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The Wingham Times, 1910-12-22, Page 7
t. IL W tttl ,r l:1 "4M '1'llkll+'+F3 j�l'.r'� a . r l f% __.. a,.......,., - m . T.•.. - --. 1 n c -C• 1 0 s cl.ts Spanish ld _ .0 r 1 u ♦ 0♦ ♦♦♦004 stretched' before him, th4't aobyl0ete . can't take a parting drink, for I'm band of bps g 0♦00800000♦000000lOaN000R00♦♦♦♦♦ O, N Blade A Stand here against natives -. ->p....,. .c , 00♦000a0 afraid neither of us will reach our ttttkf a iu�a.r .f a �•� whom they had roused against thetu �1 • pest water holo. But you can count j by oppression, Or, perhaps, as iudl'� -- + 0 on me that the red devils wont get oared. by the cross, it had ailorded ref. �� � •! you:' use to the mission :Gathers, those he• Then, gOlul; to big pack, he undid it role souls who had faced the horrors. I' I A he lZound-Upll And took out a double handful of yel- of the inferno like desert in their --• - - ,; a g '�: �• low nuggets and A number of canvas: saintly efforts to concert its fiendish „v ildrens �. bags, These he deposited iB the Pot inhabitants, x _ �q t: Arizona _ , t?z Infants and Ch lfC w O _ lro ...,,�;:. n u . he flat stone of cc ed b . a pre G, wy� - n prying p t d occupied y p I-- , .f�, � � holo and, p.y g Witt, his min o P ® >5 li, ed From Gclr•�und Day's Melodrama the fireplace, laid it over them and heusious Lane looked at the ratite p Nova covered the stone with embers. aV'r+ sual*e upon the sahuaro, whose strug• � . • �nd ou '�*• Eli I "It's a ten to one shot that they An- gles by Ibis time bad diminished to ay,K > , ii;{ t MILLER " " the wa es [;`U1�4��tVd11,1.5-' ,�„ tsh me, he reflected, but g feeble movement of the tali. �/ I I've I '!d for b a year of bard work rr - lway Bought r.1 t •hum Co. ' - % id absence from her side stay just +I a'a cartridge to put � h ,•.i,ke.Pre ztz'attazil'cr�a 1�.' GOaYrlal:r, 1 G. W Btll nr, , a ltl w0U Ont OYd oar spare miSQry,e thou ht. I r Aa 1�3t11' {ilCF00du[11ii12U11 a . 4�Qaata JG{�y3C i na near i:cho Allen as I Can bring ,� l,�w�. is �e0a►+mtA4��sm0ON0eet>♦o®ooa40 /; 0® 60ApG?,n �ti theta alive and, if there's any truth in you length as Lane peered up the lingsthe lgm,CSI6nI`il;;et`JelsOt ���?. Bears 't ip, r unci o cowpttnCle• "Cation' the highest wall beta toward I I what they say About Spirits disclosing There's a b. f the mountains. Il.ntering the incl'- �, mountain lido he saw a brush on a f,, In dreams the place of buried trews• ledge a little to the left of the trail ^c Eta .>. . ars in this story it will do you sure, the prospector dismounted, re- r / ' `_ ''' ' ' i °` d to get and forgood meas- liege bis horse of its saddle and his �. ' /' are, with the chane' of my Getting quiver as if Stirred by a passing -.� goo meet, d ;I them to her after I am dead. oover, siert acro of its pack and proceeded to = breath of wind. Ile aimed his Win- are (here s Slim H , ff, b t," '' Taking the useless bowldery from r hrou^h a crack in the `va11 Protnolrs i� v�519on,�SleeSt[i9 whom nobody loves because he's prepare his midday meal. LOol;iug for a - the edge of the cliff, but carefully, So at the spot, and when a moment later Ile5santiIie7t.�dnliritiialzeiiitei :�; e ' 1' the best place where he might light 1 ` a fat man. And there are other fire he observed hl the most protected I• As not to expose himself to the fire of nu Apache rose up from the ground Op'tini,l`'i 0r,ltifiP xlorle�ize:tet uth- Y' the Apaches, he piled them on top of and leaped toward the shelter of a :NOT N: I t% 0 a I C • 1 �,„ Characters of the great so corner a flat stone marked by iire and i !f 1i3' 11 tUe upper wall fu such a fashion as to tock belga Lane fired, and the savage -, • ,� a 1west'--•women of charm and inter- t,car it in the rocky ground a pothole, "" �' form little turrets. Ile left an open- fell crumpling. Like an echo of the est, desperadoes and soldiers— evidently formed for grinding maize. Ing in each, through Which he could ! observe in turn each point of the cum• explosion a rifle on the right spoke, r 7+ eoPf'l.LTi�: 'J'ilt:J dei.:+ . 1 whose doings on the stage have rhe ashes of ancient Gres were scat• and a bullet struck the rock by Lane's l.:ra.', f, d• u, tered aboitt, and in cleaning them Off �� pass whence danger might be expect- ,called forth muchfavorableeom- Ills new found hearth ilio wan discov- („� a peed. He marked the spot whence Ment from •the public and the /�� �'� �”" ed and could fire his Winchester With- the shot camp and quickly ran to an-;t�, f p ered a potsherd, apparently of a na- , out exposing himself. Then he began F rF£r "' ` ' x other part. of the wall, From. here ire „ .1n ,,, ,;¢, t, critics. They are woven into a tive olla or water jar, and a chipped ...,,, going from post to post on a Contin- saw the edge of an Indian's thigh ea- r ✓ w �/ 1 interest, colored fragment of flint too small to indicate An awfia stillness Itunp over the seet� nous round of self imposed sentinel "'i 1w, r 1 plot of dramatic : , posed by the Side of the bowlder be 1�-Use bycharacteristic actions and say- whether it had formed part of an In" •haos of quivering bars and belts °E duty. "IY I could only climb the Sa• . had noted. Crack Went Lane's `Vin• +�{ 9 than arrowhead or bad' dropped from ueated atmosphere which remains huaro," he thought, "and fly my red Chester, The leg was suddenly with 1,:* dY Ings of typical ,vomen and melt an old flintlock musket. above the desert as a memorial of the shirt as a flag to let the rurales know p Of the land of the rattlesnake and "Lucky strike!" observed the pros- first stage of the entire planet's exist- I've flanked the enemy, it might but'- ! drawn, and at the same momenta t]c' " )► 1 O V ion horned cerci. "I 1va5 down to my last epee the imagination of the prospector r thew along in fir"e to pat a Crim*/ !read appeared ou the other side of the �� n s e• + " the Gila monster, theg p , Y rock, as if the Indian had Stretched l , a.'s c b `��..- i 1111 steer and the lowly, despised match:' And, gathering some mss- created n paradise of his own. There It these devils before then get We. himself out involuntary. Crack again, sheep. The incidents of the tale quite brush for fuel and rubbing a dead took shape before his eyes a Mexican � p branch into tinder, lie drew out a hacienda, larger and more beautiful Put it'll have to be 'Vold the Tort' and Lane had got his man. " C.; a:nL� � tr.. r ; T m$ Years will hold you; the women and the •knife and, rapidly and repeatedly even than that of Echo's father, the without any lob, say can You sees' Two shots to an Indian is expen• L� i� men will attract you. They are striking the back of its blade with the beau ideal of n borne to his limited business. Anyhow, I m flying the rat- sive,' thought the prospector, other -Eq �CDT:,t :fit those o other flint, produced a stream of sparks, fancy. Anel ou the piazza in front, tlesnaka flag I'of Bunker Hill, `Don't wise this game of tip -jack would be a %� different from finteresting.">;. ra a' vest that is ever which fell on the tinder. plowing the covered with flowering vines, there `ee it o not I've saved theirs hides. 1 Therewascry in the Apache �,)� 9�� �"* � a'ry�� x� � ��� :a �♦f , yarns of the West, „ while, he started a flame. When the s. = =—•- - "ready for p fight or a ,frolic. stood awaiting biin the slender figure tongue, and suddenly uhne half naked , _ fire was ready the man shook his Dau- of a woman, with outstretched arms If the Apaches had got to this fort uo(li ,s arose from behind rocks and teen. "Precious little drink left," he first, gee, how they would have Crum - and dark eyes, tender with yearning - � "I wish that potsherd carried pled up the greasers as they came I bushes extending in an irregular Cres- ', Ex�+cT Copy CFF WRAPPER. -'//// ��i` TUR A CHAPTER I. said. love, THC GCNTAVa GOMP0. 1,�N��RYOPK OI•aP�l'M1� OWN an old trail in the Ghost Rater as the flint chip does fire. How- "Echo--Ecbo Allen!" he murmured, along the trail!" cent above the fort and rushed for- L w t range, in northwesters, Alex- ever, there's lots of cactus around fondly repenting the name. "No. not Rendered thirsty by his exertions, I ward feu, fifteen and even twenty l�l:,iirliS.ltiia� z sr.« � '- ico, just across the Arizona Ilere, and they're natural water jars. Echo Allen, but Echo Lane, for Dick Lane remembered the canteen in the 3 agut%yls to the next cover. Lane did not D r a mounted prospector nI knife may got me a drink out of nne has redeemed his promise and bisnaga, which he bad forgotten among M ttshe ficured thesenumber or aout in his nce at the time, ext horde , y L a ouud his. way, his horse carefully the desert's thorns as fuel! as kindle his other preparations for defense. ('1•° no t hln.tin,aro ) returns t0 cIahn You us his Own.' , ,t,...re:mnazv .• a�a•,mhrw-tmasaxmr-•a rrNuw••r7'->•� ti:era un.-:mss„aesrrwxsnsw�ermaus»�'n.an,:ro..;.,W,•... picking its steps among the broken a fire from its stones. And right here's As he gazed upon the shimmering cautiously reached his hand over the granite blocks which bad tumbled my Watermelon, the bisnaga, the first ledge and secured the precious vessel, hent waves Which distorted and dis d i+sA upon the ancient path from the moon- one I've found in months!" he exclaira- but as he was Withdrawing it, ping, y fain wall above, A burro followed, ed going over to the edge of the cliff, placed the objects within and beneath came a bullet through the canteen, `. �• "� lum vii tivilh pack, bed roll, pick, above the level of Wbicb peered the them a group of horsemen suddenly knocking it out of ills handl As it fell ., `� 's it laden heavily in the distance and as I�T ft, frying pan and battered coffeepot, get fat head of a cactus covered withappeared to him clattering down the side of the ledge stepping along sure footedly as '14 the spines that were barbed like a fish- suddenly vanished in thin air. he groaned: "Good shooting! They've mountain sheep that first formed the hook. Its short taproot was fixed in "Rurales!" ejaculated Laue. "I won- probably left their best marksman be- ty trail ages ago and whose petrified hoof a crevice A few feet below the para- (ler if they are chasing Apaches. That low with the ponies. No hope for es- 1% Afford footing a ed *e of the cii+�, iia^e fives you no idea of Cape on that side. Well, there's some T prints still remain to a(Y B S pet. Lying on th infernal m e g .for the scarcely larger hoofs of the the man sliced off the top of the CA(` distance or direction. If the red devils consolation in the thought that they'll pact: animal. over the (us And began jabbing into its interlvr, have got away from Crook and slip undoubtedly finish me before I get too stillness -hung ails of rho sed U these greaser rangers over the thirsty. Glad it wasn't my baud." \ \\ \� \\ An Awful own the fibrous W 1 Y sent wait- : \� \\:\< •\� �_� \ `\\ .ate\`\ t \" \ `"\N\\ ``` � \, \\,,,1 breaking d n straight h the period he p 5tra hon P \\ \\ a :a \° \�\ \ \,. \,\ .• , „>\ the mal.ina a Alt b \.., \ \� \\� \. \„\\ �. .. \pF\\�� \,..,� .,.\ only b Il sure be \ as\\\ .\. ,\\,,\ \ \ ,., \. .. ,� ,\ token o Y y beau rder, the \,..\,\ ,\.,,�\� \\\\,a\\ ��\\\ \\.,..,\\ \.\. a> .... �\ that Was U h the top y bo , \.,. \ WbIC than an \ ,\ \ �.\\\\.�`.,� \�: �� \\\. ,, ,. \\`r�a -scenewater CC11S, OE r Attack \Vas less t a,• ,�\ �\ .,:� .\<\\\�\ \\� a . \\\ ,, burro a' range and UY this very Ing for the \:�\\\�\\\\\\\\\\, \ \. . \��\\•� a\.a \<•\ . \ ,t, click of hoofs of horse and b almost entirely composed. In for the Ghost rag \ \\� \\ \\ \ \� ,rr✓\\ r,\ \\ , a \ the c]atter of the Plant is\�\a\�\ //r r / r \ . \\\ \ n the rocks and tl arose. trail. If so, I'm at the best Place on it hour by his Watch, it seemed to Lang _ \ \\\\\ \\ \ \ \ ; upon a few moments he \\\ \ \@ \ \\ \\ f ,e �,/i 6 /!/ %fire ' r v�\\ \c \ \\ wed that rolled hem and bore I stay till the\� - • \� //i r loose stones they dislodged „ can empty my canteen iu the to caret t , ��r'`/ ```� \ //' side. Now I P Y ruin to the red down the mountain Supply Of Coast i Clear.” Turning \�� \, \, \\\\ / /ur%/r/ / //r/r /rr i/ ; �j// i/'ref � ✓ \ \\ \\ \ :tad skipped flee of sure of a fresh PP Y s "Per - Not co P , fleeted Per ��� ',\\.: \` \ t/ yti %cry ; c,5, /!' \ \\ o�\: \\\\ \�• ` "/ g, Air was stirring, and ad to son the rock, he re of A breath OP time I am re y eros , , N h water by the ase of Nebo s n from the �emht fter all it's a c the sun blazed down along."haps, A f hap\.\���\, \\\:'. r,/rig ��r // /' ,/ /r•` \ `ti�\\� �,\, n mosey(�`\ ��\\\?\\`•/,/�,%'� /� ���\\\\„��\\\fir \,,. \ / ., \:r\ h fierce And direct radiatioet it on the fire lonely mountain: ” \\\ \ \. \ / ✓ 'i ` ` ' tivtth such He filled the pot, s '•t.: tri i„ ` \ \ \ \` / t to ob• ed this conclu• ,,\\\\\\\\\\•,� Vi/,,,,„•,/.o .:.:,,:z%»/./,/o.i / \\ \\ n /�// / \ .\ that the wayfarer needed n0 r axed the uncorked and Lano had hardly reach And then p e 3 CxaCt rifled b the shadows to note it o the macer- afore he found it jus YA\vA\ •.SCTre the canteen dawn into Sion b .vAi`,v y vvvcAv v v v v v v ,A, r/ � •• ` empty C the re- nd A��..., A\\�AVAV A�w \:., A 'VAAti \ v` \A A`"V A�`aV A `\vv\V\`��� • ! ��: ..:� V r <•., iu the heavens. bankalamong g '•* of a mounted Apache in position,. n.tecl interior of the bisnaga.sight ' den ,_�,�.. A Av�OAA �v�``.J� �\� v \ v��i��'`vv \�:�-.V A\ �.::�/,y�/� �%��i v '•v wA, �A '' y ken blocks An(1 in banks alone boiling the pros 1[a of war emerging from a bid V yvy�,� �� Av \ „ �• ,V�,�, / .,r� r„ v ' the bio under mile his Coltec was b S galla had burst and low the fortification. :the ledges the cactus Continued his examination of di ill the trail be v `A V� . Pee .COIIt P :A\`vAv�r///o V�AV� AVA\v` \.'� ` \ .,:A Vii.. E;,•./. //, i�% ��'� v \ re Into the spun• n• hind the parapet, evh- �. \`vv / r: A\ y:A V AV�' \ �A . „yvv , . :.. 5” v ,ir, ti,, y vA��. // ". a v • , the heat, as it we fortification, beginning, in the ma Lane dropped behind _ �v ss// // A\\��� v `\vvA yr /•,a o/r �r/ yv Av\v. of flowery flame• the nStlOn re minute re he was observed, as the –'-'� `; YvA / %�/ �� ��\,A v A` \ vv � . , v v v V-� ` \ v, '�� , • i i/ .::;�� .:.�� vv v :A , � �`\v A ' \ ,. taneous comb per of his kind, With the mo i dently before �- m ud• 'sing beside the M number and l0 Av traveler' passing What t0 i steadily Increasing , A v • r, r �., ` " V A v ` TO the P with Ste he irri• signs" and ending w y the rock blazed with t hoof bents on Y .� v if,�\\vj y� �. ,� y`y ..Avv � ` yA their red blooms would have been the first and Bess of the vv /, v , y� v �ywA.,.. y!�,�/ _ A „ superfluity of a torchlight pro • tourist view. Indic to the listener, r - v /;; ` `�'` ' rating supe y only subject of observation—thetrail, find noonday. bowlder lin back to his horse And bur - lie � ""`vVA` vv �• `�v �" `` / � ,cessionAt finer side of the large, Crawling at ledge Oil ti Against the n t0 A fl gOwn a s The trail leads down rued the faint opt- ro be made them tied a +�v�\��•, / ,y A� vA . yAv,A\,A�V 'l v which in the slab he discs with ".' •:v;•A \vvv�� avv \ vAy�,a. vv\ y v� r ks the desert and wh er. And picketed them W \ yyv��/ y;,A�v�A- A.v which 'veil'' cross painted with red ach upper Wall P line OE a Cr P iA;v '�yV AV�� vA v\�VA�VA ALS xvAAu vV�VAV�v�'e `y A<i hither countless i o the round. for. ,� \ vv�;va� v\y�y. observatory w beneath the s lengths of rope t g , v vv,\y �, , , A \\ tz \• \v is the with his pick b bort gv:„v.A,1,.v�0.,,�.wt�ti�\��w"�:,�v\y�v.. in sheep have Scraping w r could COmC c v �,, A\v .vv.AA. qA\V���AA. generations of mounts P rem was the sign he foresaw that danger vvv yvvav v ,v $ see if the emb �A\���A,; o survey the rock to in side. Taking %i v • • ` ��� V�, t0 rC50rt t unearth he mountain been wont or relic he ane only from t zi ►t Vv,>� y'v y v yy\ \ \� V� �� CII.treASnrg , Y .a .�AV� ,:..r ,,,yA „\��VAVAV. A�, v,y..\ "e:. `�\� AAV y�.,`•. . A A�wv`\vVAA���V.: �•"�' i'hem, With Of bled to thepar- .strange1 �.a., i.. ,�, , A,. Av, ��, .,a .•v.,A� �V v :� Av •. ; , �AVAp v. A A,� •: beneath a rhe returned ..� rr / ve + a vv ,v�. A • ,� A v v �,��; y� r. . world it could atrik ri Winchester, , ke. Before Ills - x .A,.. v aAt \., . .�•. �. ��,'� v..,,,,.. at v, s,v , � A,,,, •y,v� , A.A \\a y,...,r .Av.:.: it re ed areclining 1 feelings alt v Vv,.v, v. �v A,.�.. •„d :,A�,yi ,v .�� c ,A,yvyv y - and what � sent seated hi�, _ �� I ���•,� .y �.� Ayvv�\, _�.� �,. � � -lir OSe 001 he ae And half , �. , A, „1 `t\ \\vv\\v� ,�� �AA A•. �w what P P fin Of his aper , yyA�\vyv� v Ay\` V 4 avv.��\120 �yv,vvAvv.A�y `vAA`��� n iter Of With a quick S g act• v A �/ vvV A w\\;��.�y AA�.� ,- r ����\ v mA InativC writer On the nllSllSp r v, , va�VAV�V��� % �` x `�\\v �V`\ Vw� , 'V v A\ mains for some i high in the air to- behind it, opened fire ;� , r 1 lltl h b .—+•� • • �a.'a ���� � � \ A � V A��\c ; H ✓ �i ,, r.,,. V reptile whir g g a _ •� r /s,.�A`Ah,•A�': ' „//.' �i��wv�::.� form us. From the the P er, shot through A\ v �� 'es to in 1 m The lead r A� s,./f v .�yoAV.. v v..a .•A, , '' :y��v�.A.A �. ,wA�A w,. .. • .,a' ' : animal Stoic tilt from the Clump P 111 Apaches. - v .� .ri, A,,\ �a\,A.. ;� �\ , ;,v,AA\. vA� . ,A�� r ch ice. B g p /„ A, v. v �,A.�� y A \,v.. the precipice. (: - v y v Ay trail P ch 1 y. /, v .�.•A �.Av below the horse .wit 11V,., /ri yv �o,./A\\, he cal.e parapet ll from his , O t y a fell y � � //,r y >vA\. ,, ��,v•�..�\..v\.Ayw y:.h�•,,y yv��,a�, ,. •Ayy �.,„A. ay �,,. `, �,�\.. ledge t th along .the P p the head, A ��,,,, Av\,.: ���`�v\\w'y��� broader, of cactus grow the '�. �`�y1Z©V�\� from obstructions and b in arms and backed Wildly down � �� v�<, .is free uaro with branching ., reared � \v ��/,�' ��V,• ass devious than arose a sah t have foundNIP”, , r , �� w• y� VvAv� \\\ v� A y��\:A A v\\ v� � �• �; more beaten And 1 this the snake puss flung. trail. Other bullets mus r,, A��/,r.-. \������ indicating that it has been And against the also but because oY the �' t:, ��� �v above, in toll- ed around the thorny top b9 their Billets -, u, /Av���\�; the generations of men to wrapped nun , pissing which ensued among the In r ;,�\�\ formed by mentum os We cast, is g Confusion w � V�\ � � �\I vvv � rural m0 A � to the natural unable to . u from the valley pain and hatred. ns the prospector was Ing P rattling with p dis P „ ar_d S \�\� l . \ �\ \ \•� \\>.�\,\\ \\ lig .�\, .\ \��l\ �. \� �� watchtower on the heights' tell how many of them be had put out V�\ y • ��w�. �\ vvV �� v v` Reaching the ledge, the Prospector The prospector looked up at the im• found that what seemed from the an- paled rattlesnake with a smile. Bem of action. In a flash every rider had leaped off his horse and, protect- The leader, shot th'rmt9h the head' leu '1 gle above to be nn irregular pile of hniscences of Sunday school flashed was scram- .. lamvlfl,ars teas an artificial fort[- across his mind, tug himself by its body, from )its horse No• 1—A 7 inch Meal Olenver, one of the handiest of No. 6—A Can openar that 'Will open cane. N0 d>xn- - "Gee, I'm a regular MOSeSI" he ejac• bling with his mount to the protecting so long that he had hopes that• the -- - -- Mated. "First I bring water from the declivity in the rear. The prospector ser o! onttiutT year hand . the of the beet sr-eand el, will face of the rock, and then I lift up the was sorely tempted to pump his car- • curdles would appear in time` to res• kitchen tools, well balanced and of tempered steel.. o be tial, Will oat any can top• serpent in the wilderness. The year tridges into the group ns it poured cue him. His spirits rose with the enough for anybody to handle, yet heavy enough to be last a life time. I've spent in the mountains and desert back over the rim of the ,hollow, but Prospect Looking about him at the very effective. e� a seems like forty to me, And now at Ile desisted from the useless slaughter walls, the fireplace and the red cross, N0, 2—An 8•inoh Blade Sitohen Snife. No better Contract of horses alone, the u Bless he coded he reflected, "I am not the first man, knit' can be had. Mede of tempered steel with a keen No. 7.—A keen, properly shaped Py; fah >;:+ ifs Vizor last I have a of of the promised or even the first white man, that has ease and a knife that will do valiant service an laps as pare the thinnest peel, and do it gniokly ; aha+"p p ,tinted for land. God, what a magnificent view!" be attacked only on foot and that every withstood an attack in this place.” there is a strip of is lett. cutting out Core, etc. No kitchen to oompieta without it. Cold. Dropping his pick, he stretched out one of his slender store of cartridges in imagination he constructed the his- A beauty and a dandy. H.eav y bis drips with instinctive symbolize• must find a human mark if he would No. 3—The handiest of kitchen tools, a real meat saw, tion of the wide prospect and expreS• return to the States alive. "They've tory of this fort. Here, of ages re• mote, A tribe of Indiana, defeated and Sat with ease' to lsiLohaa is comservice. It is p to without itand set , so nen NO. 8—Every housewife wants eomethint; t.n kr ep her cion of an exile's yearning for his nit' got to put me out of business before knives sharp, This �Ghet Stone, made of the flit- At m•r- I! Became Q Lung they can go on," he ruminated. "An driven to the mountains, had con- hive land. strueted an outpost against their sae- Noe. 4 and 5—A eervioeable Carving to use On theSot. Just the knaveterial, whir pat an edge et guy knife with a taw licks. "Over there is Clod's country, sure Apache is a good deal of a coward Mies of the plain, butatnha forWA ew tified kk table it you desire' for actual sharpie ongb to oardsome veh any u►eat and Nothing so handy in the kitchen at a rent Vi'hyR S •one. Splitting Cough. enough," he continued, giving the trite when he's 119111 :sot pleasure, but tured the strongholdThis one is the best for kitchen use that Can be f an° d, Phrase a reverential tone which he htt� just corner him, and, great snakes and cot. made of the best tempered eteyl. A valuable part of e not used in his first expression of the spitua' wildcats, what a grime he does One a 't Mr. J. H. Richards, 1852 Second .Ave. name of Deity. "Thank, him, the para! put apt ,I.mpst save my cartridges, for EaBt, Vancouver, T3.C., writes: "Allow tel with old Mo stops ilgtit here. one thing's sure—they won't waste any We will make any p eseut of a KztOhen Set if they can duplicate this die to write a few lines in praise of your Arany a time I thought I •would never of heirs. The%re ammunition not as good is too Yackache R � ���Kithen Set at any hardware store for less than $2, try it and see it you can iDr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Last get out of the mountains alive And that , a fall I contracted a heavy cold which left my grave would be unmarked by M acArco'vitlr them for use is gun prat. Suffering But now before night 1rD� me dead o sights.t Let me ecctin e Theige's �r hie with a hacking cough and every time much as a bowlder with a red the and I A wonderful tnetlicine In this man'r upon it. B i would get alittle more cold this hacking• about a dozen left � description of DR. CHASE S KI D_ The Times has secured a number of these sets and are gldrng the women of this district .1 won mould become a lung s litt►hg one. back in the States and in three ice! • y g t practically nothing. �ooughp have fifteen cartridges. 'That's three in NEY-LIVER PILLS. It kept on gettin worse and I kept on days at hems on the old ranch. I reserve for my pp an o ortunit to a one ep t if some of ending money worse different cough hatethe others.fail to Wit, thein men. Those Mr. Fred. Glimmer, Lillres, Ont,, remedies until ab Wood asked a Norway a Pine ° make S that strikhour' 1 sure aid � owri outfit � gnimtl writes: "I can honestly say that Dr. dad ever tried Dr. Y to leave Allred dem enjoy slctnssin Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are a won- 1Syrug: I told lrino I h'a° mg to trT the hard luck I had been having. Sixty elite at mach aS torturing a man, and derfnl medicine. For six weeks last L,J r\ lanytlting I thought would cure, and on dollars a day and growing richer! But you can bet they won't and Jinn fall I could scare'!' walk around for the same day bought two bottles. Be- last horn 'sus bloeing-•no tobacco, bullets b, ehoottng Nan " rn;nq in the Bank Aiid lnsa and way The Wingham Times for 011e Year and the Kitchen Set for $2.25 ore half the first one wag used my cough the la Ite"Oning that the Indians yvould • six thatches and nothing lett of lbs '!most completely unfit ttor work, got and by the p old is o Attack by way o! the open 'Though x tried .'cera! riiedichnes I got i_ tier iso en to both old and new subscribers, but all arrears tn['st be paid iegantuge y- NOTE. This o , p, not dare t W. need mottle fid a half my co " 'b bacon but rinds.'�11 b ink whatevct 1 ht fig subscriptions must be paid in advance t0 January Ist, 1912, twas gone. I ads keep ing the other half thoro, and the Claimtrail � ma for them to imake�the d Liver trills advertise(! Cads bought Kidney- ups and subsc p . Bo , I choose to ask for it. And Cho Shall Some tl lbottle in case fti rholild come agtttn but After I had re I have s sitive cure. Let have A home as good as Allen Iia• necessary t0 aptild h l blah lei b was greatly improvedree Andtlexti e am su tour EXAMINE tnmend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine nda and it ranch -as One as Bar One, above, dltlbb.they woutd have ix . . I bad them All taken felt as well as I �� 7 THIS Ce f�C pALI. AI�O THE ` e r to all who eulfer from a cough ur rte ever$sf uX(tI�I I ION Tnlu Orr'uF• u yruP , u res, it'll be Bar None, my rhncUl" their pies 6el0rsd snit climb 0> hga� fcrrnat from kidney disease to use AAE ON throat irritation of any hind. put of the Sea of molten "air that and k 61* `bVif Jutting ledges Ind Chase's from kidneyer IsC218 t ono Dr, THESE SETS So great herr been the success of this around broken granite . blaeks, Lane g, .y 1 J onderful remedy, it ,ie, only natue ed to drink h1M' Cottee r,'iye have algb used Br. Chase's iia have tried h coolly t his ' that numerous P� mt htib•t lttet9 Ehi•ip and eat his lunch of hard bread and Syrup of Linseed and Tnrpenthno for J11tha The bnetaet and R iirnrtate it.ver ,piffle to 0h imb• Ot t^.'` cid bacon rind. Atter he had finished bqdnot colds and sore throat and would ]r- t hit not be without these inedicinea for .When Sets are, to be delivered out of town they wilt be sent 8►t the expanse o q� 15onst be fm��towed ,<rPori by t4l lb'd stoma fjivae *abient To ef' der he gave a lump of sugar t0 each- b, the Subscriber. nytErihlg but "lit. Woods, the w,orlC • viiibnOr* you rognire th-+ animals and pressed his Cheek vith ah atiytbin9:" � r� to pat tip in ik jellnw wrappet,; , tbrea ild. These tablets 0h,%uR4 *4umq Il affectionate hull: agniast the side of hill Fit n d0 es,a25 eocilts A box,rat till do Ono � T H + • ~7 S ine trees the trade marls; Oka to strength, listlessness' to •o, m horse's head. lceiit8, urq glOOmideell eidtd, ie dbn los � isitlal . „^r t .ret he said. 'l m soul We eri -or forma ion, l tl y o Car. Oha.so1 ; wIN41119) ONT Iran Itmtured only by'1`lte'Y'. b[l�b tlnn to s. ur alive. Sold by all 13ocipo Book. t;n I,fmited: Tor°nta, dnt, - u �M hate taken k P 9 ' dealer", i • b ......• M,1Y• L•w.sfuu.lr•:_a•�!'�I is