HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-12-01, Page 11-4
VOL, XXXIX.—NO, 1.026,
Read Willis & Co.'s Rdv. on Page 8 MUNICIPAA, MATTERS, The Scot h Concert. HIGH SCHQ-1, NOTES,
XMAS 1910 Jessie Maolmohl is an old favextrite
here and son sing of Sco$tiab songs is A very successful Literary meeting HOLLY, MISTLETO. MOSS WREATH The First Weighing. Municipal TiolulU41011 day thin gear in a class by hersel, not only in her sing.
META LOGRAPHY' INGANDCUTFLOWDRS- OR))B'RNOW' was held on Nov. 25 1h, under the gold. O. F
SELLOT YOUR The snow on T ,oda has given Us •-will be OU M d D beir 26th, inginut Blocher I erpretation, and on
POT PLAN ROSES. CYOLAIR- a" if' faeoe nuee of our return ed president, Mr.
(Pierced Brass) "T hi 1, PRIMROSES. t t 0. fairly good aleighio andoleigba4udout- which to now less C, or weeks and Friday evening eh as a
fere were to goner use on Wednesday. the electors are now mmen,ling to talk ,t her best, 0 Stothers After the aiuutes of the laso
lady was heard to mark: "I have been
We now carry a line of Stamped T. C. GRAHAM & SON r t eating were read Sea. McEwsn, a
To the south and w at of Wingbarn, there on the question as to ho will serve them r in
to every concert th t Jessie M50150hlan rt address was gi n by Mr. StothOr" V
Brass for piercing lamp PHONE 101. FRANCIS ST, she
shades, photoI frames, has been suffi0l t snow for good in the different 0 as for next year. has sung at here, an I like her singing to, and then followed th various numbers
sleighing for On. past two weeks. For the office of MA r we hear that ex- night better than er," This was true Q�
ink wells, etc., etc, of the program S )I tion. by Harmont
Wear Oreer's Shoes and Rubers Business men vAl be pleased it the Councillor Spottou 11 -be a candidate. indeed at the sple id vocatioto for her :—Eel
and edmond are a v on Band, reoitatico, b Miss Lcttlo Madi
as people Drs. Kennedy also a verse numbers was
Beginners Outfits 50 cents Bleighing now eta a with us rendering of the d M
can, duet by MiEsse Tipling and M
0114 got into tows and do their trading mentioned r-0 likely andidates for the certainly delightfu to all she being in ex. Homath, dialogue b- five second form
Ladies'A-1xfllary, more easily. office, Mayor Holm has not yet stat• cellent voice, Ora -!;;hall Sherry made his girls, guitar solo by -fr. B. E, Thomp
The regular mont ly meeting of the ed what his Intentio are for next year, first appearance to KinoArdine audience
uncillors MoKib- t son and a rsading A the Journal by LOTS OF
PYROGRAPHY Ladies' Auxiliary of he Winglism, Gen- For the Reoveship, at this concert, an is an outertataer o Mr. R J. Gall5gh;r, MISS M. Baird GOOD
oral Hospital will be aeld in the Council For dlnmoi�d, wadding and engage- bon and MoDobald h ve both annouro. worth, Of varied alents this gentleman noted as critic and onounced the meet-
(Butol Wood) Chamber next Mo =day afternoon at went rings go to KNOX'S. ad themselves its bet definitely in the for added to his g.ft of storytelling, he a success. THINGS FOR
We carry a large stock of stamp- 4 o'clock, All me ore are requested field for this office. Councillor Elliott proved that he ow foot it flatly and can We wish to sate d our heartiest con -
a has also been mentl ad as a probable sing snob uprightl songs as"A Hundred
ed Wood for. burning., photo to attend. TRUNKS AND VALISES—If YOU want , candidate for the Re eohip. With the pip
l with the .1stiest. The deputat- gratulations to the hree boys who won CHRISTMAS
racks, tie holders, trays, pope good Trunk, ',Suit Case, or Club Bag, can ad by Dr, J. P.
come here. We can save You money. consent of the elect the editor of the ion,,,"A Bra Itoo Oh Night" and his the prizes so kindl offer We can promise you people that
racks, etc., etc, Come in Beautiful silverware at KNox's. W. J, GREER, TuIES would "fY ch %ppreclale the "Hpisodeelp vg:er recitals that kept the Kennedy, Mr. D. Holmes and Mr. L
and inspect. honer of representin Wingbam in the audience ina in,,, mo;r.—Kinowd� Kennedy. Mr. Orley Price succeeded much already,
New Teac er Engaged.
heat marks in matbe- 'f hinge "Christinassy"—tbings
Huron County con I), but it will be Ing Reporter et. base popular in obtaining the R
n At a special meting of the Public Special C -unci) Meeting. impossible for him serve during 1911 artists assisted Bennett, earn, matica in Junior � !eachers' Examination different.
as priv*ate business harry
midsummer 'line winning Mr. D.
School Board held net week, Miss Tay. edlan and jynd d,,oers will appear last r thii, js a
. A special meet: 19 of the Town Conn. and other matters
Walton MGKibbolor, of Galt was a gaged as teacher in oil was held on --ridgy evening last to that demand attenti during next year at the sunsets ottiah Concert in the OP- Holmes' prize. Mr. Andrew Wallace Any time of the year
the primary dep tmeut, to take the deal with a petitim asking for 5 GOWGr will take conEiderab time. Some time ere, house on WAY evening, January received the psi o offered by Mr.. L. good place to do your shoe buying
THE DRUGGIST place of Miss HS too, who recently re. on Shuter atree-•, between John and in the future, with a consent of the 6tb. Thialsth popular event of the gang. Kennedy for obt.-fining the highest fig- most of you people roc hoe that.
W Teachers' But getting along toward the holi-
signed. Tay r formerly taught in Patrick streets. the petition was Prop- elootors, the editor _-ty seek this honor. on, Keep the to in min gregate marks in Junior
iA* 20—%*M Brings, Miss Ta a here very highly erly signed and the contractors had During the two Years Exam. and 'liffo,d Treleaven ob- days like this we add to our com,
'10 and GO the editor ha; d the reti g prize given by Dr. pleteness.
recommended. S a will enter on he agreed to fill in xench if weather be• served as Councillor to has always Work- taine, , having received
Macdonald Block, Wingbam. tea at the begi ing of the new term. comes unfavorat--e for the work, On ad for what was onsidered the best SLIPPE:Rsl S VAGS I I See the EEO- j. P. Kennedy, the We make good better, and better
duties these conditions, on motion of 0011110- interests at the t d it the olectors COSY line in La a', Gents, Misses,and highest agarega marks in Senior best.
07�llar-nElliott will seek Childrene, at W. J. GRrER'S Teachers' exami tion. The latter is
Highest price paid for dressed poultry Elliott and MoKi bon ,the matter was: are willing Couu( ty while It 13 maybe a little soon to do
Or an ecital, left in the hands the Sewer Commit- re election and gout ane to o, his best now attending T onto Universe actual CHRISTMAS SHOPPING,
Buv Home. the former two a pursuing their stud- y
at T. Fells' butcher shop our a
J r w�
h 0 tee. By-law Yo 22 to raise money to for the town, in who has
Keep in r organ recital in St. which tea in High Soho but it isn't too soon to begin to
meet current exp Does Was given three served the town as oeve for a number just a little over hree weeks in
Andrew's Church u Monday evening, THINK about it.
, r PurchaseFruit Farm. no excellent repire- to do your Christm
December 5th, by r, W. H. Hewlett, readings and on otion of Conine. Me* of years, has mad buying.—A perusal
'r c Mr. Robt. Max ell was in Learning- Donald and Bone as passed, and notes sentative, always orkiug in the beat of our advertising glumus during the strong stock can't be beat, - And we are anxious to tell gift -
,of tb6 Conservator of Music, Hamilton. ha Our Christmas hila there purchased standing in the B It Of Commerce were interests of the to n and at Goderich in nest few weeks wt Show YOU what Our this year in the city or out of it We givers in advance that they may rely
Mr,Hewlettwill a assisted by Miss EB- ton last week and
I it.
on this store to have all the newness
tBlle Carey, one f Hamilton's popular a fruit farm. Mr. Maxwell will Contin- ordered to be tired on motion Of county Council in Eters he was always merchants have to ffer you. The mer- hava the goods. W. G, Patterson,
a t c� chant who advertis is not afraid of his ler, and novelty that can possiblv belong
Sopranos, SubL oribers tickets can be Ire his sale a., suiti go and overcontings Couno. Elliott an MoKlbbon. looking to In interests Of Wing.
, 8:
vecuredst MoKi than's drug store. for a few weeks 10 1 ger and everything ham. Havin" a I ed as Warden this_goads He is read to give value for the to a slice store.
a . t
is to be sold as he I tends leaving Wing- year, Ile retires w, th the full honors of money, to give goo a equal in quality We would't think it any bother at
Go, C
Many friends will You Orin get iron beds, mattress the position. Co noillor Bone has eigni" and price to those of the mail order CHUR;!H NOTES,
ham early next ye all to have you call and take a look
Morrie i In the West. suites, sideboards, couoheO, par.
regret that Mr. an Mrs. Maxwell and bedroom si Red his willingri B to serve the ratepay- house. And if he 1 Gen that he should around.
for suites, easy chairs. tables, etc., at
Mr, David D iuglas Wilson, son Of family are leaving Ingham. We can cut-down prices at S. GRAcEY's- ere for another ar, 0ounoillor Greg have "your " bust I ess, Dealing with Rev. Won. Low ,formerly at Wingbam Will 5 on ?
in is , g , cry, who has to long years given the the home mereban, has some advantages
Mr. D. D. W'l of Senforth, who ill afford to have g d citizens leave Our I was inducted as r actor of the Church of
now manager lolf"t Dominion Bank at town good cervi e, has decided to retire. too, He can and Ill exobar!ge goods Any day that suits you, suits its,
town. it England at Lucar on Thursday evening
Strathoona, wan led ,, marriage on Go to KNOX's for your Xmas and Now. Councillor Red and has not yet made a that may not just it or suit;they can, last.
lit "or ea�
th _A
Harriet Bell, Year Post Cards. ut as to big intentions and do, when it is *,zquired, give any re -
November 0 Myrtle W. G. Patterson's is the place to buy definite It. Rev. Dr. Rutle tge preached anniver- W, J. GREER
youngest daughter S. Bell, of your Diamond Rings thin year• for no the Present it looks Eponsible customer & little time to Pay;
in " of
n-Y W968 per- next
Year. i a several now men in eary sermons in. ,)to North Street Meth -
Huntsville Th "zom, as a t�'oi,. ,,,,u,a and they can, and -_O, supply the goods (LQderioh on Sunday last SHOE11
Gatherin of Farmers. quicker t
formed at 1� algar; Ave Rev i J. A. Clark, next yearl., 141i" at, once, or obt!�W I- ban the odist church at
of Knox Churob Wilson is n form- Reception 'Imiss 'I'Vood. There will be tv rant invasion of 6t. Commissioner -anuorman'a term Of customer Gould a for it. These are and Rev. Dr. Dofktsll took Dr. Rutled-
at �w Mr. and Mrs. J From a office will expir t is year and we have some of I
er resident login in and was teller n A. Moynihan en- taws by farmers his month. t 5holadv ages" of trading In gels work here. WHICH WOULD YOU
.in the Dominion Bank. Many old tertained a numb of friends at their thousand to fifte n hundred are e not yet heard 9 to whether he will the "home" stores Try It for Christ- Miqs Archer, issionary from Japan,
friends of the groo will join with the beautiful and con home, "Bellevue,". ad from all par a of the country. Al. have oppositio man shoppin will give an ad rBas on the afternoon RATHER TAKE ?
TmEs in extending ongratulations and on Thursday eve last. The recap- ready arrange eats have been made In, Tarnberr we hear that Reeve and evening of ea. 8th, in connection
beat wishes for thefuture happiness and tion was given in nor of Miss Wood, with hotelsto the accomodation of Powell will be opposed by Councillor with St, Paul's . A. Further partiou. An Emulision of Cod
prosperity of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. one of the nurses w a recently graduat. 1,150. The visit ra will be chiefly mem, Kelly and that the other Councillors lars will be give next week. Live., Oil made by means
lot No person who ever buys shoes here odi
ad from the WiU am Hospital, Mr- bars of the Nati al Council of Agricul- will seek To also 'on, will ever wear poor shoes. Fall style; The Metbodi people are making of fresh eggs, which are
Bud Mrs. Moynih, have the very best turaligta, a maj ity of the visitors will In East Waw ash, Reeve Gillespie is are ready, $4.00 to $5 00, W. J. GREER, great preparatio for their forthcoming strengthening in them-
wibheo of a large in bar of friends for be from west of be lakes, but there will not likely to hav opposition. Church anniver rt' services which
many years of heal and happiness Ill be some two h ndred from points east With the remo al Of Reeve Taylor of to be held on D .11th and 12t selves OR
6 0 It r'
In 3
n f ln�
'I rid
Christie's -Grocery their newly remed led home, "Belle" of Ottawa, met coming from the Mari* Morris to Blyth, uakes it almost certain WHAT ONTARI MINES DID. of the attraction on that Occasion is to
PHONE 59. vue'l) time Provinces They are getting close to be a contest f- r the Reeveship. We be one of the -amens boy singers of The regular stock emul-
to the 0anad_-%n lawmakers for the have heard contest
ounoillors McCracken, Returns to the Pro natal Bureau of Toronto. cions made with Gum
f in luenoiag a reduction in ex -Councillor Camp -
purpose 0 and Shortreed a d mines show that t output of the Arabic and with which we
Upholstering, repairing and picture the tariff in so Go directions. They will 'y
We Specialize in Groceries PIG r bell are likely t be candidates. metalliferous mines d works of On -
framing done promptly and well. SO fifive a oouven ion one day and lay their i make our sticky mucilages
GRAcFy, furniture dealer and praotloal tario, for the nine mniths ending Sep. We don't very often put on a special which is hard on the
,e as fell
conclusions beibre the Government the
undertaker, !ember 30 were as fol we, — out -down sale, but we want room, and
next day. A =meeting of East Huron Fancy Goods of all kinds at KNOX S. I ( uncea, Value. the quickest way to get it is to clear out Stomach.
Judge Currants farmers will In- hold in the Town Hall, Gold. . 1,390 $ 28 729 nt a price. This is your opporunity to a If the former get Hinds
got bargains, but for cash only.
Canadian Foresters, Brussels, on S turday afternoon of this silver ...... r91,r,33 9,-,92,669 S. GRAcry, Furniture Dealer. Fresh Egg Emulsion con -
At the regular in—Aing of court Molt• week for the r_Arpose of appointing dele. An Interes ing Booklet. Tons.
by Theirflavour land, Canadian Ord -r of Foresters, hold gates to go to ttaws, The Ontario Do rtment of Agrioul- Cobalt ............. 275 44,884 taining 50 per cent. Nor-
7,168 1,022,436
Too often are currants judged on Friday evening I at a number of new ture has issued an infaresting booklet. Nickel............ 13,905 2,989,651 INSURANCE IN CANADA. wegian of pure Cod Liver
alone by there looks. This members were initt--ed and it was de- It deals with the p ular and profitable Iron ore ........... 120358 278,906 1 - Oil combined with Hhpop
aided that Organize Harris continue his POULTRY WANTED— Higheatcash prices subject of dairying this Province. It Iron pyrites ........ 16,454 44,690 hisphites of Caleum', Lod -
should not be as currants above work here. A ape lial meeting of the paid for live or dressed poultry deliver Pig iron.. 319,698 5,039,626 According to the Banat report of the
h info ation on the mat. 5,760 tum, Potassium.
all other'frults are most decep. Court will be held ot Friday evening of ed to our Warehouse st'"Winglism- is replete with info Zino ore, .......... 700
tive in appearance. Judge them GUNNS, Ltd, ter of dairy prods o. Aside from the Superintendent of Insurance for the PREPARED BY
this week when a umber more new i , rize such The Shipments fro u silver mines 59' year ended Deoem r 1, 1909, fire iusur-
usuhll characterize by their flavour. members will be i�ui ated. Mr. Harris figures that usual! gated 23,824 to 4, of which 19,191 suranoe companie doling business in
THAT COUNTS The inter reports a good de arture is made by gre 4,o33 tons of con. Canada received I premiums $17,049, -
'TIS THE FLAVOUP. has done excellent w rk here and it is Fli I Hon d;
:1 Ontario
giving a schedule wowing the results of tons were of ore aw
WHEN THE CAKE ISMADE hoped that before h leaves Wiugham The O�nta al Winter Fair cmgs on farms, which contrates. The fv mer averaged 768 474 and paid out or losses $8,646,b26.
the membership of Court Maitland will at Guelph will be
paned to the public some particular igwe, and are convinc- ounces of silver tot te ton and the latter The amount paid *r losses was less by PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST
Festive seasons don't Come often.' be above the 350 mark. on Me ,Deo, 5th, when all average a high f Gowgi nds, with six ship. $1,63%629 than in INS. Orders Totten WINGHAM
Get the best. the a: Ing proof of what I tay be acoomplialied 990 ounces. The loss rate for the year was 50.72, b . y . mun .
exhibits will b n place by 10 a. in. if proper men taken to about pers. contributed 4( 2 tons of Ord, con
at The sessions to be devoted to judging the desired m oulioea of silver. Elk which is 13.49 bol jw the average for
Oar 10c and 13c, Our When you boy a Christmas gift It A the other taining 334,210 enteen tons of ore,
rants are dry cleaned Patterson's jewellery store, you have are as follows: _HO sea, Monday, 2 p• matters discussed is pointed out that Lake contributes ssthe forty-one years over which the re- HE BUSY MAN'S CREED
and the quality right, the newest and best, m. and 8.80 p. in. Tuesday, 8 p. in.; with 97 creamer On and 1,177 obeene South Lorrain nine, and the Lake Super. cord extends. T is average rate of
A limited quantity of Fancy Cur- Wednesday, 2 P. I ; Thursday, 10 a. factorise an indu rt' has been built up I lot district a small production, the re- premiums was $1,4 1, as compared with We believe in the stuff we ire
See them even it you in. and 7 30 p. in ; F Iday, 10 a. 132, and I mainder being from Oobalt proper, The $1,498 for the pr,,,,o,�Iing year. Death of MF7_. Dixie Watson.hich signifies a great deal in relation a , their
fi, Canadian handing out, in the firm we are
rants. on. 2 P. in. Beef Cattle- Monday, 3.30 V. of metallia, a Ivor from the mines 'r a risks by
don't buy, to the prosperit of the farmers and the Output oompanim inor - working for; and in our ability
On Friday, Nov 18th, a former well- in and 7.80 p. in.; Tuesday, 10 a. in. of the Cobalt camp Is increaelug, being _ $31,668,030, Anil Aterican companies by to get results. We believe that
of Wingliam passed - good of the wh a country. During the
known resident and 1.30 P. in, She4p. Monday, 2 P, he quan- 468,887 ounces for the nine months, $38,750,774, honest stuff can be passed out to
Figs, Dates, Prunes, away at Regina, 1 - the person of Mrs, in. Tuesday, to Swine: Bacon manufacturing eason of 1909 t During the period. 7,069 tons of Ora t S
City of milk del ored at cheese factories Duril In life insura the total amount Of honest men, by honest method
t Of
i ea
Peaches, etc. Dixie Watson. The remains were Hoge, Monday, B. D Cinema. 'r, (containing nearly 90 per cent, of the
2 P, policies taken out -n Canada during the We believe in working, not
or was 1,361.046, 9 pounds, the amount Of
--oh for interment be- 61 Was $131,73-,078, an Increase of weeping, in boosting not knock
brought to Gode: Poultry: Monday, Silver yield) —ore treated by the
Tuesday, 10 a in, , or was 125,611,859 tots' year
WHAT ABOUT RAISINS side those of her I te husband, who died I p. m.;'Tuesday, a. in. and 1.30 P. cheese made t orefrOm - silver reduction We a at Thorold, Trent 42,872 over I�DS. Of the total now ing, and in the plcasutv (if our
I at June. Deceased's A. in. - T .Mills copper Cliff d Deloro.
three years ago on.; Wednesday, 8 be j,dg. pounds, with t total value of $14,193,
10c per lb. 819, The qua itity of milk made into insurance Canadir n companies effected job. We believe, a L11.1111 gets
� . I
that speak maiden name was Louise Carroll. The Ing will be more targeting than ever at oheew f notation and creamer- ' The production f the corresponding $79,121,977, Brit' companies $3,930,- what he -goes after, and that one
We've got the kind early Years Of !!'Or life Were isPerit 'n this year on accou t of the large uum- butter I period of 1909 was 8,751,540 ounces Of 280, and America companies $48,686,- deed done to -day is Worth two
for themselves- Not Old Ones Dunnville. She -As a musician of note her of entries. l�c't�e Horse Depart- tea was 198,334*32 pounds and the but- I :
cleaned, but every box new fruit, ter produced 1areirom WILS silver, valued at 0 5,600. 871. The total anfount of insurance in done to -morrow, and that lit) n1w
and after coming -10 Godarioh she held meat the exhibits f Heavy Horses will The gold product n shows a consider- force at the end ol the year was $7 We is down and out until he has lost
The best that money can buy, tot some years th , position of organist exceed those of I-st year. Of Clydes- pounds, valutdftt $2,176,955, The esti able increase, the Bator portion being e a
Come and see them. . I value t butter made In farm from the now Po Uplue camp. For 856,980, an increa a of ovor $60,000,000 faith in himself, We believe 1
of St. George's C! urch, being the first dale and Shires al sue there will be 154 m&tO( milk consumed on the as compared with the previous year. Courtesy, in kindness, in generos
person to have oh�tge of the organ that horses. In Beef ,,attl the exhibits will dairies and of the corresponding Griod In 1909, the The death rato er thousand last year ity, in good cheer, in friendship
8 , many
Our Peels this year are the is now ,, batoh r , About the year be almost tWIC I last year form, sent to woderised milk factories production "Was 1,1 �5 ounces, valued I at was 10.26o an Got; pared with 10 154 in and in honest coinpCtltiv . We
�o was al� �h - towns and cities, $15'.
-187491 in marriage to DIX10 The Sheep and wine alto have large believe there is sonlethill.-, doing.
"I and supplied t
t P 1 000,000, Aoo aerva ounces, value at $28,129. nan
finest we've ever had Poultry
tive estimate Of the $18,096, while this � ear the return shows 1908, The total )remium income last
Watson, a we
l" own resident of Gode. classes, and in 0 Y Department total value of dairy products for the 1,300 year was $20,601 85, and the total somewhere, for every I
i Ia a r r i of that town rea there V7111 be 63 birds on exhibition. 909 want be at least $31,000,000 The niokel-OOPI)d Minas of Sudbury amount paid to loyholdern was $16,- ready to do it, We believe We
GRAPES AND CRANBERRIES ro'gohl - the' fact musical entertain' The different railways are telling round Year I turned, out 13,905 tong of nickel and 382,135, are ready ItIGHT NOW.
Th year we have made a SPc- meat was )to without the trip tickets to elph for single fare Ott 7,168 tons 0', f 0111, compared with For every bu red dollars in Prem -
elm eiok to secure the choicest in presence Of Mr. and Watson, both each day frOld/Dec, Bra to 9th, tuoins. 0 st000ift vicinity of Wellborn, 8,910- tone Of fort
slid 5,581 tons Tums received the was paid to policy- al Bargain in Bluevale,
erl �viiry popular vocalists, I - 0 tat000ift 0 of the latter a', period In 1009, pecl
the market and �VEIVE GOT THEINit, of whom W ive. Tickets re good to return lap t it St. Mary which wore such a pr holders $40.19, 10 Ing $50.81 to be Oar -
Some thirty Y 5 t_eo, 12th. nes Or 010 Nice house And 22 lots, well
Long 'keeping Cranberries and to ago Mr. Watson was and inolud"' line drop, are id to be rotting badly showing an trial MIN so Vor cent and Tied for reserve 6*enso and prollto, situated. Just the place for 0,
finest Altnerea GrApeS. appointed DIvl ion Court Clerk at Wing- since they have been housed, One man 28 per cent. veNpeltively.
1, �" ham, and fit i years later he and his to a pit, and 1% JOW days The produotio t Pig Iran an cowpar. retired farmer. Price reasonable.
In seeded Raisins we sell a wife. went to T. egin%, Where MT. Watson F OWL •WANTED,—I Will IMP live fowl' put forty bags nine mon'ba of 1000
no was clerk oft � SUPTOVID Court of the �n Tuesday and 'Thursday of each week. ago he took the Out B'Ad got Only of ad With the firs Dr. NolgonTat , of 498 Spadins ave
be paid for to bagaof sound otfitOON, Ainothat man shows A 00116i" able iticroatO, the fig- , a will be - 4, the QuA611's HO
and that has wag olerk of Who highest PtIO6 Vill' fowl Ing B19.6 tons, having valla Toront , "tboi: Ritchie Cosens
Northwest itlorles. Ile a oxaminacl v%ls p tatoes In the oallat and urea be a Nvingbam, 611 at, Friday, Decem of, It
I delivered in Wibghsm- It Will PIWYO C me of Eye,
the court W conducted the trial of to -see me before, selling. poultry to, .halt of them nVectod bf $5,039,626 a against 204,698 tong 9th, for consults on It! dtabi 99AT, 9STAT9 AND INSURANbi
OUR UAS AND COPPRES AIM 'Louis Biel, f llowilig the rebellion of oeivtd at AWdell flour and food Moral forindabouto".-h valued at $4,005,735 last year, gat, Nose and T iroat. Glasses fitted,
AtWAyS TO T99 PRONT. 1880. A, H WILVOUD.. With rot,
- —1