HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-08, Page 7TIM w ilq%I Arm TIME, DEC "113PR; $ Lnu
- possible #o me. lFc i .
an years tee lOn$1" C31QVanni ere8$e(1 w• ••v�T-. _ . - . uauuc rwv Y..... ,1
Old all the Talking. were to be mars hours, and Florence grew thinnest and
hhnself. "You wouldn't know her," Ae said, Villa . sometimes he redo past the
_ , � Villa Artadae, Utit he never stopped.
Ile gazed up at the ledge where the .,
I referring fro Lo Signorina, for #hey a oma,. It was in the micicllo of 7nne that.
lr d re heel begun. The cloud Passed would always call her that. "When ��/ )no afternoon the concierge handed
'The Lure and rove-ttecl the shining muskets of
I she heard o! that dutTer's death. I ��, uta It contained blit three
ttvo carabhtlet•1 doubtless attracted by � ('/
swear that she believed you had a words,
the untoward sounds. Giovamgl stolo
hand in it. But when she heard that "Villa Serhelloni, Bellagglo."
u,�� V the accident had occurred before you Q
the Mumak I ,l'� �+ 7lie Villa Seibcllpro now it hotel, 5
� left the villi she just collapsed, •Tho f . � l� � •
police were hunting for the missing sa- stands on a we
prontontoCy among
bar. Of course we knew nothing the Alps anal between the lakes, at,
Bellagglo, and all day long the waren
r� about it," with a wink at Merriliew,
'By HAROLD MAC OATH ( - sunshine floods its walls and terraces
When the others were gone Hillard
asked Ditty if she had any news. ` �l, and glances from the polished leaves The Find 'taut Have 11,ivrayg Eaci;Yat, P ->?t1 tiV]iicTi, has been
Copyrighl. 1908, by the fobb.• "She said that she would write you h ,� , of tate tropical k plants, in use 7FU7r over 30 years, I* r5 liarnq else sign#Ltnxo of
�s• The 0 o'clock boat from Comp Puffed
( 'b
` and for you to remain here till you up noisily and smokily to tile and has been anade under his Vero
e quay, • r
Harrill Co, E received the letter." �� "*� :lturning her ,side paddles. Hillard 7 -sown -1 s'Iipe viriou since its infaneyt,
given to him. We can get along with. "Was that all?" stepped ashore impatiently. What a • Alto-wno one to deceive you in this.
.out you nicely." ° s "Yes. Have you seen anything of r�•rr �'i •
The glace tore at his mustaches. that wretched man Worth, who is the � ;�` long day it had been., How white tate .A11 Counterfeits, Yrnitm•-ti
ianC and cc Just -as -good" are but;
P cause of all this trouble?" vl�, Villa Serbellon! seemed up there on ]Experiments that trifle With and endanger the health of
Meddlers', To return to Florence with- the little hilltop. Ile gave his luggage Infants and Clnildren�z'slicuici:eo .=r;«iitit C periment.
out his saber was dishonor. He cursed "No, mor do I care to." �� to the porter from the Grand and fol -
them and Merrlhew went out to -
them all roundly and turned to La Kitty lowed lt!m on foot to the hotel. He What
s� pep r�-�
Signorina. Bother. ° h t a of % 1 OMA
, * r � � » s i dressed quickly, and in less than an �
"I am in the way here," he cried. I hour he stepped forth from the gar -
"But listen. You shall remain my They were gone to America, and Hil. lens and tool: the path up to the villa. T
wife so long as both of us live. I bad I lard was alone. He missed them all Castoria is s ]narraAI of sitNstittttq . Caster Oil, Pared
sorely -- Aierrihew with his cheery Afar he saw n table spread under Boric, Drops and Svaticing; Syrups. It is Pleasant. Tt
intended arranging your freedom once the great oak. A woman sat by it. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Warcotie
laugh, Kitty with her bright eyes and ! It was still daylight and he would
the estate and moneys were divided,
-but not now. You shall read my wife have l:uown that head O'Aially with his harmless drollerles. of hair among substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
- ,
till the end of the book, for unless I And no letter! _ and allays Feverishness. It cures D arnccea and Wind
E , the ten thousand hourly of heaven.
meet you halfway the marriage con- Daily he searched the newspapers Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation :
for news of Giovanni. But to all ap• She did not rise, but she extended her
tract cannot he broken. In the old hand, a Bravo Inquiry in her slum- and Flatuleney. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
days it was your conscience. The still r, pearauces Giovanni had vanished, as ' broils eyes. With equal gravity he Stomaelt and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
small voice seems no longer to trouble Indeed he had, forever out of Hillard's clasped the hand, but held back the The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend.
you," turning suggestively to Hillard, - sight and ltnowledge' Impulse to kiss it. He sat down oppo-
yYou are turning
sug e the Hotel Italie d, The letter came one week after the "Because 1 love Vold" ;ite her and, smiling, whimsically in- A' T � I ' ALWAYS
departure of his friends. It was post -
"I am. You will find me there," re- marked Venice. And the riddle was i•lcd without pomp, quietly, first at quired.
turned Hillard, with good understand- r. solved, the magistrate's and then at the Now, where did we leave off?" s the Signature of
Ing. - church. At last the cls came. $t3aTa
y At fust she did not understand.. i„, ,fib
"Good! Your highness, tomorrow ; Tli2s mean utas killing hind CHAPTER PIX. We passed through the streets to He enlightened her, "I refer to that;
night I shall have the extreme pleas- the magistrate's, I did not know then Arabian Nights entertainment in New
ON the stream and disappeared into xnr Lt rr> n
ure of running your lover through the the blackness beyond. Y father was Colonel Grosve• that I was not in love, that I was only i
York. Where did we leave off that in -
throat.” He picked up his cap and young and curious. I threw roses to ' teresting discussion?"
took Itvwas Aierrihew who woke the sleep- nor of the Confederate army
his princely presence out of their I Ing cabby, pushed Hillard into a seat during the civil war. On any who asked. The prince sat beside I She smiled brightly. "We shall take
immediate vicinity, and gave the" final orders which were General Lee's staff was an Hie in full dress uniform, looking very ap the thread of that discourse with "It will do my soulgood to stand : handsome and distinguished. The „ j„ ^ Kill
before that scoundrel," said Hillard, to take them out a the Villa ed ov r Italian named the Prinreal di le, he fin the coffee. 111Ye
stretching out his hands and closing forever. He was genuinely moved over Bianca. Rich, titled areal noble be prince smiled, but he was nervous and I "Why not countermand the order
the visible misery of his friend. When, was at heart as adventurer, a word not at ease. I thought nothing of this for dinner? I am not hungry." c�
them with crushing force. I they arrived at the white hotel in the greatly abused these inglorious days. at the time. I believed his nervous- I "But I am," she replied. She was to Use For Over 3O Years.
La Signorina laid a protesting hand , Borgognissanti Aierrihew was glad. My father was cut from the same pat- Mess a part of my own. wholly herself now. The tact with
-on his arm. At 9 in the morning Hillard heard a tern, a wild and reckless spirit iD The magistrate performed his part. which he began his address disembar- THE CENTAUR COMP NY. T7 HURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. _
"I love you," he murmured as he Legally we were man and wife. We �yy' L .•-�y''•u �• '�` •"'� n�u.r{1Spa..wt,au.. ,..r,..a$.-w.,...... -
beat to k[ss her hand. "And it is not fist banging on the panels of the door. those crowded times. The two became y cgssed Iter. For two days since she 1 r
"Open, Jackl Hurry"' cried Hard- friends such as you and Mr. Aierrihew were leaving for the church when at dispatched the telegram she had lived
,dishonorable for you to hear me say ' are. Their exploits became famous, The very doorway a handsome woman, In a kind of ecstatic terror. She had " ��_ �__.�-_--.-• -- -
„ I hew outside. i sad eyed, weary, shabbily dressed, —�
.so.I forbid you to say that!" But the • Hillard opentrd the door. "What's Aly father was also rich and a man of touched me on the arm. even regretted the message once It
the trouble, Dan?" he asked. foresight. Ills teal wealth was in for- ., n �„ I was beyond recall. "I am human
d&nging of the world was Ill her eyes , ,.. sign securities, mines oils steel, A rose, signora "
-ns she looked down at his head. Aierrihew whispered, Dead. ' enough to be wait' sometimes. She O f , R O S E E � M E 0
"Who?" , steamships. When the war terminated I gave it to her, smiling pityingly. I �� JI ®�D7t3
"This is what comes of American Who. Hillard's heart contracted. "God pray" she said, "that this man rummoned the waiter.
"The prince. The found him and the prince prevailed upon my father to ' The dinner was excellent, but Hil-
y will make you happier than he made I
girls marrying these blamed foreign- return with him to Italy. Italy ono, me i lard scarcely knew what this or that
his horse at the bottom of the gorge. !" i BLEMISHED?
cry," growled the tender hearted The concierge says that there has been was in turmoil. Il . Re Ga Vittorio
"Lot us be on!" said the prince Plate was. And when the waiter
O'Alally, "Why did you do it? that Piedmontese hunter, Vittoria I brought the coffee and lingered for
"1 am almost Italian, Air, O'Aially. 1 foul play—tracks in the dust, n strange Emanuele, wished to liberate Venice eagerly
had no choice in the matter. The af- eat in the neck of the horse and a from the grasp of Austria, to wrest "Wait!" I turned to the woman, I further orders h was Hillard who die
scabbard minus its saber. Now, what temporal power from the Vatican and "Signora, what do you mean by those I missed him rather curtly. D,o. Tanner's Sara Cara is a positive cure. IG is the latest and greatest
fair was prearranged by our parents, i P He said musingly: "We had agreed
after the continental fashion." the devil shall I do with the blames to send the French troops back to words?" n „ remedy ever pat on the market No matter where your horse is lane, are
sword?" His highness knows. She pointed that it would be best never to meet Care will make him sound.
When Hillard and La Signorina were France. Well, he accomplished all
at length alone he asked, "When shall Deadl Hillard sat down on the these things, and both my father and to the prince, whose face I now saw, I again, that to keep the memory of
I see you again?" sdge of the bed. DeadI Then she the prince were with him up to the strangely enough, for the first time. that night fresh in our minds, a son+ Save Dara is a poeittva care for cart splint, bowed tendons, hog spavin,
was free, free! time he entered the Quirinal. After it was black with rage and ugliness. venir for old age, it were wisest to thoropin, capped hooks, wind galls, or an$ similar trou',!e. Sara care will
"Who knows? Some day, perhaps, - „What shall I do with the sword?" victory, Peace. t father invested in "What has he been to you?"Ida• part then. Well, we can keep the care deep-seated lameness in hip, shoulder, back or sti le, Sara Once will
when time has softened the sharp demanded Merrihew a second time. mantled. memory of it for our old age. It will t,ke the soreness out of old stiffened up horses, and will grow a new four
.edges of this moment. Tomorrow I villas and Palaces and settled down to
shall write, or very soon." Put it in the bottom of the trunk end his days in the Venetian palace on She answered. 1 understood. In that be a little secret between us, and we quicker than any other remedy.
"You will send for me?" with eager- and leave it there till you ]and in Newmoment I became a woman without shall talk it over on just such nights Sara Care will cure Mange or Eczema on any animal with one ap-
the Grand canal. „
York. But the prince dead? You are Then my father, still young, remem- illusions. Without looking d the prince fist this• pliontion.
Hess and hope. sure?" 1 �nteted the sari+Inge and closed the He reached for her hand, which lay
"Why not? There is nothing wrong « ber, fell In love with the daughter of upon the cover, but without apparent Sure Cure will care scratches in one applioation.
Florence rings with the ctorv" a Venetian noble. It was a happy door in his face. He stormed; he lied.
An our friendship, and I prize it. .nttn.•- union. Shortly after the prince also 1 Ras of stone. IIe turned upon the notice of his movement she drew it Remember Sure Cure has never failed to do what we recommend it to do.
Promise." And thew poor woman and struck her in the back. A flash of pain crossed Hillard's
"I -promise. Goodby! For a little still wore his evening clothes and the married. He was. with the exception ace. Even had I loved him that face. All leading -horsemen are using
•while I have lived in paradise. Whet- bed was untouched. of my father, the most lovable man I would have been the end of the ro- "I have waited patiently for weeks." Price, $3 50 per can. For sale at j� Q
-ever I may be, at the world's end, "That's very foolish." ever knew—brave, kindly, impetuous, mance. I drove home. There would Sho faced him with an enigmatical J. ��C����®1,p�J
you have but to call me. In a month, "Why, I couldn't have closed my honorable, witty and wise. It does be no wedding at the church that day. smile, lighted a match, blew it out and
is a year, a decade, I shall come. eyes," replied Hillard. not seem possible that such a father There was a great scandal. Every one drew a line across the center of the DRUG STORE
;Goodby!" Without looking at her 'But won't she need you up there?" should have such a son. took up the prince's cause, with the table.
t dA young exception of the king. A He laughed. "Whatl Again?"
again be rushed away. Aierrihew was obviously troubled. I or 1TJ Sing Street, Chatham, Ont.
There came a great ay.
She remained standing there as mo- If she needs me sbe ll send for me. prince was born, and the rough king The prince was almost bankrupt. "Observe." Special attention given to mail orders,
tiouless as a statue. He had not asked ' I shall remain here and wait. She is stood as his godfather. Later I added Ile had squandered his all. He had As a rejoinder he smoothed out the
her if she loved him, and that was free. Titanic God!" my feeble protest, at the cost of my sold to usurers half of the fortune he
telegram she Had sunt to him. "why Ernie Crummer and Harry laraham, Head agent for Canada
Rveri. But there was not at that mo- "Didn't Giovanni tell us that he had mother's life. As I grew up I became expected to get after marrying me. He did on send this to me?"
,went in all the length and breadth of . friends in Flesole, near Florence, and my father's constant companion. We had not the slightest affection for me. Her lips had no answer ready.
,Italy p lonelier woman than her high- 'that he was going to visit them?" were always out of doors. By and by IIe was desperate and wanted the "There can be but one reason," he
.cess the Principessa di Monte BIanca. asked Aierrihew. he sent me to America to school. I ,Honey. How old and wise I became persued. i
Meanwhile the prince, raging.. "Giovanni! I had forgotten. Ent returned from America to enter n co"' during that ride home from the magis- "Friendship."
mounted his horse. Eh, welll This what had my old valet against the Fent out of Rome and later went to trate's! T vowed be should never have The beginning of the night was cool,
31me tomorrow night the American prince?" Milan and studied music. a penny. It should all go to the crown, but the fire of the world's desire burn-
Cme pay dearly for it all. "Giovanni Had a dauglfter," said One fatal day the old prince and my When at length be found that I was as in her cheeks, and she was afraid.' i pay the highest prices for
mhouAnd the woman—he could never Aierrihew. "His knife left a sear on father put their heads together and really serious he became base in his She stepped to the railing, faced the RS=a�u furs and pay all express
understand her. But for her fool's the man The prince carried a lona determined that. this great friendship tactics. He was the one who was purpling mountains and sang "Dir �
,iconscience be world not have been scar on His cheek." of theirs should be perpetuated. wronged. He gave life to such tumors Zauberflote" Hillard dared not touch 1 charges. Write for price list.
riding the beggar's horse today. Stns Hillard began dressing in his day prince should marry the young among those I knew that soon I found her till the Inst note was gone.
,.was now too self reliant, too intelli• clothes, stopping at times and frown- - signorina. They drew up the strangest doors closed to me which had always "I did not come here because of I YAFFE, 72 COLBORNE ST., TORONTO, ONT.
,gent Shy? was her father over again, .ing at the walls. of wills. Both mail were in full con• been open. No Italian woman could friendship," he said. "Only one thing
.soldier and diplomat At night the last of the American trol of their properties. There was no see the' matter from my point of view. brought me—love and the hope of
He was riding past the confines of the Comic Opera company straggled fele entailed estate such ns one finds in I was an American for ail that my love."
,villa when a man darted out suddenly .,� n'Mally, verbose as ever, England. They could do as they mother was a Venetian, therefore I She stared at him, her band at her
from the shadows and seized the bridle. pleased. And was wrong. throat.
"At last, my 'prince!" —. -_ bad pasted the haw roquirin, tht,t no There! That is all. There is no Then he took her In his arms sud-
"Giovanni?" — I n,+', trow-ures should W' s"ift 'Ir t:„"`• afore mystery concerning Sonia Hilda denly, hungrily, even roughly. "You
Instinctively the prince reached for �� COLDported 1•urtu,,sa .% mf 4,0- my arraa Grosvenor. are mine, mine, and nothing 9n the
his saber, knowing that he had need ( •-`- -- _ And so the letter ended. There was world shall take you from my arms
o of it, but -the scabbard was empty. The Impossible clauses in the joint not a wos ,1 cegarding any future • agalu, Sonia."
He cursed the folly which had made will read that if we two young people meeting. 7 aP .•e was nothing to read She pressed her palms against him
liim lose it. Oddly enough, his thought Developed Into I declined the bargain the Bulk r the between b..a lines. A great loneliness and stood away. She looked bravely
ran swiftly back to the little case in estates should revert to the crown. Surged over IIillard. Was this, then, into his eyes now.
the Sabine hills. Bah! Full of sour- Af;ain, if we married and separated really the end? No! Iie would Walt "I sent the message because I want -
age, knowing that one or the other BRONCHITIS* and were not reunited inside of five hero in hluience till
would not leave this spot alive, he the day of doom, ed you, because I -tilt tired of lying to
i ours the fortunes should become the tie mould waste no thne In scekiug my beart, because I have a right to be
struck his horse, with purpose this crown's. If, having separated from her, for he knew that if he sought he happy, because—because ! lov,+ you!
time, to run his man down. But Clio- Neglected Bronchitis is very often the my Husband, either for just or unjust would not find. Take me and, oh, be rood and kind to
vanni did not lose his hold. Hate and direct cause of Consumption, and on the reasons, I should secretly or publicly Da after day dragged through the we. for i bare been very laude• and
the nearness of revenge made him first symptom appearing Dr. Wood's ncenPy any villa or ,palace mentioned y onhappv. Diss rue:” kith a Lunch of
strong. 1M S ru should be used and in the will it would be a tacit adinis- the old impev!ousness.
b band Was •• •If
,,No, [loll, he laughed. "She is dead,
my prince. And I—I was not going to
Norway fro y p
the Bronchitis cured.
sion tbat I accepted my us
there ever such an insane tangle kind-
Sbe clasped him lon,liv Ip he," -
' See Naples and (11o." slu• t� l&pered,
�� I
seek you. I was going to let hell claim
you in its own time. But you rode by
The symptoms are, tightness across
the chest, sharp pains and a difficulty in
ly meant? We must marry; we
be happy. That our minds and hearts
totally different did not matter
,. Stomach
"hut the Spirit will run,° to L'rlla„} io
TILE t•:xn,
rile tonight. This is the end.”
breathing, a secretion of thick phlegm,
The prince "unhooked his scabbard
and swung it aloft. But Giovanni was
at first white, and later of a greenish or
from. the Bron-
"at all.
-Time went on. The old prince died
Illi chronic Indigestlohwltldleappoar
the liver, kidneys and bow -
��gl 1O/1 LT�1
fully prepared. He released the tri-
pile, his arm went back, and his knife
Y ellowish ,color, coming
chi aT tubes when coughing, especially the
in the morning.
suddenly; His wife followed. And then
my kind and loving father went the
the wing of
els are set right by hid. A. W.
Hims to swimmers.
:spun through the air. Yet in that in-
first thing
,gay. I was taken, under
expert ,ivltnmer is authority for
stant in which Giovanni's arm was
• for the cast the prince lifted
Mrs. Dan, J. McCormack, Cleveland,
writes: "My little boy two years
.t1 duehessa *he was popular at court.
At this period the young pine was
you aro skeptical.
l'or veli ht{ve tried many inedieinea
from indigestion with
the aasoitIn that a vast majority of
the drott•nh, t casunlNes ivbteh are at-
"A newspaper—not an organ."
his horse on its haunches. the knt4
the animal deeply in the neck.
cold which developed
old caught a bad co P
. He was so choked up he
one of ilk htwWsomest Wen in
ge was brave, clever and engaging, ,
ill I still stiffer
tit its .inuo liTl ymp
tributed to cramps are in all probnbil•
result of card exbnnstion.
The newspaper for the man who courts open-minded
cession on all questions and who expects support of right
Still on its Haunches, it backetY, Wild
into Br
breathe. .heading about
coal$ hardly-,
m education
On completing Y
live in Rome. The old duches•
fl n,•w
1,( -ave fire stomach alone, for the
tri the
Nearly nil experienced gwin}niers, be
—of justice—and of decency in the treatment of public
eustomed sin. The
tyith the unac P
rotten and
of the road, at this spot r
wonderful medicine, 15r. Woods
your w
aided to
sa mothered the rich American girl
oaree of trouble is in the intestines
,;,1 healthful digestion can be restored
keys, know that trumps when in tie
are of comparatively infrcfluent
on. a sOcis,
P p p p 1 ---social.
A newspaper er with definite opinions oil all olitica
of its convictions—whose
a he prince
tried to urs save way, T
forward. 'Ti►a
fin urge the horse fo
try a
Norway fine Syrup, I decdled to ry
bottle and with such good result I got
gladly, for though I ons half Italian,
the yliTwtiys considered we as the
, •
, the use of lir, A. W. Chases Kid
ii•v and Liver Pills.
ocrurrenre, It is commonly in the ca
the swimmer ly ng
and moral questions ---has the courage
editorials are fair—broad-mirtdcd•—Honest--and written lig some
he rincli
lilnd gtiartera sank, and t p
tiled to Vain to slip from.the saddle.
which com letel cured him,
another P Y
without having a doctor. I cannot say
child of ro> father. I was p resented at
court I•was asked to dinners and re
lir, C. D. Bennett, Map10 Grove,
,. rites;—.`'T lied
1ft,gantie Co., Rue., w
The food would
oY The l'up and
palet) upon his back without undue
alarm stretching out the leg tray
of the cleverest writers in Canadian Jourilali.,:y today -••just
such a newspaper as an aggressive and intelligent anadian
!.phere carte a crash, a cry, and horse
bio much in its praise, I would not be
ceptions and balls. I Ras, q alto the
'rage the d°water 9aeer[ gave
!vs e,sia ver bad,
am ni stoi,ash would swell up. I
overcome this somewhat painful invol•
people will enjoy and read with profit.
and rider, went pounding down
without it in the house as I consider it a
.�ll"credya great dead and could not
untitry muscular contraction. The ex -
$1,.50 a Year
Giovanni trembled, I►nit tete sweilt el.
Glov r
sure cure for Colds and klrone ,!�
. ,s
The of "Dr. Wood ° Norway
tae slagilar
i seemed
The , pylae° .'bq thee: time
fforine Sat I• web
deep. As tiro result of using
i7hasp's TZidncy Liver Pills Y tem neige
eat any ]rind
rrtion of sFimmrtlon of running, with
egiutl to the
this paler a»ati' the 7`oroiit+ Daily Slay fo ei"htr
of For isereml mit•
Iiia betty Grow cold.
dreading, but theft
utas waited, li
fine Syrup is 2bc. It id put up inn
changed iii ,1gay.
blindly young.. tSlten I noticed the
'Se had re-
•nt!rely cured and can
of .food, They have inade a now mea
of ire t cannot
s stem of
the addltlona] tax upon the bodily tem.
p gradual lowering of the bo y I
,Ter out ,i'eav ,for �$�. "'n. _
t!vas no further, sound... He tl�a �
;>rttecGttnlWly tot his : ,itr, reti►r`
to er. Three pine trees is the
yellow w pp P
trade murk. 1116 sure and accept no
pear on his shut.
ln>ag r
Weed it, he said, In Some eava'lry, ek
Ind a ouiiger man end
sav top, i>tinrh fit ti,e"ir praise.'
W. Chase's Kidney and bluer
peraturc. it ls'one thing to k>yGa► how
to swim and Quito lttlotber to be in a
TORONTO ����j,L ��� 1>:
crept do'li'it the is
i1 . and then tied them
t4tde ret The he fo
. _ r.
llubetitutae for Dr. Wood $.
Manufactured only by The T. Wilburn
oto there was another clause in
N �
the one thing whfcii
br. A.
pills, one hill a dove, Z5 ent.1 ate cit
s or I:dmans >i,
physical condition to do the swildming,
—London Globe„ , -. .
both ad,till
'they, were both dead,
"l�oly 1%ther,, thou xtilaat i►ilitthl'tie+w
Co i Lmtted, Toronto, Clad r�•ouW+' '
this rviil. It was
��� -tee IttA tolerable and
Co.,� Toronto,