HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-05, Page 8MINOR 1,QQAL,9. The Nicht Sohoal re•epent don.'raes. our stationery at the TImsS abbe School re•openi d oat ve you renewed your subtorip• tion to the Timms? --AnnnaT Scottish oouoers on %'�idsy everting q@ i;gta ---All the Township Conu3tha will !solei their tnaugaeal mee.ing next Monday. --Item. Jessie ;l+ eeTenh!an. is the opera hoose on Feidtty evenlug ief this 'week , The initagnral meeting of the Town OouA,oiiwill ee held next Monday mere ting at ll o'olooir, -.Mair. Relit Patterson, brother of stir, W. G. Patterson was elected Mayor t. Kiina.erdiue over Mr. Andrew Ilifelcoim. Mr. A', 11. Musgrove, 111 P. will oe liver an ttddrttaa at the Pari -b. OIub Bite. Sandy Meeting, this (Thursday) evenine, --The thaw of lastSundey mud Mendel, was welcomed as it, hes lowered the sag apes shone help to make better reads it, 'the "oeuritry. --Mr Cheri. A, Berber, eon of Mr Ohne, Berber, of town, has been eieot e as a member of the Toivu Oouaoil at Pilot Mound Man. -qtr, Jahn Gra, who wee interestedly, the retabbehing ot the National Ivor ilGr•1 ksin Wtr:ghesm a fey. Boars ego diet nt Vernon. B. D, on the 20 h of Decent her. Decoaae¢ is survived by a wife and Several .deiidren. —The mor,tbiy weather report at Lets. do: shown abet the snowfall during the inoeth of December,, is far in excess of t of tire Pane? period in 1909. During 4h.• heat rFseem of last year but 21 st)r'ic s of meow fell as compared with 59 inchee during the last 31 days. PERSONAL.. Mr, L..a?' $iaklsy was in London this week on business. Miss G. Taylor of London spent a few tee with.MiasEthel Ring. Miss Elizabeth taylor of Southampton 3e ve,itung`Mrs. J Alderson. Mr. and Mrs J. A. Moynihan spent the holidays with friends it Toronto Mr. Victor Bete of Niagara'allsspent the holidays at eltr, Thos. Kew's. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol were visit- ing a few days with friends in London. `{. Mr. Barry Green, of Rainy River is visiting with old friends in Wingham. Mr. H. ,A Peroy was visiting for over the holiday withbis mother at Atviston. Mr, J: B Elliot, of Eau Olatre, Wis. is visiting with his father, Mr. Thos, El. lions Mr, Balfour, of Saskatchewan was vis- iting for a few days with friends in Winghata. Mise Jean Stewart, of Toronto was visiting with Wingham friends for over theholidey. Mrs. Hugh Findlater, of London, was visiting for a few daye with her brother, Mr. Z. Lockman. Mrs, lilt Krasner, of Oranbrook, spent the holiday With her sister, Aire. J. D MoEwen, 1st lino. Morrie. Mrs iN. E.,Phi11ips, of Flint, Mich., Visited With ;bar sisters,. Mrs, J. D. Mo. Ewen and Mise L. Attridge. Mr. and elms. John T, Young, of AI. amede, Saeke were the guests at Mrs - 1ST. Bnffinen,'Leopoid Street. Mr. Wni, Austin was at Molesworth on Saturday Iast'nttending the funeral of an old friend, the late David Stewart, Ii,obt. Cassels, V. S., and Mrs. Cassels, of Itoeha§ter, Mich„ spent the holidays with Mr.Fand Mre, Thos. Cassels. Mr. andMrs. T. W. Smith and Mr. and Mr?. Alex Smith 0f Detroit were visiting for a few days with Wingham friends. Mr. andlitte Geo. H. Mooney, and children, of Ripley were visitors with Wingham relatives for over the holiday. Mr*. D. Stewart returned to her home in Detroit on Wednesday after spending the holidays at the home Of hex' father, Mr, Peter McLaren. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph A. Gray and four children, of Calgary, Alta., are spending a few weeks with relatives and old friends in Winghem dud district. Mr. James Pugh left on Tneeday for Saskatoon, Seek., where he pttrposes re. Meaning for the next few months and if he find* what snits him may motes his family to the West. Mr. and Mtn. S. S. Bartlett onFriday for their home in Winnipeg after visit' frig Mr, end Mrs. Alex. "Vanaletfuo,SOOtt Ste; Min Nettie VenAldine accompanied her uncle and attnt to their Western house. Mrs. L, D. Yohng alai son John, of Winnipeg are Visiting with her parents, Mr. and Uri. 'P. S. l;inlrlatet. ,Satre con3ing home the little e Fort Itbeen tit ie>t. lonely 111, bet we arc plellrssrt # learn that he is now recovering. Ur. Jas. J. Mnagrove, of lBoinset-A1n, Men. )rad Visiting t g for a sew days with his °Mari i, A. H..Musgrove, M. P. F tie wits a Member of the delegation of torment that recently waited On the tic• *alert t'xovernment at OttaWtr, t. rr MEASURES ALTITUDES. - The Use of the BaroUraph. on Agra• plain'; and BelloonL, What the compass is to alai Mariner tale beregraph Is to the aviatgt•, 'rho eterogrspll, is an instrtintetitefer Meng, au tug aitituaea, The pressure of the cur ate It increases or deereuseS causes ilt'lleato needle to trace a wavy line upon a cylintler which revolves by eiteetWtork, 'Chis Rue indicates not ouly tate exact height that is reached by the aviator, but else the speed at tubi; h lie is traveliui. The barograph is kept in, a weather proof ttex with a gtiiss front, witted is attnebed to n ear of the aeroplane or to a rope on the balloon. It is official- ly skated before the aviator etnttarks, so them.' is tut possibility of tampering with it, anti the seal is taken off hi the presence of Witnesses at the end of the eight. In this way it Is,possi- ble to establish absolutely and green - teeny the- altitude whichan aviator attains in bis aeropiaue or balloon. tit is necessary for the aviator to trate iz the barograph constantly, as It tntlloates a change in the elevation al-' meet to the foot. 'l'he sky pilot hasto heels bis eye on tee indicator much es the tens at the wbeel of the seagoing :deli' tit:Itc•hes his compass. Should the tct'roluaue or the balloon rise or fall tett or twenty feet the aviator would not be conscious or It lidless he looked at the wavering needle tracing:' its permanent record on a chart before him This tells bine Immediately of uny chauges in the maitre of the air currents tune gives hits timely warnlog of aerial dangers, These instruments are so delicate anti so accurate. it is said, that a man might hang one ot them about his ue+•k in its glass ease or carry it in his bared and climbb a flight of stairs. the height of his ascent being graphically ietlictttt"d by the inked needle on the utatetine.---New Fork Press. A- CAREFUL' MAN. His Indecision 'le the Matter of Em- ploying a Doctor. The parsimotay of the end New Eng- lander of the .type now almost vanished was nobly esemplided in Mr Benny £iunringdon, who lived with his maid- en sister in a little town in western Massachusetts. Nether had ever spent 0 penny unnecessarily and wben in his old ane Mr. Benny became crippled with "ibe rbeumatiz" and bad, as well, strange dutteiings of the heart, which were unrelieved by the best reeom- mended "yur b teas," they were greatly sleeted at the suggestious and warn- ings of their friends and neighbors that they ought to send for a doetor. Mr. penny refused. (teetered his scorn of the entire medical profession and continued. to save his pennies. But the pain grew torsi. Mr. Sen• • ny was confined to his bed ia great agony and overheard some of the neighbors telling hi,: sister that he was going to die. Then he sent for an old srboolmute, a man as "careful" as ))smash. "Josiah," be asked, in a low, confi- dential tone. "have you ever had a doetor?" Josiah shook his head. "Dunno as I have," he answered, Air Benny reached out and laid a trembling band upon his old friend's arm. -Josiah," he asked.again, "did you ever hear bow much one o' tbem doctors cbatrges for a visit?" Josiah looked at his suffering friend with pitying sympathy. "Well," he said. breaking it as gently as be Could-- "well, I have beard, Benny, that they charge as mush as $i2 a visit!" -Two dollars!" ler. Benny repeated. "Two dollars!" Then be sank bads on his pillow acid sighed in a voice of strangely mingled relief, regret and resignation. "Well, I dunno but I'd rather spend $5 than die!" -Youth's Companion. the Licorice Plant. The licorice pleat resembles a rose with a single green stem, reaches a height of about three feet and bears a small purple star shaped flower. The first year's root growth resembles a loosely twisted string of tow and may run to twenty feet in length. The sec- ond year it assumes a woody sub- stance when dry, and the third year It acquires its cotnmerelal value. The time for digging the root is the whi- ter, when it is dried and crushed un- der heavy stones drawn round On It by mules, much as olives aro crushed to extract their stet. 11IAIt:itIED, -Wigs a- 1V ).111 -At the home of the arid re narents, Mr. and Mrs. 7. Maxwell, Mortis Tp.. on Wednesday, Deo. 21st, by tho Rev. Mr. Parr, MiEs Lottie, to Air. W. H. Walkie, of Winnipeg. Howe-LEwts-tin Wroxeter, at the rest- denee of the bride's pparents, ]air, and Mrs. E. W.l,owis,on•1eeeinbbr 28td,, by_Rsv. O W. McKenzie, Bir. Merton Rowe, of Dunnsvitle, to Miss Laura Lewis. HAvnt xwAtaxnttbmmtc- At Knox Church Manse, Listowel, on Dec, 21st, bo NOV- D. W, Urgnhsrt, Thos. W. Hayden, of dowiek, to .Alberta Afay Alexandor, 01 w»11gCe. i!AcMILT,Ait-MActstAtt--OnDecember 28th, 1010, at the home of the bride's pa. ents, Atn- berly, Ont., Isabel Margaret„ third dart hter at Mr, and Mrs. Donald M80Lean, to PhiltA J. - MacMillan of Lucltaoty, one, Rev. J. 8, mat' die, officiating. 01E0. Mtn—In Winghar, on Deeomber 81st, Alex' sitdee Ard, aged 0 i ye»rs and 8 riioathe, Rtass.-in 1?;ini ars case ei»r,uaar Bret mom y , Aiclior5sld r 1 tfhot oft ,0 lata Cioorgo nose, aged, 08 years, o months And 18 days. - letnn-In Listowel, en Dwells ber 2/tit, John• tree t;hampler Kidd, is his 82nd yeas'. AfAOlttrAE#-bir hi'o cute, ori lieeetntaer 2$th, 1tev. Joseph Markham, formerly. of Wingham, in his slat year. eIStAt,gs6MeeRilwado years, t ad save. t ler•ti17Av-tn Morris, Fit lee, 2111t, James Mundy, aged 74ycars ani Il timeline K .• A bomb ttatery hoe been discovered in the east end ot London, and it ie state ed by the Louden Daily Ohrootole that she pollee suspect a plot against King George at coming oaronetton. Doo, umepts; Bayo beenfonnd, itis said, wbiob reveal Q sensational blot, and Oontttta.' lag a mass of other information concern. Orr the plane of anarohists l>a London. 4nd continental Europe. ORS, KENNEDY & lrr*LOER Ot rloas-Varner Patriek d Centre Sts. PPONICe:-- Reeeidence Dr. eunedy 143 ilesidenceie Caldor 151 Dr. ))sandy eeializes in Surgery. Dr, Calder devotes special attention to Dia eases of the !lye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Byes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. FORCED SALE Snap in Farm and Outfit A snap in a farm and a complete out• fit, consisting of 10 horses seven of which are mares; 3 head of cattle, seed drill, gang plow, mower, rake, set bobsleighs, binder, disc harrow and all small tools; also the farm, containing 100 sores 4 miles south east of Vermilion, 86 aures cultivated and ready for spring crop, abundance of Srst.olass water, All for $4000, 63,000 oath, balance on easy terms, We have had the above placed in our bands and sante mast be disposed of within 80 days. Write or wire. CRAIG & FALKINS Vermilion, Alto. REI`ERENOES A. Rose. Wingham; Bank of Oom merles, Vermilioi . -LOGS WANTED. Having purchased the Whiteohuroh Saw Mill, I am prepared to pay the highest oash pride for all kinds of Saw J.Jogs, Cutting of shingles, lath, fence elate and a1I other custom work will receive prompt attention. I will be at the mill on Monday, Wed• nesday and Friday afternoons to scale loge. JAMES WILSON $tis 278. Wingham, P. O. North Huron Telephone,Line 197, Ring 4 TUE •..I 140,!1 .I*1. ;USt YAZIu.ART 't 110, KINGNS I+'Qii BARGADIS 1, W E WANT TOT.111 TRADE King's The Busy Store Now that the rush of Christ- meas and ' New Year's Shop- - png is over, we appeal to the people for their GENERAL WANTS IN 1 MERCHANDISE It will pay you to come and in- spect our stock before buying • . FURS Now is the time to buy, don't wait till spring, as Furs are higher. 1 FURS FOR LADIES Muffs, Stoles, Fur -Lined Jackets, Fur Trimmed Coats,etc. FURS FOR MEN Coon, Dog, Wallaby,Alaska, Beaver, Fur -Lined ^, tis, etc. GOOD GOODS Wiogham ` Business Ceilego 1 is a link in Canada's Great- est Chain of High - Grade Colleges founded during the past twenty six years, • This chain is the largest train- ers of young people in Canada and it is freely adrnitted that its graduates get the best posi- tioijs. There is a reason; write for it. A diploma from the Commercial Educators' Association of Canada is a passport to suceess. Yot'may study partly at home and finish tit the College, Enter any day. Fall Term Opens Aug. 29th WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE CHAS, W. BiURNS, - Principal. C1 -EV. 8POTTON, - President, 1 All kind of Produce Wanted. Go E. KING. D HEAj I P PRIDES 0*4O4.#441 *Att :A.g••+i4***st #!•4';!•_ps►*elC444EME**** !O**•. E. C. WHITE Ladies' ° and Gentlemen's Tailor • • The only stock .I carry contains the newest all -wool �< fabrics embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from the most reputable mills in the world. • • • • You will find our Kingfisher • Cloths in Black and.Blues, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Teed Suitings, Melton, Beaver and Crombies Over - coatings give the best satisfaction. • Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- •`vailing the day you are measured. You get everything • • the very latest and best when you let us make clothes expressly for you. • •• iE. -'C. WHITE'7°' . WINGHAM, ONT T r�t�e - • LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR +• IN TrIE Jeep WILSON BLOOK. :•.,•••••**•*.**o•••,••.• •••••*•,•A!*••,••ZA•t•*t►44+ • • • • • •• • •• i' • • • • • • • • • • • • • t • • • t Your New Year Order For fine groceries is invited. Give it as a test of our ability to supply you with better groceries for leas honey than any one else, We Deliver all Groceries Promptly anywhere. it makes no difference whether your order be large or smell, What we went is your steady custom. We'll get it too if good groceries, moderate ro ri aes n d prompt service will Will it, ton, t forget that trial Order. Ft ?honeMcGill vra . �' f,4. "Proof Sufficient Is required now•a•da'a to settle questions in disputes Our oonten' tion is khat "there'd ei difference" in "FEED''' Others say net, but that "any Old thing" will do. Don't you believe it and don't feed your stook any but good feed. ()are la teemed,is w ltd le sm d odto right ti o e An gold on et # t dei. , �' g ly Buy it at EZRA MEEICLIY ?HOMO 84. A. E. SMITH BANKER AVIPiC`HAl1I, ONTA13I0: Farmers who want money to buy hordes, cattle, or hogs to feed for market can have it on reasonable terms, Notes disoounted for tradesmen, met. Chalets or agents, on favorable terns. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT Xt'IIt3 ,IFIL ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATnElt ID$urance Coupled with a R EAL '+STATE and MONET LOANING} BUsirieas, better of Marriage Licenses, Druce over ildalcolm', Cfrooery. examiseedeSelelletelelee 1 9 '1 1 Important Announcement During the year 1910—we made many new customers and we are 'pleased to report. 1910 AS THE BANNER YEAR OF OUR BUSINESS There are several reasons for this but the most im- portant reasons of all are ;- 1.—That we are positively selling Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at prices fully as low as the largest stores inOntario. 2. -That our selection is bigger and better than other stores. If you are not a customer of ours—we desire you to PUT. US TO THE TEST—all we ask is a fair deal— we are sure we can prove to you that the above conten- lions are correct. Kindly remember our store closes at 7 p.m. each even- ing excepting Saturday Evenings add evenings before holidays. WILLIE & CO. Sole Agents THE . SHOE STOIRE. 9Uq�GeseeoetI for Ladies. ti ! . , . a _ :!''�13�►'rsi°�V V r� VIXII sA7D'.'rV7if 01i�'�tIMPTI INIV t�' 4 is Get your Over -Hauls, Work- 0c C 3• a • ing Pants.and Coats FROM T. A. MILLS, GOOD AS THE WHEAT Those Who Toll Earnestly and With Success Will be satisfied only with the best over haul that can be manufactured LEATHER LABEL• OVER.HAULS are high-grade, union made ants the best that honest effort and the technical knowledge of how to build American Style Work Wothes CAN PRODUCE We, the agents for this vicinity,. have just received a new lot and respectfully ask the worthy been who toil to let no rove to you that Leather Label Overhaulls ; and Jackets are your kind,,: These are&table stitched throughout, big and gen ns (it takes from 42 to 44 yards to make a. dozen), have seven pock. ets, imported buckles and, buttons that won't come oil, 'elastic detachable ens• penders, etc., etc. .Attll TIER AsIaNitS t� •4 • tog .f •1411 011 V Just arrived Fresh Frozen Trout and Herring, G Pickled Herring, heads offand split in 25, o at kegs. Will keep till next spring. Call and get and or pail. g Produce of all kinds wanted. Potatoes in nn uantity, � quantity. -iliaAi, MILLS] vY I GIEAM, ONT. ilko tarIMAA A+14: 4IAtA1.A1XAJI,AAiA vii llAwiCtiltli A N g"�A�Ci1'ii��Cttift�itij ' . t - .W'.1