters' ball, $2; Geo, Mason, elro ion stationery, $1.15; 18 , John Rather. ford, ref rind, O' allev drain, $ 5 6, Jas. N atzere.ect, culvert, W. T. Plot, $2.50; Richard Vanrtone, legal advice, $9; G. D tvideoit, repnira, road machine, d0c.; Suok Clhildrren's Hospital, charity, $7; Municipal World, paper,, $6,50; D. P,tt• terson,plane :for bridge, 6. Moved by Mr. Mdlvep, seoonded by Mr. Wheeler, that this meeting adjourn to meet in the Cleric's office On Wildly, February 6th, 1911, Ann; Bnnol:ss, Clerk, Henry I. Matthews, Jr , bee h, committed for trial at the next Age z for the murder of Mies Johann'. B -tit• Combe, the deaf tnute, at Osalb e.. December 17th, in a room at tb- B Hotel. SYNOD I1b OF CANADIAN NOW 1+ W EST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY person who is the sole head of a fsmi- pt or any male over ld years oln. may hood — stead a quarter section of available • levant') land in Manitoba, 'a katchewnn or Albe, a,.. b s The applicant must appear in person at Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency r . the district. Entry by proxy may be made - any agency, on certain conditions, b,7 fath• mother, eon, daughter, brother or slate „ iu,ending homesteader. Duties.—rix mouths' residence upon a cultivation of the land in each of three yea A homesteader may live within nits • matte •, his homestead on a farm of at least 80 at' solely owned and occupied by hiss or by i, father, mother, son, daughter, brother her sister. in certain districts a hom.eteader in g•. u standing may pre-empt a gram. •'r -sear alongside his homestead. Price $3 00 nnr en Duties.—Must reside upon the homostt-ad pre-empt,on six months in each of six ynn from the date of homestead entry t ucluding thetiute required to earn homestead pate., r, and cultivate Pity ,ores extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his hoot •• stead right and cannot obtain a pre-,mpti.as may enter for a purchased homestead is curia's districts. Price $9.00 per acre. Duties —Must reside six mouths in each of three years. eai':i• vete fifty acres and er, et a house worth $300.00. W. W. Coax, Deputy of the Minister of the .nterior. N. B.—TTmtuthorized publication of We a, vertisement will not bo paid for. tAN AD I A N PAc i CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR'S RATES SINGLE FARE Dee. 24 25 26 ilethrn limit Dec. 27 ALSO Dee. 31,Jan 1,2 Return limit Jan, 3 FARE AND . ONE-THIRD N1RD Dee 21 to Jan 2 Ratura limit January 4 To all etetione in Canticle East • •f is For; Mahar, Buffalo, Detroit, gala Ellis, etc. N. e Far information Iris 4. H. FtEAM[E12, Agent, Wie. h*m