HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-24, Page 1I - F M. • A THh Tlmhs WINGHAM 0' 11 I'll loll 11 VOL. XXXIX,--NQ 2025, 1 NGHAM, UNTARTO, THURSD QVEM 3R R 24 191(1, $1 A YE.AIR IN ADVANCE Read Willis 8t Co,'e Adv. on p&fie 8 Musical Enterta rnent. TO OUR SU SCRIBERS, 4 !� f071 A musioal enttirtalnme will bo, held in # ' BULBS CARNATIONS II� R S` Poultry Show t Clinton. the Salvation Army B --r oke thfeThurs• The Tluss maillu-; list has been re I�GRAPNI� day evening. There 1 be A good pro• vised this week, It yon paid Your sub 'b �lET cHRrsANTHUM The annnual winter show of the Har• ' FLORAL DESIGNS: 4n County Poultry an Pet Stook Assoc.gramme of venal and in rameDW InnsiO soription previous tc■Novemberl8th, see ' (pierced Brass) _and refraehmencfi will a eervedR The U^> A1V1 &SON that credit is given s the label, Weare fir. iation is to be bald n the town hall, We now carr a line of Stamped T. C. GRAN public oordially invite to -attend. Ad• this week sending out a000npts to a 3$ . > Y Clinton, December 2 21 and 22, Entries "' Brass for piercing lamp. PONE lot, close December 17, Prize lista may be mission 10 cents. number of enbeorib_ re who are in arrears ! shades boto' flames, " and we would ask wl to make As prompt P Wear (�1'eet!'b Shoes and Ru baps obtained from the a retary,Frank Hall, ink wells; etc., etc. Upholsterini;,' rapsirfn a pipture remittance as pose le. It has coat as Clfntor, framing done $romptly well, S. f $eginners Outfits 50 cents GReaEY, fnrnitx}re deals ad praotioal 00°afderable money o qct located in the `$ d ��-- r Meeting o Curlers. undertaker.. Stone Block and we now ask those in Jf�y debted to us to mate prompt payment Aineettogofthe inghnm Carling When yen bay a Christmas gift at -- --* •--- -- 3; Pattaraqu's 3ewellery store,. you have >, and seals( no in me m our obligations. PYRaG RA PHY Club will be held in he Council Cham. the newest and beat. A Jewish Wq ing. boron Friday, No mbar 26th, at 8 Avery ha avant (oak place on f' pp;r / o'clock. All person interestedin our. NOTIdE—All persona desiri to con >�• \BULn WOOIi) liogare oordially inv ted to attend, A Meeting f Farmers. Tuesday evening At the ome of Mr.. and sect with the cellar drain or ewer must Waterproof hA meeting of th farmers of WestMra. Harry Brawn who their daughter makeapplication tote n Clerk and .;✓ _ We carry a large stuck of stamp• Mies Suaie Brownwas nn ted in marriage all work must be in ed before being ed Wood for burning, photo Highest price paid for dressed poultry Huron will be held n Goderioh on Sat• covered. By order o ewer Committee This 1S Waterproof Shoe 1 at T. Fells' butcher shop. nrdap, November 2 th, at 2 o'clock p, w .pe Samuel n the , The ceremony rucks, tie holders, trays, pope in,, for the purpose of considering the was performed in the pr senor of a large Se2S011 and every lV�an, �r��A- racks, etc„ etc. Come in advisability of send ng delegates to Ot• number of Invited Knee after which a PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND, rnan and Child should be pro-' and inspect. Auction S e of Stock, reception was held and very pleasant vided with a pair of OUT, taws to join the dlntation of farmers Mr. Peter $. MoE an, of Tarnberry evening spent by those resent, The Presbytery of Maitland met in ,. from the upset and .other parte. of Canada _ _.. Splendid, viSG01'ixed Water- will atO:r will hold an anotio sale of stook at that will wait spa the Government McIntosh's church in the 17th of Nov, o Gotton's Hotel, Wr xeter, on Monday, roof Shoes. The rotect a McKibbon nest month in the is areata o! reoiproo• Beantifµl silveiware t ox's. for the ordination of Mr. Jamas Sties� y p�a�ton November 28th, 2 o'clock p. m• ity with the United Ates and tariff ro• - MoMillan, and to induct him into the the health, prevent colds, and There are 20 one- p ar•old heifers and duotion. Every far er in the riding is POULTRYWAI�'IED•• hghe/caj,prices pastoral charge o`. Holmore and MoIn. save the regular Shoes. THE DRUGGIST et��re and 60 two ear -old steers. All aid for live or dressed po eifver• took,Sir W,Ifr Lauverinvited to attend. he movement ie i? Who on Sunday elabrated hie 69th the stook fs well -b d and in good con• ed to our Warehouse at , Rev, Mr. Moya of St. Helena, Moder- , entirely non•partisa and the meeting GUNNs, Ltd, birthday, and pal tical friends and (rood, sturdy Calfskin is al ways I . ?A* � Store dition. 12 months redit, John Purvis will be open for the roe expression of �• - star of Presbyter ,, presided. Rev. J. S. best leather for these Shoes. �""�'� will be the anotio er. Duncan, B. D. o Lagknow prenobed an enemies alike Wil wish him many opiniou by any far er of the riding. „ It is waterproofed to such an Macdonald Block, aPingham, _ _ Supplying Ci Churchs. expellent and a roprlate sermon after happy returns of t' a day, , extent that n0 dampness can A subscriber in sp king of -the roe- which the Inter m Moderator, Rev. Mr. penetrate it. FOR SALE—Three wood burning heat. No person who ever buys shoes here, moval of. Mr. Steeves o London says: — Perris narrated the steps leading up to Onr splendid S hoot Shoes at 6125, The Shoes are leather lined, ; fug stoves. Apply at TiuEs office. will ever wear poor shoes. Fall styles ,,It may not be !Chow to every one' the the call, Re eresds Mr. Young of $1.60 to $2 00 are much cbeapar oboes to Organ ecital, are ready, $4,00 to $5 00. W. J. GREERheavy welted .sales, medium record that the Ql?iag m Baptist Church Clifford. Mr, bean of Fordwich and buy than any Bort of "Barg, J Shoes." TREFEt 3 holds in supplying inisters to city Mr. McKenzie of Wroxeter Methodist �V. J. CxREER. heels. Lace of $fucker styles. Keep in mind th organ recital in St. New Shcrr Room. Death of Mr' • McTavish. .$3 00, $4.00 to $5,00 Andrew's Church n Monday evening, The former prem'•- es of the TIMES of. churches. In th$ pa Jen years it has Church being present were invited to December 6th, by r. W. H. Hewlett, fine in the Beaver, look have been con- Many old friends S this seotiou will re- given the following an, viz:—Rev. J. sit as corres ending members. The Times folStationerv• of the Conservator of Mario, Hamilton, varied into an ox°alent showroom for girt io hear of the:.each of Mre. R. J• J. Patterson to Buff =io; Rev. J. N. Me- Moderator the put the usual questions For Boys and Girls we have the The TIDIES is a ding a complete line Mr. Hewlett will assisted by Miss Es• the G. E. Sin ,tor ., The sinters have McTavish (nee Eth 1 Page) at La Vallee, Lean to Wianip$g; 'Savo E. R. Fitch to to the ministe elect which were answer- same Good Shoes at King P of staple stations' y and from now on (alta Carey, one of Hamilton's popular made the room to •k like new and the Ont., on November 10th. Three weeks Toronto; Rev, H, E. Allen to Hamilton; ed in the a mative, after whiob by we will be able t - anppip our patrons', $1.50, $1.75 th $2.25 Sopranos. Subeombers tickets can be Messrs ging now (ave a fine room to prior to her death c baby girl was born and now the pres6ut worthy pastor, Rev. prayer by the oderator and laying on with writing pads_ note paper and envei- secured at Mc$ibb •n's drug store. show their carpets linoleum, curtains, and Mrs. McTavish was almost fully re- W, L. Staevee gee- to London. The the hands of tie Presbytery, Mr. Me. t Baptist Church in �/ingham has only a Milian was Ord= -fined to the office of the open, pane and p>nholdsre, lead pantile, These Waterproof Shoes clothing, fare, oto. We wish this store covered when she w takeniti with bran• inks, fountain Pole blank books, Play- should be properly fitted and T continued prospefty in the enlarged ohitis and passed a+ay'as above stated email congregation, but it seems that Holy Ministry and inducted into the ing cards, toile paper and all other Big Value for Little Money. premises. Mr. McTavish little over a when a man is able to preach to them pastoral oharg- of Belmore and MoIn• We see that ever foot is pro- premises. ALIO nsderwe a serious operation lines f stay to among the staple For the small- sum of a dollar one can P for a couple oC year he then graduates toeh. Rev. Mr Tait and Rev. Mr. Per video with a Shce of just the at Clinton and w the death of his to a city Olin Tin suitably ad eased the minister and linea of etatfont y. We purpose keep dertniuly get bigvalue by on to W. G. Pattereon'e is t place to bun �� ing a good good grade of stook and will right size and width. + the Family Herald and Weekly Star of our Diamond Rin is ear, wife makes his roubles very heavy, congregation as to their respective duo, be pleased to h -ve a call from parties ! Montreal, In the first place you get the Y The bereaved has and, three small ahil• Fanny goods of:all kin at I�Nos's. ties. Mr. MoM llan was introduced to needing anytht g in printing and sta- �/m! a J. GREER Areatest weekly paper on this continent, dren and other r latives .will have the t h a member, o> he congregation by Mr. VV !! a neweaper, magazine and agricultural Canadian Foresters. sympathy of a la ge circle of old frfende tionery. We eo take subscriptions for nurse! all in one. Then again each sub SPEwAL 1311,—All parties faking a Perrin and Mr. sit, 1 meeting with (fon. calendar. Eor L1•k-s,wi11 pi se call and Mr. Perrin wa presented With an ads. all the !enols newapapera and magA• TIiG Sl01;P. soriber this season has the Chance of Mr, R. B. Hp is is m e g In this neo ztnea -^ ., r i to n'*�,, give'ngAhelr LyEuii'an will keep, one _ diene o! esppreoi ion as Intermin 'Mad winning a free trip to the old country , splendid aaooess In his wok .rt W ;i . for them:' No children need apply. J. _ and return and his spendiog money as the interests of 0 rt Maitlapd, Canad• erator,. and wit a well filled purse, well, This is no catch penny offer tie the TRUNKS AND VALISES—If. yon want a G. STEWART & ipo, •central Hardware, Presbytery caul red with the Managers. Family Herald and Weekly Star's repot- .fan Order of !!'ores ere. Atli special meet. . good Trunk, ;Snit Case, or t71nb Bag, Wingham, Ont, LOST—Is Wingha a PeraiPh Lamb r atlas world not allow any fake contest. ing on Friday ev tug•several applioat- come here. We can save you money. of the congreg�ions and found every par trimmed th able. Finder please HINDS SPECIAL. pull particulate can be had At this office W. J. GREER. Dr, Nelsen 7 art; of 498 Sp, ing ave., Is at TIMES tae. ions were "receive The regular meet- thing in a antis aotory condition. Mr. or by writing for a sample copy of that in of the Con r will be held Fri. Toronto, will be at the eu'g Hotel, Bremner preseL+ed a call , from Pine . great paper, It Is the best value in Canada day avenin of is week when a Wingham, all day, ay, December River in, favor o Rev. 0. M. Rutherford beyond dispute. g Scottis Concert. 9tn, for consultation diseases of Eye, number of new me dere will be initiated BAKING Mies. Jeanie Ma Laohian a eared in signed by 118 �embere and 49 adher Died in isconsin. All members are r quested to attend this pp Ear, Nose and Throat:. Ylaseee xftted. ante oliaring 8Ei nd of $850 with mange , the town hall, Ri ey, on Tuesday even• The following fr m the Colby, Wte• is ing and Wes gra ed with a crowded and two weeks alidays, The Dell was 1 canals, Phonograph of October 27th re - Furniture rehouse Burned. sustained and t e clerk authorized to house. Notwitheta dicgthatsheappeared fere to the death Cf former resident o£ e s Grocery WANTED.—An pprentice and an im- here a year ago, h ` receptionwas every. Shortlyaftert lea d'Olgok on Man cite the congre tions of Dangannan I Zetland: -'Angus amort, one of theChres 'P WOER PHONE 59. Prover to work qn ladies' tail thing that could b desired. The favorite day night fire term d;wakeued (brag' and Port Albert a appear in their be• ,pioneers of O�lby, w o neared from this Apple to E. C. W3 ITE. Scottish prima do nn sings sweetly and of our townspeopl who' had'retired for half at the Dece bar meeting of Pres- life on Tuesday eve ing, Oct. 25th, 1910, her carriage a o pleasing manner on the night. The oc se of, the alarm was bytery. was born at Prin a Edward Island, W0 0 e� n t• ore A Lar -`.e Apple• the burning of the large furniture ware- W. J. WE s , Clerk of Presbytery. Can , in the year 1 2, where he lived e Speclahze III GI oce IGS the stage again captivated the audience. hoose in the G. T. R. Faroe, owned and until 1864, when t family moved to Is pure, strong and helpful. Mr. Joseph Pn h brought into the Her most popul r selection was the, IC contains no Alum or TIMES office on Fri ay last, a very large Gaelic song, mn�y claiming that this occupied by the Ca .Ada Furniture Mann- Upper Can da Bible Society. Wingham, Ontario. Is 1862 he game to + apple whfoh was own in the Okanagan faoturers. How t .e Are started is a Southern Michigan where he worked Ammonia, In full 16 Oz. nts g alone was worth he price of admission. The annual me ting of the Wingham packages 25 cents, In full judge CurraValley, British Ooi mbia.. It measures mystery as the last person in the build• in the woods. He as united in may. Mise MacLaohla , was aeefeted by Mr. branch of the Up er Canada Bible Scale• S oz. packages 15c, • If you 7. 15 inches round an has been admired Robert Buchan .f, pianist, and .Mr ing was the trema(r who was there at ty was held In th Baptist Church. on Mage to Aimiea G,nit, at Goblesvtlle, have not tried it get a Sam - bp a largedinmber people eines it has (7raighall Sherry: caracoles, The latter 10 O'clock a. m. anI he was not in the .Wednesday eve g of last week. Rev. Mich., in 1864, ani -:con after moved to pie at our store. by Their Flavour been in the TIMES ce window. The is an excellent II Eaotohreciter, "-Riplep part of the helloing where the fire start- W L. Steeves p esided. Rev. E. H. Green Bay, Wis., ytiere he was euKaged apple is an ordinary one for B. 0. and ed, The fire made. ;regi ,headway and is the sawmill busi +ese until 1874, when Too often are currants judged w e taken from one f the packing boles Express, The a ave artiste assisted by the large quantities �f water poured on takoroing delivered. xi excellent address, Harry Bennett, iomedian,and Highland taking as his th me, ,Reasons why I he moved hers wi�I hie mill, locating alone by there looks. This it. by the firemen id not have much „ v should not be as currants above in the orchard. Mr. Pugh was visiting dangers, will ap •ear at the annual Soot• should support t e Bible Society" and about 2,� miles ea hof this city, 'and his son Mr. Fred P gb who has a good effect. Three box ra on the railway Ph111 S all other fruits are most oaten ' tieh concert intl.+i opera house, on Fri- the speaker gave iany good reasons why continued the buai esu until 1894, when ■ position in Vernon, no says the trip day evening,Jan 'ary 6th. Keep the date aiding were badly amaged, One was the Bible Society should be sapposted, he sold the mill an turned his attanGion i tive in appearance, .judge them the Rook contains ie a won- oomplet6ly destroy d, another about' throughy in mind ands nd the most popalnr Rev. D. Perris al o delivered an excel!- to farming. Bee des his widow he Fli Jil by their flavour. half damaged and th third, loaded with derful one and after .pending the onm- concert of the se son. lumber for Walker Clegg, was con- out address on th Bible and impressed leaves nine ohiidr —John F., Wonsan; PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST 'TIS THE T�LAvOUit THAT COUNTS mer in Calgary, t inks it ane ;of the upon his hoaxer the importance of William D.,' at ome; Effie Wicker, WHEN THE CARE Is MADE busiest places in tho West. , loaded W damaged. The burning ear, WINGHAM ' Onr Christmas stook can t. be beat loaded With lumber, was palled off the studying the Bib e. The choir of the on, An is r Sullivan, Chas. -Orders makes Festive seasons don't come often. this year in the city or out of it. We Baptist Church h4 charge of the mast- A•, ' Colby; by Mail Get the best. Rubbers.for the School Children 40c, have the goods. W. 0, Patterson, jewel• riding and placed on .rho main line and to 50c. Don't let the children fro with- ler. in this way the fir +men were able to Bal part of the pro tam and Kava several Ronald M , He b a, Mont.; whom E. Our lot and 13e Cur- out rubbers. W. J. GREER• i save the major portion of the lumber, Belectipne ae welt s a selection by the and Earl G., Colb ,all of whom were male quartette. a local Society has with him during is last hours. It Was rants are dry cleaned Win ham Pas or to London. The fire was one of tl a largest we have the writer's good fortune to have know e . - BUSY g� g lost two of its old and esteemed mem,, ��� U�� 1 ��QII'� GREED and the quality right, A special clearing Fal of furniture The call extende by the Bongregntion had in Wingham fir some years and bore by death darit g'tha past year, viz: Angus Lamout ling and well, and wo starting this week sd tfnninp Up to luckily there was I tale wind and the -The late Robert Currie, who was for only knew him to esteem him In A. limited quantity of' Cur New Year's at S• OEY's I'arnitnre of the Egerton St et Baptist Church, roofs being covered with snow saved a bi hi as the pe s passed by, He was We believe in the stuff we are rants, See them even 1t you Store, Wingham. London, to Rev. L. Steeves of this = large naa ber of the djatt4rigbuildings. yeare President g ever since the local highly n h handtn out in the firm We are � town, has been soon peed by that gentle SOoiet was or a ized had been nn a man of excalipt habits, fine moral g � dont buy. The loss Will be hea to the furniture p g character, and sturdy constitution, and working for; and in our ability North Huron elephgne Co. man And he leaves his week for his new oompany,for to addtt onto the building, honored member, The late Rev. N• S., to et results. We believe that Figs, Dates, Prunes, home. Mr. Steeve : has beets very pop Burwash had been an honored member he continued to b'+ log p in his acoria• g' The annual race ug of the , share• ular he pastor of th Wingham Baptist_ there was a large gn ntity of furniture since coming to ingbam and for a tomed pursuits cls- long past the Aga at honest stuff can be passed out to Peaches, etC. holders of the Nor t Huron Telephone Chnroh'far the past two years And the and supplies store in the building• number of years ad been Treasurer. which men ordin illy drop out of the honest mien, by honest methods. 1 0o, was held in the Council Chamber One oar load of Yarn are had just been t we believe os working, not members of the e=angregatlon Would Otiiaere for the en ing year were elect. Kaska of the work$re. To this and there weeping, in boosting not knock - WHAT ABOUT RAISINS on Wedneodap afte con of last week., have been very rano : pleased had they placed in the buildi g and would have ed as follows:—P eeident, John Derr; is no doubt that hi sunshiny disposition P g, g The financial report submitted showed been shipped this we ir. There was also lar el eontributa., He was a praoti• ing; and in the pleasu"e of our 1Cc per lb. been able to retain him, Mr. Steeves Treasurer, Abner oceans; Secretary, B y bb. We believe a rnan gets the company to be 'may good shape. On a car lead of quarto inch finishing lam• what. be goes after, and that one We've of the kind•that Speak h f e tomb r last, the close o! has done good work are and the mein• bar that had just re ently been received John Ritchie. O motion of Messrs- own peculiar 'way meh's g g Not old ones I the II0t o Saptomb � r miles bership of the chore was considerably from North Carotin and a oar load of Peter Fisher slid burr C7Baefs, dhearty ' deed done today is worth two for themselves. the company's fine_ tial year, , 88 r new fruit, increased during his :pastorate. In his !afar, some m ohinery .and other tote of thanks as Gendered to the mast from life as i - wont along, and he done tomorrow, and that no 1i�an cleaned, but every bolt of pole line were bei ,g operated and 181 bu church work he wa ably assisted by exon i We haw not been Ab1v to get speakers of the ening, The aim of was not disposed t � worry about mat- 1s down and out until he has lost The beet that money can y rates of wire oiroul and 19 miles o! supplies, Dors. Steeveg, and b h will be greatly the parent soofet is the translation, tars that could bbot.ered in other faith to himself. X90 believe in ' Come and see theta, pole line 'ander B6dstruotton in the only b t e Baptist church the figures as to t Amount of damage printing, pabliehf ,g and distribution o4 Ways. This °herr 1 spirit raw y, missed, not o y y P courtesy, iii kindness, in ;enCras- vicinity of St. Hei=no and Langeldo. 1 b a large circle had the insaranB oarried. The build P • +I congregation, but a s p 8 xcell t frame and was we the Word of God, without note or tom• with him to the last and he retained his it in cod cheer, ill friendship - 9e $�1I5 year OO the The company had 1 oubsoribers con f friends (bion lloa ills town and: die• lug had ane g Our Pee y o g sieve the first , T. R. station that most, in ovary la :gaage of the wand, clearness of intatle ,t up to his etaetng �tnil in honest competition. We ' seated to the Bell oe tral office at Wing, be belle e there is something doing. sI e)ra ever had. in triot, Last Sunday r. $teaves preach. .was bails iu W ghats, Later it was and at a prier wit an the magna ti4 the days, He Was invai.a o a good family fine ham and it is thong t this can be _ ed his farewell serm s to large oongre• Poorest, This sit � has been accomplish, bar, ofd there waF no happier Enmity nearly 2 within the next used by the ra iway company As a P n tied, 6 020 024 capias of circle is the' land t an his. When he Somewhere,: for every rnan creased to y grationa and at the a cuing service olRht: ad into 424 tog , gRI11E It is lea expected that freight shad and few year ago was re leaned last year. died, the grief that wee fact over the ready t0 do it, �4Ye believe wC GRAPES AND CRANBERRIES few weeks, P now members (erre ptisod ofd Added the tlana FarntEara 11f[annfac• the Scriptures w are ready RIGHT XOW. ave made a a e• some t 0 subscribers Ill be connected to arse d their, Bold to Since its foundat-an In 1804 the :Bible close of Itis oareer w s widespread and This year we h P, to rho church ma b p. Al • tell central at aoknoW before 'the turerp. The me ere of the fire brigade a issues: over 222,000,000 cop• sincere. Ilia beat m ument will be the . 1 clAl of ort to Secure the choicest to the a new home in Lon u, Mr, ens! lire. did good work. o faideringtba headway is# of has Special Bargain IIs BIIIev 18 et and WE'VE, GOT Ti VAL NOW year. The i lowing gentlemen teeves will carr the hearty good R lid le Wish throntth the lea of ilia Soriptur e. In Canada the So• good report'tliat he h 't teff behind him � the mark S y the fire had, a y ' Cranberries and were elected at Di Otors far the Ossa• tier us rienda. TIMES to thank r. tl. Di. Welker for aiety tine been ad ed for the Word of in the community iu b11 1 ha has Ronald Nice house anti ;? lots, well Long keeping wiahot of na a TIn fug year. 1. Q oar and Win. Max- the Bonnttfnl lu h Which he provided God in �0 dfflFer t tongues, and these for nearly forty ya 's." ;,Ir, Itosald situated. Just the rens for tt linea( Almerea Grapes.hn Webster, For- .. . , - well, W ngliem; fog them at 4 o' 3 ok on Tuesday morn era placed freely at rho diapotal of alt Lamont, living Bn tIl hotnettaed at Let• , . rot,ted fttrmet. Price reasonable. nv T Th eon, SDIAthampton ; FoJVL WANITxD.--r will ship live Yowl ing, aa dice, Yie y -° ilio Churches of the Dominion, for rale land, is a brother of ecoated and Mrs � r --� It Seeded iedeU RO�si�i W� Sell t Luck W. At a fleeting of on Tuesday end Thursday of aaohweek.. Kohn Cyn , aionary purpoe s, Funds are needed Goo, Taylor, Lower , Ingham and Mrs O nnI the ,neral The highest price will bo pafdr ler fowl �ej► Cosefis' Brand that has n the Direo�rs fe owlsg g i barn. Is will pa yon you can got iron hod , tnattretses, and flys popple Wi igham and district Felt 1400et, Whit kaiak aro (latera G� ch 11i tt �ttld ae daliverod in W tib y •••------ maetifg, I3, B, o to teO me before selling. >yotititry re• bedroom sttfteb,•ti boa a, case as, Poor• are asked to be hear the best of this ofd Mrs. A. L. 1Ia lien, Wingham, e r Olug 'TEAS AND f'0ppus ARE _ Seoretarty;``ream acid tt. "lr�oat ns; calved et AWde's flout ofd teed "store. for suites, easy' c .tables, oto., at r RBAI, ESTAT}y ANb I1�1SUiIAIYCIL f &LWAYS TO THE �1tbl!1T`. :il�lieitbr,. A. Ii, Wr 11110 D, out -down prloas at , Z0jIiACgy18. most baneflcont dark. noire. Al ---ii.._