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The Wingham Times, 1910-12-01, Page 8
M, r T-114 'WINGRAPA P�RSQIVA4-«• .� ,� T,. _ m TIMES, DECEMBER 1, jujo NtNORLUGALS. X. FeakinK. night operator at Oscar, who was loot an a bunting trip,, was fou• , r►d by a roeQne darty wlklt froth #net frog I OUR TRADE _ FRA -. —It will soon be tiilaa kg write 1911, Mr, and Dara, J• Leslie Barr of 471lnkon P KING'S FOR 1�ARGrAINS W 1 WANT ?� - Do your Qhristmna shoppingearly. wovo visitors in '6 WRIAAM on Uouday. on, and he way lase them, Try AYOUSUFFER --• Mr D. Shavers, who has slant the sugi+ any your eGationery ak the 'l?IitilsS ; .00loa, mar months in Wtugham returned to leis CLOVER: HRESHING «-A aloe lints of ChristmasriChristmas statiauory home in London on Friday .. KING'$mt the TiXiTs of ice, Mrs.VIOreno8 Sew and son, EdrichofThe undersigne is in the held again MC Niagara Falls, N. Y„ word visi4 a fox a this season to do Clever ThreshlnR. T _ ~-Annual Scottish concert ori Friday will guarantee g d work at reasoaabie BETWEEN THE evening. January Gth. #8w days with VPinghn,w relatives pilose. Each on other will be Supplied COLD KNEES Rev. and Mrs, W. L. isteeves left on with A copy of t e Seeds ControlActTH -^Silica scanty pggnoil will meat p,riday last for Chair now home iu Lond, And the tersxes an address of the nearest V_.s U6Y 6TORE tet Goderich next Tuesday. Seeder Cleaner v�aq will clean and grade an and will have the very bast wishes of seed for market. Parties having Qlover --Tire lot day of December and only a large circle of friollao. to thresh should et in their orders atAND thirtyone more days lu 1910, once. ANKLES + T. W. PIORELL, --Or{lan recital in St. Andrew's Qhnroh nest Monday evening. _Dv, John Gann, who practised Box 305, medicine at Qilaa Qraig for thirty-five hone, --Parkers Lucky Curve Fanutain Also North Hur Telephone, ,yF Ladies' 3?$ns are on ease at the Trus of#foe, cease, ie aead after a brier illness, nn,�you do the remedy lis very simple J ceased was a brother of Dr, Wm. Gann, P J J whoa in need of printing of any of Clinton. *f.' ,. - .,', Kind leave your order At the Tiariis • o Griffin omoe, t White p out Plc ue, GENERAL AGENT ' v —Regular monthly meeting of the To StamPlague, Coats . I Town Counoil will be held nest Mandol Dr. ilaatinge, Toronto's Medical FIDE evening, Health Ofizoer, has started a vigorous LIFE In our North Window we —If you have lost a favorite animal, a vampaigu against tuberculosis, by send- ACCIDENT - �r Ing out circular letters to all physicians Insurake �`t�r This season we are show- _ piece of jewellery, money or wearing P Y PLATE ('iiLAsB ',, ti, ,f. ��, in the city, requiring them to report K� �, �t� z ing a beautiful range in Fur demonstrate � ��� ����e apparel, advertise it iu the TI1tES. P QPEATIIER R1°�W?N , every disease dangerous to public health,: ' `� Lined Coats, Price range _ --Mr. D. M, Jermyn, brother of Mr on pain of a fine for failure to do so, - Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and �� y C ` from !�� wpm » $50.00 to $75.00 ^7� . Jermyn of Morris township, has been px. Hastings says the iirak atop in get I MONEY LOANING Business. Wa.lr� ��� t�"iIS trouble /+'�� appointed no Sheriff of BruAe county, ting control of the tuberoulosis is to `e- _ �+ a' it p r Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ,t��;„ s —The Toronto Deity Globe sent t4 dare the notification of existing cases. � � ■ any 1. Les a Canyour da ore May tat, 1911 _ �`r� and children it *ren _ for $1, Leave your order at the Ti�rEs Office over Ddalcglm'e Grocery. S women 1gd14 4�1L office. Send News Early, I` —Mr. Andrew Morden was taken to 048 of the most embarassfug things mn � l4 r '�� ' the House of Refuge at Clinton on Fri- editor has to contend with is the dispos• ■ e � 1 LADIES' � day last where he will have a comfort• iGion of the people to wait until the last able home. moment of going to prase and then rush ���iii BB1 F i TRIMMED COATS In o South W*n ow�•�e —A, ii. Wilford, produce dealer, has in with an item which they Want fn this !•� vv a .R,l/i'%ad a telephone placed in his boarding week, sure. People do not reflect upon house at Mr. John Liuklater'e, The the fact that the paper is made up Busifless " These Coats with Sable dom, onstrate a com plete during the whole week and its capacity s - number is 156, p q . - -A deputation of the members of the i` Ilmited to just so much and the mat• Collego _ Collar and Quilted Italian $incardine Hospital Board were in town ter will b_ gauged acgordingIy. We want x i Linings have become 'Bier the news dna we want it All but would Is a link in Canada's Great- £ ' ;popular because of the r cure ` o . e a d boys, on Tuesday and inspected the Wangham like it as earl - 4 h General Hospital, y in the week as possible. est Chain of High - Grade comparatively Small cost If the editor should wait the convenience Colleges founded during the —A, H, Musgrove, M. P. P., attended of those who have something they want past twenty six years. This generalJer i PrriceS and `P the annual meeting of the Worth Perth published he would not get his Paper out chain is the to rgest train- t. .�. from 15. 35. 0 Conservative Association at Milverton until the nest week, The same advice ers of Young people i r-'... , y g p p e n Canada Nothing better to present your Wife, Husband, Sister _ and delivered an address, applies jnEt as forcibly tq advertisers in and it is freely admitted that -_ —The Teeswater News office had a this widelycirculated family SMALL FURS. (fir Brother, Aunt or Uncle fora Christmas (sift y journal, its graduates get t11e best posi- narrow escape from bolus, dostroyed by tions. There i3 a reaSOn; fire one day last week. We are pleased write for it. A dipionia from to know that our friend McKay escaped Joseph Leblanc, an electrician, was the Commercial Educators' - Such as Scarfs, Stoles, Throws, Fur Ties, Muffs, with so smallII 1a9E, killed by a shock to the M. e. R. round- Association of Canada is a Baby Rugs, etc,, etc. Inspect ours before buying. —Tia advt. In dustier column, givinghones near Windsor, _ _ - passport to success, II LIS CO the The vt, in a rates has been torr The Methodist Church at Ilderton passport may study 'partly at ; _ reatad to date. Read it and pick your was destroyed by fico just before last home and finish at the College, `A reading matter for nest year. Subscrip• Sunday evening's service. The fire Enter any day, PRODUCE WANTED.—Butter 24c, Eggs - Beans, THE SHOE STORE. tions for any newspaper or magazine started from an overheated furnace, p �• tt ' e Fowl, Feathers, Raw Furs, �tC. taken at the Timr.�s eSioe. The loss will be $6,000, well insured. Fal! err Opens Aug. 291 —The Duke of Sutherland has in- WINGHAM x!�'e�►t atruoted the land department of the C. Pipe Dreams. . p O O D CHEAP Sole Agents ,�J �,y� for L a dies'. P, R. to divide ten thousand acres of BUSINESS C®LLEGE 'GOODS +■�Cti-+r.w--"����Kf'shoet When I was digging a► ` KING.PRIDESland in the wast, camprisingxeady-made long for riches, I thought that Iddbe G•NU. SPOTON, Piil proposes to settleappy , President. farms on which he the eldest sons of his English tenants. Wenit if I had coin to horn; I caw the salthy speeding slang the gond unheed• , —The concert given in the Mills Mom, fns; they blew in more stogies than I rel ���1!��r?►i�i��'i�Y�� i0!int7:flfFii�r�Vp7��/;�gl��r'li�J9 oriel Ball on Thursday evening last by knew how to earn, When I was load. i1 �, • $ the Imperial Quartette of London was ing gravel. I longed and tonged to travel Honey ( `p� ' •r one of the best ever given In Wingham, to scoot In palace coaches, or sail across■��"�����a�+`$����'�����®�"��d4�-'r��►ri/t/�ir�i ► Owing to the disagreeable weather and the sea; I said: "I have to labor like JJ Beautiful �w� the short time the concert was advertiz _ thunder while my neighbor Is blowing�'•• �7(T u S`✓ We have now on hand a �, ♦ 1 1 1 ed there was nota very large attend- in his bundle, as baso as a bee." And supply of Fresh Clover ITE ante. now with wealth I'm loaded; alas! it Hone and Pure Ma ]e s • s • � w For over twenty years The eekly seams oorrod'ed;1t doesn't seam to glitter y p �.,..adles and Gentlemen's "Tail®r Sun, Toronto, has occupied s envlabie the way-,itOught to do; my lite is soft Syrup which we sul-e � • i► G �odQ at position, diligently `erving a Ontario and easy, but I am fat and wheezy. I will satisfy the �♦ 1- C7 farmers. It is edited VrAeirpartioulAr spend my days in yanning, and I am most critical benefit and a special ep6tt will be made tired and blue. It's tiresome to b8 �+ buyer. The only stock I carr contains the newest all -wool a of more the coming year to make it even wsalthy, it's better to le healthy, with y 0 y Broken � � fabrics embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from of mora practfoal value than aver before. springing, active muscled, no spavins on Call and sample them, o the most reputable mills in the world, All interested in farming cicala read your lege; I wish that I could travel - �, could , back to the days of gravelwhen I ld The Snn, � --Postmaster Dickson has an interest• eat a bushel of good old ham and eggs. Also a fine selection of You will find our Kingfisher Ing book on exhibition Seaforth post WALT MASON. choice Fruits, Chocolates Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy We are clearing out what remains of our natty, office, Itis the book in which persons and other Confectioner Worsted Suitin signed no ra receipt for registered lettere y gs, Tweed Suitings, up" to -date Suitings and Dress- Goods. We have nln Toronto, in stock this season the only latest material and ' And bears data of 1$67, In it are the I3nAty-DrER. In Toronto, by the uev Oysters and Hot Drinks Melton, Beaver and Crombies Over- , business p of many of SeAYose of first EnochBarker,on November £flth, Dir. Alen• at any time. coatings give' the best satisfaction. ,- - newest shades that could be purchased anywhere ander Shaw o£ Mimieo, to Miss Jennie Dger, business people, as wall as those of marry of Blyth, out. and we. are now offering these goods at wholesale of the pioneer farmers, In those days V ITITTARD—AGAR.—III Bra.9seis, on Nove+n- • • rices. We do 'not intend to beep one piece ber 16th, 1911, by Rev. D. E. Cameron, Mr. Your order is cut and fashioned in the Style pi's- • p money was transmitted more frequently Benjain n �Vittard to Miss &arab E. A ar all ■ than it Ig in this day of bank aiders, of Brasseis, g veiling the day you are measured. You get everything + over, s0 there is .a. genuine bargain in Dress check©, ata, The beck is quite an inter. p>u�o. R. J. Tindell & Son the very latest and best when you. let us make clothes +; .� Goods Waiting for you, When you get a new 41 eating retic of Seaforth's early days, Qdiiihi, DA id C (#Toy ll, aged 7 on Nevem- • ex ressl far you. ! suit or naw dress you naturally want a pair of 1 ber 19th, David Campbell, aged 77 years and Phone �• expressly y —Speakitrg of Ddlea Estelle Claroy,wha a menthe. , Corsets, we havq the famous D & A Corset ;+r Will Ding in St. Andrew's Church next • kl, Mrs. Charge Lnint oh, on November . _. all the new, long styles. Our new Imes at "J5c Monday avenins the Guelph Herald _ ± E. C. WHITE WINGHAM, ONT- _ are quite equal to the former $i.00 line and our flays:—"Dales Estelle Carey in bar num, 24th, Mrs. Charles MbIntish, aced 66 cars. IfGY�fASi , C,-�•Na I � bers displayed a soprano voice of war. TEACH)4R WANTED Fbbb tar 9 > > 3 w $I.00 style as good as. any ordinary $I,25 phir, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR. ,� Try a pair of these, vetlono range. The timbre of it was do, _ /� ��11A� lightfni and each note revealed p purity Appliontiona will a received by the !%� �� IN TnE ron17 WlLsov I3S OCii r In tone and was so tale, yet ao perfect inthe lLow for th pcaltion of teacher ° /� JELLO ss�slrlrsssl�sAlssssssOssss� iss►arAi+►��8,�tr83is+l �i� it ' iu articulation, that all were delighted in the Lower Wi ham School. Apr / >P Our range of New Flannelettes is lar • e and well p"cants to `tate qualifications and I " ! with every song she rendered. >l�ia` s assorted 1n plain colors and fancy stripes—good salary. 1011, to ommenoe on Jann• Carey Syasenaored repoatedty, and she dry 3rd, i911, ¢u ���� Y "-`. '"""`-��--•--•~W--• . . ,. ' 1 1 - . �COIorS. ,,, .y A.; ., . .. welt deserved it htl, for a more win`ome W, I�INI3 LAMER r 1 washable e Ringer has seldom been heard, 'Wingham P. �d �,,,. '. � "`� J s���►l�x1t<ilt f+�k _ JIMTt1. I -T— i i% LA . Mr. .AS`s. Irvine, who is baker for Mr. Neil Taylor, expects shortly to The Annual Mo ting of the SlIste• holders and I'atr s of the Bluevale move his family from Mitchell to Blyth, choose Sc Butter C mpany,Limited,will Mr. d. Spafford, O. P, R. agent, is be held in the Fore ers' Hall, Blnevais, improving nicely from hie sevOrO illness on Tue`day. 000 her Oth, at 1,3o and will soon be able to resume his O'clock p.m,, for th rens cti of a Board of Directors and th transaction of any duties at the station bore, other business that ay come before the W84110dAy, Decctnber slat is the meeting, B order data selected for the annual Ohriatruas 301:1 BURG USS, Seo' y tree and entertainment in connection " with the Methodist Church, MEETING OF HURON COUNTY Y Mr. W. Phillips, who has been work. ��N��I�r ing in Toronto, has returned home and Tsar started tip his blacksmith shop. We nOW h0o three shops In town. Mr. Ilobt. TkCilno, left recently On A Tho council of the Corporation of the WP to I3ornitrdA, Ho %b# tot been 0n. County of Huron will Westin the Cann. oil cbbmb6r, in the ToWn of Goderloh ;toying tho best of health for some t11110. at 3 o'clock ori TncSday, the 0th -day at part and the trip to trade with the intens D606 fiber next, tion of reouperatiag hitt health, Iiia All accounts for settlement lutist be "utitcrotim friends trust that It nifty plDa ed NOV, 218tr191,before this date. press be;,eflcial.W. I,�=11 ()lout. r J HAR YOR ORDEREo 'Your cereals and groceries for to. mor" OW'S use? If not, the beat place to send year order Is to us, There's sometimes a differenoe betWeen what you really want, and Oh"t yanr grocer tries to sell yen, That difference We never exercise, Our Stock of BREAKFAST FOODS AND FIGS GROCERIES Included every kind of „foodstnfi" You would Ohre to order, why not try no? -it F, Moulivray Phone W. A full stock of Men's and Boys' Overcoats p S2,20 with the `"Presto" Conventable Collars. Come In Guelph and see these Coats, you will be well pleased Return accaont bf "Ontario r¢►' with them. Provincial Nair," Good going Dec. TO WINNIPEG' DReotl2th,'11'10 lbnstva, Return limit Also a complete t c stock k of Ready -to -Wear Cloth- ing in the newest tailored designs, distinctive ASVD WEST reasonably style and perfect fit are built into every garment. travel by the Winter Tours:" In design, and finish they will please even Q y gn, c ►, the most ciir,rting taste, and all this at very California,exico and viorida at 1' y prises, reaso Direct Only Canadian Through low rates. �.. Route Carr` Lisle Above rater, apply from Wingham, f We always pay the highest prices for Eggs, Butter but, Proportionate rates trove 44,• ; and Poultry. DAILY SI:.R VICE�1 Oar bud oats rio, �ingstoit, Itan� of oxtitoee trAins carrying through tandard and tourist bleepingcars for alloin s In t s g ! Western Canada,0 AN p'or tickets and fnrtherinforina Information MILLS. la'er infarnantlon flee call on G. Lamont. Depot Agent or .t. IT, Tlg>ht4iJ:�xt, Agent, wingham, Toronto,address J, D. oiianb d,. P. 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