HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-01-05, Page 3• • .a, • 1 Two Minute Talks About ANDO A RANGE for Coal or Wood vOU can quickly get the Pandora oven ready for the baking. It is made of Nickel Steel which is much more sensi- tive than a cast or gray iron oven. It heats up more rapidly and thereby saves you many precious minutes. After you've used the Nickel Steel Oven for a week you'll congratulate yourself that you invested in a Pandora Range. Get one this week. Make up your mind you'll enjoy its many conveniences at once. Our agents in your locality will fill your order promptly. NEClary's Stands for Guaranteed Quality 1 -1 75 London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg Vancouver, St. John. N.B. Hamilton, Calgary FOR SALE BY J. G. STEWART & CO. Patric) Kelly, a Oniross farmer about 65 years of age and father of Mrs. Gil- more of the 12th oon. of Ashfield met with an accident that proved instantly fatal on Christmas night. Mr. Kelly and his wife were visiting a daughter, Klophfer, On the Elora road and . . started for home after night. Near Mr. Klophfer's gate is a large gravel pit with a bank 20 or 30 feet high. The road being obscured by the darkness and snow Mr. Kelly drove too near the pit so that the horse, cutter and its two occupants went over the edge and rolled to the bottom. In the dement Mr. Kelly bad his neck broken, death being instan Salmons. His wife was more fortunate and escaped without serious injury. Perhaps the straight and narrow path might be more popular if made wide enough for gasoline joy buggies. America supplies about 700,000 tons of red cedar timber to the lead pencil mak- ere of Nuremberg, Germany, eaoh year. An nollenge says that there is new movement in connection with Ontario orohard industry. An English •syndi- oate is endeavoring to lease a lot of or- chards in various parts of the Provinoe, for a term of years. The syndicate finds out what the average returns of orchards have been for a period of years past and offers a rental of an advanoe of ten per cent. on this. TEE WINIMAti TIMES, JANUARY 5 toil ROAR OF WO RUNS. 41..8118.1.8.8,1.88811* The Effsot Upon the Norm and O. Sense of Hearing. One of the penalties attendant On firing of big guns is deafness. so sure is this penalty to be exacted that, it is asserted, no man CU go tbrougb a long series of gunnery practice with- out having bis bearing affected, stranger on deck who bears ft big gun speak for the first time will not soon forget the stunning report. One gun is enough to startle a stran- ger, but the shattering effect of the whole armament when in action to- gether can hardly be conceived. The strain upon nerves and senses when the rending concussion takes place is ter- rible. There is not a great difference be- tween the effect of the big gnus and that of the smaller pieces, strange as it may seem. If the visitor places himself beside one of the smaller guns and then listens to the roar of the big one, the sound will not appear much louder than that of the gun by his side. The extra distance to the muzzle of the big piece discounts the sound. The only apparent difference between the two will be that the smaller piece has a sharper, higher pitched tone, and that the big guns speak with a more bellowing roar. If one watches the firing of the gua the crash has not such a startling ef- fect as when it comes unexpectedly. Loud as it is, nature has prepared thei watcher to resist the shock which be knows is impending. -Exchange. ROMAN ARENAS. They Were Not Mere Rings as Those. of the Modern Circus. The arenas of ancient Rome were not, as some people suppose, mere rings or ovals, such as may be seen in the modern circus. They were broken up and varied in character according to the nature of the fighting to be done or to the caprices of those in au- thority. ' On one occasion an arena might re- semble the Numidian desert, on an- other the garden of Hesperides, thick set with groves of trees and rising mounds, while again it pictured the great rocks and caves of Thrace. With these surroundings the com- batants advanced, retreated, encircled their adversaries or kept wild beasts at bay as occasion offered or as their courage or fear suggested. Men com- bated not only with the more common brutes, but with such monsters as el& phants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses and crocodiles. On other occasions flocks of game, ouch as deer and war ostrIchei, were abandoned to the multitude, and In some cases -the arenas could be turned' into lakes, filled with monsters of the deep, and upon the surface of which nayal engagements took place. -Loa, don Saturday Review, ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Cenuine • Carter's Little Liver Pills, Must Sear Signature of See Par.SImIle Wrapper Below. Tszy mon one as easy to take as snare R'S FOR"u1::::: CARTE iiiiITTLE FOR BILIOUSNES:. 1 vER FOR TORPID LIVER. Pi ILLS. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXION ENvxr� emu 1 ;IT veretzei7,...7/4 CURE SICK HEADACHE. Queer Kaffir Custom. Kaffir women will not pronounce their husband's names or even use words which contain the emphatic syl. liable of those names. One old woman, being taught to say the Lord's prayer, changed the word from "come" in "Thy kingdom come", to something that made nonsense. and it proved that the proper "come" word was the main syllable of her husband's name. Proving His Contention. "Jones is an optimist, even in the most discouraging circumsiauces, isn't he?" "Why, no. His mother-in-law is slightly indisposed, and be thinks there's no hone for her recovery." "Well, what did I tell you?"-Oleve- land Leader. Chess In Ancient Ceylon. In ancient Ceylon the game of chess was played with local variations pe- culiar enough to note. The king may not castle, but he Is permitted to jump like a knight till checked. The pawns are exchangeable on the last row for the pieces on whose row they stand. Though the world may owe every Man a Ilving, only i430 persistent WI - lector gets it. Free to Stock and Poultry Raisets 81 1 I• • I • • •.6. I • • I. 1 Jo 1 1 1 imar1•818, 813,.8 We will send, absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our large thirty -two-page booklets on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, calyes and fattenink steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay just as well in winter as in summer. No farmer should be without it. At. a cost of only two-thirds of a cent a day per Animal, Royal Purple Stock Specific?' makes each Animal worth 25 per cent. more. You never heard of any other Specific. .or "Stock Food," doing likewise. Royal Purple 'will permanently cure the Dots, Colic, Worms, • Skin Diseases and Debility, and restore run - down Animals to plumpness and vigor. It will increase the milk -yield three to -five pounds per cow a day inside of from etwo to three weeks. It makes the milk richer than ever before. MR. ANDREW WEGRICIL of Waintlett, Ont., says : "This is to certify that I !neve tried your Royal Purple Stock Specific for two weeks, on ono COW. On the 16th I weighed her milk as 17 pounds. I noticed a change after 5 or 6 days, as there was an extra weight of milk. On the 29th, I carefully weighed the milk, and she gave 22 pounds. I am giving an order for 5 boxes, as / consider it the best I have ever used." "Stock Food" will not do this. P.ecause "Stock Food" is nothing more or less than a taexture ol the very things which • you, yourself, grow on your own farm. It is not more food your Animals need. They must have something to help their bodies get all the nourishment from the food they aro getting. So that they will fatten, and stay fat, all tho year 'round. They need something to prevent disease, to cure 'disease, and to keep them in the best of health, ell tho time. Not a Stock Food 1•11818•1•1111111•1181•1 Royal Purple is not a "Stock Flood," nor a "medicine." It is a Conditioner. It does not contain Grain, nor farm prodeets. Nor does it contain "Dope," or Any other injurious ingredient. Royal I'urple does not merely temporarily bloat or inspire the Animal. It fattens and strengthens it, permanently. No other Specific known adds flesh SO quickly asItoyal Purple, It makes 6 -weeks -old Calves as large as Code, nary -fed Calves itre at 10 Weeks. It °yet Purple makes naturally - thin Animals fat and heavy. And it builds up the health and restores the former plumpness andvigor of run-down stock, in little or no time. The very best time to use this Con- ditioner is NOW. It digests the hard food properly and prevents the entrants got - ting indigestion or losing flesh. 50per cent. Cheaper ....._ - One 50 -cent Package of Royal Purple will last one Animal 70 days. This figures a little over two-thirds of tt cent per day. Most "Stock Foods" in 50 -cent Pack- ages last but 50 days, and aro given three times a day. But Royal Purple Specific is given only once a day, and lasts 50 per cent. longer. •(A $1.50 Pail, containing four 'times the amount of the 50 -cent Package, lasts 280 days.) So, you see, it is only necessary to give Royal Purple Specific once each day. Just, think of making each Animal worth 25 per cent. over its cost I What will that mean to you, Mr. Stock Owner I It makes the liens lay Eggs in Winter as well as in the Summer. MRS. wm. BURNHAM, Sanford, Ont., says : "Dear Sirs, -,This is to certify that I have used two boxes of your Poultry Specific for my hens. They laid so well while feeding it to them, I won- dered if you would mind sending me word how or where I could get some this winter. I bought it from your agent last winter. I had 32 hens, and some days I got two dozen eggs a clay in February and March, while feeding them the Specific." Royal Purple Poultry Specific prevents Fowls losing flesh at moulting time, and permanently cures every poultry disease. It makes their plumage bright and keeps them always in prime condition. It makes your Poultry Worth more .than they could ever be without it. Yet one 50 -cent Package, will last 25 Hens 70 days. Or a $1.50 Pail will do 25 Hens 280 days. This is four times more materiel at only three times the cost. STOCK MID POULTRY SPECIFICS Royal Purple creates an appetite for food, and helps nature to digest and turn it into flesh and muscle. As a Hog fattener, Royal Purple has leo equal. Never Off Feed Dan McEwen, the horseman, says 1 "I have used Royal Purple Stock Specific persistently in feeding 'The Eel,' 2.02e, largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1008 and 1000, and *Homy Winters,' 2.10}, brother of 'Allen Winters,' winner of $36,000 in trotting stakes in 1008. "These horses have never been oft their teed 8111C0 1 started tieing Royal Purple Specific. 1 will - always have It in my Stables. Your Cough Powder works like magic." For Poultry nod rotate Poultry Specific IS our new Spoelfic. It Is for Poultry - not for stock, Make This Test Every ounce of Royal Purple Stook and Poultry Specific is guaranteed. To prove that. Royal Purple haeeo equal, we want you to Make this test : Feed Royni Purple to any one of your Animals for four weeks. And at the same titne feed any other preparation to any other Animal in the same Condition. If Royal Purple does not prove to you, by name' results, that it is the best you over used, we'll return your money. And well ask no qtrestions-make no excilses. You Will be the judge - not us. This is nit honest test, isn't it'? We ask you to Make it because we know that Royal Purple is the best Conditioner On the market. If you are not stitiSfied, after testing It, you don't lose anythieg, de you? Centrelia, Ont., Feb. 7, '10. '1ho,V. A. Jenkins Mtg. Co., London, Ont.: Gentlemen, -We have been using Itoyee Purple Poultry and Stock Specific for the last three weeks, and must say that re- sults are remarkable. Am feeding the Stock Specific to two milking cows, and they have increased 30 per cent. in their milk. The Poultry results are oven more 'narked than this. We have about GO hens, laying age. When we commenced feeding, we were getting five and six eggs a day, and in the last five days the same flock of liens laid 150 eggs, ahnost art average of 31 each day, end those five days have been the coldest this winter. You can see results Plainly in two or three days after the use of "Royal Pur- ple," and the poultry have the Ramo hustle and appearance now as in the sum- mer time. With cows and poultry, am using exactly the same feed and care as before starting to feed "Revd Purple." When farmers and stockmen get ac- quainted with Royal Purple, it will have a greeter demand than all other tonics and stock foods on the market combined. Yours truly, ANDREW HICKS. Aug. 28, 1010. W. A, Jenkins Mtg. Co., London, Ont.: Gentlemen, -Last Fall we had in our stables a young mare belonging to Miss Clouston, of Montreal. We could not feed her any brais on account of causing violent scouring, consequently causing her to become weak and thin. We com- menced using your Royal Purple Stock Specific, and the results wore wonderful. Atter using it three weeks, we found wo could feed the animal bran or any other soft feed without scouring her, and she actually took on in this time twenty-five pounds ot flesh, we working hor at the same time through the hunt. I can heartily recommend your Stock Specific. TOM smiTir, Trainer for the non. Adam Beck. We also Inanufacture : Royal Purple Lice Killer.... ........ 25e. Royal Purple Gall Cure 25c. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment 50e, Royal Purple Cough Curo • 50c. Our Cough Cure Will cure any ordinary cough in four claye, end will break up and euro distemper in ten to twelve days. /1 your dealer cannot supply yon with our Royal Purple Brands, wo will supply you upon receipt of $1.50 a pail, pre- paid, for either poultry or stock, or if you Want any Liniment, Sall Core or Cough POirder, We will send it by mail, postpaid, upon reeelpt, of price. W. A eiroicknays ivirkoci cozewAmwo zoomoome) otic) ROYAL PURPLE STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS AND FREE BOOKLET CAN BE OBTAINED FROM T. A. MILLS, GENERAL STORE, J. WALTON McKIBBON, DRUGS, AND SAMWAYS PAUL, BLUEVALE. --ekeleeeseeee.... FLED FROM BOREDOM, The Talo of Purposely interruptid Yachting mdse. A: few seasons back a well known hostess chartered a splendid yacht for August and invited it large number ot ber friends for a three weeks' cruise. At first all went well, though the party was not specially well assorted,, but after a few days they begun to evince signs of being somewhat bored with each other's company. The hostess marked these signs of incipient boredom, which became more plainly evident each day, and at last in despair she took counsel with one of ber guests, an old and experienced yachtsman, "What on earth shall I do to =use these people?" she asked, The yachtsraan looked at the serene sky and calm, blue water and shook his bead doubtfully, "A storm would enliven them up a bit," he said, "but the weather looks quite settled. There is only one thing to be done. You must arrange a break- down; the engineer will manage that all right for you. Lie has probably often done so before, Then you must make for the *nearest port for repairs and let your guests have a run asbore. Some of tbem, I expect, will fled an excuse for bidding you goodby and those who remain with you will get along all right together." Tile hostess took her guegt's advice and arrived at Toulon a day later, whore nigh twenty of her guests bid her goodby.-London M. A. P. THE PRINCE WINKED. And Miss Alcott Was at the Other of the Flirtation. It seems an awful thing, but here is the circumstance on record that Louisa Alcott, the sainted author of "Little Women," once publicly flirted with Ed- ward VII. The fact comes out In Mrs. Belie Mose's book, "Louisa May Al- coa. Dreamer and Worker." There is a passage in the book which contains Miss Alcott's personal account of the incident. It refers to the time when the late king, then Prince of Wales, made his famous visit to this country. "I went to Boston," Miss Alcott re- lates, "and I saw the Prince of Wales trot over the common with his train at review -a yellow haired laddie, very like his mother. Fanny W. and I nod- ded and waved as he passed and he openly winked his boyish eye at us, for Fanny with her yellow curls and wild waving looked rather rowdy, and the poor little prince wanted some fun. We laughed and thought that we had been more distinguished by the saucy wink than by a stately bow. Boys are always jolly -even princes." By the way, this incident occurred in 1860, when the Prince of Wales was nineteen years old and consequently quite a broth of a boy, and when Miss Alcott -we blush to record it -was twenty -eight -New York Mail. End The Most Important Thing. j • Commander Peary, at one of the nn merous Washington dinners following his triumphant return from the pole, got the better of a senator in a war of wits. "What is the good of your discov- ery?" the senator Said. "I'll wager that you didn't find a single important thing at the north pole." "Oh, yes, I did," said the explorer. "I found one very, very important thing." "II uniph l What was that?" the Sen- a tor gen ti I ed. "T he. way hack home agalli,'1 %NIS the reply. Why He Was on Time. Bellinger was one day complimented by a lady on the punctuality with which he kept his engagements. "It is a pleaeure." said she, "to invite you to dinner. for you Weer Make us wait." "I am no longer young, madam," re- plied the poet, "and experience has tangbt me one thing -it is dangerous not to arrive at the precise hour, for the guests who are waiting for you will pass the time in discussing your faults." Spoiled the Evening For Her. "I suppose you had a perfectly love- ly time at the dinner party last night?" "No, Through some mistaLe they seated me next to any husband."--Cial• cago Record-Elerald. Was Troubled With Liver Complaint For Three Years. •••••••••• Milbtirn's Laxa-Liver Pilla will regu. late the flow of bile to act properly upon the bowels, and will tone, renovate and purify the liver, removing every result of liver trouble from the temporary but disagreeable headache to the severest forms of liver complaint. Mr. S. Nelson, North Sydney, N.S., writes: -"I have used your Lax&livei Pills. 1 was troubled with liver coins plaint for three years, and could get no relief. was persuaded by a friend to try your remedy, and after taking one vial 1 got relief. After I had taken three more 1 was cured completely, and / his* not been, troubled since, thanks to your valuable medicine." Milburn's taxa -Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The Ti Milburn Co., 'Limited, Toronto, Ont. YOUR BLOOD 16 TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED 'BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We desire to call the attention of all those atiliett.d with ally Dtoo/ or Skin Disc***.10 our New Method Treatment as guarantalou cure for theme compleinte. `ihere is no ex - muse for any person bey leg a ti teflon:el foto from eruptioret and leotebes, leo matter whether her( ditel7 r acquirc tI, oer seeettle remedies and treetteent neutratize an poi- sons In the Moo I and eerie! them from the aystem. Our vast eepc plectra in the treat- ment of thousands of the most s bents and complicated wives enaties us to perfect a curettiievitpliloan_ utegyeOnly forrltieetgth.B g. 15'etInof obuitsYouluctioa Derive, if you have any blued discitee, eon - stile us Free of Chorea and let us move to you how quickly our remedies still remove all evidences of disease. Under the Milt:owe itaeMrgteielt,etheogrdisa, :par srmaaptrmleeeernetatiltilhiclee db7ofi 11 he- alfrn victim realizes a clew life lute opened up to out hair grows lu again, the eyes become bright, ambitioa and energy return, and the YOU CANyAORRu AANREGEcTuOREPDAY AFTER COtISULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Diseases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" REE 2f unable to call, write for a Question, List for Dome Treatment DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Micb. NOTICEAll letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart.ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. lw • +. The Times .1. 4. 4. Times and Weekly Globe. 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For instance : The Times and Weekly Globe $1.60 The Farmer's Adyocate ($2.35 less $1,00).... . 1.35 $2,95 making the price of the three papers $2.95. The Times and the Weekly Sun .. . '$1,80 The Toronto Daily Star ($2.30 less $1,00). 1,30 The WeeklyGlobe ($1.60 less $1,00) GO $370 1 Z the four papers for $3.7o.' If the publication you want is iiot in above list let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Cana- le:f dian or American publication. These prices are strictly * cash in advance. Send subscriptions by post office or express order to I The Times Office t! Stone Block WINGHAM • ONTARIO 4