HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-05, Page 5NEW
To any person buying Clothing
from .us on and after Dec. 29,
we will give a cash•
discount„ of
What better New Year's Gift
would you want than this
This discount will be given on all
Men's, Youth's, and Boys' Suits
and Ovvercoats, Odd Trousers
and Knickers.
Don't overlook this opportunity
;E McGee & Cam »el
-:4••••••••••••••••••••♦•••e •••••••••••••••e•••••••••
Wishing you all a
1 Merry Christmas and
TMX W4#'irl 4M TOMES, I Nu Rr
One of the interesting evcnte whiohdo
not happen in niany"of our liven war oele
ebreted here on Qhriatmae day, when
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt celebrated
their golden wedding. They were mar.
Tied 1/0 years ago in thefall, but on ea.
Count of some of the family not being
able $o be home the celebration did not
take place unttlXmas, when the family
were all here, and en j•oyed themse;ves
Under the old homestead. This worthy
- couple are to be oongratulated on hay.
ing reached this milestone in their mar•
rted life and their many friends hope
they may live t4 see a cumber of Years
added to their golden wedding.
A quiet but pretty wedding tool; plaoe
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bush,
Turaberry, on Wednesday, Deo. 21, at 5
P. re, when their daughter, Sillinda was
united in marriage to Mr, Win. Hoary
Dane, of Howbeit, Rev. C. W. McKenzie
B. A., performed the oerewony, and the
march was played by Mra. Johnson of
Fordwiob. The bride, who was given by
her father wore Earn Tampere silk and
carried a bouquet of carnations. After
the oongratnletions the wedding party
and mate sat down to a sumptuous re.
poet, About 40 gneste were present from
Whiteohnroh, Teeewater, Fordwiob„
Mildmay, Gtorrie, Wroxeter, Riverdale
and the home community. Going away
the bride was neatly dressed in garnet
' French broad•oloth with hat to m3toh.
The happy donple will reside et their
home in Howlett.
jfor Thanking youpast
Bright and Happy
New Year
Pi favors any soliciting a
continuance of your
patronage for 1911.
(Intended for last weak.)
The annual festival of Trinity (March
Sunday School, Belgrave was held on
Deo. 21et and was a most saooeeetnl en-
tertainment. Tea was served from six
to eight and the large gathering thor.
oughly enjoyed tbie part of the evening
and the exoeptionally good programme
which was given later. A. E. Cook,d
Goderioh, has a good voice and delight.
ed the audience with several solos which
were repeatedly enoored, while the sing -
log of St. Paul's choir, Wingham, under
the leadership of Mr. Willie and Miss
Houghton, as accompanist, in the an•
theme, duets, solos, etc., was excellent
in every number. We cannot particu-
larize for all were ,good. We hope to
hear them again in Belgrave. The part
taken by the Sunday. School was very
nioely given, the ring drill by the young
ladies was beautiful and well performed
and the dialogues end recitations went
to make np one of the beet entertain.
meats ever given by the Sunday School.
Mr. R. Elston, of West Hope, North
Dakota and Mr. Jae. Eleton, of Austin,
Man., are visiting at the parental home
on the 2nd line.
Mr. John MoKagne, of Melita, Man.,
is visiting at the home of Mr. John Els-
ton, 2nd line.
The trustees of Union S. S. No. 12,
have engaged Mies Muliroy for the nom.
ing year as successor to Miss Clegg.
Mies Ruby Clegg has taken a school
at Hickson, Ozford'00., and commence,
ed her duties on Tuesday. She is a good
James Watson,. of Gladstone, Mani.
toba, a prosperous farmer, ie here on a
visit with relatives. It le about 14 years
sande he went West. The Morris boys
have a funky of getting along.
Wm, Russell and eon, of Duluth. are
here on a visit at the former's parental
home, specially to see Mrs. James Rue.
tell, who has been ill. We are pleased
to report some progress in her condition
which we hope will continue.
The fine 100 more farm of Andrew
Taylor, 5th line, bas been sold to John
Watson, 4th line, whose farm abuts the
new purchase, giving Mr. Watson 200
sores in a block now. Price was $5,600.
Mr. Taylor has purchased the Sproat &
Whaley general store business at Bel -
grave end will take possession on Feb.
ruary 1st. The people of Morris will be
sorry to see Mr. and Mrs. Taylor move
but have the setiefeotion of knowing
that they are not far away. We wish
all concerned mecese.
After a long, happy, industrious and
devoted Ohrtesian life, Christina Muir
relict of the late James Cott, of James•
town, was galled away to her eternal
home early Christmas morning at the
advanced ago of 87 years. She Was born
in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, where
she was married to Mr. Oats 57 years
ago and four yeara later they came to
Canada. They located on the 8th con.
of Blanshaed township, Perth Co., where
they lived until moving to Grey town
ship, 37 years later. Mr, Cott paid •
Nature"e debt 80 years age. In the year
1895 Mre. 0,111 went 10 Goderioh to
Tuesday evenilig 01 last week an old
ilhd highly esteemed resident of .tbia
viotnity paid Netare's debt in theper'
eon of Jq, mesa Murray, aged 74 years and.
11 .wontbs. Mr. Murray was born in
the township of EAgnesing, Halton Oct.,
and had lived on the term upon which
he died welt on to 50 years. He is ears
'thee by his wife, whose maiden name
was Isabella J, Mnrohte, of Mogiuop,
and two sons? Ww. and Mex„ both at
home, Dacoased bad boon in failing
health for the pelt year with a droptioai
ailmeut but was: always able to be out
01 bed a portion of the day. Who sub
jsot of thio notice was a Presbyterian in
church relationship, a Liberal in politics
and was held in highest esteem by those
who knew him. By industry and thrift
he prospered in this world's goods. Ile
was a great reader and well posted on
the generality of subjects, Mr. Murray
was a member of St. John's Masonic
Lodge at Brussels. Mrs. Murray and
sonswill be sincerely sympathizsd with
in the hour of bereavement,
W1to: CETER.
At doe o'olook on Monday afternoon,
Deo, 26111, in the preeenoe of immediate
relative's, a quiet wedding was solemniz-
ed at the home of 1:, W. Lewis, when
there only daughter, Mies Laura, was
united in marriage to Merton Howe, of
Dunnville, only son of Geo. Howe, of
this pleoe, Rev. 0. W. MoKenzie ablat-
ing. The bride, who was given away
by her father, wore a becoming gown of
champagne silk and carried a bogaet of
white roses and maiden hair fern. After
oongratulations the gneets repaired to
the dining room where a dainty lunch
was served. Mr. and Mrs. Howe left
on the afternoon train for Toronto,
where they will spend a few days before
leaving for their home in ,Dunnville.
The bride's travelling suit was of wine -
colored cloth, with large blank picture
hat, They have the good wishes of the
oommnnity for their happiness and pros-
Among the visitors from the Wed
who are holidaying in Grey township
ie Thomas Hislop, of Arcola. He was
a former resident but it is 14 or 15 years
since he left here.
Word was received by Mrs Danoan
Livingston that her daughter, Miss
Anna, had undergone a medical opera-
tion for appendioitis on December 7th,
at the hospital in Reno, Nevada, and
was making favorable progress. We
hope she will soon be convalescent. Dr.
MoSenzie, a oonain to Miss Livingston,
was one of the medical attendants.
An old Greyite in the person of Win.
McDougall, of Yorkton, Alberta, was
renewing old friendships here while
returning from Ottawa whither he had
gone with the farmers delegation. Mr.
McDougall went Weet in 1882 and has
done well. He has 800 acres of land
and last harvest threshed about 17,000
bushels of grain. The faintly lived on
the 4th, con. wheii' in Grey, near Roe's
Ohuroh. Alex Simpson accompanied
Mr. McDougal from Yorkton locality.
At an annual school meeting in S. S.
No. 1, R. J. Hoover deolined re•eleotion
as Trustee after 6 years' servioe and was
outmoded by Andrew Lamont, who wilt
also be Seoretery-Treasurer. Wood
contract went to Thos. Al000k at 12.45
a cord. It was decided to build a new
brink sohool house with cement blook
basement, the oontrac6 to be let as soon
as plane can be prepared. It will be
built on the old site, the frame building
will be taken down and material used as
far as passible in the new straotare.
Building operations will not commence
until next simmer vaoation.
Another of the pioneers of this town-
ship pasted away on Wednesday of last
week in the person of David Stewart, at
his home near Malesworth. Deceased
was in his 9let year and was highly es•
teemed in the community in whioh he
had lived for so many years. He was a
member of the Presbyterian Church and
was a Liberal in politics, Hie wife died
some three years ago. Four sons and
one daughter survive, viz:—John and
Robert, at home; David, of Winnipeg
and Prater, of Manitoba; Mrs. John Hi -
hie, of Wallace towsbip,
Joel Good,of 13erlin,oelabtatedhis 95th
birthday. He Wight, school near Ber•
lin in 1839, and received 150 a term for
doing so, Bat be paid only $t a week
for board and lodging.
make her home with her eon, Robt. a,
and at whose residence she died. The
old lady bad been in hailing health for
the pact year and her demise wail not
uneitpeated. The surviving ohtldren
are:—Mre, T. Moncton, of Jamestown;
James, grader, Itlyth; John, of :fames•
town; R. Me grdoer, of (loderioh; arid
S lr
Mrs. J. E. Coombs, of Satkatoon
Thome is deceased. All the tnembete
of the family were able to attend the
last And rites. Mrs, atilt enjoyed the
• friendship and love of a wide circle of
relativell and filen&
A etmpte sat , ,nd ettertivo treatment for bron-
chialtrodblcs avoiding drags. VaporiredCroce-
leno stops the envoi mon of Whooping Celugh
and relieves croup at once. It is a boon to sot.
hirers from Astbmn. The air rendered etronr' y
antisetlo, inspired with every breath. mel.es
brenthinaa easy t seethes the sore throat and stere
the Cougn, esnutln,[ restful nights. It Is invetu-
able to mothers with young children.
Send us postal for descriptive booklet. ebb
Try oreAnti, nti. ♦ tid"o
1 . Slee.
lets for the Irrhatbod Ga 0
throat. They ate simple, ``tie
effective and d antiseptic. h
"Of sour druggist br
from us. lac. to stamps.
Yapo Cresolena Co.
taeinia M Side.
/ it
Down, go the prices on Ladies' Coats Skirts, Fur -Lined
Coats, Fur Collared Coats.
Right now is the best tern t 1 g •t a new C )at, 'skirt or Dress. You know
what styles are best and Prices ►; ivy: rea:,,1441 the lowest limit. Don't delay. Come
at once and get your pick al the s .,,, i+l s i•n:trlest styles at prices far b law ordinary
This Great Stock -Taking Sale
We are overstocked, b'1• w d .it's intend to ht-' very long. We are deter-
mined to do triple the ordinary a t Melt of business this m )nth anti Prices have been
made with that idea in mind.
$9,00 for your choice of any 812,0.1 rratrrue ns
in our store. Those great values. so m+ v of en
customer have said are not equalled els vii•+• 0
$1,25 Underskirt, perfect
only 98e.
In r Vt:rrwa%'.
Big snap in Girl's Coats, 18 onty to
sell. Value up to $4.50, for 82.98.
20 per cent. off regular prices of Top Skirts,
lots to choose from.
$11 25 nclw•t' re eke can yea get sueh excel-
lent values in 815 00 C:iats as here; compare them
with any you n'ae elsewhere at that price.. Your
choice now 811 25.
Silk Skirts, ;rood value at $5.00, now$3 95.
A lot of Coate to clear, not this season's, all
prices. Your pic' for 81,98.
FUR CO 9TS.—One rersian Lamb Coat
worth $75 00 far• 859 00.
One Coon Goats worth $60,00, now 848.00.
All Accounts must be settled by cash or note by
January 18th.
Go where you will nd w1i n you will you cannot find bet-
ter Clothing values ;"ria w off ar at our regular prices.
Here is your chane: t l save 20 p•°r cent of our very low
prices. If you wait to we r b tter clothes than ordinary
without paying as much i5 usually asked for the common
kind you want to ate nil this sale.
Remember this sale includes every Iia fly to -Wear Garment. None are reserved.
come first served.
H. E. 131
Mr. Henry Foxton arrived home from
Hamiota, Manitoba, to attend the wed-
ding of his sister, Miss Sarah J Foxton.
At the closing exeeoises the pupils of
S. 5 No. 2, Calms, presented their
teacher, Mise Jessie Wilson, of Wing -
ham, with a beautiful three-piece ebony
toilet set.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Thornley, 464 Dundee St. Toronto, was
the scene of a quiet wedding on Tues-
day, December 27th, when Mary Alber-
ta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Howe, of Teeewater and Robert
Batton or Luoknow,
J , eon of Mr. and
Mre. James Button, oon. 8, Cuirass,
were united in marriage. Rev. G. S.
Deepard of St. Anne's Ohuroh, Toronto,
The home of Mr. and Mrs Alex. M.o-
Donaid, oon. 4, was the scone of ft happy
gathering, the past week, when the One
and daughters assembled to spend a few
days together under tbo parental roof.
On Monday night, Die, 26tb, a few of
the friends were invited to juin with the
family in making merry and an enjoy
able time was spent in games and danc-
ing. The membars of the family home
from a distance were; —Mr, and Mee.
Neil MaRinnon, Gagetown, Mich., Mr.
and Mra. Bondy and ?Mee Bondy, Am.
herstburg, Oat., Mr. and Mrs. Walker,
Windsor, Mrs. Lonabao ot Detroit,
Mich., end John MoDon rid of D •troit
One of those memorable events that
make the old people young and the
young people happy, oeonrred at the
residence of Mrs hi. J. Ft:xton, con. 1,
Onlross, when the marriage of her second
deugbter, Mint Sarah Jane to Mr. J.ae
Lithgow Maw, of liamtota, Manitoba,
was tolemtitzbd at 5 o'clock, Wednes-
day, Deo. 28th, in the presence of annul
ber of relatives and friends. The bride
entered leaning on the armof her broth
er, Mr ii'red. 3 Foxton, to the Welo
diont Oreille of the wedding march
played by ifiee Helena Wollwood
They stood under a beautiful evergreen
iirch with wedding bell and white meet
The ceremony wes performed by the
Bev. Dr. ttutlodge and the bride and
ere attended b her twin broth.
a w a y
ere, }timid and Herbert, who anted as
page boys, one carrying a beautiful
bogaet and the other the ring. The
bride was beautifully robed in white
,nieeetlline silk) trimmed 'with tegnine
and pe+ .:1e •,,.d
caught „+' ,a.
ninth. h+,ti (1.r,
ohryea: b , um
only t) t,eritsrll'
beautital ,zr,•d
IN. a white tulle veil
hnnob o! Roman bye-
t.r a baguet of white
mi depart gas fern. The
iv, bride wore was e
;rob and fob, the gift
of the groom's gift to the
organist why n pearl or -scent, and to
each of tint past boys, gold cuff links,
set w'th pearu.. While the interested
parties s' -' •' sigt+ttta the register, Misses
T. and Ria G, •Felker sang a nice wed•
ding s.:•', A-,.1 the usual oongratnln
tions a ••t ie alt . ieheo the company ee-
paired • , tn•l dining room where stump.
tons r past awaited to which all did
t' a ds an a•
nulpl, but tae. The tr in d rol
t.tous t xpr.-sstd their appreciation to the
bride r,x• benn.tilul and costly presents.
which :bowed the t•steem in whioh the
bride is hold. los Francis E. Foxton,
sister ot the bride acid Miss Minnie T.
t as
to , .0 the bride t:c d
walk+ 4 t Hair` t
directors ot ceremonies. The evening
was euji' t d by games, mnaio and social
conversation. The happy couple left on
the morning train for Niagara, Buffalo,
Rrcheeter and other parts, the bride
travelling in a snit of bevy serge and
hat to match. After returning from
their wedding tour they will spend a
short visit at her bows previous to their
departure for the West where they will
take up their residence on the groom's
Mr. and Mra. Dnvii W. lite and'fem•
sly of Wrrixcter ; a e.i Mr, and Mrs, Thos.
Straohae and ;amity of Grey Tp., spent
New Year s day at Duncan MaoDou•
Mrs. Eraeat Thorupeon and two child-
ren of Park Hill visited a tow days with
ber aunt, 111, e. M. Gibson,
Mr, Will King and Miss Alma, also
Mra "Thompson and children spent New
Yetir'e at HI. A Pollock's.
'the Meet Ice altd Berva Beeline
e ant the lialidees with facade at Hato.
Ile. 111. Smith, wife and family, of
i'restyr 3oeite are visiting for d few
weeks with his nuts, Mr. Thal. Smith,
'Che snhool trustees of No. 4, Grey,
have engaged Mies Hermetic). of .Ethel se
teaoher for 1911.
t k lib hi.
l. kon the o t t e
A.P 1 cb it A
Mee, d
week; We hope for a speedy recovery,
Knighthoods have been oonferred on
Hon. A. B Aylesworth, Chief Justice
Townshend of Nova Scotia, Messrs.Wil-
liam Mackenzie and D.D. Mann of To-
ronto Geo 0. Gibbons of London, Ont.,.
and Thomas Tait, late of Australia.
A" O1 Y person who is the sole head of a family
or any male over le years old, may home-
stead a quarter section of available Dominion
land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta.
The applicant must appear itt person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for
the district. Entry by proxy may be readout
any agency, on certain conditions, by father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties.—Six months' residence upon .and
cultivation of the land in each of three years.
A homesteader may live within nine miles of
lila homestead on a farm of at least 80 aoree
solely owned and occupied by him or by hie
father, mother, son, daughter, brother or
In certain districtsd r
a h omeetea e in
standin may pre-empt a quarter -section.
alongside his homestead. Price 13 00 per acre.
Duties,—Must reside upon the homeetead or
pre-emptlon six menthe in each of six years
from the dote of homestead entry (including
the`time required to earn homestead patent)
and cultivate city acres extra.
A homreteader who hag exhausted his home-
stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
may enter for a purchased homestead in certain.
districts. Price $3.00 pur acre. Datiee.-Mush
reside six months in each of three years, culti-
vate fifty acres and ergot a house worth 1300.00.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N: B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for.
s .. t�
Deo. 2442$, 26 ONE.TH�RD
liotnrtt limit Dec. 21
ALkid toe 2 i to Jitn 2
Det; 31,Ja,n 1,2 HHeturu•limit
IteSuru limit Jan. a January 4
TO all stationr in Canada last o1
Pat Arthur, iallelDetroit, Na
gala Falls, ctn.
rot information tide
3. 11, EREMElt, Agent, Wickham.