HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-12, Page 1M THS WINGHAM TIMES. VOL. XL, --NO, 203 25 Linen Handkerchiefs Free Commencing Saturday next wewill give to the first 25 people purcbasing an ounce of Perfume at our store (A fine imported Irish Linen Handkerchief and a dainty chatelaine bottle of our "Thelma" Perfume.) "Thelma" is as. dainty as the. flowers and more lasting. Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST ffisselcneld. Block, Wingham. STORE TO RENT . SUITABLE FOR IMPLEMENT SHOP POSSESSION 1st OF JANUARY Ritchie & Cosons: REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WANTED•—Operators, ex.:rienoed on heavy geode. High: t w gee. Warm, well•ligbted factory. e paid. Apply DURHAM GLOVE CO., IMITED, Bowman- ville, Ont. The lumber bar ,Isabella sands disap- peared from the cck at Owen Sound with her Drew on card and it is suppos- ed she was blown ut into the bay. Christie's Grocery PHONE 68. Unbeatable Groceries This is the day of the special• ist and our specialty is the gro• cery business. We began 1911 with the deter. urination to make a year of mut- ual advantage. TO YOU BROAusE—•Yon will be able to get the best of eatables at lowest notch prices con- sistent with quality. All eatables will be hand- led by the latest and best methods. Anything we send out that does not toe the qual— ity mark will be gladly taken back. TO US. Of course it means something to t1s, It Means increased sales,.. and increased sales to its is botind to re•atet in your favour. Think it over and GIVE vs A TnTAL, The lea and Coffee ► $tore WINGRAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 1911, Wear Greor'a Shoos and Rubors Ladies' A xiliarY• The regular mont y meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to he Wingham Gen - ere' Hospital has ben postponed owing to the very stormy Bather. The next meeting will be eld in the Council Chamber on Mond y, Feb. 6th, at four o'olools when mat rs laid•over from the January meeting ill be taken up. Competent girl luvanted; no washing; highest wages -laid. Duties to com- mence at once. MRS. L. KENNEDY. The An ,ual Meeting. The annual meting of the Turnberry Agrionitnrel Sooif Council Chamber1 Jannary 20th, con Wingham fall fail oese and can be m the future if the and district give e agement of the are interested in requested to atte ty will be held In the on Friday afternoon, menoing at 2 o'olook. last year was a spo- de a better success in people of Wingham me time to the man. sir, All parties who iugham's fall fair are d this annual meeting. Died ! New York. Jas. S. Markh, m, on of Rev. Joseph Markham, whoa death was reoorded in our last nem, died on Thursday last at his home in New York. Deceased had been in the ofd: of an English tubing firm for some ye re and hadbeen ill for a few months, : le was in Me 50th year and leaves a wad 'w but no family. The deceased resided _n Wingham when his father was a paler here some thirty years ago. SEATING Seams:— To enjoy skating one must have the correct boot. We have them in Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Boys'. Skates put on free on shoes we sell, W. J. GREER. First Hock ev of Season. The first home game of hockey for the seasonwill be played at the Wing- ham rink this (Th ereday) evening when Listowel will be t6 boys arelooking f this, the opening Band will be in atti ed; at 8 o'clock. players:won their ton by a snore of 7 visiting team. The r a good crowd at game of the season. ndanoe. Game call. est- week, the looal ret game at Harris - to 6. ia; We don't very often put on a special out -down sale, bat we want room, and the quickest way to get it is to clear out at a price. This is your opportunity to get bargains but for cash only. S. GRAOEY, Farniture Dealer, Bengou is Coming. On Tuesday ev .ning, Jaa.l7th, Ben- gongh will give e of his famous en• tertainments in e Town Hall, under the auspices o the Wingh... High School. The e ertainmen Is of the highest class an the Ht : . School du - dents promise 5 eir f . de an evening of !aprofit, ple fir: and mirth. The prioee are the po nlsr prices of reserved seats, 35c, genet admission, adu1ts,25o and ohildren, 15c Reserved seattiokets are now on Sale :md seats may bereser- ved at MoKibbo:I's drug store beginning at 2 p.m. Thursiry, Jan. 12th. During the evening Ben-nngh will give a num- ber of local oherecter sketches. He is a Canadian end et -nds unrivalled in his field. The City ty Council. The reeves and eputy reeves who will oompoae the comity council of 1911 are: Ashfield—Thos Stothers, Wm, Hun- ter. fel Colborne—J. N Kernighan, Goderioh Town hip—Samuel Sturdy. Hay—P. Lemon Stephen—S. Sueeitzer, *W. D. San - dere. Usberne—*Alfred Hankin. Taokeremith—RAlert MoKay, Hallett --e James Jeipor. MoKillop—J, M. ovenlock. East Wawanosh— ohn Gillespie. West Wawanosh ,'Wm. Bailie. Morris—*John She treed. Grey—R. W. Li ingetone, *John Brown. Turnberry—T. K. well. Howiek ,/John S Winter, *James Downey. Goderioh Town— Mannings. Olintein--W. G. Seaforthee*J. rj, ,Wingham *D, Exeter—a. W. 1eiit&1--Oweli Bayfield—G, Brnaselt—,1013 Blyth—Lttat Wroxeter_* Those mark oottnoil, Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8 Pump Bu iness Sold, . • Mr. 0, J. Thorn on has sold the Wings ham pomp and indmill business to Mr, Edgar Pattism, Of Eaet Wawanosh, Mr. Thorton inter de going to. Qalifornia in the near fakir, and will eventually move his family 5 . the southern coun- try, Many frien of the removal of ily from the to had considerable nese and we wain of the town and • Death of After a few will regret to hear r. Thorton and Yarn' Mr. Pattison has xperienoe in the bnei• me him as .a resident. ieh him every success rs. McCreight. ays illness with pneu- monia, Mary J Carter, wife. of Mr. John Mooreig tt, of Tnrnberry, near Zetland, passec away on Friday last, in her 38th year. The deceased lady was highly esteemo i and her bereaved hue - band and family of six children will have the sympi their sudden ai funeral took pl to the Winghat thy of many friends in d severe affliction. The oe on Monday afternoon oemetery. You oan get iron bade, mattresses, bedroom spites, sideboards, couches, par- lor suites, easy chairs. tables, eto., at out -down prides at S. GRAOEY'a. The Spring Assizes. Tuesday, April 11th, is the date fixed for the spring assizes in Goderich. This sitting of the Court will be of special interest, as the two prisoners now in the county jail will the be dealt with. Ed- ward Jardine will be charged with the death of Lizzie Anderson and George Vanstone will face indictment for the killing of his five-year-old son, Freddie Chief Justice Falconbridge The non-jury sittings on Tuesday, May tion MacMahon. r -old eon, Freddie. Ibridge is to preside. a are to commence rd, before ,Mr. Jus. HELP WANTED—Ladies •wishing to work at home making mitts and gloves oan secure the same from the Wingham Tannery and Glove Works, We send a lady to give instructions. W. D. PRINGLE. Presentation to Fx. Laurandeau. On Wednesday e ening, January 4th, a very pleasant eve t took plaoe at the home of Mr. Wm. rgie, Francis street, when the members f the Sacred Heart Church gathered to id farewell to their pastor, Rev. Fathe Laurandeau, who has been transferr to London. An address was read b Mr. A. J Pilon, while Mesers Wm Fergie and Frank McConnell, on bete f of the oongrega• tion, presented the ev. Father with a handsome quarter at oak clock end a gold headed nmbr la. Father Lauren - dean made a ani . ble reply, thanking the congregation for their kindness Father Blair, the ew Parish Priest was present and made a short address, after whioh a enmptu ns repast was served by the Bost and hostess, All present report a very pletwant evening. • Canaries for Sale. Tho finest selection of singing canaries ever seen in this section is now in possess ion of Provincial Constable Phippen. Some are direot from Germany. There are rollers of the finest song, warblers and some belle water and flute notes. They will be solid at ,reasonable prices See these birds if you want a good singer. Old A e Annuities. Mr. R. D. O meron, of Luoknow, agent for the 0 nadian Government's system of Old Ag a fairly good an Chamber on Tb The audience wo larger bad it not be tions on the same e on is a speaker of v easy to understand and every young m should have been how to invest small Annuities, addressed once in tha Council veiny evening last. Id have been mnoh en for other attrao- ening. Mr.Oamer- ry pleasant delivery, ind very convincing, p and young woman 6here to understand nine et any time to build up an samara: oe against want in old age. A few Deni I a day will guaran- tee from $50 to $6015 snnually, after the age of 65 years. Th re is no danger of loss of deposit by lase of monthly pay- ments, for whateve is invested bears interest from the da it is paid in, and any Bums may be id into any post - Moe in Canada at any time. This is one of the grandest cheeses, ever plan- ned, to give comfort n old age, and it hat the endorsation of both political g incentive to pat - ill become interest- prosperity of the no fear of want in ity le sure, and no aeoidont, tie ,/wind o, or' any debt can take front them t Ie annual paytiiente after 65 years of a . Ex -Mayor Holm. es occupied the oh it and on motion of Mr. Abner Cosens, auks was extended to !a able and instructive . A, Reid, B, 0. parties. It is a etrel riotiem. Everyone myth, ed in the Welfare an. reig. Country when feelin M Don a aa d, old age; for the an aylor, Geiger Smith, M. D. Leckie. Hill, Mayor Spotton a onrad Reid. • a hearty vote of t were not in last year's Mr, Cameron for addreMd. 1,. 0. l„ Dtstrtc Officers. INAUGURAL- MEETING. The annual meeting the Tnrnberry Dletriot L, 0. T., Was he d in the. Wing- Town Council H ids. First Meeting ham Orange Hall, Tp ,/day, 'Tannery for 1911. 10th, at 2 pen. The to lowing ofSoers lton M were elaetecl:—W.M., * The inaugural nseetlug of the Town Ktbbon; D,M„ Abra Chaplain, Rev, E. 1J. Or Wm, Brydges; Tress., J Fin, -Sec., Thos. lirydgl Ceremonies, Wm, Gni Geo, Tees and Geo. Ti County Mester Greek ins ami uBrydgee; Council was held 11 o'clock on Mon- day morning with 11 the members prey ly; Rem -Sem, ent except Conn. McKenzie. Mayor inn Casemore; Spotton presiding. e; Direotor of t; Lecturers, ornton. Past alled the newly elected officers, illnevasse was decided on. as the next plane of meeting. 20 to 80 per oegt. d •o' • t sale at KNox's for the next 20 ' s. Encampment Officers, Al the regular nesting of Minerva Encampment, h0 0, n., on Monday evening last, the Rollo sing officers were installed by J. W, Do id, D. D. G. P.:- 0. P., H. Hensoliff- ; S. W., W. W. Hough; H. P., J. V . Haines; Soribe, A. J. Alderson; Treat;, J. W. Dodd; J. W., A. Bell; I. G., John F. Groves; G„ N. A. Fry; lax. G. of T., 3, S. Carr; 2nd G. of T„ J. W. Lsaren; 1st Sent., A. Hardie; 2nd Sent., H, 13, Elliott; let W., J. A. Morton; 2 -d W., J. D. Mo Ewen; 3rd We John Hardie; 4th W., Wm. Guest. Great stook reduoing at KNox's for the next 20 days, 11 Fifty -Fifth Anf iversary, Mr, and Mre. Robert siexwell, of the Bluevale Road; on Tuesday celebrated the fifty-fifth anniverte ry of their mar- riage: There woo a limey gathering of friends at the home o their eon, Mr, Wm. Maxwell, to do h nor in oelebrat• ing this very happy e ent. The after- noon was spent in epee h•making, sing- ing and various amuse ent after whioh sapper was served. M . and Mrs. Max. well are both natives f Damfrieohire, Scotland and were arried at Brant- ford and lived for a eb t time in Prince- ton, and Dame up to hat was known as the Queen's bush in 1859 and settled on. the 1Ituevaltei road. Both enjoy ex- cellent health for peo e of their age and a very large circle of riends will wish this highly•esteemed ouple many more years of happy wedded life. Upholstering, repairing and picture framing done promptly and well. S. GRAOEY,.furnitnre dealer and praotioal undertaker. Death of R ass Wilson. After an illness .standing over two years, Mies Agnes Filson died at the home of her broths: on the 10th of Tnrr her nth year. Th. for many years bee. berry and was held bereaved relatives pathy of many f rangements had no time of going to pr expeoted from Oali Oleariug sale at 20 days, Mr. Murray Wilson Perry on Taesday in deceased lady had a resident of Turn - n high esteem. The 111' have the sym- iende. Funeral ar- been completed at brother is es as a. ornia. for flee next ' The Scottie' Concert. The annual Scott ,h concert on Fri• day evening last wa• pronounced by the large audience as th . best concert ever held in Wingham b; the Sons of Soot land. Jeseie Maolissohlan, Scotland's favorite singer was 5 her hest and her several numbers we heartily encored and it would be her to say whioh was the best, but in the ind of the writer, that favorite patriot o song, "Rule Bri- tania" was the favo ito.w Mr. Craighall Sherry, the Socittis; entertainer, made his first appearance Before a Wingham audience and he ce tainly made good. His several selection: were well received and he will be sere f a hearty welcome if he returns to W-ngham, Harry M. Bennett, the earned: *n, won a name for himself at the Scott eh concert last year and he fully retainer_ the reputation and is now almost as thresh appreoiatod by a Wingham audience, orite, Mr. Jas. P'ax, well at a Scottish o0 ing of Harry Laude s that old time fay- Mr, avMr, Bennett takes Dept ani his feature 's Scotch character creations is a winning card for him. The danoing by V ran McDonald 0110 Master George FryIegle was another pleasing feature of the entertainment. George is a pupil of Verna and it was remarked that the t cher was smaller than the pupil. The see and lassie did well and their danoin was much appre- ciated. Piper AToD mild supplied the music for the danof g and Robt, Etiolla• non took hie part a accompanist In his usual able manner The concert Was a encase in every w • y. Special barge' trine goods at Minutes of the la 5 meeting of the 191 Connoil were read . nd adopted. On motion of Co- ns. Bone and Hall the Mayor, Reeve and Conn. Billet were named as the Striking Committe to name the etendi: g committees. On motion of Co. us, Elliott and Bell the Council adjor .nes until 8 o'clock p. m. The Council res limed business at 8 p. m., with all the members present and Mayor Spotton pre iding. A oommnnicatio - was read :from the City Council of route, asking this Connoil to give th Mayor and Clerk power to sign a peti ion to the Ontario Government to par ase the Bell Tele- phone Co.'s lines an business and have same run under Go arnment ownership. The oommnnicatio was left over for farther considerate Communication om Western Foun- dry Co. requesting he Council to have an electric light pla ed at one end ,of the G. T. R. bridge. he matter was left with the Executive Committee to report at next meeting. Mr. Alex. Show a requested that he be given until Feb. 1st to pay Ms taxes, and on motion of ouns. Bell and Hall, the request was gr nted. On motion of 0 ne. Elliott and Bone, $1 dog tax was ret nded to D. M. Gar. don. Mayor Spotton nd Reeve McDonald submitted the fol owing report of the Striking submitted. , naming the stand- ing committees for the year ne follows: Exeontive—May.'r, Reeve and Oonn. Bone. Street—Reeve M.-Doi,ald and Comte.• Mitchell and Elliot e. Sewer—Courts. Hall. Finance—Oonne. Property — Reeve Conns. Bone and Elliot Fire and Water -0 Bell and Mitchell. Conn. Elliott objeot on the Street Comm' of Reeve Moboneld report, as outlined ab By Law No. 627, ing appointments waEread three times: John A. McLean as a member of the High Sobool Board f*r three years; -Ab- ner Ooeens as a mem ,er of the Public Library Board for tines, years; Riohard Anderson as a membe of the Board of Health; C. N. Graffi as Assessor and Collector; E. Lewis as Night Watch- man; R. Rankin as Il Ringer; A. H Musgrove and John Fitohie as Auditors; Thos. Deane, Wm. Moore and W. P. Grierson as Fence Viewers; John Ar- mour as Ponnd•Keep.r; Geo. Allen as Inspector of Plumbin.:; Dr, R C. Red- mond ma Medical Hee:th Offioer; Thos. Calvert as Scavenge On motion of Con e. Elliott and Bone, the by-law was pass d as read and the Executive Committ, e define the duties of the Scavenger ani make any further arrangements with iim that they deem proper and report at next meeting of Connell. By-law, No. 628, meet onrrent ex three readings and Donald and Oonn. Bylaw, No. 629, to pay the balance improvements mad three times and o Bell and Hall was p V. R. VanNorma Brigade reported 5 eight lengths of hose Contract Co„ and he defective and oonsid hose, when taken fro 50 Dente per foot. On motion of Ooun the report of Ohie! V cepted and the Sewe inetruoted to deduct tractors for damaged 50 cents per foot. On motion of Conn. McDonald, the Clerk subscribe for one oop World for 1911, The Clerk reported 623 providing for the to the amount of $2,5 menu on trunk sewer Works he the ratepayersadrec. Theivedt the third reading Comm Elliott and The following a been certified 50, we Municipal World, Is, 11. Saint, brew Post Qfdoe, rent o Doul. EXp. Co., o, rgee . ,... John F, Grime, els tion expepgee' oemetery de. s, L W. Hanson, me 1 to tramp.., .25.- Renne&Oo , goods or A, Morden 12.80' A, Young, manhol pans 18 75 A. Sanderson, aloe plowing , , , , 22'75 H. B Elliott, advt. and printipg. 62 00 Light Com., lights, band ball. , ,, .81 5, Bennett, oak oo..ars for septio 0 tank7.00 V. R VanNorman testing hose., 1,00 A. J. Pilon, testing lose ,.. 1 00 On motion of Oo ons Bope and Reeve t McDonald the accents were passed 00 e read. It was agreed theS the resolution mak- ' ing It necessary thea all accounts against the Corporation m' st be properly cerd. fled and in the Oler s's hands at 4 o'clock p. m, on day of Jounoil meeting, he striotly enforced lnripg the present year, 1 SI A. YEAR IN ADVANCE g made, nem. 2,50 3 00 .40 51,50 oKenzie, Bell and 11, Bone and Bell. McDonald, and • ons. 'McKenzie to being planed tee. On motion td Conn. Bell, the ve, was adopted, eking the follow - to borrow money to nditure was given n motion Reeve Mc - :one, was passed, to borrow $2,846,04 ne on electric light in 1908 was read motion of Corms. seed. Chief of the Fire at he had tested • sed by the Perth found six lengths .red the damaged fire hall, worth plied,,..,.., t• John F. Groves, au all left over ohriat- Wm, Robertson, re 58. John Mollie, bond Bone and Elliott, Norman was no - Committee was om Sewer Oon- oee at the rate of Bone and Reeve as instructed to of the Municipal that Bylaw No. sue of debentures 0 to lompiete pay nd sewage disposal e required vote of bylaw was given nd on motion of 11, was passed. onnte, whioh had o ready. leotion sup- e $ 18.35 .85 alrr,... ,.... .65 n Treat.. , .. 4 8,00 At the oonolus Mayor Spotton Inv the Council and Johnston's restat were served. in of the business ;ed the members of tepayers present to ant where oysters Electric Lighj and Waterworks. The report of and Electric Li the year endin presented to the day evening, o the Wiugham Water ht Commissioners for December 31st, 1910, 'own Council on Mon tains considerable in formation that i= of interest to the rate- payer,/ and frose whioh we take the following:— ELECTRIC *GET DEPARTDSENT. teoeipta, Commercial aro. ighting $ 56 65 Street ,, " ...... ., 1680 00 Other fiat rate " 108.37 Town Hall and 1 oat office lighting .... . ... 332.22 Other meter ratClighting- 6.96 76 Installations, et. 2225 60 Loan from Town 1000.00 Total Reoe ta. , ........ $12299.60 EXP 'DITURE. Production— Salaries, labor, oil eto $ 1228.68 Repairs to dam 2337.09 Repairs other mot ve power235 85 Repairs electrical pparatae, 32 58 Fuel 631.39 Total oast pi4zetion : '$1465.59` Distribution — Salaries Lampe, wiring ma erial, poles, meters, transf .rmers, etc. Office salaries and 3xpenee,... insurance, eto 502.06 Repaid Town Loa:-. 1000 00 Town, to retire de:'enturea, 2296.59 Balance on hand 72 50 Total $12299.60 Convertible assets $ 2575.75 Liabilities—outeta ding aoca323.52 Capital account as etc— Plant, darn, g aerating tendon, lines, eto $82750 00 Capital account li`bilities— Balanoe on 1903 d. bentnree$25775 19 Balance on 1908 6566 03 Total .... $32341.22 WATERWORI S DEPARTDSENT. Re eipts. Ordinary revenue $ 2637.43 Sale $6000 debentu es 6057 50 Loan from Town 2500.00 $ 1194' 66 3962.86 Total Receipts Expo Iditnre. Operating expense4 New mains and se Supplies for water Expense re wells. Repaid Town loan ' " inters t.... Balance, Saving's cconnt " Carrent " Woes aervioee.::. Total. Tho convertible $4819 03 and the o are $26.05. The cap amount to $49333.' account liabilities ar In the town the eleotrie onrrent and $11194.93 $ 611 72 2348.66 246 24 1257.07 2500 00 35.85 4000 00 195 39 $11194.93 assets amount to tatanding accounts tal'a000unt meats J and the capital $34460.89. are 290 users of 8 water veers, FELT BOOTS. We guarantee every pair of Felt Boots we sell, The Man who buys Felt Boots het'e can always be sure of theta, while the Man, who buys "bargains" in Felt Shoes, will always have something to regret, We Handle Tise Beet Halters' Best Boots! Pare, live Wool Felts. Strong stays and loops, Every point, that 'entree for good Felt Boots, is well looked after.; Dant 'Crack Rubbers $1 50. $2.00, $2 2i , to 12.50 If the Felt Boots you buy here, Sir, fail to do their duty, you can return them and get your money. W. J. GREER Curling Gam Arranged. The curling games in the local comp- etition have been arr ged as follows:— Saturday night—Merle ve. Cochrane. Monday night --LeBow of McKie and Cochrane play L. Kensedy. Winner of McKie and Cochrane slay 0. N. Griffin. Tuesday night—Win er of Pesten and R. Vanetoue play win er of Holmes and Knoohtel. Loser of P area and R. Van - atone play loser of Hol es and Kneohtel, Wednesday night—W nner of Orawford and Rae play winner Stalker and 0.G Vanatone, Loser of rawford and Rae play loser of Stalker a d C. G. Vanatone. Tbnraday night—Wi er of Dinsley and r inner o an Orman rid r playw V N a 0 P ,'ter. Loser of Di Bey and Orr play lc our of VanNorman nd Porter. Bargain's in chefs at lir • s sale. ton .--A bunoh .f ko .t the corner of she 2nd line f ,rho and gravel roc 1, one key fo .d . d box 297. Finder wilt be rewarded by leafing same at TntEs office, THE SHOER BEOU W. HULME INSTUCTOR, OF VIOLIN, PI CLARINET, CORNET AND SAXAPHONE ` Mr. Hulme was at ono time teacher in the Winnipeg Conserva. tory of 51nsic and last season was first Clarinet with Sousie's Band at Manhatton Beach, New York. For information call at the Lyceum Theatre of Brunswick Hotel. A million•dol r chewing gun, comp- any with head c ce in Toronto, has been incorporated. Capt. Thos. aetie the firet chief of the London pai fire brigade died at San Jose, Oafiforni A Great Many Pec le Suffer continually front HEAD. AOBISS where meditice gisea but temporary relief. Did it ever oeonr to you that this is caused quite often by a DEFECT IN THE MET. Come in and have your ey, s f.,/ted free. It does not cont one dent to findo - n t anyway. We guarantee aatiefaotlon, Phi,. Yt F. JHind, f PI1A11MQA0EllT1OAL CiIRMMIS't Orders'reren by 131M1 WINGHAM