HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-08, Page 2T.H4 WINUHAb1 InMEb, DECEMBER 8, 1910 � ,"—
International Newspaper q, '
Bible Studd Course. Q
Salient Points In the Lesson; for Sunday, Dec, Alle w A
$1 ` !Es
Given in n Series of Qnestiions Uy �,
in tea may mean Rev. Dr. Linscott.
This h
t0 you flavor Or (Roristoredinaccordance viththe UopyrightlLot. 1 '�) TS is what Mr. Edward 1
of 118 Brant Ave., Brantford
strength or fragrant The Crucifixion, Matt. xxvii:16 50, heads? ?am-Buk. After an attack o:
richness, Red Rose Golden Text -He wal wounded for (15.) Verses 2628 -How do you Batt A fever, u1C0rsbroke out onhis I
our traagressions, he was bruised for mate the character of Pilate, who, know i), and ankle. "The foot and
Tea, is blender[ With oar intquitiee. Ica, liii:5.
ing Jesus to ben iaet man, condemns terribly inflamed," he says,
(1.) Varese 15-18—What feast is here him to death to please the people? pain was very acute. f coulc
such nicety that it is referred to, and what did it commem- (16 ) Verses 29.33 -What was their oould not move about at all l
purpose in putting a crown of thorns on Salves and ointments, yet not
the combination of all orate:
• (2) Why was it either a good ora JeEus head, patting on him a scarlet ulcers until Zam-Buk tivas tri
three points Of merit. bad oustom, for the governor to release robe, and putting a reed in his hands? - "The very first applicati
Will you try a package. a criminal, to the Jews, at this fenst? (17,) Why did Jesns submit to all intense pain, avd as I kept O.
(3 ) Was Pilate right in his oonje0• these cruel insults? began to look healthier and -
"'Y'+ ture, that the Jews had delivered Jesus (18.) When have followers of Jesus, By use of this healing
to him through "envy," and what did since then, had to sufror eimilar insults, reduced and healil�g Comm(
' he mean by that word? and cruelty, and do they ever have to treatment, the swelling and
(4 ) Who was this Barabbas, and endure anything similar today? and the sores were entirely
at B
es had he committed? (19 ) Verse 34 -Did they give Jesus my cure through Zam-uk t',
' whyt orVBLBEB 19 21 -what
dis od tea ( was prob- the vinegar, mingled with gall, as an not let others know of the merit
o )
ably the character of Pilate'e wife? of cruelty or mercy?
(f).) What was the significance of the (20.) Did David know when he wrote What Zatn-Tsi[k S.
NEVER SOLD IN BULK dream of Mre. Pilots. ? Pa. x;1[:18, which is quoted here In _ Zam-Buk wa ill be found sure cure fc
Your Grocer Will (7,) How much dependence can re vexes 3G, that he soar speaking of what , ulcers, eczema, blood poison, varic08e no
Pcecarrirnend It 81 place in dreema in these days? was to happen to Jesus? Why or why patches, babies eruptions and chappe
injuries and diseases generally. All dri
(8 ) These chief Priests were more not? free from Zam-Buk Co.,
kindly disposed to a thief, and n mur- (21.) What was the method of cruci- warned agninat harmfu
TO ADVERTISERS derer, than they were to a good man, fixion in those days? registered nnnia °'Zam-I
whom they regarded as a heroic; how (22.) Verses 39.42-I>< WE WERE
Notice of changes must be left at this do you account for this? sTAxnrxG AT THE rooT or THE cRasa or 16
tii0e not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left (9,) Why have so called heretics in JESUS, SEEING HID[ RIMING OUT HIS LIFE'S
not later than Monday evening. the past been treated so cruelly? How aLOOD, OUGHT WE TO EE GLAD OR SAD?
Casual advertisements accepted up are they treated today? WHY? (This question must be answer.
to noon Wednesday of each week. (10.) What motives prompted Pi- ad in writing by members of the club.)
late's desire to release Jeans? (23 ) Were the inhabitants of haay.
ESTABLISHED 1872 (11 ) Verses 22 24 -What ought Pi- en, and was God glad or sorry to witness
late to have done with Jesus, without the crucifixion of Jesus? Give your a♦♦f e•®♦♦♦oo®�®®a♦4♦•♦�♦♦♦
THE WINfi11AM TIMES. asking his persecutors? reasons. � E.
^ [`/.e
H. R.ELLIOTT,PuBLIBRIIRANDPROPRInTOR (12•) How truoh credit, if any, should (24.) Give your ideas, as to whether
be accorded to Pilate for saying Jesus God would have preferred that the
Twas a;)nst man, and for wanting to re. Jews should have accepted Jesus, and
lease him? not crucified him? : Ladies' and G(
(13 ) Verse 25-A few days before (25 ) Verses 43.50 -Why, as in the
EDITORIAL NOTES. this the people gave Jesus a royal wel- case of Jesus, does God often allow us
come to the city and shouted "Hosanna to stiffer, to the full limit, the agonies ♦•
--- to the son of David," how do you so- of pain and sorrow? The only stock I Cat
Th? October fire loge of Canada and count for their wanting him to be craot- (26 ) Had God actually forsaken fabrics embracing b'auti(ul
the United States was exceedingly high, fled? Jesus, or was this cry the result of his •themost reputable mills in !
being $37,188,309. The tan months 1089 O4 ) Has God verily held the Jews exquisite suffering? • p
was $196,633,650. That is about 28% guilty of the murder of Jeans, and in Lesson for Sunday, Dec. 18th, 1910 s You Will f
million more than in the same months what sense has his blood been on their The Resurrection, Matt, xxviii:1 20. •
of 1909, but $12,000,000 less than in the - ® Cloths in Black
same months of 1906, but $12,000,000 JAMES J HILLON GOOD ROADS. does for the suburb. Wherever roads Worsted Suiting
less than in the same ten months for of this character are provided, the rise
1908. -- in the value of farm lands alone is great. ♦ Melton, Beaver,
"I don't believe in Nationalism," said James J• Hill, the railway builder and or in the aggregate than their entire 0 coatings give tl
Mr W D Earngep at the annual meet- developer of the North Western States, cost of construction. 0
�„ ----- TOW* DIRECTORY.
r ' BAPTIST ()HURCid--Sabbath serviuea at THE WINOW Time
11 a m and 7p m. Sunday 80111101 at i5 PUB1,18HIDU
r ' 2;30 p m, General prayer meeting EVERY THURSDAY MORNING
on Wednesday OVOnings, Rov, W
L. 6 neves, pastor, B, Y. P. - moeta _AT— Beaver Block
t r Monday evenings 8 p.m. P'P.D l':iaglo, '1'ue Times Office,
S.S. Superintendent.
METHODIST CHURCH --Sabbath services
at 11 a in and'7 p in. Sunday School at
2;30 p m. Epworth League every Alun- as nnae, $1 60IIf not so paid. $Na paper annum
day evening. General prayer meeting tinuea till all arrears are pard, •xoopt at the
Igham, g option of the pubiieher,
on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
says of L. Ratledge, D.D , pastor. F. Buchan- AnasRTlsrxo R®Tics, - Legal and other
yphoid an, S.S. Superintendent. oasualadvertisementsl00per Nonpariellinefor
first insertion, 3o per line for each subsequent
ht foot @ ° PRESBYTERIAN CHUROH—,Sabbath,Ber- insertion,
r Were e • vices at 11 a m and 7 p n1• Sunday Advertlseuzonts in local columns are charged
nd the School at 2:30 m. General prayer 10 cls• per each
for Heat insertion, and 5 cents
p per line for each subsequent insertion.
tot wear boot or shoe, and meeting O i Wednesday evenings. Rev. Advertisements of Strayed, Farins for Sale
[ used all kinds of lotions, D. Perris, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, S.S. or to Rent, and similar, y1.ao for first threw
Superintendent. weeks, and 26 centa for •aoh nabsequent in.
Ing seemed able to heal the �urt1en'
ST, PAUL'SOHUROii,NiYttlUONeL—`Jab CONTRAOTRATEa'—The follow ing tableshoii-a
bath services at 11 am and 7 p In' our rates for the insertion of advertisements
L of Zam-Buk relieved the Sunday School at 2.30p m. Rev.. E ,H for specified periods: -
using Zam-Buk the ulcers Oroly,. B. A., Rector ; C, G. Van 8PAOX. I YR, 0 MO. s Mo. luo.
)re less painful. Stone, S. S. Superintendent ; Thos. E. OneOolumn.....--- $70.00 00.00 *22.60 $8.00
Robinson assistant Superintendent. Huartor0oluumn ' ••40.00 20.00 12.50 17.50 s 0
elm the discharging was --- .
'ed. After a few weeks' SALVATION ARMY—Sarvioe at 7 and 11 one Inch e - tits ou 3.ci air 100
,ed. After
ion were banished, a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, anddam
Advertisements without specific directions
sled. 1< am so grateful for every evening during the weak at will be Transient advert adveid rtisements must be tie a
g o'clock at the barracks. for in advance.
,t I consider it my duty to POST Olrmoz-Office hours from 8m m: Tun Jon DsPARTKNUT is stocked with on
)f this great balm." to 6:30 p m. Open to box holders from extensive assortment of all requisites for print -
7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmAatar. county foraturgningiout art Olsen work iIArge
luld be used for. PUBLIC LIBRAaY-Library and free type and aiygBropriate oats for all styles of Post.
reading room in the Town Hall, will ah0la sfan oyitype for the finer claand thesses print
old sores, chapped hands, front bites, be open every afternoon from 2 to ing,
, piles, scalp Bores, ringworm, inflamed 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 H. B. HLLIOTT.
)laces, cuts, burns, bruises, and skin to 9:30 .o'clock. bliss Lizzie Attridge Proprietor and Publisher
ists and stores sell at 50c box, or post librarian.
ronto, upon receipt of price. You areP KENNEDY, M. D., M.C.P. S, O.
mitations and substitutes. Seo the TOWN COUNOIL--William R)Imes, J� Meinberof the British Medical Assoota-
" on every package before buying. Mavor; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ',tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
J. W. A3Kibbon, H. BXLliott, William , attention paid to dil to 4 D Women
q yo p p dOhild
Bine, Dr. Ribsrt C. Redmond,
FREESend this coupon Thomas Grexory and D. E. MoDonald ,
BOXand lc stamp to Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and' D R. JAB. L. WILSON, B.A.
Zam•Buk Co., To. Treasurer. Board meets first Monday 1
ronto, and reoeivo avenin in each month at 8 O'O100k, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, Special
12 Z 2 frcatrialbox. 12za g attention paid to diseases of women ani
HIGH SCHOOL BOARD.— W. F. Van- children, also Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Stone (chairman), Wm, Nichole0n, JOhL I ,tee thorouglily tested. Glasses properly
Wilson, C. P, .Smith, W. J. Howson, (Dr. 51acdonald's old stnnd.)
:♦♦.�♦♦+♦A•���d•��•♦♦��i♦♦ John A. McLean, Frank Buchanan, Wingham, Out.
♦ Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosens,
♦ treasurer. Board meets second Monday
VHu j► �+� evening in each month. DR. AGNEW,
ITE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.—H. E. Raid Physician, Surgeon, ate`.
(chairman), G. O. Manners, Alex. Ross, Ofrca-MaodonaldBlock, over W.MoKibbon's
♦ Jno. Galbraith, W D Pringle, Win '
m, Moore, Drugstore. Night calls answered at the office,
itlemen's Tailor C.G.VanStone, P. Campbell; Secretary,
♦ Treasurer, John F. Groves; Meet.
jugs second Tuesday evening in eachTB, ROBT.0.REDMOND, M. R.C. S. (Eng)
Tmonth. L L. R. C. P. London,
contains the newest all -wool man, B.A., principal and mathematical
Ind eXC1US1Ve weaves from .'0 master: J. C. Smith, B. A., classical Office, with Dr. Chisholm,
master; H. A. Peroy, S3teon Master;
world. ` !hiss M J Bsird, B. A., teacher of
♦ English and Moderns; Miss Anderson, 11R. MARGARET C. CALDER
fifth teacher 1J
d our Kingfisher • Honor Graduate of Toronto University
gi' ♦ PUBLIC SCHOOL TkAOHERs.—Joseph Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians
1<nd Blues, Fancy ♦ Stalker, Principal. Miss Brock, and Surgeons.
Mice Reynolds, Miss Fargnhare0n, Mise Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested.
Tweed Suitings, Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss Glas,e: properly fitted.
Hawkins. OFFICE—With Dr. Kennedy.
A Crombies Over- : -BOARD or HEALTH —• Wm. HOlmea ')Mee Hours -3 to 5, 7 to 8 p.m.
best satisfaction. (chairman), Samuel Bannett, Wm.
Fessant, Alex, Porter, John F,10 pANSTONH,
has iven his opinion on the good roads Groves, Secretary; Dr. J. P, Senaedy, R.
♦ l 1 Medical Health Officer. BARRISTHH, SOLICITOR, HTC
ing of the Borden Club 1n Toronto lastg
Week. "I nm a Tory, but had I been
question in words that, because of their
He Was Paralyzed .
• Your order is cut and fashioned1n t le stye pt e -♦
the day are measured. You get everything
down in Drummond and Arthabaska
sound logic and the knowledge with
which he speaks, will Darr conviction
Mr. Wm. J. Brennan, Western Hill,
it feels
• vailinb roll
the very latest and best
when you let us rnake C10theS t,
Greatest Nurseries,.
I'd have voted for the Laurier candidate,
mast be transported over the roads and
St, Catharines, Ont., tells what
1 lW •
a direct referendum to the people has
been made of the question at issue.
Milburn's _TAxa-Liver Pills are 25
46tits per vital, or fi vials for 81.00, at all
Nationalism should be nipped in the
wherever they are read.
Next after the preservation of the pro-
like to be paralyzed. He lost power of
speech, face was drawn out of shape,
♦ expressly for you.
whit the railroad aloes tot the Cities
the trolley
bad. 1 feel sore that the and
other prominent men of the Tory party
daotive power of the soil, said he, I
lost flesh, alp not sleep. Five doctors
failed to help him. Electricity proved
and less profitable than it should be;
Beyond the pulse's fever beating,
sent a telegram of congratulation to Mr.
know of no material aid to the farming
so important as the creation
ineffective. He used Dr. A. W. Chase's
Nerve Food until his former good health
Gilbert on his election, bat they had not
the nerve or the grit to applaud him on
nerve or
and maintenance of good roads. What
was restored. Face was restored to
Want a rapers Intative for Windham,
Oat. and surrounding dis -riot.
the into the Honer. I think
the telegraph is to general information
the railroad to commerce, that the
shape, power of speech returned, and he
wined in weight. Says he would not
g g
that is weak Toryism, weak National-
ism, weak Canndianism, and I think the
country highway [s to the agricultural
return to former condition for all the
gold in the country.
The reliability, healthy condition of
Conservative party hes weakened itself
Thera are more than two million
Charity is the bone shared with the dig
'r when you are jast as hungry a9 the dog.
of waterways, Were all that is desired
in either direction accomplished, the re-
in cash
oar stook as well as trnen9sa to name
mast ba appreciated by the public of
by making professions of loyalty,"
Mr Borden and his supporters pro•
miles of roads in the United States. We
nAnMMnM�IMN/VVVIMM�MM M/1MMI1HA/!/1/li1M/N1/1/1AAhilN/it
they woard not h the helped tie to in.
a baatnaaeyear ly cisco 1837, the
fees very great anxiety that the people
spend on these from $80,000,000 to $100,•
Less than 10 per cent.
_ _
, f i / • )
data of our eatabliahm9nt,
data of
of Canada should have an opportunity
000,000 a year.
of the road surface has been permanent.
Beyond the smiling and the weeping,
I shall be soon;
Oar firm's nam lends prestige to oai
p g
to pronounce an opinion on the naval
ly improved in any way. It has been
Beyond the waking and the sleeping,
baild them. The attempt to improve
policy of the Government. This is
hypocrisy. These gentlemen
estimated conservatively that a mtder•
Beyond the Bowing and the reaping,
I shall be soon.
� /."Cf'��__--
�- - �l.`
�, ♦
�' 30
Complete line of Nursery Stock fol
Spring 1911.
ate improvement which would permit
Love, rest and home I
petty political control wastes every dol-
Chase's Liniment to be a permanent
cure for Eezema and other skin dis•
were ready enough to give Dreadnoughts
Government without
four bales of cotton to be hauled at one
Sweet home I
eases. One son, while nursing, broke,
out with running watery sores all over
ware and China Novelties, high grade fancy goods, including
Burnt Wood and Leather Gtods, Glove and Handkerchief
Write for fall particulars.
to the Imperial
consultation with the electors, but when
load instead of t4ree and 75 bushels Of
wheat instead of 55, would effect a say
Lord, tarry not, but comet
B and the looming and the failing
r i
l�"'' l
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. Mortgages, town and farm
property bought and sold.
Office, Beaver Block. Wingham
Winghnm, Out.
OrrioA: Meyer Block, Wingham
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
in Msiodonald Blook, Winghnm
Office closed every Waduesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oct. 1st.
it comae to taking another step along ey B • - ( ., .� "r i
the Imes we have been following for ing of $10,000,000 on coat of hauling I shall be won. ;:.e2 l �i ti,�, ,,,� y .,r �� Ponthill Nurseries w• J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. s., D. D. S.
these two oxeye alone to market. Beyond rhe ehfntng and the shading, ��' '�4 (850) • Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental
ears o. relieving the mother country dines Be and the hoping and the dreading I '1r- �' t . TORONTO, CANADA. Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of 17n1 -
y '
of the cost of defending our soil and our
eoforoement of rules that will make it
aR strictly a business IM91ir as if it w6re
The enormous volume Of OOmmO
that finds either their origin or final des•
I shall be soon.
Love, rest and home!
t.' -•
= ' -• '
` + Vii. • 1
` jar•`^;-.! 1)I
coasts, then for the first time in Cana
mast be done until
tivation on the farm or in the village
Sweet home!
dian history nothing
���`; h�tt1
KNO ♦ ♦ ! 111
mast be transported over the roads and
Lord, tarry not, but come!
1 lW •
a direct referendum to the people has
been made of the question at issue.
Milburn's _TAxa-Liver Pills are 25
46tits per vital, or fi vials for 81.00, at all
pay toll to the obstructions which they
Beyond the parting and the meeting,
)� �i�
The referendum is n good thing in its
whit the railroad aloes tot the Cities
the trolley
offer to traffic. The average country
highroad makes country life more lonely
I shall be soon.
Beyond the farewell and the greeting,
C F'
way, but thus far it has formed no part
and less profitable than it should be;
Beyond the pulse's fever beating,
of the Canadian system of government,
the Conservatives would not be
wastes time, wastes labor, wastes money,
I shall be soon.
Love, rest and home!
thinking of it now if they were not
wastes life. It helps to make the farm
unattractive, promotes the drift of poen-
Sweet home!
Lord, tarry not, but come I
auxions to bid for the support of the
lotion citpward and disturbs still farther
the balance of employment. The two
-Horatius Bonar.
W- -
subjects upon which it is easiest
arouse Dnbiic interest to - day are regnia•
Children C r p
A bone to the dos Is not charity.
tion of freight rates and improvement
Charity is the bone shared with the dig
'r when you are jast as hungry a9 the dog.
of waterways, Were all that is desired
in either direction accomplished, the re-
in cash
C q S T O R I A
sult could not be compared,
value or in its social effect upon oountrr I
Christmas Novelties, all goods menet b3 sold at
Was Troubled With
life, with the substantial improvement
Having each a largo stook of
that will sell them, neo our large crook of Uhrielmae Goode
of She country road.
Good roads are expansive; but it costs
_ey Eczema
� peters
before purchasing elsewhere.
more money to do without them than to
baild them. The attempt to improve
Treatment prescribed had M effect—
highways by the old system of
made thorough cure.
For Three Yearrs•
ruperfelon, small appropriations, taxes
workevd out instead of paid in cash,, and
Mrs. Oscar Vaneott, St. Antoine,
Sack., writes: -"I have found Dr.
Ladies' and Lints' Watohos and 11h alas, Wedding, Diamond and Engage•
petty political control wastes every dol-
Chase's Liniment to be a permanent
cure for Eezema and other skin dis•
ment Rings, Charms and Br403lets, Lockets, Locket Charms, Solid Gold
and Gold Filled Jewelry of all kinds, JeWel Cases, Fancy Chna•
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will regu-
lar so expended. Road building is a bit
of technical englueerinR, where results
eases. One son, while nursing, broke,
out with running watery sores all over
ware and China Novelties, high grade fancy goods, including
Burnt Wood and Leather Gtods, Glove and Handkerchief
late the 116W of bile to act properly upon
the bowels, and will tone, renovate and
will always be measured by the amount
his hoad and around the ears, Tiffany
were to no effect.
Manicure and Toilet Sate, Silk Umbrellas with gold
handles. Christmas Books,
purify the liver, removing every result
liver trouble from the temporary but
of money appropriated and the methods
Anlves prescribed
Tho child s head beeame a mass of
sterling and ivory
leather and cloth bound, poets, Bibles, Hymn and
di8agreeable headache to the severest
Never was a problem simpler than
aeab8 and be suffered agony untold.
- Ile became weak and frail and would
Prayer B,ioks, Toys and Picture Books for
boYe and gtrle,' Fanov Stationery,
forms of liver complaint.
that which the good roads movement
not eat and we thought wo would
Christmas, Table Napkins, Christ-
Mr. S. Nelson, North Sydney, N.S.,
nrritas: -"i Have used our Lam -Liver
presents. It oonslets in the provision
lose him.
"Providentially rvo heard of Dr.
man Cards and 041612d ars,
Pills. I rvae troubled with liver Dom.
and apportionment of resources and the
chase's Ointment and it soon thor-
varsity of Toronto.
Office ; Beaver Block
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
FARMERS � from May 1st to Oct let.
and anyone having live stook or other Windham General Hospital
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver•
tine the same for sale in the TiMss. Our large inspection)
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if (Under Government P )
yon do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more ---
for the artiole or stook than it ie worth. Send
your advertisement to the TiMss and try this Pleaeantiv situated. Beautifully far -
plan of disposing of your stook and other I niched. Opan to all regularly licensed
articles. physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS—
(which include board and nursing) , $3.50
to $15.00 per week according to location
TS'p•� of room. For further information,
u address
ADVERTISING Superintendent.
Box 228. Wingnm nt•
orders for the insertion of advertisements RAILWAY TIME TABLES.
snah as teachers wanted, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of an advt, in any of the Toronto or RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTHM,
othercity papers, maybe left at the Tin1Es �.-
office. This work will receive prompt attention TRAINs LINAvs FOR
and will save people the trouble of remitting London .... — 0.85 a.m .. 8.80p.m.
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest Toronto& East 11,08a.m•. 0.45a.m .:. 2,40p,7n.
rates will be quoted on appKostion. Leave Kincardine..11 59 am .. 2,08 p.m__ 6.15 p.m.
,,r seud:your neat work of this kind to the ARRIv1 room
Kineardine --0,45 a m- 11.00a.m .. 2.40 P.M.
TIi3IES OFFICI.. Winrrham Palmerston...- .11.54mm. - 7'85 p.m.
Toronto & Snst.......... 2.08 p.m...- 0. 24p.m.
G. bLN011rWi
, Agent, ngham.
Toronto and Haat 6183; ,m ... 8,88 p.m.
Teoswater .. 1.20 .m-..10.17 P.M.
Teeswater............ ...8,85a.m .. 0.% p.m.
Toronto and Rnst - _..1,09 p.m....10,09 p.tu.
.i. H. BHBMRR. Asent,Wineham,
plaint for three years and could get no
relief. I was persuaded by a friend to
eoforoement of rules that will make it
aR strictly a business IM91ir as if it w6re
onnhly cured him. Ile is seven years
ola now and strong and well. An older
try your remedy, and after taking one
vial I gof relief. After I lied tsken three
o0nstrnotion done for an Individual of
l,oy was a18o cured of eczema by this
Ointment and we. hope mare peeptc
' Fine Watoh, alook and Jewelry repaltibit a epeblatt7,
more i was cured completely, and I have
not been troubled since, thanks to your
Make a road so smooth and strong
;,ill learn about it so that their little
ones may be saved from suffering."
for eczema and itching'
���`; h�tt1
KNO ♦ ♦ ! 111
valitable medicine,"
that a traction engine can roll ever it
As a cure
akin disease there is no treatment too
e I
Milburn's _TAxa-Liver Pills are 25
46tits per vital, or fi vials for 81.00, at all
safely' and easily ret Illi seasons Of the
year+ and Roti 1106 dome for the ;arm
be compared to Dr. A, W. Chase s
Ointment, 60 cents a box, at all deal-
1 door north of Kind s. Opposite BrunsrMlokltiotel,
Ds mailed Mirror on reoetpt of
iter b The m.' ZViilburn Co, Limited,
whit the railroad aloes tot the Cities
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