HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-15, Page 6J4 TAA WINUI-LAR TIMILS, DECEBIBER 151 too much, noise fax an aviator to hear ocoaro "o "OOLPLESS CRIPP �LE Am the motor of an aeroplane mahoo years d. at the honw of his Ban XObU Ott Fron army officer )]'%a BAFlurnOut, A�4" T�xas ad I lit anything oh a I oil Wodnes 'ay The first pound Novewbir 80.h. The late Mr. Kerr who invented a telephone for A passenger to 'N use to talk to hinil. a plono(ir of the township of Ashfield, Fr )5yerkro ago on lot, it�.ving kortied there rFROM RHE�ATIS you US) VUB win y Cry 12, :3111 .E.ssion. He was born in Children came to Onundli Armagh, Ireland and K FOR FLETCHER'S @arm ago, Hi) first gettlod near your In osithig YLO 60 V STORIA 0 A Woodabo(k and from, there OK146 to A 11' -1111,dos­sa,tiveg" Cured Her When a who doesn't get married, all Wh field and entered the bush as a planeor, ve Of "FriRX i. omen think it is because -lamiltou the married w He Was married to Susannah I _bu� at Port Ilona who 1%100 ORMO from the he has been disappointed In love V .4W all the married men know better. same part of Ireland as he did and who 4 1101U� I,L&cE, ToRoNTO, DVC, 15th, 1909, building pre. deceased him five Years ago. 11 in 11 At Winnipeg the Y.M.C.A. I i�t 441 was a terrible sufferer from Rheumatism for nearly a year, a d y fight 0110BA HARD — MRS, WINSLO arm Was swollen and the pain Was fearful. All down the right side, the pain HEAT fund campaign reached $278,648 on tiftt' w"S$00TIIIING SYRTip is I was treated by two fe was dreadful, and I could hardly move for the agony. urday. Lord Stratboona Will give M' the preswiption of One Of the best o� and I tried numerous other a Via` in the it is secured in male pbysioiano and nurses physicians but their medicine did nie no good, 000 it the $35o,000 aimed was siulply a:helPless cripple and suffered PURITY mou,�_ Ui)ir(,dSt.,%tto.tin(l))af;bt�enut3o(Ifor fifty remedies but received no benefit. time, -tailing success VY from Rheumatism all during last winter. years with never o n "The Telegram"and deci, fled to try this I saw "fruit-a-tives" advertised in 77, no of mothers for their ohilar millions are people have It relieves the n, our" For a great many yei child from Pai aiuch better and the pain less, and I a for remedy, After I had taken one box, I was I had taken. three boxes, I was: Ing in the bo vels. and tinned the treatment When I been striving so get a preparation diarrhoea, grip Coll, with good hopes. practically gone, After their hair that will clean DAxidruff from wind colic. By giving health to the so well that I could use iny arm again and the pain was pro the @051P, Stop itchiness and prevent the child. it reate the mother, Twenty-five boxes, I was entirely well again -no, pain no suffering-aud Hama time promot- I had taken five falling of hair, at -the Hal oents'a bottle. now I am as WBT414 as I ever was. iug its growth, writes a leading journal. The cure of my case by "Fruit -a -tires" was indeed splendid because all the The following simple formula will be failed to eve" relieve me of my sufferings. found beneficial for this: -• Vor the sake of others who may suffer from this terrible disease, Rheuma- Oil of Eucalyptus ........ 2 drachma A., E, SMITH doctors tism, I give you permission to publish this statement. Resorcylin ................ 12 ounces MRS. LIZZI3 BAXTEM. J Tincture of C%utharides.,4 drachms man's jaulte:were written Pare grain Manual _ 6 ounces BANKER ,Vruit-a-tires" is the only remedy that actually cures Rheumatism, and If the beat in him pull Add the Tincture of b;;iharideo to Sciatica because "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine that actually prevents Uric on him forehead it would mal(Q the n9soroylila; add the Oil of EuOAlYP ess of uric: his hat over his eYed. tua to the pure grain Alcohol; mix both WINGUAH, ONTARIO, • Acid being formed in any quantity in the body. If there is no exc acid the blood, there can be no Rheumatism. give to together and-Rub pto suit. "Fruit -a -fives" keeps the stomach clean -the liver active -the bowels regular, Local History of the early 809 Cecile- "What would you g, Directlons-Rubateaspoonfu�l or two Be are the organs that rid the body, Items from the -9imes" WOS, have much hair as mine?" Jeannie-"' into the scalp night and morning, and Farmers who want money to bnY --the kidney strong and the skin liealthy..The ; the system that ril wase is. 1WI TY IBM ���� cattlo or hogs to feed for market of all waste. W Fruit-a-tives" so regulates don't know -what did you 9!VB?" Wash the hair every two W06k0, using m, h Ape,e' can be no waste or "urea" to be changed into uric acid. can have it on reasonable terms- eliminated, then to inflame nerves and cause the pain. good antiseptic Soap- Thus, there can be no uric acid in the blood, ounted for tradesmen, mcr- leumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia— Notes discounted e names of RI I Swollen% which we know by the lieutuatism, rain In The Badk, in this town. Eezenia, For 2o Years. ts, on fq will cure every trace of F (From the TIMES of Dec, 12, 1890 fratornal visit to the lodge FREE RAW MATERIAL NEEDED. clients or agen vorable terms, I'Viruit-a-tives" would be wel- t, and other troubles due to the blood being poisoned by uric acid. A few inch" of snow NY What is so annoying and disfiguring the lowest, Hands and Fee I t Eczema, Mr. Fred W, Clark, Rheumatism, cure yourself now with "Fruit -a- ives"' coined by all j,,xot UOW- as itching Ec on Co., Ont , writes Farm and Dairy. Loans on real estate at if yon are subject to LOCAL NEWS. Petworth, Addington pay n duty rates going' and be free of pain this winter. Balers, or sent postpaid OM Mr H. Davis is in Toronto visiting his that his mother antfored from Eczema The farmers of Canada 50C box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all leal Mr. Albert Sanderoov, who has been fat, averaging at least 12 per cent. on all Of "cJpt ofoprice by Fruit-a-tives 1,itnited, Ottawa, Ont. .1t,r who is FirriouBlY ill just DOW- on both lege for 20 years unable to get damearonaly ill far acme took a The DOW Mtthodist church at 131116- relief or cure from doctors or medicines• their raw material. The manufacturer C N. Griffin She found that Dr. ohnse's Ointment other dfLY vl, A& at next 4 it soon made gets his raw material duty free, In Change for the batter, vals, will be opened On ur. i brim_,ht grwtt relief an, eve of Canada are and bopes are now entertained of big week, by Rov. Dr, p,,ttB, of Toronto til.,tlnr8 (11111018t.p. He states tbit no other wards the farm GENERAL AGENT Teclovery. The church is now UILDObt -finished, and Onq O)a 1(.1 11,.va the disa.Nee worse or out- placed at a most decided disadvantage The electiOd of public school t`nkeefl is a modern and most beautiful 8truc ft r mora when competing with other industries FIRE, o and tura, %�,hich would adorn a town as well by our present tariff arraegements. . Is LirE will take place at the artmA tim he rural districts r1l cloorions The as a village. Its size is 36x66, exOlullivO ACCIDENT insurance pioCceans tbe. municip The Back of Australia had on March it any wonder that t increase are being drained of both capital S ASS and PLATE GL its retiring menib rs of the board are: of the patch. deposits, an ion 31, $726,600,00 Of J. over the prior year of 850.000,000, labor? WEATHER Ward I. G orie PettypivoP; war Mr, Mi. Diusl6y hAs just received a any Market I That raw material for use in -,va-rd 3, Taos. Bell. and is a r, It d A, Morton; fine large Rafe frurn Gjidie & McCal• Chamberlain's 0 ugh Remedy industry should be admitted duty free, Coupled with a REAL EST T � a V mtdioii.e tor throat and word 4. W. W 11191i,�- laugh, Gait, OatariO. very va.luable policy that meets With the approval . MoNEY LOANING Business. -1�� Ftiog of L,�binorl Chap Mr R 0 Sperling shipped three car lung troubles, qrtioli rHli,ves and cares is a P At the last mf' ngerously at all thinking men. To tax the mater -m patutul breathlow auct a da is Issuer of Blarriage Licenses. Reports t ter, No. 85, A F and A M, tb�� follOwID9 loads of potAtO06 to C1nO!uD it', on'01 on sounding cough Which indicates oonges- inis which are used in manufacturing officers were alae ed for tt'% enau'rg Tu,bdvy last, pot G T R. ted Wage. Sold by all dealers. to tax industry and progirese. We all term: First Principal F. L. Dickinson; Mr Win. passant, of tha firm of But- - manufacturers from the see this very clearly When the principal Office over Malcolm�o Grocery. second Principal 0 E Witliamy *, third agaut, met with an accident on Exports of plied to urban industries. The Vkr . tou & F United States will this year for the first Is AP Principal, Jas. Fientv ; Scribe E. H y evening whereby his face was manufacturers have done their best to 12 to 18 Hours she of the C. Meyer; Scribo IT, Jas, McGuire. Manna time exceed SEco.000,000 in value. ER TERM FROM sbveroly out under his loft OY8 impreso the fact very clearly on our. WINTER Mani� ­ a to the farm- Morning Papers Municipal mattt,,ra still rviiiaia quiet. minds. But when it come JAN. Ist It is expected that mast of the present BIRTHS.There is more Catarrh in this mention era' raw material they do not see this memb?ra of thy Cjurcil will cff-r for Rintoul—In Ets- Wawano%h, on the of the country than all other diseasce fact as clearly. In tact, they imm.edi- Every issue of The Toronto Daily Star contains the day's re election. 26th ult., the Wife of Chas. j Rintoul; put together, and until the last few ately start to preach that the prosperity and Live Stock Markets of Tears was supposed to be incurable. price quotations on the Grain a The many friends of Mr. J. 0 Link- a daughter. a great many years doctors pro. of Canada depends on putting a good Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago and other important centres For prescribed stiff tar, on raw material used by the Toronto, later iR this GeW-ion will be pl�ased to Dbiamar—Io BAuevale, on the 5th iloBt, nounced it a local disease and STRATFORM ONT, —the very same quotations that the morning papers will print leavu that he"' la m,,eting with good one. the wite at J. J. D,�nman; a daughter. local remedies, and by constantly failing farmer. The great practical training school - oess in Gananc q%e. At a recent meet- to cure with local treatment. pronounc- What are the farmers' raw materials? of Western Ontario. our courses are next day -12 to is 'hours later. DIED. ad it incurable. Science has proven m machery is the most important practical, our teacher are experienced Ing of the Model School Baird of that Manitoba, on catarrh to be arena constitutional disease F L, r The Toronto Daily Star market reports are most accurate, town he was re-eugagtd for another Biter—At Clearwater, Ma .8 and therefore requires constitutional item on thenist. On machinery he has inptruotors, the demand upon no for and getting them every day you are always able to catch the year, and his salary was Increased by the 2nd iwt., John Biter, aged 56 years• treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, mann- to pay a tax of 17y, per coot. If he help during the Fall term was seven f fnctured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, as the supply. Oar graduates are market at its highest point and to sell your products at the $100, rushing it $goo for nest year. �Kho deceased wes at cue time reeve a foreign oonutry he pays this till siness College to ch. buys in a in demand as Ba 11 highest prices prevailing. Ohio, is the Only constitutional `au" On in he revenues of the Country- Our graduates succeed. Three On Monday evening list, Most War. Culross. I,, is taken internally in tax into t ere, nt reader of the Toronto Star a a paper for shipful Brother Grand Ma ter J. Ross Lamont—IG Wingham, on the 4th the market. teaspoonful, It If he buys from a home manufacturer departments— To be daily and constant doses from 10 drops to a teasp money in your pocket—a live pap Robertson, of Toronto, one of the most inst, Thomas George, Bon of Malcolm acts directly on the blood and mucous the manufacturer gets the tax. Most Of Commercial, Shorthand market reports means rn B. Lamont, oged 4 years. surfaces of the system. They offer one our common seeds are subject to a tax wideawake people. hundred dollars for any case t fails to distinguished Alliaons in Ontario. paid a I testimon. of 10 to 25 per cent. Compounded for. and Telegraphy. cure, Fend for circulars and tela. tilizers are dutiable at 10 percent. Get our free catalogue at once. Address: F. J. CiirNEY & Co,, Tol. When one industry has Bdv--ntngeo edo, Ohi3. that enable it to pay larger dividends TORONTO DAILY TA Sold by all druggists. 75c. . A. MCLACHLAN Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- and higher wages than others, it is pin 0 __`1 • K�i IES f ��� � I� �� tion. axiom of political economy that Capital PRINCIPAL. This paper and the MILL V and labor will flow into that favored in. $ 1 .5" ClUbbing Toronto Daily Star dastry to the detriment of industries WANTED NOW Offer for one year for $2.2o a Year Miss Lillian Veitoh was awarded $400 not so favored. If urban industries are damages against the Hamilton street given advantages not possessed by agri- • railway for being burned by electricity culture we may expect to see capital II % dis- Interesting Paragrapbsftern cvi E while a passenger. and labor drained from the rural dia. For Wingbani -and surrounding triot for Fall and Winter months an on- inclusive, the Gov- Courtlarld Harlow, an M. C. R. brake• triols to build up our cities orgetio reliable agent to take orders for genuine pearls, as leUVA as PO's From 1769 to 1909 And this is exactly the way in which T 0 at the Uaited States spent man, fell under his train on the Cacti nurserV stock. �erwefctlad by James M-iXti- ft pard- n- orumpnt lever Bridge at Niagara and both legs our tariff is working. There are over uaio, while he $474,16$,917 in caring for the Indiana of or of East Liverpool, the country. He is a -wise man who can .1 iecrimiunto The profits of the Now York Horse were out off, and he died a few hours 62,000 fewer farmers in Ontario to -day Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free, was eating oyster soup, tractor has been Show were $50,000. later. than there were ten years ago. The Seven young boys who had been sof&P- A New York con between genius and indigestion. Exclusive Territory, g, w(,re caught atealing fowls, bacon and beef become so serious ing steep , grade t'ollixr track for E. D. Myers, of Worth, Bay, was ar. The first Scottish settlement in Amer. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never labor problem has brought into the ObildrenIg (;cart in by the wagon load from institutions rested on a bigamy charge. i.a, took place on Nov. 2, 1608. disappoints those who use it for obstin. that the Provincial Governments are 600 ACRES New York. the state poor. I ate coughs, colds and irritations of the bringing out immigrants only on con* We guarantee to It that a women talks much but T & A .;-11.A U 1, J rural Under cultivation. Dr. —,bases vint, throat and ItingS. E stands 8 -- dition that they WILL Sam WO� me tisacertain that she talks so long. as a remedy for all throat and lung dia- ann. guaranteed districts. This is starting at the wrong deliver stock in good condition and up cureforeachand There are no fewer than eighty-six eaReR. Sold by all dealerp. to contract grade. We can show that every form of end to solve the rural problem, Just so there is good money in representing a itching, bleeding general holidays in a year in Russia. John W. Smith, 68 years old, a negro PILE long as our tariff gives the city capital- well known reliable firm at this time. and protrudingwho was once a slave, and whose life. Write for Rites, See testimonialsin the procza d a The courtesy, of thanks for kindness ist and the city employer inch an unfair Established over 80 years. BLOOD DISEASES CURED t:ourneighborsaboutif» You can use it QLd Goolved should never be neglected. long ambition has been to learn to read advantage in attracting capital and particulars. V� oeyb%ckifnotaaQ Ile one, at all me started to the school for FELHAMNURSERY CO. DIN Soy, ATrS '0., OrOn , I v Mug and write, la labor as they now have will the country � Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years The busiest and mightiest little t negro children at Kansas City, KRD- continue to be drained of both. Toronto, Ontario. OR. GMASIEWS 01 EN . tbat ever was made is Oliamberlain's a NAMES USED WITH. The man Who ttenlaiLg a bachelor Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do He save he has given his children good A most decided reduction of the tariff IW -NO from choice has not had inneh choice. the work whenever you require their oducaflon and now it is his turn. on farm implements and the complete OUT WRITTEN CONSENT g r -L aid. Theae tablets change weakness in Trying to detect an 6800Q0 Of gag is removal of the tariff on seeds and ferti, ilei was surprised at how the To got an obstinate glass stopper Out to strength, llstleseriesB Into energy, often done by the aid of a candle, with liz6rs would place agriculture on a sores heated— "I took your Naw Their no- IrTHOD TnnAvarwr for a serious blood I-0. of &receptacle, top it around N;ith an• gloominess into joyoneness, a results. Here is a safe meth- footing, Wittout injuring RDY disease with which I had been in icted I had consulted a score tion is so gentle one don't rE;aliz3 they disamtron stronger for twelve years. other glass fitopper, have taken a purgative. Sold by all ad, Dissolve I pound of soap in 3J established industry. Are You V.,. of iiysicfans taken all icinds of blood met icine, visited Hot Springs and other dealers, pints of water. Paint this sticky fluid minoral water resorts, but OnIF got tem - over the pipe, when, it an escape is go- porary relief. They Would help 3110 f0l' R 6' but after discontinuing the niedi- 1-1 1 S = the symptoms would break, out I 'Vere FainS A balloon joy ride is a continuous per- rouble again running sores formenco with no place to go between Ing on, bubbles will readily appear. Heart Tro blotches, rheum - the arta. atic pairs, looseness o the hair swellings Caused Dizziness, Weakness of the glands palms of the hands scaling, a RU 11U,r 0 L in stomach, There are more than 400 wireless BEFOACTREATMENT itolvinesR of tte skin, dF AFTER TREATMENT etc. I had given up n despair when a stat'One oil the coosts of the maritime C.,- AST OR I A and SmotherliNg Spells. friend advised me to consult you, as oil had cured hint of a similar disease 8 years ago- malst 1hadnoliopolbuttoolchisadvice. Inthreoweeics, time S Ile Soves commolleed to heal up nations. For Infants and Children, I can care the worst CaSO Of and I became encour a. i continued the Xrw DtnTno TREATIVIF= for four months Bou fy flivee years old is sound and healthy. I eer- Felt AL Nearly o-.e.third of the ectbotalo ac, The Kind YOU HaVe AlWays 0 Through one cause or another 0, large Rupture from infancy to old age, and at the end of that time every Sgigioni had disappeared. I was Cured 7 years ago ralit and no signs of ATlY disease since, % tivity at Germany tests today On femin- majority of the people are troubl more without operation or loss Of time. fainly can recommetia your treatment with all my heart. Wu can refer anTv%r!,Son to inn ehoulders. Bears the �1_012ror with some form of heart mora me privately, but you CA.11 110 this tcStilftOufftl as YOU NVIsh. 39. BLO I OD. Wherever there and sickly people with Wo trout NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, VITALWEAKNEI e. Al;rcll E, Davis, Game, Ont., signature of IZ499 weak hearts, Milburn's Heart and Nerve ACT AT ONCE SkIN and SECRET Disease*, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNZY romplaints of Men vvritei�: ­ For sj.;w ycars I suffered from Children Cry Pills will be found to be the moot effective and remove the daily danger' Of and Women. Areyonavlotim? 11ave ouloathope? Areyoul-atoidingtomarrV Has EL'ver­' pal'ls in illy back, and could FOR FLETCHER'S There passed away on Thuraday medicine on the market, strangulation, Fill in coupon HEADER your blood boon (ii8eqsedt mve you an weaknegs? Our XrW 1Vkn0D hardly work at all, and When Tstromd Mrs. r, Leslie Craig, 114 Eric, Ave.; TRrATMrNT will cure you. What it hag done for othersyt will (to for you. Conaultation I OAS—rOR I A morning, Dec. let, one who has been Brantford, Ont., writes-" It if; with the and send to Dept. 1. Free. No matter wim ba.4 treated ou write for an honest opinion tree of Charlae. do..:i7 t,) pick it) anything felt as if my Charges reasolialole. Books JFrd46_(I1T1ustrated) On diseases of UOD. bac., inuqt In,"T. I was advised to try for many years a resident at Toedwatero greatest of pleasure I Write you stating IdtliflA Spiders have a number of ingenious Mary Victoria Rose, wife a'. Mr. J,%mos the 3, S. SMITHo NO NAMES USED WIT14OUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Etverydilns conti 1)3L1u1,j jXjdhio�,- Pills and after t benefit I have received b nein estiorl Iht wid cost of Hdtaa Treatmont FIZZE, 31� � is' '(mtirely cured, and I ;111�115 11 QU two vovaq I'vas ways of adtiring and catching their Johnston, at the age of 71 yeare and 10 Milburn's heart and Nerve Pi 11s, I co"anot too highly in their suffered greatly from heart trouble which 88 Caledonia St, favor. prey. A -Writer in Popular SACTICe months, Deceased had been for many caused dizziness, weakness and smather. KENNEw American,t spider. which years in delicate health but her condi- T. DRs.KENNEDI��rJi1; vvv.o %mrly four years ago and I describes an ing spells. I used a great deal of Dr.'s STnATPORD, 014 still remain eured." haunts evergreen treemAnd snares its tion gave little cause for anxiety until melicine but reeciv&l no benefit. A Cot. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Ior Daclzaeho, Larno Back, Weak dinner by means of it kind of lasso about a week before heir death when 1% friend advised me to buy a box of Your XaMd Back. there is Do romedy equal to I pills which I did and before I had Do:ln,.,) Hi(iney 11ills for taking out the Tho web of the opider Is triangular In change for the War" let it' from which ImMled one I= I felt ad much better I All letters front Canada must be addressed Address ...................... NOTICE to Our Canadian Correspondence Depart - stitches, twitchog and twinges, limbering torn), Two corners of the triangle ato she never rallied, She was born in Bi- continued their ilea by taking two boxes. Asm menein Windsor, Ont. It you desire to up the stiff back and giving perfect attached to twigs, bat the other carrier queering Tp, Ofit,, In 1840 and was a I highly recommend these pills, to any e and treat coinf6rt. one 8, fcring from heart and nerve Age... ... Time 110 ........ See us personally call at our Medical luftitato In Detroit no we sec Do.,,n's Xidn(�y Pills are W cents per which ends in a mingle thread, is hold by daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexandet trouble," no Ipajitnts in our Windsor ofilc:0 whicli are for Correspondence and L,ov or 3 bones for $1.115, at all dealers, or the spider, perched on a neighboring Ross. She who married on Cot, 25th, Milburn7a Heart and Nerve Pills 9,T6 Sifigle or double A ............. Lalforatory for Canadian business only, Address all letters as follows, rnai!od direct on ie,cipt of pried by The twig. When ik fly strikes the web the, 1801, to Mt. Johnston at Aborfoyle, Oat, 60 cents per box or 3 for $125, at all MS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Wl'fidsor, Ont. n �Io., Linifted,Toronto, Ont. Satisfaction ga T. MilWr, SpIderpc6sens its hold and the elastic Three mono and two daughters were dealem, or mailel direct by We T. MR. antntctd. writo for 6ur privato addrem. tl1,,0rdm inotartly entangle fLo victiva, born Cotham, burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. a