HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-22, Page 6M, IR 4 7 Tile oog RegulAtion. As is in i.1 j,"nAhmL rtw It NO T,4urjkdAy all doRo f t1w gaew ullitim, wmt kl.* !rot To Ruff I IT out szmls lVWX J�sw i Cllt(l Wf4tword In Ontario way go at) rr TInlord wCourloil kicath 1��t .etc":. kb Would,* Eou be as d. I'll 10r" 01100 lalt F0bro ary, fixed pt)c• G (%a the date of (xAry, 'Tt'iuauvtlhti, a* ai •s hough Though q,'Wl * �,;is �t` " Mitt T th*rP 114vo been outbroAks at tato in cgo as the. %aid miffer? Or two distocts. It 14 the jilopution to OLA Vasco locR11,Y. I) 1g4 WAY Also be tiklgva hotu Ofte, Pa i; of the pro tile Bodv T- . . .... ... ..... 'I 4 V4101 it) twother. Ptogilit $A ��'N "'Oct Any fiot-btroutbreaks. romrs,4�oshat tile opidemin beoAme "'N R Only �iftllfi!erau$ It, tile Niagara district, And M pp &4va t Fru `van fl, Year ago there WON Scores of OAS. Edi t Juices I 11Wti L Ire now there ave none, 03 V j • % wkntl:nftll N DOVIOR the first fiveInviitho of tbo itAtit all PvQr,lUt lloc*l year, April to August, In. (NI theln to Olugiv(;, kill julArat ion into 0ariada total 'j. i'land mr. ��ot IuN'del by tile led l8t),330, At' ftlOreft5o 074,748, or 71 tett`, vigil per ecut., as oatupared with the coyrta. where4s ponding 11V0 Itiontbe of last year, This omtties cf frklit rate Of ltloro6sa has Von bte-adily Dir jrj. Sent 111011111 new arrivals are BurprIsjugly "rued All Yc!kr, And EvAu (luring the pro. R 14 % tb,,V�t, vilv� live ill XS 1 Czra".a, in:,% X xN I , gc -A. E♦ SMITH 011 TPAU i%URR N%lt t taii<ts ulade of BANKER MANITOBA WD in the -a xx d QFAT %1�va V_1 v,,n'd J,%- 'll $'tolnach, bett r WIXGUA,31, �Zrgl�d tb�s ill $Mkz L-=ea- 'I", ONTARio, Li,%—,r and $lzjjj� 11, bre d" i� far sup�iior to Partners who "14-4 h Want WOD8Y to buy (tr0s, 03ttle, or 11098 to feed for market A ttikll 2 sc, "an have it on reasonable terms. hs Al to cls or Sent on. Xweipt of price , A ii1Notes diROOrtuted foi- tradesmen, mer. -::�;j Children 0 ry l'[ V-nni�w, ottaNv"g, FOR FLETCHER'S chants or agents, On favorable terms. Model Local History of tbc- early SCs 0 A S -r 0 fR iT,10irs WeGrej�or, a �-tonemnsou of Loans on real estate at the lowest M91 A 'ca n Flout TKI&TY TEARS AG 0 1 IteMs fr-OM the "Illres" ft les. I ParrY Aravd wh,,!ea.ratt 901 9. %tr 14'=. 1. " 4 ioiwi C",Iu'lftila� WAS SignViz--d his. i��oz lz)•zik �,.ls gifts to 'Ri n, t6 C01.1 his Patsbarg teebuicsi zhool by the law _-2ro—az,1 ryas so badly froz %u tFewit the rtyT,,$ of 1),-o W, IS90 tlip �reLia creat sum Of 8 that '" No Grif fin r 'p.^ �1' bringl�-g his' 4 e,4 ,4ho-zly after bt��Ig nd, total gifts to stli icr � fon� I . You CAN M, Ww Gia� s�-u of Zj., 3 h-, Gray ithution up to nearly Children Cry FI.R GENERAL AGENT be— t one bag of �Mii Rei W1, jj Wjq.�,�;j FOR FLETCHER'$ LiFE Just ge up h)* iti. ;,nt", -.�q r''. -r Gf (jay. had jh,� MIS. nz­�l 'ikv. C, There is worE C,_jxr�h i, 7 0 �� -ur,�b _1 this g�el, Aco=Nr tht. Uj, �On OAS � 1, .'S b. �:.kfn r diseases PLATE GLASS Mr, Fran;z Pa. tvsv-, iff ho has a'. tile. ark!.% of the country then &:I Ether Wheu nsl;7- jow.cns j*, will be found A -insurance "CREAMof theWEST Put together, and until ths last few WEATHER wwti been s,,ri- ns::- ill it: r a. iu�4 vve. 1x4. h -,q so 0 12 h Lnstazt, r8firS Was Sllppos*d s.3 be incurable. g1 -cd Plan 0 Forub tborotiglily and grate, FLOUR fat! r-mvert­o x.s to j,.& kfnclal rs. Teet- For a great many ykars dtetors pro- 0,i the yel!ow rind. This mixed with So Coupled with a REAL duties, we Are ph t2iat,, to jtj�rj:. iar;e ESTATE and The CAMPBELL MiLLINC. CO. LTD. Waver, nouncen it a local disease and prescribed eqa-.1 q�ailtltftY of sugar and kept in an MONEY LOANING Business. The R -r. 11 a loz�: a. d 11,lala;ul born local remedies, end by constantly falling airtight box, will be delicions for flavor. TORONTO �: tj�� _r� x i t h Ch r, t, t X:Ia 1 0 taxa "e ani pt-tience, to care with local treatment. pronouns- lug onstards, cakes sill everything where Issuer of Marriage Licenses. in the etauiv,�7FAtY s—lic- ,�' 11nox p­s.,ta jj�,,.czfuijy awd ad it incurable. Science has proven Church, 0 ifford, on L�xt Y l`0 her long catarrh to be a constitutional disease lemon extract is useO, and is far more Mr. J A. Morton 11-luti. She was mother of Mr. R, and therefore reolaires constitutional delicate in flavour, Office over Malcolm's Grocer , 4 the an. Elflvtt, pablisht r of tt 8 TIMES. treatment. •Hall's Catarrh Oure, mana - 7 1 FOR SALE BY KERR & BIRD, WINGHAM. Dual winter me'ting of the Ontsrio Tll'� many friends of Rev. W.aetured by F. J. OhOtieY & Co., Toledo, Children Cry Fruit Grow�rs' As5nri��tio � r�� El, Davis,DiOhio, is the only constitutional cure on WINTER TERM FROM, is' toren' T'2 ' of thIs t�'wv, will learn of his FOR FLETCHER'S thin Week. At the evctjo�,j C.f cffii"ecn the market. It is taken internally In ata;h with tjicere regret. doses from 10 drops to a 4aspoonfill. It Mr. 34orton was 6!votcd Ba=liew: of the sets directly on the blood and mucous CASTORIA JAN. Ist Association tor the einwong s far surfaces of the system. Th6Y offer one An exoellant Way to remove paper Thevet, at hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimou. paper the wall when desiring to repapev baud, and VE t there 16 but IT, tie stir. ials. A rcOln is to make a rather thin flour We understand that Mr. TLY. g. Gregory I Webb. —At Onlrosq, on the 3rd Inst Address: F, J- CHE1,Ey & Co., Tot- P38to and gp over the paper wi;h a large X does not intend to run for 11 the wife 0� Mr. Ob-. Webb; a son. ado. Ohio. 0ie R evesbip brush or cloth, Wetting EVOrY part. After Sold by all druggiLAE, 75c, The great practical training school this year, and tlitit bAug iheA c.s:4, Mr. I ffult.),i —On the 5th ina., the wifect Take Bali's Family pills foz, constip allowing this to Stand for a little while of George McXenziL, tha prc6&nt Dei u y. Zlr W. J. Hattan, Calross. a daughter. tion. the paper may be taken off In great stripe Western Ontario. Oat con see are Reeve, will be a practical, our teacher are experienced P N in,truotors, the demand upon us for candidate for that. posi. Rew.—At Calress, on the 5!h inar. A without making a bit of dust or dire. tion. We do not bear of any help during the pe.11 term was seven �`Y"�lr&nte the _N -me Of Mr. Peter R.Ad, of Grandig, Fora great many years people have times the supply. Our graduates are for the Mayoralty or Deputy Rtt.veabip. Dakar,_%; a son. Downin YO?k OOU11tY,XewBranswjck been striving to gob a preparation for it, demand as Business College teach. Mr. W. Green, of the firm w G:;ohrjs*, Haghea.—In ywria, on the oth ins A, ladY teacher who sued the school true, their hair that will clean Dandruff from ers, Our graduates succeed, Three the wl; a of Mr. aluton Hughes; a S tees of a Section for arrearc Of Salary, and the 8041P. Stop itchiness and prevent the deP h�aente— Green & Co., has g Yoe east on a burdm-69 &r art. securadjudgement, has through the Dep- falli - tig of hair, At the same time promot' AND any co ten seizid the school Ate, school 109 It'S growth, writes a.leading journal Commercial, Shorthand ............ ­� and contents. Simple formula will be found b0ncfic11;Pl for this:— and Telegraphy.! ,.Oil of Eucalyptus, , • , 2 drachms Resorcyliu. 2 ounces Get Our free catalogue atones, '4"draohmfj STATIONERY Eczej­ For'40 Years. Tincturo of Pare grain Alconol .... .... 5 ounces What is soannoying as itohingEozerna, Add the Tlnotnre of 0antharides Mr. Fred W- Clark, PetWorth, Adding. the Resoroylin; add the 011 of Eacalyp. HUM F39', I[I LWIltu, MILL" to D. A. MCIACHIAN son CO., Ont , writes that hie mother tus to the pure grain Alcohol; mix both PRINCIPAL. iatfered from Eczema on both lege for together and perfume to suit, 20 Years unable to get relief or cure from Directions—Rob a teaspoonful or twoWe have put in our office a complete stock of Staple doctors or medicines. She found that into the scrip night and morning, And WANTED N 0 W Stationery can Supply your wants in and Interestincr patzgrapIls frern c Dr. Chase's Ointment brought great re• wash the hair every two weeks, Using S Eycharges. iet He St est that no one could have thiSoon, made the cure compe dig - le to, good antiseptic soup. ease worse or Buffer more. For Wingharn and surrounding die. WRITING PADS Provincial Inspeotor Gantoo, of the trioti for Fall and Winter months an an. WRITING PAPER Department of Xeglooted Children, To. ergetic reliable agent to take or ronto, after a trip through Belmont liurserY stock. orders for ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS Mayor Evans was re,elected in Winni ThqFsonihpr ies Annie McCa,ddt,pthtmes fromLEAD PENCILSa cotton crop Is estimate peg- at 12.500 LC0 bales. d residence of her parents in Toronto last Poterboro, children are growing up in PENS AND INK It is reported that a new Good Pay WUNY, Outfit Free, Dail C*res-rvative In one day recently -,,000 Persons ar month, left An estate of$76,000. TWO111Y filthy hovels, in vicioua Surroundings Exclusive Territory, BUTTER PAPER TOILET PAPER real. y paper will be published at Mont. rived In New York frim Europe. thousand was left to Mr- R- MCGIIlivarY unable to read or write, and deprived of More than 15 per cent of the Of Kinloss and also a diamond ring, The moral influences. In 1% d A 600 ACRES PAPETERIE$, PLAYING CARDS, etc Ail. CHASE'S Egypt is With the 13,-Itish pos trade of remainder of the estate will be divided children Were found W limited area, 24 C sessions, between two sistera. which will be re- Under cultivation. We guarantee to We will keep the best stock in the respective lines InNorway the average length Of life moved from their parents. In one base deliver stock in good condition and np to contract grade. We can Ming and sell at reasonable rices. SAM RH POWDER2 11 is greatcr '"D In UY other country. dlitappoints those Remedy never there to good money in representing a is aunt direct to i,:D a z Chamberlain's Cough He five children were found In a hovel one p epee c3 Moret '11fals tc 6 who use it for obstjn� Of them a dsy.old baby, where here assager W01113111ownrelifible fitin at this time, I Ste coughs, i in tie lrwro�111 and colds and irritations of the was no fire, no medical attendance, and Established over 30 years, Write for CD4L�!Ib und throat and Inage, Hay Fever. o- * " IE stands unrivalled the family hAd,been deserted by the particulars. as a remedy for all throat and lung die. father. In another house the scanty PELHAM NURSERY Co. tA CASTORIA sages, Sold by all deaterp. UR Ga, antea & r4,, 'raront*, For Infautg and Children. food was frozen and the Inmates were Toronto, Ontario. NTING The 01V�2'lsn. of Mr. Arthur C; Bart InBou The large grain eevator at Port Dal� crusted with filib. JOB PRIA I bart In ThO KI d YOU Map Bought Drammsmd btpn g Pea= the OuRie, Owned by the Grand Track In baking bread or rolls plat a Sauce. We are in a better position than ever before to attend S-Ignattire Of RA11WAY, W&C burned to the ground last pan of boiling water into the over,, The wep_k' together with a cOuP10 Of 100 steam Will Kefli the crust smooth and to your wants in the Job Printing line and all houses, coal Sheds and other ftall build. tondos. orders will receive prompt attenti Ion. 'OrA IK A Ften_:h jneit:.r fvg�a. The elevator was built tie )0 ima t,2 be Arlv r Leave Your order N S -Z 31 clvi�rsd a pr��.ass r Va die- 176ata Ago, and the loss Will b 1111, � D 6 of Wa e about re o u with us N ti °f over, when in need of cr;�� THERE Ak'FEW �PEOPLE RU - r4_41 U !2�-a j Tha gtst-=,tr CbAmborlAjrV,% Cough Remedy f : I, 011110KUPIII-�11511- f th') Folger4lc ffnOtA_ LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS Uns'W59 burwd ti tb,3 VA16rsw edge tt,4 ommon, evety-dayt-Ough mixture It, rcmefly for all' tha "tra �' '�fa"2 rr.Coer; t Who Have Newer It, complica re( /BILL HEADS STATEMENTS i FWJW A. 1� 1. 7. 4�,TIMAVZ FOOD hat frani: f* '—srionced r3 ere•nge, 8��mbyalldqtil., -'ro Pvr�172 for tbc, 905d At P, roat, 41.4�1 t 6t It'* E0 tMAII: I I can care the worst case of ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS of k�j WIfe, A HEAD.A.014'e. CALLING CARDS POSTERS bt�t:glrg witt Afrif 0.7 v:jvAja Rupture from infanc,.y to old age, *%13 n57Yalre tho preir- Without operation orloss of time. CIRCULARS frfa Will effect all Ages and both Btl CATALOGUES r M4403, J1Y thO mOte effected through the higher j "ir. 4,� _*&r4%t1X i V�%c-3 alikc, but the fertiale aox in natur- ACT AT ONCE ;ut of -'n a jr r, ..'s t,�O, Loot Arwd� of the pyotem. strangulation, Fill in Coupon vigeor fireAjt lng you Way require in in the printing line. lf'rv�'U'3 '167010PUItInt; and more delicate and reMOV0 the dally danger of Or anyth' ryry U�5410✓4 J3100d Bitters hu, for and to Dept. �t. "Witiff 'All hindii 4, heada6hcj, and il V V411 1.0i 'Xffrv4e Fq(rtj. tp� UM'%,1 ily give it a trial ►We, feet sure ty C=t�,51 10 L=Al ov-Po2o2u, U Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers 0)�,y )t Will sle) for you vvhat it harj done for 6.13 Tbraslayo W440 fi 3, S. SM H, V101 ly non-o,�)g ter a b %b hili i b pv of Othots Burin the pitat and Magazines, T;jy, Out' 1, �n � 'k Uf;n&1;?d 88 Caledonia st, lay l J!" .,ppeiit j I ;Vying ;,&Wfr to Art t.4t� ft f" the fArmefg, 4%(;;(g e,,j Aff�a?io-wr;, Clark,3butf, Ont., --"Por ycara I wal frouti colied with L114t tM8:,1.1h w2res Aro to Trs,"st KrItATrony), OXT, 11w, Lnfl zZines"; And WAS Name ;,_-x, �q Xerw, Foly'l, holp, It, 1:1 rwll*-� Misty wj;cd flow at Gn4vb, tUre w4el IV poa��ral f1kcas. ,1Y) ronsfit)llted. I ware advIced �0�t poor nrid I lead jething orif '�:%J"4 Actrctc , rf Gatatin, ?"Aejadw awl di PH two I v ollfor At 4on on tile �104C-Zvoa r�,f Mrh4hi 01 I ecn��fE�Ied until I hakI tal., Will I 10 Woud Bittero, I only Ij fetitink the 1 41 tfAj. �Srr.-, bottles fit the Ine'dipine; now I a ratilealellinge cal my R W the ZIT twxe-v. I'lliq trea"Dielit Las sw'ij, 06 rate 41 fatty C'ellt" On Invostrattt, Vttbho 0'.hool %Uy0b *4, Xddresis 041440089 at the tud of stwll As dow IC(A like, a Dow woynaji, jind ing lip the sy"Amil and sfrf�ngtljol,;Ng fiffeed of tweot.* yC&jjr#, e8ro nl%r I lie Tinles ethos the lverves,,, 'Dr. Ch. Twotity farm, ;6, turPA, and I tan truthfully t)') er-MV� A bo -Ir, all dealers or" 1,Mt,jad, tt"d wmmt toinsog. *�ol A view of tCAif'Y that, it is tint bot, r4to!Wu I h*vs ase Is XPX;4� V1;0A, erf'cta 90 to A county adavoll Ana ever U� Age ...... Time Itup ....... 90n. Eti�en k,; Co., Turwito. a lido eracttd, Paylbg for it on tht Uvo more frilly fitting thtit'l Who cAtinat take �efjl STONE ALOCK of a loal ithprotbiDont, 111101 A high t5hool eoureq tot the w4fU60 DMIWA ROW XU#rs is manufoc- Single or doable , , # . * 4, o ,,-* 4 . . 4 -it only by -T -116T. vllburA Nq UyAt- guarAnteed, ur?, Winghaw, 10, To,-oj)j,% f3rk�, Ont, It