HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-08, Page 1THS VOL. XXXIX.--NO, 2027.' WING11AM9 ONTARIO, TRURSDAT, DECEMBER 8 1910, $! A YEAR IN ADVANCE SMAS 1910 Bead Willis & Co.'s x _ �.. � _,�..-•—•--- adv. on page 8 CHURCH iV�Ti_S• PERSOPAL• TOWN COUNCIL, METALOGRAPHY HOLLY, MITT VL0WJ M0s8 ADER ATS• in ANp LUT FLGWb 1;s, Oim>ait xaw. Thanks fro Sir Wilfrid 40..itis tlamiiton of ,oudon, ala form, =166 Jennie Strut tiers Is visiting with The. regular mo athly meeting of the +w (Pierced (� h PR YOUR 'Adis Helen. Wilso , yonagest dausbtor er pastor, will Conducttk3 servloesia the her friend, Mre, W1_lter Rase, At Teas- Town Council was held on Monday (Pierced �CaSS) POT PLANTb PRIMROS>8 ()FULA• �' n� w iv, FgHNs, rtc,' of Aur Oavin Wilso oP the 6th concession 134ptlet Clinch on Sunda, , water• evening with All-Ahe members resent We now carr a line of Stamped oflTurnborry,wbo birthday occurred on Reevo Irwin is it Goderioh this week and Mayor Holturs presiding. P v p T. C. GRAHAM & SON An address will be gt en by naiaa r• , � -, +o Brass for, piercing lamp NPs Ioi. FiinxaYs 8m, the same day as th t of Sir Wilfrid. Laor• Cher, Missionary on furl�gh from Japan attending the meefing of the County Minutes of Iae regular and Special shades, photo frames, PEO for, wrote him an : informed him of the in the basement Q� St, P ul'e ohuroh on , Oounoil meetings were res d and approved. t " ,p fact and extends- con r i ink wells, Ste., etc. _ gratulation. She December, 8th, from 3 t-- 5 p. m, and in Mr. W. Wellwo, d is home from the COmmnnioatio were read from i' ; ((' = �. ry„ Wear Greer's Shoes and Tubers last week reoeiv d the following from the evening Messrs. Goo Mo enzie and C. A. Rin• ) ` i .Y � , � Beginners Outfits 50 cents g ;in .cit. Pec s Church at 8 West on a visit to +is parents, Dor. and V t , } v g 5'- Ottawa:— p m, with holo rja hlo laws. We learn Dors. Wm, Wa11wa tone, Objecting to frontage for Sewer on '� ` ° P K- P d. 7 K g 'q My Dear Yoan _ Friend,—I am indeb• she is a meat interesting - Aeaker and well - ,[ Maple street.—Fi ed, Curling C) Officers, Dlro, E• Harris n has returned home The WJCgham On ling Club has been ted to you for fav lar of the 19th instant worth hearing, All are c irdiall Invited. - #J , Communicatio was read from Engin- , aye• g y after a few days yr oft with Mr Harrison s PYROGRAPHY for which I prey on to accept my vyry silver aoilegtion, ser E. O. Face fn referanga tq Sewer, aranized far the seas n with the follpw- parents at Black orae. �. afncere ihanhP: Yours truly, , He considered th work ae having been p a ing offioers;—Son, eaident,A H, Mus• That Htsronians come to the front; is M16B Marie S, ott of Amberley has very satisfactory nd polnted out certain (BAint Wood) Vice Wilfrid Laurier. once more tb fact that at been enrolled in '-he Stenographic De- �/�' grcve;Preaident,V, • Vannorma4; ll work that should a done in ardor that You President, Wm. H Imfs; Secretary, B, least three ministers hol Ting important partment of the Ta!'f4gham Business Col- the sewer and dig asal works would give tl„a ed carry a large stockin of stamp Coohrane; `treasure D, Davies; Com- When 7 on bay a Christmas gift at charges in Toronto were barn in this lege, ed WGcd for burning, photo mittee—A. M. Ora ord, li Rae, C. N, Pattereon's jewellery store batter eatisfactiO ; He recommended Gift -Givers racks tie holders trues pope I ,you have county, Rev. R. J. Tr leaven (Meth. Mr L, Chs el of Yfotorfa Harbor, thea ointment fan ins 1� ��� +� ' ' ' p p Grfif~in, the uawest and bast. odiet) WAS bora in Ashfi ;id: Rev. J. $ Oat p' p ' PP peotor, the o racks, etc,, etc. Colne in _ Hazelwood (Methodist) was born in ' an ex Brie ed watchmaker, has passing of a plumb ng by law and that a and inspect. Qowick accepted a post tio with Mr, W. G Pat plan be masa of th sawar, to allow the Did you ever think of tile, desir• For dlamand, wedding and engage- The Orin h Recital. ; and .Res, J. V'ilson (Presby Larson, the •ewell terian) was born in We Wawanosh, J different oonneoti e. The communf- ability* of Shoes as a remera. ment Tinge go to Krog'$. There ergs not a ery large attendance Mr. V, E. On an, school teacher of eatiou was referred to the Sewer Com- brance;a at the organ reef al in St, Andrew's The Anniversaryservi o iaconnection mittee with instruO fong to look into the a a�qMcKibbon 8 Cleveland, has fa week entered the Think. If its usefulness o (t u!� Painful ccident• Church, on Mond evening, The on- With the e4inghaxn M hadfst Church recommendations o the Engineer.you desire, Wingham Bnsin Be College, taking a Mr. Jae. M. Wil met with a painful tertainment, howe or, was one of the will be held next Sunda •when the pas• Commercial Can e. The Finance Co mittee recominend- Yt'u can't beat SitOes, beet ever given in Wingham. Mr, W. tor, Rev,, Dr. Rutledge, will preach at If it's newness of stock you wisli,and t� accident while at ork in Walker & ed the payment of the following ac - H 0 ��� H. Hewlett wdrks wonders on the pipe both services. 00 Mon ay evening the Gomplettte�s and heti ed n Clegg's furniture actory on Thursday P li Donuts; p p A organ and every n imber was highly ap• annual tea -meeting an entertainment FOR SALE --A go gRl a ond•hand out. values, you can't beat OUR ! rA.P SWw aftetnol)n last, H was working on the ter, Apply' MRs. $ERR. Wm, Guest, work.. ........ . .. 4 00 preoiated, Mies INtelle Care soprano, will be hold. Tea will a served from Shoes shaper and his ri G hand. slipping was y, P Perth Contract Co., on sewers.. ]033 65 6 to 7.80 o'clock p. m, . aster Douglas Macdonald Block, Wingham, drawn in to the Hives and the tips of is a sweet singer ind is said by those sewers on Something for the Baby at from 4G0 present to be the lest soprano Haat hoe Stanbnry, 4f Toronto; the boy singer, Sin ie P etc Toronto, side streets... 518.97 to 75c, three Iingers bad) out. Fortunately Mr. L g R Deyell, work_, ... . ...... . 400 oust visited the t�.,wn, It is ver na• will sing on Sunday d Monday and C J. Thoroton, re Wild will be abl to work parttime with Y the choir will furnish a Octal music, The Tick Ott, to Toro tO and return at single Pits........, 2 DO Or its mother at1,OQ to fortunate that ar iota of this class are fare will be on sal at all C. P, R of fes W. J. Boyce, repaid 2.25 Or for father at ��i 50 Or more, A FamilyAfFair. the injured hon This is the second time E, O. Face f greeted with suds small audiences in resident ministers an Rev, J. J. Dar- and stations for ernoon trains, Satur• eel an, expenses.. 71 85 he has met with naccident of this kind: day, Dec.10th Wm. Holmes, repai e,.......... 1403 Something, too, for tile aunts and The Family Heraldaud We IyStar oY WinRhaan rant, of Belgrave will eliver addreaees , a d all trains Sandap, Montreal may juste be call d a "Fam• We hope Ddr, ild will soon have the g Mondaq and Tnee y,11th, 12th and 13th Davie & Johnston, f seg......... 137 60 uncles and cousins and rand• Y on Monday ovanfn fly A$alr"far in its ,32 pug each week full nee of the i Orad hand. good for return Al trains up to and in• Bell Telephone Cc , messages.., 1.55 parents, g there are;Dolmmne of mat r that inter. eluding Wednesda Dec. 14. on account Richardson &Rae, -applies... „ 80 Btjantifui silverware at SNox's• of fat stock Oho Deo. 12th and 13th. Alen. YoOng sixpplf�, ...... , ... 6 00 Our range includes About, all there set every member o a amity, old or Folz SALE—Set light b�A. eighs in good g Young and howev nmerous they Go to KNox's for your Xmas and Now t repair, Apply to Mrs. MoIutosh, At flog stations w ere there are no agent Alex. Day, work . . . .. .. . ... . . 16.50 is in shoedom that's really worth maybe. It is the hes ecmbination am- Year Poet Garde, Kitchen 5 tt Premium. Winghaut• round trip tickets will be issued by can. Victor Sill, sewer s pplies...... 95.72 while fly paper printed, and any family not r9• doctor tie above, Heater Bridge & Boiler Go., salving it should give, it a trial for next The Timms has at cured a number of supplies... , .. , ..... • ., 75,17 If you've a notion to shoe someone, year. The pablishers,we understand,con- L. O. . Officers. kitchen sets and we are giving the You can pet iron beds, mattresses, Sheldon's, Ltd., sew r supplies, 62.00 get down to looking—and Look template elaborate improvemeuts next women of this disk"Jct An opportuntt of bedroom soiree, sideboards, couches, par• Fanoq Goods of all kiudsat $Nox's. Canadian Express U ,cartage., 2,25 year which will make it more valuable. At the regular seting of Win;tham y Ior sOltes, easy chairs, tables, etc., at D. C, McDonald, 1 or......... 37,62 here. L. O. L, on Frid evening last, the fol- securing a set at practically nothing, cut-down prices at S. GRACEY's. A. Paterson, clean' g drain.... .50 If you like to mix in the crowds wait The set is compos d of a 7•inoh meat A. Sanderson, wor .. , ..... , . 8,75 a couple of weeks longer and lowing officers to elected for the an. —Mr, Jae. Angu had one of his hands W. Nicholso ins otin W. G. Patterson's is the plane to buy suing cleaver, 8 inch b1a a kitchen knife,84noh g. • ... , . 66,00 , g year:—W• , W. J. Greer; D, WINGHAM GENE AL HOSPITAL badly cat in a cut fug box on Sunday W. & L Com., ha lights...... 163 26 3'ou 11 enjoy yourself ail right, ,our Diamond Rings this year, M,, W. J. Stard ; Chap., Rev, E H meat naw, a servi sable carving set, a morning last. M y friends wish for W J, Greer, fillip charity order 2 50 If you like t0 shop at your leisure, Craly; Reo•Seo. J. Walton A2oKfbbou; can opener, a pdr'ag knife and a what. - W. & L. Com„ b d hall lights. Si stone. These set . are as good tie can be Although him a speedy reeav ry. Mrs, Griedale, fling charity to day's the day, or t0 morrow, Fin -Seo., W. T. Hall; Trane„ D, Bell; gh the lations am General Has• order ..... ..... . ..... . . . 2,34 of SOON, D. of C., Geo. Tees; Leaturer, Qom, purchased at $2 mss. To subscribers, old pitol hoo been up rs,tion leas than 4 H, B. Elliott, pri ting.......... 1800 REER Guest; Commf' ao— A. Young, W. A, and new, who pu their subscriptions in years nearly 500 is have been ad Hoonny SnoEs:—The beat is town. fiheo flute, priori g............ lri 40 y Christie's Grocery fall to Januar ut ,1912 will receive one " Sr.at.es put on free. Geo. Mason supp fee, .......... 2.10 Sandexaou, R. aeon, W. B. Elliott, q milted far treaii. While some per• and W. G. Salto . of these kitehea is Qu payment Of $1.25 eons doubted tbof the establish. W, J. GREER Geo. AtIOn, expen a to Clinton .. 2.00 0 0 GR PHONE 59. extra. When se are to be, delivered John I+'. Groves; s fary, etc... .• 55,50 went of each ant tion at the time, Geo. Allen, salary ..... . ....... 22,50 THE SHOED out of town they will be sent at the ex- the number of is treated so far —Mr, Thoa. Ke this week sold to E Lewis, salary . ............. 2000 Currants, /A�r+,� felt paPd for ULTl ower dressed gheespoulq sh prices pence of the submriber. Sample set can warrant the expy of a hospital in Mr• John Menzies, of East Wawanosh R, Rankin, aatary 7,50RI�IS�IIs ba seen at thfeaf iso. See advt, in an• tthe set of double arnees which won T•T, Field & Cr.filling charityed to our warehouse at Wina;bam. the town. Dathe last hospitaorder..... 1,00 GUNNS, Ltd, other column for full particulate. oast from Oct. 1909, to Oat, 1st, first prize at the Ingham Pall fair, A, Cessna, lunar c, premium., 2600 ��� Pool l! 1910, 105 patienve received treat, Public Library B ard, half mill - Oar Christmas stook cant be beat on assesom at.. , ... . 80893 Tesimg f e Sewers. ment, 70 beinggical oases and 35 , Upholstering, repairing and picture Book & Laider CC , services 200 The Perth Con act Cc. has nearly framing done promptly and we)). S, medical Deese. dition to this quite this year iu the city or out of it, We R. Saint, drayin .. , . 1 25 _ Our offerings in these lines have completed the con ract of laying sewers GRACEY, furniture dealer and praotiosl a number of mi perations have been have the Roods. W. G. Patterson, jewel. J. G. Stewat�t & a., supplies... 65 already proved all that we g g undertaker, performed there the patients returning ler. J �f in Win ham for t is season and Burin p g (an motion of onus. McDonald and claimed them to be, TEi1; B>;sT the past week ha o been making„ghat , home the same ay, The average cost Elliott, the report f the Finance Uom• is known as the', all test,” that is ae of each patient ier day has bsen $1,47, j# ; —Provincial Cc.,stahle Phippea was in mittee was adopts _ THAT MONEY COULD }3IIY pass. The Late M s. Wraith. Out of 105 pa ients treated during the On motion of Cc as, Elliott and Me ing a wooden ball through the cellar and The late Mrs, Wra h,whose death was Lacknow this we k on instructions from Kibbon, A, M. Ora ford was refunded REPEAT ORDERS PO JBING IN year 61 have pa d less than $1.50 per day, _ � drain. Near the Oath of the sewer a' reoord0d iO•these cal imus two weeks ago County Grown A iorneq Seager, invest- ° On nil was form i lodged in the sower, 10 of them .bet g free patients paying i $3 on account of do being wrongfully is the result. If you baven'ffi P i R , was born in Tyrone, _ NoM 80 yearn afo absolutely no. hing, These patients gating the pofsoa ch Casa which is to assessed, and on me ion of Oonns, Bone i which must ole dropped through one ter the eathoen f her aMnts she Sas tai- be tried at Gado to next week. Mr. and.Blliott, Thos. F llo was refunded $1 THE GIRL SJUESTiON bought, drop in and see of the man holes •AnoGher�CbaGrOcticn tar the death of her arente she was tak• received the ea a Hateful attention and Phi them anyway p ppei was abl to secure considerable on account of dog w ongfniiy assessed, IS EASILV SOLVED Y Y nursing as rhos paying the fall cost of fine been found a ar the National hotel an to Dublin and .here educated in a new evidence. �>1�ESl:(yT ��� and it is thought 'hat at this point the boarding school; Ile still quite young maintenance. he Hospital .Board has Mr. R. J. Tindall ddressed the Coun• FIGS pipes will have t be taken out, The she, with other mi mbers of the family, been able to ac Ord these patients this oil in reference to the business tax he - WITH H SOX OF testing on other sections has proved came to Canada an resided for a•numb, treatment been se of the lib eratitp of We are ready for an immeasa business had been asked to pa ' 7 Crown Umbrella, Natural Pulled generously disp sed citizens, in addition in Christmas Footwear, Come, see our Oa motion of Rae Irwin and Coun• and Cooking satiaYactory, or of years in Toro to township Thera display. W, J. GREER Redmond, the matte of making changes = �_ �- in ;the house of hs employer she firer to the town, c. Onty and government •��y��®�l-�5.. We leave selected those three We don't very often put an a special ?met her future b sdand, Evgotnall grants. in the Transient Tr der's by-law was kinds, beingsure that the willwe Y The Rovernme:at grant last year was unction sale 31 haadrof Datt1O— referred tO the EsacO ive Oommittea to _ NUTTEO CHOCOLATES ONLY fill all posible wants. The ? the quickestwayto getwlt is to clear oaizt Thomas Wraithjohle d Northward to $411.24, the tow;: grant was $200, and mileh cows, steer and y dng cattle, At report at next meetiO of Council, Crown Umbrella Fig is the largest tit a price. This is your opporunity to to take up afatm thea wilderness, the County grant was only $100. the Diaeley Hon Saturday, lothKinloss townshJ P Bylaw No 623, t give the Counoii�! s ��and $nest On the market, The get bargains, but for cash Calc, pand following him at It is to be hope i that the county will fast., at 2 o'clock . m. sharp. Terms— Hind , B. Natural fulled are stron and S. GRACEY, Furniture Dealer. a later date the tip wore united in war, 6 months credit r 6 per cent. per an- Power to Issue deben Oren to the amoun. g tinge at GodarfCl-oh Nov 18, b7 years soon see its way clear to give a more num tiff for cash n day of sale. of $2,500 was given wo readings prior 9 the quality is excellent. liberal grant to arils the maintenance to being voted on by the ratepayers and Soli' Agency for Rice—Th meson. ago. The farm o i which they settled, of hospitals. A bough the county of e ? Crown, per Ib ...... 20G Lot 2b on the 4th oonceesion, was their on motion of Gonne, cKibbon and Bone VElnragham p The marriage too place on Tuesday place of reeiden•� for the remainder, of Baran is the sec nil wealthiest count Dr, Nelson be of 498 S en's ave„ was ordered to b Natural Fulled per lb IOC y Toronto, will he s the Queen's Hotel, pang to l in the of last week ""rob Sutton West in the province f gives less than any d PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST _ Cooking, new, 4 lb. for 25G their da a In M.�roh of the resent earand dnugh-, t�riaghbm, all d y, gam TIDIES ac riling to law. ; of y P S Friday, December Win h terDbE D2rH,eand Mrs. s altareThnmpson, Thomas Wraith died, after a prolonged anger aLastyyearw Ehe coanLPl ofaBruco 9th, for aoaeaita ion in diseases of Eye, BY•law No G24 pr aiding for the hold- °rby Mail °n WIN'GHAM Dates, Layer Raisins, 'Granber- illness; and the vidow, broken down in y Ear, Nose and 7lroat, Glagees fitted, ing of municipal codons was given to Mr. Frank . Ria , soO of Dar, and gave $1,500 to W lkerton Hospital and three readings and u motion of Oouns, ries, Walnuts, Almonds and all Mrs, Harry Rios, hand, Ont. The health and enfee led by age, fell an easy $500 to tke $inca dine Hogpital, the other eXtraS that are prey to an attars of pneumonia which Eilfottaad MaKib n was pagsed, ceremony was perfor ed by the Rev. P. Rlt7EIPTS, WHY B1 Y AT HOME? The polling pl& as and officers fixed �� ����` family b� �tl� r@ Wanted for Christmas C, Cverend, pastor o the church, The was the immed to cause of hot death, J Dir. Geo. Wrait of town is s son of the Provincial grunt .. , , , . , , • • , , , ,$ 411.24 �— in the by-law are a follows: art entered a church to the Town rant, , .. , party deoeasod lea g "' • • • • • • • • • •. 200.00 Beoanse-You xaariae your pnrahasO Ward 1,—At J. Johnston's tailor pp1hhf ��(( p� j( . A TREAT IN FISH strains of the weddin march placed by y County grant , , • _ • • • • . • • • • • . • . 100.00 and are asenrec of satisfaction before shop, U1Uihed and educated when Receipts from pas eats , , , , .. , ., 29,~,31 W J. FIa Has, D. R. O, and H. Miss L. Shaw, The bride, who varus Donations from p:tleuts, , , , .... 31200 Investing your uvnOy, • Roadhouse, Poll lark, ��� � � ' Filleted Haddfe Or Haddie Without given away by her Pat or, looked charm. Give the boys and girle our excellent Other source,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , „ 4t• 2b Beosuae your hams merchant is al Ward . W , Gannett s implement g ne B6ne or Skin. ing in •her tailored t avellfng suit of ethic. Nothing more seri• -- ways ready dud willing to make richt shop, A, J. Aldo•son and B, Jenkins, The supply of this is limited amthys$ broadcloth w h satin blouse, W. J. Gnagn $4086,80 HOW TO FIGURE IT OUT Any error or an , defective article pur• Ward 3.—Tovm Ball, W. T. Hall and Des for Christmas. Notal EXP .xnITVRE, i, Your total ionone family a�x but we will make ever effort to large black hat And mt tk furs and white q persa Sr chased from him. Gab. Taos, is, say $9,000 - dace it regularly. Until you'C0 rose. The bride's oul ' ornament was A Great ailwav System, Deficit. Oct. let, 1909, , , , . , , . , , $ 48 25 Bsoanse--•W` n yon are sink or for Ward 4,•. -Div sion No. 1—Ritehzo & 2, Des, s our Arecae s a sunburst at earls, the Moat . . . . ... . .... . . ... . . . . . . . . 244 92 y n l hare of tried this you can't tell how good P gift of the Hardly a tow village or city in On• nay reason it yo 2. for you to ask Cosen o office, T los. Doansand A. Vlow. same, hay $300, it is, ITS A 1 NUMAR TREAT, groom, Miss, Jessie r'hompgon, sister rutin that does t receive daily benefit Butter brei aneggm , , , . , ...... , 217.16 Pinar, bread and meal, . , , , , • , „ 90 80 for credit, you an Ro to the local mer• Jag, Division ifo 2—A. Ball's house, 3• Balanea—baiatt an iinf inooma Cf the bride was brill 1smafd Wearing from the oparatl a of the Grand Trunk Milk 158 99 chant. Could : ou eek it of a mail order O. N. Griffin a John Elder. needed to auppott your fan• f SCOTCH TtIp>�ritSlvI1RN 011TAIttAl3i;r ' g d not wo q Syste , acid considerin the potatoes and vep�tsbles. , , .. , . , 100 oS houses By-law S�"q• a b repealing by-law Iy�o 4 fly $700 ' mAuve slier with net trimmings and net work of. Bra o1> lino conneotib s, it Groceries bndotl�r provisions., 202.17 y P g Y R • 4, Estate required to ytrld u,„r-d, d black and white bat an carrying pink to wonderful wit what regularity traitis Drugsand And Gt e. , , , . , , , , , , , 152 tip Baeaase—lf merchant is willing to bob, 1893, to pr Vide for the placing of income at b pc -r saint, ('10 tunes WHAT ABOUT TEA rasa. Alias Toam, Thaw son, of Toronto are run, Not 0 Iy is A good service pro. Medal and Burg ala lianoes 190,00 extend you crerait you Ehonld give Iti►n the town aaooii tin 'the, Bank o4 I3ami1� _ No. 3) $14,000, There i9.00thin more refresh- was maid of honor, dres ed in.white silk vided between points 1n Ontario, but Bedding, etc, . , . , , . , , Appliance , , , , , 19,50 the benefit of y nr each trade. ton was given three roadin s and on 5 Deduct net cash vain:; if your 1; this line also to obes nearly All the im• Ciee)iin g g I estate to day, Bay $5000. ii:g than tee;, and when that tea is with Blue ribbons and o tied pink togas• portaut Cities f Michigan, viz: Flint, , g"""'•"'" . ` ....'..... 42 96 Bccause••-Yo,r home merchant pass motion of Cove , Elliott and Bone wag ,_ I'aet. .. . .. . . . . . . .. II13.20 6, Balance estate not Creatf d $9000 6001) TEA, it is 71 Oen MORD 11g. Mr, Fred Barker, Rtiven hos, noted itis Saginaw, Ba Citq, I,ansing, Bhttla . ' ..... '' •' local tastes an; exerts every effort to On taction a Coats. Bone and Sic. 7. molnot amount now covered b r Creek Jaok n Grand Ra Light, nil, etc ... . . . .... . ..... . . 16380 y FIM811ING, Were selling teas best mAn. The ushers are qtr, Roy Muska9gon, S th Bond, Ind,, and Water,, , , , , , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , 18.52 build and bettur your market, thus in, Donald, the 'Cl ark was authorized to life insurance, sac ?3000, that we li HOW can't be beat, Ask Thompbon And il2r. Jas Monroe, Dnr• seocnd oft i America r .nil., ai d the ICO .. , . , . , . • , .. , . , .. , . , ... 6 30 Creaofng the aluo 04 both City and a o nor the ba nee of the 1ev dna the b. Additional lite insuvAnce nestled ing the signing of th re ist y America, V12, Chicago, Salaries And wages pay y $6000. those Who Brines tholrt and they g er Mrs, Ill., the gat WAY to the North•Wei,t, 1814 CO.60, country prapar :y, High and Pnbli School Boards. niamino the abovo flaures arid~ will: tell you so. flverend bang „The vol that breathed test find S nth, bringing Ontario in Texas And, inoutan e, , ... ,. , , .., }51.42 Bemuse— T as mall order Warobant _ o'er Eden." The gro m's gift to the 01,360 conno ion. On gthe Vhot, the Coutingan,3fes..... ........... 204.25 see how they fit y,,n., case The Itopbfirs .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . 223;60 docs not lights a the tax or in any Play . question is not ' ATN +'ti Insured. lirideamafd was A gold at pin and to the Fraud Truu oonneets with Montreal, ieurnttura...... , . , 23 0 het the l n ,f ft paid for drogned poultrq {lot "Ara an . , .. • . ., Highest price yS ry Quebec, t!1 Maritime Provinces land 3 P e ale your proporty, at T. Falls' butcher sho y oirr Ci N ,o innl rUk A WA+ d u + the � COFFEE flower fz ring; to ih facet mbn a gold Boston, MA With a double track line xnteire#t on rtiortga .... , , ... 185,40 i casts! •� to trail order merchant p' You tAy I will gxxrq ave orifi ri lc ” y g HO pity s0G with pe rls and to tho Alf the wad+ from Chtaa n to Montreal, Bank over draft . . . . . . . .. . .... . 16,79 Yore can't do it. It its your wito ani Have Cit been tiltfin coffee that g CIO As nothing f r tho benefit of markets And alto tb Nta ora falls, connecting the ;p who Care eat by p it. I3 gin Was tasteless and insipid, that tie- after gold Cuff link , xinlntldiAtely with Lehi Vale for Fi Tatar.. , $.4086.ti0 or Taal estate v lila. I'arnftaro Specials for: anti New t[is lVtty Year riaiit by pra,parl ttira• after the Cereniou lie itA g y New York, ilia W y Counts pOs9ibly for .your llOt lily y Ppy Can• Cirand Trtt reaoha6 out iu All dir �-- 1300ause—xf ou will givo your homy Year Gifts a hate ix v nice line of tet flng thAva fu THE MUTUAL LIVE ing COf%fie. 'ier s0t11e Of tltlr file lett amid slits alts at titan#etta tlond for yr1 r patronbgo, and We" do" d©, werelia�nt au opptlrtunity to CoM etc,' racking Chain a aq airs, gacretary ASSURANCE CO. 01; CANADA. speeiaily blended coffee. The kind and rice tin rife 9: G oar f'or Toren. seratls it, fo its vestibule eoaohes, par, SitATtt�C+ SIIOIIS;--To enjoq gkatlntt b briaiKln our or,ler to hlni in ilia desks,_parlor a sic CAblneta, cte. that goes to tbtl pallet ever time, til, Witigham, Wo stock, And other for rind, dint Ff tiara And t�odtlrn pull ane must Made rife correct boot, Wo q Is Don t tail to Ca nil sea them and re. g p y 111 + inane, give t e servion desfrea. (lone have thein in Ladim , G ant's, Ajages' qua+ntititla yo bolt but of town, he will member we are giving spoofal Cut prises, 4l�c pen lb, Points, CIi their r urn they will ret;file your nearest rand Trunk Agent for in, And Boge', Skates Pett on frog on shoes demonetrata at quality considered, he for cash, on Alt furniture goods till the Ritchie Cosons in Welland. iarmAtion r Armin we sell. W. J, Girth, will save yo money, 8 your next trip, New Year, at S. GuAenvs ftsrtittnra TI AL ESTATE AND INSUtiAIV CR st6re, ow, 001010"