HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-01, Page 5El import &nt part. mgns dress M nice underwear. 9Vrr44, ,MR. DRESSER :-- UNDERWEAR IS IMPORTANT TO -YOU.... ' 23ECA USE IT IS NEXT TO YOU. YOUR •;OUTER CLOTHES CANNOT FIT 'UNLESS .,YOUR UJVDERrLOTHES DO. WE HAVE GOT ALL SIZES IJV UJVDER- WEAR FOR MEN SLIM OR MEN STOUT, OUR UNDERWEAR WILL KEEP YOU WARM, BUT WE WON'T WARM YOU OJV THE PRICE. ,F2.00 WILL BUY A GOOD SUIT OF UNDER WEAR. ,53.50 WILL BUY A SUIT, OF BETTER UJV DE R WEAR. COME, LET US KEEP YOU WARM. THE ,II.MWAa of _,.,, a.,. -n=.,.a:,,•,;i......,....aw,.en.rgr _ _ .... "_ .. . _.... .. .. _ _ +nw.nr,•.-..m-........n+•.a.w.��r..w+w,-:�.•m..,,.�--w,s....w , n..n.as-F�.v s`:., .........i,:. . t,VINOUAMiTUNCTION. LO%VIIOt WINURAA>G NHITt;CAUItCFI, The following to the report of 8 P. The fallowing is the report for S. S, Mrs. Win, COultor, Of Zetland Is on No. 8, Tnrnberry, for November: No. 11, Taruberry, for the month of t4Q 0104list, JUST STOP well the last weeks. Sr. IV, -Total 800, Minnie Walker NovemYe^: We are very sorry this woeL•. to repoi,t ♦ The Annual Ohristmas treeentertain. has been attending her, 208, Willie Magee 108. Sr. IV-T91ia1300. Minnie Saunders the serious illness of Mrs, G( 0, Roes, ai Jr, IV, --Total 400, Clarice Moffatt 257, Jessie Carrie 233, 669, Denton Ferguson $36 Jr, IT --••Total ton Myrtle LooktidgQ 8iuloos, On Saturday, Nov. 26th, the White - ANDCONSIDER MO MENT will be held on the evening of Deoombos from, his long illness. He can walk It will. be gratifying to the many Jr. III -Regia Walker 271, Fraaale 91, $note Sheriff; 80. obn ation held their Riflerise ,A Moffatt 266, Sr. III. -Total 800. Milton Groves al match, titch, On the range at annual Sr. Ih-Wilfrid Anderson tib, 279, Mindred Meroer 249, FranoaisLook• Whlteoburoh, Mr, W G. M. R'id and Jr, II. -Norman Henderson $14, Ger. ridge 246, Ethel Finley 83. Mr. Gordon Shiell were the 0:1041111 Of don Walker 232, Alfred Miller 96. Jr III -Total 250 Wilfrid McGregor the opposing teams. The match was a Sr. Pt, I -Norman Walker 367, Per. tie Henderson 288 Vera Mackenzie 246,ery 216, Sr.SxIt 250. Winnie Ransom close int one, Mr, Shiell a team scoring Mr, Reids foam .:� Perhaps ala think a large city Store. p y Ruesel Henderson 108. Jr, Pt. I. -Margaret Henderson, Har•, 216, Roy Forsyth 195, Mary Austin 63. Jr, II, -Total 250. Sammie Lookridge ma points and er making Mr. Shiell'e team the winners by 7 Mr. G. Nioholson and Mr. ; . r, can give you more for your honey than old Moffatt, Clarkson Martin, 219, Olive Groves 190, Hilda Adams 22+• Groves points. Chas. Johnston of Beigrave, paid the we can, But that because you haven't E. MUsaRovu, Teacher, P4. II, -Total 150. Gertie Frank King 78, Eidle Shrigley 07, club a friendly visit in memory of old `"y �. 110, 47, Willie Finley times, their good natured bantering of � reasoned it out. ST. AUGUSTINE, Tommy Cxrtkehank each other, giving the boys many a good e John G. Ohamney has gone to Strut• $8, Earl Hart 38. Sr. 1. -Total 150. Roy Finley 110, laugh during the day, Mr, Nicholson proved that he has lost nous of his well p jf fi A•ioi� �l ford to take a position as brakeman, Mrs. Wm. Finlay, of Ashfield, was Gordon McGregor 97, May Hart 80, Donald C)leghoro 40, Tommy Lookridge known skill with the rifle, by heading 10 on Our expense of doing business is less visiting for a few days with her parents, 46, Lizzie Cruikshank 35, Mayme Finley. the score with 44 paints, shale In connection with the match T' 1) Mr. and Mrs John Craig. g• M, WALsH, Teacher. score. an oyster supper will be held on the 'Y + than one half that of the big city stores Once again we are reminded of the uncertainty of time. On Wednesday, evening of Tuesday, Dec. 136h, at the residence of Mr. Raid, when a good 1. l;" ! in,proportion to the amount of business the 16th ult., Mrs. James Robinson answered the final call and entered into MORRIS. time is expected. pi done. With the removal of Reeve Taylor to her eternal rest at the age of sixty-nine Blyth it leaves the field aeon to new rl years and six months. Deceased was BRUSSELS. men. We have heard it rumored that one of the early pioneers and a woman Mr, J. F, MoOracken, one of the present After a successful tenure of 18 years . held in high esteem by a large circle of Friends, Besides her aged husband she Oouaoillors is likely to be a candidate as Principal of Brussels Pablio and Continuation School, J. H. Cameron has We are determined to build up a leaves to mourn her lose three sone and for the Reeveship, eight daughters, We extend our sym• We are sorry to state that Mrs. Peter tendered his resignation to accept a position on the Collegiate staff in Lon. ' �• , -� . ,, L business and we are willing to satisfy our - pathy to the bereaved family. Barrs health is not nearly so vigorous on, at an initial salary of $1400 per as her many friends would desire and ' yk _ selves with a very sm ill net profit in -_ we hope A change for the better will annum, duties to commence at the open- Ing of 1911. TIIRNBEItItr, exon ensile. Mr. Fitzgerald, of Durham, is filling t <: "�%��j order to do so. The following is the report of S. S• the position of manager of the Standard No. 6,Tnrnberry, for the month of We are entry to hear that Mrs. Jae, � ! Bank hdaring the Mabee of J F. November:- Russell, 6th line, keeps so poorly but ere we hops she will soon show marked im• While the fever has to ran �ki I� �j The fact that we claim t0 give SUCK Sr. IV. -Wilfrid Mnrchifon, Grave Rowland. Snell, Jessie Holmes, Bertha Chandler, provement. its course the patient is being well look• � y ;� unusual values d��esn't mike it so' but - Bert Holmes, Vina Sing, Minnie Porter, Monthly meetluR of the Jaokson s ed after and we trust will soon reouper• d • I i Henrietta Foston, Dorothy Roth, Ethel Women's Missionary Society will be ate. f�wr the goods are here to prove it. Chandler, Louisa Snell. held at the home of Albert Hewlett, 7th J. R and Mrs. Grant and daughters, I " h t 2 line, December 7t, a.30. Jr. IV. -Earl Dickson, George Dalg• of Winnipeg; have Gane to California 1-1 lelah. Mies Grace Ferguson, who 2 months where they intend spending the winter. for We defy any store, anywhere, to 2 III Olass.-Henry Holmes, Robert ago entered Niagara Falls, Ont., hospi• Mr. Grant bas followed this Practice McSague, Percy Sing, Ewart Linklater. tal to take a 3 monthb' course as a pro* several years but this is the first time for has match our values iu Silks and Dress I II Claes.-Lizz#e MoKague, Gertie bationer in training for a nurse, the family to go with him, We wish Ifff Faille, Emma Snell, Norma Foston, been accepted and received to the geuer• them a State. good time in the Golden g y� Goods, Ready -to -Wear Coats, $5.00 Harold Showers, Dan Roth, Charlie Showers, al staff of nurses to complete a 3 years' Robert Wilbee, of Kipling, Michigan, Dame home for a short visit owing to lite course. We wish her the best of success. _ � �I i Silk Petticoats for $3.95. $12.00 Lined Part II. -Harold Fallis. She is a daughter of W. H. and Mrs•illness of his father, Walter Wilbee. = � i Coats black or colors, now $10.00• Sr. I. -Frank Roth, Ferguson, 5th line, We are pleased to report marked im• - �� rk Claes A. -Etta Fallis, Herbert Foxton, r provement in Mr. Wiibee's condition i Skirts, Waists and Furs Harold Foston. and we hope he will soon be able to re• �w Class B. -Clifford Jenkins, Edith Jen. JAMESTOWN. same work. It is 12 weeks since he = ;� kine. Our Sunday School here is hold at the injured his hand. Olass C -Oscar Holmes h mr A Simpson oboe Victoria h d the ome Brussels Public School hoe a Gampbell PEARL MtlPBERSON, Teacher, Hall was destroyed by fire. unique record of having only two haw, �. �® ��� � �: A number of farmers are starting cipale #n nearly 40 years. .1 aha Shaw, BELGRAVE, their turnips now, since the snow has now of Clinton, presided for upwards of A Young People's Society has been or- disappeared. 20 years and J. a. Cameron is eonclnd- '. Donald Pope is finishing threshing Ing his 18th year, These gentlemen ganized in connection with the Church round Jamestown.. Those who are de- were supported by a noble band of lady of England here to be known as the An. ai glican Young People's Association. Mr, sirous of having their straw cat will assistants during the passing years and Boviwr was elected president. MissMc- wait for his machine. the graduates from the school as a rale eeeeee•••••••e••••••e•••ee ••�••ee•ezee�e•ei•eeeeee•� Clelland, vice-president, and Mr: Chile.- Mrs. T. McEwen, Mrc. Geo. Eckmie,r "made good" wherever they went. yWe Want ' PHONE = Johnston secretary, and Bradburn, treas• and Mrs. R. T. Miller spent Thursday - We • PATTERSON.Yonr Nanna s Store News I 70 rarer. Thfe society will be quite a help in Brussels. Z Trade • to the young people of the church and We regret to state that our old friend, EAyr WAWANOSH. 9 h t b n ver The friends of Kra. D, McGowan, - FURS IN .BIG DEMAND + The general Fur business is unusually brisk this year and good Furs of every sort are costing " more, and we think we have the best value in: - HANDSOME FUR COATS ELEGANT NECK FURS NEW FUR -LINED GARMENTS NEW STYLISH MUFFS • t district. Their first regular meeting Mre. Wm, bralick, as no se p few The doctor East Wawanoeh will regret to learn THS�AT WATCH DOCTOR - will be held on Dec. 6th. well the last weeks. had t9 ♦ The Annual Ohristmas treeentertain. has been attending her, 1 that she recently the M109901111e I ment of the Anglican Sunday School Thos, Stmohan id slowly recovering `=l= ubwn stairs and break her attic, will be held on the evening of Deoombos from, his long illness. He can walk It will. be gratifying to the many - �- fairly well now, friends of Mrs. W. Bennett, 6th con. L adies' Silk Waists We are showing very dainty Waists, in Black ,3 and White Silk Checks, Black, Grey, Brown .# , and Navy Blue. ��ns D120 ' vercoats >A - 6w In Plain Hladkv'and Fancy Tweeds, all this sea- son's Coats, sizes 36, 44, prices $9.00, $1 i.00 rand $12.00. 'Sale price $7.75° M.en's And Boys' Winter Caps. 4 We have a big range of Winter Caps, plain blue, blacks, fancy tweeds, Plices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, all sizes, POTATOES WANTED. . All kinds of Fowl Wanted.Phone 70 k•HANNA COO News reached here recently of till} A meeting was held here on Fridgy to Wawanosh, that she is improving since • death at Arcola of Mrs. Jos. Maynes, consider the advisability of erecting a her recent severe illness. formerly Miss Sara Leishman, of Mar- new hall. We hope to see a new build - There Has tjh a Swellest and • noch. A husband and four small child- did at London ing soon, last week, a former resident Monday of of the town - ren are left to mourn her lose. Deceased Victoria hall, of which this village has ship. of East Wawanosb, in the person best line of all the newest �was a sister of Mrs. J, Armstrong and been just! road was burned to the p p of Isabella McGowan, daughter of Mr. kinds Of • daughter of Mrs. R. Leishman of Mar- ground on Saturday afternoon, Novem• Walter McGowan of Vancouver, B. C. noob, both of whom have the sympathy bar 19tb. There was an insurance of Deceased, who was in her fifty-first • of the entire community, it being the 650 on the premises carried by the • $ year, was not ailing !cure and her death •second death in the family in the course Howick Mutual, The horse sheds were was quite unexpected. The deceased """EL iij of a few months not damaged. Victoria Hall was a cosy was a sister of Messrs. Daniel and R. JE LEKY - frame structure 26 by 36 feet and was McGowan of Wawanoeh, and theyey GREY. formerly a Congregational Church, lo• have the sympathy of the Community oated between Wroxater and Belmore. in their bereavement. The remains We are pleased to report improvement In 1901 it was purchaeeed and placed in were brought here and the funeral took in the condition. of Chile. Rozell's health. position here anti considerably improved place to the Union cemetery. •♦ Rumor in this part of the township in both its interior and exterior. It Ever shown in any jewel - intimates that ex Councillor John served a very useful purpose for Sabbath The council met at Bnment; Nov. 21st, pursuant to adjournment; mem- ' lery store this year suit - Brown will be in the municipal field for School, religions setv'ces Sabbath and here all present; minutes of last meeting the Deputy Reoveship at the approach. Friday eveniuRs and was ntil zed for able for • rand and adopted on motion of Ooane, � Ing nomination. public gatheriogs of vat#ed oharacter. Campbell. • Mrs. M. Selly and baby daughter, I5 is propoeed to ertot a new comeut Bp -L Scott nasi d Citu 12, 1910, appointing plane Margaret, is here from Langdon, North building on file old site, poraiblp lur{2er than the Halt burned, with roomy bass- for nomination, places of election, Dakota, on a visit to her sisters, Mrs A. deputy returning rfliosrs and poll clerks • D. Grant and Mine Jessie MoLnuehlin meat and modern conveniences, the , was duly reed and sussed. r and old friends. Mr. Kelly is away to work to be proceded with at once it BvLAw No 13. 1910, to provide for -STMAS GIFTS • weather will permit. The unanimity the issue of deb�ntnree of the municipal- 0 Washington State looking after lumber• tag interests. that has f Victoria H the the Past 9 ity to the amount of $18 000 for the par• and use of Victoria Hall in the past 9 David Campbell, who departedyears is the beet proof of the necessity pose of building bridges, river conces- thin life on Saturday, Nov. 19th, of its being rebuilt and is also a guaran. stone 8, % 10 and 11 was also read a aged 77 years, first saw the light at toe of the heartineps that will be Mani• first and seco: d time. It is not necessary to send Moil, Kintyre, Argyleehire, Scotland, tested in doing the work and footing the The following accounts were present- in the year 1833 and at the age of 17 billed and ordered to be paid: -Corporation pad- O' }•Own this Tear for , • years emigrated to Canada locating at of Blyth; h„Il rent, Division Court pur• U a� J �Y Youngaville, West Zorra, Oxford Co„ pones, 1910. $7; G. Todd, elm plank and swell Christmas Gifts. ' where he spent 13 years, He was united delivering same, $12,56; Isaac B•own, In marriage to Mies Wilbina MoRay in Asthma Catarrh Blyth, concrete Lite, $12 40; Jae. Me.. You canget the newest 1868 and the same year they came to the 'WHOOPING COUGH CROUP Gill, repairinit Potter's bridge, oon, 1, 179h con„ BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS of Grey township, where they $3 60; Jup, Mc(Iill patting In Lila cal. and best here. resided for a period of 47 years, Eight vert, con. 6, $3,00 Jae, Tenney, draw - children were born to Mr, and Mrs Camp• Ing and furnishing grav:•1, $16 00; WW,,. ............ bell, viz: -Donald, deceased; John in Walden, 8 ads gravel, 80 otp.; Alex, j Washington, V. S.; Neil, in Oregon; Patterson, 4 yde gravel, 40 ots E. Or - David in Washington; Dena and Annie in C►rw.ulW[n +e» vie, 90 yds gravel, $9.00; MoKinnon . A simple, safe end effective treatment for bran. Manitoba and Mary Jane and Vlors in ehial troubles, without doain,rthe stomach with Bros , gravelling on Northern Rdy , �-• drug►, -Used with success for thirty Dere. Grey township. Deceased Wile 1n fall. The airrendere,mokeggtrantigeas soothes $$6,16; Geo Wilson, Inspecting grovel• with over? enders, rsbron breathing easy, soothes In health for some ears and his death who here throat, end elope the conch, ►eeutlne ling On Northern Bdy ,$3.'16. '� • g y restful nights, CreselonoIsInvaluablotomothers The Council thea adjourned to meet was not an nnex eoted event. Mr, with young Children and a boon to sufferers • Campbell wall a Presbyterian in church from aena 1ia'peasiai Ito: doeeelpeive twotclet, etc again on Thursday, Dec. 16th next, atWo •, relationships and a Liberal in politics. ALL DRUGG16TS y e � 10 o'otook a, m. Tr Cresolene Anti• i isste. He Wag d kindly ttlrned man and wag saptle Throat Tablets "GJ �0 A=x romrnr)[ELD, Olerir. JEWELLER forthelrrit ltedthrost, lE • wide! esteemed. That are a mpple, ef• - y feetlrre end antfeoptie, your drugMet or p' t fromtu. iOaGt►tamps, Ming Green and her companion, who ` , • Work will be tushed on a new Grand fSpe gretelehe to. escaped froth St. Maty'e Academy at OPPOSITE QUEEN'S 1-1 O T E Lt � '4"�' I N G H A M : Ttunk ,depot 'at Goderloh to teplAee the Lewsiiag.ltuer flier. MONTRgAt. `" Windsor, -Were found at an hotel in Ionia► • � r= 0116 recentlydeiltroyed by fire. G Mich,