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The Wingham Times, 1910-11-24, Page 8
a T1EiE 'W1NG1r1iAM. TIMES, NQ.YI•;M#ER 24, 19 19 East Huron MINOR LOCALS. Th meeting f Bait Farmers. iuxon farmerp LAND FOR SALE T YOUR TRADE. held in eesir 1p on Saturday last was Quarter sootion of land in Snekatoha• SING FOR 8AI1CiAINS 1 W ka VVAN roragoodwatohorolook,gotol�Nox'e. wan, twenty agree broken thin acres LEGGINGS FOR W44 Times to January 1st, 1912 for not very largely attended and it has fenced, five Pierce push, amall house and 1,00. thedecided to hold another meeting in stable, good water, the Tcwn Hall,, Brussels, on Saturday, (?, N, GRIFFIN, • Bay your stationary 't the TIMES December 3rd, at 2 o'clock p, m., to Real Estate Agent, EVERYBODY KING'S office consider the 'advisnbility of appointing Wingham, Out. Kxox'$ is the a to buy your Xmas delegAtell to go to QttAWA Ju December TEACHER WANTED. � Prijsente. os part of a deputation to watt upon the Tnu BU6Y 8TORE I+OR J [E W�MMr, Oharlea. Agar of Morris is a Dominion Government fa presentation -" """' the N patient in the hospital, of the subject of reduoing the tariff as Applioationo will be received ty See the paw linea of Christmas Stilt, for the position of. teacher t• it relates to the farming community. in the Lower Wingham School. Ap- ionery At the Times office, A large attendance of all interested to plicants to state qualifications and 6 I.2 1 Ch Spats - 25C -Only, four weeks till Christmas, Do asked for mettle question is one of deep salary. Duties to commence on Janu• 9 inch Spats - - - - 50C 1 2 inch S l communities, ary 3rd, 1911, , 3rour shopping early, W. S, LINSLATER•, pate 90c intsrest to rural Imperial Quartette in Mills' memo • Wingham P. O ': r � Long Jersey Cloth Leggings (over the tial Hall this (Thursday) evening, Local option Contests. CLOVER THRESHING Ladies' Fur knee) for $1.25, also short spats in dif- orders taken for all the leading Rev. Ben. H. Spence, the Secretary of newspapers and magazines at the TIDIES the Dominion Alliance, stated Thursday • ferent colors. Ask to see them, They orice. that on Monday, January 2, 1911, be. The undersigned is in the field again this season to do Clover Threshing. I 1 p arm. -The Daily Globe to any address to tween 80 and 90 municipalities will vote will guarantee good work at reasonable - - lee the ankles w Jany let, 1911 for $1. Leave your order on the question of loon). prohibition, prices. Each customer wih be supplied " w Lined Coats at the TinrEs office. There are 816 munlcipalities,in the Prov with a copy of the Seeds Control Act �t. FOR THE MEN. For diamond, weddingand engage• inoe of Ontario at present time, with a and the terns an address of the nearest Y total of 1,950 licenses. Four hundred Seeder Cleaner who will clean and grade �• trent xingo go to KNOX S. lead for market, Parties having clover , +r This season we are show- -Heron county council will convene and ten of thele municipalities are now to thresh should get in their orders at "4`� �f ` , We have a lines in particular t0 which dl y, and. four hundred and six wet. OP ones, F �' in the council chamber, Goderioh, on di ing a beautiful range in Fur we wish to draw your attention. those that are dry only six are going to T. W. PICgELL, `n , Lined Coats, Price range Taesday, December 6th a Box 305,` ; -Mr. Samuel Pollack Ripley was vote on repeal, and of those that are wet Wingham, Ont, from $50.00 to $75.00 NO. 1 = eighty will vote on the question of going Also North Huron Telephone, operated on at the holl§Ital yesterday dry. In these eigbty places there are Grain Leather Leggings for $1.25 per morning for appendio s, 263 licenses. On the lot of May last "` ` Go to $NOY's o our Xmas and New �j • N. Griffin pair, all sizes, Year Poet Garda year -eighth of lite licenses then in existence were wiped ont, NO. Z. -Miss Cunningham of Brussels, who GENERAL AGENT �4 e was operated on at the hospital on Fri- L�l D�ES' FUR sewed quality Grain Leather exfira°well ' dap last is inipoviug rapidly, Cobalt, Gowganda and Porcupine. FIRE rda�rrr. Sewed c9ri't pull Out 1100kS, for Investors and prospectors are now ` -The Girls' Auxiliary of St. Paul's P LIFE $1.50, all sizes, Church will hold a tea and entertain flocking into the above regio and the ACCIDENT - insurancesplendid reports of new si er finds at /. meet in the school room of the .Church Gowgaoda, and gold at rcupine indi• PLATE GLASS _ TRIIN lED COAT NO 3i. iW on Monday evening ntxt. cote that before long ere will be a WEATHER Fine soft Grain Leather, the best legging -The friends of Aliso Annie Griffin rapid espnnaion i vel ee and that those + ' T1]Cse Coats with Sable who now embra , o opportunity of Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and £ 1 that we know of, for $1.75 per pair. will be pleased to hear that she has so getting in will be richly rewarded. MONEY LOANING Business,. 4 Collar. and Quilted Italian far convalesced as to be able to leave the The 8.30 p. In. Grand Trunk "Cobalt t Liningshave become Very hospital for home this week. Special" leaves Toronto daily. Fall Issuer of Marriage Licenses. t I , particulars and tickets from Grand ; O ular bof their -It is said that the creditors of She:- Trunk Agents, or address J. D. MoDon• p p because Canvas and Leather Leggings for the Boys don, the get -rich quick broker who re ald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, OIlios over Malcolm's Grocery. ; ° Comparatively Small COSI oentiy left Montreal, will not receive out. " ' ,F and general service. Prices r more than three cents on the dollar on LOGSr from $15.50 to $35.00 Jersey Cloth Leggings for the Girls and Children their money,-"��'-�•'"'-'Y �.�`��/ KU aIN. Four men were drowned at Sault Ste. vANSTcire.-in Wingham, on November Leggings are an absolute necessity in this country Marie while trying to cross the river in a 2tst, to Mr. and Mrs• er y, on no;e eon. W A ANTED., �ya �q �1 T��• small boat dna a ons t man went st,to M . an Turs. R. V, st November .3rd,SMALL V and we can show you a variety superior to all others. y to Mr. and Mrs. Watson Jewitt; a son. through the toe while skating a obalt JARvis.-In Wingliam, on November 23rd, - and lost his life, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jarvis; a daughter Such as Scarfs, Stoles, Throws, Fur Ties, Muffs, Having purchased the iteohurah WILLIS,®� BiARRIED• Saw Mill, I am prepare to pay the Baby Rugs etc. etc. Inspect ours before buying. SPECIAL 1911. -All. par es wishing a -' calendar for :911 ill lease call and MOMILLAN-BLAICE.-In the Holy Rosary highest cash price or a kinds of Saw give RB th3ir name a we will keep due Church, Minneapolis, on November 3rd, by Loge. p Rev. Fr. Logan, Bir. George McMillen of Cutting OY shingled, Pith fence elate N 24c, l✓' for them. No child an need apply. J. Austin, to Miss Elizabeth Blake, formerly of -'- G. STEWART & Co, Central Hardware, Grey township• Eggs o• Beans Wiugham, Ont. STEwaRT-Rressr.-By Rev. Walter Rigsby, and all other custom work'will receiveLGOOD RODUCE WA TED. -Butter ga 3 > THE SHOE STORE. assisted by Rev. Thos. Manning, D. D., at the prompt attention, Fowl, Feathers, Raw Furs, etc. -The Imperial Quartette, of London residence of J. W white. 437 Pall Mall street, p London, Ont., brother-in-law of the bride, Sat- /;1f� will give an entertainment in the Mills, urday November 6th, Miss Sarah Winnirred Rigsby, youngest daughter of Rev. Walter CHEAP Sole Agents sNOE1 for Ladies. Memorial Hail this (Thursday) evening. Rigsby, Sarnia, Onv. formerly of Blyth, to Mr. will be on hand to This is an excellent company and a good Neil Roy Stewart, of Guernsey, ,,ask. scale and measure loge. • t �� % PRICESODS Gi entertainment is assured. The admin- JAMES WILSON Ilion is only 25 cants. 12th, Mar Jane veering,LucIcnorelict November 12th, Mary Jane Bowering, relict oP the late wig(Y,ham, P. O, -Mr. Thos. Calvert and family wish JamesBowering, in her 70th year. North Huron Telephone to thank all kind friends who helped in Annie McMannus, widow ofntheelatebThoer mt s many ways during the illness of Mrs Cal- wraith, aged 80 years. D / vert and to those who extended them A(.AR. -In Morris, on November 17th, Lola A. Dear, daughter of the late David Agar, � sympathy in their and bereavem?)A. aged 24 years, l month and 10 days. Honey Syrup I�t+♦Ct!♦ +l O�tAttOt♦ f! �eaut�� l Dress ELt,iaTT-III Brussels, on November 12th,J♦ • We dant very often put on.,h special James Elliott, agedt49 years and 8 months. + ♦ 1' cut-down sale, but we want room, and ♦, ♦ ► r the quickest way to got it jar to clear out McKBNziE.-ln Grey township, on hovem• We have. now on hand a • C. WHITE b. ata price. This ie ni o 0lIlnity t0 her 0th, Catherine Buchanan, relict of the late y pP Roderick McKenzie, aged 00 years. Supply of Fresh Clover N ♦ ►� get bargains, but far h only. Hone and Pure Maple • • S, GRAcE , nrniturs Dealer. y p ♦' �adle� and Gentlemen's Tailor ♦ v Goods at 41 -Mr. Wm. Henry, late G. T. R. NOTICE. Syrup which we sole i agent in Wingham, has been given the _ will satisfy the position of Conductor on the G. T. R. _ most critical i The one stock I carr contains the newest all -wool i on the run between Southampton and The Annual Meeting 4 the Share. , holders and Patrons t the Blnevale buyer. y y Broken Prices Toronto and has entered on his new Cheese & Bette Co pany,Limited,will Call and sample them. e' fabrics embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves , from e duties, be held in the F cera' Hall, Biuevale, the most reputable mills in the world. on Tuesday, comber 6tb, at 1.30 V -Aa effort is being made by represen- o'clock p.m., for the Election of a Board tatives of the city of London for the im• of Directors and the transaction of any ® You will -find our Kingfisher provement of the train service on the other business that may come before the Also a fine selection of meeting. By order Chocolates ® Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy • We are clearing out what remains of our natty, r London, Huron & Bruce railway branch, JOHN BURGESS, Seo'p. choice Fruits, A London wants to have an earlier train and other Confectionery. Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings, up-to-date Suitings and Dress Goods. We have going north from London as far as and Hot Drinks ' Melton, Beaver and Crombies. Over. in stock this season the only latest material and Wingham, MEETING OF HURON CO NTY Oysters ♦ newest shades that could be purchased anywhere s • coatings give the best satisfaction. Why Pio an many farms rasa The COUNCIL at any time. ♦ and we are now ;offering these goods at wholesale 'W'eekly Sun? Boonusa • persistently , ,_� � � rices. We do not intend to keep one piece 1 advocates their cause; i sithf ally sup- • Your order is cut and fashioned. in the style. pre- _ p plies the practical ar or with valuable •• over, so there is a genuine bargain in Dress information on a gricultural topics, RilTindell Son ♦ vailin the da ou are measured. You et everything♦.for County of Hnlron ill mo ti, theocoun g y y y g = SC�u t or newdressss you naturally woantgat pair new of dna is the most reliable barometer of •the ver latest and best when you let us r,�alte clothes a market conditions to be found in Can. .14 ads. Include The Farmer's Sun in oil chamber, in the Town of Goderioh, Phone 9. • expressly for you. ►, r at 3 0 clock on Tuesday, the 6th day of • ► Corsets, we have the famous D 8 A Corset in144 your reading neat year. December next.all ♦ the new, long styles. Our new lines at 75c • -In our report last week in reference All accounts for settlement must be • are quite equal to the former $Ileo line and our placed with the Clerk before this date. ♦ WINGHAM ONT• toehearbitrationprocoedingsinreferenco Dated, Nov. 21st, 1910, • E. C. WHITE - ' • $I.00 style as good as any ordinary $1,25 pair. to claims for damages on nocount of the W. LANE, Clerk. \ �. sewer passing through private property, - c',l \ , • LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR, Try a pair of these. we did not Wish to convey the meaning that the Sewer Committee had not made a good settlement with Mr. McLean. We beleive the Committee done the very beet possible in the general interests of the ratepayers. PERSONAL. Mr, and Mrs. John Glenn, of Listowel are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Gen. Spotton. Dr. Calder, Misses Ethel Ring, Grette and Irima Kennedy went to London to hear Madame Bernhardt, Miss Margaret Tindell of Kamloops B. C , who is returning home from r trip to England to visituig at tho bomt of her cousin, Mr. R. J, Tindell. Mr, and Mre.'Thos. Lockhart of Sour, is, Man., have been visiting at„tho hem( of the former's brothor, Mr. It. Lockart, Ciartherine St, On Monday of this week, Mise Edith vettman of L*elet, entered the Win;;, haul Etteinoss Clollego to take a coaret in Stereography; also Messrs, Goo, Claim hell, A. II, M09AY, and J, E', Pstrel 611 ret Tivertoil were enrolled in the Corn, 3joerclAt Departmont. wingham Business College Is a link in Canada's Great- est Chain of High -Grade Colleges founded during the past twenty six years. This ehain is the largest train- ers of young people in Canada and it is freely admitted that its graduates got the best posi- tions, Where is a reason; write for It. A diploma from the Commercial Educators' .Association of Canada is a passport to success. You may study partly at home and finish at the College, Enter any day, Fell Term Opens Aug, 2918 WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE (MAS, 'W, lti'UANS, , r'r]111001, r17t:(v. SrOTT01 , Pteslirent, 1 ♦♦♦♦s�o♦®�♦�o♦♦♦♦�e�♦�o♦♦♦ �.♦♦�♦♦o_♦�t��♦segs�oee.♦♦�� * Our range of New Flannelettes IN TIi1;"'i1'01iI+T ILS6N LOCK ♦ ••• ,�°• sA elettes is large and well • .1 . assorted in plain colors and fancy stripes --good washable colors. °�.� •',,,. � w k�. �..: _ _ .�:,"�►� ��t� AW, !94-6A full stock of Mens and Bos .... A y ' Overcoats with the "Presto" Conventable Collars. Come in Chicago S42,20 and see these Coats, you will be well pleased ti. • with them. Return on account of ''International +� ■ Live Stock Exhibition," Good going I EXCEL IN GROCERI9Sin Is something I want you all to �© Eare rj 1 1 Nov. 28, 29, 30and boo. let, Return limit December 6th, info, �'' �� Also a complete stock of Ready -to -Wear Cloth - 1 distinctive know. There is one and beet 1♦`ortickets arldfnrtherinformation ',Tm > ing in the newest tailored designs, sure test -try me, My stock is composed of the For Huoters f!ih�fA//1 fn//f � O � M, ()DTZ". style and perfect fit are built into every garment. fti AND BEST Guelph � In design, cloth and ish they will please evertCHOICEST the most enacting taste, and all this at "very .w.. Oct. 10th to Nov. 12th {V120 A" �WA"4AA"A""" " food prodnots that money is able to Return on account of " Ontar �► reasonably prices, bap. Your order will be filled ex• hotly ad yon eltpooted it. to all stations Chalk River to i?ort Arth r 1nohislve, and to hest hunting points in Provincial l?"air." Good {going Deo, 3rd to 5th inclusive, Return limit r ►. _. Trading with ire id a ploaenre, To yon, beoauo you _will be sans• f tiobec noel Now Brnnowiek t Oct. 20th to Nov. 12th heel 12th, 1010. `GVingham, We always pay the highest prices for Eggs, Butter E Red; to me because I have gained g Above rates apply from Proportionate rates from I Poultry, another cuistomer. _ to all stations tindliury to the Elco, Elavo• lock to Sharbot rake Coldwater to b d th iI 1 T3raneh Ont. eta, tions illi Ontario, Kingston, Rea. ,and ; 1 Jt F. McGillivra-.y J Phone 64, Snd ttry, an on tl ui dal' Return Limit Dee11. 15th, 191 frees and We et, As MILL%Y Liberal stn •aver' privileges. p 1♦`ortickets arldfnrtherinformation ',Tm Ask for free collies of 1,11shing, and fShooi. "iil5drtsinait'a Map" and "Opon Call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or addrons d', 1). McDonald, b, P. A., . PHONE �• � O � M, ()DTZ". Eloasotl's Game and b"ish," 'Toronto. EN1ER A ant wingl,am, T. it. $1✓ r Agort, _ .w.. T `'1�1 1t l i , , • -. i�lllw ��ltt�lrhil A" �WA"4AA"A""" " k