HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-24, Page 4Tisk: WIwNGHAM TIMES, NOVEUBFIR 24, 1910 THE blur ander all the circumstances, it is to NERVE AGONIES `�" THE PROBIT SHARING STOREI WINGNAN, ONT. be made the means of a general adoption; ■ Bank of Bouraseaiem. The silence of Mr. — ^-- Borden is certainly significant, and Mr. All, Nervous Disease Cured by Dominion Bourassn announces that the, campaign p t he and Mr, Monk have inaugurated is or. Wllilaltl8' Pink Pilin, EB1 RD 'HEAD Oi•rlgg:: TORONTO to be carried into Ontario.—Montreal —+ K R_1Z_ Witnc sa. Nerves that are over=worked or weak Capital. St^ ek (all paid np) $4,(;00,000 00 it would appear that Mr. Bouraysa quickly indicate their distress by pain, BARGAINS! Reserve Fund and lun• That pain may be neuralgia or inflamed ' divided Profits..... , . $5,380,000.00 and his associates are up to the same old nerves. usually affecting the head, but AGNTB--Ladies Home Journal AGcrTe-,>Zome Journal Patterns, Deposita by the public.. < $47,000,000 60 game played by ambitions Frenoh-Cana- often the spine i nd limbs, It may be Total AeAtv,over ........ $61,200,000.00 than politicians for many yearn—Ghat of nervous dSSPepeia, easily started byBARGAINS! playing one tape in Quebec and another worry, excitement or weakness. It may BRANCHES AND AGBNTS throughout Can, in Outario—whet the Sootchman dea• be St. Vitus dance, a common affliction Long Now tribes as "blowing both vides of the among children, or neurasthenia, a Not ads and the Uaited States. finger," Untinted with politicalcorrup• condition Ot general nervous exhaustion G BUSINESS tion, as Mr. Bourses& and Mr. Lavergne accompanied by a o u t e melancholy. A GENERAL BANKIN TRANSACTED. Era, it does not follow that their motives Worst of of all, the pain may signal the are more unselfish then those of the early stages of paralysis or nervous de - Savings Department. average politician. Had Sir Wilfrid oay. All these disorders signify that Until The Laurier taken Mr. Bourassa into his the hungry nerves are clamoring for Carrent Rates of Iaterest allowed, and cabinet ten years age, when Hoa. Mr. nourishment in the form of good, rich Dapisits raaeivod of 31,00 and Bernier, now of the Dominion Railway blood, The numerous cares of the upwards. Commission, received the honor, andabove named nervone diseases and weak - had he given Mr. Lavergne a portfolio nese in both sexes by Dr, Williams' To busy to write advs. but come in and let us show Farmt,+ e, sale Notes Collected, and at the time he passed him over for Mr. Pink Pflis, are accounted for by the fact you how much money We can save you, Rus advan Des made on them At lowest Lemieux, there would be no Nationalist that Ghees Pills actually make new, rich Christmas sate of interest. party today. These men are intransi• blood and eo supply the starved nerves Prices cut l,l the following goads geants in pursuit of power. To obtain needed to strengthen them. Win.. Mr. W• especially. WINGIIA3I BRANCH—Corner John and power and polithey are rioal,that they for all the ora few years ago 1t wal,ead�myamr ortnne� Co Josephine Streets. negotiate. Hence their belated over- suffer from nervone deb ty, brought W. R. GEI)IE, 1S L:`TriGrER. tares to the Candfaae of other provinces. about through a severe attack of la Come early, and• see our Toys especially. Forget that your —Toronto. Saturday Night. grippe or influenza. hen the first DRESS GOODS—All new stock and we are noted R. QANSTO IE, Solicitor, effects were felt.I use to wake up in fof our Dress Goods, and at about half price grown up, come and bring the kiddies and see how AAve stook Markets. the middle of sl ep rambling like a much they'll enjoy our ITlany Toys. Beautiful Dressed —Toronto, Nov, 22—C1ty Cattle Mar • leaf, and in a bat cold perspiration. TO ADVERTISERS Later the troubl grew ac had that I Dolls, all sizes, some talk and some sleep, China ket.—Receipts were 94 oars, with 1,780 scarcely got a wink of sleep, and would Notice of changes must be left at this head of cattle, 1,400 sheep and lambs, toes about in bed, growing so weak that ALLOVER LACES AND INSERTIONS to match• Dolls,�Kid Dolls, every kind of Dolls. Droll office not later than Saturday noon. 400 hogs and 111 calves. I feared for my life, A doctor was Just new. Teddy Bears, some just learning to walk, some The copy for changes must be left ' There was agood offering of cattle of I celled in, and then another, but without not later than Monday evening. fair to medina quality, but anything avail, t beoame more and more low _ climbing poles, some growl too, but there Casual advertisements accepted up choice was only meagrely represented. spirited, and without any apparent real- safel muzzled. Comical Grey Monkeys, to noon Wednesday of each week. The demand for butcher cattle was on would Neve fits of Drying. While in LACE CURTAINS, CORSETS, GLOVES, HAND- Y again quite active, and prices were easily this condition, a nervous wreck, a Pam- White Dogs with long silky manes, ESTABLISHED 1876 and steadily maintained At the firmer phiet was given me telling what Dr. KERCHIEFS, throusands of patterns to I White Rabbit, Swimming Walrus. tone, which marked yesterdays trans- choose from at bargain prices THE INGt��iM MMES actions, quotations not being. materially Williams Ptak Pills has sone for Ill fact everything to please the changed. others, and I determined to give them a The following are the quotations: trial. By the time I bad finished a few children, so come along and see H. S.ELLIOTT.PuBLIBa)DRANDPROPRIeTOA `ijxporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. boxes a began o get some sleep, any MEN'S UNDERWEAR OVERCOATS AND T1iURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1910 strength beganato nd in return, eke mo:e SUITS at prices too small to quote. y this week. r Choice ............... $676 $6 26 this greatly encouraged ma, Then m OUY TO Window a few Medium .............. 6 65 5 75 grew steadier a Balls .................. 4 50 500 I wise feeling as well as ever I did in my EDITORIAL NOTES. Light ................. 5 00 5 10 life, and you may be sure I will always • Cows ................. 4 50 5 25 gratefully recommend Dr. Williams.'g, TEAS—Special prices for five and ten lb. lots. 1 e Feeders— tPickhey Pills a every one health n ailing, th ClearingThe nnaaal report oY the Fisheries beet 1000 pounds and np- the restored me to health and strength. y Dep-irtmsut, as t tibiad in the Commons wards ............... 5 25 5 50 after All other medicines had failed." ' Stockers choice....... 4 76 5 00 on Monday, shows that the total volae ,• bulls............ 3 75 4 60 you can get these Pills from any Big Bargains lin Carpet Remnants. medicine dealer or by mail of all kinds of fish and fish products Butchers'— o 60 Denten f Clothinghos or six boxes for $2 60 from The D taken by Canadian fishermen daring the Pinked ................ 6 50 6 66 Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, O Trade taken as cash at last fiscal year was $29,629,169. This Medium ............... 510 525 Ont. Oows........ ........ 3 50 475 sum constitutes a record, being $4,178, Bulls ... ... .... 4 00 4 75 = ' 084 ahead at 1908, and $149,6073 batter HDR®— Independent Telephones."A {ew Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Jackets at a big than the total of 1905, which was the Beat ................... 7 00 DOIN"'S diSCOunt, broken sizes, but warm and serviceable. previous record.Lights................. 665 Neither the fiaauoiaLoiroles of Cana. �O� Sheep— ••� My daty is to work for a strong and Export ewes ........... 4 50 4 85 da or the residents of the large cities Woman's Heavy Coats, and Girls, Heavy Coats, we ll respected country They (my compnt• Backe ................. 300 350 have the faintest idea of the progress made, Warm, and a discount" Of 33 r-3 per cent, riots of the province of Quebec) would Calls ............. ... S 00 3 50 tmade by the movement or the money Clearing Sale have the right to find fault with me if I Spring Lambe each.. 5 75 6 00 invested in the business," said Dr. W. We garantee these goods to be in good shape, riOC at all shrank from the task which is assigned. Calves. esoh............ 3 b0 7 b0 Doan, of Harrietsville, president of the t shop worn, and a discount of 1-3 means a big saving so - to me to make Canada worthy of march- WINIiHAM MARKET REPORTS Canadian Independent Telephone t the to you. ing head erect, in the British Empire in Wingham, Nov. 16th, 1910. ciation, in his opening address at the the fade of the entire world.—Sir Wilfrid fifth annual convention of that body, Y4 discount on all our up-to-date Suits. Flat r per 100 The .......... 2 65 to 3 25 which opened in Toronto Friday morn - r , Laurier in a statement defending the Fall Wheat .............. 0 82 to 0 85 ing. "Five years ago," Dr. Doan can- � naval policy of the Dominion of Canada. oats. ......... ............ 0 30 to 0 32 tinned, "there were scarcely any lade - Canada's trade for the present fiscal Barley ..:. ..... ........ 0 45 to 0 48 pendent telephone companies 1n Canada, he eight Peas • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 ........ 0 80 to 0 85 but now, scattered and poorly organized, lose to t Butter dairy .. 0 20 to 0 22 , the more than five hundred each Dom year bide fair to ran c ". hundred million mark. For the first Eggs per doe ............. 0 30 to 0 30 Denise now in the Dominion occupy an CHURCH NOTES Pating'e Sour mill at Petrolea and the seven months it hue increased at the rate Wood per cord ........... 2 50 to 2 50 advanced position. Southern Ontario is Failbrooke Roller Mills at Perth were of nearly ten millions per month, ae� toes, perbnshel,...... OOtto10 36 in0 00 dependent lines e InyNor Norttwohern burned. The induction of Rev, Mr. Roes into compared. w i t h G h e corresponding Lard ... ., 0 20 to 0 20 tario there are independent companies With the new borrowings contemplat• months of lass year. For October the the pastorate of Tues ay eve in of his Live Hoge, per cwt....... 6 80 to B 80 at Fort William, Cobalt, Iiaileybary g ed Montreal will have a civic debt of $68,• Men increase was $10,206,364. Imports and Chickens, per ib .......... 0 12 to 0 12 and several other points and, generally ioh took plans on Tuesday evening of this exports for the seven months totalled Deeks, per lb ............ 0 12 to 0 12 speaking, the building of a few connect- week, The moderator of session, Jae 000.000 - Geese, per lb ........... .. 0 11 to 0 12 ing links would complete a great system Hamilton presided; Rev. W. Richardson There is a movement under way at $433,297,034, an increase over lest year b ......... Taikeys peri..... 0 18 to 18 of independent lines. of Sippers; preached; Rev. J. L. Small Montreal to establish n hotel for work. of $66,489,052, or about nineteen per cent. Imports totalled $262,685,148, an of Blyth addressed the minister, and ing women. ,0 increase of $56,610,756, or twenty-seven M^MM/1M�1/1MM/1HMM/�M11 M/1MMI1MI1/1IV1M/1MM11/111/tl� Rev. F. H. Larkin of Seatorth ad• John A. Collins formerly of Bernie, per osnt. Exports totalled $170,611.886, dressed the congregation Ont., has been elected sheriff of Great Attent as increase of $9,468,006. For October t P' �.%1 i Rev. Jae. Hamilton, of London will Falls, Montana for the second time. the imports amounted to $39,218,601, ; conduct the services in the Baptist salary $10,000. an • d the exports to $33,801,257, inoreasee : �` ; Church nest Sunday. Her �'�� e is the greatest chance of your life to get one of the respectively of $7,744,541 And $2,857,823. ;f"•.• �•.. -- — very latest,up-to-the-minute Suits and Overcoat's. The bioming of cannon on Nepean have e Point at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon = received a shipment of W just told the citizens of the capital, the crowds gathered on Parliament Hill, ■ the gold braided guard of honor facing �«W k,, ,c,Ccr� Ghe main entrance of the Parliament t li, _ — _ — - — — Now Fall and Winter Goods buildings, and the chatting groups of ` a f „ c` —,�— politicians in the corridors and the array of gaily-dreseed members of the capital's C , Do yo save? elite crowding the flier and galleries of EisY A time will come when your fin- -o-A- Owing to having given the order early in the summer the newly -decorated Senate Chamber, C ancial resources will be strained to 1�8 before I had decided on 110 that his Ex,ellency Earl Grey had come C _ �' meet some unexpected demand. Ji x "/� to formally open the third session of the- , — �� Will you have to Buffer the 60116e- off i eleventh Parliament of Canada. A fall qCr Gong out of Business tives were gathered, according to the to turn to you uences, or will you be in a position tq l..g attendance of the people's representa• RI �(/ r bank account for _;_ aid? proolametion of his Majesty, ,for the ` - despatch of business, to treat, Po, act C Deposit Vour eaving3 in the Bank pp T NEW YEAR'S The wholesale house would not accept a concilaton slid and conclude upon theca things which CHRISTMAS of Hamilton now, AIId when the ` RI KNOX'S day of emergency comes you will x sent the goods along, consequently you have your sail Parliament of Canada, by the s the new goods to select your Suit common council of our said Dominion. $ ) be prepared. or Overcoat from - miy, by this favor of God, be ordained: ' WINGHAM BRANCH There A somotbi:es wretchedly mean � • • I C P Smith - Agent. &'.rout G -m8) of tho Couservativeoppur- � Bar6a�ns �n Every Lino -wit. � � _ :- At The Sams Low Prices tnni•rts on this navel daestfon Tho C sari, men :who a year ago wc,ro watch- � Having such a large stook of ohristma9 Novelties, all goods must be sold at ing sag(,r'y for 819M of lads 02 •'icyaity" c prices that will sell thaw, see our large stock of Christmas Goods .-_... on tilt) art of the premier, and before purchasing elsewhere. ._ �.- - MRs, WINsLOw'S SOOTHING SYRUP to Suitf ngs in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Blue and Black, tho presort tion of one of the boat fe- who, indeed. did enbj of every one o C y p geres Worsteds, Chevoits his uttwratcces to false insinuations on male physicians and assess in the - Sa > std > ,and Vicunas, - ? United States,and has bee aneed for fifty thin h.�a•i, nre now prepared to j in fit years with never -failing success by Overcoats in Black Brown Green and Striped, Beavers HEADQUATERS FOR i t�� ��! '/. � {r�; millions of mothers for their children ' . p ' ' y anrt b tp au anti naval Cry in the othc+r "" u ,. ' ��'/e �'� , .T , .• It relieves the child from pain, cares Miltons, Cheviots, Friezes, etc, Pr s:ur, a Tne farmnts of Uatarlo, is , 7 is is l c, c rrr b . ureases agmit gt the I s Ladies and Gents Watches and Chains, Wedding, Diamond ana Engage• = !,7 n a T rritrt+ "' diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and ,K ment Rings,. Charms and Bracelets, Lockets, Locket Charms, Solid Gold >, wind colic. By giving health to the and instead oil the wtaxek of C and Gold Filled Jewelry of all kinds, Jewel Cases, Fancy China- This College is reooRatrad a1 the child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five _ Trou58riijg, all styles and prices. tli-+ Io.rar, sea party L-s:lt inn Sir Wilfrt3 � Naso and China Novelties, hi$h Rr Uinvede nandq}3andkerchie! including I W' tea Oat,i ioactical �r It I" the aininghlargest cents a bottle. Lzurr• r cnitk8 th:sc wh r aia.11 stars.i ls5 Burnt Wood and Leather Goods, �- Manicure ana Toilet Sets, Silk Umbrellas with gold Eta well as the beet. Our _ - —� — Time and space Wlll not permit price list, suf ce it to J'""" ' sterling and ivory handfed. Christmas Books courses are practical, our teachers leather and clothbound, poets, Bibles. Hymn and � esperienoed inatraat��re. our gradn• �j\ /� ��j'�� say those flavin seen the bpodS and the Way 's Prayer >3ocka Toys and Picture }looks for ares succeed, Three depattmenta: A. E« SMITH Y o '� {' y r }r 9 K boys and ' Toysgirls, Fancy Stationery, they are made and trimmed, say it is ShorthandA �` R Christmas Table Napkins, Christ- Commercial, Marvellous. Collie and see . moa assns and Calendars, and Telegraphy, far yourself A fevr $iC9aru ,%SCD .flying� li9ations we WING11AA1, ONTARIO. rvachineo viPC' hardly c We have scorer of app ht Qf, t1®r teras C cannot. meet. Calls re req $46, - r i Fine Watch, Clock and Jews ry repairing a 6peoialtg. $55 and 560 per month are remaiuiriz unfilled. Get our free caGotico. and Farmers Oat who want money to bay Robert �,,g ecmmence your course at naso. horses, Cattle, or 18011 to feed for market 4� U" l ji IEa' U18,10n « r;;, can have it on tealnuAble terms. la ! , Ro 'KNOX Wing'hali� 1M�ter. l?loWr� ScnEt � �� A. ��` ��11�N� 1V'oter; diticonnted for tradesmen, mor. "riwnrsrmrs r. as much a snm� - L all ohatlts or agents, on favorable terms. CHANT TAILOR. Opposite transwicklgotol, rncr a �tdid it- iG�tllCdy'. lits j 1 sacs north of fling's, p PgINC1IPAI,, Loans on real Mata At the lowest ICER OUrCx1G@ fIl£l It. A.t 17ragst rete going, ; vYVVVV'bVV'VV'i yWVWVYVM/.VV.'r! VVVVt VVVV VWyWVWt/VW�+ tl _ __