HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-24, Page 6"',ilk iY11�4�•�iA�• T,i;Si�t�, I�QVlaiVlBEi� ���. xplll "I" In 25 years the sen, has 'washed away Athlotic World Rod and rerun, � WRELT"' ---�.. " 410. acres of the $rittdh Isles, but at the 4 The Nov number of the ATHLETIC While bi game hantdn supplies the (+Patna tithe it has added 130,000 sorer +( k W.,T. Taylor, Lim. dominant note to the N + r tabor number The laud taken, however, was much p Y wczD alrlirhedb .......• +:::::f;:::::: ;•, , Ited, 1VoedstOok,C�n.aria ttiokt line �inet d and Gan in Clanf:ort Ftxbliah.d b ::; + v+, more valuable than that added. '. _ li ; i,@ reaohtd this office is an oxbeptle lsbly W Jr. Taylor, Lituttrd, 1Vupd Cork, q good one bpd seems to indicate that the CALL there ie in the earn0 isatin ilunty THE �, ilei fa p rkrnt n o 't a KIDNEY& lite of trail Improvement ' 1 • h ::::u::' iii :: :i:: i'' y oreholy F. A STO I :::: '''"`ii' magazine baa so far carried out 00 well c° : : Able, ,various reMsons,yto ko after -- A or Infants and Chil real, : + will continue lu the iature Tile various Of Q a 1...;• r,.t. •: ao0nrenooa of iuterestiu rite Canadian moo ,dear or ear, I� tile op T � UGH"FRUIT , FRUIT-A-TI1�ES � The Kind You Bove Always Bought 3 article, hIr, E3ox.nyaastie Dalet tellsehow :iii:: ::7.; ; N 0 r 5 ii] ting world tare well deaotiboil and At. fiilaC Indian bays tnnlSe clever hunters trap Sears the 1: •. ::... ,ere.„ r••,••,• ..• ::i: � l• tdutien is alga paid to ;vents In other pars sad fl he -nen inri >cittt wlxat skill : ;: s�^urfi-q while pmoiical y every brataoh ,, , ;8ignatur@ 4f� they dec:i . tw- l -h . ii ti ,d qt the The Famous Medi�iin� Made: of Portia oruv6iei), Lovors of athletics �, w --,..».w,,,,,... �� ,, .,. � .•....... forcer. Exploration in kh:: Napigort Of Fruit J1,1iC@S will do well to get this number in which oonntr fishing anti moat- illoorin + t`� Jan6 Avery a feeble ininrlod on r n ! will be found something to interest ever, y, g g H o , Ili topics, wi b many c^;r pn + Who has cited at the T.,asibouiito Wom' rf so, wa 'would trek you to yone wltatLvur field of Mort he articul• p ra sad After careful consideration, it has been 1 o t t house at an age of 89 years has boon an enqutra amongst your friends arly favcnrp, p Fome flee versoa, fl 1 a number which determined that "Trutt -a -rives" is a f inmateslnoe she was 4 daps old and had rile value of Zam-Buk; for this should flad its way into all hunting thoroughly scientific remedy. It is, "'"' " ""'_ vamps• Sportsmen, where"err they way based an scientific facts and it aures itt' s ` y cost the ratepayers £1,600. ailment l You cannot but meet A scientific manner. J s� with some One who has roved The Art of Reading, b4 found, can enjoy some Pleasant half In fact "fruit a•tives" is known to R, nNFa,t €v. Lams back comes on suddenly and a P hours by dipping into its contents, as be tile most selentifie remedy ever - extremely r r, :;'< painful, It is caused by hoer excellent it is. Never comp to any author prf�adioed shenmatiFm of the muscles, Quick se ewys Anne Bryan McCall iu Woman's sured that from begimAng to end they discovered or I�idnoy and Blacldcr Air. Ii. 1,a. Hill of Shevlin Man, Troubles. Air, Place thinks so, And - lief is afforded by applying Chamber- „ ' ' Hamer Cam anion for Ngvetnber, "We will find much to attract and it tett st t writes : - I suffered a long time with P them. The completeness of Ili-, Jsan� in life e::perieneo proven it; lien's Liniment. Sold by all dealers, piles and tried numerous romedies,.but do many d book the in jnotice of oondem- p The C. P. R. is now paying 8 per pent without effect. Having tried a samplo ninq it from hearsay. Such and such a Covering the whole wide field of Cgoe Ulverton, P.Q., March 17th, dividends on its common stock. Much of of Zam-Buk and being encouraged, by perflon tells you they have found this or dice sport gives it distinction and quos 1. suffered for rhea ears with 1{lone ' , ( this stock was secured by pre4ent holders the result, I persevered, using two that writer dull. Yet to you he way be far to account for the standing the Uag• Trouble afro Pain ill the Back. I took o boxas. It tvorkod like magic, stud azine bas won and continues to desf rva ,�- P'J at 20 to Nbo on the dollar and it has been fast the Friend you need, jest the one every known kidney remedy and kidney • effected a complete cure in a very short fill but nothin gave me relief. I was' �ii�/��% eoId today nearly doable its face veins, time." E, whq can most minister to you, .- „... �. _ pill, to try I zuit-a-fives," and this Mr, James Rudd of Killaloo Ont., l " Do not follow blindly the teaching fruit medicine cured me when every other: rLLIV)I � o. I Children Cry' says -''z suffered greatly from piles, of any book,$The chief end of all good = Husking Corn. remedy failed. � I used fifteen boxes of FOR FLETCHER'S The •pain from theso-as anyone who is tq teach you to think for yourself. Fruit-a-tives. From the first, I'ruft. ^` �' P�"`'""6'a '� % sutlers from them will know -was al• When Sou are busking earn your a-tives" gave me relief and I rim now, = �� a� C Q S "r O R 1 A most unbearable.. I tried first ono "Oils other thing I would like to urge mind is opt to be more on your tender lvoe -no pain, no suffetn: ;-and every- , The death occured on Sunday morn• remedy and then another, but all with. on all of you who love beaks and have or hands than on your work, but still one eymptom of Xidney Dise_ io go2w. I 00 g at Norwood, of Job Finlay, ex -M. out effect. Then I heard about Zam- mean to have a collection of dear book has a ohanoe to do a little thinking from CLARENCE J. PLACE, Y. Buk and determined to give this won. friendP. Never lose sight of the obligation time to time, Husking corn -•in fact, o � , ,?.,for l'aterboro. Deoeast d was a lend- ing manufacturer of Norwood and had derful balm a trial I obtained a supply these friends layron you. Live to be wor- all the work of this last harvest, each as 50c a box, 6 for $. u0; trial size, 25e.: and commenced with the treatment, and At dealers or sent on receipt of price by served to tiro vials bard county conn• C tbyof them, No matter how great a book to my great joy, after par. ovcranco with digging or potatoes, palling hate, and oar- Fruit -a -rives Limited, Ottawa. it can gni 60 neat to ss i if you have a �,►•• Ste•,"_ oils. Zam•Bulc, I obtained permanent relief - y g tnq ,,ar vegetables—brings one into a from the agonizing pain of the piles. some answering gr4atnese in you, To the closer dealing with nature than the DR. V� CHASES Ravin been cured b Zam-Duk I P g serve 1 arseradieh eeuco ie n , • petty and small and selfish and ignoble g d to HARS � 2t5 13 Y grain harvest earlier ia Eho lesson, serve witb boiled beef. Add one•half TWENTY Local History 01 tll0 early $OS r - CATARRH POWD R Heartily recommend the balm to all these silent friends have nothing to say. Wheat, gats and barley are reaped by cupful of crated horseradish to efts sap• Items from the "Times" Pyles is BCnt direct to tile diseased ,arts by the sufferers. TJle aye may read the written page but maehiaery and tbrsshed by machinery, Improved clears ter. 1 -roars tis, Zam•Buk also cures inflamed sores, the soul is not spoken to by the great and so that our contact with them is never on of tablespoonful of one uncial milk, ulcers, clears the sit passages, p g p ✓^ stops droppings in the throat and eczema, scalp soros, n1CCTB, abSCCseOe, CChI : otic tabl6apooniut of sugar and a pieoet er,nanently cures Catarrh and sores, chapped hands, frost bite, outs, ; noble unless that souls effort to day by inttmate, The things we are harvest• of butter the size of an egg. Let the, (From Elie TI lies of Nov. 21, 1890.1 The annual meeting of the; Upper ! My lever. 25c. blo+ver free. burns and all skin injuries and diseases. Cl by toward greatness and nobleness. Any !rig now we must attend to with onr g Acecpt no substitutes. All dealers All druggists and stores sell at 50o box or sones cams t0 a boil stirring oantinnaUy Canada Bible Society was held in St. ► or etlmanssa, nates s co., Toronto. post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for ono who oan pay the prion of printing hands, and for that reason we seam to LOCAL NEWS. a Paul's Church, Wingham, en the 12tb The Camtridge University Press will price. Refusb substitutes and imitations. and binding may possess faeeimiliea it be receiving them directly from the and servo hat. ed. The Rev. E. g s hes was called ; these book friends, but, neither their hand of nature. Being fool for man I in future pettish the Ena ' f • Messrs, Jae. Duffield &Son ars now that. be ev. meeting was Hughlarges w attend• p the rights SIM l+lsl J L : stougth,nor loveliness, nor their friend• and beast, these things repreeent true Painful Stitches lin the Back: g from having purchased the rights ship, nor their virtue is to do had for so wealth as it comes to us directly from putting the furnaces in the new town to the chair in the absence of the creel lx � from rime Nssrspaprr Company: The cheap a price. For these must be won the soil. Every ear that is husked and hall, and all the other work is being dent, Mr. Peter Fisher, Dr, Towler, latest edition ofEncyolopaodinisnow be- No onebatthen who areeknows with.. pushed on as rapidly as passible. Treasurer, reported the receipts for the from other friends by an answering ever potato that is du means a dis the dreadful Kidney Disease knows what: P P ing issued, y p g The Regina Journal of a recentdateyear as being $113 11, of which $107 had AVERY tiDMEEDS IT,strength and vitae in ourselves. - tinct addition to the wealth of the this means and those who are s#Iiicted- has,tbis to any of our postmaster: Mr been remitted to the Toronto depart, "Those of us who have been patient world, Ia this way the work of the will forget all about it in a few days if Peter Fisher, brother of Mr. John FIsh• ment of the Society. The election of its worry That 7cilzs, under repeated trial will best love and un farmer is superior to that of spy other you are only wise enough to take FIG. g year. resulted as Nothing man. The more wealth the farmer pro. PILLS. Fig Pills are guaranteed to cure; err, of Regina, is in town. He built the officers for the ensuing q so wastes the vital nerve deratand .be Odpesey. Those of ns •rho force as worry. Nothing so certainly A novelty has been introduced into otiose, the more menthe will a fed and yon. If not your money back. first house In Regina is S2 $e is now follows: Peter Fisher, president ; W J. have suffered loss and patiently conquer- reto the restoration to health. Gat out the services at St.e en. Sacred church,eleo- y , the rhea g 25a a box at all leadill drug stores, postmaster of Wingham, Ont. Chapman, secretary; Dr. Towler, trees- into the snnehine, be cheerful,. use Dr. Stonebridge, Willesden. Sacred seise• ed despair will best know Tenn eon a In Per the cost of living will. be. q g cei5vdedsfurthertorde s from England for hoer; cQaarrie, John Scott rand E RW. the washed nervone system, you ev. A, W. Obase's Nerve Fred to wild, tions are played on a large gramophone Mq d nobly anddwellly those of us who w without thought o f Many peaplWho ag imagine thathave not given the the pro. r H. Mc matter thought, $n h be surprised bow quickly there will be a and brief address on the music and aem-I At the monthly meeting of the Num• maple bloats or rollers, which now reach Hughes, viae presidents; J. D. Sills; T. self will be able to inhere intimately the duction of gold in0rBases the wealth of L, Jobb change for the better. This advise will Posers are given by the vicar, Canon ismatio and Antiquarian Society, held $10,060. They are wanting one million , J. Ritchie, R. Carrie, John be better ►batt gold to you if you will Humphreye. Browning Lettere, the world, As a matter of foot, every at the Chateau de Rameay, Montreal, feet of maple logs alone. Cooper, John Neelaads, Dr. Macdonald, but follow it. - dollar of gold that is produced reduces Judge Siootte who occupied the chair, Jas. R, Macdonald, M. D„ son of Dr. S. Graney, Geo. Pocock, A, G, McGreg• Zw C, C. James, :;at the convention of the buying power of every other dollar, P C h i l d r e n C r reported that a moat interesting reliot of Macdonald, M. P., who has been attend- . or, directors. Collectors were then ap- , Farmers' Institute Workers of America and in that way makes living harder for hinted as follows: Ward i -P. Fisher In the Orangeville assizes last week da- FOR FLETCHER S men of fixed income or men who the up-riaing of 1837 bas been offered to Ing the New York Polyclinics fora P held at Wabhington this week declared work and J. J, Homutb. Ward 2--J. Ritchie mages to the extent of $2,000 were awar- �a on solar The miner is simply the Society for a hundred dollars, This couple of mouths, returned home on `.v .� � � � R. � � that the farm production of Ontario y' P y provfd- and A. Dawson. Word 3 -Geo. Po- dad the plaintiffs in their snit against ing us with more counters to be used in was a large scrap book compiled by Friday feet. The son of a Now York farmer re- without any addition to the area, could Lodger Dnvarney, Composed of cuttings cook and Geo. Pettypieca. Ward 4- Dr, Gowan who was found responsible , Basil the handling o4 the natural wealth Messrs, Gilchrist, Green & Co. have for the death of Mr. Marshall owing to Gently graduated from m course in eleo- y be doubled, and it was not outside from newspapers, broadsides, circulars, John Gray and Geo, Mason. Zetland- g the line of „ which is produced by the farmer. This purchased the timber an forty sores of R. Taylor and R. Currie. Holmes negligence white driving hie automobile, tricot engineering, says the Form Stock possibility to tredle it, The and other printed documents, issued Mr. R. W. Haotfngs' farm, concession 8, �. and home, When he came home he trouble ie, Mr. James said, ,that it is is all very elementary, of course, but it from .1837 to 1839 relating School House -J. Nichol and A. Kell helps,to give a man a proper g to three stir- Tnrnberry, and intend converting it in- • y concluded that the little brook canning eraser to build a Dreadnought than an P per prfde in ring events in Canada. A oommfttee Deana settlement- H Gibson and Goo, DEAFnXss CANNOT BE CMED his work. Ie farmers would thing more ' Cruto lags and wood daring this fall and through the farm ought to go to work Agricultural College, The interest of consisting of Judge Sicotte and Mr. W. coming winter. It is thought there will and one to bek. acted, Bluev Hatton for father. He built a mill dam and a two 00ntinents can be aroused in aerial of this aspect of their lives we might W. D. Lighthali, was appointed to se• and one to be selected, Binevale road by Icoa1 applications, as they cannot hear less grumbling, -Peter McArthur be 1,000,000 feet of logs and 2,000 cords reach the diaeseed onion of the ear. little power hones, in which were in• navigation, while it is difficult to gat once this book if possible, at a reason.. A. Tipling sad O. Fowler, Cone. 1 and P eo le to support a proposition for spend in the Globe, of wood on the place. There is only one way to cure deafnees, stalled dynamos and motors. At pre• p p PP p P p able price. 2, Morris—J. A. McEwen and Arch. and that is by constitutional remedies. sent the brook, which a year ago ran ing money freely to teach the indiffer• „ At a meetingof the official Board of Campbell, Carries School House- Deafness is caused by an inflamed can. the Methodist Church, held on the lith noiselessly tbroagh the meadows, far• eat farmer how to drain his land, the Robt, Carrie, or., and Jas. Carrie. Low- dation of the masons Hiring of the Ens• + values of good aced, and the importance instant, s resolution was passed `inviting or Wingbam-Thee. Netterfield and Eschian Taber, When this 'fabs is in- nisheo cioc.rfc light for the house and the Rev, S. SelIery, B. D., of Brussels, Geo. Pattison, flamed you have a rumbling Bound or barn, heat far the winter months and' of testing dairy cows, to succeed the Rev. John Scott, M. A., imperfect hearing, and when it is en- power for the cream separator, churn! tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and as pastor of the Methodist Church in unless the inflammation can be taken and other small machinery about the : �t v��� �� this town, out and this tube reStored to its normal. place. �/ isiARRIEII en in condition, hearing will be destroyed for. DrMTowler. Harry drngD. uatore for some ke, who has etim6, Slemin- Smeltzer.---At the residence ever; nine cases out of ten are caused Whilst walkine up the river Lea Mr. aE the bride, on the lath inert by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in, E. Fry of Enfield heard a cry of distress' For Wingham and surrounding dis- wrote at the recent examination held by ,, b y the flamed condition of the mucous ear• • and on rnuaiuq to the spot saw a boy trict for Fall'and Winter months an on. Ri6ht athe State Board of Pharmacy At Lansin Rev. John Scott, M. A., Mr. James faces, g, struggling fn the water. Without hesiE• °rgetio reliable agent to tak6 orders for Michigan, and was granted a certificate Slemin to Mrs, Susan Smeltzer, all of We wftl give Ona Iiaaused Dollars for nursery stook, Wingham, any Daae of Deafness (paused by catarrh) °tion he plunged into the river fully r r pracregitice in that which entitles him to that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh dressed and rescued the Ind, who, to his Good Pay Weekly. Outfit free, nd gra0tf06 in that State. Moffat -•Hunter.- At the residence Onre. Send for circulars free. great surprise, proved to be his grand. Mr. Wm. Stahelehmidt, of Preston, of the bride's father, on the 17th inst., F, J. CaExEY & Co„ Toledo, O. eon. El{Ciu$ive territory. Sold by Drnggit ta, 75c, was in town on Friday last in connec• by the Rev. John Scott, M. A„ Mr. Geo, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa• 600 ACRES tion with the acarian of the new Lawn Moffat, of TurnbOrry, to Fanny, dough- tion. When a sold beoemes settled fn the . hall, His firm was given an order for .ter of Alexander Hunter, of Morris. - System, it will take several days' treat- Under cultivation. Weguarantee to of Printit)6 ment to care it. and the best remedy to deliver stook in good condition and up 200 opera chairs. Simeon--Millman,-At the residence Mrs. Jos, Naylor, of 55 Jersey Ave, use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. to contract grade. We can ehow that Mr. Chas, R. Lloyd, sen of Mr. Chao, of the bride's nno10, on the 19th inert„ by Toronto, was found dead on her kitchen It will cure quicker than any other, and thereto good money in representing a also leaves the system in a natural and well known reliable firm at this time, Lloyd, of this town, leaves to -day for the Rev. John Scott, M. A„ Mr. Walter floor As a result of inhaling 0051 gas, bealtbycondition, Sold by all dealers, tEstablished over 30 years, Write for Thr; kind that is neat, attractive and Los Angeles, California, to join his Simeon, of Howtek, to Miss Isabel Mill Mr, Naylor was found unconscious, and particulars, bother, who carries on a business there, man, of Wiugham. died the next day after lying all night It is announced from Ottawa that Hon. PELHAM NURSERY Co. up-to-date, costs YOU no more money - without regaining consciousness. Mr. Fielding will leave at once for a halt. Toronto, Ontario, .i r.. y __. _ day 6f six weeks or two months in the here than the inferior article does r Southern States or the, West Indies, his MRS. WINSLOW's SOOTHING SYRUP is physiolans having strongly arged him to elsewhere, 'the prescription of one of the best fe• take a muohneeded rest in order to prop. ° male physicians and nurses in the United Statem,and has baennsfor fifty arty recover from the attack of facial IL[REMSHCHMILL success years with never•faiIing success by paralysis which developed a month ago, millions of mothers for their children. Are You It relieves the child from pain cured diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind oolic. By giving health to the -".... w " BECAME SO WEAK child, it rests the mother, Twenty-five Interestln;� l�ara,graphs from our Exchanges. cents abottle. ._ AT TIMES 93 ron Mann, a farmer of Daxtor, was COULD NOT WORK.driving home with Spence Robins when bis horse ran away, upsetting the rig -�- we worry too much About the ex. � At Vineland, N, J., Myr, Charlotte, nd throwing the occupants into a diteh, They Jilts. (;gorge Biles, Grimsby Ont., righted the buggy and Mann walk • peoted that never happens. Campbell celebrated bet 101st birthday' writes: --"Just a few Imes to het you Man a man who utm mons into a annivereary, ed around for a tfine,and then,aeeording y 1✓ y to Robins, was taken suddenly, ill and know what Alilburn a 'Heart and Nerve Pills have done for tae. I suffered mine comes Out minus, 11enry R. Anthony, a boy burglar,who died, greatly with my nerves and became so ` confessed to robbing 17 houses in Now " - The old, old story told times without nervous and weak at times I could not work. A friend of mine advised me to X I'taee l`n The Fatally. Jersey towns, who sentenced id 21 years number, and repeated over and over try a, box of your pills, which I did, and It yon and: your family • were obliged by Jndgo Scott At Passaic. He is 10 again fort the last 36 years, but it is 51• soon found great relief. They are the toL depend on one medicine, what would years old. WAYS a welcome story to those In search you choose? It to not difficult to guess of health--•T'hore is nothing in the world best medicine I have ever taken for the heart and nerves. I recommend them in M s, J'as Gray, art Il The Tottenham Holucatiotl Committee that cures odughb and colds as quickly what medic e r G S e m, to tial'�r one suffering from heart or nerve e has decided to ereet at a cost Of £`x,432 as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Sold N. Il., wonid'ohoome, far she writes ,--•• g trouble, b at deli bra, "Far five years my husband and I havo A central kitchen. whore 3,000 meals will y Milburn's Heart and Nerve 1,119 make timed Dr, Chase's Kidney And Liver 'pills be Cooked for free distribution to school A bulletin is tot Kidney troubles, bilionaboas and can. cued ttq the Cowls Offloa the weak heart strong and the shaky nerves firm by imparting a strengthening. children, at Ottawa says indidationd dtipatiaa and find them fndispendabfo as . point to A afro rtstarativr influence to ave Organ q g h family medicine.". Many school children suil'er from con• partial failure Of the potato crop In Can. and tissue of the body and Dunn al, � I 1 stlpation, which is Often the Cause of ads this year. In all provinded there are" pitation of the heart dizziness, eleepip . Ru )Iu.red I can cure the worst ease of Rupture from ilifanoy to oId age, without operation or loss of time, ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. T, J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St, STRATPOnb, Or1T, Name ... . . ...... . ......... . Address......,r..,.— Vo, .., ness, •anaemia, twite 11119 of tho mumele9 .... , seeming stupidity at lesoons. Uhamber• complaints of tat in the field, and Ili Ade,., , 'imo Rapthe general debility, lack of Vitality, eta. ` !tt the The #Tapas of the lting'V$06 Fontainebleau. were Hold lain'd Stomach and Liver Tablet# are an heaps tot wintor storage. 'Tho estimated Price so stats par box or 8 far $1;211 , ideal medicine to give a obild, tot' the Single 41 tiotilbie . ....... . . . .. . were 6,200 bunches, Weighing Nearly a are mild and gentle in their effect, and 916111 for all C74nada this year is 74,000,006 at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt will 'onto even chronic oonmtlpeitfon, W166100 18 sgslnst 99,660,006 bnshols of price by The T, Riillbulto Co., Urbiteci, Stctisfaeltion t►arat7teed, ton, and they fetched w151 los. Said by all doulers, lestvmt•. Toronto, Unt, g 0 Quality Counts in printing as in other things, and the TIAns is in a position to turn out first- class work at very reasonable price's. Try this office with your next order. The JlTmes WING NAM ONTARIO