HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-22, Page 8E >, El TIS% WINGHAX T1M148i I)ECL'MDER 22, 010. 1 11AINQfi l.f1CAt,�t, qn dawn sr v ry often WB.._ . Pot on a special Wmil, room, and ]KING'S FOR BARGAINS t WE WANT YOUR TRADE - ^ ""`• �" �, T,.,.,.�.,. tits gnicatat�t way Go list it is to o ear aur ow ofi �Vingn XeRterdpa 4Pggt2ls aborteat tatty pttho M a brut'. This iR your opporunity to - --- -- ?J4r►r. got bzrgati c+ has for cash only By -lata No. 6231 1910. S user ul -- dad tkla' Rtd�t�. iu the TaxEls and X� ttigney. ° - s GIRAOD7t', crl itnre 4 -NeRk Mauday, will ba a tublio halt- A By L%w to authorize the issue of Ile• dtly•--Chriattnrts, A merry banfnxas of the Towu of taint;barn--The Tnim wishes all readers and to the amount of $2 4100, for the fttepdQ A Merry Christmas.rurpose of completing the oonstruo• Store --Buy your writing reads, rote paper tion o4 a Trunk sewer and Sewage The Busy snid envelopes at the umss, of l,• o. Christmas Disposal Works in the said Town of -Buy your Christmas stationary a Wiogham• the Trams office. to Everybody -The Bank of Hamilton calender, are R berms a the issue No. 695 of the Town of Winghatn for the tssuo uP Debentures for the nk being handed out to the custgmera of the sum ew of a0,5fU forsewage theDisposal construction of a Truly Wishes Everybody a Merry But bt'iare l,Uying jour all roved by the rfl epa e a of tileasaid Tow it Yv j, � ��'i hank, pp yy -Read the advta, in the TIMES OUT Christmas d.lilrtlrs dont oftihc�eaially TOyhlo ytheTentthdaylofJunit- merchants are giving bargains in Christ t forget to have a lo` Ic over arAn vAeraassuch sum of ffi6506 aril not be Christmas xnas goods. our stock of Groceries, Con- nndi�e��n�o Iiidposnl Werthe ke by id Trunk kaumvof -Plan of hall for Scottish Concert d ft etionery and fruits of all $2,.00, which fact is more clearly ai d minutely' set forth in 6Ohedti e A annexed to this By - will open at Mcli'.ibbon'a drug store at , kinds. We sell the best. laAvd whereas it will be necessary to issue 2 o'clock on Friday, Deobmbvr 30th Debentures of the Town of WinRlinin for the Suitable .•-••If yon need aledger, daybook, jour- the of 52500 as her. leafier provided a cre h fa parcels delivered t0 all alis of the h itaun, of the debt intended s a OrettdG�f �s for �Yn ual, or anythingin the blank beak stun P bythis R e appli the thesai u said .Debon- town. tures to be applied to the said purpose and no you can be supplied at the Tans cmue, olher;- AndwhoreasthO total amount required by _ Jcoeie VlacLaeblan at the annual Farm Produce taken in eS• "The Municipal Act" to be raised annually by _ special rate for paying the anis seat and in you hear so many people say that it is so hard to sccttieh Concert in the Opera hourle, change, terestts$200.61. , Wiogham,Friday e+vening,Jannary, 6ch -- - And whereas fho amount of the whole ratable p operty of the Town of Winghan se- choose gifts suitable for men-- tis not, that is, if -Robt. Thompson, 03 mayor of God cording tothe]lnstrevised Assessment ]Kell is yOtY come t0 King'S, We have .11u,1dreCls Of �I, J�Tir � fan Debenture +erioh and one q4 the prominent oiti7r.ne And whereas the amount of the existing D! the town is dead aft@r A 4ew daft# Debenture debt of the said Municipality is particularly appropriate articles, ranging in price $137 SlB•75• from the cheapest to the more costly. Phone 9. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Cor- o poration of the Town o ilineaa, f Wingham enacts as --Mrs. Gavin Davideonhas purchased follows: - 1, 9 he sum of $2,5C0. sha;l be, expended by' Mrs, Jbr. Maclaohlan's house and lot on the Town c f Wfnghara rn c0ra sting the con- ! w*�c, struetion of a Trunk Server and 13ewnge L ispos- Shuter street and gets ,possession next ,P ti a1;QGorks 1n the said Town, and for the par• ;i� pose of raising the said sunt Debentures of 1" r ' mouth. ` if . , t } the Town of Winghatn shall` be issued to the i• � / � !� NT ['1 Fj� R try , til., t i said amount of $2,500 in swiss or not less than b " E S -J, B. Gronix, Who died at $nil, 1 glop each on the day of Quebec, on Friday last, aged 77 years, I 2, The said debt and debentures The arils the father Of thin five children, 11, shall bear interest at the rate of Five per "' �j z y- I I ( cent, pet' annum; each of said Debentures i c twentyfonr o4 wham survive him.rt ' shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof 1 r AND �,1� I and dials be payable to equal amounts in each �- -Mr. Goo. T, Robertson, Of tike 10th t - of the twenty YE era next suceeo^ing the said date, such amounts being made up of the a� oonoeseion of Eaet Wawaaoeh intends ` egnte sum duo each year on account of grin - FUR _LINED gipRl and interest. holding an auction pale of horses and `� , P 3 Each of the said debentures shall be sign- ©attic early in January. Watch these ed by the Mayor of the said TO 1' Wn of Wing • !� ham or by some other person authorized by';�jf 1y II'' columna for the date. By law to sign the same, and by the Treasurer I of the said Town and the Olorlc shall RfiLe -Mr, J. J. Fryfogle intends moving thereto the Corporate seal of the Municipality. 4, 9 he said Debentures shall be payable f, a� ;; hisimplementehopfxomQheRitohiebnil- 4�pQ c,o.Rrc.,r T �d 1"' annually ort rile day of oy11 fil'% COATS ding On J09e pine street CO the building „ each year during the said Twcnty years at the r slue „ i, A M1 office of the Treasurer of the Town of Wing- it (( „ on John street which he recently pnr• Proof Sufficient a; liantintheCountyofHuron. �Ih�r 5. The said Debentures ehall be purchased C i chased from 0. Lloyd & Son. Is required now n -days t) settle"at par by the said Town of Wingham as all in' bill{ iry�,ti , usstious in diupute Our Conten• vestment for itsBinking7!una. aft +' rigs We make a specialty of this line, -The famous Royal Welsh Ladies 9 q 6, Duringgtheeurrency of -said. Debentures y,' I� iii tion is that '•there's a diffarenee" in there shallba raised annually b special rate [w '1 '; fi„ .' and our stock stands second to none. Chair of eightecu members has been en- "FEED-" t, on all the ratable property in the said Town n saw gaged to give an entertainment in Win ff `` U Wingham the sum of $200.61 for the purpose Prices range from $15.00 to $100 -00 - of ham in March. This will be one of th(, , of paying the amount duo teach of the said Others say not, lint that any Old pears for principal and interest of the said high-ols6e entertainments of the season thing" will do. Dan't you believe it a 7 t This By-law shall come into force and Watch for the date, end don't feed your stock any but take effect from and after the final passing mood f9ed. Oars is tr sted, is whole• thereof. -The Salvation Army band will bH some. and sold to you at right pricee. S. The votes of the electors of the said Town of Wingham shall be taken on this Bylnty at serenading this Christmas, do not lot Buv it at the following times and laces, that is to any, Produce Wanted -Butter, Eggs, Feathers, Beans, ;PDried the collecting box go away from your 4���� '�1�1�L�1 10 Monday,theseconddayof January a D„ Apples, Fowl all kinds. j�u{{ lvi �1 j�j 1 1011, beginning at nine o'clock in the forenoon door without helping on the work. The and continuing till five o'clock of the after - proceeds will go to help on the local HONE 84 noon of the same day, by the following Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, namely: work.. All donations thaIIlrfnlly reeeiv P.. _ .. Iu Ward �1,i at William tv Returning Johnston's tailor shop �� �. O HEACES by v, , r Li at es,W Deputy nst n's tai or shop GOOD PRICES ed. and Henry Roadhouse, Poll Clerk. GOODS G o In Ward 2, at Willis", Gannett's implement =Mrs, Jerome Gifford, mother of , a „,d shop by A. J. Alderson, Deputy Returning ilk Officer, and Benj. Jenkins, Poll Clerk. I W T Hall ifs Patrons Friends Everybody A very Merry Christmas WILLIS. & CO THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agentsut for 'L a d i e s. 9tiQLG��s�/ 'HOS. Rev. Dr. Gifford, a former pastor of Wingham Methodist Church, diedon E` h In Ward S. at the Town Hal by Deputy Returning officer, and Geo. Teas, Poll l..li � lien .: November 30th, at the home of her eon, � � d Clerk. In Polling Subdivision No. 1 of Ward 4, at Ritchie & Cosens insurance office by Thos. , 6'2r•6:; j P-11-1 .r19MgI!6'll�':!'d.�'-�a°SF�'1 a A. W. Gifford, at Forest, Deceased was born near Brookville in 1824. " � Business Deans, Deputy Returning Officer and Albert Fleming, Poll (`lark. In Polling Subdivision No 2 of Ward 4 at by O• N. Griffin, Deputy � PATTERSON y � 9 � -air. Alfred Schaefer met with anasty (1II Friday last in having the Albert Bell's house Returning Officer, and John Elder, Poll Clark. • list da of e On Saturday, Thirty-first y the said • • D > CHRISTMAS accident thumb on his left hand badly out while Ir On A machine in the fnrnitnrB ' College .D.9the December A. D., 1010, the Mayor of Town shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Town at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to to attend at the various poll- THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR > at wall appoint persons faotozy at Goderich. Mr. Schaefer re- Is a link In Canada's Great- Ing places aforesaid, and at the final summing turned to his home hereon K rday. est Chain of Hi h - Grade pe of thevoteste Ilio clerk on behalf of the High persons interested in, and desirous of promot• Ing ar opposing the passing of this Bylaw, -The klomeDepartm,, e Week. Colleges founded daring the respectivelThe y ly Sun, Toronto, is Bpecl ly edited and past twenty six years. This shall attendlat the Town Ha cwn t eleven nio'clock presents the latest a in every branch chain is the largest train. of the forenoon of Tuesday, the Third day of January A. D., 1011, to sum up the number of of the home work, i blob the farmer's els of young people in Canada votes given for or against this By-law w e� wife or daughter is interested. Your and it is freely admitted that `p nghamated tthis Tthe hird day of n Hall DecembertA D£ any the �y ellei.7t and reading is not complete without the San. its graduates get the best poli• 1'910. Ynyor. A7 w - -Oa the 15th of December all the tax. tions. There i3 a reason; ....,,Clerk. es in East Wawanosh were paid except write for it. A diploma from best line of all the newest some $114. There is usually arrears to the Commercial Educators' SCHEDULE A. Ands of the amount of from $300 to • $400. The Association of Canada is a Contractor's Tender for Trunk new collector, Mr,Geo. T. Robertson has passport to success, Sewer....................•.•,$5595.00 You may study partly at Contractor's Tender for Disposal Works ....................... 129300 made P, good record On his first year as home and finish at the College. Right of Way ..................... 1000.00 collector..-aIron Rods for reinforcing...,.,,. 844.00 EWY f the Directors of Ilia Enter any � sliear [}ansa ....................... �. A$ a meeting o Syphon..,. ..•. ..•..... ... 300,00 Turnberry Agricultural Society on Frid• Fel! Teylm Opens Aug, 291h Engineer's Fes.• ............. . Inspector's Fees .................. 306.00 J EWELL ay last it was decided to hold the annual Extras ...........................1. 37x,85 WINGHARII• --$9293.85 meeting of the society in the Council LESS Chamber, on Friday afternoon, January BUSINESS COLLEGE 21 eonnrctious not required..,... 811,85 300 feet Local Improvement...,.. 312,00 90th. Parties interested in the Wing, DSAS, W. BURNS, - Principal. Sale of Debentures ................ 6171.00$0781•9EV er shown in any jewel' ham fall fair should attend the annual GEO. SPOTTON, • President. meeting. � Amount required to complete.......... •52500.00 lery store this year suit- -We have received n copy of the Ad. - NOTICE. able for vanee Annual, pnblisbed by the Tempt- Take notice that the above is a true copy Of Ville Advance which is a Credit to the l ',�" j� a propposed By-law which has been taken into publishers, The Annual is all home F ate!' / consideration and f the will be finally passed / by the Council of the Municipality of the print and will compare favorably with / Town of Wingham lin the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) afar publications printed in the larger ofiiceg. �,. n r one month from the first publication thereof The people of Temptville are to bo con- in the Wingham TIMES the date of which date {// publication was the ci 11th day of December n to A• D., 1910, and that the votes of the electors of gratnlated on having An p the said Municipality will be taken thereon on printing office in their t04711,a su "R thedayandatthehoursand lacesnamed there - infixed. fixed. And take notice that all leaseholders CHR ST AS GIFTS SP -LP WANTED••-�Lndies Wlshing' to who may be entitled to vote on tliis By-law Work at home making mitts and gloves c, a' N ° s and who do not file an affidavit to that effect can secure the game from the Wingham C0' `se s with the Clerk, at least ten days nave pr amen °2 Ing the day, of yplollini�,will not have their names Tannery and Glove Works. We gond a V.... Hall, IIa1the , Oterm list. Srd, 1810, lady to give instruotlons. ,,, ra JOHN F. G , 1010, Clerk. It is not accessary to send W. D. PRIN(1LE, \ 4. y.• ---- out of town this year for PUBLtO NOTICE. j Nuncio is hereby given that the Municipal swell Christmas Gifts. r!nBVN.-In ITowicl:, on. December 12th, to Council of the Corporation of Ilii Town of A7 7rlr. and bits. Lewis Gruen ; a daughter. r + h }i, Wingham propose to stibmit to the ratepayers MpCos'clit-Tn Lueknow on Ilseernber6th, ,7e ve gall Sunl�illling to ofthe said Town foouncil assent,boraBy-le s to You can get the newest to air. and Mrs, D. McCorvie ; a sen, of $2, 00.0 the said Council to borrow the sum Crow AilUgf. of $2,600.00, for the purpose of completing the srti7lol; -In Howtek, on December loth, to v About. Trunk Sewer and Sewage Disposal Works. and bust here Mr. and birs, W. S. Sutton; a son, der new AtOCk Of Ohoice rocorfeg Tire following is an catimste of the sum of g money, required to complete the said Trunk 'UMID. juat received to the finest to be had Sewer and Sewage Disposal works according %VsgttR-•1n Bluevale on December 13th, anywhere. too.nIlio plan prepared by W. Mahion Davis, . _ William Messer, aged 13 years. „ N ESTIMATE, Aged,syear8. UrdGGrIG� ContrSaeetox•'a Tender for Trunk sAS7tit^lisO1C•••In Hamilton, oil 8th, Fresh �11Ce ChOIC� Mrs. Wm. Sanderson, formerly of Wroxoter, ' r wer........................ $0503.00 - Contractor's Totidet for Disposal C3oet you no more than the mouldy, Works .......... 1291.00 - on't Eight Of Way ..................... 1000.00 Holiday Rates on Grand rank. musty, stale kind W Which Wed Iron rods for reinforcing.. . 33400 This year you can cnjoq' long visit at hand a or old. We never let oar Shear Gates ..............':::.:. 00:00 I A the bid homier with Hort riends sa taro able get old. The pricee we aro Syphon..' .. . z5.00 and oneomeo r tea 1 be nd# g'oidg able to ex put our groberlea within Engineer's Dcos 000.00Wo � TERSON Ilio reach bf till, Insp tore Fees 100.00 fromWcdneada D ember,2lattoJan• Extras 376185 bury and, inolnai valid returning until $9293.8 Jatltlar_ 4th, 191L There Will be aingfe I.ESl3 JEWELLER R fare rata over 0hristmet, good going Doc, M 21 eennos sous not required 812.0 r " �tr F. McGillivray eofnealTmprs...... 171,0 gtr 26, and`x6 retnsninquntil Dco. 97and Bate of lYsbentttrss....,..., . 0171.00' i ' againiorNew'lzcsraonrico,3l,Jan.1 AlrAettntretttttredtecomplcts���tt2so69p OPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL, WIN%HAM 64d 2, $God until Jan. a. Tiokata may Ile scoured, ill Advance And Avoid delay Phone 54, Dated, Town Hidl,winglirtin, Des.8rd,1010. at station, 1, like .:,. ...- Jaw tri. C41iC Vag, Clerk. IS COMING But we are already here with a full stock of suitable articles for the Festive Season, something suitable for every one, Come in arid see our st'lck. We suggest a few things for Xmas Presents FOR THE LADIES' We have the most up-to-date Suitings and Dress s Goods that can be obtainable and which we, are selling at wholesale price, this is a snap. Then we have a full line • F of Sweater Coats, Ice Wool Shawls and Scarfs, Belts and c Belting of all kinds, Combs for the hair, and Shoes for the feet, Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs 15c to 50c, Plain Linen Handkerchief and Fancy Handkerchiefs for- the Children. FOR THE BOYS' AND MEN.i, i We have Fur Overcoats and Cloth Coats with Fur P. Collar and Rubber Lined Tweed Coats with College Collars and Presto Convertable Collars, the very newest styles. Suits for Men and Suits for Boys, all at. 25 per cent, off for cash. A full ,line of New Shirts especially for Xmas trade, Also Sweaters for the Boys. A full line of 'fresh Groceries just arrived. We r'^ have some choice Clover I-foney in i lb, sections, also 2 lb. tins. Poultry of all kinds wanted, must be dry picked and well fattened. Potatoes taken in any quantity. Tar As MILLS PHONE 89.t