HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-24, Page 2tea is the result of care and experience in blending --must be the combination of fine flavor, smooth strength and richness. Because all these elements are so generously included in Red Rose Tea it well merits the term "good tea." Farm, Ottawa, and, may be seat in. Any 'late from the 1st of Dnewber to the 10th of Frbruary, after which the lista will ba closed, so that the sampleo naked [nay be seat out in good tine. APPI# cants should mention thevariety they prefer, with A oeQond sort as An alterna• t<lve. Apllieations will be filled in the order inn which tboy are received, so long as the supply of seed Iasts. Farmers are advised to apply early to Avoid pos- sible disappointment. Those applying for Iudiau corn or potatoes should tbemr in pa#od that the corn is not usually dis- tributed until April, and that potatoes cannot be mailed until danger from frost is transit la over. No postage is required on trail matter addressed to the Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Wu SAUNDERS, IDirector of Experimental Farms THE YiELDS. T11.4 WING1IAM '411143, NOVEMBER '24, 1910 InternationalowspaperTOWN nzREcToU�gxAB1:I�>��>a ���� SO Ou e BAkTIST CHt7>lgs Sabbath services at T11L' 11 ��ono �, o.. T �A X17 Course., ' * g� lI a in and 7 p ne. IL FERTILITY E Sunday School g i o GRAZING � �� i b l e Stud C o u r . ,- a: BQ p m, General prayer meeting 113 PUSLIE3RsD G VPednesday The report of the Ontario Bureau on evon#ngs. lieu. W L. Stoegea, pastor, B. Y, P. U. moots EVERY THURSDAY MQRNING $411cltt P011uts ikol the Lesson for Saillikimy, Nov. ::T. gonday evenings 8 p.m, W.D Tringle, The TimeB QMeti, Bsaver $lo'ak. Giivell 1111 a ,Series ol, 911e,4101AS by 15,15. Superintendent, in the different crops grown, with oom- Bev. Dr. I,iitly40ltt, MawaoioxsTOmmon-•Spbbathservices, W1NGY ANA ONTA11I94 h . ......... Whathas been the record, from that at 11 it at and 7 p m. Sunday School At s i i;e aistered in aaoorrianae with the O apyri;bt, +.ot. t 2:30 p m. Hpworth Leaguts every Mon- Wanua or SUMORIPWXON-41-u0 per annum In y The Trial of Jesse, Mat xxvi:67 SS t Give of t s. i?e oxi'np as of the a lying$ of day evoning. General prayer meeting On Wednesday evenings, Rev, w advance,t so epi . piper disport• f $1.50 it not til publisher, Paid, pt at the Golden Text -Who when He wss revile Jesus that could be perverted into a L, Rutledge, D,1) , p aster, ill, Baohaa optien It ADVaRTIBINQ RATps. - Legal and other ed not aga#o, I Pater ii:23, mynning. that Ele did nit intend, and an, S -S. Snperintendent. I'$EsBY'anIAN q oasualadvertl amentsl0aperNou ariellinefor first Insertion, So line for anon i Verse 57. -•-Had the chief priests deter• p say why He left Himself open for out li QM*Qn—Sabbath ser- par anbsegnenb insertion, mined in Advance to put Jesus to death, P perverdcn? vices at it a m and 7, p m. Sunday School at 2 -,8o p m,. General prayer Advertisements in local columns Are charged 10 eta, per line for first insertion, and 5 cents e And, If so, why? (See v:4 j V' :reo Q. -Why did Jaws not an- meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, per line for each subsequent insertion, t 'Parse 58.-1,f Peter had kept close to ower, what Chia witcese had sail, And D. Perrite, pastor. Dr. A, J. Irwin, S,S, Superintendent, or to Semi and is ofStrayed, W` # rme f9rot tSale 1; his Master, instead of going afar off, why did Hi alke no answer to the high a ST. PAUL'S 01mumt, EX—Sall- weeks, sad 25 tante for @soh subsequent in. aertioii, ti and had volunteered to witness for Him, what changes would It have probably pxieet. U.uI you give any examples where bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:30p m, Rev, E :H CONTRACT RATA8--•(rbefollowing$able shows 1 ourrates he Insertion of advertisements n made in this history? silanee is Wo best policy, whan confront. OcOly, B. A., Rector ; C. G, Van- as possible in the plaoe -of one of the Verses Veraea 59 60—How do you account ed with a false accusation? Stone, S. S. Sa erintendent ;'.Phos. E. P Robinson, assistant Superintendent. exno>N. 1 Ya. a MO. a MO. 190 OneUoiumn _.,. $70,00 $40.00 $22.50 $8.00 la Half Column for the foot that asventy reputed holy a VorsPe 6R 6 4 4 —J sus answered #n the SALVATION ARMY—Service it 7 and 11 .,..- 40,00 25.00 15.00 0,U c quarteroolumn-.-- 20.00 12.50 7.50 8.0 men, the arembere of the Sanhedrin, atirmattvr that bd was ttie Ohust, the a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday and One Inch _---.-,- 5,00 8.00 2.00 1.2 !a �,---;----- - "--'� The report of the Ontario Bureau should seek false witnesses to enoom• Sea of Gid, but what would his answer i ! gives Elie following statement of yields pass the death of a righteous man like have been if the high priest had asks of all requisitesfor print. ing, affording foollities not equalled in the i in the different crops grown, with oom- Jesus? Him, "Art thou God?" "the • psrisons: Whathas been the record, from that What di'i Jasus mean by Son of H. B, BLLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher a Fall wheat has A total yield of 19,• time until now of ecclesiastical assemb• man fitting at the riu.ht hand of piW, OOCI tt'-a' 837,172 bre , an average of 2G 7; 24,1 last lies is their trial of reput,3d heretio3? Give a reasoned answer to the fol- at, and Laming in th I clouds of he ty en?" DR, JAS, L WILSON, B.A. DR - year, and a 29 -year average of 21 Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Specla 1 1 ' NEVER £OLD IN BULK bus. lowing: Willa truly good man with Versa 65 -What did the rending of fitted. Spring wheat bete a total of 2,489,833 the mind or Jesus, be perturbed by, or His garment by the high priest aignity? Your Grocer Will bus.; Average of 19 3 bus, per acre; 16,5 get angry at, or wish to,iojure another What is blasphemy? %tecomrriend It s3 average last year, and 29 year average good than who also shows the spirit of Ia what words of Jesus did His blas - ` - of 15.9 bus, Jesus, for teaching different views can. pbemY Wastes, from th3 point of view TO ADVERTISERS Mixed grains have a total -of 18,26t,- ferning the Bible, or religion, to what of the high priest? Treasurer, John F. Groves; Meet. 803 bag ;average of $6 7 per sore, and he holds himself? Verses 66 68 -Pat aureelf as neat' y Y Notice of changes must be left at this an average last year of 34.1. Verse 61, -What did Jesus Bay, that as possible in the plaoe -of one of the office not later than Saturday noon. Peas have A total of 6,016,003 bus ; in any way resembled their socasation, . members of this council and say how The copy for changes must be left average of 14 9 per more; average last that He was able to destroy the Jewish you would try to justify yonraelt for not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up year 20; and 29 year average of 19 3 Temple and build it agairedu three days? sayin; Jesus was worthy of death? to noon Wednesday of each week'. Barley has a total of 19,108,107 bus ; (See John ii: 19 WaAT ARE SORE OF TI16 EVLLS OF UR - PUBLIC SCHOOL TzAoHSRs,—Jo8oph Average 30.5 per acre; average last year Sappose Jeans, or any other man, had LIGIOUS INTOLERANCE IN Tnls DAY? ESTABLISHED 1872 37; and 29 years average 27 $. said that be could destroy the temple ('chis quastioa mast be ang:vered in t `IIY1%�AM MMES, Oats have a total of 162,084 924 bus.; and build it again in tbreefdays to what it be blameworthy? writing by members of the olnb ) Why,. did Jaaae bear these in. BOARD OF HEALTH — Well. Holmes (Chairman), Samuel Bonnett, Wm. average per sore 37; average last year extent would all cruel H. R.MLLIOTT,PUBLISHER ANDPROPRIRTOH 33 5, and 29 year average 35 7. How much blame is due the man who dignities without retaliating? THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1910 Buckwheat has total of 4,693,881 bas.; wilfully misrepresents the statements of Lesson for Sanday, Dec. All, 1910 average 24.1 per sore; average last year a religious man for the purpose of pon- Peter's D:atai, Matt. xxvi:31 85, G9- 24,2; 29 years average 20 3. damning him? 75. DISTRIBUTION OF SEED GRAiN Beans have total of 892,927 bus.; aver. AND POTATOES. age 17.9 per more; aderage last year 18 4 TROUBLE OVER PERSIA, Ing luster, mix with the stove;lpolieh By Instruction of the Hon, Minister of and 29 years average 17,2. __ __ __ teaspoonful of of pulvcrimd alum, Agriculture a distribution is being made Potatoes have total yield of 21 927,• 804 bas,; About a year ago an understanding A medical authority aays Carrots, ret this this season of samples et superior sorts of average per acre 130; average last was arrived at between Russia and and cooked are WVAlaabie as A food, fo of grain and potatoes, to Canadians year 145; and 29 year average no. 1l2angelg gave total crop of 84,686,137 Great Britain, under which Northern carrots make good red blood. farmers for the improvement of seed. Persia was allotted to Russia as a An icebox may not have typhoid fbve The stook for distribution hale been se -bre.; average 503 bas, per sore; average last year 410; and 29 year average of „sphere of inSaenoe,^ while Great Bri. itself if it is filled with germs, but th family will, and that is cared mainly from the Experimental 459 tain took the south as her sphere. "sphere." expensive. Farms at Indian Head, Seek., Brandon, Turnips have total of 49 425,472 bee.; Under the arrangement then made, Turpentine will tike dried pilot from Man„ and Ottawa, Ont. The samples consist of onto, spring wheat, barley, average of 456 per more; average last Russia has practically occupied a can. siderable of Northern Persia glass, and turpentine and soap will remove fresh paint from almost as field peas, Indian corn (for ensilage only), and potatoes, The quantity of . Year 447, and 29 year average 480, Corn for husking has yield of 24,900,- portion with her troops, oil the ground that this fabric. oats sent is 4lba., and of wheat or bar. 386 bushels in the. ear; average 70.7 per is necessary for the maiateuaace of Soda and ammonia softens the water for Iey 5 lbs., sufficient in each Cage to sow more; average last year 70 I and 29 year °rWit Within the past month Great Britain all purposes; use, soda freely to cleanse ail milk vessels, and especially one twentieth of an note. The nam les of Indian corn, peas end potatoes weigh average 71.4 Corn for silo (green weight) has total gave notice to Persia that it the letter infante' nursing bottles. 3 lbe. each. A quantity of each of the of 3,788,364 tons; an average per sore of dose not take affective measures for the When sweeping turkey axminstee or following varieties has been secured for 11.6; average In at year 11.7; and a 29 protection of trade routes traversing Southern Persia from India, Great Bri• any thick piled cargoes, alweys brush the this distribution:- yearaveragemof 1ld was of the pile and it will look fresh Oats. -Banner, Abundance, Danish 5 2,6b3 tons; tain will undertake the work of policing and bright for years. Island, Wide -Awake, Thousand Dollar, averse 1.71 peridare�averf n R ge teat year theme routes herself. Britain's trade with Southern Persia amounts to con. Ivory articles, dark and diaooloreil ' Improved Ligowo-all white varieties, 120; and 29 year average 1,46, siderable magniEnd9, but latterly it has will be restored to their former beanty Wheat. -Red varletie2:-Marquis and - been mach disturbed owing so attacks if rubped with turpentine on filnnel or Early Red Fife (early beardless sorts of by bands of robbers on caravans which absorbent cotton, high baking strength), Red Fife (beard- THE POOR COW MUST GOi forme the means of transportation, The upper leather of old boots makes Isms), Preston and Horan (early, heard. �..._, Persia has been given three months capital iron•holuera, with a covering of ed) White varieties: -White Fife (beardless), Robe (early, beardless), From the records in the office of the within which to pomp's with the de•' serge or any other dress material, The loather keeps all beat from the hand. ,Barley. and Sis•rowionfro Dairy Commlemtoner, Ottawa, received mond, failing which, Great Britain will n mengary (a selection from Meneury). from members of Cow Testing 5080045. not. Two-rowed: ed: and Invincible. TField a tions it appears that in the month of About the time the agreement be. For a great many years people have Field ns. -Arthur A and Golden Vino. August the average yield of 3;000 cove tween Russia and Great Britain was en. tered into, Germany made more`or leas been striving to get a prepnrateoa for their hair the, will Clean, D tndraff from ()Oro (for Indian Corn (for ensilage). --Early sorts: -Angel of Midnight, t70mptan's re00rded #o Ontario was 776 pounds of milk, 3.4 test and 26 pounds of fat. of a formal protest against the proposed th•3 scalp, stop itchiness and prevent the falling of hair, at th.i same time promot. Early and Longfellow. Liter varieties: OIL dividing these cows into two groups, those below that partition, and claimed the right to a share In Persian exploitation. It may Ing its growth, writes a leading journal, The following simple formals will be -Seleoted .teaming, Early Mastodon, and White Cap Yellow Dent. yielding aver. 8 age, and those above, it is found that be that this dispute over Persian spoils found beneficial for this: - Oil of Eu0slyptua..2 drachma Potatoes. -Early varieties:-•Roahee- 1,430 bows Bios an average of only 658 will create a more dangerous situation ...... Re�eoroplin ,,, , ,,, 2 canoes ter Rose and Irish Cobbler. Medium to pounds of milk and 23 pounds of file, than was created over a similar dispute , , , , , , , , , Tiaoture of Oauthartde8..4 dractime late varieties: -Gold Coln, Carman No, Thus, had their yield been equal to anent the partial portion of Morocco Pare grain Alconol ........ b ounces 1. and Money Maker. The later varfe• only the average of all the 8,000 sows, some little time ago. Add Ehe' Tincture of Cantharides to, the Reeoroylin; add the Oil of Eaoalyp• ties are, as a rale, more productive than they would each have given 118 pounds = tai to the pare grain Alcohol; mix both the earlier kinds. of milk more, ora total yield of an extra together and perfume to suit. Only one sample can be sent to each 168,740 pounds of milk. What a pity DOMESTIC HINTS. Direetiona-Rab a teaspoonful or two applicant, hence if an individual receives they did notl �- into the scalp night and morning, and wash the hair every two weeks, using a a sample bt oats he Cannot also receive - one of wheat, barley, peas, Indian corn The second group, those yielding above the averse average, includes the roma#n- A raw egg, #f swallowed in time, will good antiseptic soap. y or potatoes, Applications on printed ing 1,570 cows which produced 888 effectually detach a fishbone in the throat. Huron, like the dairy counties east of Cards Or obeste, or lists of names from one Individual, or applfdations for more pounds of milk, or 101 bounds above the average of the 3,000 cows, and actually Milk boiled In a pan which has just Toronto, has hada recent object -lesson than one sample for one household, ban- 225 Pounds of milk above the avers been rinsed will: water will not readily p Be in the value of the American market, A car load os casks and irHese were not be entertained. ThA samples will It the 1,430 poor cows, barn. shipped from Seaforth to New York be seat tree of charge through the mail, The earnings of the good cows am. Gloves, kid and suede, fire easily and reCantlp despite the fact that a ditty of Applications should be addressed to to the tinge sum ofi $4,459,00 thoroughly Cleaned: after half.an•hour's 83 per lb,live weight, had to be paid the I)aminion Cerealiet, Experimental - Canted re, in the one month, than the earn. steeping in petrol. p g p Ott Name, Were theta no duty in the way poultry would cross the lines, not tugs of the poor COwo, Save jam or jolly; tumblers in which This begins to open our eyes to the to keep " left-overN" in the refrigerator, by the bar, but by the train load, ,.1ILy ,a !; tremendous Possibilities of increased andthugeoonomizell 0,08 revenue from keeping THERE ARE FEW 'PG0P�G t �1 better oOwrl, The beat xray of taking Castor oil is to Why should we remain content with float it On milk, and before and atter "average's Who b OVO HYYlt` r er cows? The poor pow mast taking #t, eat a piece Of lemon, r'Orl polsorlcatin-Greatsulfering -gal Silver-plated ware is 'sept quite Experienced ore eifootiid by DR, A, W. I CHASE'S OI&T MEN'" - - bright by being merely breathed upon A H9ADACH96 I41ra. C.� liapkiir t, St. George, tint., + and polished. metal polishes soon wear T'he Waning Year. I feel like shouting the away the silver-plating. • _,• tit im'vs of I)r, Chase's Ointment, `While threshirg grain, my son got badly hurt, The harvest moon has waned, and still When boiling a podding in a cloth, ptalse XTeadsches effect all ages and bolls anise, but the female tine of the mon wbo WWI pitebing const target to put a late at the bottom The bfttlb lorlornnes# of there late$ g p p m sexes sear is natur- wily the more effected through, the higher Pl.eav, es, tnissed the sheaf and ran the day#, Of the saucepan, to prevent the bottom nervous development and more delicate Proir;s of the fort: Into nay son 'aleg. Ile d;d not tathe When 011806 the 'Crackling flame (tor sticking to the pan, organization of the aystktn, much notice of it rind in it d:,i, or tivo it got sore and very sun# are btief), In older to preserve out fiowerr, Cbt Aad bbeoll'Woeds elliter In the falling Burdock blood Bitters liiut, for years s itcllq and blood oteon aBet In, Wo did e5 cr;•th;ng for itbutit would heal one Ieaf, Elle otalke and put thein in A *give Or Vtoit•m8116*ed ' suuohtne Invite's the, glass holder in water, to which yon have beau curing all kinds of headaches, and il y`ou Will only give it a trial ore feet bore it wilt do for you what it lice done for Upp' re nod break Tint ,It rinother and %l,t on this, way for threo menthe,. "I"IltAlly quivering alt, first added a pinoll of oats, And half the maple l gtabetal limbs sire thousands of others during the past thirty-five years, I thought of Dr. Cbagels V'vdnctit and In a wicW rs t -me •toe no- batel A dish -of Charco'ni ohorild stand tit the larder alt the year round, This *111 lYlrs. C. Meadea+a ClatkAh 1 Ont., `I t° *t l a cvnnderfnl shun e, fly the use of thri•o ho tes be. W:ls eampletoly eured The fltee mil ifow behind ire like s< p keep the meat sweet and trash. Renew dream. writes:_ZlFOr, yews tats troubbel *iii heady clic sick headache and dizziness and ristl iryt and the wands healed up. There lists I hear the liilfallig -bide jays# warier the charooal from time to time. also tt. .I was atdvised to Is g!dd Xl:l e0fioek rUt peen x sign Of a spot on film Nynec," t 1"r'laer,=srer Oct& IN itelithir at Irrita scream''r It Onlons Are placed In water ten min« A tittle vixeb, with a ftauntingtallt Bided BiEteas ly ,took thte6 bottles of the aedieitie• noi► I If iratl Of tits nkin or a sore that roiiiseN rites before the peeliug, they *111 not The chlprnfiidt *hiskr elai#R tits lichen• feel like a now warrari. I find I, ami to heal zvotl Orin apply T)r, Chase rm Oint. - ed tial!, 4fatlee, the eyed to 6uiatt, tom Istel buret# and I cats truthtutl testil that b r the beat idedicine t have .trihnt wrfh tvety aastiranee that $lid to. X60 be And #n the hit,el is fiioketing floated A pibeh Of borait atitred_ .into fresh ever used. o w -.i x,Atprompt and lers, facto,' . iS0 seats a box, At all dealers, or ld• "Chb appall milk will keep it tai' i4rad ilmo, laid alo6 butut.orit caudle# at the d'yiva' yesifp. revebt the BurdOekc $loud 'Bitters is nianufite, tured til Inouye, PatesOa:, Totorato. write steam $btu , Hlaina C>'oudtile, ill Springfield Rep'ab- l► til s0ift only by The T. Milburn CO., Limit;, zry . t:haee 8lieciltAs, licab, sl"o give Bail#to*eo a brilitaut rtnd 1a+st• bd, TOrtlnto, tint. . , Advertisements without a eoifie directions every evening during the week at 8 will be inserted till forbid and charged accord - d a w r r e m Y o'clock at the barracks. ingly, Transient advertisements must be paid a Posy Orslo>t—gflloe hours from 8a m for in advance, h tC 6:30 p m. Open to bps holders from Tam JOB DAVAaTxsNT is stocked with an tl extensive assortment 7 a m. to 9 p ta. P. Fisher, postmaster, of all requisitesfor print. ing, affording foollities not equalled in the i PUBLIO LIBRASY—Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, trill oountyfor ttarning out first class work, Large ere Sand BilK ettate andithe latestsstylessof be Open every afternoon from 2 to ., p ohoioe fanny type for the finer classes of print. 5.30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 tug' i to 9:80 o'clock. Mise LiZzle Attridge librarian, H. B, BLLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher a TOWN (7ovilaIL—Wllllam Holmes, Mayor; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ; , T P SENNBDY, M. D., M,c.P, s. O. at I • Member of the British Medioai Acsooia• to J. W. bfigibbon, $, B,ElliottWill#am B,Iae, De. Robert tion, (fold Medatliat in Medicine. Spools) vi attention paid to diseases of Women and Ohild C. Redmond, �'homas Gregory and D. E. McDonald. -ren. OfHoe hours -1 to 4 V. m,: 7 to 9 p. M. u Coalloillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meets first Monday DR, JAS, L WILSON, B.A. DR - evening in each month' at 8 o'clock. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Specla 1 1 HIGH SCHOOL BOARD.— W. F. Van. (chairman), Wm. Nicholson, John attention paid to diseases of women ani chiStone Eyesrthorough y'ytested; 'N4lassesd Throat. properly W#Icon, O. P. Smith, W. T. Howson, fitted. John A. McLean, Frank Buchanan, (Dr, Macdonald's -old stand.) Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosens, Wingham, Ont, treasurer. Board meets second Monday evening in each month. PUBLIO SOHOOL BOARD. --H. E. I8ar4 UR. AGNS W, (Chairman), G. C. Manners, Alex. Ross, Physician, surgeon, eta. Joo,Galbralth,W D Pringle, Well. Moore, C.G VanStone, P. Campbell; Secretary, Offioe—Macdonald Block, overW-MCKibbon's Drug Store. Nightcalleansweredattheoffice, Treasurer, John F. Groves; Meet. Ings second Taesday evening in each month, D" R. REDMOND,ondon,M. R. 0. S. (Brig) �-/ HIGH SCHOOL TRACHERS--J,G. Work- R. C. L.B.O. P. London. man, B.A., principal and mathematical PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. e master, T. .C. Smith, B. A., classical ti master; H. A. Paroy, SolenOe Master; Office, with Dr. Ohishohn. e Miss M J. B drd, B. A., teacher of English and Moderns; Miss Anderson, fifth teacher DR, MARGARET O. CALDER c w PUBLIC SCHOOL TzAoHSRs,—Jo8oph Honor Graduate of Toronto University Stalker, Principal, Miss Brook, Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. cL Di[iBeReynOlde, Mise Fargnhareon, Mise Wilson, Miss Cummings, . and Mies Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. w c Hawking. Glasse, properly litted. tl BOARD OF HEALTH — Well. Holmes (Chairman), Samuel Bonnett, Wm. OFFICE—With Dr. Kennedy. ' lilies Hours -3 to 5, 7 to 8 p,m, gr le Fessant, Alex, Porter, John F. c Groves, Seoretasq; Dr. J. P. Kennedy: Medical Health Officar. STEADY EMPLOYMENT fora reliable Local Salesman, repre• senting "Canada's Oldest aid Greatest Nurseries'" in Wingham and adjoining country. You will find there is a good demand for nursery Stook on a000nnt of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this seavan. Our salesman are turning in big busi- ness to us this year. Be one of them and earn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved. Pay weekly, Free sample outfit, eta. Write for particulars, akTONE di; WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries ToUONTO. CANADA. FARMERS your OUTSIDE ADVERTISING RvANSTONA R. BARMSTBB, sOLICITOB, BTO Privets and Company funds to loan at lowest rateppof Interest, mortgages, town and farm A 0 0 Beav r Block ,Wingham J A. MORTON, BARRISTHB. &o. wiIIgham. Ont, B. L. DIo=ssoN DUDLSY HOLMEs DICKINSON & HOMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITOBs, Eta. RONRY TO LOAM, blfriCA: Meyer Bleak, Wingham, ARTHUR J. IS -WIN, D. D. s., L. D, s DentaDoctl College end Igioeat! t e of th�Royynal College of Dental Our one of Ontario. Office in MaalOII81d Block, WtnQhem. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May at to Oct. let. • T. PRIDE, B. s. A., L. D. S,, D. D, S. Surgeons of Ontario, and GraduateOfOf unit verelty of Toronto: OtBoe I Beaver Block. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from ,flay 1st to Oct let, ti q lnasmuch as green crops su#tabiefor og feeding can be maintained In the oath practically every month in the ear, it Is possible for the southern saner to make more Looney than tile orthern fanner upon hog producing per'ations, and the profits are aids In proportion to the green crops used. lint In addition to making ready man. y on the hogs themselves the farmer W grows leguminous crops and 1 r;iies them oil` with hogs has a fer- lizer factory on IIIc own farm, In 898 the Arkansas station grazed hogs pon areas of peanuts, chufas and, sqy cans. The following two years the tad was planted to cotton and data ollected to determine what effect this razing mlght have upon cotton yields, i'he effect upon the soil�b �,� growing tegtime and then grazing itoff with ogs is remarkable. For in4ance, ill l9 case of soy beans and peanuts the ncreased yield of cotton was 44.6 and 1.1 per cent respectively, The ef- ccts of growing these crops and grez- In thein off does not stop with the cotton crop grown the year fmmedt- tely following the grazing. The data iow that the increase over the corn t was still considerable In the second .,u•, Of course in the cases' where pea- uts and soy beans were used the In - POLAND -CHINA BROOD SOW. reased cotton yields were not due en. rely to the grazing. Part of the ben - fits were due to the fact that the tops were legumes, the effect of hick would be to place ultrogen in ie soil for the use of subsequent ops, But with the chufa pasture e have a case where the increased CO yields can be attributed only to Ie grazing and the supplementary ain fed, as the chufa plant is not a guInc. in this case the lycreased co yields for the average of -the vo years following the ebufas was .9 per cent over the cotton crops hich had followed a corn crop with - it being grazed off by the bogs. The question is often asked, What the best breed of swine for the lith? ':Che answer, cannot be given ' naming any one particular breed. Gere is no such tiling as a "best" eed. One breed may be specially :opted for a certain purpose, while 'other pray be better suited for it fferont object The best:, breed for y particular farmer is usually the eed that he likes best. rho breeds of bogs aredivided Into 'o general classes, the bacon type d the lard type. The York-hlre and. e Tamwortli breed,. belong to the ba- n typo, while other breed``. as the wkshire, the Poland -China and the rbc -Jersey, belong to the lard type. rhe Poland -China breed of hogs orifi- ited in Ohio. This breed is consid., A the Ideal of the lard type of hog. ie individuals are broad on the back, mwict. Iow and dress a high per of of marketable meat • The Poland. tinas are good breeders and early Iturers, but will not weigh as much the Berkshires. The Poland•Chinn not ns good as the Berkshire or the iroe-Jersey in breeding qualities.— var•tment of Agriculture, Bulletin. The Dependable Mule. Breeders of mules contend that they Wingham General Hospital are less nervous; ;Ind much easier bro- ken to harness thatn horses. Iiindoe s (Under Government inspection) is the best policy in dealing with mules, and when properiv handled they Pleasantly situated. Beautifully far. will work quietly and steadily and nished. Open to all regularly licensed there is but little likelihood of their Physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS, ever kicking. They will prove as de. (Which include board and nurainir),$ffi50 Mendable as horses when well broken to $15.00 per week according to loontioll,- and city mannered, and it is on very of room. Par farther information, rare occasions that a team will scare address and run nway. M196 L. MATTHEWS, The larger the mule the better. Of Superintendent, course a large animal can stand more Box 228, Wingham Ont, work than a small one, for one thing.. Orders for theinaertlon or ahvertidemouta tnnh as teabhers wanted,,business chances, ' 1tAILWAY TIME. TABLES, and also it large mule usually poa- se sess a better disposition than hla mechanics wanted, articles or solo, or in fact any kind of an adv$, in any of the Toronto or other City papers, may be left at the Timms �..,.._. RAXD TWYNIC HAIL'WAV SYSTIiht IG -_ , smaller brother. It. is the .little mule that Is apt to be ill tempered and V11 - and rpmptattention and and 11!save people the trouble of remitting rat and forwarding TRAINS L'fAV! Volt On f pn,ldty a a.m.. bona.. Advertisements, n, > � „est Will be rates wil! be noted ort. a br son our nett twbrk Of this slnd to the r &Sastil.08e•m., 9,45 a,m..., 8,{�pp.� $itacardina..11.59 a.m... 8,06 p.a:lr., e,l6 P.M. Bail mules for market baa; proved g Very profitable to many farmer8 Irr the �Y �i bTl�IQE, �itl►fghts,alo ARRI A Vltoll Kineardlatr .we.45a,m�11,00a.ai�.. 9,40 p.ny; London...... ....,,, l"Ds.m .� 7.95 p,m, past fete yeast, as good, sound, young anfmals always bring a fancy price - - Palmerston.. , -...� 11,24 &.m. Toronto Beet........,. 2.06 Dan.. � U. 24p.iu, G. LAx3v.r, Agent, Wingham. when offered for sato. D'armers who gave large tnarest perfectly sound and YiEalrs0. �� 'lark itl color, could very profitably .60 Xp a1BN0Y CANADIAN PA0191a HAILV{ViV. raise mules. _ TRAIirs LrAB 814 ran RRt.... Torontoaad $set Teetiv/atbr ..-.:r.-...,.. 1.29 p:m. ,10,17 'I" ilorculasib in sattl#. 1 XRRt v# rirox A .m 'r6romat The praveutiab at tllberculOsCst in eslir And t ........«9.85rI:In, .,, 01) p.fh, "Por4nto aha Eant .. _..t,09 van__1601) A.m, tie eonslsf5, biro l toliee+• J. H. B9Hltlfli, AQent,Win6ham, eulous fttt* or other animal v :<'RftY Roll the a0aad ones' is keeping tubte- IT PAYS ro n0MUMsE ,IN T'IiE TIMES6 eulods antrums OU6 6f the paotarw itfik, U Or stables where mound on" arse fl it, 141111411119, 01hib►tions at faire and , Cutup '!Ilio*%; III het feeding t0 eolvesl et' *A or bereeb kept on the plsiet the 144 o! $aft liyptedttett freaq 't* bar 441000 66*9 ,aad in _pbt sh4vins 800ftil'ti 06 ltl cabs that have Plot, barn OrtOnOr therongbly, dlWAfectalfx, .AU tattle fisat $tre pUrOhatled ti> lbsba► florin! Jietlls ohtlalai be betlsllt ltirbro llehl(� Ct lteh,,d lied of - i