HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-22, Page 3R
WINQUAM T114k;5, R C 11 13 2,>
t Humor and
TWO Min U te Talks A bo u'
Philosophy i The day$
4417041"P498 I)R swiftly J.
N 10041not At
Al"Sko rot YOU uQuight (-pt yfj ? VIA] STAR
D IV tarly birds etre . V44 tl�jlijng, 4.4 the VhQlo,
JW i at worms, 4 wav, Mr
PERT PARAGRAPHS. Have You boagbs'tta �ol?
Pi Till' Pe'O 00 01111011ko tbo .... 6- so 0 Most
41 A, you ve
0110% 2r LIVING on luxuries 'a about the best T b000ri(,; . . . . . .
he Orta
't people can do equsidorlag ttiq the, htppy on 14
bigh, prices of ileces$jtles. The tooU JleCo1Rt§ Mot", awful with ow
JKA 14
N1GE 11 risings keep an going up life itself r1o1r)(t of the sun- 0 #JL
Ht%Vt, you boagl)t fL44ykj,? iwter
Will beCOMO, too great a Newspaper
for Coal or Woocl I luxury Thoatri
to enjoy. ffl bOOOP36B 1A ro froatio As th L
b:iitif days cow(, tq)d gni Little Liver.Pills,
Halve yvir, boright (,in ,,1?
course the Pandora Range is The 0411 W110 can't Come back Is With the
The rftti'�A YOU "bOuld N'Welitilor, i" b;
0 an (1111te apt to, be the one that al"Pt go Seldom to lb, MuSt 809tr3fign
4 few dollars More than a ptuire or
V`:1 Yl*,u bought ordinary range. But it Will soon T W y
Pay for itself in the fuel it will save w the right Ma
The Otte Wh() wtit, ill rlibkr),,bb,1J Women - the
Lots of girls know �kiudty oje�s,lvd the �,,,y
for you. u, but gre, back Might 210 wPll air, PXPP0d.1-,R 10,44�,aw�
the trouble seems to be that they CaWt or black tri turij to f4i,j y;
keep Jilin right, The pepple COMP1101 Are the or", TORONTA D A UY VP A I?
The Pandora FIU8 System and Wj,,) fit, Soo POC -0111110 wrapper aclow.
Mae Fire Box, designed by our It keeps Most - W110 Start to d"y -
brainy stove experts, Save about half want women busy its they HAVE, you naught yt-t? T -Y vZonu suaid, as eaw
I I to be seeing that their husband.,) $0 take 45 sugam.0 Because it has so many special features for women,
How a ton Of Q041 per year, because they don't break training. The woman who Wants to keep posted on the world's
Supply more air than the flue systems pot dinner On a hot night try A m(,w 114PPenings from day to day will find the news presented in a
and fire boxes of ordinary ranges, CARTERIO FFORR HDIEZ-AIDIINE&U.' most readable way,
It scally scandalous the Way 0130's Of j611104 0111oken, not aqn,.,uts ,
causing better combustion of fuel. creditors malce ono,s 11fo miserable by prerar� ,nd will bg too Qjt ar�p tiz 17 TLE FOR BILIODUft Then there are the most interesting of Home Pages -the
being in evidelice upon every occasion, ing, rid in T FOR -TORPID LIVElf, daily chapters of an entertaining serial story -columns of bright
WW 111 The Steel Oven saves some more FORQ;ONSTIPATION social and personal rt=4-Madge Merton's pagc--and illustrated
Sa. fuel, because it heats up more rapidly 14,1,ea a gl'ouch can't help grinning P-1 LLS.
FOR,SALLOW SKIN.' daily fashion hints,
than a cast iron oven, The heavy when lie sees a cute ,baby.
FIT$ Way Coating on the main bottom FOR THE COMPLEXION Every line sparkling with interest and informaticn�nctbing
ajiirqltl� sensational--cican:wbolesorne-and relishable reading about
of range. prevents any heat wasting "THE SWEETES
n If by au.v chance what we want to OF ALL 91210161 are, Z= most everything that appeals to women.
Fuel towards the floor, It drives _,t 9 do comes close to coinciding with what
heat back into the oven, and thus we :*Oaltl (10 some misfortune makes Send your subscription to-d'ay,
saves stillmore fuel. eiid,4 1-Lfu,,,C to coullect.
Rheumatism Cured by
J.- Will You Help It In 9 ' 1.50 a Year
YOU, But the big economizing feature is _Zidog one's words Is; seldom con- ip
this: The draft for cooking on top of dil(lve to good digestion. Its Hour of Need.... a Fig Pills. This paper and the 7bronto Daily Star
the range is also the draft for
baking in the oven. The heat does
The chtrity that You proffer Is gen- N. -)t oftemdo you bear of a 26e prep&r. for one year 02.20
0� erally quite as warm as the charity Mica being sold with a guarantee to care
double duty and your fuel bill is that you get. THE HOSPITAL FOR Yout, An absolute guarantee goes with
largely reduced. ---the range that The Great Riddle. every box of FIG PILLS Theywilloure
Get the Pandora SICK CHILDREN 1111613tuldlow Backache BiaddAr ire 1`0
110 can guess the meaning I I -��__ -
pays for itself. No other range is of a wornan's smile, COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO Frf quent Minatirig, Barning Sensation
high-class enough for you. Though it may securely
Tiold film for awhile. Painful Stitches, SlugPish Liver and all ............ 4; ........ 4 ... ..
Is it oil filln only AV Fathers and 97(mach Trouble, It not yonr in + ........ W ............
y ea" to mangy + +
That her favors fall, Appeals
of Ontario on be. hack. At all drnggistp,
Or is it a trifle half of suffering children.
Shen e%41p�vs on all? + +
This Institution did more +
Malces his heart go tlirobbing work in 1910 thou ever Battleships that will Use Oil feel ex, +
before. Total In -Patients oluitively are being designed r the $
Irk a pit -a -pat, for i i -m -es
Stands far Guaranteed Quality in
and a -Jumping ing 1,224. Ofthese, 783 were + +
P United States navy. +
When she looics ince that, 11 from ill cft and 441 from
he country. +
But a doubt comes o'er him e 'yOne hundred and one years ago on
London, Toronto, Afonfrcal, Tvinnipeff As she glides along Since iill organization. Dec. 44
79 That 4 the original New York Bible + 4�
there may be others he Hospital has treated +
Vancouver, St. John, AB" 1;1�.ndaon� Calgary Mingled VALb ilia throng. in its cots arid beds 16,837 Society was organized. + �t�b��ng List
FOR SALE BY J. G. STEWART' So she keeps blin, guessing, children; 0 "Or-ttle, fearing the introduction of +
+ +
& CO. I -lot and cold by turns, wer..bl,27',n pay and bubanio Plague by rats, has offered a + +
Hoping, fearing, doubting, RZADT r6n MOTTIER, Were treated free. bounty of ten cents it rat. +
NValting for returns, There were 60 cases of club feet corrected Egg Shells roughly crushed in the +
Helpful Hints, Now in hope transported last yeu. + Times and Weekly Globe . .................... 1.60 +
To the heights sublime, +
After Bfttil)g an olive it i3 rather crue, Later in a dungeon hauls are good for cleaning enameled + Times and Dail Y Globe ....................... 4.5 +
0 + 0
to take the seed betwoer. the thurub and Slowly doing thrie. pane in conjunction with SOAP and water. + Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star.... 1.85
ell +
Who ca . n guess the answer, + Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ............... 1,80
linger au,� �hoof; ii,, at Ilia hoit. There Three-year-old Carlo 001flOt-1, who +
4 -7s'etionely disappeared from in front 4,
Baffling for fair, +
are other ways of disposill , of the Times and Tojonto Daily Star............,.,.,
seed. To the great conundrum +2.80
LONDON, ONTARIO It Way b, anobtral'ival;�v1pped into the Right before lilill there? of his fatherle store in Brooklyn, was + Times and Toronto Daily NeWil ................. 2.30
Are his hopes well founded? returned. + Times and Daily Mail and
Vast licelrot lir ever, awalloved in an am. Empire ........... 4.50
Business & 0"northand ergenor. Has he half a show? Times and Weekly Mail and Empire ........... 1.60
Even though he asks her, .6efvre, --,k Two negroes were foutidbrogiog to a
Still he may not know. 11; �e
SUBJECTS, If your sweetheart is j9-alous of your tree at Double Branch, AIS. They k ad 4 Times and Farmers, Advocate ..........
+. ...... 2.35
MutiODS to another girl, an easy Way THE HOSPITAL 13 A PROVIN. been arrested on a charge of burning a + Tifiles and Canadian Farm (weekly) .............. 1,60
Resident and Mail Courses gk Hearsay. CIAL CHARITY. barn. ++ Times and Farm and Dairy ............. ....... 1.80
Catalogues Free to ameliorata her is to tell her how fur. "They say lie is a very brilliant The sick child from the most remote corner of + Times and Winnipeg Weekl Free Press,
J, W. W-tervelt, 1, W, Westervelt, Jr.. C;A,, ious the other girl is because of your infin,,, y 1.60
attentions to her. Ontario has the same claim as the child living Times and Daily Advertiser..........,........
Vice -Principal, "Is that so?" Within sight of the great House of Mercy in college 2.85
When giving An after -the -theatre sup. d $1 + Times and London Advertiser (weekly),,.......
'Yes. Street, Toronto. .Our cause is the children'i; Raw furs and Skins- + 1.60
Per to a party of frieuds, always tip up "Queer. I never heard him called -se' Could there be -ite that has a strouga •
Times and London Daily Free Press
High draped girdles of blackvelv' the Waiter unobtrusively, you may so.)) claim on the people of this Province Morning
Et on easily make such an effort to . "Didn't you? Why, I thought every- AVE ARE BUYERS +* Edition ............ 3.50 +1,
be unob. 2 90 ++•
white gowns are .he fareles of the hour, Evening Edition ........ I...
trusive that the change may be allowed body agreed that he Is a regular Times and Montreal DallyeWitness ...............
An itiveetizatiorrof the electric light of all kinds of + 1.50 W.
,to fall on the floor. Times 'and Montreal I'L85
+ Weekly Witness .............
Times and Wcrld Wide ...............
Itupinose at Kilicardlue where evidently Never laugh boisterously when a
Judged by Himself. ........ 2.25 +
the town runs the Plaut and supplies ny story is told at the table, Smile pol. �,Erow �= - a; I RAW FURS and SKINS I + Times and Western Bome Monthly, Wjrmjpeg_,. I +
would You like to trade that + .60
light on flat rate, showed that shore Italy rind then say, "As I was Saying-,, i)ul + Times and Presbyterian ....................... 1+1,
Mo.- for a house and lot?" 2,25 +
were 110 lights being tified that wers not This draws the attention of th NVe Guarantee Honest Assort
a company "All right. Want to trade?" + Times slid Westminster .......................
bein9pattifor. Iumau7 instances oiti, .r + 2.25 +1
'""s were ailing 82 0. P. ii his where •to you, and immediateiy stamps you as "tiro.' anent. Highest Market Prices Times, 11resbyterlan and Westminster ............. 3.25
006 to Whom all funny stories Are anolont "Then why did you ask?" Times and Toronto Saturday Night
they were paying for OUTY 16, The Re. history _Obicago post. "Just for curiosity, I 1.uow I would .48 r/po and Quick returns.
Times and Busy Mall's Magazine...............
Parter says the list contained the names 12."10
Want to if I owned such a dog.,, Perfect result Harelip Times and Rome Journal, Toronto,,,,,,
Of Min (of the leading citizens, 3 'in are 1p ewes. 18 infants WV, PAY IMPRE$S CUARGLis + .......
both in were relieved of this terrible deformity last year. Tithes and Youth's Companion ..........
Soared to Death. If the Hospital is to continue 2.90
business and church, Steps were taken F"11(tis 0. POw011, formerly headmap, its great work, it Send for our "RICE LIST !
to make the delirqaents pay UP for three ter of the Kincardies Model School died "I want to die! Ob. I want to die!" to your pocketbook as well as to your :: i Times and NOrthe"n Messenger .......... 1.35
at his home in i oronto last week, "You do?" :11 appal four Dollus be omessages of mercy to FREE +
months on the lights not Times and Daily World ..... ................. 3.1() +
reported. Jul atan. +
Were the lights ran on the metro lty$. Of 12,000,000,000 letters written in a "Oh me, yes!" the suffering children of Tinles and Canadian A18gazine (monthly)-, ...... 2.90
REVILLON FRERES Times and Canadian Pictorial...........
Year by the world at larRe 8,000,000,000 *'w A
tem, which is the only fair way,'no such �11, you ill.- Please sond 3roux, contribution to J. ; + Times and Uppincott's 1.60
cheating could be practiced, are English 1,200 , 000.000 in German, "What?" Ross Robertson, Chairman, or to 134 at 136 ric(lill St., rfortireal. + Magazine ...... 3,115
:nd only, 1,000 000,000 in French "I said you Douglas Davidson, $80retary-Traill + Times and Woman's Home Companion ......... 2.60
"Ob, help, lielp'! Policelf1l, uper, The Hospital for, Sick Children,
OaUege St. Toronto. + Times and Delineator........ .............. 2.40
Japan has a monopoly of camphor pro, + Times and COSMOPOlitan .................
+ -4 2.80
Strenuous. + Times and Strand ......... 0 2.50
"You are lookin-- duction for it is Only in that coutatry slid + Times and Success ...........................
Woman's Stmerm in Portug it. 1"OVIDORA that the Camphor tree flourish. +
thin," 2.45
es to any great extent. +
J "Do you tbini; A Rood pirt ut tim farm M(Tk in q. Times and MCClure's Alaguzine ................ 2.60
MEN =YOU NEED NERVEted States onstoniq officers search + Times and Alutisey's �Llfiglfzlne ............
73 so?" PJ1703gall$4 mqs the Ohr6,ia1j Herald,Lld+ .... 2.55
-i + Times and Designer .......... _ ..............
"Sure." perfornivd hy ;ho wcmu, Vho LeO no hip Minn- +
AND "I didn't know (,nota at Seattle, discovered and seized Times and Everybody's
EARLY INDISCRETIONS ing the Great Northern steams t.85
rPaRn?) why rheY should regard dipatrig ...................... 240
EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- hoeing and Plowing i%g the wmk of men $10,000 worth of smuggled opium.
"What are , These orices are for addresses in Canada or Great +V
you alone The man who own(, & few Sams Statistics Show that there are in Bel -
MINED YOUR SYSTEM doing to y o u r of lancl will Olson lf+ava 08 0 Vium 211,617 "estsmi nets"or places where I Britain, +
The nerves eontrol all actions of the body go that any, self?" tiltivatfiln drink is sold, averaging one such place +
thing that dobilitates them will weaken all organs of:! "Well, you see, I to his wife and firtogbtAra, while he to (,vary + The above publications may be obtained 41
I - lab6"a as carpenter, stony TuRF011, or ory 34 inhabitants, Every year 200, + by Times
the 0WITI. Early Indiscretions and Excesses have am trying to liVID
ruined thousands of promising Young inerl. Unnaturalvi a hundred years.' VU canes of illness are'oetiadotied by ex.1 t. subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-
cooper, for (,.t%qk making Ill one of tit -tit - " +
b0lingsalt theirvigorand vit' nifty And they never develop -i case of drink, 20,000 of which matift in! + tion being the figure given above less $ixo re'Preseliting +
to a proper donditiou ot manhood. They remain weal.- -_ Important Induotytm H* 3190 lidAn to death,
llngs, trieutullyo physically and sexually, How you feel? Z It Pollows. gets j )b as a waiter in one of the lin'. the price of The Times. For instance ,
Are you nervous and weak despondent and glowny, "He Is a plillosophetw,
speaks before the eyes witli'd lt� eircles untler thern, Inprous hotels at geiiaid(, resorts, for Lha A.
Weak bael; kldue� a irritable, palpitation of the heart, -Y "Philosopher, is lie?" country has thtlusplatit; of 0,)atitreutll� + The Times and Weekly Globe..... ............ 91.6o
bas)iful,dabilitatlugdreama,s(3dimentinutine, pimplesJ "Yes." BECAME SO MAK + The Farmer's Advocate (82.85 loes. $1,00).....
5 sunken,
l�" 00 0 V cheeks,
ee 8' 04 r e �,ylora `o "I had an Idea he was poor," And 1@11R)lPh ViOlt-UP. Wornen share to 1.35
"Poor! What has that to do With lt?ff +
on 0 ne" 6 0 dl ' h
t`o �Jtsi.chlula. "It takes a COulfatt4ble man to be There are Female potters, lab,,irere on 0,2.95
and Hinge,1 6 19al , ii.e. to.
0 oe Vni 'it ' (81 -t i lessa -
y the heavy vrork ofthe oific-a as well. TIMES +
r 1 11, 110.
- t -tr 14th, it 11 "r
able I-Od, Dre"t I .. b'-Iir 4, pliflosopher." the docks, triarket "ciders, acid bver) making the price of the three papers $2.95.
This is th6 coritlition our Now Method Treatment is w6m(u noel bootverq, fliherrnsu or vtther COULD NOT
We have treated Memos of Dion for almost it life. Shows It fishefty(imen, And 8tilote They, t-�p as i The Times And the Weekly Sttn,. $1,80
time nuill do not have t& experiment. Consult us "That Is a bright poodle of YOUM" strong and hardy tie th.-tr husbands and The Toronto Daily Star (A2.30 lesg $1,00),.
ME OV C14ARGE "Ile ought L to be," Mrs, Oeorgo Biles, Grimsby, Out., 1,10
and we vdil tell you whether you are outable or not, t4whyro 6rotheys and teem to stand long h- aro writes,.-" Just a few lines t i The Weekl3 Globe (61,60 less $1,00) ......... . . (io
and hard labor as well. 01 ooara4 0 let you
4 and
WIfic hag the maid scour him rather tables
it, 1-=v what Milburn's Heart and Nerve +
We guaralitea outlibld Oates of $3 7 0 +
t4tttVotys I)tBlUTY, VAIUCOSE yglNq, gf,00t) eve* inciting 11 A ftWnV1 the glamour of ro- NMI have (toile for me, I suffered
AND SKIN D199ASE:s* OMET, RLADD9A 01061106 When 6100 setas a voung wo-z-oan gar fitly with my nerves and became 86 the four papers for $3,�O,
URINAPtY AND K[bNP.Y C00MPLAINTS m6t, Datl Hgtt it, with finely flManled f"t&red And b,,sautf- work. A friend of mine advised nio to 4,
nervous and weak at times I could not I If the publication yoll want is clot in above list let +
riet, Booklet Ott Diseases of Marc.It unitb!6 to call "Wondft' Why he 19 go Stuck on that fol black eyes, digglug with spade and tr it fax of 5'our Pills, which I did, and ++ now. We can Supply almost any well-known Cana -
writ* tot V , us k
w4nde4al 0111IS110N UST POP, ROME TREATMrNT redheaded girl," mattook or heaving a basket of coal into ;.lon found great relief, They are he r I
"Oh, it 19 getting Cool of evenings a mbiple bold with as much ease us the I)v,,;t niedipino I havo ever taken for Ea + than or American publication. These' prices are strictly
now, and he wants a nice co-ty, place to Ametiohn girl plays t6ouitt an lioart and nerves, I recommend them +
d golf, 0 :Mv one suffering from heart. or nerVe + cash in' advance.
hang around," They Irceirt happy under what we would +
OR'SIMIN Dy + Send subscriptions by post office or express order to
M&Ptistinly. consider hard conditions �o the reform MMurn's Ileart and Xerve Pills malte, j +F
Cor. Michiga Mo. and Griswold St,, Detroit, Alich, "trown has lost his tefilpet.1, or %oald Probably hAve his lAbor for ;!io veak heart, strong and the Allal'y,
-NO fee' All letters front Canada 11111st be it(ltlregsed 11W.Its It a big temperl" big Pairs it he suggoat4a a ch(jDgA it firin by imparting it strengt1johin-i
to our Cal)adiau Correspoll(leuce I)jpart- "Yes," this deptvttmoat Of Portagapao up I il,torative influence to eVery orgftri I . Ic
see as persoilally, cal intent In or, Out, If You desire to of the body and curing pOl. - i ifte i imes ti
*4 patiditits in out I at Our Uedical Institute ill Detroit As We see and treat "Then Irwas a small 100.10 i4tation. of tho hearb, dizziness, sleeplesv. Off e
Willd,lOr Offices which are for Correspondence and nes,,4, ttnaoniim, twitching of the muscles,
littibdratoty for Canadian bu.4iness, ofily, Addrd$q all letters as follows Might Nava Uv6d,Mol wy. ;�lietal debility, luck of vitality, etc, Stone Block
Oft KENNEDY & kiftfty, Wlia,146r, Otlit. Ito paid ilia Isan"ge oil tm 6* There Is a movement in Preigtegg in
PrIC6 50 cents per fax or 3 for
'Writis tot out. brivath Adif&s. Arid then trio Nhio *est **eekid, M1,!h10,kh for bothblighing 6 ottite inotitu. :,t ("Calonq, or maited'airect Ott rdeeipt WINGHAM ONTARIO
Aw 5 i� 7 a. Unilted,
"'WhY did L" tried hot Stnkh* 40"';' tiba, for Miailig riftd odaealag &feo, of priee by The T, Alilbufft Co
31 a
t1ye children, Toroato, Ont.