HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-15, Page 4RE 4 TIM WINGUAK TIMRS, DEMBER 15, 1010 THE HVRQN OLD uQva. ax annual meeting of too Huron oTBoys" Ao4i she olty of Tor• onto was held on Friday, evening, Dec,. 2nd, and in pains of attendance and in. 11341' OFFICItt TOUONTo tares was the bout annufil meeting pet b(Id, Dr. Stanbury, president, Occupied the 06*014al Stock (all paid up) $4,G00 00(t 00 UV$IMrT6 'R'und ' chair, and apokQ of the progress of the eooiety, which hs,a saw membership a and Un, dividedI'r�dts ,. , .. , $5,3130,000.00 nearly 400, being larger, than that of any similar organization irk the city, During I)OPOVIN by the public. , . $47,000,000 00 the year two banquets: and an At home, T041Assets, over ........ $01,200,000,00 and the annualexoarslouhad been held, fill of which were well attended. 8xslvotlsasNi AosxTs throughout Can The report of the treasurer,, W, Sloan, oda »'fid the United States, showed A Considerable balance as hand, after meeting all expenses incident to the A GENERAT. SANKING BUSINESS various entertainments held. TRANSAGTEI?, ThA oiiloora were aieoted for the ensu, SavingsDepartment. suing year; Honorary presidents, George Tate Blackstock•, J. S. Willison, Dr, R J. Staubury; president, Major 9nrre0t Il rtes of xntarest allowed, and Jos. Back; vice-presideut, Wi W. Sloan; Depraits reoaived of 01.00 and secretary, E. Ploody; treasurer, H, Ola,• upwards. caa; auditors, W, O UoTaggart, Thos. MoGilliouddyl committee, W 0 Me, FArmera' sale Notes Collected, and Taagart, T. G. Boole, Dr. Struthers, Dr.. advances mado on them at lowest Rollins, W. E, Groves, if. Stewart, R rate of interest, Rolmes, Dr, Belden, 0, S, McDonald, l WINGITA BRANCH --Corner John and riS, so ,PrW doMcElroy, S. L,A. Cos-3nBScottt,, R e Jeaephtne Streets, Cronyn, K. MoLeisb, F. S. Hick, J. 0. W. R. GI IRIS MANAGER. Hyslop, Atter the eteotign at ai36oers T. i4lo• R. Q AsSTO qu. Solicitor. Gilliouddy (of the Departmental! Agri- oulture) gave an interesting and humor. 71*0 ADVERTISERS ons address on the foundations laid by the pioneers of Huron, showing that Notice of changes must be left at this their work was more important and lastiog than much of what had been offi,oe not later than Saturday noon, agoomplished by armies of soldiers - The copy for changes must be left Thos, Gibson, Deputy Minister of not later than Monday evening. Mines, who cam originally from Wrox. Casual advertisements accepted up to .roan 4Pednesdap of each weak. ate. , epoae� on The Natural Resources of Ontario roving an address that was filled with facts relating both to the 34TABLISHED isTx � agricultural and the mineral possitiili. ties 4f this, $he best Province in the TuEWiNofiAn :t,r L+t+. ie !g til[i !11 11 ES Dominion, , Gibson said that he ted the p es resent production of the CabaIt miaee Cobalt .R.RT,L1o7eT,PuY3rYsasasxuPaorti�roa to remain As high for a good many years to come, and predicted great things for THURSDAY, DECESIBER 15, 1910 the Sudbury nigkeI-mining industry, Porcupine, with transportation facilities -- - ---- and the arable land which surrounds it, EDITORIAL NOTES. would make a great camp, he thought mining and agriculture going hand in hand, While Ontario now raised, in Local O?tiaa contests were held in a agricultural products, ae much as the Weatern Provinces put together, he be - number of municipalities in the Province lieved it easily possible to double the Of Saskatchewan on Monday. out of production. 26 plaque heard from the bylaw wilem car- Mr. McDonald, a successful business an of the city, who lived at Bayfield sled in seven please and defeated in nine• formerly, also gave a very interesting teen. The only city togo dry was Moose, talk on farming conditions as applied to Jaw, while Ragiaa only defeated the Huron, and was followed by Dr. Belden, measure by £19 votes. In Saskatoon it formerly of Clinton, who, in explaining the decrease of rural population, pointed was defeated by 20. The rural districts out that whereas, on his father's farm gave a stronger Aemperance vote, Both near Brussels, when he was a boy at sides express satisfaction, home, it took the combined labor of a An act that will give the Association family Of ten to work the farm, now, by the aid of maahineryltbe same farm Of Fall Pairs and Exhibitions the right is better worked by two Wren. $a use part of the Government grant as H, Ciuoao, formerly of Goderich, gave an insurance against Iose through nn• g favorable weather will probably be in. some amusing reminiscences of the earlier days in the county town, especi• eluded among the new legislation to ally referring to the late Christopher Crabb, welt -known as a prominent ciii- come before the Provincial Parliament Zen of the county town twenty five neo. xt;January- Prospective plans in this direction are now being drawn up, yeMr. Prendergast, separate school in. and will be submitted to the Board of Dir specter, formerly of MoKitlop, in an. 'able address drew attend th 2 •++.r► +r♦yah►�f��rt �r,►+ s #,~� eft► ► +�k lrf.+F#. .,` .....♦+�++�,►t�*��r*�•+♦f��. SHARING STORBa T. • _ '�U'�NG�AM� _ O , AGENTS -•Ladies' AGENTS ... Horne Home Journal KERR.&BIRD Journal Patterns Read for ri'$tmas.,,Now Every Department in this Big Store full of the newest and Best Goods suitable for Christmas Shoppers • This week we have added a quantity of FANCY CHINA and a number of v • cry useful Household articles, to our Premium Table. Colne in and see these ` goods. The are given away, absolutely free, Y + CHRISTMAS GROCERIES Get the Children's Number Ladies' Selected Valencia Raisins, lb.. ... , , . , . 100 Home Journal. Order Now. California Seedless Raisins, 3 lbs ... , , .... , 250 • Cluster Table Raisins, lb. .... , . , . 200 Z seeded Raisins, per package ......... roc to 130 CHINAWARE DEPARTMENT + ZLayer Figs, per Ib ............... . . x 50 to 200 # New -Dates, 3 lbs. for..... , ... ...... , . , 25e. We are ready for the holiday trade with as New Dates in packages, 3 for..............25c nice a line of Fine Fancy China as you will se¢ New CurrAnts, recleaned, per lb .,.....4...100 anywhere. The Decorations are strictly I3IGl3- 1 New Prunes, large fruit, per lb . , . • ...100 CLASS. Prices marked in plain figures. PURE MINCEMEAT. -Cheaper than you can wmake it, so save yourself that trouble and buy it RICH CUT GLASS here. Its absolutely pure. Only 10c a lb. • Bowls, Celery Trays, Olive Trays, Spoon f Holders, Knife Rests, Olive Bottles, Water Bottles, AYPLms.-Baldwins and Spies, good sound; ; - Vases, Salt and Pepper Shakers, Sugars and 0 clean fruit, 500 a peck. Also Canned Apples in Creams, Tumblers, etc. 3 gallon tins. + iCALIFORNIA NAVAL ORANGES Try our OLD CHEESE, only per Ib ... , ... ; . , . ,1710 i _ Very choice juicy, sweet fruit, 25c, Cut Luaf Sugar, per lb....... , .... Iqe �+ 30e, 40c, 50c and 60e a dozen. White and Pink Icing Sugar, per lb .,......100+, • NEW NUTS. Z Best duality, nuts cost us a tittle more looney CHRISTMAS DRY GOODS. �► • this year than last, but we are selling No, 1 mixed HANDBAGS,-Qaality counts, our handbags +. Nats fit 200 a lb,, Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts, have the quality, gilt and gun metal trimmings, + Brazils and Pea Nuts. some are leather lined, small change purse inside, • • Prices to suit your purse, 500 to $5,00. • CANDY FOR CHRISTMAS HANDI�I;RCHII~FS.--Ladies' Plain and Fancy + Choice Cream Chocolates, 150 to 500 a box, Handkerchief's 5c to 500. Z Choice Cream Chocolates, 20c to 400 a lb. Ex. Dainty colored ones for the children 3e to + quisite Bon Bons, Cocoa Crescent Creams, Choco• 5e each. late Grenoble Creams, Royal and Brown Mixed + Candy, -,Kandy Kid,,, Pop Corn, etc: Excelda and Silks for Boys' and Men 100,150, + 25c, 50e, 750 and $1.00. # ec- on to a fact A BARGAIN IN FIGS. PERRINS KID GLOVES. -Black and Colored tore of Provincial Fairs in the near that go far as he knew no attempt was # quality guaranteed, price X1.00 .-Black a and to ed, future. being made to preserve any historical New Layer Figs, regular 100 package, our '? record of the pioneers that were fast p ecial price 3 for 25c. Our wholesale dealer MUFFLERS. --»The new shape that hug the Mr. Borden should a adopt Mr; Ballon +'s pa y th swap, and he thought in some _ + overloaded us in this line, and in order to run neck, navy, wbite and grey, price 500, experience. The leader fit the Opgoei• way this shoal( be tme, them off quickly we have cat the price, s lb, tion in Ottawa has been wobblingin his Major Bock, (postmaster g fhb par_ + choice Layer Figs in each package, 3 packages Rn3Boxs,--All widths, all the best colors, a the pr identiel e t an taking his seat d HERE IS YOUR for 25e. g full range of 150 Ribbons, now only 100 yd, policy. He wants to do something, and the president•eleot, cordially thanked � � he would be the better if he ectad upon the members for the honor conferred t Faney Layer Figs, 150 to 20e, lb. Very # his own judgement, but he accepts advice upon him- z effloi largest Uwbreila l* ids only 200 Ib. Special price + rO freely tendered, and with the usual P' r), was, secretary congratulated Revenue f r full bombs, Fins Wool Knit Scarfs officer), was enthusiasm, t , And on his nine result. Some members at his party have easy and enthnaiasm, and to him mash �► Fine Silk Knit Scarfs + demanded his resignation, and sooner or credit is due for the Prosperity of the • Taylor's best Perfumes...... „. 4 ..........25e + later it will be handed in. Balfour and nrganizatlon ` i t Perfumes, small bottle ............ Joe Ladies' Suede and Wool Gloves • Borden will presently find themselves On the suggestion of R. Holmes it was decided to hold meetings of the 0 Silver Thimbles..... 4, ....... . . ..... ° , . , , , 350 Newest Styles in trrillings LAST CHANCE back numbers. -Kingston Whig. Aaseoiation every three months, in TheSasuoial statement of the Domin- order to discuss matters of general in. * , Dainty ties for Ladies' Sorest to ,the Association, and to ken a Taylors Florida Water..............25e to 500 ion for the first eight months at the our pin New Styles in Fancy Combs and Baretts, toe rent fiscal year, shows total teve'nue of `ouch with the county. �/�� + Entire Stock 111uS L(; gQl� • Adjustible Plate Glass Mirrors at a lower to $1,75, 1i�1 S 17 $70`.876,446, an increase Of $11,218,937, Ltre stack Markets. _ � price than ever offered here.. , , . , 350 to 500 t ♦ Good parasols up to $2,25 er nearly the eighteen per sent. period compared Toronto, Dec. 12 -Volo# Stock Yards �� elan 1 S ! Fane Note Paper and Envelopes, with the corresponding -Reoeipar were 160 loads, with 2,668 1 y Pput up in Eine Silk and Embroidered Waists. p g period c Inst • pretty boxes at very low prices, 15e, year. For November Mone the laoreate head of cattle, 1,905 sheep and lambs, - 74 hogs and 29 calves, # 20c, `15c, 300: was $t.3i2,i67, Expenditure on can. The annual Christmas Fat Stock Fancy Braces solidated fund account for the eight Show which opened today at the Union • y , put in box..................50C months was $47,688;846, an increase of Stook Yards, brought together perhaps • TOYS AND DOLLS. Plain and Fancy Wool Som.... , . r , , 250 to 50c nearly $5,000,000. The revenue for the the finest collection of bigh-grade gaali• • The Newest Styles o 'ries flee in the fat stack line ever brought to i gid Dolle, China Dolls, Dressed Dolls, all Cuff Links, good quality ..... . ... . ...25C to 500 eight months was a little over $3s,0oo,. the city, It was very generally oonced- I have left in my stock 135 Suit Lengths. 35 � kinds and sizes of Dolls. Teddy Rears, 'Monkeys, Cuff Links and Tie Holder to match, ,. 000 in excess of the ei penditnte on bon• ad by she large number of declare and Overcoat Lengths and 6o Pant Lengths. Not old stock . , 75e aolidated fond account, cattle feeders present, that the show was g s White Dogs, Rabbits, ete, y Cuff Links and Scarf Pitt to match. , , , , , , , , , 50e the best petheld. Apart from the rpeo• as is usually the case but mostly ♦♦• Musie boxes full of can( and music. Lined gid Gloves . , . , , .. , , • • , , . , , , 504 to 1$1.50 It is expected that the Octavio legigInt• tat deliveries of fancy stook entered for - uta will open in Tannery, The gas• competition in the varions classes, there Coble in and see our Display of Lined Mocha Gloves . .... ...... . .. 500 to $1,50 $ion will be a bney and very important was an unusually large Offering of cat- New. Up -to -Date 1'"'t as S Lined• Suede Gloves, per pair ... . ...... . . . 750 One. Alrea3y a flood of private bills is tls of high value for the local butcher s j D G � Novelties, etc. Den's Good Umbrellas up to ............ . . 63.00 p trade, the usual market being conducted yi pouring in, and among the prospective ruThe ndent of in, the judging in connec• Having g gshipment+` • *♦ Iegislation are rue tailowing bitTe.� ticu with the anon 1 ehcivg hadordered befolre deG d ng for I-0atl and printer which FARMERS. -We want large quantities of Potatoes, While Beans, $utter E To amerr3 acts of iaaarporatlon of , g are the quotation*, ga out of business, and , Eggs, Toronto HosFital and St. Thoma. Exporters, cattle Per I00 lbs, Oat;i Turks 3 Gee:�e j) ` Church. Choice • • is 04 $6 60 having sold most of the old stock before the new was put = y , , ticks, Chickens, etc. Bring biedrum.. . .. b sb b 40 g your trade here � 'PO tettlo eahaol eitnationAt Sturgeon Baffe.................. 160 b 4a on the market. You have the new to select from _ if its Sod, we pay good prices. Palle. Light . , .... .... • To ztoonstraot the rnaniolpsl act.P� COW .. ` ... .. ' . 4 50 5 25 i To amend the railway Act as affecting best 1000 pounds and up- At Crest and Below Cost �~*� � ►�i+►*♦1�, f�y��♦�+`�4! street railways. wards .-. ............ 5 25 6 56 s'o esttii illi a, develop iclNorthern Ontario. Stackers s..... ... 8 766 4 600 The greatest chance ever given the public of this vicinity , 00 To astablirh a ptoviaaial oommislion buffs' ,..• ,'.. i t t s i Bntchert'- to get genuine Tailored Clothing at prices (tit -doing even to grant lfgncr licensee, Picked .640 s 60' TO provide for floating loan to meet Medium •t :. - 560 675 the ready-made. If you do not want your clothes just Capital espeuditatst, Cows ..... 4 76 526 now get your goods and get two for the price of one. � __ $elle.. . -� , ._ r To reguiata the Milk supply. .= 4 013 500 _ _ ._ _ - RMS�'I��S AHD Ta provide for road improvement, uBest ..... . , . 6 75 NEW YEAR'S EXCURSIONS O To grant wOai Jule tufff6gb, lights ...... . .......... 6 40 IIUiJ JIpN Shoop_ LADIES' now is your chalice to get a Christmas t f - , #.tea^. Robert hturtaq, for fifty years ' xPOTt 61011 .... 425 4 so resent that will lease and the tnoAt useful you can buy.- - , �f • �;'_ ' _ Between n a!f stations 111 editor of The Plesbyterien Witness, died Books."` ..' •' `i 25 3 60 P ' calla 300 3 60 Do you experience difficulty in ` Can Ida as Halifax _ flaring ]'Iambs` euish„ 580 G GO � r CAives each. ......... 3 6o 760 bundling your own personal finances? i AT SINGLB pAi{9. wmn> mere{ it isa*oxlr$ Do notut off buying mi ht miss it, p Y g as you g Sale starts if4 you not sometimes wish that fP2 N�11 Good going December 24, 25, and 41Tirigh+►nn, 15eo. lbtlf, 1910. you had a few dollars in t%e Bank 9'it�ii 2Gth• Return limit Taetday, Doo. Plot per 1t10lbii,..r ..... 2 sib tO g 00 SATURDAY, DE . 3rd. to fall back upon? aI � 27th 1914, Also cod going beoeni• WheAt .,,. .., .... 082 to 086 p f 1��R 1 ber'8Ist, 1010 Andg Janary let and ,.... ... ii 2nd Barley ...., ...... b 45 o b' 4g �"ER1VlS S'I`I�ICTI.Y CASH. Deposit One dollar in Elle $snit of . , 1811, valid retooling untll Tuery 1 Hatniiton today -•-a small shin, but .11t 9I II> aAq, fan. 2ta, 1911, Boas .....,. .... .. b 72 SO 0 7G .,- Battei"dalry Y...., ,� 020 to '0 22 - .,..,. - large enough to bear lntc:regt; olid it 1 AT t`Al1R ANIS bI R�'i$IIt1J 4 tAltefi' by people Tit tr6pi- Bgga per do* 424 to b s0 - `......` will speedily acdUMUlate more, once ' Monday, Deabbi'bat ,at, 1016, to 1 +0otilhtirielt ill the y 11'1.00( per oird ..,... 64 to a0 } yT w tori 8 W to 9 40 you have commenced to save, �. JanaAry 2nd, 1011, inola• itaundr itxtdpstvYkstinigsiTTTtI Potatrie$ `••• ••," _ ' siv$,validreturning until Wednee x 1 8tii`hal,.r..., a ,'30 tit (! 83 Maxwell day, JAsuaty 4th, 1911ke+sptl up the strength aml 15erd ., 0 90 to 5 20 WINGHAM.... „ ...RI3ItANI-I lf'itTrlits► iu Live ��, pair ....... 6,S6 to 8 85 y� S Il'dr 4iclret$And ffittMiar . ohiC:tQnii, pet lis . , ...« ii 12 to 0 12 Or P. Smith '�` Agent. � wetter. Ddok: Icer )b .... 0 12 to o i2 MERCHANT TAILOR. iafarmatian 1 rlCt s t 0ese, noir its, 0 11 too 12 ball on G Lamont. De at Agent or Ta +}ted �s y ........ 0 8 to �y ,. _ - address J, D. M b is y{9.,y .4 fa�iA,�i ��i l�.............. Vi 161V 1G ... .. .. ,.�'.. ... .., , ✓;.-..s .. J�.� +, w�f.�l.�.�n.ni-. ..... ..... i�L.aJ.laY�i(I , mu Toronto. r D. P, A. f LA