HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-01, Page 22 ., . TUIQ WINGILAM ',ValDtt3, Db'.14CE1q,,R 1, 1910 QtJEBhC Dt;fST f3 A.._ Td `� ""�'� ,,._"'"'"'." International _ �,,, .;_� _ •WN D�RECTO�,�'. >�irai�slis>t�n lata � �... • , ,. >� ,.�%i�T[;i(( iii �+ 000 POINTS O LYOUa x Patrte Reads the Nationalists a Bible if' 11 t� r� t►nd0$t71ser8-TSa4bath ptjr9App ai:Tiir + l I lliUdl l'illi�i, Study tie d + l a;t* r on Wednesday 7 P M. Sunday I >8okiaal at Severe Lecturer. * 0, 0:30 P M, General prayer meeting !;3 kuJS IISH cp W agstlay evenings, Iiev, W r- 11• 1lvV OUT It, malt not be imagined that the i�• StgeYemt pamtgr. B. X, P. U. meets RYZRY THURSDAY MORNING whole body of French OAaadimue is giv- XE9nday evenings 8 p,m. i'P,l�. l'rlaulq, -a�- •�...r ., en neer to NAtionalisw, Some of the In 1!'e>+iuttt in the Leesse►ax etrli+ i*�!sziflae•, At'C. 8,8. Superintendent, The i'ilnas pRrieot i3QSver $IQRii A well kuoivn breeder and feeder French Canadian journals, are ver out. Glvetn in a Series or Qixe-41011s Iii WINGRAhl, ONTA 1I0, of Jobnsbn county, lee says ever sines 9 METHODIST RQz�••-Sobq&thservicea Will like the fine spoken in their condemnation of the A g'eot t. at 11 a m And 7 p In, Slioday $04091 At "" t its btis been. Yarglinl; ire bas tufsgd Bourassa art La Patrie, a Liberal fraziatarea in aeccordauae r u'tha ()opyri;h ,;,nG _ 12:80 p art, Epworth League every XQn- Tsirars OA, 8uss0R1i.Txoy_$l.tWPer annum in attlo and fed steers, but in 1906 Party. Paper that otroulates very widely in ' t onclaWednesday da a deli nprayerr meeting t nuogd e. $1.50 lur not aid, do 9ioar' i yhe begun raising and feeding the Aber laver Of Red Ruse Peter's Dental, Matt, xxvi:3i•36 be faithral to hire in the future, or the y g v, W• option of the publislior. been-embus. fie prefers this breed Claebea, makes the toliowin>? emphatic + L. Ratledge, D.D., pastor, F, Buohaq, Tea. It has the cup utterance; 69.76, 0110 -ba is timid n+:d foirful that he An, $,S, Superintendent, An"UTISING BATHS, -• Legal asci outer because of their great showing in thq Golden Text-Let biro that thinketh will be unfaithful? casualadvertisementai0°perNoull"Iellinefor No election ham Made eq much ink ran - PRIaSBYTHR10 0HUROH-,-Sabbath mor- first Iuon Cion, 8O ye,^ line for each Subsequent Actual test of fattening and also be- goodness that comes as that to Drummond And Arthab,lska- he otandeth take heed lest h e fall. V -rPe$ 69.70 By "W1.1t law, Moral vibes at 11 a x l and 7 p m, Sunday ,,Advertisements in local columns are chttir ed : Atise they have na barns, writes a only from Rei;{ Rose Ville. I fpr, s;1a, egirirnai, or payobol>r~ioal, did this truly School at 2, a p x11. G{°neial prayer perate li per line for ktrst tnaerti0n, and 5 cents ,orrespoudent of Country Gentleman. •vitae 31-I0 it nr not Usual fox a earn. st Peter deny tb9 Christ, that A Inegting On Wednesday evenings, Rov, periiaa for each aubsequeut insertion, At present he hits 160,. but as set his quality-the yt;�St1Xi I2 the E rgiieh jaarnala of the ether four itaarm, at utast, bePara ho said he D. Perris, pastor, Dr. A. J, Irwin, S,S. of t vertiL od eunoia kr,yed, or Bre forsaleHcrd is pat in scapi, as he la's its is rgvfooes sometimes s`p offensive things company. the or a ganeo, to b@ scattered weeks, and 04 cents for sash subsequent in• n .t iearutu • autl finds that it takes P Superintendent. hr e 3 when theft feeder ie takes away? Give v.-nald die for? ST, PAvx,'s OttgRCFr, E1,isOOPAL-Sub- Sereks, q i n WYljy It tlO1CIS first pace we need not believe that we in this Fro- Was Peter's denitlt metal oewardio�, bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m, CtarvTRAaT 1rATss•-O'hefollowtagsable shows ionic years to accomplish just a little;. vloos are exempt fiom the same re- some the writ aur rates for the insertion of advertisements 1 he head of his herd (that Is, his Ill thousands of Cana! Did the writer in Zee, rii[;7, trona o-, poti,iq, a s.rd•i<inly terra i:l ptaa of Sunday Sghaol at 2:SOp m• Rev E. ,H for Specified periods:-- proaoh. * catupe.14ti to def@at the ouemy? Oraly, B. A., Reotor ; 0. G. Van• arecding laird) is u very ane animal, Will whish Jesus gaq.ee, have Jesse in Stone S• S. Superintendent ; Thom. E, sP4oi,, 1 rR, 6 mo, 0 aro. iMo showing goad breeding.. Re is kept in CIIa11 114171t'S. you I+`oresaWole, here is what we read in mind at the time he wrote and does 1. Patera denial "was not a real de. Robinson, assistant $Uperintendent, Sattaol amn,', - ;�$qp,q 440-00 $13.50 80'04 the stable and tied out in the sun oil the last number of The Arthabaska nial frnut his heir', what mar31 b rine 5.04 0. try it, Gazette, which the defeat of the Minis- Jesus mean to Imply that he did? wvu'd vnq e.ttaaH G� u? SALVAT;ON ARmy--$erviae at 7 and 11 nae teroolumn- _ 20,04 111;50 7.50 a• line clays; otherwise during the day he Give your reasons. a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, mud 5,00 0.00 2,00 I. Is tied In it long stable to it ring to a �`_ ficial candidate flanges into a delirious Verde 71-When a lie has bees told query evening during the week at 8 will ll without anp' cies directions $t ire, allowing hint the run of the Why is not the fiobk to be blamed whether "w.hfte" or "bleak" 9 rAt are o'clock at the barrtiakir. Inogly. Transient advertisements must be paid ^tnbte, also access to water At all w Ip+ '' i �� y I , rtlu a 6I for scattering when the as b n Upon tt POST O.rFIOa--Offioe hours from 8a m In advance, times. As soon as the calves come to Should we Hesitate between France the ohrnaee tbmt more if:,s wi,. be aeoad- T . i ••; I I sad Canada, we Freaoh•Canadinus, i4 them, and the eh@phgsd has been emit, nary to back it up? to 6:30 p m. Open to box holders from Tarp JOB DXPARTMhtAiT IS Stocked with an breeding age lie disposes of the males ll,ecrib) the na-ar . , 7 a m. to 9 p m. P, Fisher, postmaster, ing nafordingf4ont of ics noegequallto In the to prevent inbreedbig. the interaete o! Cur country were in. tea? a of each a, Patera oouut,Tfor tug toggei utcAr t class work Large tits calves are allowed to run with ,., t Varese 82,35-Why would ft have three lies and show hoN they illustrate PUBLIC LrBRAs7t--Library and free type and a proprlate cats for allst los of Post• p 1 - ♦ 15 QOf� t8S volved? never. reading room in the Town Hall, Will gra, Hand Ills, etc., and the latest styles of the cows until They are six mouths old, �. WHy ehanid the EagIfeh•Oanadiane been better, or acres, for Pater, or $hutihosawhostartatwranp•doing,in- be open every afternoon from, a to choice fancy txptforth•IInerataas•sstylesof t irk which time they are weaned at do for En land what the Frenoh•Caua- the cause of God, r4 in view of mubea- variably gat "worse and worse"? 6:30 o'clock, and, every evening from 7 tag' once, Ile never bothers with milking N:;VER SOLD IN BULK g quent events, ,he had not made this When a man has to nurse and Swear to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Lizzie Attridge •H, B. RLLIOTT, the <:ocvs atter fixe calves Are weaned, diens would r@Pees Co do for Francs?" strong declaration 114 loyalty to Jesus? fa bank up his statement, is It, or not, librarian, R Proprietor and Publisher Your Grocer tiViIl Y gas Ile says his cow's udder will never We ask q4 our readers and of all eensi• RE Powx CoUNo1L--WIUi3lU $ajingg J' p $$NldieDY. X. D , M,O.V-s, 0, slrotl If no tnilk is taken from it at all, er d it 85 ble men: wbat has France to do with gardlass of what the went, may prima feats Wb'%tco that lr is!ting? Mayor; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ; tion. Memo rot the British nfedloslAssoofa but if n little is taken At it-regular in- iZece^tnn develop, ought we, in the present, with Verde 76 -wh tt ii the Verne of warn, Medallist in h' Moilc;ne. Special b 1 thiegaeation? unshaken confidence, to make an iter• lag, or good a•lvlce, whoa we know it B)ne, id Dr. B�H Bbert ,FeCilrottR,edmond, reaentO�nteaidto�xlo4 °m omen andohiia torvals there is dan;er: Ile says, how- i, Ione our ancient mother country nal povenent of loyalty, to God, with will 68 disfio;arded? Thomas Gregarp and 1). E. McDonald. p „7to0p. m. ever, that thele milk flow Is very law TO ADVERTISERS because she bas given us life, Bat what full expectation of keeping it? Give What is the moral difference between Councillors; John F, Groves, Clerk and 111 ' whru the calves are weaned. Re. is Political ties have we with her? What our reasons, the sin of Judas and that of Peter? Treasurer, Board meats Ilrst Monday DF. JAS• L. WILSON' B.A. inaldng (bat a point of labor saving; .. office of Changes mast Saturday left t this 9 ' g letting the calves suck until six The co�tlfar changes Bmumt be left alOaramother oonntryis G aat'Britain In the obtainment of. technical Or WHAT EVILS, Olt GOOD RESULTS, HAVE evening in SCHOOL montes at 8 O'p10ak. attention °paiduto dais a eauoc°uvtrq,rZn Spec 1 months old, and having the cows low P9 r;absolutely knowledge, my therefore are FOLLOWED FROnf Pkrr lr'3 STN? (This $tone(chairman),, Wm, Nicholson, John EyeChils`thoroughlygte t Be.' Nose sad Throat, Ill luill: tit that time elntI never mIlk- 1 not later than Monday evening. whale fiaq protects our liberties. absolutely Unavoidable, wh thergPore Q asses • ro ext Casual advertisements sacs ted n y y question must be nndwbred in writing Wilson, 0. P. Smith, W. J, Howson, flttod. P -properly luf: tticm at ail. P p It fs from Engiaad $Hat we dative the dose not the same rule obtain in aa• by members nP the club,) John A. McLean, Frank 8achanan, _ (pr' Olaodonatd'e cid stand.) itis ctilves are mostly dropped in the to noon Wednesday of each tveek. constitutional institutions mo broad and gniring moral courage, knowledge, or Is the world and the church better Dudley Holmes, secretary, A. Cbsens _- wingl,am, Out. ESTABLISHED 1872 so liberal that govern us. treasurer. Board meets second Monda spring, about the middle , r. near and ooWhich or worse because of Peters denying evening in each month. 9 the first of April usually, AC near the e r We are the subjects of his Britannic Which mea is more likely to be true Jesus? PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.--H. R. Ieard UR• AGNEW, H�`e%II�TG�ili� �i11gL`Q• majesty, to God, and wap, one who is ooaHdeai Lessee for Sunday, Dec.lith, l9t0. (chairman), G. C, Manners, Alex. Ross, $ , to 11►lliaa77 Great Britain has the right to demand i'hasician, Surgeon, •to, c` } ' g from his warm love to Goa that he will Th@ Craci&xion. Matt, xxvli:i6 60. Juo,G3lbrahh,W D, Pringle, Wm. Moore, 081ae-AfaodonatdIItook,ovaryy,Mogibbon's z,.3 H.B.ELL102'T,PIISLreH$R4rQAPILQPRIETOA support and en000r from Her colonies- 0 G.PaaStoue, P. Campbell; Secretary, Drugstore. Night calls answered at the offi°e THURSDAY, DEOEMBER 1, 1910 from Australia, New Zealand, New- • Treasurer, John F. Groves; Meet ^' foundiand and Canada,. WHEN 1 GO HONE, Healing power a Marvel, ing$ second Tuesday 8vening in each month. �R, ROBT.O,REDMOND, M. H, 0. S. (gyegl France cannot dream of claiming So rem trkable is the Ireaitng Dewar o! L, R. O. P. Londoxi. EDITORIAL NOTES. from us the least smbrifice• It comes to me often In silence, Dr. Ohas8's O:ntmsnt that the regatta of HIGH SCHOOL TtmA08ERS-J,G,Work• And when The Arthnbaeka Gazette when the firelight splutters low- a single applfon+ion are often a marvel man, B.A., prinofoal and mathematical PHYSICIAN and SURGGEON, ' master: J, 0. Smith '- When the black, uncertain shadows to p°rs'us who witttesa team sur the , B. A•+ classical , . demands why the English-Canadians first tim-. hire, C. H,joking, 5t, G :orae, master; H. A. Percy,. Science Master; Cilias, with Dr. Chisholm. According t to the marine department Seam wreathe of the long ago; Oat., tails haw her sea was oared of Mina M J. Bsird, B. A., teacher of blue book, tabled in the Commons last should d° for England what the French- Always with a throb or heartache, blood aieonin English and Moderns • Miss Anderson, �' ' Canadians would refuse to d° for France That thrills each palsive vein Poisoning which got started 1n a , 'week, the total number of vessels on the 1. Comes the old, Unquiet longing wound received at a threshing, R:ilief fifth teacher pR. M3RGARET C, CALDER1. [register books of the Dominion at the it forgets History, and writes nonsense; For the piece o4 home again. wns prompt and card effaoted by three PUBLIC SoHoOL TXACHXRs,--JOseph honor Graduate of Toronto University � rr it igaarm the sovereignty Of Great Bri• boxes. Stalker, Principal. Mims Brook Li°entinte of patarf°`Collega °f Phyaic,aaa s close of last year was 7,768, measuring tarn Over her over possessions, I'm sick of the roar of the .;Mies; Miss Re olds Misa Farquharson, ' and Surgeons, 718,630 tone, being an increase of 166 �..--- 'rv: Y r,•�, 911 , q ,Mise Devotes special Arid of faces old and strange; • * -oo Wilson Ear, Nose aroat attention to tooroughlycteaBtsQe; Is it not strange that they do not yet g , Mime Cummings, and Miss { vessels and 16,229 tons as compared I know where there's warmth of wel- Hawkins. Glasse property $tied, ,� a. understand in pertain places dar. most come The independent Man. Boesn Oa HmALTB - QaRto>7--With Dr. Kennedy, Ay . f t (with 1908, The total veins of the nut elementary duties toward .the mother Aad my yearning fancies range There pre a tot of young men who (chairman), Samuel win. Ralwmmee 1d[ce flours-3 to'5, 7 to s p,m. , �; registered tonnage of Canada to estimat- country? If we are the happiest and Back to the dear old homestead, Fessant, Ales, � ed at $21,666,690. The value of new With an aching Sense of pain, seem anxious to Nave the farm for the Porter, John F, F freest people on earth, to whom da we P city. The idea is that the Groves, Secretary; Dr, J. P. Kennedy, VANSTONB, v, a 14 built during the year is estimated But there'll be joy in the coming, paths of city Medical Health Officer, • f at $l, 138,770. The number of Canadian owe it, if not t° England? When I go home again, life are more easily and lightly trod BAaBISTas, soLlalTOs, RTO - !.. ,,::....,;< It we remain French in heart and A Private and Oompnay funds to loan at lowest ,vessels wrecked in foreign asters and When Igo home again! There's music than those upon the tarts. This is truly rete of interest, erect a es town and farm Aas11DEEN-ANGUS STREC.. tangaage, do we not know it is by grace a mistaken raps as man t• . g g , foreign vessels wrecked in Canadian That may never die away, y a young man property bought and sold, some time as o of the liberality of EngIfeh institutions? And it seems the hand of an has found to his sorrow. Entrance to Greatest Nurseries oma•' Bea°sr and Winghetm possible, In the fall waters was, eea•goigg, 71 totally and Geis, they are fed well asci kept in kine con- 221 partly wrecked, involving the loss at It we are able to practice our religion On a mpstia harp at play, city life means finding a job. Holding thirteen lives and $770,383, On the in- 011 fr@ely is it not again because England Have touched with a yearning sadness that j rb r(gairem fi-aeetm and ability. (� dition all the time. They Are run on has accorded us this precious privilege? On a beautiful, broken strain, Canada's s J• A• MOSTCi�, Ulue glass pasture until cold weath lead waters thirteen vessels were totally To which is my fond heart wording When times are good mail help scarce, BAR$ISTBg', 8co. ere, wben they are stabled, with free- aad thirty-eight , THoee who endeavor to sow in the When I go home again. , any kind of service is appreciated, but dom of tots in which plenty of fresh partly wrecked. The bosom Of our population distrust of Whicham, Oat, coater is always provided, They are Moes was $369,383, and eleven lives were Outeide of my darkening window when Hard times and over Frodaotion Want a repreaeatative for Wiagham, lost England are the weigh the co ones who Is the great world's crash and din, come the weeding out process begins, Oat• and surrounding diarriot. fed on shelled corn when small, And. assuredly d° not weigh the consequences And slowly the autumn's shadows The man who had made goad is kept on R. L. DrpBINeoX filter on ,;•round corn and bran, with Tess man who puts his savings in a of their, Come drifting drifting in, as long as poeeibie sad the poor and in. DICKINSON, pp pp pAtMLzp HOLMES some alfalfa. They also have access business or 111 Industrials takes risks, Their crying Ingratitude renders them Sobbhog, the night wind murmurs , different man is allowed to o. Then The reliability, healthy condttton of Utta<11i1��Q11, R HQ I MES to some straw Stacks usually. Ile be great risks at times, bat he helps to unworthy of the protection of the Union To thq BPI ab of the autumn rain; g it e In Petting them Have all the P 9 P But I dream of the glorious greeting begins the struggle. unknown on the our stook as well as trueness to name BARRISTERS, SOLIOITORS, Eta develop the city, by employing labor, Jaak• mast be appreciated by the public or good food they will cat the first year which beaombe a customer for the Have these short-sighted compatriots When Igo home again. form. Aman with a farm has naught they would not have helped us -to in • MONNr' To Loan. or twu His cows are bred each year. Engine Field, to fear. It matters little to him whether crease our business yearly minas 1837, the Orrlos: kfeyer Block, Wingliam, The finest b0fers are kept for breed- modern and the farmer; by scooting thought of what would happen to the - the stook market be date of our estibliehmsnt, e•rs and the others fattened for the modern bnildhage, by employing other Province o[ Quebec it Canada broke the - panicky or not, whether factories close down or large Our firm's name lends prestige to our market. concerns to build machinery for him, by ties that bind no to Great Britain in Huron House of Refuge. public works cease operations. He is representatives, ARTHIIZi J, I33WIN, D. D. s„ L, D. s. Ells cows are kept In box stalls un- otarting or eueouraging the starting of order to become an independent state or The House of Refuge Committee of king it he owns his term with plenty of Complete line of Nursery Stock for Dent y til the calves are able to get abort. allied industries. If successful iris roe dissolve Into the great meltin Doctor os J- I lsIN, D. D. S., Baas lvanie when they are turned out with the otb= P 8 R poi of the County Council mut at Clinton on. stock. Tena a failure of crops may Spring 1811• al college and Licentiate of the Rby t fit is but a small part of that which the United States? P y In WR a of aid Block, ear •ons of Ontario. Office ars. IIs does not keep the calves atvuv Friday, Nov, 4th. The Chairman, Reeve pinch him for really money but he will Write for tail partionlare.' in �coe staged lever VPedneOn afternoon pastures accrues to the community at large. On Do they believe that the privileges, Watson, Of Seafbrth stated that Reeve live ha from their mothers, as his the other hand, the man who puts his even the rights, they enjoy to-day Hill of Blyth had oommited two females, happy with plenty to eat and drink, from May lat to Oct. lat. are not irtl near the barn. 13e says be 9 He will not be worried with the pangs STONE etc WELLINGTON has been making the ba m. He breed- savings into lands does little or nothing would not disappear ae a Iight mist Annie and Marion Armour and that the of hunger or the hennaing of creditors, for the country At large, Generally, he under the burning rays of the inn? latter was insane and dangerous and Fonthtl! Nnree les �zT J. PRIOR, B. S. g„ L D s , D D S. Ing his heifets too young, thus s`trrat- does nothing, He er8ots no baildittga There would be one official language, therefore not a proper pities to be pro* This ie the ideal that young men give np (850 , 1'1' . Ing the unitpals somewhat.. and lip has P for pity lips, the bustle, bustle and herr TORONTO, ) CANADA. Licentiate at the Royal College of Dental come to the"cancinsfon that it would and spends only what he is compelled and It would not be French. From the there !rein the Haase. Reeve Hilt was y 8 Lice of to of th o, and GraduaCollege o of ental to in Daae there are buildings upon it reItgians and the educational point of of which saps the strength and vitality vera,ty of Tomato, be best to have the first calf dropped P Present an explained why three women of many and leay.s them with a broken Orrice : Bsofeaver Block. by n heifer three years old. Daring Employe no labor. He is not even in view would oar race be any bolter off? had been sent. They had about $600 to �{� �/� Orrice closed every Wednesday afternoon the leavings bank for others to borrow Let them eanenit their irienee fa Mani• their credit in the bank but unable to take down constitution while yet young. P A RM ERS from,lay let to oat lat. the mfnter he keeps his stock in warm to build up enterprises, 13e whits for Soba sad the Western Provinces and our care or themselves: it was decided that Some of those who Leave the farm make a av I stables, with water Inside, keeping the the increase in land value which the nate brethren below the 46th parallel of inti. steps should be taken b the cot tlratton good. The success o! the few is lure to doors open swept When too cold, and p y and yw ish hattas e a should It stactc Of hny or straw 317 the rat to ural growth of the town, fostered by the Inde, p other$, the thbneande of failures never articles they wish to dtevoee at. shield Udoer- Windham General Hospital of Blyth to have Marion Armour come being considered. The farm at certain tisethe same for•sale In the Timms. our large which they have free recess. His eat- matt tshb crake His money in building Woatd they wish, for a nastier of an _ mined to the county jail while Annie ail! aeaebns meq frau° its hardehtpe, but is c ecu atiot ellen and n tom ill beeee rranxi'Be indeed if (Under Government inspection) Ile and horses have separate lots. Ev- Up its industries, is c6rtaia to bring.- hour even, to submit thehne@lces to the be provided for in the House of Refu e, one not amply repaid by God's That ou g tyean antes cry night and mvrnin • he feeds iii! P g will sell bewntte• you may eek-more . .-_....� !, vivanoial Post, regime that Prance is under, or to the Committee was informed that 25 ie on P pare for $fie article m stook rhea tt to worth. Send they will etean np of ground corn in $ treses air and eansHiue whfoH sic@ phy plan sof dispossing at Yourrstock and try niePleasantly hedganOtt ssituated. they fur, connection with alfalfa hay and shred- protection hred- P For the love of Gpd what d° they erich to the credit of late Fred, Marsh,sinus and Health, To ell set all that articles P 11 regularly licensed ded fodder. Bellevilt@ G T. R yards are crowded ret r the l Germany, W hit or o they erich ton the bank et Commerce at God- may be said against the farm is the fact Phyaicfadt, ReT98 T'bR PATIENTS_ moan by a behest our public men of who died in the House a taut weeps ago, that the farmer to the moat independent (which ihlblUde board and uuretne), $3,6q tprkewith freight, traffic being very heavy ai eelIing themselves to England? From 2 11 soros of eager beets grown on man on earth, a td Dai few of theta raps OUTSIDE to $15.00 per week according to lopa�on Cause of founder. ent' We speak French, but we are British the House of Refuge farm the gross re• of room, For further information Lamlaitis, or founder, is most corn- __ --Brtttsh subjects, preciate the position they occupy, address ' rnotrly caused by overfeeding white the eotptt been $226, probably' netting $200; Mtgh L. 11SATMHIi}ts, corse is idle !n the stable; Also while a Frenchman Kell himself t0 from il note enDutch onions 0l not ADVERTISING SuPerl•nteadent, times by overwork or bard driving on i:�r"4 sr keg to T a German10 aato Gietmany, s Yah• returns have been $191,80 with goo lbrt, tlt #3bs 22$, Wflraham Ont, macadamized roads. it is most colu 950 Had r� >tretbmalel3am? BOILSA�IaPIMPLES pie&ling onions still on Hand. $400 wort), Orders for the Insertion of ndvertisrtmente mon in the totes Peet, causing tet•erfstr Why speak of treason when we owe of hogs brave been sold off the farm while such as teachers wanted, business chances. RAILWAt 1`Ttill3 2'A$Lla1S. conditions, pain and tenderness. '1'lr° Our entire devotion, our loyalty, our love iron[ other products about $260 Hae been Are causAd altogether b' bi►d bleed Anel mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or is fact ,sny klLd of as adv$, In am of the Toronto or AAND T1tiJNK RAILWAY 8,yt3'X'E feet art hatter than usual and fire free Edgiand? realized making a revenue of $1,006 this unless you cleanse the system of the bad other .olt* papers, may be tart at the Tiaras G quently moved. The Pulse find e btugMat advised DA, Al W. GI'IASS*S it to grevi°uUly vidlotttout. blood tht boils or pimples unll nbL tris• ortmd°evoilis8`e or iIl shy ttva, iib Irtattention -"� P s br ath- NFEAYE FOOD-Cure Corti tete year, Henry Cart Who enteted the House pp � remitting London TRAIN$ t*AVs fol; Ing are quickened. It is a serious mat- Those who hold this Otlznmit bf Refuge frOm lalyth thirteen years too * Cao r` are bio for sad ibrwe n adver6isetnente, Lowest °••••••••, "5 a:m- B4ODp,m ter And shout and lasting. ll p od and keep it putte lb T win be eluotnd on npp110ttibn. Leave Kihus &vast 11.08a.m.. o,tra.m•.- 2.,-,m tl be treated by A veteri• Mfrs, J. D, i'al11ier, 38 Park fit., !im• Indeed She dishodorabie ofyenbe for died on Friday, 4th last, aged 86 yettre. removing every trace bf impure morbid 0 our next worry or this!rind to the rditae..11.59 a,m,.. %W 0-m- - 0.15 p,m, natitfa, 'I;He shoes are removed, $fie stereIatn, X. Y., writes; '' When six which they reproach others. _ ,_ matter from the system b us' the AnTaIrm raoY feet poulticed and a dose of physic rests of age my boy began to have lite. It is suffioteat, it taebit, ttl exannine Kinbsrdine "_e.t5a.m_1I Wit .m__ S. 40 p.trrf, great$ mt known bioexi teed nine, $ T* � tlit'6x�'E• Wtulrlhalm London.._ -. _ , if,� a,,n,,-. 7.85 p,m, given. Some cased recover, whites 'in ThAy tame on is the night. Iia would BbitDbCIZ lil,bOb 812`TEit$. Palmerston ,.._*Z.,,.,_ 11. R.M. bt ORY Our situation in order to stand (;to. LitithWaite, of the Huron road, `-�-- - Torbntlsd68nrt, ,,..,._ 1.08 p,lri,-.. a, z4 ,ni. others the tWury takes some permit- malre strange",c n cul twitch out, froth G. GXV00TT, Agent, Winshnm, neat form like slight lameness, drop- '.4 rop- et mantes face would twitch and aam°- confounded briars the antt•Britirh, Mnti• had an inquiry last week from >l beater Soils btried, tinge a turn@d Purple. After the fit He tat, and anti•patriotto appeals to Detroit, for tvvtl or more nprlbads bt Mr: A. J, 8ttutaier; Nor,!vood, N.S. 130 ifrrelR>3' '`^' Pert soles or pumiced feet.--American ilnpertat evrtld not talk. Which rettonad fltoch the popular tri. alfalfa, The prfoe offered fuss �1I.06 • ''"nits:•--„Two years ar I ruse troubW- HXPER1E8NCR ANADIA17 FAUnno SAiY WA,l. Cultivator. ',The fatnily physician said all he bunee gild the aolumne of adrisla john• ttln and the dealer stated that with boils on my, neck acid back, end TorontoTia I" LVA" frbir rowhl do was to keep them Blown aanrA- at lit ootid could not get rid of thin. A and hfidgaet.,_,•_ d•igr,nl,._ S.30p,a,, , what. The sedond Physician pronouneed naie of ibis Province. pay $15.06 tf it v7ere riot for the ant recohnmended ere to t $n TeesrVater ,.••„,,.,,..., Advtthisga ttf l5elrtiga. ,00 a 1I m t3 rdbak Blood � , 1.20 p,m__10,17 p.m,• Aualvirt Ptah[ There Are several points, which every t trouble JAfleroaritan epilepsy, but cauitl ?,t PAtrie dtlee slot iebr to atl4rm that of ttln. The fretahs wtltttd be iters, sad after tralag two b.,tilee 1 'Leerwater................ s5 trrsi sure him. Ile sufiAre!d for six years the happiness of the l renoh t5anadtan about oil 60 elf the tt, a•m•-,•. 9,95 p,m, COW owner would do well to eontidtt wits pleAsed to note the bona "ra en- Tdronta aha B"b -. _-:1,09 p,m„c10,00 p.m, +sill before beginning the use of Df. A. t the dieter aroidd be tirtly Bonet and I have fiat beers troubW J, ii, ll,88971R, Agems.w1agpaft. if he is to get the boot tlhilk Yield, attA t people, tilts tatnre xnd' 146 wetiare of paytuif $I7.i10 a ion, This it art Iddica• with any eruct t, req the tea + IV. Chase a Nerve Food batt threb lits ra ThAbl: MAIkk p greatest profits from his bard, al,aut five days, C1trr c7rupRist rerom• out.' naitondltty depend ippon Tt`dgttt<iid, $tan OL the high ralsle tlf #hit ortlp, Ind i?ipietl 4rat10nS In the firm# piece, a 6hea ration mutt + That to wh p p xricrrtled br, A. W. t"Ii rse s I+trsrvA Iyoad. y we exhort otic octal tit• Mr. Latthwaite thinit" the farmer# at Mi E Ceii+4effettlss ee 1va A, Skinner, t3retnby, Gate.r Arirobertepolers•lcete06 dao 1W provided, Otto that can be ruled • Ile llas taken seven boles and liar t,ot riots to ihorrr thetriftItatt• $gore lttithtul, Hardin: should pay mare attention to it, Tatem. w- I trio I bAlekl a,e.rtara e d !� . t�maf T PAYS , Pleased to reaaomtmentt ; a tr opinlaa 6 �s�etaer axi on. the farm, eecptld,. it must be Well$ had the syolptom of a fit ainets, hair ,more loyiil titnd MOM d6*Okd sheen ever He has been growing trlfalftt for etc llardodk Blood Bitters is it pita doatt me i oniMtOlt Is bj� mtaantna calci' has Rtpatly Improved, be is ilot to r y e denttbit'V°AIBW0 on epee& adopted to Wilk production and 6A rtr!fvorrt sad irritable like her as4d to bit the hsaother pattniry. e, itnd She ;groWih *&#I ai god Or beitef nmudh goal, 141y 'face tutee bDOeted_;rilti! 'tat Aibnu�Ides L�tbonn torseourtnsyt�con�e., ►�ir�t r( �` c�� 1�� �v �1 tili8ratl . b Mnna Co. ratleitt /• O Li A I �r iL� 1 �A7A'J y sed we eansielAr Iris cure com lAte,yy ' Be atlii�rinded that the prtltedtlon tidd this pimples,. and beta t►dyiaed by a irtead r>reawi+ioanr,,eritit°nt�trgt,l,o,t An # , P year than ewer. ll[r. Leithwaita to Irl+ Z3urdert k Ii cod Bittkrs slid have /� # mile, the g'riatgt portion off t%0 y tsinod by the ,frtendehtp Of O ttltit BtiNtttl ^mit %Ifte Vires hot able to fill the btder train the theft r Butded I did ab and i riot♦+ b e ' � reed can be tulsetl 1!t h6rrle wbielr al- St1rf th6 911 are bel ob av " i I X3.1 , ttse of they genuinA tar. A. W. C7hatse's liernitt err to istitxln the glorid>ite daltit>siett i)etrtltt »tiAts, irtit to trying to got,ea flet s, d t tin, My"'fnce," A d.a er r11a><zrate6t a el+ly 1R'ayti' 10, 60"* 06 ebat lit tl ' dtL Verve Pond fret from itxttatianat Ot g gh �° r &ties, o�'idr'tM�,l+ roteneteetoarasi, "leen for dor �� p� � sulist1futes. 5'0 Bents 8 _bait, all dealers ; thfit l►re prbhiitred to oris 60matry, *btoh from oth6r� gttortrart to bnfeke lip. M i1Mr• Bu belt t'3lerbd Bitt�ere ie>!rreahufaet�ured . ; E attr trtatar'rir++tiitt.tnrtpalo� aoldl ar � t r!ettt W .ti+arilt *"ago rise w4a, or raiirsltsopi Bates l vo,i Toronto. r+fd lore to tnftah, Toronto pat. fleit ii. rtFdi/�ti6" W neat" all #toe*- letter. only' by Tho T. Milburn Co., 11wited, . .ft� "t 11MIt6.ttalahell", . 11 TIMES41 -�­.­_­_,...._­..,I #tat the 0 •