HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-15, Page 56
T44 W1145AAM T1100, pFCF ZI FR 15 .ffltlt
. � �LpaxAxrr�.x Grey tow] a p; ThomaYl3 , of Morrls4 :._ ,,.... ...._ .
,� r'+ _ T.he young people era lanae* preusting James, of Winnipeg; Sydney, Joseph Asth�xa Ca�talrlr�lt.
for ChOstma.,s tree outeatatument to end VPm , of Qavt+n,
UU � Said I*,n-%I��orrct►tcts 1cOUGHtl �Caaaa CHRISTMAS.
ca. Aaarew Knight and.
daughters,_ IYI E Y
• h c Thugs
., � c be given to Eadie s ()hutch, h. oa
• - n our r t o r i day, 22nd Dec. at 7,80 p,. m. .A good Mrs. abnrlss P4110*0, of Morrip, and
• rc ramme will ba rendered, Every- Mise Jana at home. The subject of thit
p g...... notice wise a faithful member of St -
body .
welcome. A 011001on 16 Cts,
I aeorgo'A church, where be•loyaily sere '
nF Miss Simpson spout a few days with send octlyoiso
l%' • ed so, Sunday i3ah001 Superintendent for Aaimplo oafeandeliectlyptreptmenttorkroa �J ��"�*
Mrs. D.. NATobleou, chial troubles, w thout doping the atomaeh Witlt
many years and WR D'x5
AY Alto Warden. I0 drugs. Used wit %Zona for thirty y' e4ra.
The good alai hip has started out Tia a!r rendered stron ty antiseptt6, furpired
g g politico Mr, 13glger was A. ConeervAttva• with axori, breath. mskee�roathingeasy.poothes
those who have teaming t4 do. the sato throat, and atopy the con$itb,. paearlag F O` �►
He was ladAStxignn, thrlfEy And honest restPotnigbte, Crepoleneleinvnluablotomothera USEFUL
Onx teAahers On the 8th and loth OOa• with yDung ailkQron and a 1A.aon to ru>itrerta
„ to all his transactions. and had A wide from Asthma.
oeaelopo axe doing excellent work and circle at ai gnatntanoes. psnd,ys postal Rordaprrirt[ve booklet, Alp
will continue to wield the rod during. _ .. T�eCopeim 1oAet.1QB O��ea
1911. 'Ari05 ALL l)R�Gd aro f lif �p ;mist a Prf s n.. s
septi Throat Tablets ,,JOS
o — XAy It WAv1 H tecE,va and un iso t,c. 1'�
Y — OS Yaur dru¢oie or. ,
a . ARLMOIiE. Mrs John, peauy. of ,S't, (]cols, PAW, uvatp9, tQ�laatpmpa, � , ,'`
Y g YapoCresiiion Co, Everything that could be clone to r
• Farmers' Institute meetings, under wle•, who some forty-five yeare a o,
Q the auspices of the South Bruce Farm. left this vicinity for that part, is back. ieemng-mites alae ' y g . nake an easy, pleasing
M°��`' and satlsfactar lace for Christi
is Shopping
' STUDYING' aril' Institute, will be held in the Fgres• on a visit to friends and acquaintAnaes, Y p
Sort' Hail, $elmore, on Saturday after- lie is at present visiting at the home of s
noon and evening, Dec, 17th. At tile has been done at I SA FZIa S where the Mr. Alfred B. Carr, in Blyth, who was 6 9 0 is the figure and Mr, 'Wheeler
afternoon session, oommeaoln8 at. 2 A school mate of his over fifty years ago. $ • .R best GIFTS for 1zE:� and 11'0 �1k 1`i
takes next season's crop, It is a dandy will be found•
o'clock, Mr, Gavin Barbour, of Oross Mr, Carr, when a boy of fifteen years, lead of pro art and has belonged to
� Hill, will speak on the following sub Accompanied by Mr. Panny, undertook P p y -
= jeots: "$set Cattle;" "Draught Hor• to drive from Part Hope to East WAwa, the Wheeler family for well np toward,
see" And "Corn and the alio." These nosh Haron Co. They started' on the 50 years 'We hope Mr, and Mrs, Wheel- PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR WOMEN
i. • �.
er will locate somewhere near by. This
. _ are live•topice of interest to the Larmer 8th of Margh, 1862 with a sleigh, but urohAse with what already was posees• Bilk waists, $2,50 to $5A0 iendkelrchiefs, 50 to 0$1,00 each
of today and everybody should hear when near Toronto, the snow )vying p
sed will give the Nicholson boys a most Furs for the Neck, $8.00 to $20 Gloves, 25e to $1.50
^ - them. The ladies may arrange to have - gone, bad to. use the wagon until they property. desirable
Mrs, watts, of Clinton, address them in reached Mimioo. They then Again' _ Silk Collars, 25e to $1,25 Umbrellas, $1,00 to $8.50
SIR. D?LESS?t : the afternoon, In the evening Mr. Bar- hitched to the sleigh,, using it until they Coats, $5.00 to $25.00. Hand Bags, 50c to $2,50
hour will speak on "Present Day Needs arrived At their destination, covering Toys, dolls and games of All kinds At
of Ontario Agriculture." Mrs, F. W. the distance in about five days. Mr. KNox's. Cloalds, 250 to 75c. Fascivators, 500 to $1.50
VOU WILL SAVE TIME BY COMING Watts of Clinton will speak on "Hap Penny worked around for some four =
MiiTs, $3,50 to $20.00- Wide Ribbons, 10e to 250
piness in the Home." All are invited years, then in company with James and CHURCH NOTES.
OUR to attend these meetings. Malcolm Dobie, .Jae. Love, Win. Kenner -Fur Caps, $1.50 to $12.00 • Silks, 25e to $1.,50 per yard
DIRECT TO O,UR STORE FOR rY _ end John MoPhannook started for Wis• Fur Coats, $25,00 to .$75.00 Dress Goods, 25e to $1.50 per yd
RLUEVALE. cousin, where Mr • Penny has resided Rev. James Brown of OHM& will con.
XMAS. GIFTS. WE ARE .SHOWING LARGER ever since. Some of the rest are in duct the services in the Baptist Chnroh Big Bargains in Silk Underskirts,. $5.00 valise for $8.95.
Mr. Robt. Mangrove made a business Washington Territory and some in next Sapday.
AND EVER tri to Toronto this week. Rev. D Perrie preached missionary USEFUL GIFTS FOR MEN
There were about twenty-five from _ sermons in the Whiteohurch and Lang-
BEFORE:- IN NECKWEAR OF ALL .KINDS• this part took in the Winter Fair at side Presbyterian Churches last Sanday. Braces 25c to 50e
tiREY. Gloves, 50e to $2.00 ,
_ Guelph last week. Rev. Mr, Thynne, of Palmerston con-
-Both Sunday schools are busy preper- The demise of Charles Rezellwhich took ducted the services in St. Andrew's Handkerchiefs, 100 to $1,00 Mufflers, 500 to $1.50
..GLOVES. HANDKF,S'., HOSIERY. SHIRTS', Ing for their Xmas entertainments— place Saturday morning, Deo. 3rd, came Church. Suits; x$7.00 to $15.00 Neck. Ties, 250 to 50e
Presbytertan, Friday, 28rd and Metho with startling suddenness as he' WAS Up to the present eleven Presbyteries
dist, Monday, 26th. thought to be ooneiderably improved In h $7.00 to $15.00
ave voted on Overcoats,
SWEATER- church Union upon the Cuff Buttons, 25c to 50c Fancy Shirts, 500 to $1.25
Mre, Chas. Conitee ot. Calgary is hebeen good for the past year, Brightalth. Mr: Rozell's health had not remits dia• set down to them by the last Gen- ,Fur Coats, $20.00 to $60.00 .
spending a few months with her mother, seal Aneembiy under the Barrier not.
COATS. NOVELTIES IN MENS• JEWELLERY, Men. Snell, ease being the cause, Was born in the which regmrei a simple yes or no. On
See our Holiday (roods and you are sure to buy here.
Miss Cora Messer visited friends at township of Erin, Halton Co., Jane 176h, ly two oL 61, e , Westminster and Bruce
Brussels thin week, 1847, and was consequently in his 64th have opposed the union. Sydney was . -
_S'UIT CASES. UMBRELLAS, FUR COLLARS, Mr, John Harbottle, who has spenYear, From a boy of 9 years of age nn• unanimously in favor. Ia the others the X
til r. yeare ago he made his home in El- votes for and against, respectively,thstood ` imA�'S Groceries and Confectionery
the poet two yenta in the West feat pre-, ma township, Co., marrying Mise 6; Truro, at �,�,$'� Prices. OF THE p me follows; Owen Sound, 15,
FUR CAPS. ETC., ETC. MANY v Beat visiting refativee in this vicinity, Sarah Plum, who survives him, at List, 13, 1; Guelph, 22, 8; Lanark and Ren.
Mrs. Robt. Mosgrove is spending a Owel June 5th, 1872. After a reeidenoe frew, 25,12; London, 84, 11; Paris, 11, No room to quote prices here. Come along and see what a Baying
FANCY BOXES. few weeks with friends in Toronto. on the 4th line of Morrie for 9 years he �; Qaebeo, 10; 9; Prince Edward Island, you can m« ke buying here.
LINES A RE V UT UP IN Dnli &Stewart have several teams
sold big farm and moved to Grey town 41, 7; Weetminster, 12, 19, and Brace,
drawing loge and a large gang of men ship where he spent 5 years and then 5, 13.
in the bash. went to Michigan but only stayed a year
The annual- meeting of the patrons of and once more lived in Morrie for 8 yeare
Bluevale butter�factory took place on and has Since been a resident of Grey, We don't very often put on a special ♦ E., ISAIR Ise; &
bellawed he farm on which he died out -down sale, but we want room, and
Tuesday, Dec. 6th, Everything p pnrohaning t the gaiokest way. to get it is to clear out
off very well, The former directors from W. H Kerr, of Brussels, 6 years at a price. This is your epporuuity to & VM
were re•eleoted and Mr. S. Paul Appoint ago. The children who were all here for get bargains, but for cash only.
ed salesman. The factory to in good con the fnneralvn Tuesday afternoon, are S. GRAOFY, Farniture Dealer•
dition and has done well for its patrons. Will and Elton, of Detroit, and Earnest Thiry -five lives were lost in the Belle. Mr. John Jaffray, a brother of Senator.
Being a joint stook factory the patrons at home•Mrs. J011h Engle, of Paw Paw, Mrs. Henry Patience of Kenilworth vue mineexplosion near Frank, Alberta, Jaffray of Toronto, was run down by an
+AA♦♦�A♦�♦♦7♦♦!♦♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ get all their bream will make less the Mtoh.,Mxn. W. H. Salter, of Toronto; killed her four-year-old eon with a razor engine in the C, P. R. yards at Carberry,
g�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦����������♦ price at making. We speak a good Mrs. Herb. Manning, of Morrisrtownship. ac outbreak Hr ll mumps has reused toe Man ,and killed. '
°and Misses Annie. and Hazel at home. and thea ant her own throat. She will MacDonald Hall at t}n,11ph to be closed,
^r` year for 1911. probably die. acd the Students of the'AgrioultnralOol• J.)hn English, an Indian, was sentenced
UTTERICK f �TTERf�uitdricl a r.- The S. S. of Knoa Ohnrah will hold T lege will be dismissed for the as int rI. to dfor yearn in penitentiary at Brant-
�p their annual Christmas entertainment holidays a week earlier thea woe later i• ford for setting cite to the hones and
Pll�l.ic,��Tlli\S ean10ISCp7'� 11:1it and Christmas tree on Friday, 23rd Dao. ]3LYTH,bora of Lawrence Davin,
Will your family be properlyed.
Everybody welcome, come and enjoy a Mr. A. Elder has purchased the In• ;
0 good entertainment. dustry Hall and has leased a portion of clothed and educated when
♦ ♦ Watson Smith returned home from ,it to the Blyth Rhral Telephone Co. as MAAA AM/1MAAM
♦♦ Mount Forest where he has been ill inyou are gone ? ��� t f , �•/�
an Office. t �
the hospital for nearly three months Mr. Walter Oaiiningham and family _
• with typhoid fever. We are pleased to have returned from the West where HOW TO FIGURE IT OUT S
m LJ
:learn that he is growing stronger• they have resided for the past couple of "�
♦ C hr i s ♦ - y 1, Y;are t $1,nnualfamilyespenSa
♦ ears.
• WRORETER. Mr. Sherlock, C: P. R. train dispatcher 2• Deduct your personal share of � 1
The death ocoured on Monday, at Winnipeg, Man., accompanied by one same, say $300.
Z•S Dec. 6th, of Mrs. Simpson, reliot of bis sons, was the guest of Mrs. Chas. 3 Balance—being anneal income
+ needed to support your fam- ,^•h �+ P ° S
• of the late Rev. Goo, Simpson of Floody. ily $700
4. Estate required to yield needed
S Brucefield. Mrs. Simpson hadbeen in At the regular meeting of the I, O O �y 4
'+ feeble health for a number of years but - F., atter initiating two ogndidases, the income at 5 per gent. (20 times _
No. 8) $14,000. r • )�
only oonfined to bed for about four weeks election of oflioete took place with the 5 Dednot net cash value of your 0
1� and she in survived by two sone, George following result; -•N. G., Bron, J. Pette; estate today, say $5000.
of Rothsay, Arid Cecil of this plane. A V. G , Bro. R H; Robinson; R. S., Bio. 6, Balanoe—estate not created $9000
sh rt service by Rev. L. Perrin took A. W. Robinson'' F: S Bro. P. Gard- 7. Deduot amonn , now covered by �g tRY
* `\. E
� Q ' life insurance, nay $3000. \
lace at the residence cn Wednesday and finer; Tress. , Bro. 1�. 'Floody, 8• Additional lite insurance needed
a LADIES' p _ -
the remains were taken to Brnaeffeld for The marriage of 1liise Margaret Floody $6000. C
Interment- and Rev. W. H. Cooper, pastor of Mil- Examine the Above figures and a
Fano. ' Belts, Collars, Jabots, Fancy s Atter a lingering illness of almost two ver Methodist Chnroh, tank pl Ce gee
t on is Dotow fit your
you IosnrOd? The
but "Are yon snfTiiclently insured?
Waists (boxed separately) Parasols, Han dhow great deal, Mrs. Charles Simmons of residence a off the afternoon,
Dec 76h,
Mr. you Fay I will carry my own rikk "
• Gloves, Mufflers, Pillow of Wroxeter departed this lite on Friday Edward F1ooly, 58 Close avenue, Tor• yo;a ona't do it. I6 to your wife and
chiefs, Scarfs, Veils, conr pA NEW YEAR'S
t) s, Sideboard Scarfs, Lunch Covers and all Z morning, December 2nd. The deceased onto. Only intimate friende of the Th hs Now Year riuht bvnar^narl Bunn CHRISTMAS R, KNOX'S
Chr stmas Novelties. + was a faithful wife, a loving mother and traoting parried were present. The teotinu them in THE MUTUAL LIFE '
a true friend. Following members of the ceremony was oondgeted by Rjv. W . B. ASSURANCE CO. OF CANADA.
' familyare left to mourn the lose;her has- Caswell of Doan Avenue , Methodist
- _ J
band, Charles Simmons; the daughters, Church. Mr and Mee. cooper will re•
RitchieVictoria, at home; Mrs, Thos, Saunders side at Milverton. &CosefisI B
a r6 a eln S in Every Vine
ofYanoonver, B. a.; the sons, Charles REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE
G j TLEME•� N W,Howiok;JohnW.,of13rauele Cleo. NORsis.
Lj 1 of Wawanosh and Rev. Byron, a Forest. Having such a large stook of Christmas Novelties, all goods must bs sold At
Sieighload of young people of the first I ptioes that will sell thoom. see our large stock of Ch
rfs6mas Goods
_ C before purchasing elsewhere.
Muffler. Cravats, Gloves, Fur -Lined Gloves, line spent last Friday, night in dancing
WALTON. and games at Mr. Geo. Orvis' in East d • t •
Knitted Ties, Handkerchiefs (Silk and fancy) lars, Sweatcr Goat% -Braces On Monday, December 66h, theimpor• wawanoeh. N
Fancy Vests, Fur Col
ative summons that all mast obey came The fine 100 -sore farm belonging to MADQUATUS F09 '
and all ChristmasOVeltie5;, Z ab a ;yell known and highly esteemed `1qm. $eye, 5th line, formerly owned
to is nt,%e in knowhe n
of James Bolger W . eeve Mooney, has been Bold to IPEG
L+<dfeb' and Giate' Watohca and UhainS, Wedding, Diamond and E+ogaRe•
and he passed peaoefnlly away to hie of the same locality, whoO w N meat Rings, Charms and Bracelets, Lockets,Locket �hep'anoy Solid
rest, aged 77 yeare. He had been in
Faorge Herr, and Gold Filled Jewelry of all kinds,
i hs Sete possession next Spring. Price web ware and Ohina Novelties, high grade fancy goods, including
' IyeCSlari LaCllh, Miall:. et
failing health for the psst 6 months $6,200, The probabilities are Mr. Keys Burnt Wood and Leather Goods, Glove and HAndk gold
Ladles' and Children's Fur Setts, " AND WEST Manicure and Toilet Sets, Silk Umbrellas with gold
Fox.` from in intestinal growth but had o may go West when the Winter it past. sterling and ivory handles. Ohrlstm%,t Books,
Sable, Isabella• been Confined to bed until Sunday. Bibles Hymn and
' seared was born in the 6bnittr'ot tippet. . WIM Bernard, .who has had the John travel by the leather
Books Toys and posts,
Books for
Mooney farm, 5th line, leased for the
boyo and girls, Fatly Stationery,
Ary, Ireland, and came to Canada with past Direct Only Christmas Table NOVAlns, Christ,
his parents about 70 years ago. they 'pMet term, has g loop acr S6 Lot ps,
don. 6, containing 100 nares, from :as. mels Clatdr and Calendars,
located on Lot 20, Con. a, MORIllop, d CaKadit><n Through Z
miles from Seaforth, where thb bubjeat
Maxwell, paying d will therefor. their _
CHRISTMASGROCERIES,9 when he and Mrs. Bernard will move to their Route Car Lane
of this notice lied until ils7 z
• new home next'Spring. The farm was
purchased the Donald Sooft i00 sores, Fine Watch, Clock Mtt1 Jttryelry repairing a s1eolalty,
a cod she and was formerly owned bar DALLY SERVICE
8th line,lsmorritr. where the family home g
war Until last March, when Ida. Bolger Win' Robb, who is stow located on .
the 60 sore farm pnxohabed from Jno, o{' efiptese ;telae oelleepin through O
told oaf to his sari, 'hot. $. and retired N 1�''�is�I1 �, % ,9 m
• � Mowbray, near''�GValton'. It is raid 'Mr. standard end tourist el$epinR calve for e ♦ ♦ 1 � • j'
"A from farm lite locating in Walton where All pointe in Western Canada.
he bought a home. Mrs. Bolger, whore
Maxwell will take a trip to the Vilest.
Opposite BtunwwiCkli#otei,
• � me Walt Misty barter, died 6 John RTheel9r batt told hie well-known For iniormatlon tee
1;lobs' ;forth At Sings;,
maiden tiA w y
ears ago last November, The 'suture 1;10 darer, 4th Line, to FL 5bert Nicholson, J, U. hkaMEn, dbeat, v01aRLam,
PHONE 7f1 �
' ingChilkren Mre .6. tour, vilt:�••Jo$n, 6i who ownb th9 farm across the road...
• 't1i'�'......