HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-22, Page 10
DECEMBER 22 19.1(1,
--- - Our Nei! story, 1
Read Willis & Co,'s adv, on. page. S -
_ XMAS I9�0' - _ The Tla zs this wee starts anew story
S% WiiIDATH Debentu as $old. entitled "The Round J'p; ' a romance Of Nest Monday, D ember 26th, will be The statutory cling; of the Town.
HOLLY. MISTLRTOE, o WAIF TH Arizona, na, novelized f= gym, Edma.d. Day'd nomination day th nghout Ontario and Council was held 1 t Thursday evening
CHRISTMAS iNC} AND OUT la'LOWBiRB, '.Che. $6,000 water vprka debeutuies Of x P � • '
Sar eOx YOVR AV0 been sold melodrama by John adurray and Mills from present indica ons there will be. with pli the memb a present and M4►yor +'S
POT PLAI>1Tb, PRIMROSES, CYCLA- the Town of Winglmm h.
MEN nERNs, etc• ea `idea CO,at $6,887• Miller, The story is good one and gives 'some warm contest. in Wingham and Holmes presiding. Minutes of previous `
GIFTS ' to the Ontario S the Tonder agoP.d ids of life in the We surrounding count for the various meeting were read nd approved.
T. C.. GRAHAM & SON The debentures dr 4ys pet• Pent, in '*.
tern States. dead t opening chapters municipal Ofi3Ped. a tar as we have A PoanNormon n wan rand from `
PHONE°101, RHAVOIS ST, terest and this is oo aidered a good dale,
in this issue, been able to lepra t re is little. change Ohio
YanNorman f the Fire Brigade.
out stock There were ten to era and the offers in Wingham. It 10 g like A contest be- saying that the Be er Contractors had ` t "a�Zle
Came 1n and.. inspect i
ranged from the $5 67 down to .$6,106, �
u> ehasln .• �V a have (ilee!'8 Shoeg and $Abere For diamond, wedding and engage• tween councillor Re mond and es•oonn damaged some oft fire hose.
before p Wear _
Mont rings go.to Kr;ox's. cillos Spotton far th mayor's ohair And Oil motion of Co e, F+lliott and lions,
Toilet Cases between tion for t•H ogibboeand Mo- the Chief of the 're Brigade wan re
Go to KNox's for your Xmas and New
Manicure Sets Election Cards Year Post Cards.
Good Ghristm s Present. Donald Yor the Re eehip. Councillors quested to make teat of the !rose to
Bone and Elliott ar + seeking re.elaction question and report o the f damage. what
Mirrors _ �. Permit no to augge that a very
BP- "
Wroxater's New Paper, propriate 04AAmae it to the absent and the only new n .me we hear meat• he oonstdea the am nt a damage. A
Lowney'8 Bolt>4 BOI18 To TH$ FiLEo7CQRS og Ta TOWN of toned for the Connrtl is that of Mr, S The Finance Som ittee recommend-
9PINOH .Owe A new paper to be known as the member of the famil would be p sub, Mitchell, For oomLnisioner we have not ed the ,payment c the following ac•
Pipes Basing decided to' o r myself as a uNewa+' has been tarted in Wroxeter soription to the Tima for 1911. For the heard of any opp H tion to Mr. VanNor• counts:—
Military Brushes On ' III to for th M orality of WlihBe by Tom Nash, fo many years editor small num of ry a yo will live vividly man, For Public chool Trustees, the Y• R• salary
.... .... G months'
ham, and not be able tO meet al salary .. , ... • . • ......` .. , $ 26 00
Leather Goods retiring members a Mesers Isard, Man,
voters personal! , I take this opportnn- and proprietor of 'he Gerrie Yidette in thele meWory at 1 et b2 limos and s Priv le and am bell,. all of whom.
I of asking for your Support- I have Mr. Noah deserted he journalistic field receive many a tba yon for your nex ' g p Pertcontract act Co on sewer 458 88
d man other articles that y m bneinoga that it elected to become an Agri iturist and is now practical. Santa Clan notice, You are are eligible for re•'=lection with the es Firemen's salaries ,. 66'OU CHRISTMAS
An y so arranged y ,
would make beautiful and Useful I shall be able to devote all my time, if returning to hie fir t love. The News not always very Teen! r with your cot caption of Mr, MA Lnera who had loft Geo, Carr, snit for 0 ief. ,. , ... 2000
'fi Our rices axe right. necessary, to the business affairs of the ' D Coughlin, inspeetli soalee. , 6.86
gl p
town. starts with a good s pply of advertising respondence but we R 'raotee to prove town,
' w oars and. our -old friend Mr, Nash has our "Johnnyon,the.apot" it you intrust noF. Gutteridge, ttleaoctunt 59,86 When packing the Christmas
Sincerely y p In Turnberry, the contest for the A. Nichol, repairs.... , Iii 2G rJtOCl�il7 S, dOri�t Qr et F00
GEO. SPOTTQN. beet wishes for one es. with the pleasant pct ilege'OY el ing Resveship will beoetween Reeve Powell h;, Dennis, draying ........... `
yca out. What do y say•. supplies 3rant.... 3690Wear,
WaltonMcKibbon���. _ andoonnoiuorgel Y. Connoiuora'wheaL• Town
...,. .,.
Turnberry Reeveship. _., er and Mulvey wt t seek re-election, but Wm Nicholson, inepe pt's fees 27.12 Ther&S nothing mQre sell -
W• G. Pottoreon's is the place to buy TO RENT. -:4 g house opposite Electric Light Oom., a pplies... 365
THE DRUGGIST your Diamond Rings this yopr, the Weatezn Foundry, Apply to A: we have not li Ord what oonnciltor 22.60 Bible, useful or acceptable fS?r
TO TBE ELECTORS OP •TOWNSHIP OF KELLY. " Rutherford intense doing, Mr. Murray Geo. Allen, salary.:.. • • • a Man's, wornan'S, Boys',
27W / TURNBERRY'-- Wilson is mentfo ed as a new candidate J, F. Groves, salary & oetage,. 67.60
S. O. Officers. E. Lewis, ealnrp. 20.00 Girl's or Child's Christmas
Ladies and G men,—Ihave served for the Coanoil. R. Rankin, salary 7.60 •`
douald Block, Wingham, you during th past eight years as _ At the regular ieeting of Camp Cale Bylaw for Bridges. In Morris there romises to be a con• Tobn F. Groves, supplf 1.60 than Footwear.
. ponnoillar and at the approaching: also donia, Sons of Soy tlandonMonday even- The East.' Wawan.sh Townphip Conn• teat. for the Reevc hip and those went- Banter Bridge & Bat r Co , 29 03 '
tions I request your votes and influence, last the follo—ii officers were elect- •oil is submitting A by law to the ratepay toned as likely on !dates are councillors sewer boxes .. • • • • . 50 Comfortable shoes and Slip -
for the position of Reeve and if elected Ing, L W, Hanson, meals to tramp. ers for the Mair-: and Wo-
ill give all on Of coming before the - ed for next year:—Chief, Robt, Carrie; -era top,rmitthe oonAructionof twoi8 h McCracken, Short eed and Wilkinson, Annie McLeod, scrubbi hall..
11.00 1�
w g bridges one on t'he r.aad between the men's Shoes alid slippers for
Mason F officers. 'Councilearefnlandhonestconsideration. Chieftain, T VF• oKibbon; Chaplain, ex•couuoillor Cam bell and ex Reeves Commission, rant of h drams
Wishing you the compliments of the Alex;Campbell; R o•Seoy.,Geo, Spotton, and 9tb eonces6ions, nd one between the Taylor and Isbiete . For councillors: we and voter, ...... ••• • • • ••' 166180 Go' all pt-irposeS.
At the meeting A Lebanon Chapter; season. Ffn•Secy., H, B. lliott; Tress„ Win- 10th and eleve6th co 'oeasione, Itis ex. hear the names of onnoillor 'Johnston, Commission, street lig
Og., •.
No. 8, G. R. C. �n Tuesday evening, YOUTH faithfully, peoted that the coot will be $18, Thos., Miller, On motion of Couns McKibbon and School Shoes, Storm Shoes
ALEX KULhY• Elolmes; Marshal, as. Fowler; Standard • Wm Elston, M. elly, Elliott, the report P4 th� Finance Com
the, following 0*0 rg ware elected:-- Barrer, Job.. A, McDonald; Senior and the ratepayersar asked to Kiva their John Clegg, C. K. ayloT, W. J.a3ender and Rubber S�OOtS for the
Es. Comp. Gem Carr. I• P. Z, ; Es (}Hard, W. J He ereon; Junior Guard, consent to this by In in order that the son and Thos. For as. mitres was adopted as read:
7.. Ex. Comp. Y Band Wil Serenade Cann. Redmond, as mtrman of the Boy Shoes and Slippers for
comp, J. E Mcfw ire, , W m, Bone ; Piper , D. E. McDonald and paymeptsini►ybe ep ad over a period of In East Wawan sh there is no talk o4 +.
W. A. CJampbel H ; Ex. Comp. E, A. The Wingham Ci 'zaps' Band well ser twenty years' And in this way save Sewage Committee ga a the fluel re• the Young Miss; Shoes and
Ex, Qomp. J. E. Tam Geo, Rose; Audit s, Alox. Rosa anc� D a content for the eveship .and\ Reeve ort for the year and om which the Slippers for the Children;
Campbell, J; lit E enade the citizsne 4 Wingham next W Campbell; rustees, Alex, Roes, themselvestb6 taxi one year. The brid•
gee ore needed an he ratepayers vote Gillespie will probxbty be returned . by following articulare ar taken is to the Dainty little Footwear for the
iyn, Trea9.; Va Ex. Cimp. H. E. W Monday and while i Will be impossible m. Nicholson d D. E. McDonald. acclamation. All the old councillors g P
Tamlyn, S. E.: Comp. Gxrner Niohol• to visit every home the band will be w wisely in eupportin the by-law. cost of sewage work in ingham during Baby, etc., etc. 1"
µ-�. ^ ___�• will seek re election and there is talk of the Peet your:
son, S. N.; Cc R R. Armstrong, P pleased to receive n donations sent to a number o4 new •aindidates and there to 129100
S, ; Comp. J. W • McSibbon, S. S ; the Secretary, Mr, Constable, Wiug Largest stook of washes and jewa ity likely to be a comet. Tender for septic tank, • . • $ 4774 15
Comp, Jas R, Cutt, J. S. ham has a band th nuT town sboo.'.ri 1,F over shown in Wingham at KNox's. Yeo, can 'es, ideb bade, mattresses, pas, Trnug sewer to Park., J.
� ���
P of and our o' izensflhoull heal oily bedroom suites, sideboards,.couohee, par- In Weet Waw cosh we understand Man hole covers, E tgineer's
Ior sullen, easy 'chairs, tables, etc., at that Reeve Medd is retiring and that fees ri ht•of-way' etc.... 2036.71 3' •,
support the organ }tion. The Event f the .Season, out, prices at S. GRAoz'<Y's. ' g -
'be concert 40 this season will be conncilioc Thome on and ea•Reeve Bail- 8104 86 THE SlIOEIL w
The rt \to be bald s lie will be in the Id
for. the Reeveehip
Sts from l 00 to the anneal Scott, h Donee , Vioiated i cert 30 l,iwtt Coutraotorg' prices for brauolx yaw&re'
Grocery'Toilet nod manicure a $ n F idB evetttpg,. ' were ag follows:$15 00 at7�Nos's in the' opera heir e, o i y Acting` ah Yv'�trni ions from John A. lug and tlta fight r the Reeveship willChristi
John at., Josephine 'Carling, $ 1678 A0
�= _-• -- ^ -- January 0th, -T a following high class Ayherat, of. Toron , Chief License In- 369 00
59 be between Con .oillors Falconer and Carling to Hospital
Woman's I stitute Meeting, artists will fnxn h the program:—Mise speotor, Provinois Conat•ablo Phippon High Sebibol. 91.62 UULL
Jessie MaoLmohl n, the world's renown visited Fordwich la t week and on his re•
The regular m thly meeting of the Io Kinloss ever •thing ie quiet and it• patriok east to Fra..oie. ; .1067 00 _
ed Scottigh Pr a donna; Cralghall turn laid charges n millet Wm. Jacklin is said there will )a no eleotion, west to Leopold 977.60
Wingham bravo of the Woman s In. Sherry, refined Scottish entertainer; of that village, one or keeping liquor in Nomination do may bring some our. Maple, Josephine ti Shnter 706.06
A MERRY stitute will be hel on `Thursday, Dec 29 Harry Bennett, _inging comedian Centre, Maple to nEatr Patriclr 248.OG
at 2.30'p. m in t a Chieholm ha11, lA An nnliceneed mut icipality and three prises and pontes may tnko a mnohdif- Shnter, Patrtok to fohn b81'29 "N"""EST
character entertp,ner; D. E. McDonald, for gelling ligU r. li2r, J•acklin Yexent form the we kava ontlfeed. Josephine, Alfred t L G• T. R , • 480 29 ou
report of the race t Woman' Institute 07
Highland Piper and Miea Verna Mo• visited Wingham o Monday and before - � 616307
CHRISTMAS whiou was held i Toronto will be given Donald, assisted by her pupil, Master polos Magistrate orton pleaded guilty —
at this meeting by re, Swanson of God. George Fryfogle in Highland dancing; to one charge of BeIng and the charge o; SKATING SIIOEs'—To enjoy skating Town supplied siph�ne, fees cyto. 660 58 '
erioh, District Pre dent, All ladies in• one muss have the correct boot, We
R. Buchanan, �inist and conductor, keeping liquor. O the former charge he have them in Ladies', Gent's, .Misses' Coat of branch 3swera.....$ 683365
i tereated in Institut work are cordially Admission 26 cel s with reserved seats The contractors have received the There has been some changes
Al�� invited to attend a dbring a friend. was fined $100 an on the latter $20 and Hud Boca . Skates put on free on those
at 60 cents, Pl of hall will open at costs o! $14.59. a other two charges we sell, W. J. GIZEER following am�nnts r their work: in the standing on our doll con
Rs A. BONE, Secy. 111 $f294 00 test since last issue. The child.
J. W. MoKibbo s drugstore at 2 o'olook. weredropped. Septic tank ... 1294 00
Another round of the great clock of p, m„ on Frida December SOtL, -- Death of For er Resident. Trunk sewer .. .. 6188 07 ren are working in earnest and it
time and with it the festive season Hi heat price paid for dressed poultry Branch sewers 49 15 looks like a close finish. Dere is
of the year, the season that brings to g Toys, dolls and games .of all kinds at Word was receive here, on Tuesday Extras .. the standing up to Tuesday noon. 4
remembrance days of long age. Once at T. Fells' butcher shop. Our Christmas stook can't be beat Knox's. afternoon, of the de hof Wm. E. Mo $1230087 +
more thro' the ages comes the echo this year in the city Or. Out of it, We Candlish, of Neleo B. C. The de,
of that glad song, strengthened by Vote for he Bylaw, have the goods. W. G, Patterson, jewel• The total cost of the sewers has been ;
the vi of responsive hearts, ler. Death of Pion or Merchant. ceased gentleman b d been anffering as follows: May Reading 554
and.re•echoed by the lips of joy, and If the'ratepayere f Wingham wish to _ There passed aw y at his home in for come time from ralysie, Mr. lick- 12300.37 Edna Campbell 428►
as it swells into the great chores -have the $2,600 wb h to needed to Dom- Parch Contract Co: • : ; ; : :: $ 2688,14
on earth good will to men, A Choi a Heifer. Blnevale, on Wedne day evening Of last Candlish formerly re ided in Winghgss Furnished by Tow
lete the payments n the main sewer and district and was builder and con.
Louise Johnston 323
let us join the ;mnititnde and ease P Eileen Dore 321
never, ending refrain. and sewage diepcsa works spread over Mr. 1+'red. Herdt of Cnlrose, last do. in oe eon Ya 179.1! item Meeeer sin Lia trnctor and had char a of. the work o' Total coat..... $.4985' 61
along the p The Committee r commended that 00
Again we would say A MERRY - a period of twenty years, it will be urday delivered to , T• Field building the power h ase for the Wing Miriam Smith 122
XMASALL. per cent, be retain d from contractors
necessary that the law, to be voted bntoher..&, what wa considered to be the 73rd year, Deoeaer had been in feeble !tam waterworks, left here a num- oor thirty days an that $200 00 be re• Lindy McLeod 53
oil at the time Of tie municipal also. best beef heifer ev: r delivered in Wing health for some m ths, Yollawing a bar o4 Seara ago for t a `fPeet, He was rained until the 30t of Jnne next as a 5 ,
tions, is parried, I4 the bylaw is de• ham. The heifer awe a Shorthorn grade stroke of paralysis, b, t had been around y 4S `
LOADS OF CHRISTMAS married to Mise Mag ie Taylor, dough, guarantee that Toa a and sidewalks be May Orr
tented, next year's tae rete will be two years old, and ipped the soalee at on the day of his de th orad had rear• ter of the late Jahn aylor, o: Zetland, put in good oonditi n• The Committee ,lith Anderson l t
CANDIES rained considerably. It will be in the 1800 lbs. The bec was of the very ed for the night only short time prior who, with B family f sone And dough- also reported that the savors had all
otos f ever Tai -payer to see this choicest. Mr. FieMs says that this was to big death. Mr. Mesar was a native phased the ball tFet to the t hefietion of Eva Patterson 45
Neverhave we bad such a eh interest o y ters is left to mour the lose o4 husband. Inspector Nichola In the final net• Dorothy Lloyd 39
varier of candies as we have this bylaw oatrI d and advice is "Vote the best animal th the ever bought Bud of Berrickshire, Soo land, and when and father. The b reaved will have the tling with the ontraoters only one
year. We have Anticipated the wants for the Bp -Law". could have `easily won the sweepstakes only a ]ad came with. ie parents to this inoere sympathy of many friends in account of some $.9.00 for blacksmith. Alba Johnston 25
of those with t•he Hweet . tooth and at the Guelph Wil ter Fair, The price country, settling on be Messer home this section. Ing was in dispute. Meda Clove 25
our large Bud varied display will paid was $91,00. -Ir, Hardie also 'de• stead in Morris tow ship, two end a On motion t C,�na. Elliott and Mone, Alba. Galbraith 24
simply make the month water. t the report of thele Cor Committer was
ME INJIDE AND SEE THEM. We are ready for an immense business livered A two-year Id steer that weighed half miles east of Mlu vale, When gnl.e Booepted and the Committee arrange Helen Mulvey 20
in Christmas Footwear. Come, see our 12201ba and he ba three one- year a young man he a Bred the general Give the boys and (ride our excellent
W. J. GREER. Shone for Christmas. Notbin.a more sen• with the oonthing for the payment Of
Walnuts Almond Nuts, that he is now stn ing to Ret ready for store at Blnevale a clerk, this being Bible. W, J. GREFuR the blaoeve Ir I to oconnt. Jane Wallace 2U _
Pea Nuts, ' the Christmas trm Of 1911, It pays to some forty-five .years go. Nearly Chir. __ Reevc Irwin rep teed that the a Tren
- Nigger Toes, layer Raisins, true committee hm Pongldered the Tran• GIRLS—There are a thousand '
tines' Ifi s etc. A Turnl e' y Wedding. raise and feed goo animals, tyf3ve years ago he rchased the bust• FOWL WANTED.—I will snip live fowl 6iont Traders' by w, and recommend• votes that are lying around I>
Ea e g + nese and bag since oo duoted it, making ed that no change be made in the bp•
A very pretty yy ding was eoleinnfz• on Tuesday and will be of each week. eo la's arses or on the shelves
Wednesday Dec.21st, at the U bolstering, repairing and picture a large circle of frim e. To know Will The highest price will be paid for cowl law and the Conn it took no action in p p P
' of Oranges That ea on Wean y p the matter. at home, they are not put in be
We've • r a d Mrs, John Abrar framing done promptly and well, S. liam Messer was t respect him, 8e deliveredini ehsmingt Poultryy e- $y,law No. 626 to regulate interior cause they d0 not know who to ' l
residence of, M .
You'll Like. Turnberry, , 'hen their youngest GRACEy, furniture dealer and practical was he,
and hono able In all his dent- to gee i Awde's floor and feed store. plumbing and toP•ovide for the appoint- vote for. Will you be the first
ham, undertaker. A H. WILFORD,
been fort in seoar- daughter, Minnie 1lizabeth, was United �� � Ings and he will be y_ early missed in the meet of an I eadin,►19 of Plumbing was t
We have_ _ p Ordn er all community where is so long resided. - Riven throe readin,Se and on motion of to look out for these and also far
Ing an extra
fine lot o is all that can in marriage to fir. Edgar Biggins, Beat His ;on to Death. For a number of years he had been Post. CoUns. McDonald and Redmond, was their support, I)o you see your
navels, and 'their flavor youngest don ot, r. and Mie. Joseph The W ter Term, passed as real]. chance to win the Dalt?
be desired, Nobody wants a poor Onl a`t of the near tela- George VanetOn :, a resident of Qodo• master and was for a lung time Trsag• Tho attendance t the Wingham Bnei• Wm• Peasant +appeared before the
orahge At any time, far leas at Xmas. Higgins �" -rues were rich cruelly beat his young son, six liver and SAleama i for the Bluevale nese College fa th largest since its ' pound! asking for a rebate et dog tax
tr tin It s re orted to r
t1iCT YOUR ottANGS SUPPLIES AT ti0n8 Of the con 0 e, p ' for Mrs. E Mrook, wa p
r event, Rev, C, , Mogenele of3Eioiat• yearn old to death _Thnrsdtiy night, o! phases and Butte C1o. In religion lie 08ado application lion ion a be and,
y t the the Council that ` a, Brock had owned
r pBItISTIE s. Pr CHI IS'i M S
ed, and Mias Emm MAOKan cousin of asst Week about 'te:� o'clock, The little was a member f the PreebyteTian m Pp the dog and no no on was taken in rho
h d:. net start, a to go to school, and Church and in pAtios was n Staunch re opening, Jan.,,, rd, ny eking to
't forget to lay In a soppy of ' the groom, played a wedding match. boy a j - attend at that d to a e nested to molter,
Don g re of boll ,was making figure on a slate, when his Liberal and Until a few years ago one make early app! alio Students are On motion of cue• Redmond and GIFTS
Uhl�istie'g (sWn blended Tea o1 The hones deooratt ns we y to ive Work •rtl in every campaign. in attendance fro Be
counties and Reeve Irwin, Chi Allen was appointed Gl 1 ►✓
id n h sk d h m t make from one of the act f the balance
Coffee for Xmas dile, pink and White car tions and ma a tat ex A e i first Trite died Upward of its management t the largest trainer O cf PAtt ing or •
bride who Was givetl twenty. He said could not do it, and Mr. Hearer's p g Y IndttPetor
hair tern, The of 1910 at a solar c4 $ii.
students in Cana a. Mr. Spotton wieii� Vise have a full lino OP !rues
- ndod and i `thee said he d done It before. thirty years ago a ,d a few years lacer as lie to state the the only collages in On motion of C line, Elliott tithe Me a Manicure Sots j
away by her, rather, was Unatte h i'a e r three r located in he limo or returning the pal Gifts, Toilet SSL,, a
Rrii r allyls In Teat Of light : oft ti , into a fit o rage et What lie he married "again aid Mrs. Mee e , , . e 1'6th of l�boney Goods, Hu31er;s Classy
g was attired in a da ntq gowng ,. Ct i ants
• it er i eyed disobedi bo� thetather grab- daughters and t b sone survive him. Wingham, Clint n, Walkerton, btabge• lleeotot it'»oll was tended to th Chocolates, also Bruce & H
Seta, grey glory silk, tri pined With a ov c;on5 d r re: J, d. Messer, Iiamil• vllle, Welland, etorbotongh, London Sanuary next.
u en carried a shoves bed the brootntltla?, . tind unmeroifutly The children a n Detroit, H knows of some cases - Moved by Con , Redmond, seconded Webb's Chocolates, Statjohory,
have Put China Tea Sets With- lace and applique d body Kenzie esser, :London; Mrs, and t attend e n Elliott, hat the members of
We P boot, to s' 'and maiden hair tern, beat Hie child over he head ail b y ton, Mo where students referred c by Conn, .
each of all and to faoiltate bu of carnet n Mich., and Misses . Perfumes, >,iilitary Sts, riSirxors,
» in x ,. a deeds The bed tit the ITS Markley, Clim z, M 0 ,
.. When everything is, int I oheon the .young unto he Was y Spotton Basilian College but were lured this Coanoil de ro to oxpxesr (holt
nbsr et a tleason Atter a da y _.
4 . ..home. The bereaved elsawhare by Pe esenting him as having thanks to Mayor_, lass for his. impar. Sht;ving Sets, Optical Goods, Ste.,
Ala We have marked them Away couple left by Eke ftornoon train for child id me black Alas irk`, and the ,krill Eliza And C7ota, a o Ste., at close prices.
o p featly Will have he sin coke eyrnpsthy interest in same tial decisions, the +eeransconsidetation
down' r t Exeter, XLondon sit uta for Class City, crushed, It to mai lie had been beaten
loft 40 piece Tea Set $x.60 per se tot all our wookne es and hie oburteoas
,t ++ +' 9 7G t h, the bride tr oiling in drab mole constantly from 8' 'aldols (til ilS' before of is large oirale.o friends, manner to eaotr of as daring the year
4r5 tr $ �» M o [line drat noted nib dt eonld gat titlelety The funeral tb a ElttevAls cemetery r �y
r 40 ' 09-66 broadcloth With at to match, the r 1; atnttura Speolale tot Xmas and New 1910. Tht4 motion belug put by Reeve
i $118 [i
+' 40 " " " it reside in Tura• isnoe» on Satntidas+ even g Waalargely attend Year Gifts -We have a very oioe line bf, Irwin carried
do (► brief reply and .
A 166.00 return they w i F 1 tK 111 u l
4, 42 _ . ill be . y _
l „ „ „ their here the w �� gd,. Service vias ld at the house oft rocking oliAtre, easy chairs, secretary Mayo
berry, (01eufarco w y hitl 19th year v
+r•: _ - - .: vin a ducted by the do- desks, Parlor and music Oabtnets, eta, ..said he, was finish g .
to choir leiado atter Veb. lot, rjgrf, mfoms-�wd h tvo some Prlday eve t4, cn't fail to bail ntid see them end to the Council and h had h3 hmm�ainb+ is PHKRUACECTIOAL CHEMIST
��Cr Ise) ging At home
then : re oiaa• tot 1'1i:tld. girls in bed : osasews pastor, , , W, d'. wait. The -
- gg iiaemember ave ate giving special oris ored to do what w e fair to Orilnrd Ti eftNG1,7 M
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ttaa+ Wm can t un�rmerute but when YOU bay t► CihriotfeAe gift a bo for at7d the' oete>5uony bf the C►rder wetl X111 the'Nery Years at S. (.iBAtlitY`s tarn• Thitloonbluded e fl ..:�• _ ..:.. ,,�;,,,,�„e„�,.
fiat drop trl and gee for your0t: Patt9rl0Yi'W je*611ery, iitolae, you bola !tails .,5ee thb#t1'iti S. {lidbCXtY S furniture a d Andgivt At the grd'Pd. ittlfb store, pretl00outiol,L
Svlaay Pmak rubor, this b6WOet hud `I ass t4tntibn'i,