HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-24, Page 71• I THV '4n'04511IANIt TIMP38 NOV2 '11111 AR 24 LVAQ _ ..- .... _ ... .. - . , . ...._ ...._ .. _ . u . hunter; Then .. cY ....,. RYIL as CNA %ao rtr 0Avr- be put his hands over aIs #t dishonorable for ino to loop �_-. The Hetes Italie was but a few her eyes, She struggled for brief ,� t fountain, by Donatello. It was origl na►ly, owned by ('nthet'hne d1ledissy, you? . The Borigias stole it front her, and blocks from the Piazza, Vittorio Uman• moment, then desisted, "No, but it is for u10 -*to pGrmit you Italy and. I� rnnee nearly cause to war uele. They found the Halle crowded,. '"It is no puzzle at all," she declared, to say sol" The " noisy and interesting. From the, Hallo ''I can smell horse; horse and a; ala He was ale but not ager than sue, Lure over lt, � they went downstairs and through the p ' p V� horse. Air. A�terrihew", �' II1Uard, ✓ size Lori itis?" doubtfully, "werer billiard room, 'Under the arcade. they "Yes, i should have fetched along a l offer you nothing, De, R these two famines contetnI)or+tuvons?" found a small table. Presently two of- sachet powder. I remember but one nothing—no remise no ho nothing:. i - "'A'he suers" scarnfull freers, ono In the resplendent uniform thing, Ialtt and {hats _ ou; He eat A few day longer and we shall Sep -the Mansky , y• a y' , y �n stake finally." r , '1 he quintet consulted their guide of a colonel, went past. Hlllard'S down beside her. "There's no doubt Alerribew and Kitty came into view. : books, but before they b:td located the pulse was tuned to quickerAstroke. that I' reek of the antrual, But the "IC is all over," said Aferrihew es• Paragraph referring to this work I hope he down t see us, he said, real question is, How much longer "Kitty Ditty has promised to mar. BHAROLD MAC: f LATH O'Mally was cunningly leading. them tipping his Panama Over his eyes, are you point; to keel) me, (tangling on ty me as seen as we land in America." Y away. He passed on to the antique Morrihew scowled fiercely.. �� the string? I've been coming up here iia Signorina took hold of I{itty'S The mind You Have Al;r-.TBought, and. Nvllich. has been, marbles, explaining how this. one was So long as he doesn't observe us, for ton days now" hands. In use for over 30 ,years, Inas borne the signature of Copyrilhl, 1908, by the DOW- Nero's, that one Caligula's, that one said Millard, "I have no interest in his She had dressed expressly for this "Is it true, Hitty?" Morrill Co. Tiberius', He lied so gracefully that affairs. Had he none? he wondered. rnnomet.t, but Aierriliew was not going „ /jam and has bevnion since, his per,. i the tomb of Ananias must crave rock, "He Is coming this way again, Dan." to be told so, Yes, ma'am,"Kitty answered, with Cha % � il�c� SOnal supervision since its infancy. Hillard changed his mind., He push- "But ata 1 to be blamed if, after a stage courtesy. "I have promised to . A:rlo,.Yno one to {deceive you in this. vy "There may be scars which• do not ed; „ ed back his hat. If the man with the ' marry him, for there seemed no other' All Counterfeits, limitations and "d•ust-as-goons" are but; „ Do you know, said the woman, having refused twice to marry you, way of getting rid of him;' Experiments that trifle ivitll and endanger the health of tthOhow, she faltered-- in the heart, in `vho had not yet spoken, "you speak scar saw him and spoke he would re. you still persist?" Ditty assumed a This caused real laughter. La ftrlo- e mindGer, I am sorry, terribly sorry., English with an accent I do not under- ply. The colonel, glancing at the pair, judreinl Air, rina relighted the tea lamp, and Pres• Infants and Ciailaren—Exlterlerice against ZJxperimont. eaven knows that I meant no harm. stand." halted, He turned and spoke to his But you haven't refused me this eptly they were all talking together, orget mei" O'Mally shivered, Was She going to brother officer. The man with the time." • • . "Forget your Telt me what prevents „ They laughed quietly as they saw What e sa r"AT0 „ spring dago on him? I am an Ital- scar stepped over to the table and "Because l Nish to make it as easy O'Mally gravely conducting his charge fi Q (friendship between us. fan," he said solemnly. "I was born, leaned with his hands upon it. There as possible for you." Which of the two to the gates. He returned with Smith. "You say you love me. Is that not however, in County Clare. My father was a savage humor in his dark eyes. meanings she offered him was lost Castoria is a haryWess Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- wer enough? Give up all idea, all Both were solemn visaged. and mother were immigrants to Ire- Did 1 not tell you that we should upon Alerrihew: "Well, noble concierge?" inquired La �•oric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. IC hoaght, of me. You will only waste land" meet again?" he said to Hillard, "Come, let us be sensible for tea Signorina. "Why, you look as if you contains uelther Op[uin, Morphine nor other N'arcotie pour time. Come, is your love strong "Ma," whispered the girl, "ask him "Are you speaking to me?" asked minutes." were the bearer of ill tidings' substance. Its a e is its guarantee. It destroys Worms. enough to offer a single sacrifice?" for one of those buttons." [Illlavd. Every muscle in his body, Merrihew laid his watch on the "I am," said O'Alally. and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind "Not if it is to give you up. Oh, do The stage whisper was overheard by was alert and ready.bench beside him. ?+� not worry about persecution! I shall „ „ R ' What has happened. asked Merri- Colic. It relishes '.i-'eotlrin; '.{?roubles, cures Constipatio»< „ OMally. These buttons, he explain- "Certainly I am speaking to you, Ditty laughed rollickingly, for be- (few, and. Flatulency. *It assimilates tine Food, regulates the only seek to be near you.. �� ed, "cost a lira each, but if the sign- Phis is the fellow," speaking to his nenth her furbelows and ribbons and "Enough," said O'Mally laconically. Good night, she said, and good- „ trinkets she was inordinately happy He directed his nest words to La SI_ Stotnrtclt and Ilovrels, giving healthy and natural sleep. by!" She wound the veil round her rina really wishes One"— And thus companion, tit the same time drawing The Children's .Panacea—The Trlother's Friend. another lira swelled the profits of the off h(s gloves. and light of heart. Her letter had face, took half a dozen steps, halted day. "I obj(+ct to the word fellow," said come. She was only waiting for the and turned, then went on into the At the gates O'Mally received his Ilillard. "Vesicles, I don't know you." day of sailing• �� �� ALWAYS 'AS -dark. pourboire (tiro) of 20 centesimi and re- "A h, discreet!" sneered the man with Morl•lhew reached out and caught • * * * * her hand. Dears the Signature of turned to Pietro.. the scar.' , ' til i The Villa Arladne rested upon a •,Quandol" he cried, "Colonel!" cried the subaltern as bis "Oh, I Sala let us be sensible for ten yIsmall knoll half a mile or more north O'Ma11y handed him the exact ,safer smoothed the gloves Aud placed minutes!" she denurrred. , -rot and above. Flesole,"Nin 'which the "hitty, will you tnnrry me?" �� amount, minus the lira for the button. than carefully in its left hand. • �_, � ( jpanoramic beauty of Flo ence was to "Santa Maria! All thees? How? No "Oh, i am calm! But I have been "Could you take care of me?' e seen at all times, glistening in the more I take dem! You!"' ;Ireanifug of this moment. Now!" The "I'll wort.." sun, glowing In the rain, sparkling in "Oh, if you were only rich!" .v 4 O Anally sat down on the bench and colonel readdressed Hillard. "You �.� A Fthe night. laughed It was as good a part as he "Yost don't mean that, IUtty:' ' ' :' hh meddled with an affair that night In Life ran smoothly enough at the „ 'No," r•elentiug, "I don't. But you i l t� � t.. •. t +- had ever had. ,visci you had no concern. Willa Arladne. La Signorina at the y q bottler me." r ;;, �• $A pq You ,Afir-Tays Bought * * * * • • * "Are you unite sure?" W� 3 SILIA, L. ;very last moment surrendered to the Early evening. La Signorina leaned -,Yes, 1 not sure. And yet as I think All right, this will be the Cast time., entreaties of Bitty. She agreed not to over the terrace wall, her hand idly It over, as I recollect the woman" tVIII you marry me. I will do. all n SY l? I�Sr' For O`✓LY �® �E:ciYu. ass herself off as the princess. Among man can to make you happy. I love Sir .• m {{ y , r ' �i _ ay1 THF. C-NTAUN C`:NPANY,n MURRAY RA E O y�railing over .the soft cool roses. went on the colonel, with a smile TIK CITY. ,omallthemselvesssieach played the role orifi- Stretched out on either hand, white which was evil and insinuating. In you with all my heart. I know, You're ode , say , tea, ,_, k,, t�Y,STREET, ymW Y� Rnilq assigned La Signorina seemed and shadowy, lay the great road. She p afraid. You've an idea that C am tickle. m S��N�isa,_,.._ -Ao enjoy -the farce as much as any �loute Carlo I vv:ts rneticaily Alone. � ,t not this time, I Itty; not this time. w' ` ,One. It was a great temptation not to was dreaming. Presently up oa loping Rere It is Florence. Doubtless you, 'will your", (p lence came the echo of steal a look into the marvelous chests Then without further hesitance, In - $rad sideboards, bulging as they knew horses. Two horsemen came cantering v,.11i understand." He struck out with toward the Villa Arladne. She heard ,lifrorcnt to the tus{or i:o la n+ lst, can, Y•.. ,. --._ _._—_ _ _ ___ --. _-- -- ___.. _____ •;with priceless glass and silver and the gloves, rheic voices. lint the never touched Iiillard's scions only of the vast hni:piuoss of a' +linen and laces. But La Signorina "Jack, this has been the trip of my y +•Oach day inspected the seals and uttoro life. Verona, Padua, Bologna and face. His hand caught the assailant's�d solemn the present. Catty laid her hand iu his. �a rnings.now Florence This is life. Nothing wrist and with a quick jerk brought Iie would have drawn tier into his _ They hadnowlived in the, Villa „ ! him halfway across the table. The arms had not they both seen O'Mally C� like ft Italian cried faintly. Hillard spoke PusI ug through the box hedge, fol • � ' I t5 Y 0 U Wriadne for two weeks, a careless, ,. "It lass been enjoyable, Dan. I only Pewees by some belated tourists. A[erri• ! Thoughtless, happy go lucky family. hope our luggage will be at the hotel." tensely: hew swore softly, and Iiltty laughed. Today was warm and mellow, On La Signorina's hand closed convul• "Listen carefully, signor. I under - Today the terrace the tea table dazzled 4he stone bench by the porter's lodge sivel over a rose and crushed it. stand perfectly, but I shall fight no y the eye with its spotless linen, its blue ; .Ttard by the gate sat the old F,loren- "A last canter to Flesole!" duel, It Is an obsolete fashion. A canton and its bundle of pink roses. )e .and O'Mally. From some un- The two went clattering down the blackguard 1 know you to be. If you mown source O'Mally had produced a ever address me again I promise to Hillard extended his cup for a second Doo. Tanner's Sure Care is a poaitiva cars. IG i3 the latest and greatest y road. filling. La r„Trorinn vaguely won• remedy ever pat on th3 market. N� matter whare your horse is lame, Sure >Foncierge's hat and coat, a little moth La Signorina walked slowly back to Sive you a whipping which will have dered where Bitty was. She needed •eaten, a little tarnished, but service- the villa. It was fatality that this a lasting effect upon your future ac- Kitty at this moment. ,Is it dishonorable for vie to love vont" Care will make him acnnd. :fable. man should again cross her path, tions. If that will -not serve I shall Ilow inexplicable were the currents • gnorina. "You are sure of this friend Sare Care is a positive cure for curb splint, bowed tendons, hoz spavin, "Pietro," said O'Mally, "I've go* an appeal to thepolice." and cross currents of life! She had met of yours, the princess?" thoropiu, capped hocks, wind gallq or any similar trop de. Sure Cure will •Hdea. If any tourists come today I ; Through the crowd the ever present a thousand men handsomer, more "Certainly," answered La Signorina, care deep seat.d lameness in hip, shoulder• back or stVlo. Suce, Cure Will glropose to show them around the CHAPTER XVI' carabinieri shouldered their way. The her astonishment increasing. „ si'rTit amore d seNnaox. brilliant. They had not Awakened g• t•rke the soreness one of old stiffened rip horses, and will grow a new foot place. colonel motioned them to stand back, more than normal interest. And yet "She gave son the right authority?" quicker than any other remedy. i Pietro's eyes Hashed angrily. "No, rrHAT'S the matter, Jack? which they did with a sign of respect this man, quiet, humorous, ordinarily "Absolutely," more and more aston- Snro Cure will ante Mango or Eczema on any animal with one ag' ,me! Mine all mine!" whenever you smoke This sign gave Hillard some food for good looking, aroused in her heart dis- fished. l "Oh, I am not going to rob you! I'll your your cigar goes out. You thought. His antagonist was evident- cord and penetrated the barriers to the "Well, before I swing the thunder Plication. ;give you the tip. 'What I want Is the read a newspaper by ly a personage of some importance. guarded sentiment. Why? Always let me tell you something," said O'Mal- Sure Care will care soratches in one application. fun of the thing," staring over the top of it. You leave "Figure of an American pig!"this query. ly. "I was in Florence a few days ago. Remember Sure Cure has never failed to do what we recommend it to do. Pietro understood. That was differ- your watch under the pillow and have Hillard laughed. She gathered u A handful of the I made some inquiries. It was Imper- nt. If his exeellency would pay over to hike back for it. You are absent- The scar was livid on the Italian's p tinent, I know. I interviewed four or All leading horsemen are nsrnR it, ,E roses and pressed them against her Price, $Z 50 per can. P {I minded. Now, what's the matter?" cheek. His companion laid a restrain- flue hotel heard es. Only one of For sale at Price breathing deeply. ,� them ever heard of the name. This -Hillard sighed heavily. tug hand on his arm. He nodded, and "If I were a poet, which I am not — f q "There you go again!" laughed Mer- concierge directed then Another, notbut J C�����N S � Ile paused irresolutely. J. W. rihew. "You tack that sigh to every- "Yost would extemporize on the as he spoke only Italian we could not i thing you say. �� „ make things fit. But when I men- or 179 icing Street, Chatham, Ont. beauty of the perspective, she supple - Hillard the princess' name he laughed, .i Hillard was human. He might be merited. "How the"— Special attention given to mail orders. deeply in love, but this had not de- as if something highly amusing had ( 1 I was thinking of your hair," he hit him. The main thing Is this, your ' strayed his healthy sense of humor, ,�., prig; vss hu:r pl'»yed us ani! rather a Ernie Crummer and Harry Graham" Head Agent for Canada t r so he laughed at himself, m) a interrupted. I have never seen any- , "It's a curious business—the dinner, thing quite like it the mask, the veil, the mystery," Went She had recourse to the roses again. shabby trick. In the letter you read << . -You have not told me the real rea. to its Cu Venice she said that she bad on Merrihew. "I tell you frankly, Jack, v` something's wrong, and we shall both that night" gson why on Saab under my window never visited this villa." ` "Only in her youth," replied La Si. � live to find it out norina, her brows drawing together \ ' Have I not? Well then, there can g "But what? Heaven on earth, what? d, be no harm in telling you that. I had in a frown. "To the point at once:" Haven't I tried to rignre it out till my ` „g' "It is simply this. Our little jig is �, I pay the highest prices far { brain aches. I haven gone forward _ he signed the contract to sing with aw furs and pay all express � �� the American Comic Opera company up," responded O'Mally. "head theseRAW F .� a single inch:' in Durope. I saw the world at my and see for yourself." He gave to her f "What sball you do?" charges. Write for price list. , "Nothing. When we have seen Flor- feet, for it would be false modesty to abroad white envelope and A clipping ence we'll drop down to Perugia and deny that I have a voice. More (119-li'E, 72 COLSORNE ST., TOR is- from La Nazione of the day before. . illusions. The world is not at my She seized the clipping eagerly, but I YAFONTO, ONT. home, then up to the Italian Ickes, the eagerness died from her face after that home, if you say." feet" lightly. "will you answer a single question?" quickly, leaving it pale and stony. The Hillard p looked at his watch. /�/� " "Only ," he said. "Let's go over t:0.) "I can make no promise." slipping fluttered to the ground. Her U "Is there another man?" gaze passed from one face to another', t - ' ' ' ___ _ .. __..__._. - •-• �-• Silence, which grew and lengthened. a horror growing in her eyes. Slowly she, picked up the envelope and drew Hillard spoke tensely. "what do you mean?" she asked out the card. Contracted a the two made off. Merribew was for hotel. Hillard evenly. "In Venice you told me that there "Tell me, wbat is it?" cried Hillard, going back to the troubled. agreed. was a barrier. I ask now if this bar- In answer she gave him the card. i �% Heat/ Cold 'I wanted you to give him a good stiff punch," said. Merrihew. tier es a man:' "Yes." Ile read it. It was rather a knock. Now, why should the Principessa di i She slowly removed. file vett. ✓ "We should have slept in the lockup A wrinkle of pain passed over his Monte Blanca take it into her head to •ito him the receipts he could conduct overnight if I bad. If our friend is . left banded he'll be inconvenienced for heart. "If you love him"— "Love him! No, not I had hope{ give a ball in the Villa Arladne Wednesday week when she bad loaned ,the tourists as often as lie pleased, They shared a finsk of wine. It Became a Lung a day or two. I put some force into you would not speak like this- I re- the villa indefinitely to her friend La The porter's bell rang loudly. He Splitting Cough. that grip. You see, Dan, the Italian still rights his duels. It would have Signorina? "Tourists!" whispered O'Mally. •tsettled his cap on straight and went to been a fine joke if I had been fool CHAPTER XVII. the gates. A party of five Americans stood outside—twmen, two women so a girl, r . Mr. J. 1852 Second Ave . . H. Richards, 'hast, Vancouver, B.C., writes: "Allow enough to accept his challenge. He would have put daylight through me at the first strokQ",���;� UOniti TANGLES. ILLARD passed the card to Merrihew, who presented it to .tend "This Is the Villa Arladne?" asked me to write a few lines in praise of your "Did you notice how respectful the ices Bitty. Smith had already seen -one of the women. "It is," said O'Mally, touching his Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Last fall I contracted a heavy cold which left carabinierl were?" "It set me thinking. Oh, I've a pre. �y � � ; it. He waved it aside moodily. Int Signorina's eyes roved as in an ef- rap• me with a hacking cough and every time monition that we haven't seen the last � ■ fort to find some way out. "He speaks English!" cried the I would get a tittle more cold this Backing of this distinguished gentleman!" After luncheon the next day they unable to work or sleep-- ;IX years of suffering—Cured by DR. A. W. •lips a pretty kettle of fish," said O'Mally, rather pleased secretly in wotnun, turning joyfully to the others. ,,"We wish to see the villa and the cough would become a lung splitting one. It kept on gettingg worse and I kept on different were entering the Via Tornabuoni when a young 'woman came out of a CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. having created $6 dramatic a moment "There's nothing for us to do but to park." spending nlonty buying cough until friend asked me if I little millinery shop. ;Immediately Hil• Alex. , Jr,, Clarence Creek, clear out, ling and baggage" "The villa Is now occupied, St. �• 1 gnora, replied O'Mally, but you are remedies „a had over tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine him I was willing to try lard stepped to ono side of her and to the other. OutEth, lsseMr. I2usseil Co., Out, wrrtesi—"My norv- oils system was run down to such an Then La Signorina rose to her feet, . She took the card from Kitty's 6n - pertnitted to', see the park and gar• dens:, Syrup' I told anything I thought would cure and on day bought two bott{es. Be- Merrihew "You cannot ran away this time, cstnnt that I suffered a great deal from t,.eal(rress of the nerves and sciatic gers, tore it into many pieces and flung "I#ow much?" asked one of the men. the same ford half the first one was used my cough $Mty gilligrewl" cried Merrihew joy trusty. r.lrolriiiatisnn, anis at titnes tuns like one •i r olyzed. I could not work was un- them over the wall. "We have been betrayedl" She cried, Cinquanty, said b Mall then " ' yr Correcting himself, "for each person." 'began to get much easier, and,by the time x had used a bottto and a half my sough • • • • • • • 1 ' ' , able to sleep, and had no appetite. "1Totl+ing to build niy a storm hi her' eyes. "Betrayed? In what manner?" asked "Ten cents? Two lira fifty? Why, was gone. I am kee�ning the other half bottle in ease it should come again, but In the Villa Arladne the wonderful fountain by D6natello was encircled by seemed un r.ervos until I mode use of Dr. Chaso's Hillard. fits is downright eztortioni" declared the woman. I am euro i have a�positive cure. TAT me recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine fl deep basin in which niany gefter$ tions goldfish swam about. Forming Nerve ve hood. After having used about t 17.00 worth of this medicine I zees ,Her highness has had no band in this. I know. Some one with ►naliee ' 0"Malty gave vent to a perfect Ital• San shrugand put A hand out sus- D Syrup to all who sutler from�ia cough or throat of any kind.suc of a kind of triangle about the basin Were irlco a new marc. I can walk all Tight, � do a groat (lei! � work, have I good has done this." a Signorina, her arms folded, her ,,festively toward the gates. _ "Oh, dear," one of rrrRation r o teat has been the auceebs of tiff B three ancient marble benchhe ors h re the amiable old Roman se ",caro and Slee well over iia ht. . " �� hen have triad of e�perttnents lip ipressed into a thin line of tin• in her AM - I come, protested the men • wearily, "you've dragged tis svondeeful remedy, it to only , natural that numerous persons have tried to Want to lounge uQon daring the heat bat on Iron veu ent, turn to Dr. A. `V. Chase's scarlet, the saner eyes abated, began to walk back and !`Drib, 4kp hero fr�iu triesole, and I'M not g ' imitate it Y of the afternoon. A maiden one of these beneheb, liar arims ;cryo r'6a1 knowing that rrrsiste)ii trpntment is bound to bp, rowarclod ivith O Malty gripped Smith by the arta Sag back without ibeeing ';wltat s to be •� Don't be tar owed upon by taking �•�' ��' thrown out on either tilde of 'the 1^ytir,� ty 1>tnoAc•iat resnita. But you and pointed t6 the gsfes. Iseenl" anything but r. tiVood s. cruaiUlins back, her chin lowereQ and most rot the bonuino, bearing poti'rait Two carabinieri and an inspector o Solemnly Pietro watched then pass, "n a yellow wra er; three Put p inks {rade her eyeb thoughtful, rzr-(1 airnaturo of h. W, Chaco, Dl'. D. seals, dusty, but stern of countenanra Wondering whist the terror here. 011dally led the party to the foantaln• Ipine lawrrkl;p prise 25 ,centa. le pol�mprA i�esl o ctr defilers nr T.dntett4bn livres '{for froo copy I "7.'hls to i1'unity began with a dirty , um. fagot err +only by The T. Milburn wi�th�all�thetoeare Chall of Dr Chase'solteCipete Ito t6 Qontlnabd). ,ien wade of thhand, It the tsum I Co.,. IAaii:W 'Torobto, Ont -rl r , 1. _.,. . t