HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-01, Page 4TIM W.tNGHA,H ` IMNS, DECu,H13-rm 1, 1910 ` 1iE CENSUS QF MANUFAOTURERS. be taken on sohedale No, 12, and willI r Dominion show for 000,4 ktnd of product its duan. _ On the first of June next year a. census tity mud selling value, and the. quantity ru p �( tp (gyp i�, t will be taken of the inannfagtaere of of milk and cheese used for conversion HE PROFIT SHARING STORE, INGHAN, ONT. Canada, It will aeoertaia the capital mt the factories, the umber of patrons, HEAD OFVIC9: TORONTO employed ttt works. in 1910, together, and the amouatof money distributed to with the Valued of lana, f products and them in the year, KERROM1 �?ap tel St° 0,k (all paid up) $4.000,00000 plant, the kind or glass of prgdaota of - A1tCsfnAr,n I3rvlr, Chief Oiiioer, R'•serve Fund and Un. the works by quantity or number of •-�•--•^••�--�. B1 RD divided Profits _ .... $5,480,000.00 finished articles and their value, in the O N S Deposita by the public .. $i7,000,0o0 00 year, These statistics will relate gen. Joseph W. Foster, a hotelkeeper at AGExT3,—Iaad es' Flume .Tg111na1. Acl icrs--ZIOme Journal 1'aGGerpo, Total Assets, var •....... $61,2oo,000,o0 Orally to factories employing five hands Owen Sound, was sentenced to four or mora during too year, but in such months in prison for a third offence in HRAN0H1$8 AND AanxTS throughout Can- keeping a blind tiger, • „ Ada as l the UAted States, industries as floor and grist mills, brio$ Great Clearin1 nSale works, saw' and shingle mills, elegtrio Rev. H. m Spence, General Says 20,000 Clearin A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Iight and power planta and A few. of the Dominica Alliance, says 20,000Not TRANS9.CTED, others where the, value of products men visit Toronto bar•roomsnightlymud Long Now is large in proportion to the number that 20,000 go home drank every night, 0,f persons employed, Rev. R, X Hamilton declared in Wes. SZ#VRT1,gS }�@pal,^#Ir1G'iit.returns will be ,lay Uhuroh that one man in tau is Tar, r, quired without regard to the number o tlnrDap At sr of Interest Allowed, and onto drinks until he gets drank, Until Dapa�its received of 41,00 and, � 0,f employees. The, employees of work upwards, will include managers, superintendents, Some months egg $20,000 in unsigned etc., oq salaries; officers, °larks, Oto., Tradare Bask bills were stolen while in Farmers' Balli Notes Collected, and on salaries; operatives or workers class- transit. Last week a little boy, while does on unceasingly becom* advance a made on them at lowest ed tie over and under 16 yeate on wages; Playing in the house at 94 Galley Ave , rate of interest. awl pieoe,workers employed outside of Toronto, into which his family had just ing more popular and attrac* ChriStmas hush •9PLMHAU BRANCH --Corner John and the works. Salaries, wages mud pay- moved, found $6,000 of these bills under Josephine Streets. menta to all officers and employees will the the to front of the grate. The re - be entered on the. schedule for the can. maiaing $14,000 were afterwards die, Live every day as reason of NAGER . sus year by sex, and will include the covered in a trunk in the place. R. PANSTOXE, Solicitor. aggregato weeks employed in the year, A Come early, and see our Toys especially. Forget that your average hours of working time per the wonderful money -saving grown up, come and bring the kiddies and see how week, and aggregate wages paid to them mos Stock mfsxicete. much they'll TO ADVERTISERS y 1 enjoy our many Toys. Beautiful tressed in the year. The aggregate weeks of Toronto, Nov. 28,—Union stock Yards bar ala Dolls, all sizes some talk and some sleep China Notice of changes must be left at this time and the aggregate wages paid will --Receipts for to -day's market were 56 g s thta,t are to be , office not later than Saturday noon. refer to the whole body of employees cars, with 1,072 head of cattle, 687 sheep Dolls,6, Kid Dolls, every kind of Dolls, Droll The copy for changes must be left for the year, while the average hours of and lambs, 196 hogs and 19 calves. Teddy Bears,. some just learning to walk, some not later titan Monday evening, working time will refer to an average There was a noticeable absence of found on every counter. � climbing poles, Some growl 100, but there to noon Wednesday of @sob week,. Carnal advertisements accepted computed for all employees in the year life and activity to the market today safely muzzled, Comical Grey Monkeys, for one week only. For piece, workers as Compared with recent markets. There RSTAsnzSEERu W72 outside of the works the statistics are 'WAS A light run of cattle offering, and Come right along; this attrac- . White Dogs with long silky manes, 1WINUA required to show by sea the aggregate such as there was did not average very ' White Rabbit, Swimming Walrus, 1! c UA Tim. payments made to this class in the year, high in quality. five slaughter con In fact everything to please the 11� and also the aggregate value of theirg titer i The followipg are the quotations: sale will children, so come along and see 13.1i.ffiLL14TT,PIIsr.IBHIRaNDPROPRIaT4A products, The power employed in the Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. our Toy Window this week, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1910 works will show the number and horse- Choice ,.,•,,.,.,,,•,• $680 $6 20 ' until every article Medium . . . ........... . b 65 s 75 tinue is power of steam, gas and gasoline en- Bung ... . .............. 4 50 500 Bines, water wheels mud electric motors, Light ................. b o0 5 10 EDITORIAL NOTES. as well as the power sold to or bought COWS ......... ........ 4 50 5 25 sold at some price. ------ from other public or private companies, Feeders— Clearing P P P best 1800 pounds and up - An American editor appeals to his sub• The fuel at the walks will show the wards ......... . ..... 6 25 650 scribers is this unique wap; '•If you coal, wood or other fuel and its value Stockers choice. , ... , , 4 75 5 00 laid down at the works, including trans 11 balls.. •,-, ...... 8 76 4 60 have frFq Pell headaches, dizziness and Butchers'— fainting spalls, a000mpanied by chills, P°nation and duties. The coal will be Picked ...... .......... b b0 b lib cramps, Chilblains, epilepsy and jaundice classified by measure to show whether it Medium .......... . ... . 510 5 25 of Clothing It to a sign You ate not well, but aro 2i• is foreign or Canadian, Custom work Cows• • • • • • • • ........ 3 50 600 and raw materials will be reported by Bulls, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 00 5 00 able to die sup minute, Pap your sub• kind or class, and entries will be made Hogs, Eu#ter, Fresh Eggs, FoL>lltr A few Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Jackets at a''big Nor a on and thus make yourself solid to Show amount received in the custom Best, , , , •, ... ...,, , • •, 7 00 Poultry, discount, broken sizes, but warm and serviceable. ,for a good obituary notice. Lights ................. 6 66 6 76 n The second British Parliament in the works and repairs; and the cost value of Sheep— Lried apples and cash Woman's Heavy Coats, and Giris, Heavy Coats, well raw or partly•finiehed materials used at Export ewes , , , . , , , .. , • 450 485 reign of the late ming Edward VII., the works. The kind or class of pro. Bucks..... •, , ., , . • • •. • 8 0o 350 made, warm, and a discount of I - per cent, which met on Monday in pursuance of Calls ........ ......... 3 00 3 b0 . 33 3 the programme of the Liberal Govern- ed by se the works in f m re t a enter- Spring Lambs each., b 75 600 taken in exchange. We garantee these goods to be in good shape, not at all ed by separate nems if more than one is Calves. each............ 8 b0 750 /� went to go before the country on the made, the quantity or number of each `� shop worn, and a discount Of 1-3 means a big saving question of the prerogatives of the House finished article and the value of separate WIN(3$AN UA.RRIMT ILEPOUVS of Lords. The King's speeoh was notable p to you, for its brevity the only reference to the predaets in the year. The, aim o! this Wingham, Nov. 30th, 1910, record is to show the extent and varier Plot per ICO lba.......... 2 45 to 8 00 discount On all Our up -t0 -date Suits. Constitutional crisis being a colorless ex- d Fall Wheat .............. 0 82 to 0 86 b _ • pression of regret that the oonferenoe of manufactures in each Province and Cats,,.•,..,,• 0 32 t0, 0 32 district; but it witI be understood that Barley .... ..... .... .. •. 0 45 to 0 48 " if' !!!A between the leaders of the opposing con- the Statistics as Compiled and published Paas , , , , .. , , , . , Butter dairy • • ` • ...... 0 82 to 0 82 trolling parities had failed to agree on the sefotmati¢n of the u will give away no records of individnaI y .... .....,. 0 20 to 0 22 Peer chamber, business. Totals will be published only Eggs per don .... . ........ o 30 to 0 30 Wood per cord ........... 2 50 to 2 60% At alargely attended meeting of farm- where three or more industries of a class Hay, per ton ............. 8 00 to 10 00 - — •,-• • — . — -- era of the district held at Goderieh on or kind are reported. All information Potatoes psrbnehe],...... 0 30 to 0 8b b Saturday etterneot; a resolution setting here referred to sill be collected by Lard ••......... 0 20 to 0 20 ' � forth the views of those present in regard enumerators on schedule No. 9. Live Hogs, Per owt....... 6 80 to 6 80 D a Q to the tariff was framed. The resolution The cenane of the dair indastr Chickens, per lb.......... 0 12 to 0 12 YOU � y Dnoks, per, lb 0 12 to 0 12 ��.�'—���7 -- - '- - —� �=„ HERE very strongly urges the lowerimg of the relating to the production of batter, Geese, per 1b..... ,. ,....., 0 11 to 0 12 '�'�' •'��—^11•x•-- duties on farm Implements, oement,har- cheese, cream and condensed milk, will Turkeys per lb ...... ..... . . . 0 18 to 18 One who saves wisely, is not con. nese,eaddlery, woollens and clothing. Jo. AAAAAM�N^M/1MMI1/�/1/�/a/�/�n/�/t Rather ]s he sidered a miser.AAA septi Maliough, of Dungannon presidedAAAAAAA�*� at the meeting and many of th0,eb present given credit for much ;10 `ii 4 11LAST spoke freely on the questions under dis• I P . i j,, j good sense andjtidicous forethought. 01,04 Q y, ,g//� CHANCE onsaion. Several of the speakers declared e M_ He looks ahead and sees, perhaps �$� Q .� � that the lowering of the tariff would ` t}` mean a blow to the manufacturers ofsickness, accident, or anyone of the the Country and were emphatic In deo- � multitude of things which might I C laring that any treaty entered should not `� cause an unusual strain upon his .'t My Entire Stock must be sold be In favour of the United States. The ` ) resources. I advisability of sending it deputation to One Dollar will start an account j by' Jan. 1st, 1911 Ottawa to join with deputations from�� with the Bank of Hamilton. other pang of Canada to Hugo the views _ '�% WINGHAM BRANCH of farmers sail oonsnmers upon the Gov C � -� ' jo` , ��■ ernment was Suggested, and it was Cleo• C. P. Smith- ,- .Agent. Wad to meet again on Saturday nexit, De- combat 3rd, Atu s th atter, r the Name, J ` ELR I have left in my stock 135 Suit Lengths- 35 Place, to discuss the matter farther. _ Unfortunately for theNationalist cense, whetAver it may have in it of Plnar ` aOvercoat Lengths and 6o Pant Lengths. Not old stock c r as is usually the case but mostly or the new plaza at Ottawa keys ( Wm. f)arrotl, who ie held at Blind Riv valor, Ur, Lavergne has begun badly by --- been prepared. The work will Cost $90,• er for murder eeosped from the London giving the general public the impression 000 or $100,000, aeglum for the insane in April, 1003. New Up -to -Date �t that its main motive is to exploit the ; Hogan was playing nares to the twins Mr. Wm, Mills, Hallett, lately disputed i ! w♦ Goods rata and religion cup and not to forure on the front porch, The twine were an- of his 100•aore farm to Mr. Henry Yonng. the w It aiel om end y.Irelation administration for Havin of in a big shipment for Fall and VE, inter which the whCle community, In relation t0, CHRISTMAS noyed because e4Ch wanted ex°Inti�e Wenndelekand theprioe paid was :$GS00, g' g T`these there is always room for improve. R. KNOX9S.NEW YEA'R'S possession of a solitary kitten and they, William Miller, a pioneer of Kinoard- I had ordered before deciding to o out of business a were yelling A i g , and went, and if there is to be An independ• w e y R . neighbor paused at the .int Township, having settled there 60 having sold most of the old StOcic before the new was ant party- in Quebec it may do some � gate. "well Hogan," he asked," what bears ago from Dalhousie Township, on the market, You have the new to select from put good work de such. It can do absolute- . would You take for them children of, L' anark County is dead at Bervle, aged 85 ly no good and it may wont an immense yonm? Hogan shifted In. his chair* Ours, g Barans �v�ry ��� 14Lr, Millar, who was One at the amount of evil by diverting public At. "Ali the wnrtald couldn't bop them," most prominent farmers in the Neotion Cost and Below teiltio:t from political defects and con.' g he declared. "Bat," he added,"I would, teavot six None and daughters, his wife s Casa, c Having snob a ]urge stook of Christmas Novelties, ail goods Must be sold at n't give tin Clubs apieas for any more like having died Nome years ago, Sir, W ift l 0,n rlar anent i grievances• prices that will sell thom, see our large stock of Chribtmilg Goode thiin. The greatest chance ever given the public of this vicinity Sir, Wilttid Lander Canle into power in I before purchasing elsewhere. ,,, , p C oily 1896 when Mr. L %vorgue was a boy quite lffas, VvtNgro�v $ so to get genuine Tailored Clothing at prices out -doing even unable to appreciate the gravity of the of the of one off theSbeatPfee the ready -triads, If you do not want your clothes Just ditanti.7u et0ated b the Tapper Govern. � • •, 4 prescription Y ppphysicians end nurses In .the now get your goods and get two for the price of one. went s coercion bin; from that time to HEADQUATERS OR rfy " r3� /� United Statee,aud has beau need for fifty tDid he has bean working to keep the �r'/ y /_�es i/ , Years with UST0 failing suCCCNb by peace botween sects And renes, i nd it ill Ladies' and Gents' Watches and 0haigs, Wedding, Diamond and Engage. � 9tj!!! � millions of mothers for their children, ment_RinigN, 17harine and BirAeelets, Looketd, Locket flhartna, Solid Giotd - Ss CRA'f rK�i�l). ! MT It relieves the child from Pala, ouree , becomss tlteh So much younger to sneer and Gold Filled Jewelry of All kinds, Jewel Cases Fan diarrhoea, griping inothe bowels, and LADIES now is your chance to ' At kid grest Work and strive to dishonor care end 4hina Novelties, hi h• rade f °y C4ina� This.college is reoognized ad tine wind colic.. B* giving health to the � r@sen get a Christmas g g ancy goods, including great practical training school of child, it tests the mother. Twenty-five p t that will please and the most use you can buy; kine..—Guelph edCrcaty, B- attnt Wood and heather Goods, Glave and Handkerchief � Western Ontario. It If the largest Cents a bottle. Manicure and Toilet Sets, Bilk Umbrellas with ld R. at Well its the Desk, at sterling and ivory handles. Chrit ntai Books, coarses are practical, our teachers leather Mad cloth bound, poets, Bibles. $ tun And Y atop dawgio inetrrlbtord, our grafin= I]o itot put off buying as You might miss it. Salo staffs Prayer Books, Toys and. Picture Books for titer titiooeed• Three dept►rtinentrt A A Ear SMITH y � y boys .arid girls, Fancy stattcnery, _ Uhtlet 0(Table Napkins, ChriNt{ Ciin1>l]Iler ial, Shorthand SATURDAY, AY, DEC. 3rd. W60 tlairdr alta ClaleadRrN, BANKER a W 1;+1 -..�. _ ... and Telegraphy. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. is the only emulsion W. W6 have floored of applieatiods .we WIVOIXAM, ONTAWO, Cannot, meet. Calls offering $46,_,, thte�l« the rbason is plain— �'!ne �hrltto�, tllo6li Bind J9welry #e�itfrlg a epeoislty, $66 and 660 or rtionth aro remaltiing _ it's they but. Insist bl)61% unfitted. Got ata free mo re i2al and 'Farmon who want looney to buy having S`t: ti flit 1'ek int;ll tilt a comtnb4ob your 601106 At once. horses, Wattle, or hngr to Beed for' market vr644'k Stan" Vieth �• ��� � sit W � �. +�� oa>M havett Oft teMbnable iquit, Robertt Ma strength mild:.... � Nater disboutited to well gth b e!r tot, mer• AIL DkUdalft 1 dnWr north sit lidg'r oppiibltb 13rtitnbwieErjHotel,�� ICCACNEI nhA4tr or Afieneti, on tarWrabie terror, MERCHANT "x'AIi,C)I. >k►lt�t��h, Loam Otttold iirtaw pt the lowest .. ,. .+r.. f" os going. rrMr�iiYW� � - 'rrr�irrrrrs