HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-24, Page 30
••��M'•I/F•I."YM1M�Yd5.'Y Q�•+ /� /� I ul� ��i�
. THP !1,1 Rrlhl4llEiT.17 01 1-A WILY R. _10-_'_-
r ....+n...w.,.r.• `.
, �,A. ..
"W 0 14> ,��"' a CST W. f'ol, '`eCt6i�y ,A9I Mr��1
devious mlgded little �� ��9YIh
t e tepid,.
Wonderial; sad half afraid. Guil4 of a "fit Joky#RVp $ifOkQ E"'"cif�'�p PIFs`lalr,
• HAIf inclined to. speak with me, f
Half disposed to let me be; �'hat'ifli:P SCI India, I It is bard to rho ho Lisa worir with A
HaRttaMUR. Yet, and Pby, e i and 4talling taack.
Halt A twinkle lit youreye. fia.,k�che ,^,omen from sick kidneys and,
Half in dgnbt and llplt #n, feAr, �� ivk,a4 a lot of Eraubie sick lxicfneyaaiise.
XA&WA1hk mom Stayiug neither for not near, GATHERED IN THE SERPENT% ii,l •they can't help it. If more work
is s tt on thein than they calx stand it is
RANHow I wonder what yon Roe """-'" not to be wondered that they .get out of
With those eye# tbat al>aetttion tna; it Wag No Trouble to Him to Lure the x ` y p
What the inotinct bldg you know F;gptiles Into His Rask t I)oaa s ICldne rills are a specific for
Tf L may be friend or toe; 4 , and th4 � v a'c or ^crlin„ backs and for all
f or Goal or Wood �aw�ulike, full of grans a :d Qteeet, $uRpl y W44 In No Panpon of Giving f .ctdae•y troubles,
Ready with fast hying feet Gut and Lasing Him a Job. Mra.. 1V'apoleo,t Larmour Smith's Falls
Ia the Orchard's deepest spode Oqt., writes:—III take pleasure in writ,
TP find cover, little maid, Among the numerous objectlonabie in"'vou stating the benefit I have resolved
course the Pandora Range 1$ , and dangerous creatures '.r u,•a;; Doan's Itiduey Pills, About A
Peculiar to 3 r a;a I was torril>ly aflllcta,i with lama
a few dollars more than an � 4lrpve sad ourlque little lues, too orient nous is more repulsive than ,
Like. a wild bird to the grass, th4 snake, One shudders involuatar#I 'z �, and vias so bad I could not even
ordinary range, But it will seen r y •>"? Ing own iior,r. I was advised to
Pay for itself ill the 'fuel it will Save Still intently watching me•, as Otte thinks of its wiggling bode find ^v 1)uatz's T{idney kills, which I did, and
for you, VPfth Your wings half spread, to Roe vicious characteristics, During my ,1til the greatest benefit, I only used
It my Smile bodes Rood or ill. residence to India I never felt safe ,ro3 boxes and I am as well as ever. I
The Pandora Flue System and Willing to make friends, end still from its presence, I had my clgsets ti 'ily raeommend these
Undecided i4 to stay , pills to any
Wide Fare Box, designed by our Here or near or fly away, bed and even my bathtub searched ev- 1•Itfcrer Franz lsinio back and kidney
brainy stove experts, save about half ery day lest one should be found coiled. Lz'au.ale,"
a ton of coal per year, because they Serious-minded little maid, UP in some corner, writes Eliza K. 1 Wall's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per
», 0-'3 for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed happ
supply When, with sullies and to mg id, Van Iiergau to the phrlstl44 Intelli- direst oa IeceiPt of price by The T. MR-
pP ymare air than. the flue systems O'er the )Awn you agvae to tae, geneer,
and fire boxes of ordinary ranges, Stranger to YOU though I be l,urtt Co., Limited, Toronto, Out,
, I was always on the watch for the 1Viioa ordering direotspecify "Doan's."
causing better Combustion of fuel. When year curious eyes have tried creatures and over in mortat terror of
Soul with value, and, satisfied' treading on one. It never occurred to daily
The Steel Oven saves some more Looked still into Irvine and smiled, me to sleep without a light, and a ` socia
fuel, because -it heats up more rapidly Blessed am I, little child. Iatick was ittways near at hand lest I daily
than a cast iron oven, The heavy Blessed Ara I to be'just might find one unawares and be un.
Fire Clay Coating on the amain bottom Worthy of your childish trust, prepared to meet it, I even looked The Gold Dust Was The -e. seas
of range prevents any heat wasting More than oanqueror of hinge upon my thin mosquito curtain as a North Ameden has ennui,,,) x.141 most
towards the floor. It drives the when the wild bird of your wings taught protection, for it would at least `iecluc•ing continent only sin{•c• lily lily
heat back into the oven, and thus Bids you fly not forth, but Ree break its fail should a snake tumble l°rties, out it might heli hurl doth.
Something tender, kind in me; down suddenly from the ceiling. v for about 200 years. Accord;
j saves still more,fuel. Oh, the gladness you have laid lie London Cbronicle, In the
At my heart's Bata, i'.ttle maid! '.Phe creatures have a decided Prof. •„und the world which hc'„ tta it,
r But the big economizing featurejr, erence for cool, damp places and often rile privateer Captain Shelrac+:e funtl<I
this : The draft .for cooking on top of - choose the bathroom and sometimes
the range is also the draft for _ the tub .for their habitation, much to " eertnin California v}tilrys •a 11'. 1,
baking Children d r e n C r the discomfort of its rightful babitue, '1i11c tc mold which, as you tutu i1 fir•
douin the oven. The heat does ,r It is not unalloyed bliss to live in al "i' to the sue, appears a5 if tnt,.r•
double edu and your fuel bill is FOR FLETCHER S place infested with serpents, With. 'ningled with gold dust, Though .v,•
largely reduced, CA STO R 1A such formidable enemies, one never, were a little prejudiced," bet
forgets to be cautions, nor to guard possiltst the thought that o co„id pr
Get the Pandora ---the range that - a possible that this merai shatlld f,c• q)
pays pays for itself. No other range is against their Presence and sudden at -
high -class enough for you
tack. It makes one alert to be in the 1`t'omiscuously and universally mlilgleil
The, Most
with the
Women YS the
Because it has, so many special features for women,
The woman who wants to keep posted on the world's
enings from day to day Will find the trews presented in a
readable way.
Then there are the most interesting of Home Pego$_the
chapters of an entertaining serial story—columns of bright
1 and personal flaws --Madge Mertoii's paige.—and illustrated
fashion hints.
Every line sparkling with interest and information --nothing
ational—clean--wholesome—and relishable reading, about
everything that appeals to women..
Semi your subscription to -day
$1.50 a Year
This paper and the Toronto Daily Star
„dor one year &.20
• A HangariAn women died lately in midst of danger and adds spice to life. n ith common earth, yet lvt•
Vienns at the age Of one hundred and well, as I started out to say, my d to cleanse and wash the ('inti f'rotl,
q twelve Yearsys -. She belonged a the Jaw• garden was infested with snakes, and =11c of it, and the more . dirt (lip 6CLUBBING.
iah race. Her maternal I was mote it ai>peat•ed lila
grandmother persuaded to have a native go,d. In order 1
PIC.Clar attained the ago of one hundred.and charmer summoned to lure them t0 be further satinfied 1 brought :lwity
away. His hideous occupation,-weirdacme of it, which vve lust in oar (,01'
on •
Stands for Guaranteed Quality thtrtsen, and her grandmother on herpets
� RAr"19]Q to
Incantations and strange pets sur. fusion in China.' •
v father's aide the nKe of one hundred and round the snake charmer with a pe• a
ten, Two of her sisters lived to be ever Ate Himself Th; n. ,, •
7fl enliar fascination, His magnetism •
London, Toronto. Montreal, Winnipeg ninetYr Sha laaves two children vvoll and sic#11 are considered phenomena) A terribly emaciated mail, about-
Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary ,; 1x14 over eighty, and her husband lived to be in the east, thirty-five years of iivo, wq,.s pati,,,
one hundred and five. This specimen was tail and lank and tour meals a day, lnetucllit; n hcitvy s /•� e •
FOR SALE BY J. G. STEWART & CO. had deep, cavernous eyes and an ab. breakfast. Ile was also ruimlg Iniitc • (`+t ,r
Title jolly is nanatlp relished cold but o
if the invalid prefers it may be heated, stracted air. Some of the creatures between meals. Viindueed him to give a 191 ti/ lie
i were collect around,his wrist, which up the milk between meals and to take �
It may be given often in small, gpant•- made him still more repellant. He only u cup of' weak tea for breakfast. r �
ties. The fowl used should be one that handled them as if they were per At once his weight began to inerFase. ••
THOUGHTS 6F A MIDDLE-AGED The Situation in Britain. is about a year old. Draw it, remove fectl harmless, About the neck he It is now normal. Obviously it 11�•Its a s The T114IBS Will receive SLb.CriptiCnS at lite ratE:. belCw
BATCHELOR the skin and fat, and oboe fine both the wore a chain with a flute attached. case not only of ordinary mental o -or. • sw
Two other Jugglers IT, but also of wort for any of the followingpublications
. A general election in Great Britain is bone and the flash, P;aea in a saucepan g ers accompanied flim, Y and overwork of ♦♦
likely to ensue as a result of the break- with two quarts of cold water, and hear similarly attired, but minus the the millions of cell lives within him, : Times and Daily Globe........................ snakes. One carried' a closed basket He gave the cells and organs a rest ♦ 4.50
[London Truth.] ing•np of the Ootiforenoo between the slowly; then skim tburoughly and Sim• on his arm. and at once there was a storage of en- • Times and Daily Mail and Empire,........... ,, 4,50
Season of fading leaves and windy able,,, Parties. It is doubful °if either of the mer for five or six hours, Add salt and He stopped at a respectful distance orgy and weight. --Metropolitan Maga. Times and Daily W orad ................ 3,1Q
Thine is the rightful moment, is it not, British political parties will gain greatly mace or parElev to suit the taste. Strala to make his "salaam," which is the zine. 0 Times and Toronto Daily News . , , , , , • , , , . , , , • , 2,80 Z;
For men of middle age to moralize ' by a general election, There is a Strong and cool, and when cold remove all the customary salute of the country: Then • Times and Toronto Daily Star ................. .
A lot? ;feeling that the House of Lords must be fat. 2.3Q
he approached the aloe hedge which Linked Before and After. Tames and Daily Advertiser..................... 2,85
When I myself look book on days one reformed and while this lanae remains, inclosed nig grounds, Squatted himself Saving entered the c%ureb at Re- • Times and Toronto Saturday Night .......... . .. 35 f
y g A good way to pick ducks Or geese is tabor fashion on the grass and begun gensburg, in Germany, for the pntposs • B
by the Unionists can hardly hops to carry to first steam them, then take a wash ♦ Times and Weekly Globe . ................... 1 60
And muse upon the habits of my the country, Labor and the Irish boiler with a little water in ie to produce weird, plaintive sounds on of being married and taken his place ♦
prima, Nationaliate aro hostile to the Lords and put on the flute, to which music the reptiles beside the bride, a man named FYuhl, 0 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire............ 1. 60 •
I'm bound to own I had a downright stov$ to ball... Tie a gunny sack secure• entwined tbemselves around him and who seems to have been of a some- ♦ Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star...... 1.85
high it is therefore impossible to make tariff ly over the toe, put in the lack or goose seemed to sway their bodies to and what nervous disposition, suddenly * -times and Canadian farm (weekly) g Old time, reform the sole !Ratio in the constituen• ( y) • • • • • • • , , , , 1,6Q
and cover with the cover of boiler for fro, rushed out of the building, took a cab • Times and Weekly Witness ..... . ... . . .. . '•
clue. The Uniooists admit that the con• two or three minutr s. Tben try them, g' Times and London Free Press (weekly) . . . . . 1 85
I was not then a wickadfeltow; not y After some time a snake appeared, to the station and jumped into a mov- � +
O'er me no mood Old= of the House of Lords must be gliding ( �) 1.80
y parent mourned or If the feathers aohte off easily they aro g g slowly and stealthily out from Ing train, We have always maintained Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1,60 '•'
raved; altered, but they desire a strong Second the hedge toward the spot where it • ( y) •""• cb
ready to pick. In this way file bird P khat the bridegroom should be ]Sand • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ................ 1,70 e
It was not wine that made folk Osil me �Ihamber. The Radical, Labor and Irish - will look nicer than if picked dry. The heard the enchanting music. The cuffed to the best man until the con. j Times and World Wide........................
so representatives aim to destroy the Up• latter method takes the skin tiff in largo charmer allowed it to come quite 2,20 .'pc
Depraved, '^ close and to wind itself around his elusion of the ceremony. It is foolish + Times and Northern Messenger .................. 1.35 •t•
per Ch timber •by'sbotishing its right of pieces, while this Ieaves it whole. to take unnecessary risks,—London ♦ ,+
vote, The pp gov, arm. Another followed and yet an. Globe. • Times and Farmers Advocate.............,..,, 2,35 I
A fell s disease had laid its hold On ma; 9 is o oaed to other, while the other two men stood ♦ We spooialiy recon:mend our readers tosubscribe
I was deveritabie turtle dove, ermm�t by a single chamber, but daubta by holding a basket ready to to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Maazazine, i'
7leotined by hook or orook always to be if the Unionists can be treated to give a o receiveHappiness. 'Times and Presbyterian ............... . . . ... . „ 2.25
In Ione, satisfactory measure of constitutional 1 mem as soon as they unwound them- "There is an instinct in the heart of r
selves. At least a half dozen ap- Times and Westminster ,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; , ,
reform, There is therefore such a J man which makes him tear acloud- r 2,25.
The fatal thing about it, so to speak, Ban peered and were disposed of !n this I less ha Times and Presbyterian and Westminster. , , , . , . • 3,25'
Was the bald fact, one girl would oral confusion ' and complication of manner. After being captured they happiness. It seems to him that •;
never do; lie owes to misfortune a titbe of his Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) . • • .... 2,40
Issues, that a now election #a not likely / appeared as if in a stupor. life, and that which he does not a • Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) I used to IOV6 a different one each week to be more deoisive than that of last Horrified with his performance, i pay g ( y)......... 2,90
Or two. January, bears interest, Is amassed and largely i Times and Sabbath Reading, New York .... , , . , , 1,95
. /. begged him to stop and bade him swells a debt which sooner or later tae o Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto). ,. 1,85 �•'
Beneath a hundred girlish smites I'd leave the place. He assented and, must acquit." H,
bask, picking up the basket, departed with ♦ Times and Michigan Farmer .................. 2.15
Sunning myself in Cupid's heavenly the snakes without ever ceasing to I Times and Woman's Home Companion ....... 2.25 ;
Bps, , play his nncantltune. His com an• Her Long Dream. 2,60
�' P 1 ,i. Times and Country Gentleman ... , , ......... , . .
But novo of them could ever make me �.., tons gathered up the rest of his be- Batelle--Ab! His proposal was fast + Times and Delineator,,,, -C. W.
Papa. agues—well,.• ou ou?ht to know, d' Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine..... • , 1,95
certain sum for each snake thus dis- y g •
Time passed without my meeting withI ffwa 8 GOOD Word patched, dear. You've been dreaming of that + Times and Green's Fruit Grower.....,..., ,, 1.55 i
my He came repeatedly thereafter and proposal for years. Times and Good Housekeeping ......... . .. . . . . 2,30 4
"FateLONDON, ONTARIO �� went through the same performance, 'i' Times and McCall's Magazine ................ , , 1,70
'" , (t is Wise to saga rood conjuring up more reptiles and dispos• Times and American illustrated Magazine, ... , 2,30
" And love soon dwindled to a aett,ed
sham' BSllleSS Shorthand buelneiss,
word for yourself or your Ing of them in the same way until I Times and Amerlean Boy Alagaziue.......... , , , 1,90
Leaving me hear the eimple oelib>ste Whether your began to suspect some trickery, Flo Times and What to Eat ................. , , , , , 1.
stock in trade be merch� gp
I am, SUBJECTS undines or labor, Want refused to allow the snakes to be kill- ' Times and Business Man's Magazine, .... , . 00.. „ 2,15 N
Resitleiat and Mail Courses Ads. are th0 most direct ed, insisting that they were sacred and t, Times and Cosmopolitan ........ , • , , , .. , , 2 15 •
No, don't imagine i gin sick of life, must not be put fa death, It looked ,
Although T may be crusty, gram and CAUdogues Frere line of comrnU111ication p �• •
as if he replaced the snakes in theABSOLUTE
Times and Ladies some Journal ..... , , , , , .. 4 .. 2, 75 •
quaint; J. W. Weatetvett, i. W, West—tit, to the best buyers., •f• Times and Saturday Evening Post... , ,......... 2.75
Nor that Pai hoping now to win a wife;Principal, hedge after removing them, and thus
+ Times and Success 0
1 ain't! at' he mtiltiptied their number and in. �, � • • .. • ... • • • . • • • • • . • • • ..'... , . 2,h5 �
creased his gains. rd
I ItTimes and Hoard's Dairyman . ............. . ... 2A :�►
r 1 was ilnally forced to have him to.SEC ,p Times and McClure's Magazine ... , .. 2.50
moved by the pollee and threatened se*'s Ma azine„ ... , ...
x ......
with punishment in order to keep him Tunes and Mun
f away, Nothing would persuade me to Times and Vick's Magazine .... ................ 1,60 �
Times and Home Herald....... gQ
permit one of the fellows to enter my eptuh8 4
promises, i Times and Travel Ma azine.......+..
r es, again. g .. 2 25
Times and Praetical p'armer.. ....... 2.10
�, imes an ome rournal Toronto... , • , ... , ,.e`—�..macAmi Qualified. '60
pj v- ---.r--ter-`— you tvouid win my I g 1 75pyT dH
�. � •. . --, Frond Parent—Tf Times and. Designer, , , . , .. ... ,
r •--- ---_ ` —` \ 9 t 11 ,. ",.. i i ( s """ \��. _ G'_"` ti daughter, young man, you must prove ,'i•£. Timed and iV$rybtltly's.... . ...............'... , £?0
- ` ��1� ' =: �,r�-• - to my satisfaction that you have Porti- T �t*�ys P111Sv Times and Western Horne h ontbly, Winnipeg.,,,_ 160
tude, patience under discouraging rte• Lithe Live JL i71aTimes rind Canadian Pictorial.......
Nql� li��,_ _ cumstances, strength of character, ••1•
i ,,ilililliSr } \1 "
U%:r i caurage, an Indomitable will to site. MIus4 I�eerr$Ygrtatgrt>,4:
�•�-'iii d L,,.�, ,.. ;_ ,f r Iced and above all, e: ability to bear 'f'
j) �/" „�•„„ , y The above prices include postbpo cn American pablieatirre to ring !
wiili misfortune. Ilave you those qual• •
9 +( �. sddresa in Clanada, TP rho Tixlivs iS to be ser,) to an Americo tiddrt ss, :adr3 •
,� irk w••--- uy ra, Y ?i , 1 t� ifictitions7 Suitor -••I've known your ! , 50 Renta for pbstafte,and Sherri American pablicationg tire to be tient to
daughter for some time, sir, and atm • American addresses a reduction will be made, in price,
asking you for her band, Do you Mall • . '
tie wrAppct $stow, A the list, call at thin offib2hor drop reit the
and a or
will you want is
other assllranees7 sell i�9csiln y p F
t` H D N LIKE BR MADE — Vtrr #a+*u AUa all 010y w. paveerr you 'count: We club with al! the Iendi13 nt wspspets and magaziar s.
`i(�,' Coed Canso err it, tatatwaaangara a When premiums are given with rsny of above ptipere, subebtibersywill' ,
Made t \ "<t frlrnd of value who vi5ifs that CARTERS
, •I•bb b AMM � Aecutb snob. premiums what! orderilig through us, same as orderitig dtrtrtr
at �„ or,a„ {` nrlt•ly ntarded-t,00 ale saw the husband FAR bilitlNi:'S$� from publishers, ,
A !T l the 0010, dflyr tbt•en'in stones fit bis
WEST 1' TL tIN BiltOUSNt�3s '].'hese lnw rataft Moan a conaidorttble eavin$t to eftbeeribots, and art
lvlfe." gTnIOTLY' CASH IS ADVASO Solid remittances by postal note flet.
Itid11 >�1vbCyl iootl 1lanvens: Was elle hurt?" TORptb,ltYtt�k y p
� ; fia'>t` ANO ivy a office of express motley order, sadressinp
-- Not a bit of It. She was just tfeklccbls,CtlNStIPATIOf�
- _
ore MR v:,r .« CbOD'NESS 1(1161VS t11WIS tors 01,01 LIKE to death They were dialbobds."— ' ahg•tyEI�II�tOW ttyillN•: {,� } RYGKMad 4 ... _ . llfiltinitire 1in1c1'lratz. c
Q x4f`bM1aLBXtb�f TI E 1r}WiW
•" . _. � 7 �07LIf[:IIVIII Mu�rNAV[ WAtuli[i i �.
SALE BY R & BIRD, Wt>V I1lA11R.Novor let faitiiilarity a etuat= reSpeC>~ ltl�t ntil> >7 Yaft t6n]a '»e !". + �. �i �tTrAlC�fl ci Ni, OI�TARiC;
_..,_ • :m 4uar,s slCT� i0.GACl•ii~4,•*Mt#M"*aMil<>yiilll�+I�1MNRriiibilNlli!