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The Wingham Times, 1910-12-15, Page 8
ed • TWO, , WANUAM T11148, DRGENDER 14, MINOR LOOA _ ` EAS, � Tl1a Qeath serteccr s pissed all #te?tA , i D, leu and ,Tatnes M, Malty aG Barrie tarTown �� W109ham, _ ._ ... . tbs mntcier of thsitigfaratfla4laden Own- RIND'S POR. BARGAIN$ � WANT 3iQTJR x�,ADE: `-Ray you>tetAtiautlrA At the Tz�ls ' oi�lie. ,.. ; ." imprisaninenG .,.,,•.,..-,-., WF � . � _.._._, w .. - ..... � �.��MA Intbfs..tttilfe....* ,..,..._.. .._, BY -LOW N014 �.�A 1910+1 --•�,ixc#r 4]srra tonutni>a pltne !�]r sola at tlia `.l IMES office.A-Oft o +-..- �� W FROM Mt�N�►A�` --Girder your poivspalaara snd oaa�az � MASTJD � A By Ir�w to autlao]rtze the issue of Do- „ i{neat sxt the Trellis oflioert. y 3 E� bent>rres of the Tov u of "Winshaia . . _..�v Footwear, � . --All ltngiclpt►l Cjouoails will hold Y. all odds Ville most $ent$ible, 'ui3etiAnd •.:. .•"�'","�"Q%,�R, ( to tile. atnattnt of �,,. b09, for the. N� :. t , their lest meeting tsar 1910 to -day. purpose of completing the oonstruQ. 4pp'ropriate of all gifts, -'04Yboat �at~vetopee,printad of plain.zars - tion of a, TrunkTrunkSewer and Sewage .. .. . .. „ . __. .�.._ by package or Ue$ at the Tashes. � i?iaposal WOrka in the said Taveu of : K� ]For the Young Lady a pafiR of PAteny Leather Pe1mpa ^--Raron Qounty poultry sbow will bn , *N (aW. 4Yingham. ' held t►t Clinton on Deo::inber 20, 21 and Wbot•ers a Bylaw No. 595 of the Town of Just '°-Read Advt, in another oolumn giving � Winglinm *or the issue of Debentures You the For e NeIliwer aNB,tirofor the ispetrttWor sof " 7xuniz Tile reatest'of all. `holiday seasons is' drawing heat' and Egli Particulars of the Tzat>as kitchen sea � , / k3etivor and i;ewirgo Disposal works was duly . g c; elletnittxu- C'" -'-i // ud#illsllph�attissedab CherMt4lcipa2i Council we are preparing to meet the, eXpectat o $ Of all, Like �iq/�/� ' g = of the Paid Town on the Tenth day of Junu- �Pl�.LI! --Da your EhOppui; early area avoSd ' . � arylast passed, . Etta young to old, Our large stock.at, Holiday ; the rush of the last Yew dope prior to IT MAX' BB NEWS TSS YOU Anci sufficient ole rum of will net be et Goods Will afford excellent o oftunifies pf t7lzristanas, and flew g composts the said TrnnJc um or pp This and , which Disposal works by the sum of Per ,pair , �o read how aattaiiad ant ta; stack $200, which toot is mororlearty ar d minutely doing your Christmas Shopping AT bltalttB. -^7 kers ie naw a, good sheet of Joe on Ueoomes When our fried ie what thFq wtforth to :;ehcdu•e A annexed to this 13, Obliging clerks are at your service:it the willgham-rink and cuttingAnd spat eat. No ehittny asitia or harass or law., - a And whereas it will be necessary to issue lean hags or cheep where feed sap And of the Town of win t•,ham for tlio tf +� ht� lag are the order of the day, plies come frets;* hers'. rum of $2500 ashertinafter provi[led (which is Better OneS at .$3.yy Per Pair. V Flan of hAii for annual Scottish concert . 7�� rite amours, of the debt intended to be creritt.d FEED NEWS bptlds By-1aw) the proceeds of said Debeit- f will Open at Xo$ibbon's drugstore on a mFFLUe beo0eriiug arq:zniistea Xi ith the t Certo be applied to the said purpose and no FOR LADJES �-]��'' anry and Plain, Linen and ' Lawn For inst. ace What can be • F'ridayafternoon, Dec. 80th, at2o'clo* feat that there iti lint elle Handkerchiefs and Veils, Fancy Scarf to more acceptable for a plaOA to „ And tivh Municipal Aa total amount required by ri y S, Young 1)lt #k1$n a pair O f buy it at and thstt•ifticafs here. For The lratefor-pa t" toheraised annually by Beautil.ul Table Linen Fane T. owell n l --Where are at rise present tiwe seven reliable feed that Acu're always sure special rate 20p Olr.paping the Said debt and in. t y Prisoners in the (jaunty fail at t oderfoh of, {tat it of us And whereas 'he amount of the whole Hosiery, Glove Fancy Combs, em, etc. Wanderer Price And 87 inmates in the sense Of Refuge _ r ratable p opert9 of the Town of will hen see• at Clinton. RA T cording teLho last revised Assessrnon Itau is Come !rl and see rile pretty tliit7gS too many @ (� l t j jj $7And7whereas the amount of the ecisting to menflor .� PiOi fv$Slonal � q� 'ir+3• +� yjr, Will, 1legnini;, of .Ultobeli, has PHONE 84 Dabrnture debt of the said Municipality is purcIlased Mr. Robt, MaxWell'a finer• $13s 718.75. ��qpp Titereforo the Municipal Council of the Car • `Rd� GLOVE (SPECIAL 5 dor,, pairs Ladies French Kid Hockey and 1phant tafioring business and VAIL take Poratiou of the Town o Winghain enacts as t .. follows - , Green . , possession early in Tannery. the Towns# wof 2,50 s co a expendeng thed by Gioves in Blat,k Navy, , and Tails all S. rS •.- Mr.GfordenMeIVitlofOUIroesreoentl�? � � structlonofaTrunkSawerandSewagelAspos- sizes and fresh stock[ re i,od per pair, to 'Shoes disposed Of a two-year-old driving filly R, B ySyra1,W arks in the said Town, and for the ,aur- r , pase of raising the said sum, Debentures of clear at gee, for $250,00. A pretty fano � the Town of wingliam shall be issued tothe Per Pair y price, ant I said amount of $!•,500 is sums of not less than she, WAS a pretty fancy anSnial• $zoo each an the day of e o Or fel Mother or Grand -Ma - ---Owing to the holiday an December We have now on hand z. The said coot and debentures therefor FOR MEN..,., -Natty Neck Wear Fan y-ScarrS, New •, a shall bear fnierest at the tato of Five per ' 26th, the next regular meeting of Min Supply of Fresh Cloy ceuC per aunu: each of said Debentures Gloves Good Hosiery, u Clover m shall be do ted on the dote of the issue thereof, , y up-to-date Shirts and erva Enoauipment, f, O, O, F, will be Honey and Pure A2aple and e'tw ntyyears nexttsu�ce °in�*sti a Fain all kinds of lain and fans � .0, held on Wednesday evening, December date, such amounts being made up of the alt p y Handkerchiefs, s, Syrup which we s17i'e 6 elate sum due each year on account of prin- ssth` will satisfythe ,.ipal and interest, t Waren F - --The regular monthly of Gain Oa.ed- 3 Each of the said debentures sball be sign- HANDKERCHIEF SPECIAL -30 daze n Gents FanCyr $ 1'0d P most cl itical ed by the Mayor of the said Town of 'Wing- Onfa, Sens of t3ootiagd will be held next barn or by soma other person anthdrized by 4�: Excelda Handkerchiefs, beautiful patterns, By-law to sign the came, and b the Treasurer Monday; there will be election of officers buyer• orthesaid Town and the Clerk shall of it, No. I stock, to clear at for 25o,. ]]on't miss thereto the i orporate seal of the Municipality. 3Shoes Per Pair a d same a them, 4, The said Debentures shall be payable thein. the meetln annually on the da of in and all members are requested to site.»d Call an ( p each year during the said Tweuty years at the -Ah Order-in•Clounnii has been passed office of the Treasurer of the Town of Wing - ham CHILDRE matting Monday, December 26th, and ham in the County, of Huron. CHILDREN -A a hn selection b. The said Debentures rball be purchased +�1--A fine assortment of Novelties for Like All .5lzt3S _ e el ction of at Par by the said Town ofWinghamasanits- t� It Monday, January 2nd, pnbiio holidays, 'choice FrUItS, vestment forits)sInkingFund, Children in Fancy Purses, Hand sags, Hand_ u as Christmas and New Year's Day flail Chocolates 0. Duringg the currency of said Debentures kerchiefs, Necklets Hair Ribbons, etc., etc. t an Sundays, there shall be raised annually b special tato - , and other Confectionery, on all the ratable property in t e said Town --A meoting of the A. O U of wingham the sum of $00,01 for the purpose These W. will Oysters and Hot Drinks of ingh Elie amount due in each of the said 3 to be held in the tJ. O F. hall On Friday at any time, Years for principal and interest of the said ����� WANTED', ANf 1� evening, December lath, to be addressed 7, This By-law shall come into force and talcs effect from and after the sinal passing „ by the D. D. G. W. Members will all ---. thereof. Manly other appropriate things in the Shoe Start±. P10496 attend. S. '.thea stealeg.f be takers It thehis said By-law t Large quantities Roll Butter 24C S of fol ow m shall be taken es this Bs law at , new laid -Eggs 3oc,. Store open evenings. --A heavy fall of snow on Wednesday the following tames and places, that is to say, Feathers, White Beans etc, g Read our Ad. in the Advance. g y Son on Monday, the second dap of January A. P„ , COli7C' slid bring our Dight and of last week has R201ndell 1911,begfnnia atainao'cloekinthe forenoon friends and do your shopping here ' and continuing till five o'clock of the after. - $Iven n8 good - sleighing, Farmers And 9 noon of the same day, by the following Deputy ]townspeople welcomed the Bnow and Ren Ward [fat Wi and Poll Clerks, t a for shLISop, * In ward i at s, Deputy Returning tailor shop[GOODS O O ja co • , basinees hos been much better in the bone by W. J. Raines, Deputy Returning officer, WIL, gawp and Heard Roadhouse, Poll Cleric. OHF."r IE .., . In Ward at William G tt' i 1 f --On Thursday, Dec, 22nd, at S f the Salvation Army are having their �. annual Xmas txee. 'While waiting for Santa Cjlaus a good programme will be f furnished. Don't fail to come. Admis. Bion 100, -The business of the estate of the late Win. Armour has changed hands and. In future the produce business will be carried on under the firm gains of Ar. mour & Co, with Mr, W. T. Armour as. manager, --tlhatlis Donn ay, the Scottish sing• ing comedian and monologist has been ,i appearing in the Jewel theatre during the past week and hi3 songs and sayings have been Very much enjoyed by the } patrons of this theatre. s ; -While at work on one of the Mach. Ines in the Bell furniture factory on .Monday, Mr, Albert Flowing had one of his thumbs taken off, This unfortunate accident will give Mr, Fleming hoildaya t that will not be appreciated, --The members Of the Parish Club Purpose holding a bawling tournament Mont an Christmas day at the club ` ZOOMS. Fall particulars of the draw, prizes, etc., will be made known to the members before the day of the tourna• went, --Mr, And Mrs. John Wiseman, Olin. r ton, announce the engagement Oi th i asap s mp oment � AP SHOE STt�1RE. shop by A,'J. Alderson, Deputyy Returning Y t ggjOFr� In Ward 3,lattthe'TownHalob OIW.. T. Hall /,/^�/ Deputy Returning Officer, and Cleo. Tees, Poli Sole Agents MC for Ladies. Clark. In Polling Subdivision No,1 of ward 4, at &-Shit Ritchie Oosens' insurance office b Thos. Deans, Deguty Returning Officer and Albert Alban Bell' Ii ( Ierk, In Polling Sub -division No 2 of ward 4 at Albert ]cell's house byy U, N. dGri@in, Deputy R0, nig Oturdit ,nt John rtY-fl P411 ay of 9 On Saturday, the Thirty-first dap of 4 December A D., 1910, the Mayor of the said 60 PA Town glial( • intend at the Town Hall in the LRSON to said Town at eleven tend a in the various forenoon toappoi4 Ing places afore ai Attend at the various poll• GREAT WATCH _ „� � DOCTOR' � ,E Eng places aforesaid, and at the Sinai summing i.A1�J OR 1 f up of the votes by the Ulerk on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of pro,not• MAS' ing or opposing the passing of this By-1a�v, respective Y. 10. The blerk of the said Town of Wingliam , shall attend at the Town Hall at eleven o'clock of the forenoon of Tuesday, the Third day of January A. D,, 1911, to sum up the number of votes given for or against this BylawIs C 0 Doted at the Town Hall at the Town of Wiugham, this Third day of December A D, ", �i w /, ee��, y7�ff Mayor, `� ¢. sliest w.La .e ....................ING Olerk. .a.J.[�rn fJ4� •% ~-� best line of all the newest , SCHEDULE A. !: But we are already here with a full stock of stiltable contractor's Tonder for Trunk kinds ©f articles for the ['eStlVe Season, something suitable. Works ......... $$595.00 vst.? � for every one. Come 7n atY)i , see our stack, Contractor's Tender for Disposal A 3Pdsforreinforcing e nfor i , 120400 We suggest a few things for ,Xmas Presents Bight of way.......... , 1000,00 � Iron Rods for r efng.......814,00 shear Cates....................... 0p,� Syphon ...,. .........,. Engineer's Fees ............ 3 0:00 JEWELLE&YInspectFees OWExtras....... .. ................� 870,85 --t9294.8G i L�S'CaRH LADIES' R counedtiotis not xLESS d.,,,,, 811.85 i00 feet Local Improvement,...., 812,00 Zf 017100 i' vY a have the most up-to-date Sultings -50194,85 *��,, "j � and Dress AMount required tocomplete...........$2S00- Eger shown in any je W elm. � Goods that Gail be ol]tainable and which we are $Ellin at er --�-- ` wholesale .price, this is a snap. "T`hen we have.a full guile i eldest caught®r, Clare L. giilough, tc 1� StoY`E; tiffs year sU -t- rraTlcly ► of Sweater Coats, Ice Wool Shawls and Scarfs, Belts and ` + ,7Gliri G. Robertson, Lethbridge A1Ga r� F t�3 make notice that the a]ibvo Is a true copy of �y # . , Bort of too late Jamee ItGbertton and - -� �'� ' a pro osedByJawwhloh has been takon into able for os. Belting of all kinds, Cdi2Il75 tot the hair, d ` % 1T t J coasidered and Weloli will be flnall y pr<ssed , ,arid Slices for the'' Mrs Robertson, ottawa. The marriage sem'` liT1. the (cunei( at the Mnaicipalit of the feet, Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs 15c Will take place oil January 3, ✓ awn of wingham (in the event of tie assent L r to 50c, Plain of the electors being obtained ubthiion t after inen Handkerchief and Fancy I-Handkereh one month from T first nue date thereof -The trial of Garnet Armstrong, the �' .�; in the wingt,am mrstfa the sato of rlitcJl _ - is, Children. lets t� • y for the > I ,uoknOw druggset, Who salol Miss filar-� Publication v °itiioitaaisthntehe vote oat�the December j _. P garet D'Tnrray, tit Detroit, tartar emetic i 1-' • :. thrsaid Dfunioipality will be taken thereon on -GIFTS t \ fheday andatthehoursand pplae(snamedthare• ( last August for xonhellb satts,r`hud from , in fixed. .find inks notice that all leaseholdersMAS ; which she died, opened at G}adotich an , andowha d nentitle ntofiveto b this the Bylaw �+ rt n effect K Tuesday, but Was arljOnrned until Jaext r. with thellerk,$itleasttelldaysnext ptutees OR THE x 0 Y � j�VT j Jane, owing to ties illness of a lineae, ingthi±dap of.ri1),1, ,w Ill nothavotheirnames + rlo Ph lacca nn the Vbtef s' List, -The Wookly Bay, 'boron , is alar o �1bwn Hail, winghnm, Deb. Ord, 1910. 4 V is Ja1dN �. onclvrs, clerk. It *s not necessary to send MEN seventy oOtumn feta 7Aa netvepapar, � ,,, Y . : malting a f+peofalt taf ttOtil of bus• . s PUBLIC NOTICE, o� t of own !J.[J,��' .��r1►� �r�y��tfe have Fur Overcoats and Clatlt Coats with Fulrinsets and social i terthe farmor 140t]ce Is hereby given that the WIMIdipal y �e7 .L Collar and Rubber Lined 'weed o ' and hie family, ' a SntiYs market to. c n bsim Rosi too matin Of tilts Town of . Gats vt'ttll -Calle e We Are Offetill '' 1�"x t ,s x kyr ;Collars and Presto Convertabke' Collars tt, g Ports artJ Admittedly the beat and irloet of the said Town for their assent a $y �'ativatDwaY f e+t* Very newest n ewest ( aCOUrate published, 1t hh8 nil,egtl1%1 in of$215 D 00,for the Pit to borrow the suin y styles. Suits for Men and Suits The rely cosiest t groceries to oar of c2 r,00 90, for the purpose of completing the rL o s.i, a rC�r iy`� rot Moya, all at 2 Per t� Tran]cS�WerandSewasaDistmsal warka. � ewest ' cent, off for cash` A full line, of N h ig 'a j ibislpld, oustOfners rind proi:ttsative patrons The following is an estimate of the sum of �Iri tVV Shirts eS cele(( at pricers bsnt,llY paid ?or the ninety, moneY repaired to complete the said Trunk / { for Xmas trade, p ' .: and shop jilted gCode eo fro neitti 13oworatid sowaga Dispasnl works according "' besthere. AlsYl SWe terS far the Boys, to, the plan prophrod by W. Mahlon Davis, nr,t;laxtxltar;•. i`nteted noon a lnng•eniYarittg pntllie. n. - 1 r hx'nisAltn«� I3Ari;.� 1n Lliwist Cluirrle, ,• � Urandoll,Zinn.,onNOo . Will Afr,(lliariea A, HS'Cxb1A�`E. � A full line Cil fresh Groceries Mist arrived, L'eatllerdale. et ilran$an, forfiterlY of Ford- • -'� vV�fr • Our Mallei Grocery Store contraetor'a Tender for Trunk have some choice Clover S4one in kb • wio&,taalistfl:laagleBall, eldest daughter of Sewer,,,. y 2 . sections, also Rev. Johit Rall. Makes it 6 pleasure to shop to. only Gdtitrnbtor's'Tenderfor7yl�p�sn1$u�95,00 2 17 tl the very best b! any particetfar lttade Works. ., .......... 1204.09 ' axaknr. Is liandIed bq ttd atld adttye want your Iron Right ds or teiiifaroin.....1aoo,00 r r , . SiMntrtcs.�ln itlrrdtreter, azt Ince, uhd, ,Tulin regular risco the are Compelled iii ftiirrttr Crates g'"""" �GO.o�9 ,Anarr,welt,lir'lovolwife ofCharleasitsrnions, Make prices meetthet1meg, tlsphoa.,,., • ,•.••..... . I—, � Tloillti' t�fi�ll kinds sr., in her Wth tiesr. 2+5,00 Engine©r'aToas................•,. 1100.00 ilars.irrt.•-rn iValtan onrweW ,y„ it}slsddtar's SaeB,,,,,,,,,,, 810,00W- tt / e us Dec.ilea. 5th Jatut:s Es res ............................. 3;4,85 6.�. ,..r.� yM'atterlecl, Potatoes taken in e dry,picked and �vekk G ' >r b n Iger, aged 57y'eary. •-.^�,�$v204.83i , any quantity, *gs iti>anrr: �uYn tfrev 4owu�fii,�, r.n i3ee. Eifel, „ , NIL 1`110rieritt; tll,agedG3yeitra,uanonthBnild 10 Ms leotfarrtiantauotragiiirecl f311,8i .t W r1 ars, ti00foot11twidImproreloorit ii12,06 ejjtty� Sa10 of Detiartturea...............th, Nagy Ri (-iii r3rdittford, ria f3arritiberF� l ������ 0171,ii911ti1. Diary llinit3 wife LT M of dlr. John McDanbf h"""_ , i1111i�rrlpTo As okw.tl(yisaiia,el„ad f,9y`s+silt,viatalttlis li$n1 G4. Attt01110recluiredt000tatpletn 8w5gp 'OPPOSITE Q`j f LS` aixtiGdayw.bAtsd,TowinRAILyVInglitrit.k7er.Ord, 191a. ��F'EN' HC�'�" �,r` W l NGHAM �'�f"1 ��'r ��., "WINGTIAM, OOT. ,