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The Wingham Times, 1910-12-22, Page 2
. . a. 2 A YOU have pro- bably been in- tending, t o try R e d Rose Tea for some time but from "force of habit" have just Dept on using another tea: Break the Habil'~ and buy Red Rose next time. e, 14 3 A 41' r ( NSVQR SOLD IN HULK Your Grocer Will Recornraena It $a TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this I office not later than Saturday noon. I The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening, ? Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISEND 1872 THE WINUAN TIMES. H, $. ELLIUTT. Pr18LIenSB SNDPROPRI)aTOA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1930 EDITORIAL NOTES. According to the Bataan of Indus• tries, the county of Huron sold or killed daring the year ending, Jane 300h, 1910, the following: — 6,742 horses, 50 993 cattle, 20,350 sheep, 76 336 hogs, 186,642 pout ry, and the season's wool olip was 190,672 pounds. Besides these there was on hand in this ooanty, 33,164 horses, 31 865 milah cows, 87,828 other cattle, 41,608 sheep, 58,706 swine, 609,586 pont try. The county reports 9,625 acres of grain, 38.425 acres of hay, 543 acres of sugar beets, 12,779 sores of orobard; spring wheat, 2,419 aeras; fall wheat, 8,344 sores; barley, 36,898 &ores; oats, 126,450 acres; peas, 25,322 acres; beans, 784 mores, According to these figures Huron county farmers have not been idle. R A STARTLING STATZMEN1. +, • %W W � I IT'S Winaham, Ont, Indigestion of Horse. Tale of the Pion@ere fs vividly told in a - • C. • Want a raprelantativa for Wingham, ---- prize essay, based on personal experience Ont, and surrounding dlsrrict. Have animal clipped and Its teeth It has baea said by thos9 who have in. in she early days of settlement. "Con. • f f • H, L. DIcKmoorf attended to by a veterinarian. Then • Ladies and Gentlemen's Tailor Z. DIIDLitY $arart4s vastigated the matter carefully, that, tenement at the Plow" and "Peat Reek" 1N DICKINSON �}(� �I o y p�+ give l+otvter's solution of arsenic in althongh at the age of 45, (ally 80% of will tinkle the eoekles of a sootchman's 2 The reliability, healthy condition of DICKINSON & ilO1MES half ounce doses twice a day for a men are established in whatever pursuit heart, and please everyone else besides, our stook as well as trueness to name BA&RISTBRs, SOLICITOUS, Eto, week and then three times a day until mast be appreciated by the public or in good shape, when the medicine may they follow and are in reoafpt of incomes while Leman C. Smith's daringly flung• � MoNslf To i:.oax. g illative " •' The only stock I carry coatains the newest all -wool they would It -A hive helped as to in. be gradual! in oxo@aa at their expenditure, at the aye poem, Aviation &o Applied to • I crease our business yearly since 1837, the stopped y discontinued, but not Orrice: Meyer Block, Wtngham, pped suddenly. Of 60 it has been found that 95� are Agriculture," is ti classic in its way. 'fabrics embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from sato of our establishment. dependent upon their daily earning or The Home Magazine is the most reputable mills in the world. • Fistula of Milk Duct. p p y q , particularly • p • Oar firm's name lends'preatige to our Sometimes the teat of a cow level. upon their children for support. Many, good, comprising articles by each writ. • representatives. RTHUR d, IRWIN, D. DL AD. S.,. D. S. era as Mrs Tnct:ar• Wflcas • • bps a small opening above the nate no doubt, read the, despattih from De. Pater bio• • Complete line of Nareary Stock for Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania ural orifice, through which milk no Arthur and Mies L. M. Montgomery. • You will find ORit' Kingfisher Dental College and r4o•ntlats of the Ry's Croft which recently appeared in the y. • + Spring 1911. college of Dental Sur�ggeons of Ontario. pfl�ae when she is milked. This false duct Canadian ptp@re7 and which described The front cover ,fs worthy of A frame, • Cloths in Slack and Blues, Fancy• in Macdonald Block. Wlneliam, may be obliterated by cauterization Writs t0C fall particulars. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon the condition of a man who but a little the text illustrations are first-class, and Worsted Suitings, Tweed Snitings, from May 1st to cot. let.. when the cow is dry. Meanwhile paint more than forty years ago, was a "finan, the letterpress even beyond the high 6TONE aWELLINGTON it with flexible collodion twice daily 01st power in that nits, who had a standard that has come to be associated Melton, Beaver and Crombbies Over- • if milk 'flows from it. ` "palatial home" on one of the most with Canada's Ieading agricultural ` coatings give the best satisfaction. Fonthill Nurseries � J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. s., D. D. S, Eczema of Horse. (850)' meentiste of the Royal College o! Dental p fashionable thoroughfares, entertained mag&s{tae. • � TORONTO, CANADA. keep the arts saturated with a Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni• ,creamy mixture of sweet oil and flow- Iavisblp, and to whom every person, The price at this ascot&t Issue to non. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style re- ♦• VOrsib a of Toronto. loolr. ors of sulphur, t0 each pint Of which bigh and few, was prepared to pay subsoribers is 500, New subscribers will • p receive it tie a + Vailiri the da you are measured. You et error thin Office closed every Wednesday afternoon add half an ounce of coal tar di rind bom3ge. But the fates were against premium while the supply * g y y Q from May 1st to Oat let. P na lasts. •the ver latest and best where you Iet us 1,1ake Clothes FARMERS •S then shake Well before psing. Reduce him, ETe sa�ezad serious fi ianafalotra• • y the grain ration. DO not feed corn. ea. and when he began to go dowtir hili Address the William Weld Co., Lon. expressly for you. ; sad an • + Make the rataniion. work or take com he found it was Properly greased for the dollun- , Ont• • srtloleother wish to adig sae of should adv r Wingham General Hospital dant exercise every day. OOoasion. flit friends deserted" him like i • tisethe same for sale in tihe+Timis. our jar �qte • circulation tells and It will be strangeindeedi! (Under Governmentinspeotion) Horse Distemper. rate from a sinking ship, and now at 80 ondonotgetacustower•. Wecan'tgaarantse A rmiubermaWs Backsc ►e, � E. C. WHITE' - WIN�HAM, l'3NT = �hatl�cu will sell l,aoans. you may ask more For cllstemper of a horse give throw years of age, after his day's labor, he „ • for the artiol6 or stook than ti ie worth. Send or four times a clay a teaspoanfat of wends his way to the pity pith the bent, rhe pafnq in Ivy back were dreadfal • r r •' your advertisement to the Tnnsandtry this Ple+tsantty situated, Beantltntlq fur- 011 of tats an the tongue and in feeQ, find the kidneys failed to do their Work," LADIES AND' GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR plan of disposing or soar stoop and other niched. O g broken down, old men who have In. writes Mr, L J. McKinnon, Oeitlia, Oat. • articles pen to all regularly licensed twice �a day the following preseriptio#-. 8,ie+ttoa caouah tb have their names on "Dr, Ohaee's Kidney and Liver Pills s IN THE .TOftN WII.801r BLOCS Ahpgibians, RATES i�o8i I?eTrsNTg Vo lees solution of arsenic, eight tue city a pay roll proved to be exactly, what i needed, (Which Include hoard and nursing), $8.50 ounces; tincture lobelia four our •siesr`••�t•••♦•R41tA1iit►i��f�it r to $15.00 per week hOOOrdine to locatrlon ' �' The Moral is,°that on, Of your stun- brought I tasted promptly and oared me, �•�•• + Of room. For further information, and Water to,make one flint. Does, sauce sometbiIIyt should be lard aside Sorry I wasted time ezperimenting with ♦••• +•• •s�♦•N•si+►iN• ( ( address one Ounce to feed twice a day. other mediainetr. 1!s> L, MA'rT EMS, Cracked Hoofs of Cow. $nperintonlont, cage cons develop erdCltdoMEASUREMENTS. AOYER1SI1G "boa 323. WiRhanOnt. have the Ioose horn but away; thenWl$ Terribly pffildtbd 18 YOUR 7���E LAME OR Orders for the insertion of advertisements saturate cotton batting or palcnm With %oh as teachers wanted, business chances. RAILWAY TIME TAEI.ES, full strength cont tar disinfectant and With L4tfib �bCi4 Sixty drops Fgaaf one teaspoonful, aledhanios wanted, nrtiolos for agile, or in fact _ ._ •_,. • bind on feet with narrow bandage. 1<t any rias u! tip rs, in any of the Toronto es GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTifM, may be that the CauSe i8 prevalence pit Theeb teagpbonfnis equal one table* BLEMISHED? other nits papers, may be loft at the Toronto or 17f Could riox Sweep The #icor. spoonful, Ofte. This work will receive tomptattention Titeliv�rarrvii son ergotfrf ripe bluegrass pasture. lteep and will save people the trouble of remittins London ... ` e.a6 a to 8.8o her off It is hard to do house svorlr v7itte k Four tltbledpbonCnttr equal a quarter Tyab. xeaner's Bare Cnte id a positive care, toteend forwarding asrtis�amouta, LeNest Toronto'&B`sstll.tisa.m.. 0,46n.m t'm' grass Until feet ars 0(lod, p ""' ,15 v.m Fistula in Skoatder et Harts. weak an aching back. p ve c e, It is the latost and greatest 6r re will b nequotedt orfs of PPR3 0d tai the ginoardlae..11.5a a.irt... .ati ti•m..,, g.Ia p.m. b# a capful, Ov halt a slit, remedy Backache comes from sick kidneys, and p ever pat an ill@ market. No Matter effete pfluv bores is lame, Sakti ltiueardtne.;..,0 i�tix�' �� bx � Cases Of fistula It will �be nectar• prhat a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause. Eight rounded tablespoonfuls of dry Oars will maize hien sound, W11lightSt r 54 Cm— 5.40 p.m. gary to lay+ etch ptpe slid tocke't o TINES �I CR O>l;O>�!. Lonaon...... :...11.44 a,m.. _ 7.85 p.m. par But they C8n't help it. If Inorb work material egnitt one flnptal, Palmerston., .. ,.,.. 11.24a.m, to the bottom to secure w is put oA thbili that! they Bari stand it is Sure Crate ib 8 positive care for curb splint, bowed tendons, hog spavin, +�-- - •y x'orom.8 Bc Sast.,....,.1, 2,08 p.m..,, 9. 24 perfect �>`aia ndi to- be wondered that they get out of Sixteen tabledpoOnfal of liquid equal thOfOlilli, dapped hooks, wind galls, or any similar tron�lle. sure Cure will G Ld,wmr,Agent, Wingham, *9C Diseased tissues Should be cut Order. ode dapfal. ante deep•seAted lameness in hili, shoulder, baok Or stifle, Save Oats Will a *#ray. Who wonndh nh0iild be at►al►� Doan's Tiidney Pills area specificntori take the dorenem out of old stiffened Yip horsey, and will grow A new foot O Yr AMttt ANADIAN' pAoIrI(r RAI a ed with tineJufe, of iodine and aft$; !'um@, tvoak or solitus backs and far all One Cupful of tfgntd equals leo gills, kICPfS4ill:lYCb LWA]R. kidney troubles, or half a pint. quicker than any other remedy, ftiaos ltntva roft 'ward treated daily with antlaeptloa ub. T6"a*to and Hant, ...,,, 6.84 eau„�,'a,88 p,m, tt1 healbd, If us discharge fs plotusb it., wt fes: -rt Itake. r Si re i writ. One heaping tabtedpoonfnt of sngati Sure flare +will cave Mange br Eczema on any animal with ono A T6eetvater ..,w:.,,,,,, 1420 ii m ..,10,17 pita, , the ri Out., tvttating I bee tI ha rb in lent» t xnntvs lraoet a veterinarian may Well employ piioatinn. � ri y pbl�- egadl4 one flnnos, T6esaat$bu , �..,,•,—fl,956'M' .., a.z p.m. 'talent bsetectns hyppclermitticelly+. ingyoagbtating the benefit I burrs rtk elves ant keg fioronto 61,d Ratit w,�l.os ys m� ;•Ib.06 p.Yn. - by Asia Doan'a •X�idne Dills. About a t g tabledpbgtiful of butter Sate Onto will care doratched in one application, d, $, B$$lif6ii, +iLOO o-ta..10.00 F"41i1uPs 6i Cows t0 atfeaBreed, ear ago I wins terribly Afihata,i with lamb oquals t:wo onnoes, Remember Stlze Cynre has never failed to do what we reoflmmend it to stn, "'° � NO epeei6c bas been di r g scove ed s mY o vfi Roar 1 #1 4dvi Dae dap of batter or dnaar, coasts one. All leading' horseman ate using it, i'Rp fioiwRKr Wh(ch Will bring cows in b6hL 1VIlx tryoars Kidney Pilts, which I did, sad ha f pound, t:diWhiRtrihg �� *010164 bobletiulo5 hos such $in ettect Plftbe, $2 5Q per can. Por cafe at 1�ibtb00N6natnsaelatehritedbterigtionmgt if giCefl in dr1nl dose three the greatest benb�t, i bait' nabs T�rva oapB Of fiAtil lseltlat one•hblf qu a><i� ucerwaln oCir opintbn see rr ether «n � P A Y a ftvlEe salify three iw:ted and I and itt well as trot I $bund, �{/�,���,ry�[y �■i yu�`/�' i lhvent bu Is Vrobibirp nll� e� ftmunloa ►4lbtitfteg a torclbie fierriee bus bPeti hiq±ity retdmtriind tbleee pills to an i We 4T&ar�7.,s,191.i1♦, b t161Urtrlotaroona4entiW gry gpbl ourateare, +,ii y Vblionehtil►i109 to0poonfni of baa, Muttre6. •lQest enoytoreecurinlr atenw. •� ��•�i �r �otl0rdtd by tt citiCi )eNiuti r5t hrnl. ell, @ser front Itiine basis said kidn rstear• "ken Nene b ]liana spa.raarlyd ALl Y itt i� j Syicle YIn)ent inc:isuit+slab affeu rtif trouble,” ing pdnfulof tali' batt of fd half I)Rtr(4 STO.R . iveeraiOWW6withont itge,lar�Y. Deuen'd Kidne Pitts afro d0 eontd�cr teaspoonful of dream tartat and hhlf $i eft ;119 Xing Etredt, Ohictham `Glut. I� `jt� It 16 bettci' to ;ttrt tbc, c ntvit t',il'iti;t' y tsar ofl#fs7X of dolt 10 two cupfuls of r 5. bait or, 3for $1.25 at alldelildroorthated liljW16hs, tis contagloun itfuntioii ill ' flower; one' terei teaspoonful Fitt po sodic Special Attention airen to snail orders', � A���e�ayy scuff �I o nysi � 'a't °tai 'xbcfion mt1 y , ttirOct o a recei>yt of price t�y,'The'I. Mil- 6 tho caps of stags ntiilk: otle•t1Nt! 'tba- , �'waaa,�Q it.ar tare.►s, pirp ia, � yr s' be Bross nt. A ital,on (a ,burn Oo., Limited Toronto, Out . «u s3" 6 tgl:ea,arnt stater ruuiittr)iar Ir:ilf s, t 1tVlfeixottleringr lfeetsp yr"3 nit11"e," Monittal of itttt ttTO otlyis of m fry. Ernie Crummer sed Barry Graham, f��a� �►GeNt fOr Canada �yJ I�, ���r��Vlr � ME ofititf Of purb phoilllh,tte q Node sh w .1•��els aoilioa4l : S' be i,a*t0d five Or' tl raoP tflllt•a it t 4)ep_ 0 F-3 -9. Tki4 WINQUAM ',i'1I1dFA, D +'C NBBR 22, 1910 f it deo)iolag pears, and invested aherq f _' TOWN DIRECTORY fi4shis1lt>tll laza iG� AN i•�i.�. PIGS. thieves cannot reach it, and where are !, be International � e '� A �WC7 _ oanaot deprived of It id. aqy poEi+lG:e v I s pa p r BAPTIST C11iVaC$ • 1�b1?ath servicer at �i j�j� �{ � i �i ��41 T! �i1�RRt#�' Tl�N•�v Y4ungfiera $liquid Lie Dipped 130,04* way. This lacuna is afforded you under! the Government Annuities r Bible Study Co��! rs 11 wm and 7 p M. Sunday School at p m. Lfe>Imval prayer meetingIs P1713414to They Are Weanod.. Svc have more !!cq 411a> wbiQbiau Act which the Parliament of 0Anada t�, a • On art Wednesday evenings, Rev, W L• $We.ves, Pastgr. 1 Y.1?, V. irzaote EVERY THURSDAY MQRNING nl�vays pigs than on the spring littera, Tlis passed in Session X908, t;nd wbiala xa o4ived the unanimous support at both 03I1e1et relents In the $iessou for -r*ilil411 tr, lose, ;45, , 1)Qonda evenings 13 m, gy.D.1. moat !3.8,13 -p%$u ,•,t� The T1m.6s oiMQQ, B04ver $1004 sones generally bare the run or ft, wood lot In summer and farrow there! sides of the House. You may, gat all 'l> ILVOIX fit a Series Of Q110%ttions by MBxI?igDlsT Ontysas-•.Sab>aatll servloes W1NQUAAI, 0101AAIO0 during August, so that we are likely informA004 by applykg at the Past I ev, Die, .Linscott, at ll a m and 7 p m. Bnnday Sohoolat """"' to neglect the Occasional spraying of Office, or by addressing the Saperlaten• i dent of Ananities, Ottawa. (lie istgrgd 111 accordance with t'le Copyright Aat.i 2;80pm; L�pwgrthL.eagne everyMo>a, day evening, General prayer meeting '$HRNaairt3IIaaaaxPTION--$t.00peraunumiv advance, $1,60 if not so paid, No aper diaegn• 8;oo�,t CW sows that would keep the Agat its check, writes an Ohio bog grower. Christmas Lesson, Luke it:6.20. ma<,h afraid? oil Wednesday evenings. Rev. W. y g flans@ till all arrears are paid, a; §he oiitiou of the, pablishor. CEntl the writer Cpa�Jli A oil; QnI y Y CANADA'$N4TIONAL.OUTLOOK. Golden Toxt--For unto you it born the (12) Ia it nsnal for paopla to be L. Rutledge, D.D., pastor, F. Rebhan. an, S.S. Superintendent. Anre,u7naaso RAxss. —• Legal and other oasuatadvertisemontal0aper Noupartetlineror nine days old and found newly betcheb lice on his heel; and in the ears al - this day in city of David, a Saviour, afrai l when Go•i vi,titi theca? Why? PABOYTDRIAN awmaH--Sabbath ser- !LUree tfori tiop+0o per liar for oaoh subsagoent ready. These pigs were dipped to a ' A community at autonomous self- p whioh is Christ the Lord, Lake fi;li. Verses 1x•7 (13.) Ave all G id's inessages to good "good „ Vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday sohoolat 2:30 p M, General Advertisements in local golumne ar« charged 10gta, er line for first insertion, mild solution of caul tar dip nIIQ governing`, pet allied nations, is to the (1.) --.What country and penplA, tidings of re �' great joy"? ? prayer Meet pn Wednesday evenings,pRev. end6oens+e pet• 11119ioreachsubsequentinsertion, makifig in Britain, Canada, Australia, what city was Jesus born in. (2.) Why was Bethlehem called the G + yonr remone. D. Pe > e, paster, Hr, A. J. Irwin, B.S. qr Advertisements end tsl of isira}.0 , tot s f rthrle New 2'aland, Sonth Africa and India, oity of l)4vid? See I Sate. xvi:l, 04.) With what klad of voice did Superintendent, weeks, and, 25 cents for each snbvognent in• wherein the Golden Rale of Righteous- thio angel speak, would it be outward ST. PAUL'S C$U8019, EvIscorAL—Bab- tertlon, _ area will replace the late Of the jangle, (8•) What oircumetanoes bad brought Mary and Joseph to 13athelem? and %udibie, so may P jrsaa could heAr+ inward � bath services at 11 a m and 7 P m. Sunday School at 2:30pm. Rev. Fie .$ our ZiTHAi r%ha los htipfollowing table eshows forspeciiiedperiode:— in raait �atiac of Tennyson a 'Federation (4.) Why war tt fitting that Jesse or •:n voioe only? y Crol Rector ; C. G, Van• y' of the World." Thea are the signs of the timed inter• should be born in Bethelem? (16 Vardve 11 t5,—Ia wh;i sense, ) or hew malty sauces, std thea angel mean S. Stone, B; S. Suparint8ndent; Thos. E. S. S Robinson, assistant Superintendent. srA°a 1 YB. a aro, a Mo. Imo, OneOoiumn .,..470,00 440.80 $22.60 $8.00 Half Column......... 4o.00 26.00 15.00 0.00 prated in an eloquent editorial which (5 ) To what direction and hove far Is $ethelem from Nazlreth? Aieq from that Jesus was ti saviour? SALvex o > aV AIt 11lr--8etvi0e.at 7 and 11 gnartergoiAmn,,.� 20,00 12,60 7.50 800 One Inch —,.,.--- 5.00 8.00 2.00 I W _ adorns the first page of reading matter handsome Jerusalem? Ie, Why were the oitizans qt hear, ( ) y a m and 3 and 8 m on Sunda a P Pr nd. every evening during the Week At 13 Advertisements without spaclike directions will be inserted till forbid - ` the l91Q Christmas number of "The FArmer's Advocate and Home (4 } How mach did God have t0 do (d on ao r@atly pleased and exultant over o'clock at the barracks. and charged accord Ingly. Trausiout advertisements must be paid for in advance. „ ,12agezine. Answering the question, with this visit of Joseph and llfary to Bethelem time? the birth of Jesus? (17) How far do thick heaven is POST OrrIOR—Office hours from 8a m to 6:30 p m. Open to boa holders from 'tans don DspABTusum is $looked. with an =�— what shall preserve the galaxy of nations at this paktioniar (7 ) Joseph and Mar went to Both- p p you from the earth and do you think that 7 a m, to 9 p m. P, Fisher, postmaster, ostensive assortment of all requisites for print• ing, affording facilities not eraalled In the Pram the decay and dissolution that !ahem at the command of Caesar An. , thoxe who ar© there know what is taking PUHLIa Llsse4X I+ibrary and free ��g re room lin the Town Haas aoan*yfor turain out first olasa work. Large tTpo attd a proprgato gats for allstylad of Poli. Hand >7' overtook powerful stater in the past, the writer, reading the plain warnings of g °stns. Joseph, the son of Jacob, was place hese? , will be open every" afternOan from 2 to era, 1 ifs, ata., and the latest styles t lnheioe fancy type for the Auer ciaeege of print hiFtory, oonofgdee, "World Canada dragged into Egypt tie A slave, bat the in (18 ) TO WHAT lsarBNT, As AN Aa- aoul'LlsHlin lrAar, 5:30 O'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:80 o'clock. )Mise Liz74e Attridge. H 1100 LOUSE, ORRMTLY L+NLAROL,D, Bawer and reproduce herself in national results each case were most tissued; His THE BIRra Oa CHRIST Re librarian. . Provrietornnd Fgbiiaher e r and Publisher greatness, this achievement will Now how oar you show that these, and demonstrate BROUGHT AAAUT PEACE AND GOOD WILL ON THE EARTH? (This TOWN OoUrlgrii—_wii2iam 8oimes, P i�>rNNBDY, M. U„ M.O.P. p, O. greased behlnd the ears. Last year three times before es nor not be b armies nor navies nor rail p , other similar oases, that question q Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ; ,T " • Member of the British Medical Associa• we dipped the pigs ways nor waterways, nor noolaimitiq God sees bad man, and calaarities, as arnat be answered is wilting by mem- J, W. Mogibbon, H. $,Elliott, William - $ton. Gold Medallist in Medicine, special attention paid to diseases of Woman weauinn b• multitudes, nor palaces nor pageantry, well ae good men and fortunate events, to help every devout man to his glorious ° here of the club) (19 ) Is it nlwaya safe for no to fol. Bone, Dr. Robert C. Redmond, Thomas GrOgory and D. E. McDonald, and Child - ren. Offig6 hours—1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p, m. At first we used only a small pall, later a banal cart. We never dip pigs but by Aden—the product of a vivified ohuroh regenerated school and Chris ' q destiny, ? low sapernetaral itnimation@, as these Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meets first Monde y 7� R. JAS. L WILSON, B,A. before they are ten days old. The first is always dere on a warm day. Pian liomea•--�M@a who know their daft@e (8.) What has the birth of Christ meant to the world? shepherds did? Give your reawma. p y (20.) Verses 16.20.—'when we start , evening in each month at 8 o'clock, PhysJclan, Surgeon, Aoaonoheur, special HIGH SOHOOL BOARD._ attention paidto dEaree Of women fife solution is undo mild, and the pigs the sol and maintain their rights. The vastness of her problems, the rigor of her on- (9.) What significance is there to the on a journey, or commence a work, on 'the W F. Van. Stone (chairman), Wm, Nicholson, John � d Tlir n. Ey6s thoroughly testas. Glasses properly are left in the vat only a short time, beithg held iu the hands. These pre- viroament and the complexity of her poor, and to the toilfug masses, that Jesus suggession of the votes of God in Wilson, C. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, John A. McLean, Frank Buchanan, fitted. (Dr. Usedonald's old stand.) cautions may seem unnecessary, but people stimulatehi the travail of self. was born in a stable, and cradled our scale, do we invariably find the re- y Holmes, snore Dudley tory. A. Cosens Wingham, Out. we like to do the work with care at eacrifioe and high endeavor, out of in a manses? salts as they were intimated, As these , treasurer, Board meets second .Monday first, The lice make their headquar- which a nation destined to live glorious- (10.) Verses 8 10—These shepherds shepherds did? I+ eventing in each month. PUBLIO DIS. AGNEWr ters around the neck and ears, so we Many fy has been born," received a great revelation while look- (21 ) jahilant j iy the o instant ea• SOROOL BOARD, --H. E. Isard rub these parts well by baud. Among the many other superlative ing after their sheep; when do good perienoe of rhos@ wha live near enough (chairman), G. C. Manners, Alex. Ross, Jao G%ibrafth, W D Pringle, Wm. Moore, Physician, Surgeon, ate, office-MaodonaldBlock, hog raisers insist that their pigs are lousy, The best to be articles in this handsome number we men get most of their revelation, or in. to God to hear his vafoo, and are faith. C.G.Van5tone, P. Campbell; Searetar over W,MoHibbon'e Drugstore, Night oallsanswered atthe office. never way sure that the pigs are not lousy is not to 1 „ note Draft-heree Opportunities, re- spirations; while they are praying for fal enough to al vays obey? Give your Treasurer John V. {Groves; Mees. ' look too closely. cording the g preliminary results of them or when faithfully engaged in their usual occupations? reasons. for Sunday. Jan, 1, 1911. The fags saccus Taeeday, ovening in oaoh mouth- R' SORT. C,REondon, M.R. 0. S, (Eng) � Want of n dipping tunic should freer personal ingnirp into the horse business (11 ) Why were these shepherd so ,Lesson Kingdom Divided. I Sings x11:1.24. SIGH SOHOOL THAORnas--J.G. Work- L. R. C. P. London. be allowed to excuse a farmer from in onr leading Canadian cities. This man, B.A., principal and mathematical PHYSICIAN and SURGRON. dipping the pigs. We know of a few article shows that prices for heavy draft. master: J. C. Smith, B, A., olassical dipping tanks that are not used often. @re have risen about $35 in the last de- The annual lumber out in the coast forests of Alaska is about 27,000,000SKUNK WANTED master; H. A. Pero Science Master; 3', Miss M J. $tied, B, A., teacher of Office, with Dr. Chisholm, The tank is a tine thing in case the hogs are always kept not far away, Bade, and are still trending upwards. board English and Moderns; Miss Anderson, but we have our all oyer the farm, "Beat from Birth to Block" is a sensible feet, mostly spruce, fifth teacher DR. MARGARET C. CALDER pigs in field, in We article by Prof. F. R. Marshall, an ex. Cl icago-5as established a new court, IN A YY U �iN�ATY PUBLIC Sa$aaL Tf taxissS.--Joseph Honor Gradraate of Toronto University now one then another.. find a barrel cart very convenient for Canadian Professor of Animal Industry which will be devoted solei to the hear- p AT BEST MARKET PRICES Stalker, Prinoi Miss Brook MiagRe + LtcentiaEe of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. use till weaning time; then we depend across the line. @n@one of the Dairy " Ing of domestic difficulties. Its main ynolds, Miss Farquharson, Mitis Wilson, flues Cummings, and Diss Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Noseand Throat. Eyes thoroughly upon spraying. Worlds' is An illustrated symposium, p , purpose will be to harmonize differences I pav beat in prices for Mink, Coon, Hawkins, Glasees properly fitted, tested, - fort the ecords setting the arising between husbands and wives. MI Weasel,Lynx.r, ate BOARD om HEALTH —• Win• Holmes OFrrict—With Dr. Kennedy. Oifice $ours—a to 5, 7 to 8 Breed to Type. fervour daiTY P In the world. An Italian engineer has invented a pay all charges,t a n° (ohafrman), Samuel Bennett, Wm.. p.m,. Promiscuous crossbreeding never The results of the second year's work in „ ciao re h a g P apparatus which can be c Immisefan, I hold fare separate on request, Feseant, Alex, Porter, John F. Groves, Secretary; Dr. J, P. Kennedy, PANSTONB, R leads to desirable results. It is only b to the The Farmers Advocate"demonetra- tion orchard are candidly discussed, connected with objects liable to be stole Write for niv safest price list, Medical Health Officer. ' BARMSTHR. SOLICITOR, y Persistent clinging Eb reeds terfsifes of any of the dairy breeds and we are that in to observefailure an oaoh s fashion that as hissooas a person lays hands on them his every • J YAFFE HTO Private and Com mortBsgleee to and by careful breeding to fix (hose mespleasad epite bt a general Bat fai3ure of the movement is photographed. y 72 CollVorne Vit. Toronto Ont. ••—.. • Greatest Nurseries rate of Interest. and form Property bought and sold. characteristics that the herd is mate- tinily built up, apple crop in Middlesex Co., our enter. , OffiOe' Beaver Block, Wingham prising fellow•jourualiste succeeded in making tip from their three -move orohard s��os � o 0000000� ++wr^►u•u••ouulL�i ouNu•u�u Canada's J A. MORTON, nearly till the hundred dollars annual * • • THE FARM DOCTOR rent their contract called for. "The • BARRISTBR, &o. A STARTLING STATZMEN1. +, • %W W � I IT'S Winaham, Ont, Indigestion of Horse. Tale of the Pion@ere fs vividly told in a - • C. • Want a raprelantativa for Wingham, ---- prize essay, based on personal experience Ont, and surrounding dlsrrict. Have animal clipped and Its teeth It has baea said by thos9 who have in. in she early days of settlement. "Con. • f f • H, L. DIcKmoorf attended to by a veterinarian. Then • Ladies and Gentlemen's Tailor Z. DIIDLitY $arart4s vastigated the matter carefully, that, tenement at the Plow" and "Peat Reek" 1N DICKINSON �}(� �I o y p�+ give l+otvter's solution of arsenic in althongh at the age of 45, (ally 80% of will tinkle the eoekles of a sootchman's 2 The reliability, healthy condition of DICKINSON & ilO1MES half ounce doses twice a day for a men are established in whatever pursuit heart, and please everyone else besides, our stook as well as trueness to name BA&RISTBRs, SOLICITOUS, Eto, week and then three times a day until mast be appreciated by the public or in good shape, when the medicine may they follow and are in reoafpt of incomes while Leman C. Smith's daringly flung• � MoNslf To i:.oax. g illative " •' The only stock I carry coatains the newest all -wool they would It -A hive helped as to in. be gradual! in oxo@aa at their expenditure, at the aye poem, Aviation &o Applied to • I crease our business yearly since 1837, the stopped y discontinued, but not Orrice: Meyer Block, Wtngham, pped suddenly. Of 60 it has been found that 95� are Agriculture," is ti classic in its way. 'fabrics embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from sato of our establishment. dependent upon their daily earning or The Home Magazine is the most reputable mills in the world. • Fistula of Milk Duct. p p y q , particularly • p • Oar firm's name lends'preatige to our Sometimes the teat of a cow level. upon their children for support. Many, good, comprising articles by each writ. • representatives. RTHUR d, IRWIN, D. DL AD. S.,. D. S. era as Mrs Tnct:ar• Wflcas • • bps a small opening above the nate no doubt, read the, despattih from De. Pater bio• • Complete line of Nareary Stock for Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania ural orifice, through which milk no Arthur and Mies L. M. Montgomery. • You will find ORit' Kingfisher Dental College and r4o•ntlats of the Ry's Croft which recently appeared in the y. • + Spring 1911. college of Dental Sur�ggeons of Ontario. pfl�ae when she is milked. This false duct Canadian ptp@re7 and which described The front cover ,fs worthy of A frame, • Cloths in Slack and Blues, Fancy• in Macdonald Block. Wlneliam, may be obliterated by cauterization Writs t0C fall particulars. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon the condition of a man who but a little the text illustrations are first-class, and Worsted Suitings, Tweed Snitings, from May 1st to cot. let.. when the cow is dry. Meanwhile paint more than forty years ago, was a "finan, the letterpress even beyond the high 6TONE aWELLINGTON it with flexible collodion twice daily 01st power in that nits, who had a standard that has come to be associated Melton, Beaver and Crombbies Over- • if milk 'flows from it. ` "palatial home" on one of the most with Canada's Ieading agricultural ` coatings give the best satisfaction. Fonthill Nurseries � J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. s., D. D. S, Eczema of Horse. (850)' meentiste of the Royal College o! Dental p fashionable thoroughfares, entertained mag&s{tae. • � TORONTO, CANADA. keep the arts saturated with a Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni• ,creamy mixture of sweet oil and flow- Iavisblp, and to whom every person, The price at this ascot&t Issue to non. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style re- ♦• VOrsib a of Toronto. loolr. ors of sulphur, t0 each pint Of which bigh and few, was prepared to pay subsoribers is 500, New subscribers will • p receive it tie a + Vailiri the da you are measured. You et error thin Office closed every Wednesday afternoon add half an ounce of coal tar di rind bom3ge. But the fates were against premium while the supply * g y y Q from May 1st to Oat let. P na lasts. •the ver latest and best where you Iet us 1,1ake Clothes FARMERS •S then shake Well before psing. Reduce him, ETe sa�ezad serious fi ianafalotra• • y the grain ration. DO not feed corn. ea. and when he began to go dowtir hili Address the William Weld Co., Lon. expressly for you. ; sad an • + Make the rataniion. work or take com he found it was Properly greased for the dollun- , Ont• • srtloleother wish to adig sae of should adv r Wingham General Hospital dant exercise every day. OOoasion. flit friends deserted" him like i • tisethe same for sale in tihe+Timis. our jar �qte • circulation tells and It will be strangeindeedi! (Under Governmentinspeotion) Horse Distemper. rate from a sinking ship, and now at 80 ondonotgetacustower•. Wecan'tgaarantse A rmiubermaWs Backsc ►e, � E. C. WHITE' - WIN�HAM, l'3NT = �hatl�cu will sell l,aoans. you may ask more For cllstemper of a horse give throw years of age, after his day's labor, he „ • for the artiol6 or stook than ti ie worth. Send or four times a clay a teaspoanfat of wends his way to the pity pith the bent, rhe pafnq in Ivy back were dreadfal • r r •' your advertisement to the Tnnsandtry this Ple+tsantty situated, Beantltntlq fur- 011 of tats an the tongue and in feeQ, find the kidneys failed to do their Work," LADIES AND' GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR plan of disposing or soar stoop and other niched. O g broken down, old men who have In. writes Mr, L J. McKinnon, Oeitlia, Oat. • articles pen to all regularly licensed twice �a day the following preseriptio#-. 8,ie+ttoa caouah tb have their names on "Dr, Ohaee's Kidney and Liver Pills s IN THE .TOftN WII.801r BLOCS Ahpgibians, RATES i�o8i I?eTrsNTg Vo lees solution of arsenic, eight tue city a pay roll proved to be exactly, what i needed, (Which Include hoard and nursing), $8.50 ounces; tincture lobelia four our •siesr`••�t•••♦•R41tA1iit►i��f�it r to $15.00 per week hOOOrdine to locatrlon ' �' The Moral is,°that on, Of your stun- brought I tasted promptly and oared me, �•�•• + Of room. For further information, and Water to,make one flint. Does, sauce sometbiIIyt should be lard aside Sorry I wasted time ezperimenting with ♦••• +•• •s�♦•N•si+►iN• ( ( address one Ounce to feed twice a day. other mediainetr. 1!s> L, MA'rT EMS, Cracked Hoofs of Cow. $nperintonlont, cage cons develop erdCltdoMEASUREMENTS. AOYER1SI1G "boa 323. WiRhanOnt. have the Ioose horn but away; thenWl$ Terribly pffildtbd 18 YOUR 7���E LAME OR Orders for the insertion of advertisements saturate cotton batting or palcnm With %oh as teachers wanted, business chances. RAILWAY TIME TAEI.ES, full strength cont tar disinfectant and With L4tfib �bCi4 Sixty drops Fgaaf one teaspoonful, aledhanios wanted, nrtiolos for agile, or in fact _ ._ •_,. • bind on feet with narrow bandage. 1<t any rias u! tip rs, in any of the Toronto es GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTifM, may be that the CauSe i8 prevalence pit Theeb teagpbonfnis equal one table* BLEMISHED? other nits papers, may be loft at the Toronto or 17f Could riox Sweep The #icor. spoonful, Ofte. This work will receive tomptattention Titeliv�rarrvii son ergotfrf ripe bluegrass pasture. lteep and will save people the trouble of remittins London ... ` e.a6 a to 8.8o her off It is hard to do house svorlr v7itte k Four tltbledpbonCnttr equal a quarter Tyab. xeaner's Bare Cnte id a positive care, toteend forwarding asrtis�amouta, LeNest Toronto'&B`sstll.tisa.m.. 0,46n.m t'm' grass Until feet ars 0(lod, p ""' ,15 v.m Fistula in Skoatder et Harts. weak an aching back. p ve c e, It is the latost and greatest 6r re will b nequotedt orfs of PPR3 0d tai the ginoardlae..11.5a a.irt... .ati ti•m..,, g.Ia p.m. b# a capful, Ov halt a slit, remedy Backache comes from sick kidneys, and p ever pat an ill@ market. No Matter effete pfluv bores is lame, Sakti ltiueardtne.;..,0 i�tix�' �� bx � Cases Of fistula It will �be nectar• prhat a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause. Eight rounded tablespoonfuls of dry Oars will maize hien sound, W11lightSt r 54 Cm— 5.40 p.m. gary to lay+ etch ptpe slid tocke't o TINES �I CR O>l;O>�!. Lonaon...... :...11.44 a,m.. _ 7.85 p.m. par But they C8n't help it. If Inorb work material egnitt one flnptal, Palmerston., .. ,.,.. 11.24a.m, to the bottom to secure w is put oA thbili that! they Bari stand it is Sure Crate ib 8 positive care for curb splint, bowed tendons, hog spavin, +�-- - •y x'orom.8 Bc Sast.,....,.1, 2,08 p.m..,, 9. 24 perfect �>`aia ndi to- be wondered that they get out of Sixteen tabledpoOnfal of liquid equal thOfOlilli, dapped hooks, wind galls, or any similar tron�lle. sure Cure will G Ld,wmr,Agent, Wingham, *9C Diseased tissues Should be cut Order. ode dapfal. ante deep•seAted lameness in hili, shoulder, baok Or stifle, Save Oats Will a *#ray. Who wonndh nh0iild be at►al►� Doan's Tiidney Pills area specificntori take the dorenem out of old stiffened Yip horsey, and will grow A new foot O Yr AMttt ANADIAN' pAoIrI(r RAI a ed with tineJufe, of iodine and aft$; !'um@, tvoak or solitus backs and far all One Cupful of tfgntd equals leo gills, kICPfS4ill:lYCb LWA]R. kidney troubles, or half a pint. quicker than any other remedy, ftiaos ltntva roft 'ward treated daily with antlaeptloa ub. T6"a*to and Hant, ...,,, 6.84 eau„�,'a,88 p,m, tt1 healbd, If us discharge fs plotusb it., wt fes: -rt Itake. r Si re i writ. One heaping tabtedpoonfnt of sngati Sure flare +will cave Mange br Eczema on any animal with ono A T6eetvater ..,w:.,,,,,, 1420 ii m ..,10,17 pita, , the ri Out., tvttating I bee tI ha rb in lent» t xnntvs lraoet a veterinarian may Well employ piioatinn. � ri y pbl�- egadl4 one flnnos, T6esaat$bu , �..,,•,—fl,956'M' .., a.z p.m. 'talent bsetectns hyppclermitticelly+. ingyoagbtating the benefit I burrs rtk elves ant keg fioronto 61,d Ratit w,�l.os ys m� ;•Ib.06 p.Yn. - by Asia Doan'a •X�idne Dills. About a t g tabledpbgtiful of butter Sate Onto will care doratched in one application, d, $, B$$lif6ii, +iLOO o-ta..10.00 F"41i1uPs 6i Cows t0 atfeaBreed, ear ago I wins terribly Afihata,i with lamb oquals t:wo onnoes, Remember Stlze Cynre has never failed to do what we reoflmmend it to stn, "'° � NO epeei6c bas been di r g scove ed s mY o vfi Roar 1 #1 4dvi Dae dap of batter or dnaar, coasts one. All leading' horseman ate using it, i'Rp fioiwRKr Wh(ch Will bring cows in b6hL 1VIlx tryoars Kidney Pilts, which I did, sad ha f pound, t:diWhiRtrihg �� *010164 bobletiulo5 hos such $in ettect Plftbe, $2 5Q per can. Por cafe at 1�ibtb00N6natnsaelatehritedbterigtionmgt if giCefl in dr1nl dose three the greatest benb�t, i bait' nabs T�rva oapB Of fiAtil lseltlat one•hblf qu a><i� ucerwaln oCir opintbn see rr ether «n � P A Y a ftvlEe salify three iw:ted and I and itt well as trot I $bund, �{/�,���,ry�[y �■i yu�`/�' i lhvent bu Is Vrobibirp nll� e� ftmunloa ►4lbtitfteg a torclbie fierriee bus bPeti hiq±ity retdmtriind tbleee pills to an i We 4T&ar�7.,s,191.i1♦, b t161Urtrlotaroona4entiW gry gpbl ourateare, +,ii y Vblionehtil►i109 to0poonfni of baa, Muttre6. •lQest enoytoreecurinlr atenw. •� ��•�i �r �otl0rdtd by tt citiCi )eNiuti r5t hrnl. ell, @ser front Itiine basis said kidn rstear• "ken Nene b ]liana spa.raarlyd ALl Y itt i� j Syicle YIn)ent inc:isuit+slab affeu rtif trouble,” ing pdnfulof tali' batt of fd half I)Rtr(4 STO.R . iveeraiOWW6withont itge,lar�Y. Deuen'd Kidne Pitts afro d0 eontd�cr teaspoonful of dream tartat and hhlf $i eft ;119 Xing Etredt, Ohictham `Glut. I� `jt� It 16 bettci' to ;ttrt tbc, c ntvit t',il'iti;t' y tsar ofl#fs7X of dolt 10 two cupfuls of r 5. bait or, 3for $1.25 at alldelildroorthated liljW16hs, tis contagloun itfuntioii ill ' flower; one' terei teaspoonful Fitt po sodic Special Attention airen to snail orders', � A���e�ayy scuff �I o nysi � 'a't °tai 'xbcfion mt1 y , ttirOct o a recei>yt of price t�y,'The'I. Mil- 6 tho caps of stags ntiilk: otle•t1Nt! 'tba- , �'waaa,�Q it.ar tare.►s, pirp ia, � yr s' be Bross nt. A ital,on (a ,burn Oo., Limited Toronto, Out . «u s3" 6 tgl:ea,arnt stater ruuiittr)iar Ir:ilf s, t 1tVlfeixottleringr lfeetsp yr"3 nit11"e," Monittal of itttt ttTO otlyis of m fry. Ernie Crummer sed Barry Graham, f��a� �►GeNt fOr Canada �yJ I�, ���r��Vlr � ME ofititf Of purb phoilllh,tte q Node sh w .1•��els aoilioa4l : S' be i,a*t0d five Or' tl raoP tflllt•a it t 4)ep_ 0 F-3 -9.