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The Wingham Times, 1911-01-12, Page 3
NERVOUS DEBILITY OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro you and make a man of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so 'that ail pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and mental systems are invigorated; alt drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. You feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars, tar NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates his experience: "I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. I lay it to indiscretion and excesses in youth. I became very despondent and didn't caro whether I worked of not. I imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me -my back ached, had pains in the back of uty bead, hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, oyes blurred, hair loose, memory poor, etc.. Numbness in the fingers set in and tho doctor told me ho feared paralysis. I took all kinds of medicines stud tried many first-class physicians, wore an eleetrt° belt for three months, but received little benefit. I BEFORE TREATMENT was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy RG AFTER TREATMENT Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in saved my Likei. drowning v man commencedalkthe e eI cotild Berner, th© TREATMENT going through the nerves. • I was cured mentally and physically. I have sent them many patients and continue to de so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We trent end euro VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases peculiar to Men. • CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Question DRS.KENNEDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters front Canada must be addressed eu a Dc art- �NOTICE to our Canadian Correspond c p meat in Windsor, Out. %f you desire to ee see us personally Call at der Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no. patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follovlisis DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write ioR our private addrosb. PROMINENT MEN AND WELL KNOWN WOMEN OIadIy Testify for "Fruit -a -hues" One reason why "Fruit-a.tives" is winning a welcome to the hearts and aleading homes of thousands from coast to coast, iS because so many of the ,ciit mens of Canada have spoken so strongly hi favor of this wonderful fruit medicine. In every province -in every city -in every hamlet --throughout the three minim!, seven hundred square miles of the Dominion, there are many who owe their health and scute who owe their lives, to the marvellous virtues of s'Fruit-a-tives". NRr,sow BANISTER, EsQ� , (Capt. "A"Squadron, I2tli Manitoba Dragoons) of Oak Lake,, Manitoba, says- I was stricken with Sciatica and Neuralgia of the Seart-was in bed for six weeks -I tried "Fruit-a-tives" and it completely clued me, Today, my whole•family use"Fruit-a-tines." Patna 5. JoNEs, RSQ., retired merchant of Sarnia, Ont., testified "I suffered for 25 yearn with Constipation, Indigestion and Catarrh of the Stomach. I gave "Fruit -a -Lives" a trial and find it the only remedy that does me good and I cannot praise it too highly". MRs. LIzzIE BAXTER, 5 home Place, Toronto.-" I was a terrible sufferer from Rheumatism for nearly a year, Two doctors treated me but I became a helpless cripple. I saw "Fruit-a-tives" advertised and decide to take it. After taking five boxes, I was well ". HENRY SPER$, Bette the well known Justice of The Peace of Moorefield, Ont., "I suffered from severe indigestion for almost two years and became almost a skeleton. Two experienced doctors pronounced my case hopeless. My son asked me to try "Fruit-a-tives" and from the outset of taking these wond- erful tablets, I was better and "Fruit-a-tives" completely cured me," N. Jotnimer, Rso., a well known and highly esteemed citizen of Grande Ligne, P. Q., says "I heartly recommend "Fruit-a-tives" to all who suffer with Constipation." H. Menewrissaur T (High Constable of Province of Quebec), St. Hyacinthe, says "Fruit-a-tives" cured me of Chronic Pain in the Back." EDWIN GRAM, $R., of Sydney Mines, N. S., writes "For many years, I suffered from Indigestion and Dyspepsia -lost 25 pounds -and thought the disease was Cancer. After taking three boxes of "Fruit -a -rives", I was much better and now I can say that "Fruit-a-tives" has entirely cured me." Be guided by these letters of Canada's well known men and women. Try "Fruit -a -eves" and see for. yourself that it will do for you what it has done for thousands of other sufferers. soc. a box, 6 foe $2.5o, trial size 25e. At all dealers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. THE BQOK OF LIFE. Life is a book that none of no know. Until we find out that we're made to go Towards the Twilight. land where we read the last page, And finds that Youth turn° the last leaf to Old Age; With a chapter ot• Ohildhood and a chapter of Charm A chanter of Good and a chapter of Harm; A chapter of 'hope and a chapter of Fears; A chapter ot Triurnpe and a chapter of Tears; A chapter of Gode and a chapter of Kuaves ; A ohaoter of Slaves and a chapter of, Orvves ; A chapter or Woes -the whole world knows, .And then comes a chapter of -well, Nobody knows. -New York Sun WHAT BECOMES OF STALE EGGS What becomes of bad eggs? Not the human sort that end their days in the gutter or in the garbage heaps of exist• enoe, but real eggs; eggs that nhould have been meds tato egg nogg° and egg omelottee, or poached or fried or boiled while they were fresh. Where is their hoose of refuge when they become old? It is high time -and this without refer- ence to the flavor of the eggs -that people found on; The Board of Trade of Toronto is doing' the right thing ,in asking the Govsrpineut to remedy pres- ent couditiotts. A certain number of etaide, as any citizens will testify, are palmed off on the tinblie in the company of certain less ancient comrades. No bonethnlder need expect to pay as little as thirtyseyen ciente per dozen nowadays and find less than two bad eggs in the twenty four. • But there are still a large number of bad eggs unaccounted for. end there is a general belief that they are not all thrown away. In Buffalo, the other day a firm was fined $200 for selling rotten eggs. The trial revealed the fact that bakers in Naw York and other largo pities use immense gnautities of these in the making of cakee. Five tons of rotten eggs were seized by the Health Commissioner in Buffalo, and their use for purposes other than tan- ning was forbidden. The oommerolal world seems to be over-reaohing itself in its s fforts to keep produce for long periods, for there is always a percentage ot absolute loss, as well as a general deterioration. No- thing approaches the goodness of a good egg unless the badness of a bttd one. But 'there is more badness and in- betwepn•noss than there is of goodueso in the ordinary eggs that are sold in cities at an extraordinary pride. Aod, apparently the larger the city, the worse the eggs, What a fine, rich Savor there meet be to chose cakes a titch they make in New Yorkl-Daily Star. S100 REWARD. 5100 The readers of this paper will be pleased so learn that'there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Oure is the only poeitive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- etitatioual treatment. Hall's Ontarrh Oure la taken internally, noting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the ,disease, and giving the patient strength by building np the constitution and assisting nature in do- ing its work .The proprietors have so mach faith in irs curative powers that the;. offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F.. J CHENEY & co, , -Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 76o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. TO* WINGTEAM THE SERMON. t4rthur .0. Benson. j I know qct wisat the preacher slid - Rio words fell evaded in IF dream- By elatiee to clause, from headto head, He Graced a end and subtle .scheme.. Through legal maze, on dizzy height, The curious metaphysic trod; He held will all bis tedious might The mirror to the mind of God. The mind of God I And all the while Sia large wind thundered in the tower, And on'the oasemeots of the stele Pelted and tmipad the drivingshow er , Old grandstree shivered at the sound -- How cold among the slanting stones The oomfortless and ugly ground Where they must lay their aching boned While lovers eat in blushing thought, And heeded not the unkindly skies - But with an awkward rapture oanght The sudden glance of wistful eyes. Attached by means of a rubber sleeve and ooilar is a 'mouthpiece for milk bottled, which has beeu invented by an Alabama man. SHAKESPERIAN MOTTOES. FOR THE NEW YEAR. Heaven grant us its peace,-.-Meaenre for Measure, Let eaoh man do bis best.- King. Henry IV. 0 Time is the nurse and breeder of all good. -Two Gentlemen of 'Verona. Courage and comfort: All shall yet go wall, -Slog John. Take from my month the wish of, happy years. King Richard II. Time shall unfold what plaited cun- ning hides. -King Lear. That it shall hold coinpanionsbip in peace and honor as in war.-Ooriolanns Be of good oheer; They shall no more prevail than we give way to, -Sing Henry VIII. This lies all within the will of God, To Whom I do appeal. -Sing Henry V. There's rosemary and rue; these keep, Seeming and savour all the winter long. -Winter's Tale. Be just and fear not: ' Let all the ends thou aim'$ at be thy country's Thy God's and troth's. --Sieg Henry VIII. rity the Babies. All babies whose mothers do not know about Dr. Ohase's Ointment are truly to be pitied. They are sure to have skin troubles of one kind or another such as chafing, skin irritation, scald head, milk rash or baby eozema and nothing can bring them comfort so quickly as Dr. Chase's Ointment. It etops itching promptly and heals the skin beautifully. USEFUL HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES. Dusters can be made out of old cotton drossee, and chintz oovers. These are nine and soft, and better for nee than new material. Pieces of newspaper soaked and squeezed out in water and sprinkled over a carpet before it is swept will keep down the dust. Grape Frappe -Four cups water, two cups sugar, two cups grape juice, two. thirds oap orange juice (if liked), one - cup lemon juice. Milk will Olean, piano keys Batista°. torily. It will take out ink spots of long standing. Used in staroh it will give a satiefaotory gloss. A little fine cornflour mixed in before cooking helps to keep onstardfrom curd. ling, and also absorbs the water that comes from over -baking. A housekeeper who spilled ink on a green plush tablecloth took out every particle of the stain with a weak sole. tion of baking soda and water. If a vanilla bean is kept in the sugar jar, it will give the sugar a very delicate flavor. This is especially desirable for sugar to be used in cake baking. • When boiling a pudding, put a saucer at the bottom of the saucepan in which the pudding is cooked, and there will be no danger of its stinking. If potatoes are robbed with butter, lard, or olive oil before baking the °kine will be found to be thin and soft after baking; olive oil is lees liable to burn. 4 mother whose children go to a school which has no lunch counter keeps on hand an assortment of little boxes that fit perfectly into the lunch basket. If a pair of shoes has beoome stiffened with walking in the wet, they should. first be Washed with worm water and then have oil well robbed into them. White oor matting may be scrubbed with bran water. Pot two pints of bran into two quarte of water and boil it: Strain, and when 000l use for scrub• bing the matting. A minister whose first pariah Was in the baokwoods of the West was galled upon to officiate at the wedding of a rather eeedy•lotlking fellow and a bloom. ing young woman. The ceremony was performed, in the log•ottbin home ot the bride's parents. There were many guests present, and a pleasant informal. ity prevailed. When the ilridegroom re. pentad the words. "With all my wordly Odds 1 thea endow," a tall and lank gnat innocently observed: Thar pee Hank's hong' dawg,.iy alai l" =, JANUARY 12 1011 CASKS PI IiSi e nt 100 Scio sodrelieve an easy tem, U each a Dizziness, Massa, Drowsiness Distress after eating, Pain le Vie SW, €;c. While their most rowarkable success has Wet shown la cluing SICK Feadaebo, yet Carter's Little Liver Piile tate equally vocable in Conctipatton, curingane,pre, venting thio annoying • complaint. while theyalso correct all disorders ot'tto stomach, ctlmu.atethq herr and regulate tate bowels. Lyon if they Drily Ache they wouklbealmoat pricelcsstothose who puffer Irout this distressing complaint; hut forte natclytheir goodness doss noteud here,nnd those who once try them will lldtteno Ili tie pills vale Mettle to canny Scapa that they v ill not bo tvi1- ling to do without them. But after s l l skk head cured c In the bane of so many lives that hero to where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it wail° others do not. Carter's Little Liver ?Ills are very small and very easy to take. Oneor two pills make a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their geutlo action please au who use them. cam =IC= 00.,1filW EODS, lit II% S ia111%%C91 KERLIN' TIME. The frost.ie i' the air Jook, The snow Cam's ektrilin' demi; The lochs well soon be froze, Jook, On the ootskairts o' the Loon, We ba'ed oor gowf a' simmer. On many bonny links, But that'll a stoopit game, Jock, Tae kerlin' ou the rinks. It warms a body's hairt, Jook, The singin' o' the stave When Davis is drawn oop to try Oon.olustous wi' Maclean. An' ilka 'nithor lad, Jock, In his Glengarry oap, Wall be layln' doon the pat lid An' feohtln' for the tap. A'm growin' rayther geld, Jook, The creak is in me banes, But still I hand my sin, Jook, Wo' beeom and we' etanes. So when the ice is keen, Jook, An' winds cam' wi' a nip, An' winda oam earn wi' a nip, Ye'll fin' among she korlin' bairns , Massif, MacPhearson, skip, Revilion Freres ESTABLISHED 1723 The largest dealers in Furs and Skins in the world. We pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for all kinds of Raw Furs and Skins cionest assortmgnt. Quick returns Ask for our • DRICE LIST s • IT'S FREE OFFICE ANo STOREROOMS 134 and 136 McGill St. Montreal, WE PAY EXPRESS CHARGES. ries' What are Babies Worth. The commercial vnlcie of babies to Made the topic of an artiste la the latest bul- letin of the Oalifcriia State Board of Health. Thearticle eatimatai the Aver• age cost of the up.brlpgiug of a child. from birth to twenty years to be $1,150. and Its. average commercial. value at the end of that time to be $4,000 Ae en iris vestment 10 10 estimated that at the age Of thirty the average man 1s worth We 0001 pine $12,000 gross earutags-and hemmed $10,150 Or gra wth in thirty years The average value Por all ohll4rou to Ua Red Stakes was reported by the nattenel eopaorvation oowmittee to be $2900, Up- on this bates the article deoleres the Stale is losing through prey, nimble illness and the lige, prebebly $1CO3OCO,t'CO annually. What Curling Has Done For Nova Scotia. When one learns of the age of some of the curling clubs in Nova Sootio, it be- oomes easier to understand why the little province has always played so large a past in the affairs of this' country, and wny Nava Sootians, wherever they may be dropped down, always diop on their feet. A people that play onrling have never yet been known to lag in the race of life. Perhaps if the full truth were known, it would be found that it is not oatmeal, but curling, coupled with a few qualities like industry and pester- verence that has made Scotland great., The othbr day the onrling olab.of Truro, N. S., celebrated the thirty-fifth anni- versary of its birth, and at the festive gathering the members looked back over more than a third of a century of good aport and national usefulness standing to the oredit of the organization to which it was an honor to belong. When the Truro Carling Club was established thirty-five years ago, there was still talk in Nova Scotia about "repeal" and con- federation was still on trial. Today those issues are as dead ap the prover- bial herring; which shows to what a remarkable extent curling can clear the national vision. As one of the apeakere at the Tsar° banquet well said, curling "develops phyelcal strength and mental character". -Exchange. The women of Virginia are calling for so much suffrage literature that the lib. rarier, of the state library has published alist of books, periodicals and pamphlete bearing on the subject. He explains that woman enifrage is the basis for so many debates and papers in the various 0ootetios and clubs throughout the state that he found it necessary to make the list. There are now shoat 1,400 golf courses in America, and some of the clubhouses have cost $100,000. The investment in real estate. buildings, and permanent improvements reach $15,000,000. In an - /Mal expenditure dolt is only second to the national game of baseball: Etaeball, $12,500,000; golf, $7,000,000; tennis, $8.260,000; football, $2.500.000; polo, oeteae$1,000,000,0hookay,r ck, lecroe, rowing, PERT PARAGRAPHS. 61. ONE way to be happy is byefalling a to find anything worth being mit• arable'over. A little, friendly advice generally costs all it is worth. Something that we don't know trou= bles us a whole lot. It takes an enterprising person to turn up a fresh trouble every day. Nothing ventur- ed, nothing goes to the promoter's bank account. The Standard Oil company ought to get the arctic 'region on its list, for there's a lot of money to be made lighting up a sin- gle night there. The mosquito season is over, but slippery sidewalks will soon add to the excitement of life. The girl who can't sing and won't looks like a gem of purest ray serene beside the one who can't and does. Gravity may have it lot to do with a man's failing in love, for it frequently makes bins grave. It Is a long lane that has no turn and a dark one that bas a crook hid- ing in it. If failure is but preliminary to suc- cess must of us may be excused for disliking preliminaries. If you don't take care of the present the past will be getting in its work on you. , You may know more than your boss, but don't let him find it out. There are some things better than a cheerful disposition, lout they don't get a chance at you every day. Don't be a grouch. There is too much competition for you to hope to be a great success at it. Good Advice. "Daughter?' "Yes, pa." "Never marry a short. man." -"But Charlie is awfnly short." "Don't marry him then." "Why not?' "A short man is always trying 'td borrow money of his relatives." Spreading. Tes, every country has been hit By this insurgent fight. Ia darkest India they sit And rubber at the light. G Practical.' "Did he get results from sleeping put the wedding cake?' "Yes; fine." "Well, I am consumed with c'nrios ; It%e, "He woke up in the night.". "And heard voices?' "No; ate the cake." Had Severe Pains In Bach. Felt As 11 It Must Break. Mr. Alfred E. Davis, Gorda, Ont., writes: --"For some years I suffered from severe pains in my back, and could hardly work at all, and when I stooped down to pick up anything felt as if my back must break. I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills and after taking two boxes was entirely cured, and I feel that I cannot speak too highly in their favor. "'!.'his was nearliy four years ago and I still remain cured." Weak s icache Lame Back, ea �•r Backache, , Back, there is _r no remedy equal to Doan's Kidney Pills for taking out the stitches, twitches and twinges, limbering up the stiff back and giving perfect comfort. Doan's Kidney Pills are 60 cents per box or 3 boxes for S1.25, at all dealers or wiled direct o" receipt of price by' The T. Milburn Co. Limited, Toronto, Ont. In ordering direct specify "Doan's," Market ..-�Reports 12 to 18 Hotirs Ahead of the Morning Pa _.era Every issue of The Toronto Daily Star contains the day's price quotations on the Grain and Live Stock Markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago and outer important centres •--the very same quotations that the morning papers will print next day-ze to z$ hours later. The Toronto Daily Star market reports are most accurate, and getting them every day you are always able to catch the market at its highest point. and to sell your products at the highest prices prevailing. To be a daily and constant reader of the Toronto Star market reports means money in your pocket -a live paper for wideawake people. TORONTO DAILY STAR . Clubbing, This paper and the (�: 5 Toronto Daily Star t�J V Offer for one year for $'2.20 a Yealr•0 It +++++3'434143'3+'3.3'+++++++++4. 4++'4.4++'+'++++++++++++ The . Times • •• Clubbing List •* .......ii,•4* + Times and Weekly Globe . + Times and Daily Globe 4.50 + + Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star1.85. : + Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.30 4. Times and Toronto Daily News.. 2.30 '1'• +Times and Daily Mail and Empire. 4.50 + Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1,60 ` + Times land Farmers' Advocate 2.35 ,i Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) 1,60 Times and Farm and Dairy 1.80 .. Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. 1.60 , Tines and Daily Advertiser 2.85 + Times and London Advertiser (weekly). 1.60 4 i Times and London Daily Free Press Morning + Edition 3.50 . Evening Edition 2 90 ._.'a.• + Times and Montreal Daily Witness 3,50 + Times and Montreal Weekly Witness 1.t55 + Times and World Wide 2.25 + Times and Western Home Month] Winnipeg.- 1.60 m y, 4. Times. and Presbyterian 2,25 Times and Westminster 2.25 +Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 + Times and Toronto Saturday Night 3.40 Times and Busy Man's Magazine 2.50 + Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.75 moss Times and Youth's Companion .. 2.90 4. Times and Northern Messenger 1.35 Times and Daily World 3.10 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 + Times and Canadian Pictorial 1.60 Times and Lippincott's Magazine 3.15 + Times and Woman's Home Companion 2.6& Times and Delineator .. 2.40 + Times and Cosmopolitan 2.30 Times and Strand 2.50 •1. Times and Suecess 2.45 se Times and McClure's Magazine 2.60 Times and Munsey's Magazine 2.55 4. Times and Designer 1.85 Times and Everybody's 2.40 iv AN •i• These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great •I• The above publications may be obtained by Times subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica- tion being the figure given above less $i.00 representing + + the price of The Times. For instance : The Times and Weekly Globe $1,60 The Farmer's Advocate (52,35 less $1,00),1.35 $2,95 Britain. making the price of the three papers $2.95. The Times and the Weekly San .. X1.80 + The Toronto Daily Star ($2.30 less $1,00) . 1,30 The Weekly Globe ($1.60 less $1.00) 60 4 4. • 4 $3.70• • the four papers for $3.7o. If the publication you want is not in above list, let + us know. We can supply almost any well-known Cana - 4., These prices art, strictly + titan or American publication.S Icash in advance, 4. Send subscriptions by 'post office or express order to 4. + �i + + •F Stone Block WINGHAM "4. y: •u + it ...+ 40.0....iiiiit+3.3; i.4:4,++ih t• .1•. •r •�i..1.4...1.4.9;4.+.4..+�I•4. w•r'l'+'1'i . „ The Times r ��Y Ce,i Q ONTARIO , ,+t,:.ei: