The Wingham Times, 1910-12-15, Page 7*r
Tajg W tN : rHAht TLIE0 t MUMPLI it 15, VIV -11111.1-44.«i..,, ,; .
_ ,.n....r:-.:r-..-nay-.+•....,._.ew.. �-.�-.,.,...y -... -
_ BLACKfiEAD t?1SEA5.` ,Revery ttmi thi baby 10 Mkt tnO my
1. caseFOOLED HIM BADLY. IN TURKEYS, Paco he s>aailes,, esid Mr, ytrekiae11111511111110MIX I.
f, ""@kl, t1i?�wdFnik krill, wtf"', "4t Hely n('G \
o Now Ne Kicks on fetters Written 10 .. _ be (x+ctly pohl,e, put it sh)ws he has aI'll, . . . . .
Yi � the Third Person, ( Written for the TI31ES )
4 In 9po gP the I oris FeatAUratitA & �et199 01 1fRF10X.Farm a"nz ° arty of literarx Hien wore discussing Tboso who are l.viaq iu anticipation
Have yon a weak throat? Z sn, You
Cure only came when doctors gave u' P oto oapnot be too oaxefal iron nannoR be' i
and DFI. CHASE'S OINi MINT the merits of various epistolary styles. of pro a turkey for dinner on A .
Ane of them, Ugusteur A., made a ghristmas Day, will, when they 9 Etch eo'd i,
W19 used, flip treatment too ear Y �'-
Ga.rden llerce.:attack on letters written in the buy yonder why they have to Pay Paoli plakes you more liable to Another ar.(1 f!
O for the bird. whtokt a Yew Gbe lase to alat'aye'the {larder to'grrP. If i
P•'r , "'al, Miller, St, Catlloriues, Ont,,, , third person, such. .its "Monsieur No a ytlff pride von will rites Ohamberlr,ta a Uuugh \ : 4 "�1
. , vrrltes;---..c 1 };Iy daughter Mary, when six has the honor to inform" �- and so OIL seasopB Ago could be bought for 15 cents • / �:_ , � � . _ , .•. :. 4, `-ii ..... . ' �:.: , �.\
I nwatl:a old, contracted eezolna and for Iietnedy at the outset you will b8 snvad
Z , Another of the Harty defended them a pound FArm to Bpd poultryman hav• mnoh trouble, Sold by alt dealers •+*' m ;11�1
CROPS AMONG TREES Ilrec yeal•B filo dlscaso bsl�fiod all treat, titaintaining that they wero not only TIIe'iivintl You Have Alr:w�s Ior.:vitt, stud tivkich liras beol<>1:
nl';t t, Iter ease was ono of the tivorst u at the were ins experience i'1 the. raising of turkeys The fishery zeport oredits the fielter- ain use fur Pver 30 years, lusts Uot'ne tyro signature of
For and Against Planting Cunt had •evur eomo under my notice, morn ceremonious, b t that y will toll ypa the reason is that they aro .
,Arguments , mote polite. �- y men along Lake Huron with having and 1iae3 been made under lois Iie•v
In W,4 Orchard. and sl�3 apparently suffered w.:at no
en could ever describe, I bad three '`That's a rood ideal” replied Rion• : estrewG'y difficult to bring d bl Qkhead. caught daring tb a year ablut 300 000 lbsconal supervision since its infancyo
'The large, majority of CaliforniataP, t d her all to no sieur A. '"The foundation of all po- by reason of a disease caldv.�'11,ee=v."otvno one to deceive. you in this,ers do not grow marketable dlit'olcnt doctors a ten herzioR, over half a milit�n p„ugds of
'lfrutt grow •.u:• tarp. 1'1nt111I decided to try Dr. Iltenesa in letter writing is to express This dread disease which is aaaeirg '�
trees, says a recent I , � , , y • � n to s NOW, le nlartu amongst raisers of whitefish, abouts mil;ton pounds of tract All Counterfeits, Ymita,tioiiS and”' are it .. ,
tops between the e , y vl s Ointment and to my eutptiso clearly what you mea ay considerable
e United States depart- :,3;c iutint• iatvly bo••an to 1111 trovo and thin can be more ambiguous than is widespread, in fact it is all 320,000 poaalia, pkokerel and . 112,- Txperiments that trifle Avit11 "and endanger the health o>
ulletln of the r 1 nothing S tnrkeYe w p 000 pounds roh, The total valve c f L,ske Infants aad ohildren- lExper<ience against Pxperiinent%
anent of agriculture. They believe in trra e0:nlllctely cured of that long these confounded notes in the third over Canada. Their being s:verat Doses P" `
clean culture, except where legumi- '`ending disease, That was•years lersou. I will ust tell ou what hap- Huron fisheries was $20$ 7?9. The Lake •
r • used to renovate and ;do
'^ o n Lpn ., e lis oc1 at Cor.xwall, On 1., nerved to myself. I received from my rFported on farms in wtngham and In Brie fieheric+e lead by three And a halt ' ��set O�
nous crops a t .t.ld as tint a svillptoin h.ts F.lnv, t ltso P the snrrgpuding ooantry, h o
rtilize the soil. From standpoint i :co, ti:c carr• t^nst be 1'ntaeanc nt. , friend D.,. the chief of division a billet In an interview wtth Professor Gilbert, times this amount Vf i►tton Iiatchcry
�q dour, which I will show you.
of the large commercial orchard and iho record of (•oris which Dr. Chase a note from his pocket, Head of the w wtth, Department at distributed over eight millions Of "Almon Castoria is a harmless substitute for Caston 011, Pare.
he well 'to do proprietor' this practice "ilttnlent Its, to its credit have placed Taking the d as follows: Ottawa, he stated that he did act wish trout fry• gorie, I)rops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
e much to recommend it The plant- it. alnno as tbo stawlard euro for ceze- Monsieur A. tea - contains neither Opium, Dforpiline nor ,,other Narcotics
110 aril all foci is of itehing skin dis- ,'monsieur D., chief of division at to pose as an Alarmist, but the less to
fng of such an orchard is regarded as ,;,,e. 'Do lint 1^e snt %, c,l with imita• the war ofo.ce, hastens to inform his Partners, owing tothenumber of turkeys substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys• Worms
4i long time inve$tntent. Little if any ,,r substitutes, 6i 1 cents a bdx at friend, Dlonskeur A., that he has just which had been carried eff by Block- The Ladies of Wingham and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind
returns are expected for the first few Id 11onlers or 1,2111an.on, Bates'Sc, CO., been named chevalier of the Legion of Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
,years, but when the trees approach :•nrun;o' Notion" , head, Vvae considerable, Ha called at May Now CstfoW �BeaUti
'maturity and are in full bearing the tendon to a pile. oP oorraepondPnoe lying y and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
"You can fancy my delight at read- Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
anticipated profits are supposed to - • -- Ing this note," continued Monsieur A. on his desk which he said was from fill Hair. The Children's Panacea, -The Mother's Friend.
:compensate the owner for all the lean •"l rens tate happiest man in the world. farmers all over Ontario and Qaebee k' J, Hind backed by the mI1outaotur-
.years. Any treatment, therefore, •• I ran to an engraver and ordered him asking for advice de their turkeys were era of SALVIA, the Great Hair Grower i �� � ° °� (� ® �LW%w�
which tends to rob the sell of its plant THE SOLAR SYSTEM. . to make the flattering addition to MY, dying off. Some farmers have become guarantees to grow hair. a a (`� /�
oocl when the trees are young or to _ c-ards, 'Monsieur A., Chevalier of the so disheartened through the continued
retard their growth is Pretty certain Its Flight Through Space Toward the lose that the; hava discontinued trying The roots of the hale Ara so nourished Bears the Signature of
to lessen tile yields and. the conse 9 Legion of honor,' I ran e i mercer's and fed that a new crop of hair springs
Constellation Lyra. null bought a piece of the richest red to bring turkeys to maturity. "' ` ""`I"'��"°" � 0 ..%,.,. ,,�.�.,c"
gr.,nt profits in later years. Professor In what direction are you moving? ribbon for my buttonhole. I ran to to the amazement and delieht of the us-
.n. J. Wickson, director of the Califor- If you are going toward the Battery the houses of my friends for tbe'pleas- FIRST AppE1RANCl.S OF THE DISEASE, e,•. The hair is soft and floffv and 1318 ° .
'nig experiment station, says: N th " if u Broad- ure of receiving their congratulations. The first sign of the disease amongst all American preparations SALVIA is
,,All intercultures are a loan made you will answer sou , P -
the a,ok is. the refusal of some o4 the daintily perfumed It ie. hard to tied as . 0
rlIby the trees to the orchardist. The way you will answer "north;" toward At last I ran to my friend D.'s. As birds to eat together with symptoms of actress who perfumed
not use SALVIA con- Crin may be long and the rate of in, the Hudson you Will say "West," and nSselP into hiscaught
ofAhlimmI� dear diarrhoea. The affected bird Boon be tinually. A large bottle for 60c. ry'terest low, but sooner or later the {f in the direction bP the Eaat river fellow,' I exclaimed; 'you have no idea - ��! : Kind You Have AlwAys A,Bought
itrees Will need restitution to the soil you will reply "east," what pleasure you have given, Ho1Y Oomesweakeneddays andafinall Agges. v i
oP the Plant food removed by inter- These answers might be correct as shall I ever hent; you sufficiently?' around for a few days and finally dies.
" regards the surface of the earth, but •1 .You are an excellent fellow, MY Just before death the head becomes dark Fowl WANTED -I will ship live fowl n Use For war �� Years.11
i Notwithstanding all this, the poor they may be far from answering the hence
1tnAn must needs make the loan or hos worthy A., to sympathize thus with in Dolor, sometimce almost blaok, on Tuesday and Thnrrday of each weak. THE. CENTAUR CNMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY,
question, for the ea turning east- my happiness: the name by which the disease is Tamil- The highest price will be. laid for fowl .
children may starve, says t bulletin. Nvardly at the rate of about a thousand 11 ,Thank you for that expression; the • ixrly known, It effaute all birds, the I to delivered a beforWtage
am. It will pay you
'iThe settler on a small tract set out to miles an hour, which carries you in decoration is mine, and the happiness young turkey, being saseeptable when oe sea me bdele selling. Pd stry re-
• sed store. ,
young trees cannot afford, if his means that directio� very much faster than is yours.'� i only three weeks old. WILFORD. 1-1•,,,
.are limited, to wait four or five Years you can move�3ver the ground. •"How is that? Have you received 1 The attributed cause of this disease isl "' "" "" "` i_
Delved at Awde s flonrAa>�
.for the first returns. He must produce But that rotating motion, constantly the order?' "
chancing your direction in relation to .1 'Certainly have I not?' a protoozon which gains entrance to the
•crops between the rows, and the goes- d
Itiou for him to consider is how this all outside the earth, is quite motion ,1 No, de good friend; 'tis I who am tarkeya economy throogh the food eaten. ��� ��� . PRvr"_.q,M1'ffU'TM
-can be done with the least possible in nate to another far more rapid motion now made chevalier' tem rapidly
the intestinal until
the bowel• KITS
"'You?' ism rapidly mnit•tplies until the bowels
pry to the trees. A plentiful• supply that is carrying You and the earth „ ,Yes. You deserve the bonor more are literally teaming with them.
of water and a deep, rich soil. are the around the sun ea stwardly on an en -
•essentials of intercropping. In districts tirely different curve at the rate of than 1 do, but, nevertheless, it has POST MORTEM. • SU
.ithat depend on li meager rainfall -of 16 about nine miles a second, ever Chang- been conferred on me.' It a bird suffering from "blackhead'® TIMES
wt, .
-*to 110 inches per aunum, or where irri- lug your direction in relation to the But you wrote me word that I bad BS4`%R1B"EdRN4gJ. -11
gation water is both scarce and costly, stars in a circular path 270,000,000 l•eec•ived the cross.' I took his letter b wkilleds, ands r examination made m the
-the practice becomes of doubtful value miles long. nut of my pocket and showed it him. bowels, they are seen t. be very much
circumstances. In most of Yet that isn't a key to your direr- ,blas, i now understood clearly what inflamed and thickened. The liver pre -
an circ earth and h racteristic change and \ " \
\ \\
,underY our tin ea h Am' he m09t characteristic \\ \\ i�\l\ \ , \ \ \ \ \\ \�. \ ,
for little you, y Y to assl n to t e soots t \ \ \\ - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
f r t10n, 0 Y leennln" 1 OUghC S \.e a\ \\\\cr .; \\ \ ` '` "`� \ "\ \0\\\\ ` \\`\\\n \., \ \ \ \: \ w a�
oP the West water P n t0 ` ; : \ ` \\ \ �� \ \\ \ .. \ \ \. \ \ e\ \ \\\ \ \ ti, a .. \ \\ \>\ ,
the fruit districts with all of its
r third late sou, the deuce tale you aid always ba examined, it ellen \ `,�\\\\'� �\ \ t \ \ \\\\\ \\ \ �\\\ �\ \ \ �\ \\. \;
Bbl low in you higuuus Ithrase, sho a\�\•,; \: ; \\ `\ , „„ ` \ k:. \ \,Ml, ��i�\ ,a\�\\\ `;,F. ,: \ 1 \ a
irrigation is still reason Y nets are traveling as. a united group \\ \ \ \ y -u-- „ !! \
re utred Planets, and' your note,' 1 said to D. 'Instead show a number o4 white spots and vary -\\� \�� <\ /y - -- r \ •,\\ e
price, and the extra Amount q one direction, differing from all N�� `\ ` ` ""/
s \ .\ r.e / //%r% s \ lki,,",
\ \\�
M ants but n in of your elicited sad formal announce- mnoh enlarged, it ie safe to say thdt the aZ�\\, \ .� \\ a
dor intercropPina repres Hell. Find the large first h could ,, a. \\`` \ " / / v , a r/ a\';
those mentio meat in the bird person. w y u \\�\ \\ • \ \ \ \\r -r/ ,/�// 7 r !r//, i`ir�r -'\� ,; \'\.
airs from such in bird has blackhead J \\Or / /// /i/ r r //,j/ i / a F t \ v
small part of the net gmagnitude bluish white star Vega, me simply and plain- \%: \� �\ ` , `` ''
iliac 1'(111 not WC1tC f0 PY A\��. \\\� \` �\• �/ t1/�,/ r' /j/�/ ��`�'s/ \ \ \y� \�\\ \ :� \ `\ \":,.�..
crops. the constellation oP Lyra, and you will Iv ,I�i dear friend, I have the plena' ooNTAM1NATioN. \\\\ /� / j jr,` / a \ \ \\ \ \ %m
looking in the direction of the flight Y \ \, ` \` `` y " /� /` \ \� \ \`
be g ore of informing you that 1 now am Since the organism multiplies with \� \ \\\ \ll": / Pyr ,>
A - Chat our system is taking through decors chevalier?" "' estraoxdioary rapidity in the intestines \\ X11�_ \\ \� -�.� : F i'.f� !/" � /� `
space. If you will observe the stare \ ` ` f \
it is naturally voided with the exoretor, \ \ " \ \\\\� \ `\ \ /�/ \% 11,11111-1,\ \ \
Those , hundred years „ ` \ \• \Q` u /
t hie For Th for u few „ \� \\ \ \\ \\ \\\' \ \ \ \\�`\,\F f 1 \..
«Latter Proving Profitable
around Vega Quakers Never Nervous. \� \\` `
Q thus contaminating the food, water and \ \.\\\\ \\\ \.: ` \ ` \ ` �` ` // // , `
CPO 5. he are. A patently g \ \e \\.�.\ ��� �\\... \,:, \\..',< \``\\\ `?` \ ,��\ .r'/ fir � it ` \, \ \ •' e.
Able to Prime Their Tobacco P you will find that t Y p It is not in my memory that a pro \ \ \, z
bile the stars At habitat. In this way one or two in- \ \ \ ` \ \ \\\\\\ \ �\ �'�\\� \ \ \ / : N ;+ t.
The illustration reproduced from the slowly separating, w ssin^ usher ever came into my
Th II9 Are fe n Q tented birds acting ae the nucleus infect• \\\ c .^ ? a- \` ° \\ .; (/ �/r ,
nd Homestead shows two thr opposite pole of the heave be treated for nervousness. \ , /r%\ \ \\ \\\` \`\ ` /�' '
I�ew l✓ngln That means hands to
V Ar- to^ether. so all the turkeys on the farm. \\ , rj ; % \\ �, \ \ \ \\\ i, ,` \`..•r, j 'i \ . \ `
es of tobacco grown on P- M. slowly drawing p' [P the opinion I have Already stated \\ / ,/ \\ , \ \,• \\ \ \
A Ye and ` `,/// :.\ \ \�\\\\ r\` �\\\;..`\\. .\\, �`� ./ �/ r ♦ \\ ,: \ \��\... \ � .
Mass. One e re moving toward b"tl l.://. \�-- \\\... k. \.,\\ \ , r% !'' �//r` \\ \\_ \\\\\\ \ ¢ � �;v
farm in Southwick. D3 nt a often is correct, namely, that want of TREATMENT. \ \\ \ \ \\\\ \\\ \\\\\�\\\� /r ¢i
{at01d 5 @ Olnt This /,�r \ \ .\\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ rr�///, " \ \\\ `\\ , ` \\\\ \\ \ \
tobacco; the other is away from the opposite P emotions and the over- must be of a prevents• /�/ \` " \`\ \\` ,/yrs
is the IIalladay fob unnot be control of the The treatment `
C- in (1 'Circle that C Mme �•�/s i; �\\\\\\\�\\�\ \\\\`\.\,\,. ({' "� ` \\� �\ \\�::\ '.\ \�\ .. \`�/.,. •` '
,Havana. The Halladay type of toba motion is Is. evi- px{n ession of the feelings are p \
R few 3 lncasured, but there the fact rive nature. Tile Parma which are in \ „\ \\� \�\\\ \ \ \�`\\
co which was originated only exactly causes of nervousness, then \
• it will require feotdd, should, in order to get rid o4 the \ : \\ \.�\\"' \\` \\u\ \., \ \ \ \ \`�` \\ /- �` \ \
holding true to type and deuce to show hat of the emotions is a les- \\ \_, �k\ \``\ \\ ` `\ \ \ �� "
says ago, i5 a Stein t0 that discipline \ \ ` ` \ \\ ` ` d \.. \.\\
ry o ears for our system primary cause; kill all the remaining \\', \�\\ \\\ �\ \ \\ �\ \\a `\ �\ � `
le tobacco for those 1$._00,000 y 1 and constantly taught by P \.,, „ \\\� \` \�\ \\�\•\ \�\ \ \�ti�\ ` \\ `
roving a profitable sun ear Y \\\\\�\\ \ ` \ \ \ \\�
p the oke a and COmmeDOe over again. Dr. /.% r\\ \\\.\" «`"\\\ \ \\\\\\`"\ \\\\�`\\\\; `\„ \ • \\ \ ?:\
me their crop. complete it ld het to account Por to y \ \\\,\ \\,
position t0 prime lends woo P .\\'e 'Nov \\`�\�:. �3x...\ \ :\r\ \ \ \`�1. ;y \
Who are iyt Posit P r •'I am iitoving Friends OU answer. OII Higgins la a report published in o\� ,1: d,` \ ..\� .�\.:\�Q\; ,�? \��\\�. \.\..\\\\�� \\\\ \ \ \\\ \..,.. `: \\\ \-...\ \\ \ \:_: \.
remembered that the Hal-
Then can y loft uency of this $isorder am g C. H. gg ,/ \\\\u \\\ \\,\ \\, \\
It will be Perhaps so, but more ell i P \ " \` \ `
null toward Vera basis to the bele g06 recommended "that individaale in- \\\ / / /\ \ \\\,\\\ \\\\ \\\ .'. o 'I"\\\\�\\ \ \ti\ !, `\ ``
e of tobacco was first fo far from them And add amp 1 �\ ` \\� \ \\ \\.
laday type not for it is f ,1 hoold \\\'-;� ;.\\\` :\\\\�\ \ \�> \` `� \\ \ \\ ``\ \ \ ,
likely uvbaPs . , m Self Help raisin of turkeys,s \. \.. ,\, \. \: \\\\`.:` + `\\\ t\\..: \ \\\\ \�� .,,.
Y I FUCK causation. -V tereeted fn the g .\\; y, /%.• \\\.�a\\ �`\\\..\, `a.. \ \-.\ ..;�:...� \..\.. :�` \\ `�.0\.. ..\\\\\\\2>\ �"�
' solar syg- Ill \\ . \\ _ \\ \\ \..a :\ ,\\\\ \ \ \ .
.. . (lilt \\: / /,\.,.\.\�\ \�.. \\., �\�\\ \�\\�\\ \. �\�\�\`,a; \ \',; ..\ \�\�: `,\ \ \.:\: \\.\�\.`\\\\ \\:
,:.: t t ou and 3 N 1 s \\\ \..\
h tl n ears e such std /r \ \. \� \ \.,\,\..\ \\ , \ , a\\,_� \
/... lnitl.e J . Dr. K y tains c P\. / \\\ \ ., \,.
::,::::.... l b free \\ \ ,
;...v. men re now . \ . \.\ \ \� . \ > , .��.\ \ > .\,.\.,
r,:.::c::: ;.,;..,;..::;..�,<......,::. Women," . y ekes \ \ \.
rr-:-...>::::;:.:::r;::<•.•::. ' ;;.. .:.,. crvous it flocks
,.r.:. I or i\ if the /� ..\ \ \ .\.\ .,\...\\\, _\ �...,d .. a..� .�\.. \ \ \: . `� "\ \ \\,. :.\:.
:•,x::.:. •.vn:.e-.•v. alas � , \\\ \\\\ %i` 1 ...\\,•. ,.\\ .,\ ,\\ c,.
all oft g Y \.. // \ \ \.. ) ). a \ \\ \\ <\
.tad \ / r, \\
lit .\,. � ,.:•\ \ r. ..� .\ \ \. \
�m h ;t \.,
=,:.:.<• from to<.�' m
����'' freedom \.. ✓ \
r � , \a \ .
1. the /•
�`'rs'?i'2`•: tie r \ , � \ \\�-\.
s. Mitchell. n e \\\a \
;r it e �.
r- it / \
'lea e w
he c a ? V r
SPP , r ! / h \\
..:.,•:::.,.:,:,.,><.:•:•:r.,:r�:::r,?,s.:.;:::, :.. ........::•gas Stars hat e'e can @\, / ,,/, ,.\\
i.,, •:a. :F.... :::es,:.,;,, Of ata 3 h stifle/., \\\ ��\. ..t. \ \ \\, .\\. \ .\
:: b..e::;. :,,�:,:-.e. ...,.. o ion entr0 ep r \\ \ \ .�\....\ \n ;\, \, .�'. \ \
�•::::;•::: �..:. ...::....:..... ams e
ffect ,
statin / / \ \`a\\,. \ \
the s deva R � \ r, r t \,\ \ \� \ \ \\.. \\
r •>.,,., cin in a. \\ \
�ht al f �// \ \. \ �., \\ \\
a:.. Ma \., \ \
r$': ole �\ \;,z\.\\a.. \. \\.\\
e?� ka , \ \.
.. ,:..r;,.. r ,.. �• r. Rema no.
A introd \. \ \ \ \� \ \ ..
:,n....::. :.,...:,:.../.,...,.... .:,..: one b .\ , \ . \ \ \
Com est bed y
.,, some can o Y� ,r, /,., \\ \\ � \\ \ .� .\\\\\.\, :.\�i\\, \ > ., \.. \\ \. \ ,.\,_._ .> . �\ .
,:"t....:,. .::>:.:::.::. ...:w :;••sr•>.,.. a around g r This y \\` /,...,. \\ \ ...\ � � ... \\ \\, a \_\,.., \. . \
:. ��•,• .:.. ,.: ric,� :a.. ,=., oral dh(ctio ussite leads
r. y. :n...e a teat H \:., //,;/ F \,.y� �\ \ `\\ �\\l..\.0 \.�\, \\\\\\\\\\ \ \•a' \\ J \ :. \\\
/•:r,:'::c::^" rz": r n JOhII ZlSka, th g h 0 at d \/ .,, . / , \ \\\\\\ \ \\\ \\\�� . f \\\\\\ \\ \\ \ 1\ \ \R\�
et unknown. Rha ca
el• C f In all new stook throogh t e ge e ,,F,,,. \i\\a\ \� �\\\�\... �T y �`;;.;` \\� t'\ ;Via;.. \ \ ..�\.. \.
... qi r z mon cent , century, was one o g \
�;:r.�• possibility of the fifteenth rY, irde \•/!•, , \\" ..� �s.0 - ti\\\\�\\•\. \ \�;:,` s. �`\\•._�'
No one now, but the possil Y er thron h the medium of live b \\.,, \\\\ \ - _ _ \\•.. �,
tell? able men that ev not g �\,i, \\, - - ` \` \\ ,\� i
': from the most ,remarkable
,. inti f . a \\ , ::.`\ \\\\ \ \@ ` \ e \\\\: .
e Human m It the disea e \\r, f. \,\\�\ \\ \\\\. \\;
- . ,:, s presented to th aro- scall the asap. �!
:, �?r 3 ► the lived. his life story reads like as iq u y .\\a:' \ \ \` \ �•`\\\.> . - - \\ \�
:za• ;now of the motions of
what n ( in- foothold in the flock, birds \` \\ \ \ \ \ \.: \ \\ \
P more fined d \„\ _.� k\• uc. •\ \\ ...o.. \ \ \ \
]\chin In history ry h g �'\a \ \\ \ \ \ �\`, \\\.,\ \ \\ ` \ . ` ` \\ \ \� \\\ ,.\ ,
;.o.: - Ce that mance. g . \.V \ • .\ \.a\`\\\ x.\\ \.. \ .,\.., .. \.. \... \. \ \ \ \\�
.:,•;, clod. O P .\.\ „\ �.:\ \.. \ : \. ..\...h.. \ \. -.\ . \\ ,.., ,...\ ,.
liversnl ace be \ \ \ .,\. \ \ \ V, \ w\ x \, \ .\ \ \ \ \ .. � .. \ u\\ \ . \ , \.
P. t UI ld Dt 0 \. \. \\. .\ .a\.. �\.\, �\ .�\,\... \. .. \.. \\a \\. a.\., .
';,•s: ,s g thrillin ban the blob doe diseased ��.aa`\ \ ;�.\-�,,�� \\�\,�y.\��\ \r �.\�<.:. a.\c\. \ ` `
;'y::<• <i seconds o1° eternity.- teresting, more g, w \ \�\, \\\\ \\� �\ 1 \ — ,
r rt: /$n marks biP the count o1 his heroic deeds. Though
New torp LIernld. killed and the quarters which•they hava �����\�\� \ \\ �\.\\\�\\\�\\\\�a \\\\�.�,..•`���\.\.. • • `• ��
blind and always greatly outnumbered, frequented shouidbe disinfected through -
r(,..::, .<.,.,:.•..;.:, 4 :;r,:':s'>f his enemies and
7.iska invariably beat 1 The range contaminated by infect- lenvNr. one of the handiest of sn'r than _r1I1 opo^ n,t •^. No dan-
"S':, :>en^'�.`j!r��%n<:� .;.I•�.:t:*i:.n: y nch41eat C No 0-A Uisn Op
that No 1 -A 7 i r nbetan•
faros Light rn N 111 t
f A 1. L ,',. • n
el ateel. R a et
d mdse t
Lor himself owe '�tamn8 a r o th t
>r,:,:?.,•:;;:,.:.:;r:::' ed be 1 d o •, hand o ,
,::.c;.:,;.,?r;,,,;;;;,;,,,;,• .,:'j:r.,:yr:r�::.'n,t;... establish hoald t ofd no R your h
ed birds b P 1, wall b ► ao ger Of ca tints y
• y:.. •'•:' run R
.;i%�n:S;:',':E;$ �r•.j.rr.'i:?>Jrl,.,.',.:�;E'r�r: awr,,,rrci::.:•::,:, .n
beaten kitchP h to be hm beet• We'll, will
.<{r.;?:ar';=trv'� :s:z, i:<,:.•:::::c<.;.r:• -never be v anon Ada of t
:.:i:>,.,,:.:::r:;:a•;z«��r';�;;r.�e.;'>;i,..;��"r;�::;::: .•...,� forever. He {vA5'llCV hnnole dt heavy B t nn uAn to M
7.. �.:�,.. _ .. ., will last o _
.tw-�•.,. in a battle. ITIS very name was a ter- - enough fur adybody to 5 teat, «til cut Y p
ver etfealiva. lnat a lite timd
1. HAVANA AND HALLADAY LEAF• t -or to his enemies. He died in 1424, Y
Caught a' Cold TavNi;S AND Qt Cas -I! i want
,olt Edmond Halladay's farm in Suf- r while besieging Prazabisiaw, at the good Trunk, Snit Case, or Club Bzg No 2 -Ail 8 koah Blade Kitchen Ionif/. No bitter
Seld, Conn. The presence of this sport, ate• age of sixty -four. -New York Amari- g
Dome bete, We nen "veYou We''nev edge aDd a kni a thatwilldo valiant, eervi0.0 as Longe as
.or new variety was due to the break Which Ended iirt a cam there is a strip of i; 3eit,
Ing up in the third generation Of It Ir Spoons: �� _ -�
cross between Havana and Sumatra L -�� N,. 3 -The handiest of kitchen tools, a regi meat saw,
Severe Attack of The origin of the sPoon is uncertain. _ 1 S incase cutting NerviOO It iN sharp an r vide, so to
tobacco. The plant was saved, sell It must have been invented ut a very L ���TER30 cat with ease. No kitchen is cc up ere wxh at it.
-pollinated and guarded. ancient date, for it is found among -
The result of several years selection people that have never come into con- "_ Nis 4 anti 6-A 'earvicPab-o Carvin(; S r, Jnat t•he
Is as pictured here, a broad, rather pneumoniae thing for actual setvkoP; handsome en(' yo to use on file
Short, round, pointed Teat, which is tact with civilization. The necessity t��� table it you dwire; tbarp enoutth to catye nl y and+t gnu
of having some implement for dipping me"'e of iho b, at tempered st-il: A valuabid part Of anis
•closely set on the stalk. The veins are water seems' to have led. first to the pir.LS� set.
t bacco is pro- be 2..A on thn ai 1 h or the use .
No. "c. -A keen, properly sbap8d Paring unit Witi
pare the thinnest peel, and da it gniokly; An"P notated for
inning out core, ern. No kitchen is OOmplota without it,
A beauty and a dandy.
No. S-Evory housewife wantli snmathta •,fic,.okl her -'
. il
knives sbarp This IN het. Stone, aind• (i
tpriftl, will put an edge on any k••i'"• xttil " ••v units.
. Ihis ona so to is hetdY beatlt ilbe, for kiktchen ate that, 0> bbf n,.dr�tlae.
^rather small, and the o Too much stress Cann al invention , of the � c a a ,
3louliced by those who are crowing it t be •attended to immediately, or the spoon. 1 and later o>< to .
catches cold it
';flits year to bo a marked success, mus 01 the cocoanut shei «e will lnske anyrnP n prrsent of a Kitchen Set if they earl iiitltlicttte this
fact that when t; person �EA
serious results are liable to follow. - 1 at any hardware store for less than A tr y it .rid bee it you can
Depth to Cultivate. Didn't Know "the t)nda.^ �� Zithers Set
n experiment station 13ronchitis, Bneumonzd ►aid Coneump- Aunt Jane -I guess Mr. Spender must n-ovo_11 ho trunbles fact• .
At the Wigednsi p act' to Care 6tckgeada.hca
cultivation throe inches deep left the tion :sr8 x11 caused by neglecting lin a very neat person. Edith -And dent to a blliou� state or she syeeom, such ae
r moist below the culny the'tjimpiecoW. what leads you to that opinion? Aunt Dizziness, Nausas, Drowsiness Distress after The Ti nes has ascot" ci a number of these sets and are giving the wi)ttlen of t t5 district
.grolind more eatin , Paln In t5d st(le R. W�hllo their moat
Voted layer than cultivation one and Mrs, Q W. Bowman, pattnllo, Onk; 'Jane -He told otic Uncle George all j �IbloeuccessifasbeenehoivtilDcaring lttl opportunit. to get one ,,it (OraGtichlly nothing.
one ]tall inches deep, and these results _„ ears to I caught a his clothes but those upon his back .
writes Thiroe j+
have in the main been confirmed by cold fvhich stilled is a civets sttok of were hung UP. Some riven, you know, �� ;.✓
similar experiments at tire+ Utah sig' geai]ncher yet Carterb �titin Liver Pfife ere �► +� T T o
i'neumonia; Since -that time at the throw
then Ings, mend anywhere.- V !.J
tion. — beginning bf each winter I i>� to cskh equally valuabloinUonl+tipattI t vhIletbedpre•
I venting this annoyin Comppin' , otlethegateo
. , cofrectalldlWrdtrao7ihesloinsEveni tlicy wy The Wing'ham 'f idles for 011e Year and the Kitchen Set for $2.25
cold very easily. Mkltt:6ok the Punctuation. liver and mgitlatothe bowde, Eventrtheyonly
experiment stations farmers ate : Y was unable to t Peak -IOud' enough to be ,rho Young Woman (surprised and llve cr
In exp , heard across the room. Leat wintc ; indigutlnt)--How dared you kiss me, , Zlci.
'I� �® �p'rEi—Thus eCfer is oiler to both old end new subscribers, but all �l:r��ary tllu�t he
a$orded free the best tnfotwAtlon however, a friend advised me to try Dr, girl Penitent Young Man--FVh�, you • '
i ' ulturalscientistsknow, It saying up, and SubSCllllttotl5 tntlst be pard in advance to January Ist, 1912.
agricultural Wood a I�Totway Pine Syrup, it said you'd like to see me do it The a a r fr y h a stie s+t'i9 ten aintt°;tbuiio i
ected of farmers to make tint of had helilcd hie,. I bought a, bottle and young Woman—But you know"swell natelytheirgoodnessdoesnotendhcI 118 &lu-
p taunt robsC M
stations When any p half used I was completely its I do that I said it with ail eYclama• bioofneomsnj wayyn�t utti;ol of i a iier"wil. EXAMINE �Hul
thest ling to do wlihontth
leets atite, ilud they ithould do so before
t r also find it a good medicine for tion point at the eiidl-Chicago Trilr em, Batafterallaickhearl THESE SEi S ARE ON EXHIBITION AT THIS OFFICE...CALL d
. for their own and their neighbors the children when they hive holds, une. A
�gO°d` Beware of the many inlit3tiione of Dr. Sarcastic.Th! Aceer►t ;1yt( �+"` Vttood'tiNorway Pine Syrup. Ile (At the end OE.11 fishtng�Yo 1 womnkeotrgreatt!! o On pWdcrioiri+lt hhtli t re to be delivered IVf~r4d out Of ifOWn they Wi11 be .sent ill the lk7tpOnlf6 Or
Ask for `rlyn NPoodre" 11nd insist on Sly ,word, IC *its a tnonsterl �' Others t' not.
Advice About Mowers, t- a0 for. tt ow I uevdr saw Midi, A ::fish in my Csrtcr'e Little Liver 1'ille are' ry ee+alt 0M When Sth+e�subscriber.
Mo mowers are knocked out in ca getting What you Iit`e1 Bbe=l don't belletre you d"t •fieryoast'it taxi. getterlaa$ua nod tr�110
r; three Thoy bre tttbytly� irget ittO an TIMES /�
Aing weeds than in cutfisig sratss in thi It is put up in tti Yellow wrapper; , tildl-London 1)11111. par e, but by tLetr gentle action pisses tat who THE j f �l 1
ian to lfbt d the pries yrleihtn,
tmetidowti. It is a girood 'p OItSL it1DlCl�t "CD•� ltltM l6tL ..
•nd trees5-.11td' tr`�tdo merle; ; �= �,,
i 11
mowet:''heforo -t11ta ,0M bit* ie,en• iii ltioitMaetured only by Zh s inches Ytre able to Bolder ap' nn � "'i WIN7rir 11,11 (1NT
thew M,
Alrely'syut of eotmmfrlsion, then tltiIt. T. Menta ...s..e abundance G! eawe,�-ti7o:ritntdl. 91" OWN
.4•nd tali be titled W tt *tied Citttei sic- T. Milburn t Co , i tmitedr Toratttaw kiit. .
.tju8ivelyc ,..........*.-... ,..