HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-24, Page 5C
VHS VV4Xr9U44 71'111440, NOVENUR 24 i r
c .t,I,1fI�t3 it\Ylti,. WEAK, 1 K1Y BABIES
yes }ti R(F.'.ia»aaay and aon,t 1ci11arRey, .Plwalat tQi 1, �-ait part>199 wiRbiopl AWRETCHED
rr uCn
tr Manitoba, are, here on a visit. The oaleodar for 1011 wilt. Pleads Dalt and��Ri ilj4�f
torme,r is a brother of the lace atigh J, give no their iiiato cud we will keep one HED
for them No ohtldcon need mppl J. +�-r•.---.
Z' , ► s" i►�, t o at our Ramsay and a forever reoldent of skip G. 6T4w,4Wr &ICO, pe,ntral Hardware, �•
. ri I itty. Mr. Ramsay boo spent o good W14043m, OAt 1+To name is happy Tharp share is a i +tr
pink baby', The qufferin$e of the little
many years in the West,apd Praiitagly 'l'b8 anew stilt playa with no, one rnakea the whole household wretob•
too, Many old friends .are glad to greet 97me of the, the farmers around here, ed, for what mother or father would not
themselves than
-� him, rasher spifar to see
have not gob their tgrulps up. They Are their littld one gaFar.. Bat there is req Department
�^ The Zannoan MoQnalili 44 stereo here evidently waiting Tor l;adtan summer, reason for Wretched homes beoaage baby
were 5014 by l,, 0. Scott, Executor, to iq tit, Baby's Own Tablets will cure all
def Alex, Gar4tner, a weli•known Mol illop number from be.e a6tegdea the the minor ills or babyhood and child-
ltesitl82tt,` for $1,SQQ, is is saidF, the fanerot of Jameo Ettiott is Brusedle on hood; not -only that, bps as occasional / r
i Wstinesdsy of last week, dole of the Tablets will Resp, baby well. � � DONT PUT OFF GET,
Purchaser may ' eroot A new re,sideuge
t u 'u-'iard Jaoklin is looktug particalar+ F}ueea Ehroa hmthe abteteanlfaok found
property y and retire from sot* TING THAT WINTER
son the ro art
iv8 farming, He has been at it A goad ly happy these days. A liCtltl 8011 hap little one$ Well and happy. Among
1 ! man arrived to gladden his hoots, them ie Mrs. C. U. lies of Georgetown, r f
t y .years and hos well5arne4 a heli
r Oat. writes; '•I can heartily Venom, `
��. day, Mrs Jae, Turnbull, who has be$a vie• ,
mend Baby a Own Tablets as a help to
-+-- iting her daughter, Mrp, John Dai of. 1, F
��1',. � _ %` R the baby during the hot egwmer season,
��''.,� _ �` tRix1♦oss. Molesworth, for some weeks, returned We kava used thaw and are much Leap. Q
A very happy event took place on to her home last WOO, Mr. Turnbatl is ed with the results.'+ The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
Y , we aro glad to 25 cents a box from. The Dr, Williams' I r „O
daughter, y, ¢ , improving Medicine Co„ Brockville, Oat, V
Wednesday, N v.16Gh at the residence im rgvtn in health
of Mra, Flora Roger when her ypnnge$t prate,
g , Mary, was united in marriage. Mrs. Wal, Reid, r t Windham, is visit- ,
to William John Coulter of Toruberry. OUIiltoss. ANY .LONGER
•. At 22 o'clock to the strains of the wed. ins her parents, And Mrs, Andrew 1
M 51 iLC ding march played by mloors. f mcE�ed. Simpson, this week, Mr. Cbatle$ E, Bart of Toronto, and
Jamestown is glad to welcome an old Miss Annie L. Howe, youngest daughter qq' We are showing styles
ren, the bride, accompanied by her bre of Mr.. Fames Howe of oon, 12, were p and values that will open our
acquaintance fu the sere -on of James
ther, Robert, entered the drawing room joined in wedlock as the maaoe • Tees. Nurse if you see thein, P ,hadn't
where the groom Was in waiting. The Cats, of Blyth, He is in the mercantile j you better drop ,•• R• water, on Tuesday of lass week, Rev. D. pin right away,
1 ... ' r ( ceremony was performed by Rev, R. business now, Tait ofliolating. They will matte their ��Tr think we have clothing t
-� hat
MOE40hren. pastor of Whitechurch Praparmtigns are being made for home in Toronto, Mrs. Burt will be wilt exactly suit you,. Our as.
MR. SWELL DRESSER :-- Presbyterian Church, The, bride looked Ohrlstmas tree at Victoria Fall. missed by a large circle of friends at sortments are so large we are
abarming In her wedding dreas of satin James Kent, who has been quite ill Salem who will join with the TinEs in /� ` almost sure to have just what
WE SATIS',Fy C USTONP, 'R V WHO :a Uy de chane, trimmed with silvered chiffon for sometime, went to the hospital in wishing her and her bn$bagd a long life you like at the price you want
and pearl eegaine and carried a bcquet Guelph a few weeks ago, We are pleas- of bappinese. to pay,
THEI?t CLOTHES FROM US, of oatnations and maiden hair ferns, ed to state he to improving. r
BECAUSE THE SUITS AND OVERCOATS After congratulations were extended to The phones ate very convenient in the ST. HELENS. One Newest Overcoats are extremely attractive and
the happy couple the guests sat down to rural homes in Grey and Morris. They SPECIAL 1911 —All partiea wishing a reasonably priced.
-WE SELL ARE MADE OF GOOD CLOTH, a most bounteous dinner which was keep the farmers rep with the latest hap• oalendar for 2911 will please call and
most he artily enjoyed. Atter toasts give no their name and we .will keep one partings. p Men's Overcoats, all prices $6.40 $7.00 $ $ �
BECA USE THEY ARE CUT AND SEWED were proposed they left to visit friends for them. No children need apply, J. : 8.00,Q.00,
in and around Goderioh. Only the im11 Targe numbers of dressed fowl are G. STEWART & CO, Central Hardware, 5.00.
being sent to market these days, Wingham, Ont• T2.00 a�ri*a 'C
'BY TAILORS WHO KNOW HOW TO MAKE mediate friends of the contracting parties Roderick McKay and Hector McQuar. Miss Inglis of Toronto, gave a very HIGH-CLASS TAILOR-MADE CLOTHE.$: were present. Their many friends join rie get a fine buggy badly smashed Interesting talk on Home Missionary a Al VR-MADEi
to wishing them a very happy and pros• while returning from town last week. work in Calvin Oharch an Wednesday,
BECAUSE OUR PRICES ARE NOT ROD- porous wedded life. _ John Smith sad family from the 2nd 18th inst, SUITS.
WAITEoaUacia. conceselon of Grey h%s come to reside miss Margaret Clark returned from
"DE72s• ?'RACES; *v , Not the ordinary
SPECIAL 1911. --All parties wishing a with Robert Bonaart on the 4,h oon. the Ofd Country Mondaj of last week Y ready-made, but our ENGLISH Z'VQRSTEIa
calendar for 1911 will please call and cession. We welcome them to our and reports A pieasaut voyage. TWEEDS ruade to our order by EXPERT TAILORS. Sold to you
WE MAKE A PROFIT, OUT WE WISH give ns their name and wa will keep nae midst. g a new through out system Of very small expensf% at prices fully- fifteen per
Mr, R. J. Woods, is ereotin
ONLY A FAIR PROFIT. for them. No children need apply. J. James Moses has bought another wind mill on the artesian well recently cent, less than. you can get equal values for elsewhere.
G. STEWART & CO, Central Hardware, farm His new place is near Brussels. drilled,
Wingham, Ont. John A. McDonald of Wingham, call- ,
;tSIO WILL 33UY A SUIT OR AN OVER- We understand the oreamery nae had We will be on the watch for the new ed on tits farenta on Wednesday of last See Oux New Overcoats for SOyS from 3 t0 $
a very successful year. housekeeper. y years, price $3.00. -
FLOAT FROM US THAT WILL GIVE YOU A Mx. James Wilson, of Cnirasehuesur- Mr. Skelton, our fruit tree agent, was week.
chased the saw mill is this place from taken suddenly ill at the hotel to James. Robt. Durnin returned to Teeswater '
PERPETVAL SMILE. vicinity where he is en Boys' Sweaters '
ME. Geo. Cottle and will put the mill in town last week. His friends were aunt gaged for aaoth- Y , a bargain at 50C. -
for, and We hope to see him in his usual er year.
.PAY US $13.50 FORA SUIT OR OVE R- shape for doing all kinds of ongtom work Mr, John Nixon of Win ham, Dolled
health beforalong. g HEWSDN S UNDERWEAR
anon as cutting shingles, lath
COAT AND NO MAN WILL HAVE A 'RIGHT slate, eta. Mr. W118011 Will also pay the _ MISR Minnie Rimage and Mr, Jae. R.
higheat cash price for all kinds of saw GREW. For Men, Made of pure Nova Scotia Woal, all sizes. tisk
TO FEEL TROUDEIR OF HIS' CLOTHES THAN lone Ramage attended the re -opening of For
to see it.
SPECIAL 1911,—All parties wishing a Methodist Oharoh at Dannybrtiok on
yOU. Mr. Secord, agent for the Heintzman oalendar for 1911 will please call and Sunday.
Piano Uo„ was is the village on Teee• give hemtheir
No children needme mud we apply,ply ol� Miss aolena Clark returned to Goder-
dap on business. A G. STEWART & CO, Central Hardware, ioh on Monday to resume her studies at � � ISARD
GGee Ga bellMr. J, Spiritus left Tuesday for Wingham, Ont, the Calle tate._
n Clilgarq to visit his brother
r in•law, Mr. Monday of tact week Hugh W. Mc- ( The Rifle Club annual sapper and en.
j✓ Geo. Cottle. Kay disposed of his fine 100 -acre farm, tertainment will take place this Friday s .11 11 1m;1 11 Al • 6 . _1
On Monday evening a pleasant and being lot 10, -(ion. 9. to James Moses, evening, Nov. 26th.
interesting tea party was held at the 2nd line, Morris, the price being $6,600. sa1•..:x , ,+, wrY ,a,,,, ,; ,
••••�•••••4••••••••••••••• •�••�•••• •N••M•1.1.1•ws home of Mr, K. Paterson, composed of He will get possession March im Mr. -
+ f little boys and girls, seventeen in all, McKay owns 60 mores farther East on BRUSSELS.
+ We Want PHONE
who met to celebrate Master Frank Edeas Crich killed a 7 month's old Go
��r the same oonoaeeioa to which be w{!1 (J `�)Trade Hanna's Store Hews 1 70 Paterson's birthday. Aftee having tea move next spring. Mr. Moses has secur• Yorkshire pig last weak that dressed 283 •
Z• and enjoying various amusements, they ed a good farm, in prime condition and pounds. It was a dandy but of coarse
dispersed, the boys accompanying the it will be up to him to install a house• got extra good attention in feed.
girls R,
rls to their respective homes, keeper on assuming proprietorship in We are pleased to state that George THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR
�► + We are still welting for Indian sum- March. Coate, formerly of this community, and
+ mer and if the mild weather continues At the royal age of over 90 yours a son of Jac, and Mrs. Coates, Mill street,
• the turnips will be taken up this week, Catharine Buchanan, relict of the late Brussels, was elected Senator for Blaine
We are pleased to hear that the young Roderick McKenzie, died at the old Co., Idaho, at the recent Election in the
DEMAND 0 •people of the Presbyterian Church in- homestead, lot 13, con. 17, Wednesday, U, S. He was in the Legislature for the
tend giving it series of entertainments Nov, 9th. She had been unusually Fast term -
9 during the winter months, the first to be hearty up to the Friday previous when A fear weeks ago miss Martha M.Las-
+' held the middle of December. We she had alight stroke and internal chiuger, of 13tnehley, Illinois, sad a
The general Fur business is unusually brisk this Has the �+ swellest and
year and good Furs of every sort are costing
• need more social life to keep the peons hemorrhage ensued and early in the slater to Mrs J, T. Wood, of Brussels, best line of all the newest
people to the rural distriots: We are morning of Wednesday she passed passed away to her reward. She had
ymore, and we think we have the best value in:— short banded and the towns and cities peacefully away. Mrs McKenzie had been in failing health for the poet 12 �} �+ ,
• are full of workers, n a wouderfall heart woman years, D �oeased was born in Now kinds O!.
• knowing little of sickness and her eye. Ha,tibar • g, Out., and her demise is the
ELEGANT NECK FURS • TURNBERRY. sight was excellent and hearing fairly 3rd in a family of 12 children, miss Las.
+• SPECtAL 1911.—All patties wishing a good at the time of her demtee. Her chiuger was a fine type of womanhood
NEW FUR -LASTED GARMENTS ry -calendar for 1911 will please Dell and birahplaee was in Iuverneashiro, Scot• and was beloved by a wide circle of
give us their name and we will keep one Land, and when 12 friends.
NEW STYLISH MUFFS for them., No children need apply, J. years of age She
+� G. STEWART & CO, Central Hardware,: came to Cape Breton with members of Shortly after 2 o'clock Saturday after-
• Wingham, Oat. • the family. Over 70 years ago she was aoon,Nov. 12th, a very tragic and deeply
Miontas of Council maeting held th married to her into husband; who pre- deplored coo{dant coeur e9 at Lha Pryne
'the Clerk's office, Nov 21; members alt decaased herby 39 years, Theylivedin Mill rosulting in the demise of a moat,I.ad•�esSilkS present; the minutes Of iast meeting Zorra, Kincardine and Tuokerstaith estimahle resident in the person of Jaa.oa Ever shorn in any J ems' el-
• • were read and adopted on motion of before locating on ihl homestead in Elliott, AI(xinder street, early Sunday
• * Messrs Rutherford and Mulvey. Grey some 60 years past, where parente warning. - For the past 3 Sears deceased levy' Store this yi-,A r suit -
We are showing very dainty Waists,` in Black Moved by Mr. Maivey, seconded by continued to rreide until called to the was afaithful employee of Messrs Pryne �� 0
and White Silk Checks, Black, Grey, Brown * Mr, Kelly, that Peter McEwen be psid Better Home Urtr. Mcl etzie wag the and as he had previong acq�iaiutnuee �aR.J'le far
+ and 1LTav Blue. • for error in assessmsnt.—Oarried. last of her farhat'a family. She was in, with running gra{a chopping machinery
• y ♦• Moved Mr, Malvey, geoonded by Mr. dustrious, motlierip, • neighborly nttd he took charge largely of this
depart -Wheeler, that B9 Law No, 13, 1910, be hnipitable and 9v65 esteemed by a wile ment and was a competent hand. 4ht ro maI=
,�� VA passed for Elie holding of nomination circle, Far m2ny sears she oyes a fai�hy +vee a rush of work at the mill Siturdsy -
G i a meeting I. the Foresters' Hall, Biuevale, ful member of the Presbyterian Church vial deceased was busy at his aecastani +S
+ � � �' Overco
� 0 on Monday, Dec, 26th at 1 o'clock p. In. There were eight children born to ed post and after tying up and pattidgbil !)
---Carried, thaw, viz; — flzctor, OP Ohestaaigg, to Dao Side a big of chop tJlo h pier had = I
Moved by Mr. Mulvey, seocnded by .Mteb.; John (deceased); sirs D. Me- Tun empty and tis sir 1.:liatt way rescY.-1 ; '
In Plain Blacks and Fancy Teveed,, all this sea s Mr. Kelly, that the Clerk be inetruoted Milieu (deceased); William, on the Iugfortheltv,r to'divelt more grain,
son's Coats, Sizes 36, 4.4., prices $9 Gro, $I I,00 A to send by mall ail accounts doe us homestead; Al+.x., Swi;t0arrant, Sttsk., into it, there wns a craab, the large stc•tl ^� ,
o enol $t2.Od. Sane peke $7.75. from neighboring townships.—Carried, Murdock, Arleta, North Dakota; Dan- plate chopper, running possibly at the It is not necessary to send
2 The following a000unts were passed can, Grey; Mrs McNichol, Rrussels, r to of 1600 rovo utions a minute, ex. �+ el �C' .
i • and orders issued; --Win, Elliott, tile, and Dauald, of Anon,, Noith Dakota, ploding and pieces or the heavq plate
out O 1. town this year LO "
'!$246; E. Orvta, gravel, $t.66; James _ llatled with trrmoulloui torc.t. Sri to y
p _ _ l swell Dh° sxr�as `~ ts.
a ! �1 $ Winter Showers, repairs, $1 00; McKinnon relat.0 ear townsman was a::u ht by th
• Mem- S And Boys ♦ • siaL.4,rri Bros,, filling at bridge, i$153.44, Robt. ��®® gn s^EO� g_ tIjt,-g missleand fits hoots rightarai vire t� �a
+ 0 _Yeo,Shartn, repairing culvert, $ ` 45; L, b. QROVI+ ASTHMA`rC dJl Severed frons bi) bid;t' in ua init.r,t � You can met BJ��ei newest
Yeo, inspoOtin flllina, 2z rG; Robert g t�
P g , $ BfiONCKITI3 CATARRH C COHIS wht1H leist`ghtItgsuio:slyitl�ortoe-}vrti p
Ca�Sa 4 -Bolton, Wright Hyslop drain, $160; very s�rtvu+wou.srs lt> ails, �,n best here.
+ • tit han i and the b:id y i j m d w- a u r,n -
f Wesley Palmer, grading with engine on r nluvod to hi7 bout• +Tin + short• t=i;,n
We have a big range of Winter Caps plain blue Y y, $4; Melvin Willita �n � die4Red th-• ti- irlta Th+ site„t h` tv �..��:��--=�.�_
�. „ , , � I3oWIok bounder ,
$# blacks, fancy tweeds. P1 ices 5cc, 75c, $ f.00 � _ lighting bridge, oto, Aagnst Miller, - i i .>E tq �t O3 the Hh' k for a time ntid t,av
drain, Iloaola?# boundary, $2; John flan• i In tru0utlua as t 3 bnpin sea and fax li �
and I.2,5, all St7tiS. * Esret) rSHtn ia73 t to its rS rind meogcfa d frionds a t r
• ry, fence at bridge, $6; G. Underwood, Antn,bta caronnrtotiectIva tre imontlort,rer..
u lien„ un+tit diet tllurtr f.,rw b:tr we ilYy t
- , . tttial tt pg vi, ttvntoxn ffm Vnppping crcm• '"A.a'
..” 1
d spikes, Boli s' bridge, �t17 60; toren mans Etsa psrotcrmna oe V, hopping rau,:13 ! „ try to state that Pt c n t.t the t,ica O, ..
Work an ktndrnl;nvny nrouy aCWoye; It irr: bean to Eur?• -i :..
• yy�y y - i Jahn Fuxtou, work On road, $l; Albert ternrnivamAsthm�. The nittcrdoredaircnStly th'•a iltr(19131the it ja:i:!e, lets of bl3xi
POTATOES OES WAN A'ED. � ontierptic, inepireJ toUh nvcry t•.t nett, rnat:to Merl the "ervntla strath proved tea Berroa8
• Homuth, btualting road, $3; II. 73. Urattittnaensvte atSc7tnneornthtn, tcnlcto.y
the rttayrh, nsourinrrostkutnlnhta, ltts,nrals- rwd lva p%KgPll Away to Btated abcvr, TdrnberryAgriculturalSociet ataata,natl,n:a,viriE3rnnpcnitdz:h)JlIiott, j d n WI aI � r s entetluApb,Enurd.aa iE:vo bno:dot, X07 knowrnlb nut of tnhts dayt 4 p aYd. 1$
". $16; R. mOsgrova, inspecting cCtaenS ALL. ffiat1GCIS'1`3 s
All kinds of Fowl Wanted. Phone 70 :piers, $31; Milt & Stewart, lamb3f, i y rrnsatnne unit• �yb"� y1CC'� ` vvers ago he b.toght the 160 acro farm,
t iiia 1 xt0ah2aU• ll a tr from the Firbes est4te
$12.83, Paul goayoll,. part salary, $If �,°° ''r"Iey'aI In til �Od and on Ballivg it to A. Hhhop took up JEWELLER
^yq I'atai° McLaren, part salary, ,".$50; A, Bill c car+,vn and niggl,t ie. � , F
oe v�tir ilraC,rlat nr � hierratdarien its, Bruseelu. He Was tt
Yrn•xig8,10a, t,iatattlns. t w t tufibb.r of the Sehoal Hoard nud
a yet f70., part payment on bridge, ;$I,000, � �" '` •
+ CO., t) ~ed to the oatmetinu +order of T+ar• > 1 7 r � •' r . � •
?denting ndjourhed to meet on Thura. "dap Cros6loneCo. i () 1 ,~ -,
slay, Doa, i6, 1910, at i0 o'clock ri, m. - L. ninC ilea lit3c.. � ost�rs. Ill rttnroh relationships ltllr. � I I ti. 1 l" „ _ � r 1, t: � :ti 1 I C' 1 E
1 _ t��l.at.x
AibNTRGXL Miiott Was a Preabyterian and its !till ,
if�f#� #4 i ♦##d i# 3#d►41� afro ##�•.....441r3M��i ,J, l3Cl:ttl ss, C71erJt. ..t a�,t��- .ti . 1. pomlaal faith `vas A I;tbartsl. fi *" I' LL"?^` » j :_! rl : * ...+-*•iM.; i „"""�1