HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-12, Page 44.111.114441.4
Elonunion Bankfrom ti Inr ma Tell.
Baptist gY n
HnAIi Ol'r'IGE: TORONTO log. of Cures Wrou&ht by Qr..
Williams' Pink Pills,
Oapltal Stook (all paid up) $4.000,Q00 00
Reserve Fend and Un-
divided Profits ...... $5,400,000.00
Deposit* by the public... $47.000,000 00
Total Meets, over,....,. $02,000,000,Q0
$1zA,ttoirS$ ANi? AOErITS throughout Can
ads and (be Ucited States.
Savings Department.
Onrreut Rates of Interest allowed, and
Depasita received of $1.00 and:
Farmers' eale Notee Colleoted, and
advancesmade on them at lowest
rate of interest,
WirMilApt BaAxoa—Corner John and
Josephine Streets.
R. VANSTONE, Solicitor.
Notice of changes must be left at this
oflioe not later than Saturday noon,.
The oopy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening,
Oasual advertisements aooepted up
to noon Wednesday of eaoh week.
treTABIiLSFi0f1) 187'4
His .Lordship, the bishop has ooaetitut.
ed a. new pariah whish will comprise
Wingham and Brussels and Rev, Fx.
Blair, of London will be the pastor of
the new pariah. Fx. Blair will reside in
Rev. Dr. Oaten, of Bruseelecondnoted
the aervioee in the Methodist Ohuroh on
Sunday last and Rev. Dr. Rutledge took
Dr. Oaten': work in Bruseela. Next
Sunday, Rev, Dr. Allen, of Toronto,
Missionary Secretary will conduct the
servioes in the Methodist Obaron.
Lieut. -Col. Chander, of Loudon, will
oondaot the services in the Salvation
Army Hall next Saturday evening and
Sunday morning and afternoon and on
Sunday evening will oondnot the service
in the Baptist Church. Mr. Obander is
a good speaker and is late Principal of
a Salvation Army Training Sohool at
New York.
A. oall has been extended by the
Wingham. Baptist congregation to Rev.
G. Victor Coiling to become pastor of
-the Church and he has accepted the call
and will oommeaoe his pastorate here
on Sunday, January 22nd. Mr. Collins
has been located at Oil Springs and was
previously pastor of the Baptist Ohuroh
at Braoebridge. The Turks has mnoh
• pleasure in welcoming Mr. Conine to
Wingham and we wish him every sue -
cess in his work.
Death fi om a Fall.
Mr. Jas. W. -Inglis, a former well-
known resident of Wingham died in
Toronto on Monday as a result of falling
from a third storey window at his board-
ing house. For thirteen hours he re.
mined unconeoions at the hospital, but
there was no hope for recovery as his
head had been ornshed like an egg.ehe it
from the thirty-foot fall. He died with•
outs regaining oonsoionsneas. The de-
iceased lived here for a number of years
and was a son of the late John Inglis,
While here he was engaged in the car-
riage building business and lett Wing -
ham some twenty years ago. The re-
mains were brought here on Wednee.
day and interment made in the family
WHIT1 ViiUg0U.
Mr, Nelson Thomson, son of Mr.
Robert Thomson, and Mr. Hotohison
are en the aiok list.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggett have
returned to Holten atter' spending the
holidays with Mrs. Leggett's parents,
Mr. and l►drs. Mo *bray.
Oar chopping mill is again in good
running order.
Mr, Clark and 44 daughter, hire. Rob-
ert Ydnng, were robbed by highwaymen
near Hamilton.
Hon. Sydney Fisher and Mr, 0. C.
4110tlet addressed the Ontario Apical.
turfOttud Eitpertmental, tinier: meeting
tit Guelph.
A few years age*. flying
machines were hardly
thought of, nor was
;a10ii9s Emulsion
slimmer. Now Scott's
Emulsion is As mucha suite.
mer as a winter remedy.
Science did it.. An rimiest/
The Dr. Williams' Medioine 00.,
Brookville, Ont,
Gentlemen, ---It hes been my irate itioa
to write to you for some lime, but being
busy I have neglected to do so until
I am a Baptist minister, Wee or.
dained June 141h, 1887, in Orainahe
Baptist Church, Northumberland Co.,
Oat, I want to tell you in as few words
se possible what I know about Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, I was pastor of the
Dalesvilie, Que., Baptist ()Much in 1891
and again in 1894 5 While pastor in
1891, the Rev. John King, a former
pastor, aged 74, was atrioken with par-
alysis so that he oopld not help biineelf.
lie had'to, or, did, take a tablespoonful
of rhubarb every day to keep bis bowels
regular. I thought of Dr. Williams`
Pink Pile. He began taking them and
it was not long• before he oonld walk
again and his bowels were regular. The
paralysis never returned and his bowels
remained active, He died a few years
ago practically from old age.
I went from Deleeville Quo , to Gro-
ton, Vermont, as pastor of the Baptist
Ohuroh in that place. There lived a
man about two and one-half miles from
Groton by the name of Neil McCrea,
a Canadian. I heard he was ill, and
beinra Canadian, I went to see him
I found him lyil}g in bed. He said he
had no pain, but was too weak to sit up.
His lips were bloodless, in fact he was
as white as ohalk. I recommended Dr
Williams' Pink Pills and gave him some.
He began taking the and in a short
time oonld see blood in the vetne of his
bands and in the course of few weeks
he was out watching •' •n building a
new barn for him, an shortly after
that he game toGroto• •ochurch. Now,
I ought to tell you hat the doctor al
Groton had given h •. up. The Rye -
gate doctor (a doot.r in an adjoining
village) oonld n :lp him and said so.
The best dootor n he hospital at Burl=
ington, Vt., ea :.and saw Mr. MORen,
but said he could not help him. He did
not get any help till Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills put him on hie feet again.
Later I retarded to Dalesville, Que.,
as pastor. A young lady who lived
about six mileswest of Dalesviile at a
plane called Edina, sent for me to come
and see her, as she bad been a member
of my congregation iu my former pas-
torate. I went to see her and found a
similar Daae to that of Mr. MoOrae, of
Groton, Vt. This girl was so weak she
could not sit up. She appeared to be
bloodless. I said to her: "It will cost
yon $6 00 to get a doctor to Dome out
from Laohute to see you. whereas you
oan get six boxes of Dr Williams' Pink
Pills for ma)" She followed my ad-
vice, took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
when some time later I saw her in La -
chute, she was se well as ever, and Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills did it all.
I have given you the facts of these
three cases which name to my personal
notice and I think it only just to other
sufferers that these cures should be giv-
en the widest pnblioity. If you wish me
to go before a magistrate and take oath
to the truthfulness of the things men-
tioned above, I am prepared to do eo,
I am at present engaged in evangelistic
work, and I have therefore notat the
present time a permanet address, I oan,
however refer you to the editor of the
Canadian Baptist.
(Sigaed) T. 0. SowrER,
We notice in The Fa .• y Herald and
Weekly Star of Montr:.1 the publishers
are warning their r.aders whose sub-
scriptions expire t s month to 'renew
at once. The e. =wai orders and new
subeoripttons ring into that Office
every day are sight to behold. In their
prospeotae for 1911 the Publishers prom-
ise some wonderful improvements that
will make the paper even greater valve
than ever before, although it has always
been reoognized as the greatest dollar's
worth to be had. Every home in Cana-
da will be the better of the Family Her-
ald and Weekly Star as a regular weekly
visitor during 1911.
Live Stook Markets.
Toronto.Jan. 10 --City Castle Market—
Receipts for today's market were 71 car-
loads, with 1,085 cattle, 600 sheep and
lambs, 400 hogs. and 90 salves.
The market continues motive and pric-
es fi rm. There has been a keen enquiry
for butcher oattle for looal consumption
and also for ohoioe beeves.
The following are she quotations:
Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs.
Choice $5 90 $6 00
Medium 5 65 5 76
Bulls 4 50 5 40
Cows 4 50 5 25
best 1000 pounds and up-
wards 5 00 5 25
Stockers ohoioe4 00 4 75
" bulls 8 50 500
Pioked 6 00 6 50
Medium.... 5 00 5 25
Cows..........8 50 5 25
Bulls :g 3 50 500
Best ... ..........Y..... 7 oa
Lights 7 15
Export ewes...;4 50 4 65
Bucks.... 8 25 8 50
Oulla............. 800 3 50
:Spring Lambs each.. 5 75 5 90
Calves. each. ,.... 8 00 08 50
Wingham, Jany.11th, 1911.
Plot t per 1001bs,... ...,.. 2 45 to 8 00
Fall Wheat ........ 0 82 to 0 j85
Oats,........ ..Y,...f... 0 82 to 0 02
Barley ...... .. ........ 0 46 to 0 48
Peas .., ....... 0 72 .to 0 75
Butter dairy . ,,.....Y.. 0 20 to 0 22
Eggs per dolt .............080 to 0 80
Wood per cord .... 25010250
Hay, per ton............. 8 00 to 0 10
Potatoes, per bushel, 0 80 to 0 85
Lard ... 0 20 to 0 18
Live Hogs, per owl. .. 7 00 to 700
Woken', per Ib .,., ,0 10 to 0 12
Dank", per lb ... 0' 12 to 0 12
Geese, per lb... l .. Y 0'11 to U 12
Turkey. perib ........Y<. 0 18 10.18
'-witit lye
.4.-•. 411.44. ••••44 .6 ,.. .4.4444/14144,44, ".•« Ww.•.I....,..... ,,.r...�.
Tittl WLNOUAM TOMB,. ,TAN33ARY 12, 11
• U.dWiu�,. ,y• r-
Creat Stock Reducing Sale
for Next 20 Days at
I Per cent
� Off
Our large stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewel
lery, Silverware, Chi
ware, Fancy oods,
Leather Good;. etc.
Wal P •':er and Win.
dont S ades.
Special bargains in all
left over
of Christmas
Per cent
Phone 65.
Opposite Brudswiek. Hotel.
Rev. Father Laurendeau loft last
week for London, where he will enter
upon a new field of labor. During the
five and a halt years be has bad charge
of St. Augustine and Wingham parish
he has made for himself many warm
friends, who are sorry to learn of his
removal. His bright smile and cheery
words will be greatly missed by all.
We wish Father Lanrendeau every suc-
cess in bis new field. We would also
weloome to our midst Rev. Father Dean.
One Door .North of King's.
Mr. John Crawford, Chief of Police
of Sarnia, is dead.
Cordite, used by British soldiers is the
outcome of a strange paradox—The re.
stilt is a smokeless lowbnrning powder of
'great velocity. Nitroglycerine anb gun-
cotton mixed to gether with a little pet-
rolenm jelly make oordite. In the factory
women knead the deadly explosives into
paste with the same unconcern as it they
were kneading dough for bread. Indeed
machines as used in bakeries take up the
work and knead the buff -colored oordite
paste for 7 hours.
For securing such wonderful re, -
Auctions in either Dry Goods ,. or
Groceries. For we are now
negotating with a practical busi-
ness man to purchase the
whole stock. Come right along
at once, secure your requirements
at such money saving reductions
as may not be offered again in
your time. In all probability
there will not be more than a
week or so of this sacrificing sale.
•N•!•••••• .....+4.4.+004......„....4.4...............4....„
Wingham, Ont.
1 Big Reduciug �Jan.9to28JSa��e.•1
10,000.00 Stock of New Goods at Slaughter
i. Sale Prices,
1 Everything goesat this Big Clearing Sale s
except Groceries. No need of a clearing •
sale in this Department.
• ,
• After the Christmas Rush we are beginning to make room at once for Spring Goods.
• Stock must be reduced. Come early for first choice. -The goods are first
• class seasonable and up-to-date. We would rather have the money
• than carry the goods over. Therefore we will make
duced prices not punched on
Premium Cards.
Over 100 pieces of Dress Goods at 1.4 to:1.3
• less than regular prices.
Prints, Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, Shirtings,
• Gingbams, Cottonades, Art Muslins, Cretonnes, etc.,.
iat 20 per cent off.
• 20 per cent off all Gent't Furnishings. Shirts,
• Ties, Collars, Hosiery, Underwear, Braces, Gloves,
• Mitts, Handkerchiefs. etc.
• t only Cosy Comforters, neat patterns in Red
• and Light Blue. Regular $2.75 for $2.10.
• se Fur Coats, Muffs, Stoles, Capes,, ,Throwovers,
etc., at 1-4 off,
• All Fancy Candy—Fine Cream Chocolates by
• the pound and in fancy boxes, Maple Creams,
• Cocoanut Creams. 1 4 less than regular prices.
Look at This List of Reductions.
1.3 off all All Carpets, Wool Tapestry, and
Union. Also Stair Carpet.
Damask Curtains, Chenille Cartains, Lace
Curtains' Damask and Chinlle Table Covers, 25
per cent. off.
Wool Toques, new shape, grey and red, grey
and green, red and white, maroon and white,
regular 5uc. Aale price 35c.
Cut prices in a few lines of Groceries.
Puffed Rice, 3 packages for..... 25e
Cream Maple, regalar 25e tins for 15c
Choice Layer Figs, reg. 20c lb. for 15e
Choice Layer Figs, reg. T5c lb. for. 10c
Choice Cluster Raisins, reg. 20e, for 15c
Come early—don't expect a fall stock after
the sale has been going a week or two.
Sale begins on Monday, Jan. 91b. Big Sale
for 3 weeks.
20 pieces of Table Linen at less than re-
gular prices.
Towels, Towelling, Velveteens, Silks, Satins,
Laces, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, etc„ at
20 per cent. off.
A few heavy Overcoats for Men, regular
$7.00, now only $3.00.
25 per cent. off Men's and Boy's Suits and
Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Overalls, Cottonades and
Denim Pants, &e.
A number of Heavy Winter Caps for Men,
regular prices 35c and 50e each. Sale price only
19e each.
Ladies' Silk and Wool Motor
Sweaters; 20 per cent. off.
Scarfs and
Our splendid stock of New Fancy China and
Cat Glass at 20 per cent. off regular prates. These
goods are newest styles and colorings.
Boots and Shoes, Heavy Rubbers and Sox,
Light Rubbers, all sizes, all new good. stock, 20
per cent: off
Hosiery•all kinds, underwear all kinds, and
all new goods at 20 per'' cent. less than regular
All Ribbons, Hand Bags, Plain and Fancy
Combs, Barettes, Hair Brushes, Faney Hair Pins,
Hai Pins. Belts, Gloves, Collars, Frillings, Brooch-
es, Belt Pins, Buttons, Yarn all kinds. 20 per
cent off regular prices.
It will pay anyone to come 20 miles to attend
this sale. Come and see.
Closes on Saturday, Jan. 28th. Sale only
3 weeks.
Goods will not be charged, No not for a day, - Goods at reduced prices will not be punched
on Premium Cards.
at reduced prices.
F. •
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••:WWVW••••••••6•••.•.•e•••••••••••4•+•••••••••••_
THRIFT is rightly deaeribed as
"Economical Management."
A shrewd business man is epoken
of as thrifty because he saves.
Perhaps only a dollar at a time—
perhaps more—but the ;meat secret
of his Emcees lies in the principle of
One dollar will start an account
with the Bank of Hamilton.
C. Pe Smith o- - . Agent.
Winter Tours
Mextoo, Colorado, California, and
Pacific) Const Points,
This the eGrand Trunk popular route fromlall sptute
east through Canada via Chicago.
Rpdbed, ouble Modern Equipment, 7Jnex.
celled Dining Oar Servide, all ale,
meats of safety and comfort.
To the Sunny South
No more desirable route than via
Grand Trunk and oobnooting lines.
For tickets end farther information
call on G. Lament, Depot Agent or
addreda 3. D. McDonald, D. P. A.,