HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-22, Page 4TUV WINQUAM ` IM , P90UMBER:` ` , 1010
Mr. C. Pugh of Toronto. t9 visitlog At
0010iflion k hie home during the holidays,
Mr. Wm, HOM014, of Toronto is visit,
14SA,I) OrrTorn ToRoxTo WR with his dsu$hter,Mrs. T,T, MoPou.
CJRPital Stook call paid up) $4 G00,000 00 Miss Annie Barber of Stratford it
Reserve bund and Un, spending the holidays at her home in
divided P,rot}til , $5,880,000.04 town,
Deposits by the public... $47,000,000 00 Mrs,, B. Elliott, of Eau Claire, Wis
'Total Assets,over ........ $61,200,000.00 in a endtn
p g bolidayo with Mr. and Mrs.
DRANCUP3 AND AGENTS throughout pan J Nichol,
ada and tate United States. Mr, Bert, Elliott and Mr, Herb, Elltotl
A GENERAL. 13ANKING BUSINESS of Saskatoon, Seek, are vistingrelativej
TRANSAOTED. in Wingham,
Savings Department. Mr. Hugh Gullies, of Gillies, Sask., is
visiting with old friend" in Wingham
Cement Lutes of Interest allowed, and and Caiross.
Uepa"its received
wa 11,1,00 and
upwardss.. Mr. W H Davidson left last week for
Cobalt where he intends spending the
Perm re' sale Notes Collected, and nest few months.
advances made on them At lowest
rate of interest. Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Leggat of Colling.
WINGTIAm BRANCH—Oorner John and wood are spending the holidays with,
Josepbwe, Streets, Wingham relatives.
W. R. GEME, MANAGER. Airs. C W. Ewing, of. Fergus was
R VAxSToxn. Solicitor. visiting for a few days at the home of
Mr. A. J. Malcolm.
TO ADVERTISERS Samuel 13, Haines of Clearwater arriv.
ed in town on Wednesday to spend the
Notice of changes must be left at this winter with his parents,
office not later than Saturday noon Mies Edna Maxwell, of Brandon, Man.
The copy for changes must be left i
not tater than Monday evenings spending the holidays with relatives
Casual advertisements accepted np in Wingham and district,
to noon Wednesday of each week. Mire Bessie Marsales, of Buffalo, to
- "pending the bolidays at th h
a Ome of
her grandmother, Mrs. Reynolds,
Miss Jennie Struthers has" returnedTu!INan
seemed interested and asked as to go to the Toronto Clearing House. The pre.
home after a few weeks visit with her
friend, Mrs. Walter Rose, at Tee3water.
Miss Abbis Haines arrived home from
Woodlay, Man. to spend the winter with
6 eG t0 6 35
6 20 tO I? t8EM0,18100
her parents, Mr, and Mrs Arthur Haines.
Founding of the Times,
Mr. Robt Matheson, publisher of the
Beautiful silverware at KNOx'S.
Clinton New Era from 1869 to 1872, last
week wrote an interesting letter to
good Trunk, Suit Case, or Club Bag,
the Now Era, giving an account of the
came here. We can save you money.
early days in that town.. The following
paragraph has reference to the Tineas
My Entire Stock must be sold
and we reprodnee it:-- "I purchased the
New Era in the fall of 1869, from the
Farmers' Bank Closed,
late Mr. Edwin Holmes and conducted
The failure of the Farmers' Bank of
It until 1872, when I left Clinton for St.
Cannia to meet some $20,000 of its pap.
Catharines to establish the Daily Newt,
er in the olearing house, Toronto, Mon.
I disposed of The New Era to Mr. Holm.
day afternoon, followed by the notifloa•
es, to whom I sold at the same time,
tion from Mr.W. R. Travers, the Man•
The Wingham Times, which I had es•
ager, that the 'Dank had temporarily
tabliehed and conducted for about six
suspended payment, caused me to notify
weeks. Mr. Holmes found that can-
Mr. Duncan Coulson, Chairman of the
ducting two papers twenty-six miles
Toronto District of the Bankers' Aesooi-
apart and making is weekly journey by
"tion. of the occurrence. He in tarn
stage, which i had been doing, was to
has Presumably notified Sir Edward
strenons for him, and at his request I
Clouston, President of the Canadian
came back from St. Catharines, and we
Bankers' Association, who will, if he
went together to Wingbam. Meeting
11061 &t, appoint Is curator to take charge
a milkman on his early morning route,
of the affairs of the bank. Snob is the
he asked what brought as to Wingham.
position of the Farmers Bank as stated
I told him Mr Holmes desired to sell by Mr. A. Bradley Patterson, Manager
E ... , .. Y. 0 Y /, o 0 /
g pvy+vi dOi YV...,Y1YY Y V UV to V V
The Wingham Times. The milkman of the Merchants Bank and Chairman of
idcehol j Scam`"i rrtalsfad
tiot !k dito. Insist otr Thlkviitl*
seemed interested and asked as to go to the Toronto Clearing House. The pre.
his house. The result was that in a few Ciao position of depositors and sharehold•
ebwas closed for i , ersthe cannot yet be determined, Under
hoary the amount
half the amount being turned over in the procedure of the banking act the
cash# I presume the milkman, being holders of notes will have preference it
full of "the milk of human kindness" settlement is necessary. Neat wilt oome
6 eG t0 6 35
6 20 tO I? t8EM0,18100
made a success, at all events, one of my the Ontario Government, who are be -
pleasantest recollections is conn$cted lieved to have deposits in the neighbor.
with my foaudi of the rust newspaper hood of in the institution, and
in Wingham, and the faces of the Fisher following in in order will name the genet.
Brothers, Mr. Jackson al depositors, the
the merchant, oontribu tories and
Ohlokenr, tier Ib,.,,., /...
Ducks, bents ............
whose son, as Henri Joseph Jaxone, the shareholders.
played such a part in the Hie! Rebellion,
Cidgd, pet lb ..............
'lititkdj'N fids ib....r.
and Johnson
Leet, the ilawyer, are still w.e stock arrrkets,
vivid in m memos The milkman Toronto, Dec 19—U131011 Stock Yards
My Entire Stock must be sold
referred to above to our townsman, Mr. —Receipts to -day were only 59 oars, all
R. A. Graham, who was publisher of
YYif ar.r
told, including 984 head of cattle, 565
for same time. Alter Mr
the TimES
sheep and lamb#, and 4 calves.
by Jan. 1st, 1911
s told
old the bnsiea we aro told With a ran so light, it was a short
that there were some sixteen different
and brisk market to -day, everything
publishers In possession until January, being cleaned tip to short order. It
18889 when the business was purchased the aftermath of the Christmas holiday
Mr R. Elliott, father of the present trade. Butchers last week provided
themselves with large Supplies, and
I have left in my stock 135 Suit Lengths. 35
were not out today looking for more.
Overcoat Lengths and 60 Pant Lengths. Not old stock
Fare G. P. R. Christmas and Enough buyers were on hand, however,
as is usually the case but mostly
Now Year. to take care of all offeringg, and by an
Return tickets to all points in Canada, early hour the market was All over, and
everybody gone home. Prices were
MatPort Arthur and• East, and to Buffatb,
Y.> Detroit, to
-to -Date Goods
ions90% and frm.
a Elrod, and well maintained at last week's
stations in Maine and Vermont ails be
on Sale at all C. P. R. offices and eta. quotatlons,
tions At single fare, goad going Satur. The following are the quotations:
day, Sunday, Monday, December 24tb, Exporters' cattle--
Having got in a big shipment for Fall and Winter which
t& Per 100Ibg.
26th and 26th, good to return Tuesday, Choice .... ... , `
I had ordered before deciding to go out- of business, and
December 27th. Also Saturday, SnaY Medium.., , , r. 5 65 75
having sold most of the old stock before the new was put
lot,' and De good tosreturn ................. s Boo s 10
on the market. You have the near to select from
Inanary 3rd. Fare and one third tickets Coma, ........... . . . .. 4 60 5 25
Will be on Wednesday. December 319t, Feoders—
to Monday January 4th. Be sure the beet 1000 pounds and up-
tickets read C. P. Ii; for the aegnraaoe wards
At Cast and Below Cosi
.,. , , 5 25 650
Of a comfortable Christmas journey. Stocker. "halos , , , 4 76 500 0
1_. - " balls. ........ -3 50 4 25
The greatest chance ever given the public of this vicinity
CHURCH NOTES. Piokea . , . .. 6 00 6 s0
------ Medium
to get genuine Tailored Clothing at prices outdoing even
.. ..
iireabytery at Maitland met in St COWS ... 4 50 t 75
..... • , ` 4 76 5 25
the ready-made. If you do not want our clothes just
' y y
Bulls , , , , . > , ....
Andrew's Church on Tu9eday. Clerk's Hoge •...a 600
flow et 011# obd
y goods and get two for the price of one.
report of meeting will Appear lnout next Best .,,.Y. ........ 6 75
issue. Lights..... ....... 6 40
ghee •—
1t,v, i7ir. sheep
big t no pas Soho is ortnp '09 'Export ewes , ...,
iris th rd yeas as pastor of bTbrch 8$root . • • 4 25 4 6b
LADIES' now is your chance its get a Christmas
Methodist Cnuroh, Goderioh, has %cost)• Bucks..... ....... , , ,.. 3 25 3 t0 -
present that will please and the most useful you can buy,
ted is salt to bp000de pastor cf First Met. •.....300 3 50
hodibt Church at Sr. Thomas, Lambs eaoh,, 6 90 6 00_
wrrr ,&M st.&rsmT lt"R*8
Do not put Cuff ,
buying s you might miss it. Sale starts
sahB900 1
tolie'6Fal Weas
VRDAi, DEC 3rd,
db 11 041
M♦4rt♦41 f +4 ♦♦4
+rt rl 4♦ i P4 ►f r t 4s.♦t 4 s ►+t,r♦tr tr* ♦♦ #!
AGENTa•,P,Ladieo' AGENT'S-41owe
Holme Journal KERB & BIRDJournal Patterns
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.. -Only ? days in
which to complete your Christmas Buying. This
week we will just offer a few , a Suggestll0l'TRS that
way help you to decide what to buy. You
will do well to make your purchases at
this "Profit Sharing Store!'
CalifornialNaval Oranges, the best FOR WOMEN
fruitand tae market, 25c, 30c, 4oc, Hang
c.Handbags, all new styles, quality right
prices 50c to $5 00.
New Layer Figs, 3.4 of a lb. in each •
Kid Gloves, quality guaranteed, black
package, Inc package or 3 for 25c,
and colored, price $i.00, $1.25, $1,50 $
Fancy La er FI s t
.7 g , 15c o zoc.
Special price for full boxes.
APPLES --First-class Apples, Spys
and • Baldwin's, 5oc to 6oc a peck.
Dates, Choice new fruit los lb.,°, or 3
lbs. for 25c
Package Dates, new fruit, Yoc each
or 3 for - - - - 25c
Bananas, 20c to 3oc a doz.
Olives, Loc to 75c a bottle. We
guarantee the quality.
Muffrers, Ribbons, Frillings, Hand.
kerchiefs, Ties, Collars, Silk
Scarfs, Wool Scarfs, etc.
Fancy Braces, good quality, pair in
box, Sac,
Ties, new styles, 25c to 50c.
Lined Kid Gloves, 50c to $I.50.
Lined Mocha GIoves, 50c to $1.50,.
Lined Suede Gloves, 75c.
Cuff Links, Tie Holders, Scarf Pins, etc,
Z Best quality Mixed Nuts, per lb, zoc -
Almonds, Walnuts, Brazils, peanuts 1 i
Z and Filberts. !' Chinaware
We have as fine a line of FANCY
. CHINA as you will see anywhere, All
CHRISTMAS new goods, new styles, new decorations
and our prices are right.
Rich Cut Glass
Choice Cream Chocolate, 15c to 5oc box =
. A splendid assortment, new goods,
20c to 4oc lb:' suitable for Xmas Presents.
Bon Bons, Cocoa Creams, Maple
iCreams, Assorted Creams. Fancy Note Paper and Envel6pes,. put
Z All neve goods, great variety 'low prices. up in pretty boxes at 15c, 20c,
25c and 3oc. yyop
TOYS, TOYS, TOYS Perfumes. Florida Water.
i Adjustable Plate Glass Mirrors, +
i DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS Purses, Beads, Fancy Combs, Barretts,etc,
# .
► ♦ ♦♦it+♦#NMN♦♦♦♦ ♦♦e i F;wwvwss•♦s s► ♦. .•♦♦ s♦s♦i♦♦ #
Between all Stations in
One Dollar 4eposited in the Banta Can Ida
of Damilton mighty mean the first r } AT SINGLE FAi;.E
step toward -the. keetanillml,01A of a
foz`ttlnar gig Good going December 34, ag, and
26th, Retort, limit Tuesday, ileo
'the mall who scorns the sa aeidns Cw
1 140 % 111h1910,
and$ J nun y lloto d
investment bl his sawinge has het tti 0II , any, 2011, valid retnrlatn tl !
.}, a..a.. day Jan. rd, 1911, g tet lTaeg
fix tktfrtattttl i vo>trttl lin" fol Bentley /..045 to ti 48 `1C' 1VI5 STRICTLY CA$>r . foam[ rite trete principles of frttgalifq 0 lot V s
t ve .ye Many# the.. Peat a 72 to 0 76 clad t4rfft. _.- d"f .. _
6l;iDiYt a.. .,Y,. MY, Y....%...,./ _.. -. . >
cutter dairy ... 0 20 ttr 0 a2 _ y, ,
aqi<- it>t- ,'b circ Alratiotit
1 iY
catlt 11 t fear tett!« !1!t 201
E ... , .. Y. 0 Y /, o 0 /
g pvy+vi dOi YV...,Y1YY Y V UV to V V
y wr
idcehol j Scam`"i rrtalsfad
tiot !k dito. Insist otr Thlkviitl*
oyod per ookd . Y. Y....a..
ga / Per toil .. r w r w x #a a s
I baghdl,.. ..
S Soo ♦t ' 2 to
8 06 to 9 W-
0 so to 0 illi
Robc,t Maxwell
tward .es.
( .Y/y(
y'4 , Y..YraY YY
}>dt otilrtY . ....
6 eG t0 6 35
6 20 tO I? t8EM0,18100
Ohlokenr, tier Ib,.,,., /...
Ducks, bents ............
0 10 to 0 12
011 to 0 12
lies trtiJt.Yt xirti rigt1d31IIrN
Cidgd, pet lb ..............
'lititkdj'N fids ib....r.
0 yi t yid o 112
6 18 to is
-.. . ., .... .. ... ., .. .. ...
YYif ar.r
D$posit tide dollar to-d&,y- begfti Good going December gist, 1010, to
to provide against old gge and fill.Mondale. January and, 1011, inolo.
give, valid returninguntil Wheless•
anoiai reverses. day, YYaanary 0h. 111,
P. Sr1Y1i1# 1 A erirt F'ortickets and farthertnfotmlttlbil
null oil G. Lt mont. Ise of Agent or
addrersi J. • D. Mbbobli 0, D. p'.
n _ Taranto,
cs r