HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-22, Page 5' b TH_ Pl A the' lM'aHA TIMP40, D401=1Z3 22, tvlt[1 �. ..-. _. --- - 8 $50; John Tiu'herford, twaltl u .: xIRLI#R9.YF., it#I,lUlt't'ALE,. $ .5; Alfx Ke1iy, _ ... • ` %ch�.�r r Tho ornuat. Chrlptmas tree and enter- far, )raced Haney of Toronto is Dome SQ; .Act'iar Wheeler, ren, John Mui• Tey, $50;, Pater McLaren, bAlanae on lugs .. taiument of xxy= Sunday Sohval will for a week s boliiay, dant fit a .at eaiarq, SSR; Tater Adotaaren, postage, �,i �M/ as ben MERRY bt Galbraith, who h, rs+ • � be held. in the Foresters hall (ln Friday Mr, Tho .. CHRISTMAS Qu r f evening of this Worts, The prograAl tf Adipg AlbeerCollege, Belleville, is $7 iVA al Pow ll., balance an palary,n$24; yg111 ooneist of eolcs by F, H. Gilroy, home for tb holidays, vete, a $5; E'•i iliott, of Braspelp; quartettes, duets, choruses, Miss tncz Thomas returned home, this 6[leel 4 761 John g Tiafiman, grAveif drilla, dialogues, reoitati9>#et etc, Ad, week, lumber, $f3 20; /z J $3,84; Wm. Blltott, 6J f%:,,. mission.l6q.; ohtldren 100, ��Q�M�� G}ntteridgo,. aemoAt tile, $2G.70; Holt. r 1L• Yeo, underbrashiAg, $6; John Moller* CJI. yyRITL+OHUROH, Word was received here of the death, ney, gravel And damage$, $168 t Win Some of our young men are going to near Treherae, Man•, Of Joseph Marks, Abraham, gravel, $1; Hugh Tooker, ro• k t t ize leeeona on that violin, N 20th a former well known rep, airing At Eadie's Bridge, $7; A. Gem' FOIA USEFUL. Lno..now 0 a on .. or•, , 1041 0 Mien Edna Unyter is house from $trot• ideal or this plane. Mr. Marks conduct- mill, damages, $1; Win Mines, damage ford Normal School for the holidays,ed itbakery and grooery baeiaeeS for A ea, $i; PAn1 Powell, error statute labor,%,nnstmas M• a Edith Paddle, has arrived home b of vara in the building now me Peter MoEwen, error in assessment,, Ji. Is nam er y , -- o. from l)nrhom Model School, owned by D, Martin, He was.plao an ao• $$ 401; James Hislop, error in aeaeH F ;y Whiteohuroh Literary Society is pre• went, 8 46; John Gillespie, -- five worker la the, Methodist church. $ p e, error is . - r paringfor the entertainment. Atter on McRae extending over Several aseesemeat, $4,34. e Pleaed to state we have iota of snow Meana adjourned sine die. Everything that could be d Ine t'1 m lift stn c>�s}•, pleasing STUDYtNC, weeks, Mrs, win SAndersan of this loo=, 6 i g _ to help maagolds and turnips warm that silty passed.e.WAY Thursday, Dec. 7$h in Jonrl.Bonasss, Clerk, and Satisfactory place fo* (;h'S w is SF1t1�ptllg are in the ground yet.' Hamilton where she had been living with - has bt en done at ISA ID'S where the " rr. _ \ her eons Since leaving heirs about 6 gears Australia and United States. demand ,best GIz`rs for 9i E:� earl �� ol�il;l�l ago. hire. Sanderson was highly reapaat• , found. 1 The old Kelly Block was completely ed by all who. know her and her demise y all of Jap P P Will be Japan's sulphur output. I destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. is a cause of great regret and evokes J near I mune widespread Sympathy for the bereaved.. �r PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR WOMEN The losers are Dr. Perdue, livery ; Whooping Cough u ja, _ i A, Carter, dressmaker; R, H. Robinson She. is survived by two sone, Wm. and cRour ASTHMA COUGHS 0 50 a r harness maker; W. Beatty, tailor, and aharles, Hamilton and thrze daughters, BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLBS I Silk Waists, „�, to w5,00 IiandlceCchief3, ,ic 60 $1 00 ettell B. Garter, implement agent Mrs. G. Dane and Miss Mary, of Hsmii• Furs for the Neck, $8,00 to $20 Gloves, 250 to $1.50 All. of Dr. Perdue's horses were saved, ton, and Mara, Humphrey, of Lindsay. Silk Collars, 250 to $I,25 Umbrellas, $1.00 to $3,50' The fire originated in MissCarter'e store " .M?i. D?tE.S'.S•E?L: but the cause is unknown. Theloosie$15- MORRIS, Coats, $500 to $`L5,00, Hand Bags, 500 to $2.50 M-0000, partly covered by insurance. On Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd, an ESTABLISHM 1879 ' Cloulds, 250 to 750. Fascinators, 50e to $1,50 2131 COMING Mine Murray,. who hike taught in the Aelmple snfeandeffoctugs.ive apori forbron- ly YOU WILL SAVE TIMEentertainment will be given .in the ahtaltrops the apaoxysmugs. Vaporing Cress l�ll�s $3.50 to $20,00 Wide Ribbons, l0e to 250. Primary Department in the Public lana stops the parozysme of whooping Cough , , Browntown school hones, consisting o! and relioves croup at once. It is a boon to nucf- School for six years, has resigned and recitations, readings, dialogues, musical for sea ,o Asthma The everrendered stronE Fur Caps, $1,50 to $1,2.00 Silks, 250 to $1,50 per yard ECT TO OUR STO?tE FOR YOUR' will be succeeded by Mies Black, Of nreatnmg easy rhir,restulnighe throat Itundetopa Dress Goods, 250 t0 $1,50 per yd .DI,R eeleotione, etc,, to whtoh ell are will• tnecoagb, aesurtn restful nights. It isinvuw- sur Coats, $25.00 to $75 00 " Binevale, Mice Murray is giving up the come. Admiseion HAS- and Bots, a sen exp sial for young ii ve booklet. son Bret and boat of the season. eoDtiaer°rixe4°siTau- 4tG�t5leeQ t Bl g , $5.00 value for $3,95. teaohing profession and will live with her Doors open 7 80. come and take in the ALL DRUGGISTS � � liar trine 1n Silk Undershirts XMAS. GIFTS. WE A RE SHOWING LARGER mother in London. We areilorr to report W. H• Fraser Less for the irritated `0 10 The:new officers for St. Andrew's ythroat. They are simple, 01 USEFUL GIFTS FOR MEN ee'ectivaand antiseptic. EVE?$ Sunday School for 1911 fire As follows: suffering from An attack Of inilamm&- oil year druggist s. S AND GES THAN tory rhenmattem, Mr. Fraser was a. from us loc.inatamps. Braces, 250 to 500 BETTER ztAN Superintendent, Richard Somers; ,, JDO- delegate to the Canadian National Conn- Y3p0 Cresolene Co. Gloves, 500 to $2.00 ant Supt., P. Gardiner; Secretary,, Jno. l.eemmg Miles Bldg. 1 . Somers; Treasurer, Jno. MoMillan;Lib oil of Agriculture at Ottawa last week.. MONTREAL. ` Handkerchiefs, 100 t0 $1.00 DIui11eC5, 500 to $1.50 _BEFORE IN NECKWEA�2 OF ALL KINDS• rariane, Meeere, Cowan, Sime and Mo• Mise Geddes, 8rd flue, who has bee4 Neck Ties, 250 to 50e ' Asst, Suits, $7.00 to $15,00 Millan; Organist, Mies G. Cott; in ill•bealth for some time, was again Fane Shirts 50c to $1,25 GLOVES, HAJVDKF'•S•• HOSIERY. ,SHIRTS, Organist, and Seo'y, Mies H. Bennett. taken to Winghem hospital, where Rhe y . Cud Buttons, 250 to 500 Y + underwent an operation, which is hoped r �:;°+ f C)4 Far Coats, $20,00 to $60.00 Overcoats, $7,00 to $15.00 B42ACES, SWEATERS ANS SWEATE?t- AST WAWANOSH. will benefit her. ����`E.4��`?� Seo our Tiolid�ty Goods and you are sure to buy ere. Mr. JohnRformerly Menzlee, who has been. out Last week Mrs. Cadwell, syxorsie of {:ANADIAN NORTH.• p, West came home last week. We ara Mies Nina Iebister, mod two children, of WEST LAND REGULATIONS - .COATS, NOVELTIES IN MEJVS JEWELLERY. pleased to see him back. Saskatoon, arrived at the parental home- NY person who is the sole head of a faintly • for a holiday. They are very Welcome A or any male over 13 years, old, may home Xmas Cza ocr>le5 d Confectionery 31 Mr. John Menzies and Mr. John Coch• stead a quarter section of available Alberta. LI1 visitors- land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alborta. � SUIT CASES. UMB72ELLAS, FUR COLLARS, tans attended the funeral of their broth. Dominion Lands Agency or Snb Age y for at CUt Prices. Orin•law, Mr, John Powell, Clinton, on Chas Agar, Who was taken to Wing- The applicant must appear ih porson at the has so far gg OF THE Friday oY last week. ham hospital some time ago, the district, Entry by proz� may b ads an ETC., ETC. MANY recovered as to return home and we motherneoit,o certancbrohens r sisterooi FU?2 CAPS', intending homesteader. No room to gnotti prices here. Come along and sue what a saving Mr. Wm. Powell, of Seattle, Wash., hope will Boon be as hearty tie ever, you can make buying here. FANCY BOXES. Duties. -Six nths' re , once upon and is visiting his sisters, Mrs. John Menzies John Mooney, 5th line, received the. of t land i sch of three ears. ,L,IJVES ARE PUT UP IJV Ahomestender syli within nine, miles of es and Mrs John Cochrane. It is 30 years sad news of the death of his brother, Dr. his homestead n arm of fit least 80 acres Since Mr. Powell was here. James Mooney, of Wellington, Texas, solely owned a occupied b him or a is On the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 13, Dao• 4th father, mother, eon, daughter, brother or the members of the Whitechurch Rifle who passed away On Sunday, siIn certain districts a homesteader in good � j r with their ladies after a five days' illness of pneumonia. standing may pre-empt a quarter•s,etion0 Es IS ART` 6ampbell Aes00idtlon, togeth0 ,fe r a born Sept. 26th, 1852 and has alongsidehishomestead. Price $3 00 ner acre.M(;Gee at the hoe stable home o! Mr. t Well nigh 40 Duties. -Must reside upon the homestead nr. gathered p been away from here to g pre emptlon siz mouths in each of six years aluormosm Jan. Reid, 12th con., East Wawanoeh, years Mre. Mooney and an adult fam• from tilmn regi reatoearn nomeaLeadnpatcntl where an oyster supper was held in von ily survive. .The doctor was a farmer e A homesteader who has exhausted his home - - � notion with the f eeent rifle match. A8 resident of Morrie and will be remem- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption many se ninety persons eat down to the bered by the older eettlers who will be may enter for a purchased homestead incortatn e Which were loaded with a variety districts. Price $3.00 Pei• acre. Duties. -Must The population o! the United States, Laet yea: 16,360 persona obtained table resent sorry to hear of his decease. Mrs. reside six months in each of three years, eulti• exclusive of Alaska, Hawaii end Porro naturalization for er Canada.citizens the thea sate fifty acres and erect a house worth $800.00• Ric is 9L,402,151; inclusive of those 712G6 were formerly oitizene Of the Unit• Mooney Was away receiving troat• Deputy of the M Hist r DORY Interior. ;•�.+.••...♦♦♦•s♦.♦♦♦���♦♦• ��♦♦�♦♦osti!•7••�••••�♦•��� had fared umptonely on theneucenlent ment for rheumatism at Mineral Sprin B , Canada g N. B. -Unauthorized orizedpublication i this ad- 93,402,161. With th , Paillipines added, ed States. Since July, 1900, ♦ dainties provided, Rev. Mr. Thompson, when her husband died. She was a for, vertisement will not be paid for. the estimate in I population n 101,100 on.oo, has added ,8 its population by 054 were >♦ ♦ 0! VVhtteaharah was palled to the chair, mer Morrisite, being a daughter of the The increase of population in the, ova• tion 1,463,891, of Whom 662,064 were end An excellent programme was render- late James Bailey, 4th line. tinental United St',tes since 1900 is British, nitedStates, 497 892 acme from the a�� ♦ ed, consisting of recitations, vocal and :16.977 891. Wishing you very TURNUERRy- ---- instrumental music, interspersed with speeches from several of the leading Tne following is the report of S. S. members of the club. At the 01080 of No. 8, Turnberry, for the month of De - HNIIMMOlMAAAAAMAAOIM^AON1 �AA/�!OMIN1MAfWMAAl1/1/11M • * the programme, CaPt, Carrick was call- cember. Total 300. ed on, and with a few well•choeen re. Sr IV, -Willie Magee 14G, Minnie >i • marks, on behalf of the club, presented walker 90. STORE TO ` Christmas and a i Merry ; Mrs. Reid with a couple of hand -painted Jr IV. -Denton Ferguson 289, Clar• ♦ cushion covers, together with a met of RENT ice Moffat 203. ♦ hand painted table mate. Altogether Jr. III.-Franoes Moffet 241, Rete a the affair was a Splendid success and a Walker 220. SUITABLE FOR good deal of credit is due to Mr, Reid Sr, II -Wilfrid Anderson 159. 4 J A• • ht ♦ Al- and his family who spared no pains to Jr. II. -Norman Henderson 2fi5, Al- _ gra and Happy provide socomodations for their guests Fred Miller 237, Gordon Walker 136. IMPLEMENT t M fi g The last meeting of the Council for Sr,Pt I Norman Walker 285, Mar- h i _ - r ♦ 1910 wail held in Belgrave, Dec. 16; garet Henderson 276, Perrie Henderson SHOP e` r r / i members alt present; minutes o! last 269, Vera Mackenzie 249, Rnssol i3ni1• C \ , t a meeting read and pneee11 Annual re• deraog 137 port of Dr. Stewart, M. H, O• received Jr Pt, I. -Harold Moffat, Clarkeoul ;. New Year and ordered to b0 flied. Martin. E. MusonovE, Teacher. • unt minutes of Council meeting held Deo POSSESSION 1 By Law No. 14, 1910 fixing the amost OF 4C to be paid to ed, member of the Con. 15; members 511 present; Reeve in the ♦ oil for attendance at 00ancil meetings chair. The minutes of last meeting sto., 19101 read and passed. were read and adopted on motion of JANUARY + On motion of Gonne, Scott and Cham- Meserp. Wheeler and Felly. The Treas- ney, the Collector was allowed time till rarer read the annual statement which Feb, lilt next to return his roll for the shows a cash bslanco on hand of $6734.• past balance of tfixes remaining as yet un-: 95 and nnoolleat0d taxaa$5193 21 Mov ♦ Thanking you for paid. ed by Mr, wbeoVr, seaOuded by Mr.The following aaoonats were present- Rutborkord, that the Treasurer's repJ►t e ed and ordered to be paid: Ales. Leigh- be adopted. -Carried. Ritchiel& Coccus man, repairing river bridge, can. 9, $1; moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Wm. Dobie, 24 yds *ravel, $2,40; Wm, Mr. Kelly, that the Collector's time for l�c,.ltm a Toll, 15 yde gravel, $1.50; Wm. Walden, closing his roll be extended to Jan. 21110, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE favors any soliciting 80 yde gravel, $3; Hugh McBurney, 10� 1911. -Carried. yde gravel, $1.05; Wm. Doble, Putting. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, seconded in oultert, 006. 2, $1; ROberi Johnston, by Mr.'Kelly, that Bylaw No. 14, 1910, x putting in culvert, con. 2, $1; Fraser & re Telephone Line on township roads Logan, Blyth, file and delivering acme, be passed provisionally. -=Carried. � • $ a • - $18.14; Frank Gatteridge, concrete tile, Moved by Mr. Wheeler, eeooaded by r continuance of your • $69.24; L. J. Williams, spikes, 20 cents; Mr, Kelly„ that the Clerk be instructed MEN ZJohn T. Cnttee, repairing road and to figure out earpine on O'Malley drain CHRIS �STMAS putting in drain at BelgrSve, $7 60; lel 1 • David A. Dunbar, repairing Quivers, + and lay before next meeting of Ooanoih j con. 9, $1.50; R. Mooney, bridge Signs! carried, Q ♦ and painting, $1.50; Alex Parker, widens ; The following a000itnte were paeeed NEW YEARS for1911 • tug approach P Would, bridge, $11 50; 'and cheques leaned: --A Hill & Co., new =� patronage o The Bell Tele hono Oo„ tele hong meS• , Morris, Jer- RATES p eager, 40 cents,, Alex, Strachan, Brus• bridge, $1715; Trees. Tp. sale telephone assessment, $11.86; Jaha . myn drain, $IWC Paul Powell, dog tax: Phillips, levy for Auburn Police Village,' oil 'toll, $214; Brurdels T6100111 161 Oo., �1 w ♦ $10; The 'Local Board of ldealth, for oolleotioni from rnbsoriberr, $45.44,, �IoG�.G BARE FARE AI\D ♦ servicer rendered in 1910, $10; F, Ander• d��=TH�Ra o! Health, 6 ledger for dtain aocountr, ifs, Alex. - $lg, dhrlr, Jobb, local Board of Health, I j YOURS RESPECTFULLYDee. 211, tD .2 Parke ietnn� of dog tax, 41 J'atnes Elliott, lovaBoarddot Snaith, Return ' Robertson, union, of dog t4Y, $1, Gao. $8 • m' X. Powell, local Boar nee 21 to .Ian 2 + Cruickshank, 10061 Board ALSO Return limit T. Robartsons rotund of taxer, W. H' -$6' Wm' H• Orsi - ,lot Ea, von. 8, $12.96; Geo. T. Robert- of Health, $10; A. CleghOrn, lOofil Board Dee S1,Jan •,2 eon, part Mstary'sr Oo11e0tor, Ij40; John' of 8ealth, $18; Dr, Agnea+, 10001 Board Return limit gait. o' Jallual`y '4 4 Gillespie, feet ad Ream, 1910, $60; Peter. Of Health, $6; John Bnrgesi, local TO all 1ltatione in Canada li;laet Of W. 13oote, OannolUOr s toes, 1910, 960; � port Arthur, Buffalo, Detroit, Nin• + Samuel Bhrohill. councillor's tees, 1910, BOiir, of Health, oh John Burges, ifIANNA N. Clampbell, OonOiitor's fear,: lent tit oMoe,'$ib; ache, Burgers, post• gets Fali$, etc.C $60, J.'� 10 52• J, t)hatnney, Cloan0tllor'r fear,, age, 1111; John 13nrp;esy balance on 841• 10 ,1 1 Far infflrmfitlon ie0 Municipal 0 L410, $50. Act, 50 ole; T'. g. Powell, a Mn p ` The bdoldelli of the year, beingC fialsh calf s meats, 5 3 T. V, , well -T anal rtfite•8F11MIlRr AKOfdt, Riir111h5f�Y. ` wry, $75; Ynnloipal World, PHONE 7,0 d $tie odild h , K, = e oil t eft ad3oarned t P 1i h CHRISTMAS R� KNOXS NEW YEAR'S Barb-insinline Having such a laroe'etook of Christmas Novelties, ail goods must be sold at prices that will sell thom, eeo our large stock of Christmas Goode before purohaeing eleewhero. HIADQUATERS FOR Lfidtee' and (Bents` Watcher and Ohetue, Wedding, Diamond land Engage. ment Iting", Charms and Braoelets, Lockets, Locket Oharmg, Solid Gold • and (fold Filled Jewel-, of all kinds, Jewel y goods sincludingb ,,were land China Novelttos, high grade lance g Burnt Wood and Leather Goods, Glove and Haudkerohief Manicure and Toilet Seth, Silk Umbrella$ with gold ' sterling rand cloth bo n,l, poste, Bibles,Hymn and $, Prayer Books, Toye and Picture Books for bop$ and girls, Fancy Stationery, Obtletmam Table Nepkine, Christ' Mae Cards and Calendars, pine Watch, Goofs and J"Iery repairing a specialty. RKNO � 1 door north Of Ringed. Cppotitte Rztiintwioicllfotei,