HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-15, Page 3M
Save over 35 0 a MS
of the purchasing
X: .10 Z
price on your
range by buying a
rel DnM1*";^" P "A
This Range
rindPrAi hl- n 4
THE WINGRAU Tiva, mmunu- 14 1010
direct We tntake the Ranges and place them
$ 11-t 0 in your Kitchen. There,s only one
from transactioinan4 one rcasonab)* profit
�. -made on the whole transaction. You
the�: � ��.�`��\ s '
don'tbave topays l'actgry profit --then ajobber's
$49dr profit -4 retailer's profit—store rent .and Clark
`,,,\� Z \cj bire—and expenses oftravelling salesmen, Our
g.eat Factory to Kitchen,, plan enables you to buy the
factory best Range for the, same price that the wholesaler Prid
r would have to pay --and LESS than the retail dealer
get it for—and on better terms too.
would cost from $09 to $78 if sold by retail stores. Our square deal
way of dealing direct with you -rand saving you all the profits made on
prumaryranges—enables you to have A 11 Dominioa Pride" Range, for
$41 to $10.
"Dominion Pride' Ranges are made of best Dino Polished Steeland Malleable
Aron. Polished steel
go over it with a cloth
and it will stay fre;,11and briglit. Malleable Iron will NOT warp, crack or
break, as carat it -on will. Malleable Iron is used' by railroads for car castings,
and by Farmiov Implement Alakers, because of its superior strength, Cast Iron
Ranges are cheap—even at their best.—and expensive for you at any price
because they soot, go to pieces. "Dominion Pride" Ranges will last it lifetime
because they are built right, of the right materials, by people wlio know,
i 1 �� /// 't Dominion Pride " Ranges have proved this by actual tests, Whether you use wood or
coal fl Dominion Pride " will cut down the cost of fuel by almost one-third. COLD rolled
steal plate ovens, sectional iron lining ; rive Box with air chambers—double walled flues,
interlined with asbestos --extra hcav'y grates—all help to make "Dominion Pride" the -1
most economical Rangc you can buy,
Over 6,000 of our RANGES are in use in Toronto alone, and many thousands rnor in other
parts of Canada. You get a Range that has proved its superiority i C
� evry when you buy
a" Do minion Pride, " and our guaran f cc holds good for a year. T means ever3-
thing to you—because you have an enormous factory and an old established Canadian Company
backof the guaranteQ. Here's another point about " Dominion Pride" Ranges that is missing
in Ranges bought at retail stores, You can always get new parts if you need thein.
Our price—direct from our Factory to your Kitchen is this—a " Dominion Pride" Range 8-18
"�Or 9.18 top, with high closet shelf or elevated took or flush reservoir, with zinc sheet to go under
Range, 8 joints of blue polished steel pipe and. 2 elbows—delivered to any railroad express
station in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Princo Edward Island—for 4'1—
OR delivered to any railroad express station in Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan ot-British Columbia -1349
$5 to be sent with order, balance to be paid when Range is delivered at your railroad station. It not Convenient to pay cash vie will arrtl;,Ua to accept your Rate.
Our Illustrated'booklets tell the Whole story of "Dominion Pride" Ranges, end explain tho details of our "Factory to Kitchen" plan of saving you money.
At least, write for the booklets. You'll find them wonderfully interesting. Bond nto-day.
th It it
Caada Malleable & Steel Rmge Mf9X0.. Li , ONTARIOmited OSHAWA
9 ly V
Ae Vlwa Fvre",
The Artist is a workman who would - . I
rather have his Job praised than paid ESTABLISHED 17,73
for. The largest dealers in
Who would not rather be wounded by Furs and Skins in the world, LONDON, ONTARIO
the thorns of the rose than stung by We pety tho
the hairs of a nettle? usiness & Shorthand
Many a true word spoken in jjaljt is 1116HEST PVt $1,1133ECTS
repented In earnest, for all kinds Resident and Mail Counses
It takes a famous man to appreciate : Catalogues Fee*
the advantages of Obscurity. Raw Li d,Ski ns J- W- Westervelt,
oil- c 'PrinciPA).
Observe the able man—how he t "-�V0lervelt J�,
Pri Vice
110moly ascends the steep Path to Sao- Honest assortment. Quick returns
00,991 Belmld the flatterer—how he is Ask for our 1909.,1910 PRICE LIST
O!llrried thither on the shoulders of other IT'S FREE For Chapped Hands.
men! —Baltimore World. OFFICE ANO 6TORCROOMS Before 9O'Dg to bed, give Your hands
a wood 190fitking in rathfir warm water
134 and 1.36 fAcCill St, Montreal, Which M little borax has been dissolved—
There is Always a best way of doing Wn PAY 14-XPRVSS CITAIRG9S. A teaspoonful to A basin hplf full of
everything, if it be but to boil an egg, water. Then, while the bands are still
-Archlbisop, Farley, of New York, pro- wet, soap them well with a goorl, vege.
mulgated 4 Papal dAerea fixing six NATURE'S WAY. teble-oil soap, and taka up a handful of
years as the age for confirmation. corn meal and rub and semb them, just
'Tis Nature's plan As You would with snap 510,10, without
Tofurnish ways f
To help ))Per man _..1, er wetting until the OOPP looks
dirty And the tinuda olp-An; then rinse
The town of Petrolea becomes Endure his days,
the - After a'year spent in travelling 4,383 '1' the course of settling the estate Of 10 this case beca.uoe he tho 'here All Skin Diseases well in tepid clear water, ,And rub well
possessor of a splendid hospital, piogur. thought t Whate'er may be
esqnely situated, and perfectly equipped miles through the middle, West, Daniel the late Felix Carr, who died in a hovel was plenty of money in the est.%te." His troubles here, With OOrl3weRl 140i�taiied with eider
by the generous gift of its citizen, Mr. H. Farringer, of Wrightsville, VA., A in Toronto last MAY, having. more than In other items the undertaker rtaker' admitted Can be Directly She helps bim see vinegar. Both the meat Arid the Vinegar
veteran, asserts that he fished in every $7,000 In the bed around him, it Wall having charged similarly, His Pathway char, are healing, and the acid hills the alkali
kaming Traced To Invents new modes of the soap. Dry them well, and rub
J. L. Englehart, chairman of the Temia- river he came to, and, all told, caught brought out in the Surrogate Court that When raindrops are vary large th,3.7
Mr � & Northern Ontario Railway. 1,887 fish, J. A. Humphrey, undertaker, had have fall To help him o'er into the skin some good Cold Cream—
Englehart has donated his beau• 6n from a low altitude. The BAD BLOOD. The rocky roads mutton tallow, with R little camphor
tiful residence, valued At over $50,000, charged $250 for the onekeb in which the smaller they are the higher the altitada That lie before. stirred into it, is as Woud as the beat.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to nota man wall buried, Humphrey admitted, from which they have fallen. If the hands are quite sore and the tat.
and grounds covering some thirty acres, common, every -day Cough mixture. It Hence in these days
as a memorial to his deceased wife, He is a meritorious remedy for all the however, much against his will, that As A Sootoh laird once said to his servant Therefore to get rid of these skin dis- When living,s high low does not soaks has, moreover, donated $5,000 to be do• troublesome and dangerous complion. A matter of fact the casket had cost eases it is absolutely necessary that the The airships rats, pFAr of cotton gloves readily, wear a
voted to remodelling the structure for tions resulting from cold in the head, him but $41 complete. He said John, who had complained of his temp, blood should be thormighly cleansed of Este the sky, It the hands are
throat, chest or lunge. So er—'*I am. sure Jobu; 4t..nas on the accumulated poisons, and for this troubled with "hang nails," which is
Id by all deal, that when he made out his bill for saner
hospital purposes, ers. that its off." 11sy, " said John.; "bat pui�pose there is mothing to equal Bur- Whence we may hope the ragged edges of the fizell. about
- funeral expense , a he "tanked on . a little laird, it's nae saner off than it,, 0,.,j ' dock Blood Bitters. To overtake the nail, Press the,
This remedy bas been on the market The price of soap edge back gertly with
for over thirty-five years and when you And bread and cake* the thumb nail -abile the hands are
0 use it you are not experimenting with *And Peanuts, and aboas, and beefsteak mol t, and rub plenty of the mutton
some now and untried remedy. tallow in about the edge. 1he Cuticle
MST to Stock ani P Aliss Stella Eichel, Maitland Forks, and clothes, and tutigatert-bearing ores,
01 5 N,S., writes:—"I have been bothered find other necessaries of life that cannot
R about the cities
and root of the nail has
)k with Salt Rheum on my hands for three a sort of "selvedge," and this breaks
cru t*;:f.��'.—?, It,, ij-Ie very well be got into poetry —D*oember and "ravels" back: late the ti.:9h if not
Vil�. years and it itched so I didn't know what Lippincott,&
A T"Ve will send, absolutely free, for th
ng quite sore
I to do. I tried everything but nothing
e asking, postpaid, one of our tars, V'� oared for, making he fa
>:e thirty boolclats
seemed to be any good. I beard of at Owes.
Burdock Blood Bitters and bought two A fault which hninhho a man ii of
or. the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you, bow to feed r-Lil kinds of heavy and V --ht
horses, colts and mares, rnilch cows, calves and fattenin steers, also how to keep and feed pou ry bottles of it, and now I am perfectly more use to him than a good aot,oa
cured and have no Salt Rheum on my shioll puffs hi
so that they will lay just as well in winter as in sumtrier, No fanner should be without it. I hands any more. I cannot speak too m up with pride Tommy WAD 8911t to school for the
z:cfirst tin.10, On returning home his
hi&y of Burdock Blood Bitters."
Illy two Mlitaufactured only by The T. Milburn. mother ticked Win how he liked the
a day per Animul, lloyal Purple stocl,: and restores the former plumpness and vigor Co., Limited, Toronto, out. FOR FLETCHER'S school. Tamuiy_,,I like The school all
Ata cost of 0 thirds or a epylt and heavy. And it blilld' uP tho lie-alth It makes Lila 11ors Irly ]-Ogg$ In Winter Cent Ont., r"'), Children Cry
NPcclac makes eath. Animal worth 25 per of 1.1111-dolyu stock, as well as in. the 8uttuner. The W. A Jenkins IMIg. 0 " right, Int I don't 1p:�c the teacher."
cent. more. in littlo or no time. 0., Londou, CASTORIA
Uentleme —We havo been using Mother—"How's that, Tommy?" Turn -
The very hest time to use Wlt, BURNITAir, san,(Ird, out., n The population of San Francisco is
You never limird of any other SP4xiflc, ditioner is �NoNv. It (It, this Coll S.�ys: "Dear Sirs,—'Phis is to certify Poultry and SLOOZ 'Speciay.1or" —"B?or
or "Stock Food," ests the hard my -ago she told me to sit down
6 tood throe weeks, and must ,;ay that r�',' THE CASEIN A NUTSHELL. 416,912; Knoxville, Tenn,, 86346, and there for the present, slid I hmve not got
doing likewise. properly an(i prnrents, the animals get- 01"t I have used two boxes of your stills are remarkable, Am IK.Iing the Memphis, Tenn,, 131,106.
Itoyal Purply will ppI,mnn(,htly c1u.0 the ting indigestion or losing flesh. Poultry Specific for my lions. They laid Stoek sre,.lrjc to two riiijki auypresens yet
so Well while fticdhnq 11; to tilem, I won- they I� Z", coats, L):.d
Dots, colic, worlus, Skin Diseases and dared it you would mind �;endlug aNa incroasLd 30 par cunt, in _ •r [Ottawa Free Press.]
Debility, and restore run - down Ari'mals 50 CCI -A. Cheap 1110 milk. The 11ouitry results aro Cvell Ll
to plumpness and vigor. PEE .er Word liovv Dr Who"o 1 could got %omo this marked than tills,
One 50 -cont Pachag-e of noyal rurpla Minter. I boughj, it from you,, . agentWe llftva about 61" The reasons why Canadians should
It will incrooso the milk -yield ons, Animal 70 days. T1 Irst winter. I had 32 lions, and somo 1,CCLIng, wti-%Vero getting rive and 31.% v,14s
Ad khroa to will, last a,` NVI'"a vvc c0mLat!I,d Support the naval policy of the Laurier
fAvO Pounds PIT cow a day inside ()f ji-om fiff""Os Q, little uvQr tuo-thirds ()f a c (D'Ys I got t%ro dozen eg.g,s a day in a tray, and in Lite izast five day,j tllo Government have been set forth in
richer than ever before� flock of 1) u te Tafl,-s 41
two to thrce weeks, It atalces t1le milk per day. t 1'obrunry and March, while feeding thom, , Tw o M,
tho Spoeille.11 ons laid 15a ergs, altutj,.�t It-,, many styles during the past few months, _Lbout
1vost "Stock Prods" in 5)0 -cent 11aciz.- a-Waffe (31 31 eae1A day, nna tlto,a j.;, but we have never found a case in which _-Z
21M. ANDREw wi,,,c11T.C1T, of Wainilett, ages last but ro days, and are Givan Royal Pur IC 11oultry sspecine p clays hari icoa tito calti
says : "This is to certify tl,,),t I three times a dLy, Fowls lasing flesh at !nOulting time, an YOU s.o remilts plainly in tcvo (11, than in a resolution adopted the other
have tried your Royal Parpie Stock But llov'
,ul i.-; g�7vj,l k�ttly ✓yarranawntly cures every poultry disease. tl-, U!io of "P.Oyul 11zir-
Silt,06k,, for two Av,.ocs, on ()up '.V, CUl(l Tum'.1.8 tll�-lr plumage bright and keolL)S' and the poultry have the lac, ()n a d� ale." t day by the Young Liberals of Quebec, �Grs
.e:;t ti.,is win- DC
the arguments were better summarized
tit" "t" I "i"ll"r] 110" tit tic as 17 01 7__`�
(A tht�ni al-.vays in prime condition. I"IsIle P-1 liy(,"ranco now as in ti,,3 kzilli- as follows:
I uotieoa a change after 5 or the zmount of the Itu5ts It makes your Poultry Worth 'm Riot, 01'e. With Cotes ant]. poaltry, ant Where-, on March 29,' 1909, the
6 days. as there was an extra weight Of 280 days.) it. oro u. -Ing exaztly tlia same ieod and caro n4 House Of ()Ominous unanitnonsly in Ora_
milk. On the 20th, ar&ully
weighed than tlioy could ever be %vitiiout d
file milk, and she gave 22 pounds I SO, you and stockruork got 11.0-
%vei see, It, is ouly ncce,3sary to give before k;Lat an! to Rod "Royal 1,uepw
Yet one 5p -cent pacicav 11,11-21 f".11111ors ed the principle of a navy,
am giving euve etch lJoyal Purple 4 a will last 25
an order for 5 b ox v �4. a s I da 1-1,,ns 70 drys, or a d qUainted with lloyal Purple, it will avo
)0 1,ail will 0 Whereas, the Government, in cleoid- 1
consider it the best I have ever uSL(,,1, Just think Of WaHug each Aninial 21,; 11oll 1) a greater domul"I titan all other tomes NCYR4
dtlys. Th:s is four thims in On the construction of a fleet, has "d,
worth 25 01101. its cmit t What -it, laillfal at only three times the and stock ro�ods OL the market combined. 0111 executed Lite mandate which was 1
f4t"`Cl� Food" will iint*en this. l3ecausti will that mall to you, 211'. 14took- olvnev I cost. Yours truly, AXIAIL'w
"Stock rood" is nothbf,, nitire or lessfor COal Or Wood z
giventoitbythiarepresentatives of the
than a mixture of the vary things which
you, yourself, grow on your own farm. Aug. 28, 191o, pOople;
W. A. J011kins IM9. Co., London, Ont.:
Whereas, the policy of Elle part RAINY stove experts des
It Is not more 100d ;,out, Animals need. GenLIcuton,—Last Vall we designed
had in. our y is in
They must have soluettling to 11,11) 111011, stables It. yot - the beat interests of the coup -try; 13 the Pandora Range. The
bodies gat 'all the nourlstlmeqt 11.,111 ing mare belou,<,Ing to �111I�g Y
the Clouston, of trontreal. Irk" could no, whereat/, the naval service will be introduced a new system off)ue
food they are getting. So that they xvill, load hot, any account of cau,'Ing voluntary"
bran an accon t cOnstructiOn so that the draft for
fatten, and stay tat, all the year 'round. violent scourin"', co cooking would also be the draft for
t10 1'e,.mo weak
K�fiueiitly causing her Whereas, our autonomy to safeguard.
They need hometiting to prevent disease, STOCK AND POULTRY SPE- 0 and thin. Iva 40111- baking. With the Pandora you can
to cure disease, and to keel) them in tho Royal Purple crerit,,s an al)p(,,t1tn for hienced us; 1b* Your I'm -al Purple Stoat:
best of health, all tho tjlnc, food, and helps Mature to, digot'and tunt Make TIA5 7'cs', S'pecifle, ar"(11 tile rosult; were %vondorful. Whereas, the navy will be essentially have the kettles boiling over every pot
it into flesh and muscle. usilig- it tlu-t�u WQ0,-,
, found lv,i Caundlitu;• hOle at the same bine the Oven is bak-
Not a Stock Food As a nog fattener, Itoyiii rurplo has I� Every ounce of Royal Purple Stock and ro,•d the aillulal b;.an nr any other Whereas, all the vessels will ing pies and roa$Jjng beef,
no equal. 0111trY Specific is guaranteed. s: ft f"11 witIlOut �;urint; her, and ulto be can -
Royal Purple Is not a "Stodt Pood,11 actvally took (lit In This time twonty"Ilve 8trueted In this country,, had t h8t think of the tulle that this -i
nor a "medicine." It is a Conditioner. Never Off Seed To prove that ROY41 Purplo Wtv no Pounds of flesh, w,, w(widlin tier at the Will be Cauttalan; heir oraws perfect System of flue construction
It docs not contain Crnit, equal, wo want you to malty this Scum, tittle through the save for you when You're hurry-
, nor farm 111111t, Tran - Whereas, the construction An Will
Products, Nor doos it contain 'Dan, Verweii, the horseman, saya lil(,Cd noytil Purplo to -Illy mid of your heartily recommend your �1-4toek t;Ipooirje, a ing to get a big dinner ready. just
or any othm, In
"I have used Royal Purple stock miliatenance of out, navy will not neoes.
-Ititts ing-rodiont, bloat Animals for four wftl,4, And at tlj�� Iron think how much fuel the Patdora
Purple does not 111,,�I,ply temporarily 1ttival SP -1110 Persistently in fooding 'The Bel,l 8 Trainor Baste (toy additional taxation;
or ins
the Animal. it fatten 2.02J, largost w1jultr of nny am', time food any othee prolial-ation t1) for tile Hen, Adatu Ilock. Whereas, it will protect out INM SaVe for you by doing the baking
a pacer on any othei, Animal in t)lt' same 0011(lition- We also InanufActure * and COOking at the same time
strongtheas it, pentianoutly Grand Circutt In JIoS and and otoasts
and our Commerce; remember, no other range has this
111enry 1VlntVrA,' 2.10t, brother of 'Allen I It 110,V41 Purple does not prove to 110Yal Purple Lice Xiller .......... I".. 25C. Whereas. it is Op'porltuns for s to Arid
140 other $tP(,elr
hinters/ wirawr of su,000 in trotting you, by notual results, that it is th, lloq,�Al Purple Gall Cure25C. u perfect system of flue_0onstrUetion.
kuown adds IR.311 stakes in 1008. best You ever used, we'll return your 103 -al PUPPIO S�veat Liniment ...... 5oc. prove our loyalty to tb6 Crown,,
go quickly asltoyal horses have ho -or been orf their money, Itoyal t1urple, couo, I Curti.,.....,,,., 5oe. MOTORS, Canada JIM become a lia. Send for the Patidom booklet, it
teed since I started using Royal Purply And We'll ask no quf, Our Cough 031`0 Will cure any ordinary tioll. tells Of Other co
Purple. it luakea peddle. I will alway'a have it in %t1oh,1—inalto 110 e( un -It in four (toys, mut will brp,,11c tivenlencet designed
G-Weolcs-old Clalvoq my Uk011s0s. You will be the judgv — not ns, 11)' up by out brainy stove experts.
AN large as ordt- stables. Your C0116111 Powder Warks id eure distemper In t(q, tt, tcv,,,Ivo It is V0011rad that this asocciatifjn
nary-fod ealvds aro like m4gic.11 This is all honest test. it ? Wo It your, 6niler 01111not supply you W'ftli Togroto tho Campaign In thio Provices-
-tile 13valid.iI, It%, will sup of the Nationalist group; this a0dooia,
ask You to make it because Wo know , natt, Itoyal Vill JAY
at 10 weeks. For Potiltry that Itoyal Purple is the best Conditionor "n 111)()Ii 1""iPt of $1-50 a pall, pro- tion b6i; 06:11fleande in tbil policy of the
Ti ori
0 y a I Purphs n6y4l Purple Poultry Specific Is our all the infirl'ot. Paid, far.cJtli(',r P0111t)'Y or vtock, or it Government, find this fisseciation haff
makes naturally< other Specific. it is for roultry—n6t, YOU want Any Liniment, Gall Cure or lu ciary's
thin Ahbuttla tat for stock, It you are not satfs6cd, after testing Cough p",doe, T#0 will send It by snail, oduildente lit Sir Wilfrid ti-turier. Stands for GlIarallttsed Quality
it, you don't Joao anything, do yet, ? postpaid, 'upon recelpt of Pelee. These hte A Not of resolutions which
Alvoo 001% IVAINY"Vo 1�00 light Well be, and should 110, rtadptod
by every Libotalclub, in Catiada, They
BTAINED VRO�M T. 1,1111116 kOntimobts Of A united people,
A. MILLS, GENERAL STORE, 3. WALTO - not those of soy gtotp of the 00MmtLnj.
I i