HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-08, Page 3' -•.r.,...- ,. J i :.. v.. .. _ , � '.....: - u M. s: �... -_-.. IM .s .n ...�-.. v � M AwF �. �i.wr .....� . .. _ ....
er, rets ng e, lie mus By r t. It even under the care of trio doutors at
for Goal or Wood has very excellent stories: "The Turn COILLEGE STREETTORONTO the hospital.
of the Tide" by Virna Sheard; "The r The amputation of the injured leg
Comforting of Engene" which must re A Appeals to Fathers and was an imposEibitity owing to the de.
OU tori nick! et the call the many small troubles of children Mothers of Ontario on be. vitalized state of the young man's body,
Y g that seemed so momentous; "The Uu• half of suffering children. and it seemed as if his life must grad.
Pandora .oven read for the ' This of,
did more
Y confessed Cross" by Katharine Hale: work in 1910 than ever , nilly ebb away to spite of medical pre•
baking. It is made of Nickel "A Pound of Tea" by Marion Waltham; � before. Total In -Patients vautatives. It was finally decided as a
some interesting chapters from Mrs ' 1,224. Of these, 783 were 'last reaonroo to restore life to the d in
Steel which is much more sense- I from the cit and 441 from y g
MoClung s successful book, "The See'
" the countryY ' man by transfusing enough healthy
tive than a cast or gray iron and Chance"; and the serial novel, `I ` ` since its organization. ' blood to his body to help him fight his
oven, "Jeanne of the Marshes" b E. Philli 1 the Hospital has treated
It heats up more, rapidly y ps ,� way back to strength.
in its cots and beds 16,837
and thereb saves Oppenheim, l • children; 12,370 of these Allen's younger brother decided to.
Y Y ou man Y Christmas is the great "home" day, were unable to pay and tike the great risks of blood poisoning
precious minutes. and neat best to being home are letters READY PORarOTnER, were treated free. and give of his life's supply to help re -
from the folks, and remembrancas how
ever small the intrinsic value may be,
were 60 cases of club feet correctal stare his brother to health. Accordingly
After you've used the Nickel Y ,lasyear. a gnsrt of blood was nllowed to'flow
Even on opposite sides of the earth the from the brachial artery so the arm of
Steel Oven for a week.. you'll wanderers unite to celebrate and so far the younger to the same artery in the
congratulate yourself that you as possible to reprodtioe the home at- arm of the older brother, The result
invested in a Pandora Range. = mosphere, Nan Moulton tells of a _ _ _ was marvellous. Both boys survived
Scath African Yuletide in "Christmas the operation and Norman Allen on
Get one this week. Make Up in Natal" A now chapter in the life of _ f Wednesday night was reported by Dr.
Dickens, that great lover of Christmas, Qt) o .ki;
your mind you'll enjoy its f re Afteerr J. N E. Brown at the General. Hospital,
is interestingly told in "Dickens at to be doing splendidly. He will again
many conveniences at once. Broadstairs," by Emily Weaver. THE HOSPITAL IS A PROVIN. have the use of his leg, which it was
Our agents in your locality will The children are well remembered in CIAL CHARITY. thought would have to be ampatatoa,
fill your order promptly. this Chtfetmtse number with a prizes The sick child from the most remote corner of It was the first time that each An opera -
tabus, geographical puzzles, and a goo• Ontario has the same claim as the child living tion tivtss performed in Toronto.
within aighE of the great House of Mercy in College
graphical Christmas dinner. There are Sheet; Toronto. Our cause is the children's
prize stories, too, that children tell cause. Could there be one that has a stronger
' about theft etc clam on the people of this Province?
Voir Knead It
� f
j'A woman who wished to send to one
8, 1910
other nine leading he sent out a two.
bRgger which the cross eyed umpire
Renfrew store to secure data—only data,
Two Minute Talks About
A short time ago, in answer to the
A deai•atch
to the salesman, who ulon learning the
neetion r'y�hat magazine have we to
from Toronto asps; ]3y
means of the surgical operation known
sit down and fan himself. It was the
sounding cough which indicates no nges.
ted In- s Sold b a11 dealere
take the place of foreign women s jour•transfusion
the Montreal Gazette replied,
Will You He
of of blood" the lite of
Norman Allen, of Sutton, Out,,
"write Go The Canadian Home Journal,
TorontoIkA, for we
�t In
�1 sl 1 1
�tS. Hour OfVed.rfss
agvod at the General Hospital, Toronto,
a sample copy." are
Wednesday afternoon last. Young Al.
glad to give the same suggestion to our
readers. It is a magazine of splendid
len, who had the main artery in his leg
severed some days ago as n resnit of an
quality and interest that must appeal to
accident with a chisel, lost so much
December is a cheery, num,
blood, that his system became impover-
b b Chi th Ch '
ished and the wound would not bets),
er, rets ng e, lie mus By r t. It even under the care of trio doutors at
for Goal or Wood has very excellent stories: "The Turn COILLEGE STREETTORONTO the hospital.
of the Tide" by Virna Sheard; "The r The amputation of the injured leg
Comforting of Engene" which must re A Appeals to Fathers and was an imposEibitity owing to the de.
OU tori nick! et the call the many small troubles of children Mothers of Ontario on be. vitalized state of the young man's body,
Y g that seemed so momentous; "The Uu• half of suffering children. and it seemed as if his life must grad.
Pandora .oven read for the ' This of,
did more
Y confessed Cross" by Katharine Hale: work in 1910 than ever , nilly ebb away to spite of medical pre•
baking. It is made of Nickel "A Pound of Tea" by Marion Waltham; � before. Total In -Patients vautatives. It was finally decided as a
some interesting chapters from Mrs ' 1,224. Of these, 783 were 'last reaonroo to restore life to the d in
Steel which is much more sense- I from the cit and 441 from y g
MoClung s successful book, "The See'
" the countryY ' man by transfusing enough healthy
tive than a cast or gray iron and Chance"; and the serial novel, `I ` ` since its organization. ' blood to his body to help him fight his
oven, "Jeanne of the Marshes" b E. Philli 1 the Hospital has treated
It heats up more, rapidly y ps ,� way back to strength.
in its cots and beds 16,837
and thereb saves Oppenheim, l • children; 12,370 of these Allen's younger brother decided to.
Y Y ou man Y Christmas is the great "home" day, were unable to pay and tike the great risks of blood poisoning
precious minutes. and neat best to being home are letters READY PORarOTnER, were treated free. and give of his life's supply to help re -
from the folks, and remembrancas how
ever small the intrinsic value may be,
were 60 cases of club feet correctal stare his brother to health. Accordingly
After you've used the Nickel Y ,lasyear. a gnsrt of blood was nllowed to'flow
Even on opposite sides of the earth the from the brachial artery so the arm of
Steel Oven for a week.. you'll wanderers unite to celebrate and so far the younger to the same artery in the
congratulate yourself that you as possible to reprodtioe the home at- arm of the older brother, The result
invested in a Pandora Range. = mosphere, Nan Moulton tells of a _ _ _ was marvellous. Both boys survived
Scath African Yuletide in "Christmas the operation and Norman Allen on
Get one this week. Make Up in Natal" A now chapter in the life of _ f Wednesday night was reported by Dr.
Dickens, that great lover of Christmas, Qt) o .ki;
your mind you'll enjoy its f re Afteerr J. N E. Brown at the General. Hospital,
is interestingly told in "Dickens at to be doing splendidly. He will again
many conveniences at once. Broadstairs," by Emily Weaver. THE HOSPITAL IS A PROVIN. have the use of his leg, which it was
Our agents in your locality will The children are well remembered in CIAL CHARITY. thought would have to be ampatatoa,
fill your order promptly. this Chtfetmtse number with a prizes The sick child from the most remote corner of It was the first time that each An opera -
tabus, geographical puzzles, and a goo• Ontario has the same claim as the child living tion tivtss performed in Toronto.
within aighE of the great House of Mercy in College
graphical Christmas dinner. There are Sheet; Toronto. Our cause is the children's
prize stories, too, that children tell cause. Could there be one that has a stronger
' about theft etc clam on the people of this Province?
Voir Knead It
� f
j'A woman who wished to send to one
day when the bases were full and the
of the city departmental stores for some
other nine leading he sent out a two.
clothing for one of her boys entered a
bRgger which the cross eyed umpire
Renfrew store to secure data—only data,
called a foul.
She bad her boy try on a suit to aster-
4 ,
tain the sizs to give to Eatoa's for one
She didn't until ready to depart tell this
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is
to the salesman, who ulon learning the
very valuable medicine for throat and
lung troubles, quickly relieves and pares
real purpose of her visit was obliged to
painful breathing and a dangerously
sit down and fan himself. It was the
sounding cough which indicates no nges.
ted In- s Sold b a11 dealere
p _ _ Lame Back Painful Stitches worst Solt he had experienoed since the
s� a Christmas auggestions fill many pages;. v
Stands for Guaranteed Quality there are novel and attractive table ikeo �' --
The moment you suspect any Kidney.r.,l„i.,}g,:l,;;id;,i;d•3•dd,d„Ad,3••i,3.4 t 1••t•.l••g$•z•i•I.13.3.3•.1•.T•:i.:}.t..p.1..p4,.i..Hf.d4.3.d.
orations, well illustrated from photo- or Urinary disorder, or feel Rheumatic +
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg r graphs; decorations for rooms; I lana for " A pains, begin taking +
Christmas entertainments, ames for- r
Vancouver, S4 John. N.B.. Han Ilion, Calgary ,,,,,,,;, ,,r a,i . p "ems w ri ((�� PILLS
tune telling, appeal
et); Christmas menus
,r �ji3 pIB.eLs + The
and recipes appeal to the honeekeep-r we gig Ptlle are sold with a guarantee to
who is looking for something a litt'e �� My; •1•
different,,, care all Kidney, Bladder or Liver Dls- •1'
tore r9.K?r orders. $ e List Perfect results`in Harelip cases. 18 infantsAt ail drug stores at;25c a box, or five�l bb�n
Are Your Hens Laying? ' were relieved of this terrible deformity last year, for one dollar.
So ® With the Hospital is to continue rest work, it d•
More eggs ft) what you wane and you If its P g �
must appeal to your pocketbook as well as to your +
want them most when the price is the Heart and Nerves t�� vis heart. Let your Dollars be messages of mercy to
highest. Itis easy to keep your hone the sufferinglttdechildrenofOnt' USEFUL HINTS FOR HOUSE•a •�•
LONDON, ONTARIO laying the Sear round, worms, bags Could Not .Sleep WIVES.
Please send your contribution to J. •� Times and �Peekly Globe . 1,60
and insects form the essential chemical d• ' • `
Business Shorthand elements that eggs are composed of. At Night Ross Robertson, Chairman, or to -- .1. Times and Daily Globe ........,,••............ 4.50
g8 p Douglas Davidson, Secretary-Treas. `1' Times and Family Herald and week!
Tlae hen Tota Femo of this arimol HPP urea, The Hospital for E41ek Childr®n; ' ft
Fresh milk applied to boots and shoes .g Y y y Star.. , . 1.85
SUBJECTS College St„ Toronto. has a preservative Effect on the leather. '1• Time and Toronto week! Sun............... 1,80
darinn the summer time and coneegnent• Many men and women toss night after1, Times and Toronto Dail Star............
Resident and Mail Courses ly is a better egg-produc• r daring that rii,;ht upon ii sleepless bed. Some con- — - -- -- -- - - A clothes tree on which to bang un- ,;, Y ..... 2.30
Times and Toronto Dail News......... , , .... , , 2,30
Catalogues Frets season. With the coming of cold weath• stitutional disturbance, worry or diseases TEA CUP INVADES Tr E OFFICE, finished garments is a great convenience •1' y
has so clebilrtate.l and irritated the heart in a sewing room. '1' Times and Daily Mail and Empire............. 4.50
J. W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, Jr., C.A., er and the destruction of insoot life, the and nervous system that they cannot '1'
Principal. Vice -Principal, egg supply falls off, and you have notle. enjoy the refreshen; sleep which comes -- Drain pipes and all places that are + Times and weekly Mail and Empire........... 1.60
g to thoso whose heart and nerves are right. (Sd ficial from T,,:ronlo, N,v 11th, sour or impure may be cleaned with '1' Times and Farmers' Advocate ................ 2,35
�•r• ..•- ed in the severest weather the hen nice
g y, j ribs. ,Toho Gra 1 �' 'Times and Canadian Farm week! ..... , , 1,60
laying entire] There is est one reas- y, Lime Lake, Ont., lime water or oarbolic acid. (weekly) • • 1,80
writes:—"Last summer I was so bad A x, t.orter called grster,iav afternoon 3� Times and Farm and Dairy ..................... on for this. She is not getting the ma , One of the beat ways to clean brown 3•
A baked quince is often a welootne with my night and nerves that I couldn't on to d:+parlmant utenager of ane of Tor Times and Winnipeg weekly Free Piers.. ....... 1.60
terials essential fur the formation of the "alsep at night. There was such a pain onto's lerae industrial cameras and j shoes is to polish them with the inside Times and Dail Advertiser................... 2:85
treat to a convalescent or chronic lava!• egg. It has been scientifically demon and heavy feeling in my chest that I , of a banana skit. This Ives them a y
id. Quinces take somewhat longer to Etrated that fresh green bone properly Cold l not stoop, and at at times I wouhl proinpE.y at four o clook a young lady ,beantifulahino. g ,; Times and Landon Advertiser (weekly)......... 1,60
bake than apples, tend should be sFrved round with aft -ring bocomo dizzy and have to grasp some. brought rn two Cn,•is of tax the report• ,r},� Times and London Dail Free Press Aforning
ground, g pieoea of meat , . To et the best results from shredded 'r• y
cold with Dream, bttG withoat au ar, u,ng to keep front f:tilling. I tried differ. ar w" ii,vit+vi ro p•xrt.,ke of A h ., pray g Edition............ 3.50
g yInsipid,g and gristle, coutaina, in almost the ex' n.it things but never got anything to do. ed to be a most ee'icious Find refresh.i:,g cocoanut when it is to be used in cake .+1• EveningEdition,........... 290
Sugar ie like] t6 make them a'':t propartionP, the very food elements ms any good until I tried Milburn's , ficin or candy, soak it for a half hour +
p g Heart and Nerve Pills and I can now beverage, o.nd bnsintss being laid dei e g + Times and Montreal Dail
nsndad in 1e.c�a aF worms and bugs the V Witness ............... 3.50
recommend them to all troubled as I fora arum"at, the wauagtsr t xAaiaud I fn warm water before adding. ,'11, Tlmes and Montreal Weekly witness ............. 1.b5
7)red, rt citing acct. hen cacunt fled in winter, and in r. If rvcts ,+ - hit a tow woutha b•,torr he bad bten When gas mantles are blackened they + Times and World Wide ....................... •2 25
How anucyirg to hsv•r the feat tired glossa cannot get to in the summer. If Milburti's Heart & Nerve Pills are 50 to Bilgitin lowhvre he found the 4 o•o:cck can ba cleared by sprinkling with salt d• Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg_.. 1.60
and time Youwanttr to ttnke a gcoa long wants egg sapply would not fall She got worms and bugs all the
nary time. at) all nts Beale; er ,t or m uilci dire, oe three ct by Thes for 2P, rex cactom prtactict.11y unty a; sat among when fi nine is turned low; torn light Times and Presbyterian. • , , , ,, , • , 2,25
You can get n world of comfort by ns- If you feed tilt) fresh ground bane, (Hilburn Co., Limito.l, Toronto, Ont. buatnees hausHs. He hr,.d or j)3 ed it so ; fall for a moment and repeat u itil clear + Times and Westminster ....................... 2.25
ing Dr. Cbest,'a Ointment when the feet which is jsrt nes goad, she will be kept much and it fitted in so well Clint txfter when rho knobs of kettle lido are too '1' Times, Presbyterian and Westminster.........
give you trouble. It ,Bud and soothes naming hunia he had adopted it it' his ; hot to handle, cover them with a rubber •+i• Times and Toronto Saturday Night .......... • 3 40
the skin, malrrt, it soft and natural and in prime condition and continue to lay y g ,
prevents come and bunions, rs long as she is getting this food. Fillet and square mesh veils are be- awn ((flue. Ht, Enid he always u: od' nipple, or with several thickness of ad- Times and' Busy Man's Magazine.........,..... 2.50
--- M -•- Every poultry rniaer that knows his loved by Ilio Paris woman of fashion. Rett Rose Tea bc•ranse it btt+I the fl -e. , ltesive paper, and the heat will not be + Times and Home Journal, Toronto .............. 1,75
fi%vor anti smootb richrieaa of same of felt. + Times and YOnth'S Companion ,
1, y
business fi oda ground betty and gate big History re eats itself. The Munici ai the choicer hinds he had got in the O.3 Times and Northern Messenger.......... , 2.90
Always tncF+Citron In a moi.e2atel P p .i.
hot riven for a few mnmente before cut- r:•turue from the email investment. Guards fought for Bing Manuel at Lis- In every household there should be, •i• 5 1,35
Country. if possible, one room, one little nook �' Times and Daily World......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3,10
They also ray ilt3t young chickens that bon, and died fi htia The Swiss Upc n ei quiry at the t Mee of the Red d• Times and Canadian Ma
ting it up for nskes or t�uddtnet g g• I which should be different from all the ,1, gazing (Yuonthly)....... 2.90
If n lampwiok is snaked first in good are ft•d froth ground bone thrive better Gaarda did the same for Bing LoutsRofie others, and into this room only beauti• i• Times and Canadian 1'ietoriai.................. 1.60
vinegar And then dried, it will nota and soon the pennies p practice e had been tbe&.nonthci rehonlyl�u I 'I' Times and Li int
end mature quicker. Just try this out when the flat French revolution broke
better, through out a clearer light and you spend for out and 6 000 of them perished, fol, good thoughts should be allowed to d. pp ott s Magazine ....... . .. . . . . . , 3.15
g g ground boue aro turned to dollars. few dal s ago, and that atth thtrr usual + 2,60
never smehe Grease stains on carpets can be taken ambition to be c little ahei,d of the pro. enter, '11, Times and Del neaatorHome Companion......... 2,40
- — ------•----------'-- --- out with fresh os gall—get it from the Cession they sorvrd a cup of drlicione - '1' Times and Cosmopolitan ...................... 2.30
butcher—and warm water. Dip a stiff :ten not or l.y to every member of the Times and Strand2
...... . 50
brash in this and rub the spots vigor- r of ne And warehome stsffa, but to every Foltz WANTEv on Tuesday and Thuhursday of each week. Will ship live fowl +Times and Success ........................... 2.45
ouely, going over thorn afterwards with � •F•
stranger who happened to be within the The highest price will be paid for fowl 'i' Times and McClure's Ala azine..............
a cloth dipped in clear, tepid water and gates at Cha appointee hoar. The tea is delivered iu oGirgham, IG will pay you + + g • ` 2,60
+ Times and Munsev s Magazine ................ 2,55
wrung crit, - served to every one at his or her df sk, to see me before telling, Poultry re- + g
�. Times and Desi nor .
oeived at Awde'a Hoar and Peed store. g .. ..... • ............ • ... 1,55
FIVE CHILDREN the drinhit g occupies only o wli;nte or '1' Times and Everybody's•
A. FI. wntore. •z•...................... 2.40
I�DDN I,FT two and the tea is so delicionsly refreah- v—� ��
• ins and stimulating that the working' — These 1?rICeS are for addresses in Canada or Great
efficiency of the staff is increased for the + Britain. -
AND ONE LITTLE GIRL iS NOW The remarkable oncoses of Red R -ase '� The above publications may be obtained by Tinley
AT GPAVENHURST. Tea and the high esteem in which the subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-
firm is held throughout Canada is a + tion being the figure given above less $i.00 representing
A short time ago a woman in the ad- striking tribute to the forceful and prof SECURITY.
vanced std es of tuberculosis died in her the price of The Times. For instanceg greeaive business methods steadily par•ownhome. By her death five little ones were sued by Mr, T. H. Eptnbrooks of St•The Times and Weekly Globe.... ......$1.60
loft, without the care of their mother. 'There John, N. S., the proprietor of Red Roso $ The Farmer's Advocate $2.35 less 81,00 ........ 1,35
was money enough in the family to make Tea. This success has sande Mr, Beta- +
some provision for the care of the children, brooks a'uatfoual figure in the tea base• Genuine + y 95
bub ib was almosb Impossible to secure anyy. . i3
one who would ref this dreadide, iso. A noes. ,'1i, making the price of the three papers $2.95.
aro manytEp io of this dread disease. 1t) `; Carter's
visitor tt}te !iotas says that time and time a�•
again she had found the baby sleeping in + The Times and the Weekly Sun ... , , ..... . r 1,80
her sick mother's bed, and near by food Some people tvbu are fond of butter. + The Toronto Daily Star ($21.330 less 1.00 1,311
was storod from which the children par• milk like to serve it half frczen. To The WeeklS Globe (81,60 less $1,00') ......... . 60
took, A soquel is revealed in the fact bhaC make it richer and not so acid they add Little LiverF111so _
to -day one of those five children is a one putt sweet cream to it and sweeten $
patient in Geavonhursb, and the baby is in $370
the children's ward at the Toronto Free it slightly. Mutat Boar glgnaturo of •1• + s
the four papers for $,3.-o.
Hospital for Consum fives.
Ib is for the care ofsuchsufferers as those Chamberlain's Cough Homedy is not a
Chao the Muskoka Free Ilospitai for Co • common, everyday cough mixture. It � � � if the publication yell want is not in above list let
sumptivea has been built. The tax on the is a meritorious remedy for all the + us know. We can supply almost anV well-known Cana -
accommodation is heavy, and the Trustees trnublenome and dangerons complioa• a•
tiona resulting from cold in the head, $et) Iliac-3itulle wrapper Below. �1• than or American publication, 'These rlceS are strictly
have only been able to maks the largo ex- g .F, ) p
tomions of the presenb year by borrowing tthrroat, chest or hilae. Sold by all deal• Vs now (Its.av small turd as eiejr + cash in advance.
litovido arem place1ewbororehilldreu sucheal �as are V`inc ar ad.dod to water vegetables are
tnado for funds to help on thiA work and rtott�Icobta°°tea •i Send subscriptions by Bost office or express order to
p • i g - r � p, PGI AEAIIJICHE. •1•
referred to here, may find a home with good Washed in Instead of ctlt hills Insects, CARfiER tp `bIrZINESSs + Tio
poContrl iu o cure. find 66US09 hem inside Ilio iowvos, Ville. I FQR*BIIIOUSME5i3. .'ii. The
Contrtbutionq may be sent to W. J. tLlInt: * 67Gage, 'Esq., Chairman Executive Cam• gar nausea @hE m to ecrrio to the surface, Pp FQN,!,0RPlfl LIVEd. ,1, Office
mittee, 3h gpadina avenue, or Seor•Treas, so they can be taken til, 106 Ci�NSTIP11rtfOM
1Vhtioual Sanitarium Association, 347ICfng To get rid oflants, plane a disTt "with a.g►s FOR+SALLOYi/SKIN: ,rjLpllC' BYgI{Sb, W., Toronto,. small uantit °`The MuskokaProo Ilospital accopt!t pa• q y of honey in it.Hoar theirY00CMECOMPLEXION WINGHAM ONTARIO
tionts from any part of the Dominion, tin�l haunts. You will find the dish full of orarr:nrraa uus.axvt tt san,it ,
not a single patient has ever been refused the pests. Pour boiling water over thein rte' ars' r V°1MttttWt',.o`"e+t,G
beeauso of poverty,
and�epedt tlll all Us gone. 4U92 SICK WEADACHEr &.f•+ ......