HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-17, Page 8r
R5o1vAr_. LAND FOR. d SALE _ • . "
, ro — -�— Quarts section. o an i Saskmtolle• _ O ` Footwear
—Five wfleke trntn next Sunday velli Grp. Yfl. R. peil;ia ie iaiting at. her wan, , five
res broken, small
thirty acres The
Bust Kind
be Qhriptmas lenoed, flue stores bush, small hou"e and.
parental home in Oshawa, stable, good water.
•-•••.Anneal Scottish concert 9n Friday Mise Olive Chapman, spent Sunday at O• N. 'GRIFFIN,
evening, January Gth her home in Mount Forest. Real Estate Agent,
WoAham, int, KINGS for Fall n Winter
Jessie Mgolachianat the annual Scott Mrs (Rev) Wm Lowe has been visiting
sh cgnoert qn Friday evening, .taauary
.. " with Wiugham friends daring the past
Gab. week, s Change�Ct� BUSb�0�G
--7.'he><'a dte.QVer sir hundred indepen• Miss Eclna and Hattie Ltuve era visit.gus Ines
dant telephone companies in the province Ing with their sister Mrs. 0. Ewing, at
of Ontario. Fergus,
' x --Regular monthly meeting of Camp Mr. Henry T, Thomson, of Southemp•
flaledonla, Sons of Scotland, next Mon• ton was visiting in town for a few days Having purchased the Grocery
dap evening, this week, and Confectionery business from
—Get your wedding invitations ane Mr. Larry Triok of Crediton, was here Mrs. D. Rush we are now in a Extra
'! visiting cards at the '1'luEs office, oppos• for over Sunday He is an old time position to supply the very best in
its Queen's hotel, student at ,he W. B. a, all kinds of '
—Read the Tntzs clubbing rates. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elliott of IOger• GROCERIES AND
We can give• yon low rates for any soil, visited with Air. and Mrs. H. B. Week
newspaper or magazine, Elliott for over Snnday, CONFECTIONERY This
—James Reynolds, of Clinton, has Mr. W. Henry returned home on. Sat -
purchased the Huron hotel at Goderieh Iurday after spending two weeks deer We will be pleased to meet all
from Capt. Wm, Craighunting in New Ontario, old customers and many new ones
Birchell was hanged at Woodstock Mrs Jas Currie of Centreville is visit- and promise you good goods at
twenty years ago last Monday for the Ing Mrs John Wilson and other relatives honest prices.
Some -
murder of F. a. Banwell. in Wingham and district. EXTRA VALUE! What does this mean to you? --Mr. W. Hr Rintoul, builder and con- Mr Martin B. Waugh who hits been thing (you want) for less than it's real worth,
tractor has bad a telephone placed in his visiting in Wingham for is few week" Orders promptly delivere(l, Pro - r
residence. The number is 154 has returned to his home in Loaaon. duce taken, V4 e draw your attention to the lines mentioned below
-Mr: T. W. Piokell, of Culross is On Taesday of this week Mr. Roy B. and would ask you to come and see what we call
again prepared to do clover threshing' Tughan was enrolled in the Commercial REAL VALUES.
S+e his Advt. in another column of this Department of the Wingbam Business
i6ene, College. R Mindell & Son
—w. (;;•. Patterson, the jeweller has a MiseSneie Gipson of Lnoknow arriv 1
new edvt. in this issue in which he ed in town on Monday, to attend the 1VO� 1-3 y
�offers m great variety of good" "unable Wingham Business college, taking a oo arms Dress Goods in All -Wool Venetians,
Christmas gr pr"Eerie. Fancy Suit Lengths, Diagonal Stripes, etc., etc.,
Stenographic Course.
—A, 13. Musgrove, M. P, P. has been Dar, Chas, S. Vanorman is away on a in all the new colors and textures. Regular $ I,00,
confined to the bousefor a few days five weeks business trip through the $I.25 and $L50 per yd for this week per yd. 89C
owing to illness. His large circle of Gowganda and Cobalt districts in the
friends will wish him a speedy recovery,
interests of the Carey Safe Co. NO. 2—Women's -and Children's Worsted Hose, .all
—Guy Broe. Minstrels played to a full Messrs Wm. Gibson and Thos. Cook __
house in the Wiugham opera house on rill of London returned to the city on sizes G t0 I O, to clear this week at per pair 25c
Tuesday evening. The show this year Saturday laden with game after spending
was the best in many years and as usual a pleasant week at the home of Mr. and NO; 3.-10 Men's New Winter Overcoats, sizes 36 to 42,
the band and orchestra were good, Mrs WMaxwell, Bluevale road hunt- +' 9 ` '
" _ in plain black and Fancy Tweed Effects. Re-
-In Bruce county in 1876 their were ins bare rabbit and partridge. gular $15.00 value, for this week $10.00.
205 liquor licences and to -day there are
W. Of the 28 municipalities in the eoun• v
HO N. / ,$47_6E1
• `000`IR10M�':�: • NO. 4. 500 yards Flannelette in plain pink and white
ty, 14 ase Ander livens". Local option ? G• My At Wingham General Hospital, on
will be voted on in Port Elgin and Pais' November 15th, to llr. and Mrs. T. H. Agnew; and f y' striped. Regular I Sc and 12c values,
a daughter.
next January. THE PROOF OF THE PIE for th week per yard 9c.
DarrrEs,—In 7 urnberrp, on November 2nd, to
—Rockwell's Snnuy South Co. ap Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dunes; a son.
peered in the opera house on Wednes• MCCGNNF.LL—Iu rinioss, on November rth, Is in its taste, and if made with our
day evening of last week to a good
to Dir. and Mrs. John McConnell; a son. matchless Flour its crust is sure to Colne along, bring your friends and be convinced that
hones. The company put on a very
DIED, be light and flaky mud nice tasting. King's is the place to .do your shopping.
good show and they have a good band CALVBRT.--In Wingham, on November 11th,
Alice Smith, wife of Mr. Thomas Calvert. aged
and orchestra. 59 years, a months and `28 daps. THE FLOUR OF THE FAN! ILY-
—The oldest Sheriff in Ontario died snow-Enu.-In Listowel, on November 5th, New Laid Eggs 3oc, Roll Butter 24c.
Annie Christina Bishop, wife of Mr. James Is this brand, because it takes less '
at Brampton on Sunday in the person of Nickson Showers, formerly of Wingham,
Robert Broady in his 83rd year. He aged 18 years, 11 months and .3 days, of it to make bread and pastry than -
it does of inferior kende,KING..
�� �. O LEAP
was Sheriff of Peel county for 45 pears GOOD PRICES
and was the only surviving appointee of DR, JAS. L WILSON, B.A. GOODS G • Es
the late Sir John A, Macdonald. physician, Surgeon, Accoucbeur. Special
—Alexander Garroch of Li"towel, attention paid to diseases of women ani ^
ildres ,alsoy , Bar,
r, Nose and
Ezra Merkley
died at Galton Saturday, November6th fitted. thoroughly ,
in his 78th year. Mr. Garroch was for (Dr. DiWingh m,d's old stand.)
many year" on the road selling small—
wares and Diger" and made regular'�'1�1►1� lA��r►���ti
visits to Wingham. CLOVER THRESHING , _ „+�o±tiae��s��s�ae��e��s���*������•��as•����c�e�•
—The farmer who tries t run his •
f •
farm without m farm paper not doing ■ , E. Ca WHITE
Theundersignedthe fled again Renter Tours To
himself or his farm jest e. Add The this season to do Clover Th shine. I
Farmer's Weekly nn o your list of will guarantee good work reasonable •
rices. Each customer w• 1 be supplied i • •
reading for the oom year, Belpfnd— prices. Mexico, Colorado, California and ' f y
with a copy of the Se s Control Act Lades and gentlemen s Tailor
that is what you wi say it is, and you and the terms ant dd es of the nearest Pacific Coast Pointe. ��77
j„ will never want to be without it. Seeder Cleaner wh 11 clean and grade The Grand Trunk Railway System ; •�
—Two excellent pamphlets have bean seed for market, rties having clover is the Popular Route from all pointe •
p to thresh should get in their orders at east through Canada via Chicago. �, •
issued by the Department of Agriculture �; The only stock I carry contains the newest all -wool
of the Ontario Government, one dealing T. W. PIO Bos soft, o' fabrics embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from. �
with farms. lands in Northern Ontarioy
mud the other with dairying in Ontario. Wingham, Ont. Double track, fast service, finest +!
AI"o North Huron Telephone. roadbed, modern equipment, unex• the most reputable mills in the world.
Copies of these pamphlets can be seour• celled dining car service. All ele- • e
ed by applying t0 the Department at • m ments of safety and comfort. •; You will find our Kingfisher 4
Toronto. C •, 1 f f n Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy +
=' TO THE SUNNY SOUTH Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings,
Their Last Hope Gone. GENERAL AGENT No more desirable route than via Melton, Beaver and Crombiies Over -
when the minister praised the rasp'Grand Trunk and connecting lines,
coatings give the best satisfaction. 4
FIRIr oU+oWt�dd'o VERY ZO`P' RATES, • g g 4
' berry jam at Mrs. Green's bountifulLIFE
Satnrnap night supper he could not im- ACCIDENT Insurance '
seine says Youth'" Companion why An Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre-
PLATE GL For tickets and furtherinformat' vailin the day you. are measured. You get everything
pie and Horatio, the twine gazed at him WEATHER call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or • g i
do reproachfully. "Dont you like rasp- address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., • the very latest and best when you let us make clothes
berry jam my little man?"he asked Her- Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and Toronto. 0ex ressly for you.
silo. MONEY LOANIN Business. • p
"Yes, sir, I do, and Angie does," said
Horatio in distinctfall reeentintl tone". Issuer of Marriage Licenses.. • _ WINGHAM, ONT•
"and mother told us that she was afraid /` t • • - E. C. WHITE
that the last she made was not quite up Office over Malcolm's Grocery. Z LADIES'
to the mark and if you didn't praise it - _
Angie and I could have it for lauohe0n i IN THE JUHN WILSON BLOCK
on bread for Mrs Wills and Mrs Sheddrwingham never said a word when they ate it and • � ''1_"� � ♦0���������������N��•�•�• •�••••♦•••��•+.��1��•����•.
you've made the third; and now she'll
use it for church sooiables," and Horatio - --Newspaperlooked gloomily at his twin who retarn•Business;ed the look in kind, Newspaper
College .
The taxee of the Galt hotelkeepera r
have been reduced owing to the introd• Is a link in Canada's Great-
action of the local option by-law,
est Chain of High •Grade
Frank Prazer, who escaped from the Colleges founded during the �� ��
reformatory ft Shawbridge, Quo., Wats past twenty six years. This Hand Painted Single Fare The TzDzlts and The Weekly (dobe
captured Hoar Cardinal, Ont. chain is the largest train. Is how your ebina ought to be for., to Jan. 191!', for $1,60,
The Censues Cftiae at 0ttmvra days ers of young people in Canada that "Tea" of yours, or for an "extra
that the bold of turnips in Canada this and it is freely admitted that occasion" when you have friends for FoHunters The Timms and The Weekly Mail
year amounts to ninety-five and one• its graduates get the best poli- dinner. and Empire to Jan„ 1912, for $1-1
tions. There is a reason; 12th
quarter million bushels, as against ono ►+ " Oct..'loth eel Nov.
write for it. A diploma fc'o1n Hand Painted China: � The `r1Mss and The Weekly Globe
hundred and seven and three-quarter the Commercial Idueatorg'
million bashels last year. The average to All stations Chalk gt hu to port Arthur to Jan., 1911] for lye:
i Assoei5�tion of Canada is a You can do yourself or buy it of nit. inclusive, and to best hunting Points in
! yield was 402 bushels per more. We have iota and single pieces for � Quobeo and New Brunswick
Passport to success, decorating as well as sate already de. The Titms and The Weekly Mai
`rvr`_ You may study partly at corated. Anything and everything Oct. 20th to 'Nov. 12th and Empire to Jan:, 1911, for 260
CHER vYA1�1Ts+D. home and $ni8h at the College, that"s "swell" or "jatt the thing" in to all stations Sudbury to the goo, Have-
TEA ohinaware we have. Prises, too, are leek to sharbot take Coldwater to The T1Darss and The Family Herald
Enter any day. always at the minimum. Sudbury, and on thoLiisdbay,Branoh. and Weekly Star to JAM, 1911
Applioatlons will be 'received by the
•nndereigned for the position of teacher
1n tho Lower Wingham School, Ap-,1
plicauts to state gualifications aid
+ralary, Datiesto commence 'on Janis -
sty 3rd,1911. . s. LINNIKLA,T99,
winghsm P. O
Fall Terns OpOnS An8. 2Min
Return Limit Ase, ibtli, 1910
for 206.
J. F McGillivrayBUSINESS
Liberalstop•over prildi ted.
for free copies of "Vishin ati d shoot -
1 1
ing," "Spartsman'e Map" "Opou
p'ibh rr
These Ep,(�clsll are
U1B[Ag, sir. 3(iYiRDtk1, rAncllrad.
GFI(9C1, AV.O Jkoxf rrbbldem.
Phone U.
80d■on'e Gama and
"l. 11, DEMUR, Agent, winghaid,
Made to New Subscribers
Top .
We believe the above to be the best kind for
several reasons
1 They fit tight around the ankle andttop.
2' They are thoroughly waterproof.
3 Neat in appearance.
4 Excellent for Wear.
One fall boot in particular to which we wish to
draw your attention, namely
A dark tan high cut (like the above cut, only with-
out straps on the top), with double sole through to the
heel, best kip, full closed tongue, all sizes the IbooWe
have seen this boot advertised at $44 5
t is
cheap enough at $4,45 but
Another one in tan which deserves special mention
is the same quality boot in ordinaiy height.
AT $3.00 PER PAIR.
AND STILL ANOTHER of exceptional value,
tan kip, viscolised sole:
AT $2.50 PER PAIR.
Sole Agents for Ladies..
�����.���!�!'!dV!/'V!1'�1"7V:pYi''�ffiL'� i9.i_9�VLLiV';•�9�m���az�
Beautiful Dress
Goods at
Broken Prices
We are clearing out what remains of our natty,
up-to-date Suitings-and Dress Goods. We have ' e
in stock this season the only latest material and
v newest shades that could be purchased anywhere
and we are now offering these goods at wholesale
prices. We do not intend, to keep one piece
over, so there is a genuine bargain in Dress
Goods waiting for you. When you get a new
suit or new dress you naturally want a pair of
�. Corsets, we have the famous D & A Corset in 1
all the new, long styles. Our new lines at 75c i
are quite equal to the former $1.00 line and our
$L.00 style as good as any ordinary $1.25 pair.
Try a pair of these,
Our range of New Flannelettes is large and well
assorted in plain colors and fancy stripes—good
washable colors.
A full stock of Men's and Boys' Overcoats
with the "Presto" Conventable Collars. Come In
,'. and see these Coats; you will be well pleased
with them.
Also a complete stock of Ready -to -Wear Cloth-
ing in the newest tailored designs, distinctive
style and perfect fit are built into every garment.
In design, C10and ftnish they will please even
most enacting taste, and all this at very'
reasonably prices.
We always pay -the highest prices for Eggs, Butter
and Poultry,
i���A�1i�r►:'�d►i�1Al►�M�lltti,a U►141A,�1�A��+1+1u1i1